Post yfw they're in

Attached: Confirmed.jpg (862x1519, 253K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can someone please explian why these posts gained so much traction, even twitter normies are citing it as a leak.

What proof did the OP have? How is it any different than the 100 other fake leaks that are posted here everyday?

Tron Bonne?


Smashtards are just being delusional are usual.


The top thread was brushed off until the day after when news of OW releasing on Switch was leaked. Literally no one requested Tracer in Smash so it lines up with her being a disappointing and confusing. The bottom thread might not even be the same person.

>non vidya shit
it's terra btw

It's D.VA

[[ D O U B T ]]

press [[X]]


Japan would probably love those two in, to be honest.

it's not the post themselves but their shitposting potential due to how vague they were that helped them gain traction. then once the screencaps hit the twitter/normalfag crowd they blew up

Misato is best girl.

Attached: Fuck yeah.jpg (405x500, 40K)

I think that tracer is demanded in Smash, but what are the chances that D.VA is demanded as well?

And you know what else? Her Assist Trophy is gone

Attached: Jill.png (1202x898, 785K)

>EVA characters disappoint
Yeah no, I think you underestimate how big EVA is in Nip land

I know the "but Spirit!" argument is going to fly which is absurdly easy to answer. Her Spirits wouldn't be simply Drill Dozer, they'd be an entire non-Pokemon Gamefreak Spirit pack

What is this art from

Attached: 1564025644379.png (487x383, 228K)

>disappoint and confuse a lot of people
You kidding? Japan would fucking love that.

Attached: normal rei.jpg (406x406, 52K)

Kaworu > everyone

leakfags need to commit grinch

I don't think anyone would be dissapointed if rei or asuka were in

Absolutely nothing. Look up group stupidity and leave it at that.

>disappoint and confuse a lot of people
It would be hype as fuck.

Attached: 1558177467196.gif (364x248, 1.58M)

You know what game had a crossover with eva and a switch exclusive?
They're fucking in.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Most likely Dva, shes the le gamer girl xd character and even has a Asuka reference as a alt

Attached: Asooka.jpg (1200x800, 206K)

>Get to finally have Rei fight Asuka.
>Can finally prove who has the shittiest fanbase
Also it'd be fucking hilarious if Reifags are consistently better fighting game players than Asukafags despite Asuka having the FGC personality.

You fools. Its obvious

Attached: MECHANICA OUTSIDE MECH.jpg (1589x1920, 437K)

>not demanded
no one asked for Asuka ever
>disappoint and confuse a lot of people
Literally everyone goes out of their way to prove anime cannot get in
>messed up

Yep. I'm thinking it's Asuka.

Attached: 7AA6F9EB-FF91-45F8-AA36-6AD2B2284C1E.jpg (480x360, 12K)

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It's peppa pig

Despite what Yea Forums yells all day Overwatch is a very popular game among normies.