I'm about to take the VR pill, Yea Forums.
Convince me why I shouldn't before I drop $1,000 on this shit and regret everything.
I'm about to take the VR pill, Yea Forums.
Convince me why I shouldn't before I drop $1,000 on this shit and regret everything.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you have the cash, go for it. I’m assuming you’re buying a Graphics card with it, or it would be a lot less.
There’s good games for it and it is nice, but you’ll probably play it as much as you expect yourself too.
I wouldn't bother until they have real, worn, full gloves as controls. The controllers for all of these setups are lame as hell and ruin the experience. Right now I have a Samsung Odyssey+ that gathers dust.
But the VR headset in your image costs $400
go for it, not like that $1000 could be better spent anyway.
That headset costs 400.
So you spend the other 600 on a racing wheel with force feedback and a good chair to sit in. Maybe get an H-shifter.
Play Assetto Corsa and iRacing
Forget other VR games exist
That's stupid. At least the current hand controllers actually feel like you're holding something in your hands. That physical feedback is important.
>That's stupid.
Not if you play porn games. And honestly, that's the only reason to invest in VR.
Are you really looking for something new or do you just want to spend money just because? Unless you're looking to change how you play games a majority of the time you will probably revert back to playing normal games once the initial novelty wears off.
The software isn't very compelling. Most VR only games are short and tech demo'ish and most normal games that have been converted to VR versions don't really add much to the experience once you've tried it a few times.
dont. it still suffers from all the same problems VR suffered from in 2007 and 1997 and 1987 the last 3 times companies/devs/media tried pushing it.
>heavy and uncomfortable
>shit battery life or cables dangling everywhere
>takes up a lot of space
>games are shit
>people get nausea and headaches
>moving around in them sucks so most games are "you stand still while shit flies at you"
you're better off spending $300 to get three 1080p 27in monitors and playing everything at 5760x1080, spending $200 on a TrackIR so you can move your head around in FPS/shooter/flying games and spending the other $500 on either a new gfx card or alcohol&weed.
I'd wait for reviews and for valve to release what they are cooking before dropping $1000.
You shouldn't need to be convinced you retard. Either you're a VRchad or you aren't.
It's not for everyone, go buy yourself a Switch or something.
I got the rift and I mainly used it for porn
but that was way back, there are a lot of cool games out since then
do it
You are a fucking retard, the biggest retard I've seen all day on Yea Forums which is saying something
Seriously consider suicide
There's barely any adult games/software for VR right now. There's tons of shitty 360-degree cam porn, but beyond that, you could count the total number of explicit anime tiddy VR games on one hand.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over, don't do it OP! NOOOOOOOOOOO
I'm sold
Do it user. The future is waiting.
I already said I'm sold
Everything in this post is wrong
its the daily cope with my $1000 buyer's remorse thread
You could give me $1000
What if I hate racing sims
>immediately grabs his dick
If you have money and you literally have nothing else to do, go for it.
Give me some porn recommendations.
>mfw no matter what I do, I can't get the RE2 VR mod to work
$400 for the head set and $1000 for the kit which includes the base stations and controllers. If you buy them individually it's much more expensive.
cm3d2, honey select, waifu sex sim.
Watch an installation video?
>mfw trying to operate Waifu Sex Simulator
The problem with VR is it has so little software. There's basically no reason unless you want porn and even then there aren't many good porn games. Why spend 1k on that when you can get a switch and 15 games
It's not that hard unless you want to set up your own scene, in which case it's retarded because of the dogshit ui (which is a fault of the engine). Luckally the guy is working on a new unity project which should be the same thing but in unity so you have access to more models
Why get a switch when you can get any decent game on their on pc for cheaper?
I ended up learning it recently. Being able to hotswap all these models and animations is some top tier shit. I just wish someone would make a Source engine equivalent so that we could load SFM animations into it to view in real time.
If mammary serves me correctly, that's a pretty old webm you got there son.
I've posted a ton years old webms this year and that one looks pretty new to me. If not then fairly recent.
I did. Followed everything to the letter, fresh installs on everything. I keep on having the "one eye" issue, which is apparently common, but nobody has a solution to.
What the fuck are you talking about? OP's image is a Rift S, there are no exterior base stations because of inside out tracking and it comes with two controllers out of the box.
I saved that webm 3 years ago.
It’s usually some problem no one considers like the game needing to be installed on your main drive.
Oh i thought that was the index, my bad for being retarded
I don't really care about animations, I just want more models and interaction beyond holding virtual tits.
but user the switch will have vr too
How about now?
You bought the worst format headset (WMR) and wonder why it sucks?
Buy a used Vive or Rift for $200-300. Barely any different than higher end sets. If you like it though, the Vive Pro and Index do offer higher resolution and it is worth it as well. Avoid Rift S or Quest, the tracking is WMR levels of terrible.
Holy shit now I want one
end my poorfag life
I preordered the Index day one. I can’t not trust Valve. They made The Orange Box. They’re going to deliver. I trust them.
>Why spend 1k on that when you can get a switch and 15 games
Gee I dunno why someone who already has a high-end VR ready PC wouldn't feel compelled to buy a switch for downgraded slow ports of games he can already play
That said you can get headsets which are almost as good for $300-400. Any of the major PC headsets will convey VR pretty well. Most people who think they'll care a lot about screen door actually won't. Unless you really have the money to burn for a somewhat better experience, then go ahead
No real games, some people will be incredibly disappointed. And devs have basically zero ideas about what to do.
THANKFULLY, I still enjoy light gun games, dumb gimmicks, horror trash, anime trash and hardcore pornography. That said, I still don't use VR as much as I should
Recommend me some gimmicks. I’ve been playing Quake Quest and I’m looking for more jankware.
It can’t be over until Valve has had their say
I for the life of me don't understand why Sega wouldn't do a VR port of House of the Dead or Virtua Cop or something, and Capcom doesn't port Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles. That would be fucking awesome in VR.
VR Kanojo
Tons of adult games have VR addons, from Senran Kagura to Custom Order Maid 3D2 to Koitatsu Party. Summer Vacation is also due to drop any day now. Lots of Indie stuff like Broken Doll you can find on F95 (as well as the aforementioned stuff). There's also a few girlfriend simulators. Porn is huge on VR. Unless you enjoying your Playstation VR. Snicker.
If you're not in control of the movement while in VR you will get motion sickness. Rail shooters would not work. The games would have to be heavily modified to allow the players to move freely, which completely misses the point of those games.
>you could count them on one hand
>proceeds to name 2 games and 3 mods
wow sure showed me
Just get oculus rift s
*fallen doll
There are no games apart from shitty tech demos and shooting galleries.
>proceeds to name 2 games and 3 mods
None of those are mods. They're officially supported VR modes. And keep moving those goalposts. I refuted your original statement just fine and if you want a full list, go to Google. Fucking PSVR jellyfags.
2 games and 3 "addons". Your words. No difference.
This is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen
You can always return it if you don't like it.
Personally, I think it's pretty damn cool. The tech is amazing, it's not 100% there yet but it's immersive enough for you to forget you're playing a game at times.
And it's largely what you make of it. While there is a somewhat limited selection of full-fledged games, there are a few out there that are deep enough for you to sink lots of time into. It really depends on what your interests are - if you like space sims, or driving, or shooting, or socializing.
I'd buy a headset tomorrow if I thought there were any games worth playing in VR. The most popular ones like Onward, H3VR and Beat Saber look boring.
How about this?
>If you're not in control of the movement while in VR you will get motion sickness.
That's only true for a certain number of people. There's already a number of on-rails VR shooters out there.
This thread is for VRchads only
You rang?
You have to understand the level of immersion that something as simple as full 3D and handtracking adds. Beat Saber on paper sounds like shit. "Wow just swipe in the direction". It sounds like some Kinect shit. I think last generation's saturation of motion control games and gimmicks have really soured the market's reception of hand tracking in VR. You think you "get it" by just seeing it, but I'm telling you right now: you don't "get it" just by seeing it. Hand tracking really adds a significant level of presence in VR space in a way that you just can't understand by imagining your experiences with motion controls. It makes simple gameplay mechanics like those in Beat Sabe involved and much more interesting. It really feels like you're pulling jedi shit and swiping high speed targets with real skill and accuracy. Those "boring games" really are something else in VR.
>Rift S isn't compatible with Etron USB 3
>heavy and uncomfortable
I can play for hours without fatigue
>shit battery life or cables dangling everywhere
Quest has no cables and rift S has one cable
>takes up a lot of space
Just because you fat don't mean everyone else is
>games are shit
You're shit
>people get nausea and headaches
People with motion sickness suffer, sure. But they suffer during car rides, are you against those too?
>moving around in them sucks so most games are "you stand still while shit flies at you"
There are different games that vary from standing still to full room movement. Don't be fucking ignorant
The future or VR is on consoles. It's been said for decades that it would only take off if software that's good started being made on it.
So now we are at the point where VR headsets are selling million figures. Who's in the lead? Picture related.
So why is the platform with worst resolution, worst tracking and least freedom winning the race, selling more than all PC headsets combined? Because it's cheap, it's comfortable, it's non-invasive and it has games.
Vive and Oculus have a couple of exclusives that they fund, in an attempt at gaining traction. Meanwhile, Sony funds more VR games per year than all PC companies combined in their lifetimes. You simply cannot compete with someone that actually has gaming studios enough to employ.
This gap is only going to get bigger. Every PSVR exclusive performs better than the previous and adoption keeps going up steadily. They are going to push for licensed shit like Iron Man VR even harder, raking in even more of the less-hardcore crowd. On PC it's just more hardware and companies changing direction.
PCVR gaming will eventually devolve into the same role that regular PC gaming has right now: mods, pornography and 1-year-later ports.
based hannibalposter
Tetris Effect needs to be removed and RE7 needs to be added. RE7's VR mode is still PSVR exclusive despite being ported to PC.
Nah I'd keep Tetris on. Just to forget it's EGS.
My knowledge might be poor but from what i understand porn is kind of lame, i've seen:
-waifu sex sim, it's terrible all around
-custom maid
-honey select
-yiffalicious, furry and gay but not bad
-virt-a-mate, looks great but gotta pay the patreon to have anything good
-skank butt videos with 3D pigs
-VR chat apparently, eech
What else? I'm not making a point, what else?
To be fair, Firewall, Blood & Truth, RE7VR and Astro Bot are actually pretty good exclusives.
EGS means Tim paid for everyone's copy. Just pirate it. Unlocked resolution and framerate make it look so much better.
This is an old picture already, there's more to add now.
The bottomline is that the installed base on PS4 is so huge that no company wants to stay out of it. Everything made for PC gets ported to PSVR eventually unless it literally cannot run on it. The other way around happens very rarely, like with Tetris Effect.
The best answer PC has PSVR right now is the quest, which in reality is just a consolized headset with a weaker brand and still no exclusives.
No that's pretty much it. We've had access to VR SDKs since 2015 and the porn scene is still incredibly sparse. This is the first time the internet has disappointed me when it comes to porn.
I did but there's a glitch after the finishing the first three stages and after the score screen button prompts don't ever come up, just a circle loop icon.
Is there nothing else? I want more porn, if i buy one of these it's for the porno.
i've taken a good look at Koikatsu/Custom Maid/Honey select and those seem a little disappointing there is no scene transition or position transition.
Skyrim of course, is it good? Describe.
>taking IRL money from a 4channer you do not know at all IRL
I'm not interested in perpetuating console war bullshit in the VR scene. The fact of the matter is that nobody has a PC anymore. With the advent of smartphones, there's no reason for someone to buy even so much as a laptop. PSVR is leading only because it's the most common VR-capable machine that people already have access to. That's all that means. It also means that it signals to the industry that people are willing to settle for an extremely inferior experience in favor of convenience, but then again what else is new? That's the entire history of home console success. It's a feedback loop where we all spiral downwards because there's more money to be made in doing the bare minimum to sell to non-enthusiasts. That's always going to be true. Nothing new is being said.
We're lucky that enthusiast grade hardware is still being made. Oculus isn't going to pull out of that market just yet, and Valve just plated their feet squarely on the court. VR is an enticing enough medium where I think we'll still get a steady flow of enthusiastic developers that want to create the best experiences possible. The e-sports scene has also created somewhat of a revival for PC gaming which is only going to feed more into the enthusiast market.
How long until you get past VR motion sickness? I played through the first level of Quake and felt pretty bad afterwards.
>starting with Quake
absolute mad lad
Just stop playing when you start to feel bad, try again later. Each time you'll last longer until it stops bothering you.
Don't try to power through it that'll be unpleasant and reinforce it
I wouldn't recommend playing jankware like Quake until you've had experience with games properly developed and ported into VR. Try something like Serious Sam VR: The First/Second Encounter (not Last Hope) and setting the move speed low and working your way up.
You'll get used to it once your brain makes the connection that it expects to move when you press the control stick. You need to give it time to make that association. If you jump in at max speed you're going to reject it pretty hard because your brain has no idea what the fuck is happening or have time to process it.
Last thing, do NOT just "push through" the motion sickness. If you find that it is consistently uncomfortable to move, take a break, try something else, look for comfort settings. Motion sickness is a bitch and very persistent even after you've removed yourself from the environment.
Beyond that you shouldn't be getting sick unless the game you're playing is poorly optimized, you're dropping frames, or the tracking is lagging/getting fucked up.
I should buy this. I frequently spend $1000 on like a watch if I get bored. I would probably have some fun with this
I hope you enjoy it OP. VR isn't ever going to be a replacement for flatshit games but it is a nice alternative if you're an enthusiast
Your bloodline is weak.
I was joking about Skyrim. It's a good gameplay experience by itself (modded out the ass) but if you just want VR porn there are cheaper ways to get your rocks off.
So you eventually get used to it 100% or is there always a little awkwardness remaining for something like a fast FPS?
I'm interested in Virt-a Mate, does anyone have experience with it and how much of a pain is it to work with? Creating scenes? Settings?
I only get a slight "woah" feeling if there's some unexpected motion, but its only for a second and goes as soon as away as soon as I understand what's going on. It's very psychological. One of the things that hits me the worst is when something moves or bumps into the trackers I have set up. That takes me longer to figure out what's causing the unexpected motion and if anything is going to get me sick, its that. Your brain is trying to figure out whats happening and its default answer is to assume you need to throw up to fix it.
Also, like I said, if you're playing a game with bad tracking or poor framerates, the motion sickness is going to be a lot more subtle. You'll expect the movement, but everything is just going to seem "off" on a subconscious level. If you're comfortable moving in VR, but you find yourself thinking "Why does THIS game make me sick?" find out if its a performance or tracking issue. Though, the more experience you get, you'll find that even less-than-optimal situations aren't so bad.
Beyond those 2 things, no. I can move at full speed in VR with no problems.
If settling for inferior experiences is what you want to call making things affordable, then yes that's what consoles are about. Reminder that video games and computer parts aren't cheap everywhere in the world.
Come on we're all into videogames here.
No I mean you should go there because that's where the VAM general is. All the VAM resources and help you need. They love to help new people out. They get off on it or something.
>enjoy your aids
I kinda feel like this image is probably super old
Shrink yourself down and jack off to big women
Speaking of VR porn games, where the fuck are all the quality ones at? I kinda feel like VR Kanojo is the only one out there that doesn't make you feel like you're trying to grope and fuck a robot that barely reacts to you.
I've downloaded the free version apparently it sucks but i'll see how it works. A modding nightmare once again. I wish they'd stop with this shit, i've modded before, i've done my part, i've done it all, i don't have entire evenings for this anymore. I don't want to do it anymore i want to menstrubate.
>Playing the free version
It's been said several times in this thread already that adult VR content is sparse as hell. Everything you've heard of is pretty much all there is. The PC VR scene is still too expensive to get into. We're not getting all that homebrew anime tiddy software we deserve. It's not going to be like the SFM porn renaissance. SFM was free.
>VR based hardware exclusives
seriously fuck this bullshit.
Why is this thread still up VR is a dead gimmick stop talking about it so I can prove it’s dead
Guess it's not dead.
anyone here have tried the samsung oddysey+? how is it? I don't really want any autistic tracking shit. I just want to watch porn movies and porn games.
Play Abby's game
It also comes in non-VR for you poorfags
this holy FUCK vr isn't going anywhere and they're trying to kill it harder
This kinda stuff is why I'm interested in vrchat. It's super cute and cool.
made so many fucking scenes with this.
plz link
its funny how the best VR games are the most obvious ones like shooters, flight sims, and porn.
It's in the file name. I don't want to link it because I might get banned for "advertising'. Its on itch.io. It's "name your price" but you can set your price to free.
Oculus Quest is only $100 more and shits all over that glorified cellphone strapped to your face.
Also I don't know what you mean by "autistic tracking shit". I assume you just know nothing about what VR is or how it works.
>Also I don't know what you mean by "autistic tracking shit".
I meant I don't really need good full body tracking that's why I was asking for anyone who had tried it heard a lot of comments saying the oddysey has a really good screen.
>I assume you just know nothing about what VR is or how it works.
I know enough
what game is this?
None of the headsets have "full body tracking". You have to go out and buy 3rd party shit or do some ghetto rigging with your own controllers. Odyssey might have a good screen, but there's no reason not to just go the extra mile for the Quest.
Buy a headset and find out ;)
quest has far shittier hardware than a dedicated pc though
The only way VR is going anywhere is hardware makers making games, and those always stay exclusive. Grow some brains.
im so confused as to what virtamate actually has, i thought it was just scripted scenes that you can mod in and watch, but that looks like there is a full physics system
It's just a virtual sex doll sandbox.
You will drop $1,000 on this shit and regret everything.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
The headset wasn’t even on...
If you have comfortable disposable income then go for it. It's an expensive toy, but a good one. so if you can afford it without breaking a sweat you won't regret it
B-BUT I watched youtube videos about it and it looked like a screen straped to your face!
What game?
wait for next gen of console, it will democratize it,
im a pc tard, but VR on PC is for pervert autist