Are you man enough for her Yea Forums?
Are you man enough for her Yea Forums?
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But Rhea is a girl.
Just started the game, can I fuck sothis?
Not really. DLC maybe so next Spring.
Give Sothis gf
No because she likes girls
No, I can be her little spoon.
I'm trying to draw her in bikini armor but I feel like it's looking kinda boring so far should I go with a more interesting pose? I'm probably gonna make her boobs smaller
You can marry her but she doesn't have physical form or a proper ending. Gotta to wait for the dlc boy.
Give me the ancient god cunny
I might be man enough for her but I don't think I'm holy enough.
I like the pose, but yeah the boobs are pretty huge, but Nothing wrong with adding size. If you don’t like the pose maybe try her hand on her hip instead of looking up?
Why would you want Nemesis' used goods?
Who should I marry on my first run?
Catherine or Shamir?
Too old
Is this a hack?
Flip a coin. The loser will end up as a mistress.
No, and I want mommy to remind me pls.
How can you even think about these hags with all this cunny running around?
I've hated her ever since she tagged along and stole XP from my units. Fuck the green allied units, they do more harm than good
I am.
>0 battles
That's a lot of meals, bro.
>Clash of Steel.
Probably ended in sex.
oh shit for a second there I thought there was a Fire emblam musou game.
Man now I want that.
Fire Emblem Warriors.
But there is. Its meh.
Needed a better roster.
Oh that would have been cooler if it was just an in universe caste.
most definitely not
I wasn't going to go for her, and then she turned into a one unit wrecking crew on my playthrough and I just had to have her.
It's your fault for being slow.
>really like tomboys and warrior women
>Leonie is devoted to Jeralt and only talks about him around you
>Catherine is so devoted to Rhea that you basically have to reverse mind break her to stop thinking about her
Why does IS hate tomboys so much? It's not another case like Scarlet where tomboyfags got JUSTed but still.
>no gloves
No thanks
Just flirt with Catherine for 2 years.
Do you fail the face beneath paralogue if you kill the death knight?
This is my knight wife (racially insensitive)
>racially insensitive)
She fucks behind your back
imagine the handjobs
>he played golden queer
You alright with me user
You say it like you shouldn't be playing all 4
>Endings are determined by which house you chose at the beginning
Ingrid is technically a tomboy if a bit feminine than average.
Im working towards it, but the monastery hurts repeat playthroughs a lot if you dont NG+, but NG+ also makes everything even easier.
I refuse to play edelgard route
>Implying that works when the girl posted is a loyal girl with no interest in sleeping around.
Try harder shaking my tbqh
Good man
Unless you go BE, then it’s decided by a decision mid-game.
Just do gimmicky bullshit
It's really more of a TBS with light VN and JRPG elements but ok.
Remember to give Bernie a happy life.
This is why Nintendo should introduce the trophy/achievement system.
and I love it.
>muh cheevos
Fuck off zoomer
Shitty fucking roster
How do I play as sothis?
>hides behind Byleth cape during political meetings
church route is worth watching the cutscenes on youtube but not playing the game through again.
You should at do the three other routes though, assuming repeating the monastery part doesn't bore you to death.
Bernie deserves no one
>How do I play as sothis?
You don’t. That’s a hack you see.
>Watch video defending this garbage
These people realize that musou is trash, right? No good fan service means no reason to play.
bro I just fapped to this shit
What is the battles thing in the epilogues? Just some random number they throw or what?
Golden Deer basically exists to be talent poached by the Black Eagles and Blue Lions.
I think it's time the character fought an enemy/times he killed an enemy
I think it's how many times the engaged in combat at the top and how many kills they got below.
imagine wrestling and roughhousing with catherine
Number of times the unit entered combat.
How many times they engage in battle, meaning they attack a enemy unit or a enemy unit attacked them. The victories are their kills during these encounters.
>Focus Entirely on Fates and Awakening with only Token representation to the Original
>Lyn and Celica are afterthoughts
>No Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Characters
>No Echoes or FE7 Characters.
Yeah, but that decision is made with just as little information.
None of the rushed exposition dumps occur until after you choose.
Hell, why does the first half of the game even exist?
>The true enemy is an ancient, technologically advanced culture
I swear this game is taking the piss.
I'm more upset about how static the four routes are more than anything, I.E. you can't choose to kill Rhea in BL, and can only really kill her if you (BE) or her (Church) go nuclear, and stuff like that. You make an incredibly ambiguous decision, and random events play out, none of which are the least satisfying.
What's the point of having a mute,
characterless protagonist if you can't self-insert your alignment? When did RPGs stop being RPGs?
Now all you need is some trashy RNG numerals to be an RPG.
Game's a piece of underdeveloped, underwritten trash.
Thats too bad
So far everything ive seen about the hacked version is better
>Forgot to put gauntlets on Flayn to check what kind of panties she wears
Is there a imgur link or something with a collection of all the girls panties
Why poach them for BE when you can just play GD again and not have to deal with the weakest lord unit and discount Lysithea?
>I think you got through the wrong door, the armor club is three blocks down
>Now all you need is some trashy RNG numerals to be an RPG
That's how it's always been.
Since you're acting elitist for playing "real" video game rpgs allow me to call you a faggot since video game rpgs are all shallow imitations of the pen and paper rpg and thus inherently inferior. (:
>>No Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Characters
>>No Echoes or FE7 Characters.
Warriors was fun, fuck babywhiner grandpas.
Honestly they don't even need to cover every game (that would be absurd.)
Just do what Zelda Warriors did.
>Reps from three games that cover a decent expanse of time (let's say Shadow Dragon, Blazing Blade, and Fates).
>Throw in the Smash Emblem characters that aren't already in as extras to insure sales (namely Ike/Robin/Lyn/Black Knight)
>Only one OC.
As well, I really wish they didn't just shove in every royal from Fates and called it a day. I am sick to fucking death of those over shilled sacks of shit. Give the other Fates characters a chance to shine damn it.
Anyone have any tips/advice for Sovereign land and sky paralogue?
Ive had to reset so many times using up all my pulses Ive lost my mind.
Nothing has been hard on hard classic until this piece of shit ambush map
>Actually unironically playing musou for the gameplay.
That's like playing gacha seriously. It's pathetic and your wife will probably leave you.
> she puts you in a headlock with your nose right in her sweaty armpit
Yeah, the gameplay was actually fun. Stay mad Hector didn't get in while Oboro and Niles did :^)
That's all everyone wanted.
>two or three characters per game
>main lord and two popular units (things like love interests, main villains, or just popular side characters)
>one donut steel for "plot" reasons to connect everyone together
Would have been perfect.
>habitual drinker
>access to warp, ward, and bolting
>wants to be loved
For me, it's Manuela
I beat BL then GD. The game is good. Doubt I'll be doing the other routes. The first 11 chapters are too tedious.
I really enjoyed both. I think I prefer deers. The Nemesis boss fight was much better than Edelgard. Claude is pretty cool.
Having a month to prepare for Nemesis was awful. The monastery really should have been removed post timeskip.
That's the Bernie/Petra one, right?
Honestly, just remember where everyone spawns. The ambush doesn't happen until you move Petra herself close enough to the exit, so before then make sure to
>Have someone bulky in the corner to murder Edelgard's fuckboi
>Have some strong units on the right side to stop those reinforcements from reaching the exit.
You can't really have dead weight, so make sure everyone you bring is pulling their weight. Flying units make this map way easier as well.
>mfw Apex of the World plays as you insert your dick into Catherine
Try to have your group toward the bottom of the map, that really helped me there. Basically I started by traveling on the left side of the map with more enemies and by the time I got to the bottom the reinforcements came. While the top ones where traveling toward my party I took out the ones that came from the bottom since I was naturally close to them.
>not putting in the fan favs from Awakening
either go all the way or go home
>dark magic
No. Sothis is a good Goddess.
>really like tomboys and warrior women
Same and it's sad to see what happens.
Its just you never know how close Petra needs to be until its too late
Whenever they spawn, my troops are already done moving so theyre stuck and they usually all die by next turn
But the map is cluttered with so many tough enemies even before the ambush it takes so long just to even get to a good safe point
According to her S-Rank ending, part of the reason she never shuts the fuck up about Jeralt is just as an excuse to talk to you without admitting she craves your divine dick.
They included tharja right?
I don't even like tharja but they would be retarded not to.
>for ages 12+
But user, Apex of the World only plays when you insert your spear into Edelgard
12 year old me would not have enjoyed this game at all.
they did but made her dlc but since the Awakening dlc took a while people had to wait a while.
Made you pay for her.
I might get FEW one day, but I've been playing Hyrule Warriors for over a year now and still only completed liked 40% of it
If you trigger the ambush, just reset time to before Petra moved, and simply don't move her in that direction.
When you're ready, move her first, your other units will be able to start murdering all the reinforcements after they trigger..
Haha, could you imagine if she drank too much one night and accidently mistook you for a toilet haha crazy right?
>Golden Deers fight robots, zombies. Edelgard, Nemesis, 10 elites, and dubsteppers.
>Blue Lions fight Edelgard, and dubsteppers in human form.
>Blue Eagles fight some dubsteppers, Dimitri, and a dragon.
Wow. Great routes. Why would they pack one route with so much more content?
>staff doesn't change after timeskip
one job.
>You did good kid. You did good. I can’t be more proud than I already am.
"that doesnt feel like a toilet seat, that feels like anons face!"
Get it? haha, because she is peeing on me haha weird
Cyril gets a growth spurt at least. Everyone else are adults and it’s assume that they don’t change much in the 5 year gap compared to the literal teenagers.
>That's how it's always been
Well, there was that brief period before Dragon Quest existed.
>Since you're acting elitist for playing "real" video game rpgs
Calling out a team of corporate cocksuckers who couldn't give a rat's hairy ass about video games, let alone RPGs, is being elitist? I mean I'll take it, anything to not be a fuckboy content with his own ignorance and consuming this garbage.
>video game rpgs are all shallow imitations of the pen and paper rpg and thus inherently inferior
Can't disagree. The medium has its own merits and charm, of course, but it's true the quote unquote DMs for video games aren't quite as willing to put in as much effort as your local NEET who has 4,000 pages of recorded character history sheets and adventures.
Maybe it's because hobbyists have actual passion, as opposed to the majority of jobbers who make up an industry that should have never been big enough to be considered an "industry".
Are IntSys games passion projects, or paychecks? I suppose it's all relative, since we can't ask the development team directly, but I know just from playing the damn thing which side of history this faggotry is on.
Not sure what any this has to do in this context, considering this is Yea Forums, but whatever.
Lads... I just can't get into romancing anime girls. It's too shallow. In these games and Persona.
The progression of your friendships are much better in games. Especially with Claude.
>leonie, just out of view, crying as she clutches flowers that read "to daddy, do you like my new panties?"
You're a sick man
>Hey now, don’t get sentimental me now kid. Wait... is that a laugh? Heh. Well I’ll be.
I don't understand this fetish, the idea sounds hot but the art and execution disgusts me.
>I might get FEW one day
Dont unless you really really likes awakening and fates royals
They should have made your relationship with him better.
I don't know why games like killing off father figures so early. It wasn't early in this game, but they only built up some form of relationship right before he dies. Silly stuff.
So is she romance-able yet?
>Despite fighting valiantly for weeks singlehandedly, the red Emperor could not withstand the combined forces of Faerghus, the Alliance and the Church bearing down on her. Near death and having dropped her weapon to shield a wounded comrade, the young woman thought this was her end. But then she heard a piercing battlecry and the sound of hoofbeats.
>Upon a pristine white steed he came to her rescue. Clad in the ancient armor of his ancestors his powerful frame glistened in the sunlight. The smoke of the battlefield scattered in his wake and the cries of the armies were silenced by his presence. Leaping off his horse at full gallop the Hero landed before the mad Lion King who was about to strike down the defenseless Emperor. With a mere flick of his wrist a crackle of energy, the Hero easily cut down the Lion as he spat curses and vile lies.
>The scheming Alliance coward began to retreat as the monstrous archbishop charged the Hero. But none could escape this resplendant warrior! In a single blow he lopped off the crazed church woman's head and then drove his magnificent whip-sword into the fleeing Alliance leader's chest. All her enemies fallen, the Emperor looked on in awe as the Hero turned to her.
>She was cast entirely in his shadow as his immense height and powerful frame allowed him to block out the sun. But then he kneeled to down to her and gently picked up the Emperor in his arms. His chiseled face and beautiful brilliant eyes captivated the young woman.
>"I have come for you," his sensuous baritone rumbled, "my love..."
>Edelgard felt tears of joy along her blushing cheeks as her Hero leaned down to place a kiss upon her lips.
watch the dlc make her playable i hope so
I would play her ass like a bongo if you know what I mean.
I would drum solo her until cartoon smoke comes off my hands if you know what I mean.
I would be very excited to see her as new content in the DLC if you know what I mean.
EO outfit grew on me quite a bit
>He whisked off her shoes and panties in one movement, wild like an enraged shark. His bulky totem beating a seductive rhythm.
>Mary's body felt like it was burning, even though the room was properly air-conditioned.
>They tried all the positions - on top, doggy, and normal.
>Exhausted they collapsed onto the recently extended sofa-bed.
>Then a hell beast ate them.
Anons, I think I fucked up.
I'm pre-time skip and I recruited every single student for my Black Eagles playthrough. Now, I vaguely remembered a scene from my Golden Deers playthrough of the Death Knight, Casper and Linhardt looking out over the impregnable fortress or whatever. By recruiting the BL students, did I rob myself of cutscenes involving them? If anyone here has played Black Eagles without recruiting anyone, are there any cutscenes involving enemy students you can remember?
I honestly quite liked it. Much more then his default jacket.
I hoped you change his monastery outfit and cutscene.
I thought you could only do that with the DLC?
Male looks great. Female looks fucking STUPID
DLC wave 4 downloaded.
>”No worry about me Professor. I’ll stay out of your way so I won’t distract your class.”
>THUMP, THUMP. The following choice will drastically change the story.
>[x] As your teacher you are participating.
>”W-what? But Professor!”
>”Well now, I guess it can’t be helped Monica. I believe the Professor has made his decision.”
>”But Edelgard! Hey! Let go of me! Put me down!”
>Later on you build support and your reverse corrupt her, and she eventually defects to your side.
>Put Catherine in a mage's outfit
Jesus christ she has some fat milkers.
>means we could see her in the dancer outfit
I was surprised how much I liked him.
Oh, right, sorry.
Throw in Lucina too of course.
Is it worth it too do the church route for the cutscenes? I've done BL, BE, and GD, everyone has told me the church route is just a copy and paste of the GD maps and order. If so I really don't wanna do it, I'd rather just replay GD route for the student/head interaction and impose some wanky challenge then deal with the church fuckers all day, only good one is Seteth.
>Later on you build support and your reverse corrupt her,
God I hope so. I love reverse corruption
>DLC units can be dancers
>Shamir, Manuela, and Catherine still cant
desu I'll be livid
>its more modest than her normal outfit
actually I'd love a modest frilly outfit with the underboob window if she became uncorrupted
DLC prob would if the awakening shit is anything to go by
>Say'ri's brother
>Wallnut Lobster
>Ayrisa whatever her name was
>Chrom's sister but now retarded
And her death was her screaming for you to help her after Solom back stabbed her so she's like "fuck it i'm on you're side now"
Such terrible DLC.
Did knights ever fuck in plate armor?
Sooooo is Edelgard actually bi or she's just a massive Byleth-sexual? I swear she has a thing for you even if you didn't pick her route
This meme is actually so fucking bad because it’s not even close to 13% committing 50% of the violent crime.
13% is the entire demographic, including women children and the elderly. The actual percentage is more like 6% committing 50% of violent crime
It is but it seems to me they have no problem of sending villains to the "allies in the DLC" train if they even remotely seem salvageable.
10 meals a day man. Gotta get the gains.
Agreed, I only recruited him because he was the only gay option and I thought why the hell not, but after his C rank scene he became one of my favorites.
He's pretty powerful if you give him the staff that provides extra range.
Byleth-sexual no contest, Dorothea is the only hard bi person.
Mostly they're minor stuff, prebattle and death quotes.
I don't think you screwed yourself out of anything by saving everyone you could.
>recruiting pre-timeskip
just reset lmao
C-could you be more specific? I don't mind spoilers.
Linhardt as well
I expect her to be DLC. Probably Jeralt Sothis Nemesis and even Holst.
It will be shit.
probably 2% when you consider that half are women, and if you were to equally split their numbers across ages its the 15-30 area so you have to take a third.
This is all off topic, but my god its crazy.
Well as BE you fight literally every student.
I believe Sylvain and Felix has the small cutscene.
>The actual percentage is more like 6% committing 50% of violent crime
It would be even lower. Black males ages 15-40.
Honestly chief I would say recruit as much as possible, at most you miss one to two lines of dialogue for their intro and death that's it if you don't recruit them. But a lot of the paralogues are locked behind some weird ass combinations. Like to get the full low down on Jeritza/death knight you have to have Caspar and Mercedes on the same team. I think the trade off in getting more paralogues and more unique maps/story is much much better then just getting 1/2 lines of dialogue on the map you kill them on.
i don't mind that GD has mostly good statwise units, but it bothers me like hell that GD objectively got the best character dynamics of them all. i wasn't anywhere near as emotionally invested in the house members in any of the others as i was with GD
I kinda hope the dlc is being able to use popular characters from past games. Like what they did in Awakening
Cute, but autistic
>tfw Sothis' voice sounds identical to my ex
There isn't a lot of paralogues. Like for Golden Deers you only need Linhardt and Ferdinand.
For Blue Eagles you I think you only need Caspar and Dorothea.
I’m surprised how cohesive All of the houses feel like
The teachers feel like the cast of an office sitcom
Deer feel like a bunch of misfits thrown into a remedial class
Lions feel like a family of characters that have been childhood friends
And eagles feel like an RPG party brought together for a big quest
Yknow I was gonna argue with you over Jeralt but after the brought back Chrom's sister I can't is the funny thing. I think 3H is way way better in awakening but his sisters death had a lot more impact and importance then Jeralt's did and they went ahead and undid for the sake of money so fuck it let's let Jeralt back and Robogarde join in too
>Edelgard kills Jeralt instead.
How young was your ex? Sothis sounds like a ten year old kid.
I hope they make it so I can marry Lucina again.
Did your ex tell you to go to bed frequently, by chance?
Your ex was a Japanese loli that spoke in archaic granny-speech?
Why would you want to? Sothis is so annoying, I hope she gets killed.
The only DLC I want is a prequel with Jeralt or Nemesis and a side story with Holst.
I don't care about anything else. It's just more characters I'll bench because they don't fit the story.
We can agree the crest of Fraldarius is the best crest, right?
I really enjoyed the end of Golden Deers. I think it's the best in the game.
Crest of Flames healing was very useful and would proc a lot. I relied on it a bit.
Fraldarius is the best in a vacuum, but Gloucester is the best when you take into account that busted as fuck staff.
Can you S rank Sothis? Yes. She's willing to be your eternal companion.
But fuck her? No. Sothis doesn't have a body and exists only in your chest cavity as a crest stone.
Sorta. Technically the only thing that's being done here is assigning her a class you don't have an opportunity to give to her.
You know attendants (I forget what they're called) earn support points right?
>Sothis has a crit cut in and level up lines
Can you really not make catherine a dancer normally?
Here you go
She also goes "This body has limits."
The thing about Leonie that people don't pick up on is that Leonie wants desperately to be your little sister
Killer gauntlets on a high spd high dex character are ridiculous. You can hit like 240 damage on monsters. Also it's more than likely you'll demolish anything else, in player phase. I didn't realize at first that you can forge them from iron gauntlets. Most gauntlet users should have them.
She can be my step mom if you know what I mean
Shamir, she loves you and doesn't give a fuck about Rhea, easy money easy life.
>Tfw I will never have a gf like either of them
Bros.... I really don't know if im going to make it much longer ...
I don't understand the appeal of classic mode. It just makes life more tedious. You either save scum a ton or lose out on story.
With games like X-com it makes sense. You can easily replace soldiers and you only lose out on a strong unit.
What are the most broken physical weapons in this game and why are they Gauntlets?
There is almost no reason to not do classic when you get so many fucking divine pulses
It's so things actually matter dude, there's no fun if you can just suicide blitz everyone and end with one guy standing. It makes you give a fuck about what you're doing because when you lose a guy fuck you just lost very powerful and important unit. You can make arguments all day about divine pulse/turn wheel that's something else. If it bugs you so much just turn it off, but I actually like having my choices matter in game play.
Jeralt and Sothis don't surprise me, since both of them do get used as units at various points. Jeralt is an ally on three missions, and Rhea-as-Rhea is an enemy on at least two maps. The existence of level up quotes does surprise me but I could see there being backend reasons why (and you've already got the voice actor, might as well have them do a few more line reads.)
The Sothis part surprises me because she's, at no point, a unit in play.
How do i get this ending
You ever just think about the poses in these art? Who stands like that?
By suiciding units you're making them weaker for future battles.
Every girl in this game would dislike me if they were real. Haha.
Buy the DLC in 8 months.
She is not woman enough for me
Not Hilda if you can afford to treat her well
Pretty sure Hilda would wake you up with one, actually pretty sure she does it to get good grades.
At least there's a chance with Linhardt.
they would only dislike you if you were ugly
you're not ugly are you?
>Manuela turning down anyone
>Dorothea not "if you were rich sure"
>Flayn not "yes but her brother chaperones every date"
Dorothea would literally spread her legs for anything that moves.
I'd let her double me. Twice, even.
Manuela is not picky, in fact most anons are more organized than her.
wtf I like Hubert now
If he's posting here he's ugly.
If not on the outside then on the inside.
Imagine is Byleth had lewd thoughts about sothis, would she know?
Considering how autistic Byleth is, such lewd thoughts would have to be planted by sothis first.
Begone, grandma.
I didn't know Edelgard wrote fanfiction too.
Used goods
Only if I can make Owain into the chuuniest Mortal Savant who ever lived.
I guess Dorothea having Caspar be her errand boy left its mark on him.
Jeralt's death had no impact because it was painfully obvious that he was going to die. He put up like a dozen death flags in the two months before he croaked.
>steal exp
Just use stride and oneshot the enemies. You have to protect her useless lackeys anyways
>I kinda hope the dlc is being able to use popular characters from past games.
Literally never happened, you got generic units that had skins that vaguely looked like past characters.
>Mercedes, I guess
Mercedes has a terrible voice in English. Perhaps her Jap voice is alright.
Question if i'm doing the church route and i'm just stuck with the church faculty and knights of seiros? Or do I get the rest of the BE class except for Edel and Humphrey obviously, or do I have to fight the other class members with Byleth and recruit them post time skip on certain maps.
>hating Ryoma 2.0
The game is easy mode after you recruit her.
Mercede's Japanese voice is very spacey and ara ara
His death had no impact because his character didn't do shit but go
>how you enjoying the church
>mission time
He didn't need to jerk off over you and shower you in "I love you's" but he need a lot more moments of him just being your dad and talking to you or trying to get along.
you are going to drop the source of this crop, aren't you user?
You get all your students. It would be better if you had to recruit them back.
You get everyone but Hubert&edel
For me it was more the game pitched a paper fucking thin tent for you to like him and then he dies and then you avenge him in one chapter anyways. I dunno why games are so afraid to make you attached to a character before they kill them.
Dedues "death" was much better.
Are u man enough for felix?
Oh fuck
It was and it furthered Dimitri's descent and arc but then if you do his paralogue he lives anyways so fuck me I guess
Is she and Catherine good units to use in the long run or do they get outshined by others after a while?
For the church route is it best to recruit everyone ?
That's why I had the quotation
Catherine is great the whole way through.
Shamir is a good archer by virtue of being the only one with a decent strength growth, but her speed is shaky.
Please tell me this doesn't have the baby making shit from awakening.
Jeralt should have had support ranks. You can only get C and B it has an A rank but you can never get it. That way it throws off death flags.
They work all the time.
Catherine is broken, and Shamir is good just don't make her a bow knight as soon as you can, her speed stat is meh at best and making her a bow knight will keep her speed there.
It has baby making offscreen and doesnt impact gameplay in any shape or form
Do you fight all the students you don't recruit? I'm on BE on my first play through but I never killed Marianne or Raphael, and have already fended off seteth and fish girl when the knights of serios attacked the monastery.
No kids. Especially if you marry Edelgard as Byleth lmao
Thankfully no. It was fine in Awakening but it was unnecessary in Fates and just bloated the cast
if you mean kids nope it doesn't
If you're not Annette-tier you don't pass.
Catherine straight up obsoletes characters like Felix. I've had bad luck with Shamir for two playthroughs, so I can't say much about her.
Not true. Felix is one of the best units in game.
He's only good early game
Is Mortal Savant a meme class?
Catherine fucking sucks for my playthrough though. Her growths are awful
Pretty much. If you want range and melee go assassin.
It doesn't matter though. End game growths aren't very important.
Catherine is the best unit in the game, and Shamir has shaky speed but the best personal by far.
You're just lying. Catharine is in no way the best unit in the game.
Catherine can solo maps, I avoided using her too much because of that, the game becomes trivial otherwise
Yeah honestly, it's kinda fun for Felix cuz of his hidden talent but he's the only one where it kinda works on. Chose One is basically the same but with better growths so keep Byleth on that.
She really is dude, competes with Byleth yeah but he's the MC, taking him out of the picture Catherine is broken as fuck.
She definitely is.
>Available on almost every route
>Insane base stats
>Doesn't have to waste training time with brawling to get Healing Focus
>Solid enough growths to stay good throughout the rest of the game
>Base A rank in swords allowing her to use anything off the bat
>Free -5 damage from all sources when without a battalion
There's no reason not to use her unless you're on Edelgard's route. She's fucking insane.
Hinoka, clearly
>mfw nearly missed Linhardt
Dimitri Claude Edelgard Felix Hilda Byleth
That breastplate of hers in her default class hides so much.
Personally, even at that, in my experience Byleth tends to have shaky speed, but I could just be getting unlucky
I always make him go theif before EO.
Then what is Catherine because he's better than her in every way
t. I play on normal
That's actually a smart choice, I always went for Mercenary because autism
She's better than felix, much less squishy if she ever gets it by a mage
My Ignatz ended up completely useless. So useless he couldn't even damage enemies. I guess I really should have done a bit of brigand. I ended up benching him.
I do both. In my 2 playthroughs I maxed out both by the time I got EO.
Wow 5% extra hp growth. So much less squishy and so worth all the other worse stats.
godspeed user
>unironically thinking growth rates are more important than base stats
You disgust me
Imagine getting squished between those thighs
Ignatz is easily the worst GD member, his only saving grace is he's built to be a bow knight and bow knights are still compounded a broken ass class.
Play to your units strengths. Felix shouldn't be getting hit by magic at all. When he does he should dodge.
He one rounds almost everything.
She has worse base stats than Felix too retard. Bases in this game are effectively decided by their growths when you're not recruiting something level 1.
I want to eat out her sweaty brown religious vag until she breaks so badly bros?
I already had Leonie as a bow knight she was a good unit.
I read on here Ignatz could be a good dodge tank. He wasn't good at anything. Very disappointing. My BL Ashe was better than this.
I'm pretty sure it's just a weird waifu fag to be honest.
Turn him into a wyvern from the get go. It worked for my Ashe.
I made Shamir an assassin based on my dick. Is good for the assassin class?
I dunno who tf said Ignatz would be a good dodge tank, I guess if you make him an assassin maybe but he'd pale in comparison to Petra or Ingrid.
YeH. Her strength is one of the best for archers and assassin makes up for her speed.
I prefer the extra range though.
As long as Strength is good, go for it.
I made him go myrmidon thief assassin.
That only makes her better
The ability to ignore terrain costs can make up for the loss of range.
I made Ignatz an Assassin for a while, tried playing him as a Mortal Savant to take advantage of his hidden talent, then fucked off right back into Assassin shenanigans because he was doing more with crits than anything he could have done with spells.
I probably should have leaned more into his high dodge by baiting enemies to attack, but with Golden Deer over half the class were on mounts anyways and I was too dumb to put Stride on anyone my first playthrough to keep the foot soldiers engaged. Ignatz's higher Hit chance probably mattered more if I kept him shooting arrows four or five tiles away.
>Turn him into a wyvern from the get go
Isn't this just easy mode? To make everyone wyverns?
Ignatz was a decent assassin for me, had a pretty high crit rate
Saying Catharine is better than Felix is like saying Annette is better than Lysithea.
the trick is to at least master the assassin class with him to get lethality. his dex growth makes it proc much more than it should.
With the Archer ability and Ignatz's personal ability his Hit chance is grossly overkill, maybe if you're dead eyeing from max distance into a forest but otherwise for 99% of the game he's to overkill in that department.
*meteors you*
It's easy mode and also very boring.
She is.
Lys got a better spell list, but Annette is tough and has more crit chance.
And crit is 1 shot no matter the spell.
Lys is a meme because of Death knight.
who has the pic of dancer leonie, you know the one I'm talking about
Are hidden talents worth it or a waste of time?
Has anyone done runs where you let units stay dead to see what happens?
I'm really curious about any potential dialogue changes in part 2 of BL with a dead Felix. I was surprised when I goofed and he died and he seemed to actually die rather than retreat.
Depends on the one but with a few exceptions like Bernadetta and Flayn which actually play to their strengths, their mostly for meme builds.
You are bad at the game.
Catherine has superior stats AND has vagina privileges which means she can get darting blow from peg to boost her already stupid AS even higher. There is almost nothing she can’t double at that point
his death line is definitely one of the most chilling too, hearing it for the first time with him as an enemy was just uncomfortable
Lys will just 1 shot shit without the need for a crit chance, and their mages you shouldn't need them to be durable they shouldn't ever be taking hits if you can help it.
What he say? I liked Ashe's. He didn't die like a true knight.
I keep putting Faith in Dorothea since it's always nice to have another healer, especially when they're already a caster
Paladin Marianne, don't (you) me
Ferdinand helps him become a great knight. Mariane helps her become a holy knight. Felix helps him become a mortal savant if you really want to.
“Where's my weapon? Damn it! Can't see... anything.”
Classic only. Yeah, Ashe's too; there are just some really dark ones mixed in. Good stuff
How good of it on a scale of
Bad to meme good to unironically good
Pretty shit.
Frozen lance will stop one shotting far before she gets to holy knight. Since she has bad str and def with alright spd she'll probably then get doubled and die.
I did it in my first GD run and I won't again.
I'd happily trade 10% mag growth for +20% Luck growth and crit every time she doubles something.
really bad, Marianne has no business being anywhere near a class without magic at any point in her class chain
Sword master with her relic?
is crit chance affected by luck or dex? I thought it was dex for you critting and luck to prevent getting critted
>Lys has higher dex, mag, spd, and the better move list
Remind me why you think Annette is better again?
>lowered her to Mercenary right away for the sake of getting an easy Vantage
>100x hotter than her base class
The cleavage window on the basic merc jacket was so good, I didnt even want to change her back to swordmaster
.... anyone?
Luck lowers your chance to get crit and dex increases your chance to crit. If you think 20 lck is worth 10 mag, 10 dex, 15 spd, and a meaningful crest you're an actual idiot.
With Lysithea you can one round anything even other mages.
Hell she was one shotting the ten elites. She doesn't need crits.
Luck doesn't determine you crit rate dude it determines your chance of being crit by the enemy. Lys is faster, stronger, and a higher crit, by posting that you just proved yourself wrong.
So your argument was to prove Annie was better right?
He is brain dead and doesn't understand the game at all. He likes Annette and Catharine more because they can take a hit. Even though they shouldn't be hut at all.
Waifufags are mentally ill
>Catherine is better than Felix because she has 5% more hp growth
>Annette is better than Lysithea because she has 20% more luck growth
I did Holy Knight for Dimitri because I thought it looked cool but it turned out to be a huge meme. All these cavalry master classes and no straight-forward well-balanced one. Even Paladin gets a nasty hit to speed.
Anyway, I really think he should have got his unique promotion after chapter 18 rather than so soon. It would be way more climactic in the story and make all that preparation a blind player will do for master class not a complete waste.
>I got (you)ed
Yeah but dude on my game they were way better. My level 40 Annette crit everytime and my level 60 Catharine had more health.
Not that guy but to be fair Catherine has a good ass hero's relic, I can see why a lot of people are drawn to it.
I didn't even master his unique classes. I got Claudes though. Don't remember the bonus being good.
Sometimes I wish certain attacks have gambit effects. Like if the attack looks wide make it so it kills everyone in that area instead of just the leader. One of the reasons I love using gambits is it kills everyone.
Annette getting an axe is pretty silly.
I split my class growth in half since I knew of the time skip before going in: beginner and intermediate pre-skip and advanced and master for post.
saved myself the headache of preparing Byleth and my Lords class' for nothing. For added immersion, i made the rest of my class advance on the mission directly before the skip so I could reunite with them after "five years" of fighting in their new gear.
>used Ruptured Heaven
>not everything in my 1-2 range was pink mist slices
First time playing and I don't have much of a clue on what's going on. Should I bother going for Mercedes hidden talent or is that a hilariously bad use of my time? I'm not looking to be optimal but I'd not shoot myself in the foot.
Bolt axe and Crusher. Unless of course you recruited her, then you're stuck with bolt axe cause Crusher is tied to Gilbert, and BL exclusive
Combat arts were very disappointing.
They need to work on visuals.
Mercedes (and possibly Hanneman) where BUILT for the magic bow. No, not a waste, especially considering Magic Bow+ outranges all of her spells pre-S rank
Most hidden talents aren't really worth it honestly.
Mercedes is your main healer on Blue Lions. I reccomend going with the class that fits them at first. Also recruit minimally.
Its a meme one. There's B rank magic bow you can get much later but the skill you get off her hidden bow talent is truly not worth the time investment if you're going for that alone
I've seen people do meme builds with her as a mortal savant, seems to be fine.
random stats growth is pure retardation
I'm about to start a BE playthrough, please tell me I can kill him.
Anyone besides Mercedes have that stupid talent that whenever you heal someone you also heal yourself? This kinda makes her tanky as fuck especially end game where everything is magic based.
If what Nemesis used in the opening cutscene was in fact Ruptured Heaven when he landed in the battlefield, hell yes that was underwhelming in gameplay
His existence at least allows everyone to agree on one thing: him being the worst character in the game.
Yes, on the final map you can kill every member of the church staff except I think Shamir.
>Virgin vs Chad
You can kill basically everyone, catherine, shamir, defo Rhea, Alois, Gillbert, the boy there, and seteth/flayn though you can actually spare those two.
Is Flayn meant to be useless or am I missing something?
Make her the dancer otherwise yeah she's kinda useless.
Have sex
She's kind of shit I feel but she is a pretty good candidate for your dancer, also make a decent healer since she gets fortify.
I mean we can't ask for another Donal, only one god smasher is allowed per timeline.
What weapon rank do you need to use a Magic Bow?
Brehs I just beat Golden Deer. But instead of doing the other two routes I want to replay Blue Lions.
She was consistently one of my strongest gremories, tf are you on about?
Anyone know the cons of keeping a unit as only advance, I love Petra as an assassin and she seems to have a boner for it canonically as well. Yet I don't want to lose any growth from her being a Falcon Knight. Even without the alert stance ability her dodge is already like 95%
Leonie should have had aptitude. Prove me wrong you can't.
She is outclassed by literally almost every other magic user in the game.
Nevermind I read the other post. Hitting B rank is a largish investment though
B, which is why the others were saying you shouldn't build exclusively for it. Keep at as one of her goals while not actually using a bow in battle and reap the benefits in the long term for the second half of the game
I can admit her spell list is not the most impressive. The single utility spell is in Rescue and by strongest gremory it was "nuke everything with excalibur exclusively". so, fair, possibly
Her stats are on par with all of them but lysithea
Can someone explain what the fuck is happening in the final boss on the church route? Why the fuck does Rhea go apeshit?
Master classes are a mixed bag, some like bow knight are overpowered while others like great knight are trash. They have shitty growths typically meaning they are fine for short periods but bad in the long run, not that it ever matters since you beat the game around level 40 or so.
Nah, Leonie is already one of the best units in the game.
I need more manuela lewds
Terrible spell list.
Aerial mobility, you lose out on by her not being a wyvern or falcon. But assassins already ignore terrain, so it's a personal preference really
I kept Petra in Assassin/Swordmaster and while she was the fastest thing alive she had noodle arms and could have greatly benefited from any class with a str growth
Well obviously you would have to balance her having aptitude. It just suits her character.
Cyril is shit. Terrible as a character and terrible as a unit.
Spell list is trash and that really does hurt her in the long run.
Cyril is shit, but honestly even if he was broken I would never use him since he's just a shitty character.
She has a decent list for healing, her offensive magic list is absolute garbage though.
Shit spells are also par. There are like 2 decent lists in the game.
She doesn't even have the long range heal.
images like this really make me wish Byleth was more fully voiced. Avatars worked better as Robin and (for worse) Corrin as they interacted, while Byleth felt too flat. I get that may have been the intention, but the execution was still lukewarm for me
No, a lot of characters that don't even focus on magic have better spells then her. Lorenz for example is meant to be a jack of all trades but his spell list is still godly, meanwhile Flayn is intended to use magic but her list is so awful that it makes it never worth it.
I kinda regret poaching students on my first playthrough
Avatar units are boring. Shouldn't be a thing anymore.
Byleth would have worked much better as a full character.
it is rather puzzling that despite starting as a white magic class she never gains access to aura or abraxas, or even seraphim.
Are you looking at the same list because Lorenz's sucks equal ass
Nah i'm with ya there, this feels like the worst of both cases where the MC is basically a blank slate for you to slide into but there is supposed to be a character and history there. One that never talks or emotes out of small facial differences and a meager meaningless dialogue tree.
She gets fortify, it's one of the few good aspects of her.
I just did a GD run where I made her a dancer that focused on faith, she was okay at best. My Lysithea unintentionally became a better healer though by the end, if dancer wasn't so great I would have just lost hope and benched her.
Are you the same guy that argued about Annette or Catharine?
That was my point, as characters, Robin felt like a character, Corrin was a shit character. They were something. Byleth was just a canvass, and not much else
I prefer actual characters but if they wanted an Avatar then they should have just swung all the fucking way. Full customization, it feels like we got this in between shit that blows.
I understand your point user. I was agreeing with you.
If Byleth was a fully voiced character he probably would have been one of the best FE main characters.
Fortify great the rest is still shit, her stats are on par with the lower end mages and she doesn't even work as a healer. She can't do healing or magic better then anyone else so just make her a dancer, it's the only thing that saves her.
>Are you looking at the same list because Lorenz's sucks equal ass
What? Most consider dark knight his best class, he is an amazing black mage since his equal stats allow him to actually be reasonably tanky while still hitting hard since his spell list is great.
I'm willing to bet the models were so limited specifically because of the cutscene renders. Maybe in future games they'll have a dynamic character model generator, but there was no way they could do Fateswakening levels of customization alongside the anime clips they introduced in Echoes. some other game maybe
It's weird how bad she is with how the game kind of shills her.
We've finally managed to catch the Flame Emperor alive! How should he be punished?
that's why you go BE and just kill her
feet tickling
I wanna take apart her suit and found out how El did the voice change thingy.
Maybe it's so you always have a dancer.
>he doesn't know
Unironically so you don't have to feel bad about turning another unit into a dancer when they were probably better elsewhere, Flayn is the only unit who actually gains by being turned into one.
Do you actually get the choice to? I thought the game auto forces you to allow her and Seteth to escape.
Nah just have another one of your units kill her and Seteth goes beserk and you have to kill him.
>Flayn is the worst agic unit in the game because Lysithea has better stats and spells
You know... that's true of all of them right? Those lower end magic units include literally every single non Lysithea magic unit. They all sit in a little shit pile because they don't do anything as particularly broken as she does. All their growths are relatively equal with minor +/-5%s and all their spell lists are relatively equal with one nice skill, maybe even two.
>Doesn't know what? Anyway, where's Edelgard, she should be here while I violently sodomize the Flame Emperor, it would be a good lesson
Is there any incentive to either killing or sparing them aside from being edgy and evil?
That makes sense I suppose. I have heard people say some characters like Felix make pretty good dancers actually, but at the same time why would you waste it on him when he could do so much more?
tech from those that wub in the dub
Dude they have a Darth Vader one for like $5 with free shipping if you have Prime.
I had the opposite experience. Igantz surprised me as a good dodge tank/assassin but my Ashe kept getting bad level ups and sucked even as a wyvern.
She is worse than most magic users. Dorothea Linhardt Marianne Mercedes Hubert all have better spell list.
Dunno, why don't we ask Edelgard?
I know that when you kill Catherine you get the Thunderbane but beside that I don't think it matters.
Quit being a coward and respond to people fag, it's not that she's worse then lystheia she's worse then fucking everyone, no is saying
>you can't use her
Feel free to play with your actions figures to your heats content, just she is easily worse then anything the students offer that includes Annette, Marianne, Mercedes, fucking Lorenz. Your just butt blasted you don't know how to play the game and you're arguing with people who do.
What's the hardest route?
Meant for
Nah edgy and evil, spare to your hearts content or kill it really doesn't matter.
>"Lysithea is easily the best black mage in the game so that means everyone else is pure shit in comparison"
Imagine being this retarded.
They like the DK won't attack, unless you kill Flayn then Seteth will come after you.
I believe Catherine, Alois, and Cyril attack you while the teachers, Seteth, and Flayn won't.
Please don't be rude.
I did the something similar user, it definitely made the minmaxing less annoying
Eh honestly until Lunatic comes out the game isn't too hard, like the maps are fun and quality they just need to spice up the difficulty. I wasn't feeling hard mode until robogarde was sniping me across map in the final BL map.
Retarded answer.
She misses lime 95% of the time though. The real challenge of the final BL map is the fuck ton of mages right before Edelgard. Any class with high defense basically can't do shit on the map since five mages will be able to kill them should they move even a space ahead of everyone else.
Seteth will attack you if you kill Flayn, tbqh that is what I did. She's a cursed existence to meet and be friends with people only to find out they are all dead one morning. I actually freed her and Seteth.
That one fag mage that has a spell literally dedicated to bringing you down to 1hp can go fuck one. And don't get me started on the room full of mages with just meteor.
>BE is subpar with how gorilla Edel is
>BL is maybe cause their lineup isnt anyting special aside from Canto-squad
>GD is ez cause Lys lol
Honestly they all are pretty easy currently. Have to wait til maddening/lunatic to say
I was surprised how easy the map was as the golden deers. They really nerfed it.
Makes sense since it isn't the last map. I had a harder time fighting Cornelia on my BL playthrough.
>Dedue is a War Master with Tomebreaker
>Manuela uses Ward
>Linhardt (recruited) uses warp to drop him into the middle of mage swarm
>Dedue drinks Holy Water
>End turn
Dimitri is full unga though. He kills everything. Crits everything too.
El is supposed to be Wyvern Lord, nobody beef tanks in this game when evasion tanking ignores the weapon/class triangles. Alert Stance+ is just fucking stupid.
Cornelia is so close on the BL map you can unironically warp Dimitri/Bellend right next to her and end turn 1, it's kinda funny actually.
I know. I like to murder everyone on the map. If I had rushed her I would have missed out on that sacred weapon I didn't use.
Isnt it speculated that Flayn isnt fully dragon (maybe half) with how Seteth is so overprotective of her (father-daughter stuffs, i know) and he is so scared that “one day she wont wake up from her sleep”?
And that is even more depressing, i guess
She is working well as an assasin in my run.
Is there anyone who should be a warrior at lvl 20 instead of a wyvern rider?
>Make ingrid a falcon knight
>give her all my speedwings
>drop her in the middle of final BL map
>she has the nullify bow ability too
>wait to proc alert+
>avoids every single meteor and burns all of them for me and the melee guys too
Easy game baby
You know this would never work in-game, but it's amusing to think about I suppose
literally can just send in a flier and use alert stance and get the same affect. The mages are still going to be there anyways since Dedue has shit hit for his range attacks. Hell if you want to play a high risk high reward drop Leonie/Bernie/Shamir as Bow Knight in that swarm.
>using warp
Seriously though, I know its series tradition but they need to either just stop including it or make it less broken, maybe make it so you can't warp within a certain area to a boss.
I feel bad for this user.
>pre release threads everyone liked edelgard
>post release threads everyone is jacking off dimitri and claude
Did we get invaded by Tumblr fujos?
I think they expected the monsters to present a challange but really it feels too easy. Starting in the middle of the map also felt like a really bizarre change, makes the map way shorter since you don't have to choose a route and slowly advance to the other end.
Just give the boss
>nullifies warping in this range
Ability or some shit, ain't like they have never given bosses weird ass abilities to cover shit before.
>Sylvain agree to join you immediately if you are FByleth
Gotta love the immersion regardless of how unfair it is
>wake up after timeskip
>Claude: hey sleepyhead how ya been?
>Dimitri: don't touch me
It's almost as if people's thoughts changed uponlearning about the character.
>everyone who doesn't like Edelgarde is a fujo
Dimitri is one of the best lords in the series my dude.
Anyone with a brain knows that Edelgard's entire point is fucking retarded.
>Dimitri: hey lets end this war, we can do whatever the fuck you want reform the church fucking kick Rhea off. Let's just stop this senseless killing.
>Edelshit: have you checked your privilege? What would a nobility like you know about commoners. This is why I cannot stop this war.
Everyone adored nuclear man pre-release tho?
It was weird they put Dorothea and a bunch of units behind you but it takes ages for them to advance.
Edeltards can't handle the fact that both Dimitri and Claude were cooler so they just resort to calling people fujos or otomefags.
Game was always aimed at the otome crowd. Note how both male leaders (Claude and Dimitri) are good and how both female leaders (Edelgard and Rhea) are evil. Or how femByleth is used for tutorials. Or how most of the males become significantly prettier after the timeskip while most of the girls don't. Or the otome artist that makes most of the girls look like soulless drones. Or everything about the Blue Lions in general.
I always found it funny not because it makes the map shorter but because there are enemies way behind you, like did they expect you to get a murder boner and turn around? If you just keep moving forward they can't keep up.
I really liked Claude. I'm surprised.
Literally accidentally press the recruit trying to get rid of all of the junk on me. Couldn't fucking turn him down fast enough.
I didn't even realize they were there until I was almost done with the map. I even considered trying to go after Dorothea just for the dialogue but it was too much of a hassle since she starts so fucking far away.
>You think I'm strong?
Sylvain was the dark horse character for my BL run, I thought I wouldn't like him looking in from another house, but there he was, that little rascal.
Sylvain/Felix ending is kino, too
>Rhea is evil
>Most girls don't become prettier after the time skip
This has to be bait
>most of the girls don't
>most of the girls look like soulless drones
Y know what, I see posts like this and take into account BL is by far the most standard FE plot of the 4 routes and I understand why Yea Forums sucks Dimitri’s cock so hard. This is literally all they’ve known concerning FE because the series has had comically black/white plots and this is the closest they get
He has genuinely good intentions from the start, he just is a bit naive on the ways of the world. He never goes through any major developement like the other two but he still matures over the course of the game.
>Or how most of the males become significantly prettier after the timeskip while most of the girls don't
I think you were the homosexual the whole time user.
>>Rhea isn't evil
Don't speedread next time, and the post timeskip girls all got a huge downgrade.
>not liking Sylvain
oh, it's confirmed bait now
Yeah she's evil on the route you push her to be, but if we're counting all the routes perspectives everyone is evil but Claude so GD is the best right? Rhea is a lonley bitter and selfish person but she isn't outright evil.
>the post timeskip girls all got a huge downgrade
Again you're just a fag dude all of the girls got massive upgrades.
Most FE threads on Yea Forums get invaded by /vg/ niggers, and the FE general is either full of homos or women so they bring their cancer here.
The only girl who really gets an upgrade after the timeskip is Leonie, and maybe Hilda even though she still looks like a psycho yandere. Everyone else either looks more or less the same (Dorothea, Petra, Marianne and Lysithea) or get a downgrade (Bernadette, Ingrid, Mercedes). Oh and Annette but she still looks like shit.
She’s selfish as all hell yes but I wouldn’t pin her as outright malevolent like say, TWSITD.
She could have done a LOT worse considering her background. And it rightfully comes back to bite her in the ass in every single route
I do wish they would have shown his bad side more. Like tricking people or poisoning people. That sort of thing. The only "scheme" I remember was the siege one.
I really liked the last cutscene on the Golden Deer route.
>tfw the shitposters only managed to get in right before bump limit and are now desparately trying to save face
You see the shittier side of him on otber routes, he literally gambles with people's lives in his "schemes".
Is there ANY REASON to use triangle attack?
We had the actual retard that proved himself wrong with Annette and Lysithea.
Why was there a sacred sword for Claude? It seems entirely useless.
I mean yeah but that's a giant war, and in the BL route especially he's in dire fucking straights. He really didn't have a choice to play it safe.
The real problem is that Edelgard is so unlikeable focusing on her as the villain in a route that spends most of its time redeeming the fucked up main lord is extremely satisfying.
There's also some stuff like the ending literally tying to Dimitri's first D support with Byleth in the game.
>gets less speed and bulk than the horse variant
Yes. It only really exists for swordmasters to maybe get master class base stat upgrade
comfy thread lads, see you around
I'm a big XCOM nut but I also play JRPGs so my friend recommended me this game, what am I in for?
They sacrifice for the story for Dimitri's arc and his arc is fucking great and well executed. And I'm ok with that, some people won't be but I am. Also don't pretend the BE route isn't black and white, they paint the church to be literally satan.
Much easier and less tactical depth, actual writing, story, and characters.
I love both but for different reasons.
I'm too much man in fact. Bitches cant stand me
If you like xcom, may as well wait a while until they release some actual difficult modes, the ones right now are piss easy.
If by nut you mean you're a Ironman/Hardest difficulty person all day every day you'll probably find this game quite easier but since you said you play JRPGs you'll likely appreciate the more robust story in comparison.
Play on hard and classic, I'd say lunatic but that hasn't come out yet. There is permadeath but unlike XCOM you can't replace units with other random ones so most people choose to reset after they lose one. Don't be fooled on that though by the by I would say it's easier then XCOM but might scratch a similar itch.
It's fine user, TH isn't hard enough to justify min-maxing and using the top tier units. You should use the units you like the most, but you can't deny that Lysithea is unfortunately the best mage of the game because that's what the developers wanted.
Hell, even hard games like lunatic conquest are beatable without using busted units like Xander.
And personally, I think Lysithea sucks.
Don't defend him. He was trying to spread misinformation. He argued a point he had no idea about.
>even hard games like lunatic conquest are beatable without using busted units like Xander.
And if it had Ryoma no one would ever call it hard.
Not too much difficulty and you're allowed to rewind quite a few times for the current map so you'll never have difficulty unless you fucked up your rng levels or didn't bother leveling a decent enough squad
>best mage
Nah, Lorenz is better. The battle will be over by the time Lys reaches the battlefield because she lacks a horse, though she does get points for killing the Death Knight in the first few chapters
Don't defend the fag who doesn't even know rudimentary things like
Dex=Crit chance
Luck=Crit avoidance
but are trying to argue about it anyways
You and I aren't so different.
I just wanted to say that Lysithea a shit and if you married her congratulations, now your children have aids (also you have terminal shit taste, I'm sorry)
Thanks for reading.
I don't give a shit about waifus. I'm not arguing over my feelings.
see you in the next life my comrade in arms