How to fire the dev you dont like:

How to fire the dev you dont like:

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is that all it takes? accuse someone of something with no evidence at all?
watching leftists cannibalize themselves is amazing

It's happened before. ProJared resigned from NormalBoots because he didn't want to drag his colleagues down with him when shit hit the fan because he was afraid people would go after them because of the accusations.

>is that all it takes? accuse someone of something with no evidence at all?

That's the way its always been. Never going to change

A Night in the woods, indeed

No? Its innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Of course what with that faggot metoo movement, that's gone out the window and its reversed. These are just knee jerk reactions to pander to these sensationalist niggers who cry at every last little allegation.

Subnautica devs fired a guy for having opinions they didn’t like on his personal twitter, this is far from the worst case in the indie scene.

I'm talking about public opinion and outrage mob culture. It's honestly ingrained in us at this point

Is ProJared innocent?

>innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
laugh my fuckin ass off.
Once public opinion is against you, you're fucked. Doesn't matter what the court has to say about it.

>guy you work with is responsible for 90% of the content of your game
>fire him because some subhuman deranged whore who is notorious for being a drama queen and con-artist on the internet and has been called out by her own mother for being a lying bitch posted something on twitter so it must be true

imagine being this retarded.

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And now he came out with evidence that he is innocent, and nothing will change. He's done, his career is done, the accusations worked
What a world

>not consuming its own ethos for Trump

He's certainly tried to prove his innocence in his latest video. I'd say he's innocent regarding the sending of nudes to minors, but the whole cheating on his ex-wife thing isn't so cut-and-dry due to the nature of their relationship.

The artist and writers actually did most of the game. The coding job here would be extremely easy. All you do is walk.

What would happen if they didn't fire him?
I always wonder that when cases like this happen.
Someone makes a thread on Twitter with no evidence whatsoever, and it gets at most what, a thousand retweets?
How many sales would they lose if they just ignored the mob? What kind of trouble would they get into?
I feel like nothing would actually happen. At some point the mob would just move on to the next target.

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cheating on your wife isnt illegal
no one should poke his nose in personal stuff


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underrated post

is not about the audience, it never is, they are just worried about business with other indie companies, events, status quo etc, look at what the type of game they made, this people social circle is probably filled with fickle sjw types so "right" thing to do is to throw people under the bus to save yourself

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>cheating on your wife isnt illegal
it is in some places and if not, it should be

In there places the law states you shouldn't take any other partner which she did first. She started the poly shit and she didn't like it after forcing him into it and seeing other people want him just as much as people want her. She just wanted to cuck him.

How can I give a fuck about this shit when Cyberpunk 2077 won't let me choose a gender?!

>accuse somebody of being a rapist
>that person is instantly fired, no evidence let alone a trial necessary

Can anyone tell me why we aren't using this tactic all the time? Because it seems effective as fuck.

>What would happen if they didn't fire him?

Literally fucking nothing. The online smear campaign would continue for like a week, two at most, and then they'd forget about it. These people don't like to linger on their own failures.

>Subnautica devs fired a guy for having opinions they didn’t like on his personal twitter

That's way more understandable because at least that's based on something the person DID. The shit in OP is literally just somebody else accusing him, with NO evidence whatsoever. It's like they don't comprehend that if you fire people just because Z.Quinn accuised them of something, you have given Z.Quinn the power to decide the fate of your entire company and everybody in it. Because she can accuse literally anyone of literally anything if she doesn't need to prove it.

You're kidding right?

Not him but he has a point. Essence of marriage is a monopoly contract on sex. Cheating on your wife or husband probably should be illegal to make that contract have weight behind it.

>right wing

nice try muhammad but we don't do things like that in the west, punishing people for breaching a voluntary civil union is degeneracy


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Music took far more skill than the art or writing for this shit.