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Why didn't they sue Riot?

good luck with that
there is no copyright law in china

>implying Warcraft is original
its got fucking orcs and elves and dragons and shit. the most generic shit you could possibly do in a fantasy. there is nothing original in Warcraft. name one thing that's original. its all been done a million times in older games.

>Yea Forums sliding this thread because they don't want to praise China over Blizz

Actually there are and western companies often win...

It literally lifted its design from Everquest anyway, complete with hiring hardcore Everquest raiders as designers.

Could they be any more subtle about it? Either case Blizzard has no grounds here. Gameplay is entirely different to any of their product line.

Attached: forthehorde.jpg (522x940, 103K)

>Either case Blizzard has no grounds here

>Either case Blizzard has no grounds here. Gameplay is entirely different to any of their product line.
Why do you think the gameplay has to be the same for IP copyright infringement to exist? Are you legit retarded?

>you will never experience all the past

>gameplay having any bearing at all on illegally stealing copywritten characters

>u.s. district court
good luck with that bro

Why do idiots like this repeat hyperbole they hear as if it is literal? Is it ESLs that post this kind of shit?
China has pretty standard copyright law, it's just hard for most companies to give enough of a fuck to go through the expense of a lawsuit across the planet. Plus, even if they do that and win the case, it's usually easy enough for the offender to just do it again with something else.
But in the case of Blizzard, which is rich as fuck AND is active in the Chinese market, it's very worthwhile to pursue this. They'll almost certainly win too, since they've got lots of money and more importantly, a lot in China.

Attached: china copyright.png (616x154, 25K)

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>Spiderman pointing at himself

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This mfr just wants so badly to call someone out

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youtube.com/watch?v=TcLMiewpqnE christ what is up with china and copying shit?

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Well what is supposed to be?

That's my avatar btw

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>Caring about this at all
Good american little sheep

Are...you in the wrong thread man?

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I hope it works out for Blizzard.
As bad as they've become, I don't want the evil chinese to get away with blatant stuff like this.

lmao blizz shills seething

>after experience all the tough past

The hell are you posting this for?

I remember some clash of clans rip off called "Call of Zombies" or something that literally just straight up had goku.

Chinese rip offs are an entire god damn branch of comedy.

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wow... do you think this is some kind of joke?

I laughed

When is the tolkien estate going to sue?

kawaii sylvanas


nice try Chang

have some new pasta

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I think its humorous that Microsoft made it possible to make an avatar look like that, like how did that slip passed them, I grew up in a "black" neighborhood, lol my "black" friends think it's funny so why should some random give a fuck, right? Besides why is a stranger lookin a my profile,

there are a shitton of other chinese mobile games doing the same

what was the avatar

At best the chinese company will get a slap on the wrist

I don't even play online games, I play fallout, and elder scrolls, sometimes halo or Doom, I'm not paying for Xbox live gold if Im not allowed to talk shit on ppl while I shoot.

>low effort meme
it just goes hand in hand

Now that Activision is having problems making the line go up it's time for lawsuits. I'm sure they will definitely collect judgments.

is copyright worldwide? i dont think so, blizz lost this one

Tigole the Kike Supreme didn't hop in until 3 months before release and shat endgame reliance all over what was a masterpiece of world design, and every expansion since was just him flexing his jew nose over the game's model more and more.


based, never stop dabbing on niggers my friend

>Vanessa VanCleef
>Grom Hellscream

I would play the shit out of this game.

>implying the Chinese give a shit about copyrights and ripoffs
>implying Warcraft is original either
Warcraft is just a shitty knockoff of Warhammer which is a shitty knockoff of Tolkien which is a shitty knockoff of myths and legends across Europe

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Blizzard might succeed since they have been bending over for the chinks

>putting effort into memes
Lmao wut


most countries are signatories to copyright treatise but the important detail is whether the state will cooperate with foreigners

not even trying, chinks

I love shit like this, a few years ago I used to get an ad for a game that straight up copied a bunch of WoW enemies, most notably Ragnaros.
Also there's this 3rd party chinese Transformer Combiners called Ragnaros, consisting of:
- M-01 Archimonde Figure
- M-02 Gahz'ranka Figure
- M-03 Kalecgo Figure
- M-04 Broodlord Figure
- M-05 Rage Winter Chill

Chinese companies give no fucks

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Right, what kind of faggot tries to meme

You know he secretly hates you right? You're literally making fun of him by turning your character in blackface just for some shock reactions. When he mysteriously ends up ghosting you and you're all alone complaining about why you don't have friends anymore don't be surprised, just know you're a shit friend and an even shitter person.

Thus the serpent consumes its own tail

>suing a chinese company for IP theft

Attached: 1nfrux.jpg (400x217, 9K)

no one wants black friends

It can work, Lego and Disney sucessfully sued Lepin, who produced pic related and at least one of their facilities got raided

Attached: lego-compatible-lepin-star-wars-poe-x-wing-shopperplanet-1604-03-ShopperPlanet@3.jpg (658x640, 65K)

Friends as in plural and no, you dont know what you're talking about lol, you clearly grew up segregated to have a mind that closed off. It's 2019, real racism doesn't exist. But jokes are alive and well, i got mfrs that will ride for my like I ride for them, you just sleep.

This is the most brainless post I've ever seen. It really sums up this zoomer generation just right.

Juicy smooyay ass

>icons literally portrays known copyrighted characters
>no grounds
I wish that were the case, that way every game dev could adapt any universe in their own gameplay. Also seriously, educate yourselves before you get scammed or you get sued for being a stupid faggets

Cringe but made me chuckle.

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i see no issue here

Wtf is a zoomer? Wat are u fuckin retarded. You uncultured Fox news watching faggot.

The Lego SEETHE was amazing. Especially after Lepin started making superior shit and selling them for about a quarter of the price.

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>after experience all the tough past.

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>ALL the tough past

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Even Chinese rip offs ignore tauren...


ALL of them, user