One copy of 'Watch Dogs: Legion' please

>one copy of 'Watch Dogs: Legion' please

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sir, are you retarded? This is a McDonald's.

His dick would probably go right through her stomach

>Why yes, I shit post on Yea Forums, how did you know?

>Chicken McDo
>Some kind of meat bowl

What kind of McDonalds is this and why does it seem superior to American ones?

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>6' vs 5'9

how fucking tall is this guy


Phillipines probably

>why yes, I am mentally handicapped. How could you tell?

Came here to post this

the penis is an organ and organs are the same size no matter how big you are, hence why giant people typically have heart and kidney problems so young

Why isn't there porn like this?


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since when does mcdonalds have spaghetti and why would anyone eat that shit?

Don’t they have heart problems because their hearts are oversized?

Yup. This is going in my based collection.

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giants doesn't have giant dicks, it doesn't work like
he could be 7' and have a 5x3 cock

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Is there a video of this?

fucking lmao

no, its because their hearts are so undersized for their body that it has to work that much harder to pump all that extra blood

just 6'2", really?

How fucking short are they then

>another gay thread

You fucker.

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first post funniest post


chinks are 5'1

Lmao I was expecting some fucking freak, but it's the chinks in the OP who are midgets

Based. I can't believe OP killed himself after reading this post.

kek he absolutely mogs that tiny 5'11 asian girl next to him


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Top jej

>godzilla destroy all monsters melee? ya i love that game how did you know?

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I wana try the spicy chicken mcdo

>tfw have manlet friend in high school
>tfw always ask him if his dick size was proportional to his height to extract manlet rage
>tfw he had the smallest dick out of the group, like 4.5", largest guy had a literal 12 inch cock and was 6, 5.

You are a liar.

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Seems it’s not actually related to the size of the heart at all.
Also, the guy is 6’2, he’s not at all abnormally tall, he’s just big and surrounded by manlets


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If you're referring to , it's edited for the memes, he's actually over 7 feet tall

Fuck I thought this dude was gigantic and I'm just like him except I'm a fucking skeleton

>seem superior
mutts have terrible options whenever it comes to anything. Go look in /fit/, /o/, /ck/, etc.

You'd be a retard to not expect this post as the first reply

Because as we all know, high school boys will give out their accurate dick sizes to every faggot that asks

>as to work that much harder to pump all that extra blood
do you realize what an athlete's heart is? Even their S3 heart sound is considered physiological

12 inch dicks aren't real, retard.

>i'm just like him!!
Don't flatter yourself. He's 7'2 and handsome, you're nothing like him.


no, I mean I saw all my friends dicks and his was literally the smallest.

It's fucking absurd to assume that someone with a hundred bones, lungs, facial features ect which are larger than another's by X%, has a penis which does not conform to that same reality. You have cognitive dissonance.

t. water polo player

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Lmao @ dumbass Yea Forumstards replying

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>largest guy had a literal 12 inch cock

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Yeah, I went by that. Still, he’s basically Shaq-tier, high end of normal, rather than an 8’ giant

Why were you not only gazing upon, but also measuring all your friends’ dicks?

Mr. Shakedown

>t. butthurt cocklet

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>people don’t think it mcbe like it mcis, but it mcdo


Yes of course a meathead retard would play some shitty western game instead of something actually good like FGO.

don't listen to this retard, he's 7'2''

any legal porn with a size difference like this?

>he doesnt saves a excel spreadsheet with his friends dick length

What are you a faggot lol

big 4 u

>not going by feel
How’s autism treating you?

no boom boom with chad-brother

What utterly ridiculous proportions. Perfect example of why not to skip Leg Day.

To be fair, getting his calves proportional would be a nightmare if his legs matched his upper body, the guy is already on all the roids as it is.

That's Blake Griffin, he's like 6'10

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hes 7'2"

Post a verified 12 incher with no photoshop or perspective tricks.

You can't. Stupid faggot.

My dick is a cute 5 inches.

>that kid on the left checking him out
you just know


>everyone's 2 feet tall
where the fuck is this guy

Why do social retards always do this? He's an anomaly, you'll see someone that tall maybe once or twice in your life if at all, looking at something out of the ordinary is not "checking them out"

Are u retarded? his legs are good

Looks like after 6'3' or so you start to hit dimishing returns, that just looks ridiculous, and life must be hell for him, cause most things in the world are build for manlet use.

he lives in holland where 6'1" is literally the male average and 7'2" is still the kind of height where you slam into doorframes


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It's just a joke you fucking tourist, go back.

>she's taller than the average 5'3 over 20 y/o female mutt height
holy shit this can't be real

So all of your friends were erect when you saw their dicks?
Fucking manwhore

Of course it’s not real, retard.
>excellent service
Not with that body language.
Service sector fags always lie about their service on the internet.

How, he's both tall and not deformed, is such thing even possible?

We serve food here, sir.

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Imagine the health problems

Jesus, I want to punch him but I'd probably break my hand.

he doesn't seem to have any

>Looks like after 6'3' or so you start to hit dimishing returns
Manlet cope

you can already see how fucked his knees are

>can't even bring myself to dream about a bf that dwarfs me in size
I' hitlerally shaking right now.

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>tfw no tall strong vidya loving bf to cuddle with while playing gaems
It hurts, Yea Forumsros

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this was funny. thanks user

OP eternally


Is that fucking spaghetti in the menu? wtf

>i got you that video game you wanted :)

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itt: post chads in the wild

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isn't it kind of sick how god designed such variance in humans? you can be 4'3 with a 1 millimeter dick, or you can be 7'2 with a 7 in cock. All for nothing, just being born with the right parents.

Mom told me not to play with my food :(

Toppest of kek.

I'm probably taller than that chad. Albeit, thin, like the kid in the white shirt. Still, this clip always pisses me the fuck off. I don't know if I could keep a cool head in the same situation.

in what way?
they look like they're about to snap inwards

I wonder what their kids would look like.

He might be tall, but he's definitely got a lower than average dick and WON'T know how to use it because he'll spend all his time taking steroids, masturbating in his sleep and being at the gym.

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Mama mia

>The state of this COPE

He is right you know



I used to work at mcdonalds and made a pizza from the ingrediants. MCpasta could easilly be delicious if the cooks aren't retarded.


How is any of what I said coping? Do you even read or see key words and start foaming at the mouth? A bed that fits must be hell, sitting in a car must be hell, finding clothes must be hell, his head probably goes past the shower making that annoying.

When the fuck was this site completely overrun by idiots, goddamn

No you are guy you are not fooling anyone

>Called out for being retarded
What does that even mean in this context? Your "joke" was shit, kill yourself.


spic spotted

All these haters aside, you can tell something is very wrong.

>be 12 at school
>have a below avg height friend
>playing football together
>a quite taller guy gets mad at my friend
>tall guy talks shit about friend
>friend gets really angry, the redest of his faces
>punch the tall guy in the nose, insta bleed and tall guy ends up crying
>we all shocked
>friend says "let's keep playing"

that guy was a mini chad.
got a gf and he's a father now

>if the cooks aren't retarded
They're working at MCD's user.
I know sometimes you get people that actually want to make something of themselves but ask yourself the last time you went to a McD's and their milkshake machine wasn't down, or being cleaned during a shift, or they weren't switching out the soda syrup.
Those lazy shits will never deserve 15 an hour

Philippine McDonalds has foreign mcdonald's syndrome. It, like Japanese McDonald's, has no reason being top tier fast food.

McSpaghetti what the hell?

Jeez, he's 6ft2. I'm 6ft6. She'd look like a baby next to me

It's because of the workers, not the brand.
People in nipland are dedicated to even the shittiest of jobs.
You can send delicate mail in bubble wrap and be fine in Japan.
You can't even be sure you got your entire order in America because it's a bunch of entitled kids that think they deserve a shitload of money to not burn easy to make food

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lol ok

God you fuckers. I swear this is some mcdonald shill campaign.

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they clean the milkshake machine one time a week on the same day.
If its down on any other day its because everyone and their grandma orders icecream and it overloads the machine. So then you have to sit there for 60 seconds waiting for it to spurt out ice cream. Just for the customer to look at the icecream, then look at you smugly "Is that really all I get?"
So then you just don't care and tell them its not working because you need to unload the truck, and litterally no one else is working today. because the GM is a money grubbing jew that thought he could save money by assigning less workers, instead of simply sending people home early.



gonna need context.
Looks like they're friends.

nice dodge


It shouldn't be cleaned during any shift, and if it is it certainly shouldn't be during the time actual business happens.
You'd think some of the workers would muster the brainpower to simply cover for a guy the whole 20 minutes it takes to maintenance a fucking machine, but, instead this behavior should be encouraged and given a raise, until 6 months from then they decide they want even more money for the same amount of effort

>how god designed
>just being born with the right parents

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fag here.

The smallest cock I've been with was (absolutely miniscule) 6'2 and the largest 5'11


>It shouldn't be cleaned during any shift

most mcdonalds are 24/7 and they clean it near midnight when the stores are dead.
Otherwise its being "cleaned" because it broke down.

>You'd think some of the workers would muster the brainpower to simply cover for a guy the whole 20 minutes it takes to maintenance a fucking machine

takes like an hour, only 2 people in the store typically know how to clean it (managers usually), and people don't want to learn because they have to be the guy that cleans it.
And there isn't anyone to cover you. Usually there are 2 workers, one cooking/cleaning/maintenance the other taking orders/bagging/sorting/dating/cleaning. And then a manager sitting on their ass in the backroom. Oh and you have to take multiple classes to learn how to clean and maintain it, and get like a 10 cent raise for learning how to clean it.

>but, instead this behavior should be encouraged and given a raise, until 6 months from then they decide they want even more money for the same amount of effort

probably cause they need to earn more than the teenagers that just stand around talking.

its a weird feeling to have knowing that I'm taller than him. Guess its because I sit my ass on a chair all day.. everyday...

tall humans travel through snow with long legs.
Short humans that can bend over and pick rice.

>entitled kids
lol you think thats why service sucks in America? Its because Pablo and Tyrone work at third world quality.

Imagine him fucking her

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>All this bullshit
Maybe if those lazy faggots showed some initiative they'd get somewhere.
Amazon hires any warm body they can find at 15 BASE RATE.
So either get a new job or actually get good at what you do, any lazy boss still appreciates his good workers because it lets him do even less.
Why am I even discussing this shit with someone defending lowly McD's slackers, this is fucking ridiculous, how old are you?

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Why are the Dutch so fucking tall anyways

>Amazon hires any warm body they can find at 15 BASE RATE.

Isn't that factory work?
I would rather join the military than do factory work.

I work at a sortation center and it's warehouse work, really easy fucking job honestly, you just take boxes and put them in bigger boxes, once you get the system down it's super fucking easy, only thing is you're walking all the time, I work nights and weekends so I make like 16 an hour, and if I decide to go anywhere else I can demand the big bucks since I could hack it at Amazon

Dick size doesn't correlate with height, retard.

What are your hours and how heavy are the boxes? Did you get breaks?

I worked at Quad and holy fuck that was a nightmare.

>largest guy had a literal 12 inch cock and was 6, 5.
lol did you see it to confirm? what a fag lmao

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Boxes vary in size but heavy ones are very sparse.
Legally if it's over 50 pounds they're supposed to have you team lift so they try to keep it under 50 pounds as much as possible but only like 5% of packages even push it to like 25+
You get a 15 minute paid break like 2.5 hours into the shift, an unpaid half hour lunch like 5 hours in, and you work the last 3
Sortation is a different beast than fulfillment, very easy if you're not a drooling retard

throw magnets at him instead.

It's an old joke you fucking tourist. Not everything has to amuse you. I'm not the one sperging out over a joke here you dumb fucking retard. Don't reply to me again you weirdo.

based on the dialect thats probably on the philippines

>Legally if it's over 50 pounds they're supposed to have you team lift so they try to keep it under 50 pounds as much as possible but only like 5% of packages even push it to like 25+
>You get a 15 minute paid break like 2.5 hours into the shift, an unpaid half hour lunch like 5 hours in, and you work the last 3

jesus I was fucked over then.
I had to lift 80 pound boxes for 12 hours straight, zero breaks, and I had to eat my food while standing. Went to the chiropracter twice a month.

Flipfag here. Can confirm

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shit, im as tall as him, still, i want a porn of that girl at the counter getting destroyed by a regular height guy.

Yeah I wouldn't put up with that garbage unless they were paying me a king's ransom.
Shit like that is why Amazon has it's gnarly reputation, but honestly that helps me because I'm in an easy department and when people say I work at Amazon and I don't hate it they think I'm a hard ass

>Yeah I wouldn't put up with that garbage unless they were paying me a king's ransom.

I got paid more when I went to work at mcdonalds


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I work in a no-lift hospital, how do you think that works out?

...You were working somewhere other than Amazon right?
My dumb ass assumed you were working there but that can't be the case unless it was before the 15 flat rate

Lmao at all these manlet cope posts

Quad graphics, its a printing press company.

you just KNOW she gets bleached

>Sir, this is Jollybee.

I can't imagine how that would work desu.

>that black guy on the right who looks back in awe

>almost literally one minute apart

Going on my blacklist.
But yeah, if you have a sortation center in your area jump on that shit, even the most difficult part of the job is what I just mentioned, every other job in the building are easier jobs

Doesn't look very pleasant desu.

>But yeah, if you have a sortation center in your area jump on that shit,

I actually do, I will check them out then thank you.

he's 7'2 not 6'2

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it's not awe, it's fear (kind of)

a natural response when you see someone bigger (stronger in the subconscious mind) than you

This is what all our ancestors looked like (if you are a white person)

Hell yeah, break away from those retards at McD's and make some manly money.
Like I said, weekend and night shifts have premiums so if you don't give a shit about when you work go for those.
Be prepared to do a lot of walking and good luck

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Wait what??

Trying way too hard to look cool

I doubt he was trying to look cool user
if anything he was intentionally trying to be retarded

You saw all your friends' dicks erect? What did you fucking measure them too?

Fuck off roleplaying discord tranny

I gotta stop looking ar big boys on Yea Forums and play this game

It’s their diet
In comparison the French are 5’9 average

Manlet cope

probably his ass and mouth
damn even Yea Forums is now plague with fags and traps, these fucktards are slowly but surely creeping on each board

He has 15 dicks???

Shut the fuck up this website has been dead over a decade

Holy shit I know exactly where this McDonald's is.


>thought that height was exaggerated
>realize if I go to Japan I'll constantly be towering over people and bumping things

Does that not feel awkward?

are you that weekend guy.

keep seething fagtard

Isn't the largest confirmed penis size without elephantitis or some other condition like 13.5? 12 doesn't seem like a fantasy

That's clearly English, moron.


>stealing Yea Forums maymays again
Yea Forums has no self-respect

Did you inspect their cocks faggot?

He's considered a manlet in the Netherlands.