Cyberpunk 2077 postmortem

What Went Wrong?

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Nothing. It’s still looking to be a fun game despite the “forced” diversity Yea Forums is screaming about.

hi discord

Exactly nothing.

RED receiving money from the poland government

>if I make enough threads people will believe my opinion eventually

What went right?
No, I’m serious, what did they show that makes it sound good?
So far it just seems like it will be a forgettable game. Not bad, just mediocre.

No matter how many of these threads you make you're never going to get Yea Forums to hate this game. This little crusade that you're on is the most autism I've seen on Yea Forums besides Barneyfag.

Well, this SJW bullshit was a huge red flag for me.
Will buy it on the torrents.

>ANOTHER fucking thread
Fire Emblem three houses has a gender neutral character selection, shitpost about that for a change.

He's been trying since the first real trailer was shown.

>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
>No Verticality or flying vehicles
>No proper adaption of the PnP roles/classes
>Removal of features because they blew all their money on a reddit actor
>Constant lying and backtracking by the developers
>Subversive leftist pandering

If you purchase this """""""""""""game""""""""""""""" you're a nu-male

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They decided making a game is too much work so they are going for outrage marketing to try and sell more copies.

>buggy mess
>heavily downgraded visuals
>porn tier plot
>shit writing
>blatant lies about what you can do
Literally the most overhyped game of 2020, can't believe I wasted over 20 hours on that shit game.

nothing just Yea Forums screeching about nothing because of the MAYMAYs man, it's all about the shitposting and maymays.

No it's because the game lacks features and looks like shit.

/pol/ thought cyberpunk meant night only and a right wing utopia despite it clearly having its roots deep in leftist subculture.

Nothing kind Xir.

The first demo of the game literally showed off Corporates and Fixers. There's bound to be Cops and the rest they haven't said anything about and have only showed us on district of the game.

the game is now classless, without factions.

They aren't playable and there are no joinable factions


Red flags were there for a long time. TW3 being so poor should have put people in enough of a cautious state.

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CD Projekt FEDS is overrated as hell. Witcher 3 blew all the retards' minds

pandering to twitter trannies which won't buy your game anyway.

Preordered. Now what faggots?

Nothing can't fuckin wait to play it


can't wait for the metacritic thread when it gets 95 and above and to see you fags crying

Hi discord

paid reviews

This guy everyday same threads,i think you gonna have a stroke from so much forced hatred

>spend 10 years making a game so you can pay reviewers

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

coping has already started

>No flying cars
>Literally looks like GTA
>Mentally ill inclusive
>Small map

What were they doing all these years?

guys the journalists are gonna eat this shit up lol
>well you just wait for the journalists to eat this shit up!
ok lol
>well well well, look what we have here! 92 on metacritic! COPE SEETHE COPE SEETHE
ok lol

There's been lots of rumblings about how development for the game has been a mess, lots of progress cut, redone, restarted and cut again. The reason why it took so long wasn't TW3, it wasn't TW3 DLC, it was CDPRs pure incompetence.

oh WOW tranny-loving game devs gabe gud review because it lets you be a womyn instead of actual gameplay like... like... fucking riggedviews

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>realize I must be getting old because all of the screeching about women in video games is actually annoying to me now

how many times do we have to have this thread??

>muddy development more to add tranny shit
>won't even add content for straight males

now that the dust has settled

I'm mostly concerned they won't add content to make it a good game and are desperate to virtue signal.

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It's more of a problem them being international studio now. Since they opened up an office in LA they've been slowly going downhill as they hire more californians.
Californians ruin everything

Why did I move here? Guess it was the weather

Yea Forums always does this and then has the balls to call other people snowflakes.

Everyone of you who replies to this is a massive faggot and if you buy into the "you're being replaced" meme it's because you subconsciously know nobody wants your miserable, whiny dick inside of them for procreation.

Only game i am waiting for! 260 more days anons

Mainly -converse to the tasteless fags in this thread- the atrocious art style. Why are there knobs on that jacket? Why is the dermal circuitry visible?

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>It's more of a problem them being international studio now
Nah, their earliest games are severely lacking too. The problem is the fans and the critics endlessly fellated them. The based poles got all the hot air blown under their asses and from the stench of their own farts thought they could do no wrong. There were voices from the audience, highlighting problems and shortcomings, but they doubled down and listened to the cocksuckers again. After TW2 they began seriously importing developers, lots of hiring campaigns to hire americans, brits, from all over - flew them to Poland and accommodated them.

Their expansion is just them further accommodating foreigners and making more and more bland products. It's all they're going to be doing from now on.

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>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having a male and female option
>only way you can play as tranny is through headcanon alone
is there a more subversively based dev?
So whats it gonna be, Yea Forums, you gonna be a male or female V?

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>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
I know this is a copypasta but who is actually insane even to write a sentence like this. Its the rambling of an insane person.

Sounds like you never played Witcher 1. The game is fantastic, a proper RPG

Excuse me?!!!
The name of theGame is CyberTranny
Get it right bigot

It turns out that larp was more or less true.

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>this fucking shill cope
they're fucking bending over for trannies lmao

>231 days and 6 hours or so until release date

Another one.
>inb4 my father works at nintento
We had some true leaks on Yea Forums.

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I have, a lot of wasted time unfortunately. The reddit-tier gary stu protagonist was a bore to be around. Combat that consists of drink healing potion and combat buffs before hand, if they inflict status ailments just reload your quick save - which is basically the entirety of the preparation meme. Oh and the le epic tweest ending "see my deus ex machina teleportation totally justified everything! You were wrong the entire time! Your choices didn't mean nothin'!"

It wore on my patience pretty quickly, by the end of the game I was rolling my eyes every other line of dialog. Not to mention how insistent the game is on over-leveling you, thus destroying any challenge in the half-baked combat.

imagine resorting to larp-posting screencaps kek, so desperate

CD Projekt spends as much money on hiring shills on Yea Forums as they do on making the game

imagine being a tranny cdpr dick sucker lmao
dilate shill

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I hate this board
I hate the people on it
I hate the lack of any meaningful discussion
I hate that people here don't even have a sense of humor anymore
But most of all, I hate videogames and what you fucks have made them become.

>the witcher


Nothing went right.
Everyone hoped everything will go right after their initial promises and what they said about the game. But now there is barely anything left from the original game they promised.

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>can't even play as straight male

Me too, user.
I just browse this board for shitty opinions and go elsewhere for actual discussion.

>reddit-tier gary stu protagonist
Geralt is based on the books. The game was made by fans for fans originally. Half of the story was cut due to too many lines they had to voice and Atari was not willing to ship and print the game if it needed too many disks to work.
>Combat that consists of drink healing potion and combat buffs before hand
You're confusing Witcher 2, you can drink easily during combat in Witcher 1 if you put them in your pockets.

>Geralt is based on the books.
Well aware, doesn't excuse him.
>The game was made by fans for fans originally.
see above.
>Half of the story was cut
I'm not sure if having that half in there would help do much besides alleviate the feeling it's rushed and spends too much time in the swamp. What would they have done? Spent even more time in the swamp?
>you can drink easily during combat in Witcher 1 if you put them in your pockets.
your inventory too.

What didn't go wrong?

Imagine the butthurt when the BOTW team manages to actually make a cyberpunk Zelda game with all of the promises except #1

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How is Yea Forums responsible for the gaming industry. We're one of the only videogame counterculture websites.

I expect (you)s for this.
>Dropping most classes and placing less of an emphasis on the rpg mechanics in the game in favour for a more action oriented linear story-driven game.
>also no 3rd person

i think the problems started when they got on twitter and reddit and started listening to "the community" and talking with the lugenpress. so sad. they should honestly just isolate themselves and release it at the end without talking to anyone.

>What Went Wrong?
It's adapted from a garbage game that wishes it had the popularity of Shadowrun.
