*kills Unreal Engine, Unity and Cryengine*


Godot 4.0 anytime now boys

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Other urls found in this thread:


Unreal Engine has solid templates and professional support and Unity is so open ended you can do whatever the fuck you want. What does Godot have to make it worth using.

does it have a occlusion system?
this is something that every indie 3d engine I have seen fails to deliver and the devs always act like is not a big deal

>and professional support
only if you pay for a custom license which does not apply to most people

is fucking free

Occlusion isn't a one-size-fits-all thing. Write your own solution.

only after 4.0

So is this the thread where we wait for Godot?

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what game engine Yea Forums use?

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>naming your engine after a Phoenix Wright character

C# w/ .Net Core 3. Migrating to .Net 5 whenever it's out.

I wish jmonkeyengine wasn't a joke
I guess I'll stick with libGDX

Are you talking about AO, or LOS culling?

Add Panda3D to the list

how well does that run?

I was talking about "occlusion culling"
in old open source c++/c# engines devs always said that "make your own" but that shit is tyresome to make yourself with fucking raycasting

Doom Engine

that's unimpressive and totally devoid of anything notworthy. Thank you for wasting my time in this year of our lord, 2019

Unity has an absolutely crap out of the box solution but I guess it's better than nothing

whoever designed that shotgun needs to fuck off

>can't easily port Godot games to consoles because it's free and open source
Is it still worth using?

Unity takes forever to generate it, and its scene hierarchy for occlusion doesn't always quite capture every object in any given section of said scene. This is why it's always best to build your own solution so you know what you need done.

Actually owning your game's code.
No fees or royalties.

So, does it actually do ANYTHING that Unreal, Unity, and Cryengine don't all already do? Does it power anything apart from this sub-par FPS game that would have still been sub-par 10 fucking years ago?
What exactly is this piece of absolute shit bringing to the table?
Did you just make this thread so we could laugh at this crap?

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I has its own scripting language with shitty documentation and pretty much no community to speak of!


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I want to make a 2.5D boomer shooter. Should I just use Doom modding tools or just make a fresh new game on Godot or Unity?
No coding skills whatsoever btw.

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You can, you just have to pay. But if you want to make non-homebrew console games you have to pay anyway. Also Computers, Mobile and web browsers are infinitely more popular platforms to target anyway.

Neither. Lern to code you fucking ideaguy.

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>all those fucking jaggies

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it doesn't really need to do anything special
just being on par with unity (which is not) and being free would be great
but the problem with hobbyist engines is always the same, they always lack some crucial thing to make complete games, them you have to cobble together some bullshit based on code snippets you found online

>no CSG
>no XYZ viewport
Yeah, I'll stick to Radiant

if it plays exactly like doom just make a wad

>he spent money on an engine


>that faggot who making his game for the last 10 years with c++ and SDL/opengl because is "powerful"
never ever faggot

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>own scripting language


>3.2 - 67% completed
>4.0 - 13% completed
3.2 will be released by the end of December, while 4.0 will be released by the end of 2020.
t. Godot faggot

It's literally just a python clone with a few differences. How braindead you have to be to struggle with python?

They used to laugh at blender and now it's legit.
It'll just take Godot same amount of time.

Gamebryo. It just works.

Then use real python you fucking faggot. I rather use unity, godot is pointless

Kay, kid, it killed every other game. No nore jrpgs, rpgs, tacticals and a buncha others.

culling will be added in 3.2

Godot has c# support

wrong, 3.2 enter in feature freeze in the next days, meanwhile the lead tranny dev is working on vulkan for 4.0 for the end of the year


>a language that changed some long-term accepted programming terminology because it 'offended' some people

>tranny dev
More like autistic.


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>the lead tranny dev

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but is it even code worth owning at that point? I mean its godot.

>mfw I'm probably the only person who's actually used godot for more than a few weeks here
I like godot because it's great for 2D games. GM is a peice of shit that constantly gets in the way if you're making anything except a platformer/action game and Unity 2D is bloated and your sprites and map feel like they're floating around on a fucking air hockey table(look at Rimword to see what I mean).
I don't use godot for 3D or try to defend it though, other engines probably are better for that right now.

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Is this even a surprise at this point? 90% of all projects seem to have tranny coders at the helm contributing the bulk of the work done these days.

Tell me Godot's gameframework is better than Unreal's.

so is unreal. lets be honest, you will never sell enough copies each quarter to need to pay epic

it's fucking garbage lmao

Judging by social media, 99.9% of trannies are using Unity.

lol something ue4 users never have to do

>have to pay 5%
>so is unreal

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Its all about optimizing baby

Unless you are developing a game with really large areas, I don't think anyone would have problem using Godot for 3D games.

blender was legit for years (Industrial Lights and Magic guys used it. It was used on several Black Ops games by atleast 1 artist) the bias against it was just art school snobbery.

Everyone uses Blender. All the anime studios use it.

Post your 12 000 dollar game, brainlet-chan.

nice reading comprehension retard. try reading it again. take yourtime this time. let me know if you need help to understand it little tyke

go dilate, tim

I feel like there should be an Engine that is a misx between Unity and Unreal and Godot.

There's this sweetspot missing, but it's hard to figure out what it is.

so it's comparable to unity in 2010 and unreal engine 2?

wait for reals shhiiiet gues im off the unity train and on the unreal

They've been forced to use Blender ever since Softimage was kill. Hence why 3D anime has been getting worse.

Can anyone even name anything worthwhile made using these non-scratched out engines?

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I'm thinking to use learn godot to start my eroge dev career as unity explicitly forbid porn and knowing timmy own part of my porn games makes me uneasy.
Is there any drawback if I just want to make 2d games or 3d-ps2 tier games? Which language should I pick for best support?

You should do it even with the C++ compile times.
Getting to use those collision generators, automatic LOD shit and visual scene profiling is something else.

What’s wrong with Unreal exactly?

They are too brainlet for C++

Wake me up when I can make builds for consoles like the Xbone, PS4, and Switch. That's were the real money is at.

Cocos is used for mobile games a lot

well i wanted to learn C++, I think i have a good grasp on C# from developing on unity. how hard is the transition?

It's been getting better though.

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Is it bad if I do most of my gamemode and multiplayer lobby shit in blueprints? The documentation is pretty fucked up for C++.

Nope, Deponia PS4 port used Godot, and 2D part is extremely easy and relaxing compared to Unity, just follow some tutorials, you will be fine, as for the language, that is personal, I liked GDScript.

people are afraid of money

>lol just, like, make your own engine!
This is the worst argument.

Compile times. Documentation. Inheritance. That's all.

Resource intensive and the documentation is shit.

Not hard, there's just some C++ fuckery in the codebase sometimes.
That's what you get when you're using templates out the ass. You'll be fine.
Just takes a while to get to, "Where was this .h file again?", "GetWorld()?", "Sweepcast"?

Age of Decadence

Anyone that tries to make a 3D renderer on par with the big 3 (Cry, Unreal, Unity) is insane.

Interesting. Will look at it later today.

I had to switch from Godot to unity because it's got so many missing features and shit you should be able to do that is impossible, plus the editor has all kinds of big issues. It's serviceable for 2D games but for 3D it's going to be a long time before it's viable

They do if they don't want their performance to be garbage in any sizable scene.

What features ?

I did the reverse. Couldn't stand Unity's barebones ass UI. Least Godot is a little more covered in my basic necessities.

I just came here to let you know that this made me chuckle.

Phossu is cute! Cute!

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Anyone know any good Godot tutorials on youtube for making a first game? Not some boring 4-hour stream of an indian guy fiddling around with settings but a decent step-by-step tutorial like Brackeys.


Great. Move to Unreal next.

Honey Select and Koikatu are made in Unity and there are several sex scenes, anal penetration, bukkake, loli rape, etc.
There is something wrong with your information.
And to make eroge you just need to know how to draw and use Ren'py.

UE4 has way too much fucking project bloat for what I'm working on.

What's the best engine to make a Paper Mario clone for shits and giggles?

They're all the same. Unreal just performs a bit better than the other two becuase of the renderer and C++.

I created my own because I'm not a brainlet

Not him, but, you can code in C++ on Godot, the executable is 50mb, and it's portable, you don't need to install.

I support Godot in a spiritual sense, if it's free it's great since it's the artist's job to make something and the tools should be accessible. But yeah I'm in too deep with Unity making my dream game.

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Talk to that Bug guy that used to post here. Made a whole Paper Mario clone in something.

Game Maker Studio.

How are the compile times?

Monogame is pretty popular
>Dust: An Elysian Tail
>Axiom Verge

If I know nothing about programming and want to learn about about making games would it be wise to take the time and effort to learn godot?

>installing EGS

>GODOT can do 3D
What the fuck? How did I miss this? I thought GODOT was 2D only.


Ive actually heard its not bad. I dont know if it can make big boy games though.

Build engine is still the best in 2019.

Attached: Build_D3DSWBIR.jpg (1919x1080, 686K)

If you can do the simple math in your head. I'd say go and learn some Ruby or Python for a few weeks first.


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rpg maker vx ace

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Feature freeze for 3.2 will be on Aug 31



Can I get non meme answers about this engine? How is the C# support? The documentation leads me to believe it might be ass, but I don't want to use fucking GDScript. I don't care how much like Python it looks like, I'm not going to bother working in a language that's only good for one thing. Just look at where unityscript went

its free as in freedom and free beer

2.5D just write your own openGL or some shit, even a fucking sfml VertexArray will run fine when you only have like 200 polygons in a level
once you get collision, projection, and your big while(window_open) done, you pretty much have everything you would have used with godot/unity

*makes your engine and opengl irrelevant*

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Unity and VX Ace. Am thinking of giving UE4 a try later.

anyone have the imagen of that user that made a engine whit 10k different weapons and told others user to kill themselves because theirs lives where shit compared to and he hated his family so much or something

I guess you could say it lives. Again.

gamemaker studio instead
it's extremely good for 2D games and beginners


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Have you tried making a stable rendering system with DX12 or Vulkan? Not even the current engine devs have done it well.

I want to write my own 3D engine but in a reasonable amount of time. How do?

Godot's great for making a quick buck until you have enough money for buying unity. Unreal is great but too much of a thron since the royalties do fuck you over.

this is no possible

these u can't not done

It's not that difficult if you understand some basic math.

ask here


Does Godot support quaternions? How's the documentation?

When is Unity going to fix it's netcode?
It's a god damn mess.
Don't give me that "just write your own netcode!" bullshit, or tell me to pay $50 a month for Proton.

>talk to that guy you have no way of contacting at all

They said they're writing a replacement. Guess is they want it to work with the new systems they're pushing out. See you in 2022.


>Does Godot support quaternions?
>How's the documentation?
Shit, but getting better.

Unity seems to be the best option as far as documentation goes. I hate wasting hours trying to look up how to do something only to find nothing.

>Don't give me that "just write your own netcode!" bullshit
How about you learn to be a fucking programmer instead of drag'n'droppin' "one size fits all" unoptimized as shit blueprints?

How's Lumberyard doing these days?

Unreal is shit, fuck off. Tired of the Unreal meme. What's Unreal is how poorly games perform when they're not linear fucking hallways on the shit ass Unreal Engine.

There are perfectly working samples on github straight from Microsoft. It's not hard to learn how it works and write your own from them or just rework them if you're lazy

did this shit in 4 days just messing around to take my mind out of the other game im making in UE4

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No thanks, I mean a real 3d engine.

>only 2 (maybe 3) fulltime devs
>Killing engines with 50+ fulltime devs
Sure, Jan.gif

Are you serious? Writing your own performant systems in DX12 is ridiculous. Pipeline caching, uniform buffer management, batching your commands better with threads.
Best anyone could do is write a well done renderer that is 3 times slower than the DX11 version.

Torque was used for Frozen Synapse and I think Marble Blast 3D.

It's also windows 10 exclusive even though microsoft knows very well myself and a shitload of others don't want anything to do with that trash.

Unity wins in documentation quantity, but you got to watch out not to be over-reliant on them. Some of them are just bad code that violates almost all coding principles in the SOLID design. Even official Unity guides can have shit practices in them.
If you don't learn proper design, you're Unity game is going to have horrible code debt.

You can get good results with any tools, the question is how much time and effort you're wasting on it. If it takes you 6 years to achieve your videos in godot (not unrealistic, godot is trash), it's not exactly as attractive as taking 2 days in unreal.

works on my machine

nobody uses


>Unless you are developing a game with really large areas
I'd like to. What's the engine of choice? Unreal? I wish some of the japanese devs made their engines available. Each company seems to have their own over there.

Each company has their own everywhere in the world. The most you see people use "popular" engines is licensing it to modify it so much it 's a new engine within 2 months.

Clickteam Fusion

Torque was used for Tribes 2.

He created a general purpose 3d engine. You don't have to use it to make a shooting game if you don't want to.

Any engine that handles memory correctly, that is the most important part of an open world game.

Star Citizen uses lumberyard.

I'd go with Unity since it has actual documentation compared to Godot. It's very easy to set up a basic shooter and expand upon. If you decide to switch engines porting your game shouldn't be too difficult either, as long as you don't rely on pre-made packages and assets.

This is terrible advice. No need to waste time programming an engine for bragging rights. If you're not going to sell your engine to a wider audience then there's no need to make a new one unless you're an autistic engineer.

>licensing it to modify it so much it 's a new engine within 2 months
How does this work? I'd like to take an engine and fiddle with it for long term game dev but unreal's prices seem steep. Do all proper game devs really make their engines from scratch or is there some secret source code template floating around they all modify?

>Best anyone could do is write a well done renderer that is 3 times slower than the DX11 version.
And yet emulator developers have all chosen to use Vulkan since it offers the best performance on the most future proof, high performance, gaming platform GNU/Linux. While also offering support for the most used legacy platform Windows, and most used mobile platform Android/Linux.

What kind of open world game? Dense cities? Just open plains?
Unity and Unreal have occlusion culling which helps in large dense maps, and then they can fall back to Fullstrum culling for open plains.
Godot only has Fullstrum culling.

All three engines are pretty shit at really fucking huge maps, you'd best figure out a way to segment your maps and stream in next chunk, which is something all three engines can do.

Very smooth. Looks like a platforming system that is actually fun to use.

It works by having no less than 20 seasoned engine developers with intricate understanding of gpu and game programming. It's not something you do solo (at least for the case of high-end 3D games).
Many studios make theirs from scratch (id tech, naughty dog, epic, cdpr, gsc gameworld (of STALKER fame) are examples) but usually the deal is, you call up the marketing department at wherever (say microsoft) and say "hey, we want to use your flight sim engine, gib source plox". You then buy it for, say, $100k because it's abandoned at this point, and you do whatever with it. By the time it's adapted for your game, it's completely unrecognizable.

>I don't need to worry about paying obscene royalties because I'll never succeed anyway!
Good argument Champ

>Occlusion isn't a one-size-fits-all thing
It literally is.

Doesn't that require so much technical skill to make a game in that you might as well learn to code it yourself? That's what I remember hearing.

Pretty much. Its capabilities are so low calling it an engine feels like a joke.

It's okay for 2d, but its 3d is nowhere near as good as other engines.

Enginedev bros, what is the best resource for learning Vulkan?

Go Unreal. Unreal has automatic level of detail generation, better collision creation, better batching (now), level streaming, and nice occlusion tools where you can even see the occluded objects.

I just want the Aurora Toolset, but with turn-based combat and a different ruleset.

Don't. Learn DirectX11.

Heard that porting to switch could cost a literal arm and leg. The company that does it never mentions the price and no one has ever ported a Godot game to switch.

>What engine has the best culling?
>"Who cares? Write your own"
>What engine has the best netcode?
>"Who cares? Write your own"
>What engine streams large levels the best?
>"Who cares? Code a management yourself"
>What engine has the most efficient memory management?
>"Who cares? Write your own"
>What engine easily ports over to different platforms?
>"Who cares? Code the ports yourself"

Either I'm posting in a topic with some of the best programmers in the industry, or there are some dumb people who want to look smart by providing a non-answer.

Kenshi 2 is fucked, then?

The usable engines all suck for actual dev shit. Maybe some nothing indie game or free release shit will do fine but once you start making for consoles or any real money they cost more than they're worth and you should make your own like all the real devs do.

What engine is .kkrieger on?

Never ever because those systems are proprietary and Godot is free software.
4.0 is going to have abstractions in the rendering to allow you to write your own (easier then it currently is)
But it will never be Unity/Unreal level of easy.

Unity’s free too dummy. You just pay if you don’t want the dumb logo and want to make asset flips,

Nobody here is running a 50 man team project and asking Yea Forums for engine tips.
Everyone here is a solo dev with MAYBE 2-3 people helping. They just want to know what engine they could easily make their FPS with multiplayer on.

I use Godot but like the fact that there are so many useful game engines allowing more and more people to create cool stuff. I don't wanna kill anyone elses engine.

GM2 is overpriced as shit.

You pay out the ass if you need some quick fixes through the asset store. Then you pay doubly when you realise there are holes in those assets.

Then don't be a fucking dumbass who needs quick fixes from the store

It’s a one way ticket to never even having a fucking prototype.

>Using the asset store for anything but stock sounds and even than you can just rip shit from the internet or conjure some noises in garage band or any music app of your choice


>by being a shitty engine no one uses


Your choice of engine is primarily for environment style you like, having a scene manager, and not having to worry about writing your own graphics library or import tools for project assets. The rest is generally up to you.

That's FOSS in a nutshell. If you need a specific feature, they tell you to do it yourself while ignoring that if you were able to do it yourself then you wouldn't need someone elses hackjob of an engine in the first place.

I just want to make porn games man.

as an amateur dev I wish this guy / you all the best, much success.

however you can't be serious about this project pointing to godot catching up with other 3D engines. Unity still barely keeps up with Unreal (lots of extra work to get the same kind of graphics that Unreal would give you "for free"). Meanwhile this looks like Doom 3 with a modern polycount. Are these even PBR materials? Why is there no anti-aliasing?

>reasonable amount of time
If you are starting from zero...you cant.

There's too much BS to read through before you can produce anything worth sharing.

The people writing their own engines,that look halfway decent, have spent years tinkering with code to get to that point. Sure using frameworks and APIs can reduce dev time, but not by much.

i wanna make a low poly 3d game what a good engine where i dont have to deal with bullshit costs and splash screens? is godot good for this?

Unity. Its literally perfect for making 2.5D games like Paper Mario. Watch Youtube tutorials and you can make something in half a day.

The problem is is that there are some really good things in the asset store. Like entire peices of the engine. I almost don't see why Unity doesn't just pay them out to put them into the engine itself.

But you can't file bug reports for any of it. And then that's another 73 C# files to wade through if you need to.

so basically it's Unity in 2012. the big question for people who use Godot is why they Don't use Unity. it's basically the future of Godot IF Godot enjoys the same funding over many years. so why the fuck not just use Unity right now?

I have worked professionally with both unreal and unity. I have not used godot but have heard and read a decent bit about it. It's not worth it to those of us who already have a deep understanding of an engine. If the industry were to move to a newer engine, then we should be forced to. But currently, it's not viable.

>I have worked professionally with both unreal and unity

You gotta give us no-devs your technical opinion then, aside from the obvious.

>No coding skills
you can't make your own game as the first thing you ever program, that's not how programming works. you'll be practicing the basics for a year at least before you can write useful scripts and then you'll be learning the engine's quirks for another year or more. if you want the gameplay of Doom just use Doom.

Just give Godot a try, it's free and it's only 50meg download.
Look up "FPS Godot tutorial", see how easy you pick it up, and then modify it and see how it's running.

Otherwise, look up Unity and it's 100s of tutorials. You can work on it for free, when you're ready to release, pay the $300 to get the splash screen off.

>I almost don't see why Unity doesn't just pay them out to put them into the engine itself.
sometimes they do, like with ProBuilder.

My problem is I only know how to program in a linear executed fashion. Not OO while managing multiple threads, or not this actor-based setup that modern engines use. I'd be pretty much starting from scratch learning how to program the modern way.

>try to use unity because it's "easy"
>open my new empty project, spawn some terrain
>editor gets stuck to "baking" (something to do with light?), causing 100% cpu usage and effectively crashes
fuck man i thought it was supposed to be easy

Attached: 1566184738371.png (884x1200, 1006K)

All programming is linear. The OO principls they use are just reformatted procedural ideas.

Both Unreal and Unity have been around much longer and have a proven track record of publishing quality games which have gone on to win awards (like the Gears of War franchise). The game Supahot was made with Unity3D and also had a lot of positive results.

From my personal point of view, Godot is an infant compared to the other engines and has not actually seen any real products that have been produced from it. Could it have potential? Sure.

Unity is still behind Unreal graphically even with their 2018 build which has a brand new hd rendering pipeline. However, they still lack basic features that unreal has graphically.

Godot is literally only 5 years old, initially released in 2014 (according to google). Currently, I don't think anyone is going to give godot a chance in a company. Only indie's will use it for now. There's literally no reason to use Godot over Unreal or Unity which has more documentation, and a bigger community. Being able to ask community members is a huge resource when learning a new tool.

In the end, I don't know enough about Godot to make a judgement, but what I can say is there is literally no reason for me personally to use it over the tools I already know and understand.

I'm going to bed, I'll check this tomorrow.

Make your terrain size smaller.

its easier in the sense that you don't have to know shit about the graphics pipeline in order to make a game.

stfu cuck

To give another example of what I was saying, Unity literally just got post processing volumes, and this is a feature unreal has had since the initial release of Unreal 4. I think they may have even had it in UE3 (UDK).

Godot is still a hobbyist language for the most part, and will be for quite a few more years if volunteers stick around to keep improving its core, assuming the core isn't flawed and needs rewriting at some point, like Unity itself has required in the past (like the abysmal performance it used to have on PS4/Xbone for a solid two years).

id tech 1 like a man.

That looks like shit desu.

Guys guys
How to go about terrain shaders for tiled terrains? Terrain atlas with manual mipmaps? Texture arrays? Other techniques? Border effects and texture bleeds (plus incorrect mipmap calculation) makes it a bitch to implement naively. What are cool ways to deal with these issues?

The question is though, why do we need another engine? I agree, Unreal is fairly monolithic, but it's a proven tool. Unity has it's flaws too, but a brand new engine? From my experience, stuff when it's brand new tends to have more problems than stuff which has been proven over long periods of time.

>It's a "developer uses JSON for everything" episode

Attached: impact.png (147x45, 10K)

In this case, Godot being open source and free to use is appealing if it ever gets anywhere, especially for indies who don't need anything beyond a comprehensive 2d/simpler-3d toolkit. That and it is far, far more lightweight without the project bloat of both Unity and Unreal.

Only option you have otherwise is looking at libraries to plug into a C++/C# project (like Ogre3d for rendering) and doing it all from there yourself.

How hard is it to write your own engine? Was thinking of trying to do that as a coding practice

Being light weight is not a problem we need to really think about in 2019. The only thing you need to focus on is this:

Where will this be published?

If it's a platform like PS4, or XBONE, then you need to think about the specs of that device and plan accordingly.

If it's PC, then you are even more flexible.

I genuinely recommend people who are interested in game dev to use a professional tool which has been used in the industry. Why use something which is literally not going to even potentially get you a job?

I was wondering more about iteration times.
Unreal seems to do better in larger teams, but Unity rolls it in smaller teams.

>The question is though, why do we need another engine?
Products where there is low competition lead to stagnation

Is Godot "good enough"? That's for the individual to find out, but there's plenty of reason for an engine to "exist". We can only hope it gets better and provides alternative solutions to what is currently used nowadays.

It's good to learn, but it's on par with writing an operating system.
Course Operating System and Game Engine are relative to what you want them to do.

But if you're going to write a 3D game engine, it's honestly one of the hardest things you can do, especially if you want it as feature rich as something like Unity or Unreal.

Don't freak out over this. Some of Unity's default settings are retarded. This is one of them. The lesson is, when you start a new project you go into the lighting settings and remove the checkmark on auto-update baking or whatever it's called.
Another thing to do at the start rather than later is to go into player settings and switch from "gamma" color space to "linear". this doesn't affect performance but linear is what you want unless you're making a mobile game and switching the setting later means you have to redo your whole art style basically.

>Being light weight is not a problem we need to really think about in 2019.
Tell that to all the developers with their 40gb+ games.

Unreal is owned by epic which is desperately against an effective monopoly.

>I genuinely recommend people who are interested in game dev to use a professional tool which has been used in the industry

It's good to be humbled by the tools too. They've been developed for the past 10-20 years.
Even though some of their architecture and little nooks suck, there's stuff to learn before decrying everything as "shit" with 3 years of programming/art experience.

23GB of that is uncompressed audio. No joke.

The Stardew Valley guy didn't even use an engine, but this was of course before Godot. I guess if you were in a similar situation using Godot would have been a good idea for an indie developer like him.

Attached: 1539377118420.png (875x829, 125K)

Unity is much quicker because of their hot reloading feature. But if you are not a seasoned programmer, this type of stuff is kind of irrelevant to you (no offence). Unreal is definitely slower because it's open source, C++.

The Unity plan is very fair to all developers, from indies to AAA studios. Unreal is also fair, they only want 5% after your first $3,000 in one fiscal year. Both of these are quite simply, very affordable and fair.

Games are getting large because the demand is larger. Everyone wants better graphics, bigger maps, more quests, more content, etc. Here's the thing though, a single 4k texture map could be 100 megabytes. Then we also have other maps like normal maps, specular, etc. Each one of these could be another 50 megabytes. Some companies create internal tools to combine the maps into a single image, but this also has it's problems.

I know one of the developers of Fortnite, he's a cunt. I will say that I do like Unreal as a product though.

This also means they have LEARNED the right way to do stuff, they didn't just wing it and create it 5 years ago. They have been at this for 10-20 years and have really mastered it. A lot of newer devs tend to go around trying to "fix" other people's stuff, when they don't actually know enough to make a good decision about things. Believe it or not, a lot of these people are better than you and they did it that way for a reason.

what would you use for a kingdom builder game (like a city-builder, but with more map and spreadsheets instead of detailed buildings). make it from scratch perhaps?

>The Stardew Valley guy didn't even use an engine
XNA Framework may as well be a game engine.

>I know one of the developers of Fortnite, he's a cunt.

Yeah nah tell us more.

His words, not mine.

Really depends on what programming languages you know.
Generally, unity for singleplayer, unreal for multiplayer. Unity is very easy to get used to but it doesn't have a decent in-built netcode, unreal does.

I just want a more bare bones engine with performance in mind instead of holding the developers hand. The C of engines, if you will. Unreal is more the C++ and has a lot of bloat and excess as well as licensing fees because of dev work for features that most people will never use.

>The Unity plan is very fair to all developers, from indies to AAA studios. Unreal is also fair, they only want 5% after your first $3,000 in one fiscal year. Both of these are quite simply, very affordable and fair.
Yes, but take the Stardew Valley guy into perspective. If he was able to implement his game in all of the three engines, he would have lost money doing it with Unity or Unreal instead of Godot.

Nothing wrong with that sir.

I have to make a game for a class I am taking this semester. I've never used any engine but know how to do graphics and whatnot in C++ and Java. Is it easier just to use Unity?

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The perfect engine is Unreal written in C.
Because the C++ concepts even pervade into other parts of the engine conceptually, like blueprints inheriting from classes.

no matter how skilled you are, making it happen in godot would simply be more work hours and you'd have to take that into account when you calculate how profitable the game was.

Time labor is a thing
If Unity or Unreal cuts development by 6 months to a year, or even helps with console ports, that cost is worth it.

>no havok

How is it that everything fucking uses Havok?

Havok is a physics engine.

>this killing anything
Watched that video expecting some revolutionary tech to be displayed.
Saw a laughably bad performing FPS demo that showed a complete lack of any substance or depth in both content of the demo and the technology showcased.

Spent literally 2 minutes showcasing weapon sway while moving the camera like the lack of responsiveness is actually a good thing.

good taste user

maybe unity?
cities skylines worked out well

So that's the equation. If Godot ever reaches parity with the other engines, then it wins. Otherwise, it comes down to which engine will get your game developed faster, and whether that time difference is worth the cost.
I mean, obviously there's many factors there, but it proves there is a reason for it's existence. It might be THE thing indie developers use in the far off future

Unity uses C# which is pretty close to Java. Unreal uses C++ but also has it's simple blueprint system. Godot also has C++ support but it's own code is simple to learn as well.

if godot ever gets to where unity is now it'll have a staff working on it and they'll need to get paid. I don't know how many people are working on it now or if it's still this one dude's personal project but he's not going to replicate unity or unreal for free, that's absurd.

Thanks, I wasn't planning to try and compete with unity and the like to begin with, I'm mostly interested in making an engine just to gain practical understanding of the principles behind it, as well as fuck around with the features while writing it. I also probably don't want to dive in too deep right off the bat, so I'm thinking of starting with either 2d or, more likely, simple low-poly 3d

One of the things I hate about java is the lack of structs lol, and also I just really love pointers

But look at the catchup it's already playing.
Unity has a whole new entity system on the horizon, and Unreal has VR and physics improvements in the next update that work tenfold to the previous.

You can't just catchup to that, you need to forge something else.

Attached: 5144ipAT8YL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (260x333, 28K)

He's not doing it for free, he's getting paid $12k a month to work on it.

by whom?

Yeah I know but thats not what I asked.

Why is direct11 put above vulkan? I thought vulkan was the new hotness and dx11 was just for windows?

DX 11 has much more documentation than vulkan (MIcrosoft has the resources to do this lol)

Use unity then

You'll tear your hair out if you use Vulkan. Maybe learn it in another 6 years.

Patreon retards. He's also backed by some bitcoin miner, gambling sites and Mozilla dropped 50k on him to make sure their CoC is firmly down his throat.

DX11 is more mature, and still far easier to work with than Vulkan, which is more lower-level.

okay, so 12k voluntary payment by people who, for now, appreciate what he does. if that were me I'd be happy with it and I would just keep doing what I do. I wouldn't start hiring people to scale up the business, I would thank the gods that I get to do what I like for 12k a month. chasing after Unity and Unreal would be a huge mistake imo. chasing after Unreal is what Crytek did with CryEngine and that ruined them. chasing after Unity also makes no sense because they served a demand and now that demand is served. Unity got big on the backs of amateur devs who wanted a more flexible and simple engine than Unreal, a do it yourself with little overhead kind of engine initially. then completely organically the ambitions of those working with it grew and so the demand for more elaborate features also grew and Unity managed to grow with those demands. godot couldn't repeat the same thing because unity already serves all those customers. godot would be to unity what cryengine is to unreal. the copycat nobody asked for.

>chasing after Unreal is what Crytek did with CryEngine and that ruined them.
I thought Crytek's licensing costs and lack of documentation/updating the engine frequently is what ruined them.

lack of documentation might have been the biggest problem. their licensing costs went down at some point, I believe, but fundamentally, why would someone use CE over Unreal if the price is the same or even if CE is slightly cheaper? it's just irrational. even if we pretend CE has great documentation! choose Unreal and you can pick from thousands of qualified devs in your country who have pre-existing experience with the tools, plus you can see dozens of finished games per year, giving you a good idea of what's possible and what might be difficult with the latest version of the engine on current hardware. choose CE and what do you get to compensate for these things you're not getting? for a few years there, better graphics. then Crytek went to consoles and immediately downgraded the graphics to barely on par with Unreal. that was their only advantage and they threw it away because their idea was "next Unreal", not doing their own thing and finding a their niche.

you're turning Yea Forums into /g/
except instead of oswars, phonewars, and manufacturerwars it's platformwars and enginewars

Attached: stop.gif (310x211, 1.22M)

looks like doom 3, I hated doom 3

Doesn't GM2 for some reason have regional pricing on Steam? It's $15 in my country.

Most games in Unreal look bad, like you can tell its the default assets and they run like dogshit too. Unity will end up winning

Can't wait to see la creatura in anime.

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He literally said that it was like an engine.

Unreal's post processing runs a lot faster than Unity's for some reason. Maybe because it's done in C++.

But you can actually make the Unreal game look nicer than the Unity one, and have it run twice as quiet.

>I wouldn't start hiring people to scale up the business
That's what Juan did. There's four employees working on Godot, none of them are fixing anything. Meanwhile, Juan is also ignoring people better than him offering solutions to long term problems the engine has had because he hates being upstaged.

People kept donating because he promised to hire more people if he got more money.
Also, he's South American, his cost of living is tiny compared to developed countries.

Is it possible learn game dev and programming skills with zero education? I have some dumb RPG game ideas.


probably yes, depending on how easily you take to coding and programming in general, and how patient you are
if you want to make an rpg maybe look into rpgmaker, it's fairly simplistic but may at least give you an idea of what you want to work with

Should I just consult books and YT videos? I guess with the internet there’s zero excuse.

I want to make a RPG within the Spy genre.

gonna be honest i can't help you here, i don't know shit about coding or rpgmaker but i'd figure i'd give some maybe decent advice

Learn a language first yeah? And then make a command line game.
Go learn Python, and then make little MUD text games.

At the start it'll just be text and conditional flow, but later you can even incorporate inventories and whatnot, and it'll all fit into the context of programming and the language.


>Is it possible learn game dev and programming skills with zero education?
How driven are you to self teach and bang wall against head? This is how most bedroom programmers of ye old times were born, except nowadays we can always Google a solution to our fuck-ups.

I’m devoted to most stuff. I hate starting things without finishing it. Drives me crazy.

the entire point of not making a custom engine is to minimize the heavy lifting of difficult technical work like occlusion culling. i know you are just quoting the the godot devs but it's a total copout by them

I did and dove into a unity udemy course that made basic games while teaching coding. I've always been a brainlet when it came to coding but it was way easier to learn it as a tool than to learn it as a concept.

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Literally you being stupid cuz I never had any of that happen.
But I guess some people are really too stupid to operate softwares.

>want to make game kinda
>art is shit
>code is shit
How do I fix myself?

Attached: anzuchang.png (256x256, 26K)

Draw everyday, no exceptions
Find an open-source game that's close to what you want to make. Dissect that code and figure out what's happening at every corner.

Unreal is gratis (to an extent). It is not free at all.

>open-source game
Surprisingly non-existent.


Never even heard of this, thanks.

>get money somehow
>pay good artists and coders
>just kidding those people won't want to work with you anyway


It's okay, I wouldn't want to work with people either.

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can you give examples of wjat you said? Curious about the hell is happening in github side of things.

i want to make a 2d soulslike like bloodborne but cant draw. frick.

>No coding skills whatsoever btw.
Make a Doom wad.

Call me an oldfag but when I hear the term Godot I only think about the rather powerful image processing tool on the C64, which is even getting updated to this day.


Attached: Godot C64.gif (640x400, 10K)

How far can you optimize Unreal? Or Unity? I often hear how unoptimized Unity is. Can you just use the bare essentials of the engine to cut down on the bloat, or do you have to be some genius programmer with O(n) = 1 algorithms for everything?

Literally look him up nigga I ain’t spoon feeding you

>I often hear how unoptimized Unity is.
nah, the core shit that runs in an empty scene is minimal. the only way to make Unity lag is by adding bloat to it. it comes with no perceptible amount. my normal projects (made with PC in mind) run at 250 fps (capped) and I once made a phone game prototype run at 60 fps on a phone from 5 years ago, 720p (the native res), lots of moving objects, not much in the way of physics though. I know nothing about android or optimizing for it specifically, just used the forward rendering option, 2 or 4 times MSAA (don't remember), no post-processing. lots of transparent sprites and a few particle effects didn't cause problems either, using the "mobile" and "legacy" shaders rather than the PBR stuff ("standard").

Unreal 4 was already bloated to hell years ago, I don't want to imagine how bad it would be now.


>Unreal is definitely slower because it's open source, C++.
>Unreal is also fair, they only want 5% after your first $3,000 in one fiscal year.
It's per quarter not fiscal year.

gdquest & kidscancode both have step by step guides.
but you should at least know a little bit of coding. like real basics.

What do hires PBR textures and uncompressed audio/video have to do with engine discussion tho?

Occlusion culling depends on your level geometry. It depends on what type of levels you have, it's game-specific. It's like complaining that Unity doesn't have good character controllers and you have to write your own or whatever

>I hate starting things without finishing it. Drives me crazy.
Most game devs have finished about 1% of the projects they've started
(Thats if they're successful, unsuccessful ones have finished 0%)

XNA is a framework, a level below an engine

That isn't comparable at all and you know it. Games play and control different because that aspect is specifically tailored to the mechanics. Occlusion culling depends purely on whether or not you can see something and the solution to it is literally one size fits everything. If you choose to make your levels out of one huge piece of geometry then you've got bigger problems that occlusion culling cannot fix.

>Games play and control different because that aspect is specifically tailored to the mechanics.
And occlusion culling is specifically tailored to your level geometry, it really is the same thing
There's BSP trees, portals, big fat occluder blocks, there's countless ways to do culling
Sure the engine could provide some out of the box, but the engine could provide some decent character controllers to but they usually don't

Again, you're intentionally trying to compare a custom solution to an individual problem to a general solution in order to give your flawed understanding of things weight and defend Juan's awful design choices. BSP trees, portals, blocks and others all rely on what you can see. if you can't see it, it doesn't get rendered. This was a problem that has not only long been solved decades ago but has been solved across all situations with single general purpose solutions and Godot doesn't even offer it out of the box, just like it doesn't offer level of detail, batching or instancing, everything that every other engine on that market gives as standard as it's been standard for decades.

This is not a place for "code your own" remarks. This is Juan being incompetent at his job.

There is no single general purpose solution to occlusion culling. I don't think you understand the problem. We started with BSP trees with Doom and Quake, some engines used portals, some used both, console games tended to use occlusion geometry, at the moment occlusion culling is kind of irrelevant because the only time you have an issue with drawing too many things is big open world games, and obviously occlusion culling isn't gonna help you there cause you can see anything, you need level-of-detail systems. No idea who Juan is, not defending Godot, but occlusion culling definitely isn't a neccessary engine feature to have these days. It's not just "if you can't see it, you don't draw it", it's about the method you use to discern what you can see and what you can't

Godot issues start from its leader, Juan. Thanks to thst guy theres a bunch of backwards issues thst could be easily fixed, standard practices really.

>Godot pathfinding


Attached: godot.webm (1024x600, 1013K)

It still can't import FBX files, which absolutely rules it out for serious use. Allegedly there are license concerns, which is a shame- but they absolutely have to figure out a way to do it if they want their engine to be a real option for non-hobbyist development.

Mechanical prototype till something sticks.

Unityfags, how's the networking in that one currently? Asking for a simple user-hosted coop game specifically. Apparently they are in process of changing the high-level networking layer and their only FAQ on the topic is just plain weird. Full of marketing newspeak, talking about no support for p2p networking framed as "we know better what's good for you", focus on a specific server provider and link to that provider which among other things, has article on "we dropped community servers because a google trends graph shows nobody wants those".

Okay, total noob here but I want to have a project next year.

Where would I start and what would be the best engine if I wanted to create a 2d street beat em up?

(I'm an art fag so far). Thank you in advance.

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He refuses to fix the renderer because he isn't even touching it until vulkan
Some guy got better times by updating to c++14 I think

I'll wait for a legit game to be released.
Even Unity has a ton of great games, what does Godot have?

Can anyone saying godot is trash substantiate that shit? I've been looking into dipping my toe into gamedev, and I figured starting with unity would make me look like another low effort unity dev, and Godot lets me keep all of what I make, as unlikely as it is for anything I do to break Unity's $100000 barrier.

Is it the same retards who said unity is trash because people who didn't know what they were doing made games that didn't work well?

From a pragmatic perspective there is no reason to use Godot. No good games have been made with it. Plenty of good games have been made with Unity

>From a pragmatic perspective there is no reason to use Godot. No good games have been made with it
People keep saying this, but it sounds like a catch 22 to me.

I gave it a try and this is the result :

How? Maybe Godot has some things about it that are better than Unity, but Unity has proven itself. Godot hasn't. Releases are the bottom line, and the most trustworthy source of information short of your own personal experience

The catch 22 is that nobody uses Godot because there are no good finished projects using it, and there are no good finished projects because nobody uses Godot. There will never be a finished game unless somebody takes the plunge.

Yeah well do you want to be the canary in the coal mine or do you want to get something done? Leave early adoption to the hipsters and hobbyists, if you want to finish a game go with Unity. Unless you want to be a hipster or hobbyist of course. It's not your responsibility to use unproven tools

explain pls


>all that shimmering
>together with eyes-burning bloom + lensflares
>brown filters
shit, we're back in 2006 again ?
Also, does this have any sort of visual scripting function, or are you stuck with dinosaur text coding?

See No FBX means no industry standard workflow, which means you're fighting an uphill battle just to get your assets into the engine.

>not writing your games in 6502 assembly

>No FBX means no industry standard workflow
what does it use instead?
FBX is far from "standard industry workflow", it's a pain in the ass to work with

You will neevr have to pay anyone any money and there is no risk of being locked out either by accident or on purpose.

License concerns? Can you elaborate?

>license concerns
just reverse engineer the format, that's what the people at Blender did
I used their findings to built my own FBX importer rather than use the shitty official one

>my skill depends on others skill
From a pragmatic perspective there is no reason not to use Godot at least for 2D.

what the hell are you talking about

>FBX is a proprietary file format developed by Kaydara and owned by Autodesk since 2006.

Oh. With the format, you mean. Apologies.

Using a possible worse engine just on the basis of it having been around and people having used it isn't pragmatic.
Your chance of having success with a engine doesn't depend on others but your own skill and what the engine allows+how efficient it is.

>Using a possible worse engine just on the basis of it having been around and people having used it isn't pragmatic.
It is actually. Being around means it works. Problems have been ironed out. It has support. A new engine isn't guaranteed to have any of those things. If you choose an engine then your chance of success depends on the engine

>Being around means it works. Problems have been ironed out.
Unity is the prove against this. Considering all the bugs requiring patches for the patches who just create new issues and other problems like Unity fucking your project up.
>If you choose an engine then your chance of success depends on the engine
Not really. If the engine can do everything you need and comparable efficient to other engines you are good to go.

>If the engine can do everything you need and comparable efficient to other engines you are good to go.
well obviously, but that's the entire point, it might NOT do what you need it to do, you might use a new engine and then get stuck at some point because you need it to do something that it doesn't, and how were you to know?

>and how were you to know?
Small devs those threads are about work on reasonable sized games. For those it's not difficult to figure out what the required features of the game will be and what engine will fit well.
Also getting stuck is more likely with Unity as one doesn't get the full source or might rely on store items for missing features which can end with discontinued support or unfixable bugs.

>just fix it yourself its open source
is hardly an argument. People using engines don't usually know how. Unity has been proven to work many, many times for many different games. Godot hasn't really

>People using engines don't usually know how.
You don't usually have to but when it ever occurs it's nice to have access to the code. Happened to me twice with Ue4 already and it's not like thats a new engine.
>Unity has been proven to work many, many times for many different games. Godot hasn't really
If everyone would work like that Unity would never have gained any market share. Name something with substance against the use of Godot. At least for 2D it's a great engine doing quite a few things better than Unity.

You might well be right, I've never used Godot, I'm just saying from a pragmatic, outsiders perspective you can only judge an engine by looking at its output, listening to what the fans say isn't reliable especially when they haven't produced anything

He literally just copied jump king

The FBX SDK apparently has some concerning license clauses. But again... too bad. If they can't figure out a way around it, use will be very limited.
Maybe I'm out of touch. I was under the impression that FBX is the standard interchange format for both indie and AAA gamedev. What format have you seen used?

afaik AAA gamedevs don't have any standard format, they roll their own, FBX is the closest thing to an indie standard format because that's what Unity supports apparently

The FBX I/O SDK isn't GPL friendly; you can't use non-GPL code in a GPL project, period. It's also why FBX support in Blender is shit.

Yeah but I've used it a lot too and the documentation is ass.

>from a pragmatic, outsiders perspective you can only judge an engine by looking at its output
As a dev who has likely to work for 3-5 years with something you usually don't want to make such core decision just based on how it looks from the outside without having ever tested any of it.

>you can't use non-GPL code in a GPL project,
free as in the freedom to do what i tell you

on the contrary, if you want to spend 3-5 years on a project you should look at the most objective evidence possible. But of course you should investigate something if you want to use it personally, but you won't neccessarily know what snags you're going to run into later down the line

UE4 also has FBX as its main supported import format, though? I doubt there would be any advantage in rolling your own alternative to it.

Nobody uses DX12 out of their own volition. Microsoft pays people to use it.

How experienced are you? Making an engine that displays basic polygons can be done in less than a day with graphics APIs.

>I doubt there would be any advantage in rolling your own alternative to it.
Every engine is laid out differently. You prefer your tools to export a format that's most compatible with your engine. FBX includes alot of junk data, is slow to load, often involves alot of conversion from one data type to another, etc. Even Unity doesn't actually ship games with FBX, it takes the FBX data and converts it to its own internal format

crystal tools
fox engine
mostly mspaint

A renderer isn't an engine
Turning that into a game framework that isn't garbage takes years of expertise

It's pretty ok now but it's also still 9 years younger than unity.

In programming? I know a lot of the fundamentals and see confident in C. I've never done any large projects though, only toy or university tier stuff. Understanding how to structure large systems isn't something I've ever done. I wouldn't want it to be feature rich but something simple that does the things a game engine should do to a minimum would be fun I think.

Whom are you quoting?

>you should look at the most objective evidence possible
Having others who had success isn't objective evidence of it being the better choice. You never know how much struggle they went through, how much better or worse they would have done with another engine.
Could as well ask which one has more failed projects. Which of course will be Unity. Thus by your arguments it would make Unity a better choice to create a failed project.

i really like this image. would you have any qualms with me saving a copy of it?

C++ and sdl, engines are for pajeets and asset flippers.

>Having others who had success isn't objective evidence of it being the better choice
It's the only objective evidence there is, short of using it yourself and figuring it out, but that takes time. Failed projects don't matter, just because it's a failed project it doesn't mean it's a failure because of an engine. But if it's a successful project, that means the engine can support success.

You're right. Still, if you're familiar with OpenGL and SDL, you can handle visuals, audio and input (enough to make whole games). If you wrap those in an API, you effectively have a game engine.
It is debatable what the cutoff point is to have a "game engine" in terms of what the feature set contains.

I'm well aware of that. UE4 does the same. Nobody loads FBXs at runtime, that would be crazy. I'm talking about interchange. You've finished producing an asset in Maya, and you need to import it into your engine of choice. My understanding is that almost everyone uses FBX for this. Am I wrong?

I'd say you had a framework at that point
It becomes an engine when you start imposing an architecture on things
Making an engine/framework as a hobby project for fun is doable
Making one that actually supports a proper game and allows you to get one out the door is difficult and requires years of experience, for 3D games anyway

meme engine but I'm glad development hasn't been dropped, it might become the blender of game engines

I haven't worked at every studio so I can't say, but most AAA devs use their own AAA engines which have plugins for Maya that export in their own internal formats specific to the engine. As far as I know

I was going to post this exact question.
Does Godot is better than Unity for 2d Beat 'em up? and what about 3d Beat 'em ups?

>have money
>people wont take it for some reason
Are you underage?

So the amount of failed projects don't count only having at least some games with success by your logic. Then tell me one reason why you believe Godot couldn't support success. Others had success with Xna. It's an argument without substance if you can't name one reason for it.

Not him, but do you have any fucking idea how much time proper "testing" would take?

Yes, it's technically a look from the outside, but there's no reason to even look into godot, there's nothing of value produced with it. Yes, generally speaking you need to research, but your research targets would be unity, UE4, and may be cry engine if you're an autist. Godot is just a wannabee engine which is essentially all talk.

If you're serious developer, you're going to look for established engine with proper documentation and a decent amount of quality games on it (which would be the confirmation of its capabilities). Godot doesn't have that. Unity and UE4 have that. End of story.

Deponia was ported using Godot, I don't get why people keep ignoring that.

You're arguing from this position of being butthurt about Godot and saying it can be a big boy engine too just give it a chance, I've never fucking used Godot, maybe it can, maybe it's production ready for 2D games (I know it has alot of deficiencies for 3D games) but unless I either use the engine myself or see some finished games made with it I'll never know. I'm not going to trust a third party with a bias like you to tell me Godot is ready for production


>Not him, but do you have any fucking idea how much time proper "testing" would take?
Yes because I did it myself. You don't create a working game but look at the core functionality, how well things work, where possible issues for core features you need are and such. For a 3-5 year project spending at the start a bit time to figure out what is best suited isn't much investment if it allows to be more efficient for the rest of the time.

I'm pretty sure Torque was used for Castle Crashers

>Yes because I did it myself. You don't create a working game but look at the core functionality, how well things work, where possible issues for core features you need are and such.
So what happens when you're two years in and discover the engine can't support your game because it has an cripplingly slow interior architecture or no proper optimization techinques to deal with it? I've seen that happen before, not with Godot but other engines, these are the reasons you need to be careful and look at things empirically

How do i into code bros?
Do i have to get programming socks too?

>ignores the rest of the post
I'm going to just assume that by "I did it myself" you meant some worthless platformer with barely any mechanics and tech built into it. You're not even arguing, it's pure fanboyism.


Attached: 1458409401444.gif (450x650, 145K)

Read a book. An actual physical book made of paper.

>but unless I either use the engine myself
Thats why I argue mostly for it. It's for devs who haven't decided (not so much you) to know there is another engine which might work better for them and not to fall for the Unity popularity meme but make up their own mind.
>I'm not going to trust a third party with a bias like you
You don't have to. If you are happy with Unity why shouldn't you continue to use it?
But why are you arguing against Godot if you have never ever used it, have no argument against it? Certainly doesn't make you appear less biased.

>physical books
I'll just pirate some

godot is ready for producing games, its just that every faggot is too busy shitting out terribe UE4 and unity shovelware to even look at godot, which is totally free, no buying or paying a % of royalties BIG incentive for devs

can someone give me a few puzzle ideas? like paradiagetic puzzles which makes you deduce the puzzle in real life so that you can solve it in the game? like the ones from obra dinn or Her story?

Thats one reason to do the evaluation at the start. If it takes you two years to figure out it doesn't really work you probably never tested it properly or didn't keep any boundaries in mind.

I am arguing against using an engine based on the accounts of people with bias instead of facts. I think people promoting Godot are being irresponsible. It's a new and unproven engine. I don't use Unity, the only bias I have is against people pushing their biases on other people

You can't predict every problem you'll encounter at the start of development

>"I did it myself" you meant some worthless platformer
It's 2D so nothing fancy complex. Not a platformer but using a bigger amount of spritesheets. Enough to bring the Unity editor down to it's knees. But what super complex 2D game do you want to talk about for indie scale?
For 3D I don't recommend Godot currently.

*doesn't even have basic features that unity, unreal, and cryengine have had for years*

Even fucking gamemaker has alright games but this doesn't. What gives?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Gamemaker has been around for 19 years

its a new thing and people dont like new things, even though it has been a thing since 2014 its only recently gotten good enough to produce quality games, ive found tonnes of concept 3D projects, but no actual 3D games, which is weird

>the only bias I have is against people pushing their biases on other people
Recommending a engine just because it's popular without being able to give any other reasons is also pushing biases on other peoples.
There is no best engine in the end it's always a case to case situation.

What's a good engine to use if I wanted to make a mostly 2D game, but have a segment where it shifts to an FPS?

Popular = good in most cases, because being popular means support and documentation

godot, it does 2D pretty well and can handle 3D

No but you can figure out the core features you want/need and setup borders for how far you can go by testing with the engines whats possible. Thats pretty much dev basics.

Do I have to know how to code?

Honestly, for a small scale project this seems like a really great engine, but in terms of quality of life features it's lagging behind a lot.


>being popular = documentation
Tell that Epic.

its hard to stress test the full complexity of a game without actually making it

like with everything else yes

>muh quality of life
whats with faggots and this phrase?

Don't forget to take your assburgers pills, user.

probably because it's an AAA engine hastily adopted for indies

>changes the entire code after each update causing that almost all your proyects become unusable
are the devs retarded

Usually one will have a basic idea where the complex parts and likely bottlenecks are. If not just ask online where they likely will be with what you want to do. Then you test those. Basic stress tests to see limits aren't difficult to do.

>assburger pills
Sorry, I only take redpills sweetie

Properly stress testing the game means having the full complexity of the game operational, you need all the data structures the game handles spread across memory being accessed, all the data being loaded in, very difficult to do without actually having the game there
Not really an issue for 2D game developers but it is an issue and you sound like you're making shit up in defense of Godot, accurately gauging performance bottlenecks is difficult even when you have experience

Are there engines that do not require coding?

looks like a game from the early 2000s

no, ALL engines require coding

games from the early 2000s are some of the best games the industry ever had

>ALL engines require coding
construct and MMF have visual scripting but they're pretty bad

>accurately gauging performance bottlenecks is difficult even when you have experience
We are talking here about indie games not some AAA mega project. You don't have to do full tests to figure out if the engine works for you. If you intend to do a lot characters just spawn characters until you hit the limit on your target system. Just setup a worst case and see where possible issues are. Doing such basic evaluations to see if the engine would work isn't rocket science.

UE4 has Blueprints, which is visual scripting

Yeah and I've had friends put a few years into an indie project and run into strange memory corruption errors when the game is 70% done
Although that's less of a problem with open source

yes it is, it's powerful, can do almost anything out of the box and it has really simple and effective ui system.

go with godot or game maker
godot is better, for example if you want to have video cutscene in game maker you have to pay for plugin but godot supports it by default.

Fuck you, I published some MMF made games on Steam

Me too, that's how I know it's garbage

When I finish my game should i release its source code?

It really isn't. Beside the fact it doesn't provide a level editor, it provides all functions you expect from an engine.
That said, it would be perfectly fine from writing it from scratch, 2D game engines are downright trivial.
It's 3D that's ridiculously hardcore.

Engines provide more structure than XNA does

he said made


No. All you need to be an engine is building blocks covering multiple aspects of game creation. For example, just putting ogre3d, physx (now opensource) and raknet together is a valid game engine, though barebone and no doubt really shitty, not to mention very lacking in features.
XNA provides asset loading and caching (including a powerful asset pipeline system), rendering (both 2d and 3d), networking, sound/music, animation, and physics out of the box in a tightly integrated way.
It is only called a framework because they didn't want to compete with the unity and unreal of the time, but in all but name it truly is one.
It would be more fair to call it a framework rather than an engine if instead it provided pluggable endpoints for these systems, but here it outright provides these systems.

What are the basics an engine should have? What is the bare minimum?

A file browser.

I didn't realize it was that fully featured
Which is wierd not calling it an engine, Unity wasn't even around

Resource management, renderer, physics, audio, input
Renderer is the most complex part and needs to have a system for handling shaders, shadows and lighting, materials, GUI elements and text, particle systems
Optional systems that aren't completely neccessary but you probably want are animation, scripting and an entity architecture

>godot is better
only for 2d, even then it's debatable
>the gdscript is easier to use
it's still a whole new language you have to learn and only godot supports it
>but you can use c++
might as well use any other engine then, godot's c++ support is basically constant jumping through hoops because the engine was made to be used with gdscript only originally
>but it's an open source
pointless in 90% cases
>but it's free
So is the better alternatives.
The community is barely alive, what's the point of using it? It's like installing SteamOS on the virtual machine to see how is it.


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>pointless in 90% cases
This part is wrong. Having access to the source is invaluable 90% of the time. The other 10% is when you make really simple games that don't require understanding what's going on, or when the engine is so good it's literally bugfree (i.e. never ever) and doesn't need game-specific code to implement everything you need.

If you are able to actually making meaningful changes to the source code then you don't need to be using a fucking third party engine in the first place

Devs of Yea Forums
what do I actually have to learn to be able to code 2D top down village life simulator with almost no gameplay?
Basically a small program where you can watch NPCs and their daily life.

t. brainlet

In terms of ability, sure. In terms of time, in your dreams.

a programming language

godot for 2d, ue4 for 3d

Gamemaker or rpgmaker. Should take less than a month to be ready to make it and should take, given no experience, maybe a few months to get your prototype going (a day after you do get the experience).

Ok godot bros, how do we save the 3D gaming commnity?

Making an engine is 100% ability and can be done in a few months if you know what you're doing
Nobody who is using high-level game engines like Godot or Unity has any business poking in the source code

I'm talking about you or me sitting down and making a game, not AAA pulisher or a big team. About 10% at most will struck the dead end thinking "shucks, I wish I could change how this works", everyone else would not.

You don't have to pay Epic Fail Games

Make game rather than wasting time with engine wars.

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By waiting for godot with vulkan.

It won't be killing anything until they do something about their abhorrent documentation.
The engine, as in the ENGINE -- not the code written in it -- is open source. You can tweak it however you please to suit your needs while still having a solid base to work off of. Additionally, anything you make in it is yours and yours alone, no royalties, fees, or subscriptions needed.

>Making an engine is 100% ability
It's 90% time, and you even agreed to this point yourself in the next few words:
> and can be done in a few months
>few months
>if you know what you're doing
Again, you're completely wrong about
>Nobody who is using high-level game engines like Godot or Unity has any business poking in the source code
Because you're turning your months worth of work into days at worst to achieve the same or superior results.
Also you're assuming nobody's making a game where a large crowd might be needed, but no particular efficient rendering otherwise. This would still require significant optimization not easily implemented, until you use unreal and click run.

There's still the aspect of "I used this function which the docs say it does X, but I'm not sure if it means X1 or X2". So you can just read the source. Or "The docs say X but my tests show it's clearly not X" and again you check the code and it turns out it's Y because the docs were out of date or worse. Happens all the time in UE4 if you use c++ for most things, by the way.

but Im making my game RIGHT now and there is no engine wars as godot is the only choice for amateur devs, since it doesnt have the stigma of producing endless shovelware like unreal or unity

You're right, it has the stigma of not producing even shovelware.

>if you can fix some things on your car why would you ever buy a car?
Why waste a few months you could spend on the game?

Unity requires you to purchase a $125/mo subscription when a project you make in it sells more than $100k. That doesn't mean much to hobbyists or people that make shitty games but it's a reality that you need to face if you make a game that gains any traction, or if you export onto multiple platforms.

>It's 90% time
You've never made a game engine

If you are an experienced enough programmer to want or need to make modifications to the engine, you probably shouldn't be using it, you should be using a lower level game engine, whether you write it yourself or use someone elses it up to you, but that's not your average Godot/Unity user

Source btw

Attached: Untitled.png (730x682, 55K)

Using a engine without that stigma didn't limit the stardew valley devs success. It's paving your own path.

Where the FUCK is Clickteam Fusion?

I have made game engineS before They were always for very specific toys that didn't need the full featureset of AAA engines.
You on the other hand hasn't ever touched even one component of an engine. It's easy to spot you lot because you always claim it's easy and fast to do but never have anything to show for it. Then you claim you're clearly better than anyone who knows better, but without any argument, ever.

If you have an engine that does almost everything that you want it to do for you and you have the ability to make small tweaks to it, why the hell shouldn't you? You're saying that someone should waste their time writing their own 3d engine with a fleshed out editor when they have an open source one right in front of them. That's fine if you're working in a team and/or with a company, but not something that's realistic in most scenarios.

Why would you go on the internet and lie like that?
If you cross the 100k/year line even once you aren't even allowed to update your game anymore unless you pay them, even if you don't use unity to do it.

Sorry, misread. You are right about using lower-level engines. I thought you were going to say some usual bullshit about writing everything from scratch with OS syscalls and gpu assembly like the average Yea Forumstard always does.

I've made a full 3D game engine
Making something for toys hardly counts
The requirements are exponentially lower
You project how easy it is to write a basic renderer foward and say "oh I can make an entire game like this"
It's much more complex, but you don't realize it until you actually try

It seemed pretty hard to implement time in rpgmaker. You know, so NPCs know when they should go to work/sleep etc.

>building an engine from scratch instead of just using an existing general-purpose one
Correct me if I'm being retarded, but isn't that the equivalent of building a car yourself instead of just buying one from a dealership?

SV is boring, the writing is shit, the fucking combat is atrocious, I have no idea why people thought that was a good game.

Well what tweaks would you need to make? That's the point, they do everything for you already

Yes, I agree.
You are right and your previous post was also accurate.
I have tackled complex components in a more-than-toy context but never applied it so I have a good feel of how complex that shit is, but no hard experience.

That's something you run into on a per-case basis. People have heavily modified the Source engine to do things that they want it to do, people have the freedom to do the same to Unity as well.

No, it's just a question of adding a timer. Granted it doesn't come for free, but the same applies to literally any game you're going to be making.

Not really, but people would have you believe that
If you have the ability then you'll make a better game if you can run your own technology
Some games aren't really possible with existing engines, even in the indie space, Factorio is a good example, that'd run like dogshit on Unity or Godot or whatever

*Godot, whoops. Can't do that kind of shit with Unity.

No, building your own car is actually fairly doable compared to making an engine from scratch.

>why use godot?
>when u make lots of dollars u can keep evrything!!!


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Which game was made with Godot?

>wojak poster
>WANTS to pay cuck tax to engines

>People making games with the intention of selling them for money want the option to make the most amount of money in the event that their project sells well

The PS4 version of Deponia

Yeah so essentially you have no experience. The sum is so much more than the parts. The real tricky problems are tying them all together, and making those features you never would have thought of outside of production but it turns out a real game needs them and they're actually pretty fucking complex

Source engine is a different kind of "engine" than the ones we use today. You don't need to go into the guts of Unity and change it to suit your liking because it does everything already. Source is a typical AAA game engine, a hodgepodge of C++ libaries and tools not designed for general purpose use

So nothing of value

Most anons here seem to care only about game success not if the game was well done, did run well or what issues the engine had.

the problem comes with beginners using large ass texture files, models with millions of vertices per model etc.

most of the "unoptimzed" side comes from the developers not optimizing the assets rather than the core holding them down

unity and unreal are dogshit for small games

What if you want to remove a bit of the bloat of the engine? Or what if you want to use a specific/more lightweight renderer? Unity defaults to dx11 now and the other rendering options generally run poorly on weaker machines. What if you want to modify the 3d editor to do a particular task that isn't in the base editor? It's fine if you don't dabble with that kind of stuff and don't need to worry about those things, but other people do, and that's part of what appeals to them with an open source engine.

Wow, is that something made with Godot Engine that isn't hipsterpixel platformer?
I am impressed
maybe we can actually start getting good games made with Godot in about a year

Godot is open source, and you have the C++ plugin system, I believe it would handle Factorio easily.

>What if you want to remove a bit of the bloat of the engine? Or what if you want to use a specific/more lightweight renderer?
Thats not how it works. "Bloat" is an abstract concept. It's not like they go in and add useless shit to slow the entire program down which you can just go in and scrape off. If you want to make the renderer faster then you probably need to change the architecture, which basically means rewrite the engine

>What if you want to modify the 3d editor to do a particular task that isn't in the base editor?
I wasn't aware 3d editors where now considered part of game engines
they should be seperate software

Nah, Godot still runs off a scene graph, it'd be very slow

Why is it then that literally no games have been made in this?

Whats the deal with importing 3D models from blender to godot? ive seen soem shit and it doesnt look like it works as it is supposed to

>I wasn't aware 3d editors where now considered part of game engines
Unity (and I think Unreal? Don't recall) have had 3d mesh editors bundled with their engine for quite a while. Godot has such a thing as well.

>underaged business experts
Creating and publishing a game is a huge undertaking, you have to be a complete fucking retard to base your engine choice on how much money you have to pay on the off chance that you manage to be incredible successful.

It also depends on what type of game you are making it, if you are making a game with countless objects on the screen, Unity is shit, no matter how hard you try to optimize your code, the engine itself can't handle a certain amount of objects.

>Creating and publishing a game is a huge undertaking
sure it is, is that why endless shit games get published on steam?

he probably should have added "good" to that

That is one of the many factors that you consider when choosing an engine with the intention of monetizing your product. Your stupid wojakposting ass just thinks that people are saying it's the main selling point, to which I say that is two doors down