Has there ever been a good video game creepypasta?

Has there ever been a good video game creepypasta?

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Pale Luna. Ben Drowned was kind of intriguing with the whole ARG thing, but King Kong was an amazing way to end it, too.

The morrowind one is okay if you ignore the dosbox shit

The Princess, Metroid 2 Secret Worlds, Pale Luna, Killswitch. Even if it isn't good, there are creepypasta like Misfotune.gb and Fallout 3 Numbers Station that have interesting ideas.

You now remember that this shit exists.

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pale luna
that's it

>that morrowind one with the dosbox shit
will always be lmaoing hard

I enjoyed it post-"I KILLED MELISSA LMAO" ironically.

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I'm still pissed the final part was so shit, the worldbuilding was good creepy-comfy before.

The fake screenshots and stuff were really cool. I think the game was a great choice for a creepypasta too because it already had a creepy vibe.

god, the nostalgia


I really like Red and Solomon, the guy doing the sprites did a good job showing the facial expressions in the former

Fallout 3 numbers station is pretty neat

No because they are meant to trick people into believing they are real and you would have to be a retard to think any of those were ever real


>you play the game and it gives you a virus but the virus is a ghost but then it lets you play the game and the sound is just screams and when you click the character with the creepy smile it shows you a corpse that is rendered way too realistic for the level of graphics that were available at the time and then your computer crashes and a message shows on the screen and it says "the grinning man sees you now >:)" and 7 days later you die :OOOOOO
There I just recounted every video game creepypasta ever.

Not a creepypasta i'd say, but the whole cult recruitment shit revolving around this game is pretty neat.

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>Has there ever been a good video game creepypasta?

Literally fucking no. It's hard enough for good video games to be scary, but goddamn creepypastas about haunted NES carts? Fuck out of here

Back in the day I thought BlameTruths Scary Pokémon blue story was scary but I was like 13 at the time.

Creepypasta use reality as an aesthetic, but you're not expected to believe that they're real. When you watch horror movies, do you think "wow, the director must be dumb if he thinks I'll believe this"?

why do people hate the ending so much but say that all creepypastas are cliched becuase the main characters dies at the end?

Theres always sort of a mythical vibe about them though, something creepy about old cartridges

Isn't this the one that popularized the glowing red eyes and distortion memes?

>Something creepy about old cartridges
Could you zoom any harder

Blair Witch Project actually did trick people into thinking it's legit (hell, I still think it's the only found footage that's even remotely realistic feeling), but it's a fine piece of horror media on its own.

Actually feels the opposite. Also The Ring does haunted VHS tapes and that worked, but haunted video game cartridges doesn't work. VHSes work because anybody can make and use them. Cartridges were made by Nintendo or SEGA in a factory.

No, that's sonic.exe.

The only creepypasta I ever got into was the Pokemon Lavender Town Suicide Unit 731 shit.



Actually, on that note there’s a really neat story about some JRPG that supposedly had a massive tone shift from gritty and dark to typical JRPG shit. It was written very believably. Wish I had it. Not really a creepy pasta per se tho

Kanye Quest is at first glance an ordinary and pretty shitty RPG Maker game, but it has a weird secret hidden inside of it. There's a bunch of videos on it. If you look at the creator's pages too there's a bunch of creepy stuff he's been posting for years that make it seem like the game was made as a recruitment tool for a cult. youtube.com/watch?v=gua1dX4wbyM


i remember when that dude was sad and made very depressing videos, then he switched to anime commentary and now this I guess



>Basically it excuses all violent crimes because you and your victim agreed on that crime before you were both born. Insane, corrupt shit.
holy shit

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Lost Silver actually got to me

tails doll fucked me up so hard that I couldn't sleep at night that day


I've been looking for this for ages, thanks. Why is the guy crying at the end though, does it mean he's going to pick Porto and disappoint everyone?

Please find

Thats a pretty good one

I like "If You See Her, Turn Off The Game"

There needs to be a survival horror game based on this.

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that was an interesting one

>I didn't even have time to eat fries.

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One night I was playing Super Mario 64. While travelling through the dire dire docks, upon my usual business, Mario turned his head in a 40 degree angle and said "shh--FUCK" Then my mother comes into the room and says "Are you swearing?". I said "It was Mario, not me!" My mother grabbed me by the ear, she threw me into the bathroom and I went "OOOF" She jumped on my face. She did the ground pound. She swung me around by the hair and said "So long, gay bowser" That night, I decided to revisit the old dire dire docks for further inspection. This time Mario pivoted his face towards the camera and said "C-CUNT" My mother ran in holding the Mario manual and started belting me across the mouth with it. Then she started cutting the webbing of my fingers with it. She grabbed my lip and said "If you ever act like that no-good Wario again I'll pull off your--" That's when my father ran in with Yoshi the Dinoborg and went "BOYBYAOW" and smacked me in the face.


Every video game creepy pastas is retardedly cringy. Even the idea behind it, it's basically a regurgitation of "Mew below the truck" legends, but with a twists of edgy deviantART 11-16 yo's.

Then there's Undertale. Not wanting to shill on the meme game, specially because I expected much better judging from the attention it was getting but the whole Gaster subplot and the "atmosphere" of the Genocide run feels like the "creepypasta" game those kids always wanted. It was genuinely unnerving sometimes, sad even (when you have to kill Greater Dog, at this point, you're just killing a fucking dog, for fuck's sake)

And the introduction of Susie in Deltarune. The whole introduction of Deltarune, actually. Susie genuinely looks like some freaky smile.dog tier freak when she threats to bite you.

In fact, if any of you have any games with a creepypasta feel but are actually good as games, I want to know.

>I filled up my car with my backup gas supply that I stored in the trunk
the fact that going to the McDonalds was completely pointless in the first place is what gets me every time

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>I didn't even have time to eat fries

This one was decent, but it still suffered from the problem of most of the people involved being complete idiots that usually brought their death upon themselves. The whole scene with the dude trying to trap the princess and fight her was also really bad. Felt like something a 14 year old would write. I do like how the final solution was just to turn off the fucking game and play something else.



The problem will all video game pastas is that they always end with "and then [spooky thing in the video game] comes into real life!"

>reality as an aesthetic

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Wasn't there an user that was working on a Kirby's Adventure Creepypasta?

If I knew a less pretentious way to put it, I'd use that. Basically shit like campfire stories or found footage films where the author and the story's narrator could potentially be the same person(no omniscient third-person narrator, set in a realistic setting, etc).

this has so much depth, I swear I find something new every time I read it

Don't know about that, but there's one for Kirby's Pinball Land already

read pale luna

>user get out!

There was a thread like this back in March when they showed off some screenshots.


>looking for gas
>find an empty and bolted up mcdonalds
>surely this is a good place to find gas
>had gas all along

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Read it again user, they weren't looking for gas, they were just giving their car a rest like it's a fucking horse.

>mentions running out of gas
>changes to letting the car rest
>completely forgets about all of that until the end of the story
The true horror is trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

i feel like doing a dramatic reading of this in a silly voice but I can't get to get it right

Where did you get that INSTRUMENT?


the trick to making a good vidya pasta is having an ambiguous ending. there is this pasta called “the princess” which has an interesting idea about this low poly model of a girl with red hair sometimes popping up in random games and a group of people on the internet start to notice and make a community around it. it goes to shit when the girl is revealed to be the ghost of some programmer’s gf and it ends up possessing a fucking gamecube and kills him when he is skyping the people in the community mentioned above. there is also the godzilla one that starts promising because of it’s spritework but ends up being a war between the game and the writer’s dead girlfriend. a good example of a creepypasta that doesn’t go full retard is that morrowind one which ends without an answer to the whole thing

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creepypasta name?

what did still the best 1973 end up meaning?

the creator said it actually meant nothing

I still wonder how such a catastrophic literary downward-spiral is even possible.

let's be real, all the information from this, (including the cult shit that uses the term "ascension, which is pretty generic) came from that pastebin that some rando posted out of nowhere like 2 years after it came out. It's probably just a shitty ARG that was never found, so the person that made the game just revealed it because he didn't give a shit anymore

Frog Fractions made me love "false games".

How did they even uncover this? This is fascinating?

I think ddlc is the closest irl thing to the sort of game that you usually find in a creepypasta, but the effect is kinda completely shat on by the fact that everyone who plays it gets the same experience, and all the super rare random spooks (a bunch happened to me and fucked up my night) all got datamined

ddlc? what the hell are you talking about

doki doki literature club homie
in the extremely rare chance you've been living under a rock go play it blind

no, and that includes the shitty one you posted

>is that morrowind one which ends without an answer to the whole thing
Are you talking about the "watch the sky" one with that spider assassin?
That pasta was bretty good but the ending made me angry since I hate being left in the dark.
I'm the type of guy that wants to know the answer no matter how shit/disappointing it is.

No, but there have been plenty of hyperrealistic ones.

Blood Whistle.

The best rule of thumb about creepypastas I've heard is "Always end your creepypasta one paragraph earlier." It's always that last paragraph that turns the story from plausibly creepy to obvious bullshit.

You forgot the part about how the copy you bought was either completely missing its original label and had the title written on it with a permanent marker or it came on a burned CD your friend sent you along with a warning to destroy it instead of playing it.


Donkey Kong 64: The Untold Copy and nothing else.

>Also The Ring does haunted VHS tapes and that worked, but haunted video game cartridges doesn't work. VHSes work because anybody can make and use them. Cartridges were made by Nintendo or SEGA in a factory.
That's probably why a lot of creepypastas about older games deal with roms or romhacks, since anyone can fuck around with those and upload them anywhere.

Don't listen to him, it's boring.

If anything, that sounds like a reverse creepypasta.

"I thought this was going to be a game with brutal violence and horror, but it turned out to be haunted by an angel who turned it into an uplifting tale of friendship and goodness."

What about
>The pokemon wasn't just knocked out, it was dead

Does this video have jumpscares?


Fallout 2's Auger Quest


Training.bsp, it's maybe my favorite videogame creepypasta

He's probably talking about rainwoodworks.blogspot.com/2010/09/secret-of-evermore-was-one-of-my.html
it's about as true as

So what are some actually creepy stuff in vidya? Was that thing about the AI creating games actually true?

Where'd you get that from? All I saw in that video was the guy running around and entering in some names.

the morrowind one is pretty cool, BEN maybe even tho the creator ruined it himself

where the fuck can i find the ben drowned epilogue gorilla meme shit?

This. Humanity's greatest fear is possibly fear of the unknown. Explain what the fuck it is and there's nothing unknown about it anymore. It's like how some people feel Alien shouldn't have had a sequel because of how they expanded on Xenomorphs, there's no element of mystery left anymore


The best one: youtube.com/watch?v=lK_oEP6Y3zk

I just played that out of curiosity, that was a trip

Humanity's greatest fear is itself

>"false games"
Holy shit, I love this phrase. Quotation marks and all. It's like something Nice Pete would come up with