BFBB was literally the most generic licensed 3D platformer ever. why is it remembered fondly enough that it warrants a remake?
BFBB was literally the most generic licensed 3D platformer ever...
It was fun
Tongue sliding was awesome
fpbp. It was fun and had decent writing that was a homage to the show
doing uninspired platforming is not fun
i'm a huge fan of the first 3 seasons of spongebob and this game's writing is not the slightest bit funny
There are LITERALLY more generic licensed platformers in the Spongebob series. BfBB is easily the best and, dare I say it, rivals some of the best 3D platformers of its time.
>Captured the essence of the show in it's prime
>Kickass soundtrack
>Dream levels were kino
>Gameplay was serviceable
>New content coming for remake
It went above and beyond what was expect of licensed vidya
Because retarded zoomers were like 5 when it came out and still probably have terrible taste plus nostalgia for it.
This. The game didn't have to any of that, but it anyway because THQ gave a shit.
it was a semi competent Super Mario 64 clone. Most people on Yea Forums are probably too young to remember the deluge of licensed games for consoles instead of mobile back in the day. Games like pic were always rushed and half assed to the point where if the game was a licensed game, it was automatically trash. Decent licensed vidya that had even a modicum of thought or effort stood out back then.
Must suck having shit taste OP.
>gameplay was... you know... good enough
kys yourself my main man
Barnacle heads detected.
Lots of insulin mutttrumps played it in their American cuckapple under the semen
Cuckle fuck orange man bad
goomer boomer doomer yoomer zoomer hoomer loomer
>I can't refute these points
Barnacle head detected.
Well I certainly don't refute the "point" that it had mediocre gameplay.
it's the toy story 2 of 6th gen
>Kickass soundtrack
You mean like...THIS?
It was a meme.
wtf I thought this was an rts or something
will they make the mermalair less shitty
so, just like i thought. simply because it was better than most of the licensed trash out that makes people think it's good.
it's a 5/10 game at best. this time/effort could be used on making new good games, remaking better games, or even just hd remastering better games
it's as good as Mario Sunshine, and if you're as good as the weakest 3D Mario when you're a licensed game that's worthy of attention.
Because the only people who bought it more or less liked Spongebob to begin with. There hardly is anyone who sees the game as anything but mediocre if they didn't give a fuck about Spongebob.
Same with the Sneeds: Hit & Run, Toy Story 2 or any piece of shovelware that isn't complete garbage.
People love the brand and the remake is adding all the cut content from the original, which more than enough justifies it existing.
BfBB was received well for the following reasons:
>Tight platforming. Unlike many of the licensed games at the time, BfBB had a control scheme that was simple, but lended itself well to platforming. No sliding, no jankiness. Sponge stops on a dime. It lended itself to fun precision platforming, seen in something like the Squidward's Dream.
>Simple but satisfying combat. All one needs to do to fight the game's many enemies is to use their limited arsenal to their advantage. Most foes have a weak point, so knowing how to kill them is easy. Enemies die easily, so combat isn't a tedious chore.
>Well-crafted levels. This game takes a neat approach to a 3D platformer: each level is linear in progression by area, but there are optional challenges to tackle and goodies to nab along the way.
>Strong connection to the source material. Every level (even boss arenas) are based off a scenario from the show, sans Flying Dutchman's Graveyard, which works well despite being an original creation due to how well it fits the Flying Dutchman. Most characters (sans Krabs/Mermaid Man) have their original voice, and the dialogue feels like something out of an original episode. It helps that this game was made in the golden era of Spongebob, where characters were charming instead of grating.
Nowadays, an additional reason has popped up:
>Speedrunning/glitching. Due to being a budget game made on an engine, there's many, many glitches. Cruise boosting completely flips the game on its head and is fun to toy with.
To summarize, the game is simple, but it uses what's there to incredible effect. It cuts out the tedium/bloat that many licensed games. Its goal was to be a solid licensed game, and a solid licensed game it is. However, one's enjoyment of the game is exponentially increased if one is already a Spongebob fan, which many millennials (read: Yea Forums) are. Personally I'd prefer a Movie or CftKK remake that fixes those game's flaws, but Rehydrated is certainly lovely for fans.
>durr generic, durr uninspired, durr mediocre
These are NOT arguments
Is this an ace attorney character?
I just want to know why the fuck they aren't getting Mr. Krabs' proper voice. It's really glaring in the original game and the remake not getting him is just jarring.
Barnacle heads can't argue, user.
Goddammit I shouldn’t have reverse searched it. I didn’t know it was Edgey’s dad and I’m only on the first Investigations game
is this game basically the same as the movie game thats the one i played
Yeah I wish they got the real deal. I recently replayed the game on PS2 and instantly thought wtf to myself when Mr. Krabs started talking
it's the only bad thing about this remake so far, but I'm a tad disappointed that despite going the extra mile for everything else, they aren't fixing this issue.
It’s pretty similar but more open world. It feels and controls basically the same.
Your entire post sounds like your one of those fags who think if a game does not do something original and groundbreaking it's shit. Copying an established formula is not automatically a bad thing if executed well.
Maybe they thought it would be disrespectful to the original bfbb voice actor. I think he voices Mr.Krab in some of the other spongebob games as well
One thing I don't see people talk about much is BfBB's insta-fast-travel menu. It's pretty innovative for the time and cut out a lot of tedium.
Possibly to stay true to the original game? No clue other than that really, its not like anyone would actually complain if they got the real VA instead of the one from the original game. Shame they can't get the real barnacle boy now.
Similar controls but it plays more like Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie instead of being linear like the movie game.
14 year old memeing nostalgia fags make stuff like this popular
>this music was in a spongebob game
Maybe, it's just really jarring. I hear Clancy Brown charges a lot but it's not like they'd need to budget other VAs since the rest is re-used audio
you mean the real Mermaid Man, the real Barnacle Boy was in the original.
>14 year old
>nostalgiafags for a game that came out in 2004
pick one
Try this one on for size
>not gaming as a sperm cell
It was pretty damn good for a licensed game for one thing.
I like bfbb but I feel like I have the most nostalgia for Creature From The Krusty Krab
Ledditors and numales
Shitty contrarian take, kill yourself op
>you mean the real Mermaid Man, the real Barnacle Boy was in the original.
Oh yeah my bad, I remembered one of them being off in the original but its been a damn long time since I've played it. Really wish they would just use the real mr Krabs though. Even as a kid I could tell it wasn't the actual VA.
very based comparison
whenever a licensed game is decent rather than hot garbage people suck its dick
It's actually better than most "legitimate" 3D platformers.
Best Licensed games of each gen
Aladdin on SNES
Goldeneye 64
Battle for Bikini Bottom
Creature from the Krusty Krab
Dragonball FighterZ
>Creature from the Krusty Krab
I'm one of the rare few that like that game and no it's definitely not the best licensed game of the generation, though I haven't played enough from the era to say so. Maybe the Cars game, if that counts.
Swap out CftKK with X-men Origins: Wolverine
Enjoy Cammy's tits user.
Battle for Bikini Bottom + Movie game platforming levels tier list.
Should I include the driving/slide levels from Movie and the boss levels from both?
>goo lagoon
no fuck that shithole
Epic Mickey?
i liked it
I heard that one was underwhelming and wasted potential.