>can easily kill a level 12 young goretusk
>get completely destroyed by a level 13 young goretusk
Can easily kill a level 12 young goretusk
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height > frame > face > dick
Remember that, incels
money>>>>everything else
remember that poorfags
Those with wealth that matter are born into it and successful families breed good genes.
Look at those two qts in the back
I wish he would fuck me.
Why is that barrel floating
They're fuming that chad would rather be with some hapa than them.
I dont get this scale. Is dick at the top or height? because personality should be at top, which incels will never succeed at.
Literally everyone knows Face is at the top, brainlet. Unless you're like 5'2.
Do you not know what a greater than symbol is you fucking idiot?
imagine what they smell like after a long hot day serving sorbet from a metal truck
money buys a gold digger but she still will never desire you like good looking chad
Massive, and I mean MASSIVE cope. Women only expect one thing from your personality and that is to be aggressive, but an aggressive manlet looks pathetic compared to an aggressive man.
Wrong, guy in OPs face is dorky looking. He wouldnt be successful if he wasnt 6'3" with a good build
But everyone here uses it differently. I read it as the greater than symbol, which puts dick at the top. also that's a lesser than symbol you fool.
>successful families breed good genes.
Then why are jews so filthy rich?
Face > Height > Frame > Dick
Face and height are interchangebale. If you're below 5'7 then you're just fucked if you're not good looking.
Bitch aint even cute goddamn stacy
Kek, good one.
>wrong, guy in OPs face is dorky looking
That guy is good looking and you know it retard. Are you blind?
>those fucking clothes
Jesus Christ is this what "fashion" is in the US? Abhorrent.
sorry to dissapoint you chad glasses dude but that's a boy, look at the Adams apple hahahaa.
the ironic thing is only incels obsess over these things
>even remotely acceptable
Extreme cope.
>women only expect aggressiveness
maybe slags and morons. Being tall is the equivalent of thinking you can slap your dick onto a table because it's big and get a date.
usually tall people have big dicks, or maybe i got lucky on both.
but it doesnt matter if you are autistic.
If you're below 5'7", you're fucked period. Only choice for you is to be gay, otherwise kill yourself. Life doesnt get better.
He's average, being carried by his height.
Cope, these stats matter in real life.
so you admit that short men have no chance? wouldn't that make us incels by definition, and not to be hated or reviled?
It's easy to obsess over something you don't have. I do
5'7s are the only tolerable manlets. 5'9s are fucking annoying as fuck. 5'6s and below are all just mega autists who are beefy as fuck
>tfw 5'2 and ugly face
>also skinny and giant glasses and huge head
fuck me i have the worst male genes possible
nepotism,no morals, Christianity forbid monetary loans for the longest time which caused jews to dominate financial system
Manlets are statistically unsuccessful, prone to suicide, and marry less. Any good thing that comes their way is entirely luck.
>>women only expect aggressiveness
I didn't even mention aggressiveness but if you take a handsome guy and an uggo and you slap them the same exact personality chances are the first gets more action. And that's not even placing the two on the same place as competitors.
are you rich?
people who spam the word incel don't care if you have sex or not, they just call anyone an incel over the internet that has a particular set of opinions they don't like.
LMFAO dude yeah I'm sure anyone would prefer the dude on the right if he had an awesome personality. Face it, personality doesn't matter.
Are you pretending to be a complete retard? Go google greater than symbol and bask in the awe of your absolute peanut sized brain. Here's a tip dip shit, it doesn't matter which way the symbol is facing.
no i'm also dirt poor, have no social skills, find most normie humor terribly unfnuny,
Why are you guys so obsessed with height? I'm 5'6 and my dad is even shorter than me and he managed to get married and have 2 kids
Indidevcels on the right
>dude if we put chad against a mutant, personality doesn't mean anything
Do you really expect sympathy over people spamming incel?
theres nothing less attractive to a woman than a man who is too weak to support himself financially. your height or looks arent going to count for much unless you're an underage in highschool
you'd better have them all to some degree though
>t. 6'3 virgin
Not him but I'm literally the same as him except I'm 5'3, and no, I'm poor and also socially retarded.
Height means jack shit. Face and money are always gonna be on top. Explain why people find Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Holland, James McAvoy, hell even Tom Cruise now attractive when they're short as fuck
all of that is only because of how tallfags treat them. which reminds me that you shouldn't be on this site if you're over 5'8
if it's deep red, avoid it...
You will miss way more often on enemies that are red. Or they resist etc.
Your dad lived before social media, so he got his looksmatch. You wont be so fortunate because your looksmatch can swipe left and never deal with you again.
Literally just work out, you are wasting your life
Cope, height is the prime determiner if a woman will sleep with you on sight.
Kill yourself shorty, no one wants you
t. manlet
So basically what you're saying is that manlets are disabled and should receive government aid just like other disabled people.
Sounds good to me.
>swipe left and never deal with you again.
>online dating
Found your problem bro
This is the biggest cope, if you have money they're gold diggers who are only with you because you have money. But if you have looks they are with you because they are genuinely attracted to you.
What races are those?
>you shouldn't be on this site if you're over 5'8
T-that's mean, I still get called a manlet by some
Disabled people can still contribute to society, unlike manlets.
>Be 5'7
>Genuinely isn' that bad
>Maybe because I'm above average looking
Honestly, I don't feel doomed. If I lived in Swedistan I'd probably kill myself. But then again Pewdiepie is 5'7, Swedish and is married to a QT Italian. Plus my manlet cousin who's also 5'7 recently married a French QT. If you're not tall but don't want to move to a fucking asian shithole, come to the UK. Unless you're super small, probably fucked no matter what.
Its everyone's problem in the 21st century whether they want to accept it or not. Social media means top 20% of men fuck 80% of women.
This, gib free leg lengthenings
Cripples? Yes
Retards? lol nope
Daily reminder only incels care about looks.
You are autistic, thats your problem, if you were attractive you still be incel, because women would find you unapproachable.
>But then again Pewdiepie is 5'7,
He's 5'11
>Disabled people can still contribute to society
In what fucking way? lmao
Honestly, I feel bad for manlets.
The guy rolled a human warrior and the girl chose a dwarf priest. They thought they were the best combos for endgame raiding
>3D thread
jesus fucking christ you retards
White and mixed asian
God I feel so bad for manlets who waste money on leg surgery, they end up in wheelchairs and their perspective becomes even shorter than what it originally was.
money > fame > height > frame > face > dick
if you only knew how bad things are at 5'2
If you think everyone dates online your absolutely wrong
>Daily reminder only incels care about looks.
>You are autistic, thats your problem, if you were attractive you still be incel, because women would find you unapproachable.
>current year video game females
fucking hell
>Implying slightly less ugly people than right fare much better as slightly less handsome/chadlike people than left
Cope. Majority of couples are meeting through online dating now.
He's not even 5'9 bro. He said his height in the official podcast once, he's 5'7. Every fucking celeb lies about their height.
I legitimately do not understand people who are 5'6 or above that complain about their height, I'd be perfectly fine being 5'6.
t. 5'3 user
Why is a young boy complaining about manlets using up natural resources?
This is a WoW Classic thread. Sorry its too subtle for you to tell
>they end up in wheelchairs
Citation on that? As far as I know the madman who "grew" like 8 inches is still walking
Doesnt matter, everyone below 6'0 is the same ion the eyes of women.
5'6" is a death sentence for a man.
You mad, rice boys?
>tfw 5'7 but my sisters 5'11 friend wants to fuck me
gimme tall amazonian gf pls.
People who suck so they blame it on their height, I'm 5'6 and my life is fine
could be 75% scandi, 25% med, or fully germanic. Europan anyway.
Hard to tell from that angle more specifically.
Leaning towards some scandi admixture because of the eyes.
She's asian. At least 75% asian.Makeup makes it hard to say. She could have some southeast asian in her, or be mostly that even. East asian to south east asian anyways.
And majority of couples have multiple abortions, majority of marriages end in divorce, and majority of indians shit on the street.
>tfw 6'1" 7" dick decent face blonde/blue but half bald
It's over for me bros, i'll never be desirable without a full head of glorious European hair.
Just wait until you get out of middle school
keep telling urself that you fucking subhuman manlet
Can you fags make up your minds already? Isn’t the cutoff if you’re below 6 ft, you’re fucked?
>guys everyone on Yea Forums must be an ugly faggot like me of course.
this sites huge, maybe accept that on a board like Yea Forums theres actual normal people, good looking ones too. i'm too autistic to fuck her anyway
No one's going to talk about the girl's implants?