What games can I play on this shitbox?
What games can I play on this shitbox?
wow r u a haxor
go play some flash games
maybe vvvvv
this thing is a shitshow
>arch linugs
Runescape3 or OSRS maybe ?
I wrote a script that installs it + my entire setup so now I'm too lazy to switch to anything else.
i have a t420 too.
heck i can max out xcom enemy unknown on the igpu. thats under windows though.
the linux drivers for the igpu is shit.
that being said. you can emulate anything up to and including ps2. go onto steam and filter for linux/steamos.
anything made before 2014 or so you can comfortably play on the igpu.
theyre shit compared to real gpus but they are very powerful on their own right.
install ioquake3 and openmw
Cave Story
What the fuck PS2 games would run on this? PCSX2 still needs at least a quad-core.
also here is my desktop
i forgot to actually post my desktop
>PCSX2 still needs at least a quad-core.
thats wrong.
single threaded performance is much more important than multiple cores for psxc2.
the multithreading option is basically a hack that balances some things among cores but is not necessary at all.
just dont forget to select the right power profile.
first off upgrade to 5.0
second you can play pretty much any indie darling/staple like Rimworld or Factorio even Stellaris shouldn't be a problem
factorio is like dwarf fortress.
it will bring down even the strongest cpu eventually if you dont limit the world size and over do your autism factories.
I dont use any new hardware or peripherals so I just stay on lts
5.0 is eol already, dummy. There is no reason to use bleeding edge kernels on old hardware.
Play the older Ys games, anything up to Seven should run pretty well on that. I played 1+2/Oath/Origin on a much shittier PC than that.
>There is no reason to use bleeding edge kernels on old hardware
yes there is. even the newest kernels dont break backwards compatibility but even if something was to be missing from the kernel you can just add the relevant kernel module. i know for a fact the arch repos have kernel modules dating back to the pentium 2.
boy am i laffin
>newest kernels dont break backwards compatibility
except for every other update lmao
reminder that some faggot working at facebook had to fix the ext4 corruption bug because no one else could fix it.
im gonna play DOT