how would you go about making a TF2 show? Would you
>follow the comic storyloine?
>Follow up with a sequel?
>a prequel?
>write something completely independent?
>Would you make any of the mercs the central characters, or
>spread the focus out evenly?
Serial, or episodic?
How would you go about making a TF2 show? Would you
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Unrelated stories like Expiration Date.
It would clearly be a sitcom about their life as roommates inbetween contracts. That's all the craze on TV.
Make it like Aqua Teen Hunger Force where nothing is permanent by next episode
What is it that makes TF2's lore so infinitely more satisfying than other Team Based Shooters? Is it cause it's so cartoonish in nature as opposed to others trying to do more 'serious' backstories?
You've got shit like Overwatch with talking gorillas and robot ninjas that tries to make all of their lore topical and profound. TF2 KNOWS its ridiculous, so the lore follows suit.
>yfw Spy dies graphically every episode a-la Kenny
>how would you go about making a TF2 show
why would anyone do such thing
Because TF2's setting and characters are better than the game itself at this point
This. The game has balance problems with OP broken characters like Spy and Heavy
Yo Fryman we gonna build sentries or what?
there was supposed to be a TF2 adultswim show, but valve was too lazy
>half of the original VAs are all retired or fucking ancient at this point
Do you think if I quantum suicide enough I'll find a timeline where this show happened?
these except the mercs all die each episode ala Superjail
>broken characters like Spy and Heavy
Has it always been this way or did something happen in the past years to make it so?
>most class/team shooters try to create some elaborate story for why two opposing sides are fighting
>since day 1 TF2's setting has been two companies literally named RED and BLU getting into fights
not just that, the supposed TV show eventually turned into the current comic arc
Pretty much. There could be some overarching plot that gets touched on with each episode, leading to some massive blowout at the end, but the episode itself would mostly work with their independent plots.
>9 episodes for season
>Each one ends with one of the mercenaries horribly killed
>broken characters like Spy and Heavy
their own software is too hard to use even for them. its surprising there's as much sfm as there is, considering.
also, the tf2 show should feature a healthy amount of these two, and merasmus and hale.
Heavy has too much damage and health
Spy can instakill characters and turn even invisible. Way too op and broken
Part of the reason why TF2 went for a more comedy route was because the devs realized the ridiculous setup of 2 enemy bases being right across from each other. What's really impressive is that they even though they have such funny moments and funny world, they actually manage to create some profound moments in the comics.
I think that'd be fair, since they work as the ones that actually move the plot forward. The overarching story could be Helen vs Hale.
If they got Tom Jones for an episode, that'd be amazing.
That's their whole gimmick, though. Heavy is meant to be like a tank, with a hard push, but becomes vulnerable once his ammo is depleted, or with the right co-ordinated punch. Spy is both reconnaissance and infiltration, but is surprisingly quite weak, and with a decent team, or Pyro, can make you pretty much powerless.
They work just as intended.
It'd be like Looney Tunes shorts but with more gore
>Being able to deal lots of damage and tank lots of damage is "working as intended"
>Being able to kill ny character instantly just getting close to them is "working as intended"
Yeah, no. TF2 needs an overhaul so newer players can get in.
I know how to fix TF2:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months
wtf this sounds fucking awful
never be a game dev
the joke is that he described overwatch
>this bait
don't you get tired of posting the same shit for months on end?
The joke is that he's literally just making Overwatch
oh I'm too much of a boomer to catch that.
Its not a joke you racist incels!
TF2 needs more Somalian charcters its a racist game you idiots!
Its not bait! Shutupshutupshutupshutup you incel nazi! I get my bf, who is a mod, to ban you for being toxic :) Bye bye incel
The fuck's wrong with you? Your only good idea was comp rewards. The rest gave me actual AIDS.
pic related except with tf2 characters.
I think Team Fortress 2 is unironically the greatest game ever created. I doubt there's a single other game that has generated even a quarter of as much fun as this game has, and that's all because TF2 throws out any semblance of fairness or seriousness in order to maximize nothing but fun.
>Rancho Relaxin'
>"it don't mattah
>"nona dis mattahs
I wouldn't put it at GOAT status, but the market gardener is easily one of the best unlocks in any game, not because it's broken, but because of how fucking fun it is.
>are you good at rocket jumping?
>do you like humiliating your opponents by using melee instead of more practical options?
>how about both at the same time?
i was in a match yesterday with a constantly rancho relaxin engineeer, he was only killed once or twice, people were respecting his right to relax and just destroying his buildings.
I agree. It's a masterclass in game design.
Garrys mod plots.
Big fucking oof
it already exists
>As spy
>See engie rancho relaxo on top of a dispenser
>Lose my disguise by stabbing towards a corner so that the engie won't leave his taunt
>I pull out the sapper
>Engie types in chat "Don't touch that, boy"
>I nod yes
>"Son, I ain't kidding around now."
>I nod yes
>"Suit yourself, frenchie"
>I place the sapper
>Suddenly I'm blown to bits
>Demoman had sticky trapped the dispenser
Make it like the Pink Panther or Road Runner cartoons. Barely any talking and all slapstick.