What multiplayer games do you guys prefer to play with your friends?

What multiplayer games do you guys prefer to play with your friends?

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Siege before Operation Health was kino. So many good times.

>been meaning to play siege
>free week!
>discover they are adding battle passes to it


>operation health
>kills the game
its amazing

siege is a amazing game, all the faggots will try to tell you otherwise

Even during Health and the second half of S2, the game was in a much better state than it is now.

I don't have friends anymore and I can mostly only enjoy single player titles because of that.

>not siege before launch
this was the game at its most fun and enjoyable state
compfags need not reply

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what happened to your friends user?

Yeah I quit just as Ying was released. I really did not find it fun anymore, shame too. Nothing quite like Pre-health/during health siege.

>siege is a amazing game
Not anymore. Hasn't been for 2 years. It's Overwatch tier bad now,

I graduated and we all drifted apart. I don't miss them though.

Quit around the korean team. Dokkaebi having everything in her kit and being super duper smrt and special and her bang and quirky and can hack u and then u gotta cancel your Netflix subscription was tiring.

Now they added Flanders and a bulldyke and a Cobra Unit and stuff. I still gas them with Smoke tho.

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Siege with friends
>The best fps ever made
Siege with randoms
>Like beating your head against a brick wall
I wish I had a team

True this, despite being a mess of a game it's still really fucking fun with a full team.

But funny that
Faceless operators >>>>>>>>>>> anime operators

Look for the memes and you will find where the soul resides.

i fucking despite dokkagay
trash little mongrel faggot character, just like clash, gridlock, ela, i could go on, list grows every patch
gay game, glad i dropped it

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I can be your team.

Dokkaebi patch is the tryhardest patch to appeal to anyone, being koreans, obviously.

I want an operator from my country, that is a badass Mariachi from the PGJ, that has an automatic cannon inside his guitar like in Desperado, and shoots missiles too.

Name one thing wrong with it that actually affects the gameplay.

Not him but found strainge that they removed the random spread of bullets. They're lasers now. I actually don't know if I like it or not, but it made easier to bumrush people like CoD, whereas the Shotguns and SMGs were the tool for that before.

Since all weapons have it removed now, it's not unbalanced, it's just... different. I find myself less and less in the need of getting prone in a corner lurking around, as I know all the maps and know where heads appear more often.

I have no friends.

Siege is good with friends
>Some faggot reinforces the wall in kids room
>Kill him
>Next round
>My friend kills him
>Next round
>My other friend kills him
>Next round
>My other friend kills him
I miss those guys fuckers got a life now

ability bloat

Not him, and not the other guy, but I wish they'd stop adding new Operators and just start adding more maps. I also dislike the newer maps, they're way too big and have hallways like in COD. I wish they would've learned more from the Year 1 maps. Maps like House and Plane offers a variety of strategies for entry and recon, allowing class diversity to shine and enabled more strategic tactics. Also all the new OPs are basically the same and are boring, especially in terms of weaponry

Random spread wasn't removed. Just go spray a wall with the scorpion a few times and compare the patterns if you don't believe me.

Nothing wrong with more content

We already have a ton of maps in the game and several that need to be reworked. You have to remember every new map added is another hurdle for new players who have to memorize all of them.
>Maps like House and Plane offers a variety of strategies for entry and recon
Oh you're a silver never mind.

>Plane offers a variety of strategies
I fucking hate plane so much.

But the house is kino.

>durr i hate variety i want all maps to be the same pro league approved dogshit with a minimum of 10 rotation points and runout spots
oh youre a fangay never mind

Scoping people outside with a Silencer on Sniper is kino. Noobs drop left and right and they don't even know why, while my team breaches them from the rear

>durr im a silver who's never played this map against a competent team who can exploit everything wrong with it

>he actually plays this janky mess of a gayme at high level and is proud of it

Exactly. Wow, what a great tactic.

It's the most solved map of them all, and all of them are solved.

I mean if you play Glaz you obviously like big fat cocks, and that map is made for him. It's a big fat cock of a map.

I remember when normalfags who had friends were laughed off Yea Forums, before the zoomers invaded

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>Ubi should cater exclusively to me and fuck everyone else
>Also this game sucks and everybody who takes it seriously (read: is better than me) is a loser xD