“Jeremy Soule, arguably the most famous music composer for games, has been publicly accused of rape yesterday.”
“Jeremy Soule, arguably the most famous music composer for games, has been publicly accused of rape yesterday.”
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dum dum dum, another one bites za dusto
>the accuser has a history of "harassment"
red flag, this bitch just thinks everybody is out to get her
one light touch and she goes off like a grenade yelling rape
just another case of a woman with a victim complex
Stop shilling your shit here whore. You got the recognition you wanted now fuck off already.
If you actually read the ridiculously long post she made it is hilarious.
Like 95% of it is completely unrelated
was it rape, or was it "rape?"
Based if true. She deserved it.
it's clickbait, she said that she was afraid to turn him down (because of something to do with her career) so she went along with his advances and had sex with him
He's not a producer of video games, he does musical arrangements. There is no way he had any sexual leverage over anybody who wasn't working on music with him. Even then, just because somebody chooses to have sex with their superior in a job role that doesn't mean it's rape. That means you're literally a whore for money.
she could write all the blogposts she wants complaining about that, but THAT IS NOT RAPE
I'd hit it!
This, just the picture of her alone is proof enough.
What's with all these greedy, lying women lately?
Literal modern day Witch Hunts.
Nope. Sorry. There is absolutely no fucking way.
Remember when the word rape meant something? These morons are undermining the gruesome nature of actual rape by falsely using it to serve an agenda. This unironically makes victims of actual rape less likely to report it and less likely for people to believe true recollections of actual rape. These women are gravely hurting other women in a profound way by discrediting their entire gender.
They all look the same holy shit.
>“Jeremy Soule, arguably the most famous music composer for games
no, not really
even calling him a b-lister is too generous
I mean its definitely believable that these hideous game dev fags are probably opportunistic and take advantage of women but is it rape?
>those teeth
She needs to quit smoking and drinking a gallon of coffee every day.
I'm reading her accusation as of right now and thise is the summary of how she was "raped":
He kept whining to her about how much he neeed to get laid and then she slept with him because she felt oblilgated to thanks to all the whining.
Yep. Eleven years later she decided this was rape.
>no, not really
>even calling him a b-lister is too generous
the first result for "skyrim OST" has over 10 million views on yt
imagine her licking your cock and wanting to be choked during the act
And she decides to post this on twitter instead of going to the police because...?
I love crazy but not feminist crazy. Not even with a hazmat suit.
Must be great be a woman by just ruining people lives with accusations and get away with it
probably in her mind maybe statute of limitations but in reality there isn't actually any crime that was committed
she says that pretty plainly. She had sex with him consensually and now she regrets it. She's calling that rape but it's not rape.
Maybe don't blame the accuser and focus on the real issue here? Society changing so much for the worse that every accusation is taken seriously?
Accusers have always been a thing. But only now does this happen. What happened to this world?
I am only concerned about why these people have to bed these kind of women rarher than whether or not it was rape. Surely he can do better.
You say that like anyone here is responsible for society doing this. These people are doing it to themselves. The more they change society to cater to them the more outrage and dissatisfaction they feel because they mistakenly believe their lives should be better when they fail to acknowledge that everyone's got their own shit to deal with no matter what. Their expectations are being significantly raised while their quality of life is only being marginally raised.
Hope he saved the reciepts
Power dynamics, user.
There will come a time when a literal prostitute will drag a client into court on rape charges, because she didn't want to fuck him but she felt too intimidated to turn down his money.
Sounds like some made up bullshit to me.
crazy bitches really do be like that
Actual courts are sexist. The court of public opinion is wise and fair.
Publically accused? You mean the victim publically went to the police, right? Because if not, one might think this is a false allegation, and they would be slander.
We didn't listen.
>blame society
lol keep blaming the invisible entity and not the people who perpetuate this shit
>No, your honor, I've never met him in my life, but when I heard his music while playing The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim - Definitive Edition™, it was like the rape was happening for real in my mind.
>And when I searched for him using Google, and finally saw his face, that was when I decided that yes, this was the face of the person who raped me and that it happened.
prove it.
I read most of the blog post.
It's hard to imagine how such a neurotic person managed to get that far in the first place. I guess that's Canadian kindness for you. I love how she posts emails like this thinking it actually helps her case.
Who cares everyone is a rapist now.
>The only way to protect yourself from malicious rape accusations is to film and record every second of your life
>Even if you prove yourself innocent, the damage from accusations will always be permanent
What horrifying times we live in
Anyway, what sort of bodycam do anons recommend?
Those who don't immediately go to the police after rape are as bad as false accusers, no excuses.
You dont ever find it weird how these people accused always say they have talked to a lawyer and then they DONT sue for slander? Wonder why that is. Hmmmm.
Did she post the email that this is a reply to?
>arguably the most famous music composer for games,
Marty O'Donnell
These lying cunts have never been raped and cancel culture needs to be stopped. They deserve to be actually raped for starting this shit.
It's expensive and time consuming.
Yes. And apparently, a company associate responding to wild accusations of email hacking is proof of a "abusive work environment".
Some rape victims get beaten up and if not, the whole mental trauma of someone just manhandling and using you like a flesh onahole, is enough to demotivate them from going to the police in the first place.
It's not the same emotion or mindset as when someone breaks into your house and steals something from you.
So yes, some rape accusations are complete bullshit, but how soon after the rape they decide to report it to the police should not be your main qualifier as to where a rape happened or not, instead it should be the actual evidence and facts of what happened.
Watched that shit this morning, absolutely fucking based
I bet 0% of those 10 million views could name this guy
>What happened to this world?
The internet. Specifically twitter.
This face. I mean, he does look an awful lot like how you’d expect a rapist to look.
Real fucked up thing is that all these websites are reporting on the accusation, but none of them are going to report on when it turns out that she was lying to get attention the whole time.
At this point I'd just advocate murdering all people who do this life-ruining #metoo shit, becauise it's clearly the only way to get justice on them.
he's not black
>but how soon after the rape they decide to report it to the police should not be your main qualifier as to where a rape happened or not
It's safe to say that if it happened TEN YEARS ago, it didn't actually happen at all and the bitch is just making shit up.
it worked for zoe so everyones hopping on the free money/publicity bandwagon
This. So few of the people throwing around these blatantly unprovable accusations face any real repercussions for their slander, that the threshold for doing such is only the moral integrity of the person in question. If all fake online rape charges resulted in defamation lawsuits, you'd bet it would change the tune.
user, no
even if it fucking happened twenty years ago, like any other case out there, what's important is if the facts of her story check out as true and that there is evidence it happened
outside of statute of limitations shit, the most important things are; did a rape actually happen, is it true or not, and if proven guilty, can the accused still be punished?
You see this happen in cold cases for murder plenty of times.
Stunning and brave for coming out and sharing her truth
No, fuck off.
If someone rapes you, actually, legitimately gives you the surpise dick, you don't sit on it for ten years to ponder how you feel about that. You may be scared and confused - for a day. Maybe a week. Possibly, I might just barely buy, even a month. But if you don't say a word about it for ten years, it was consensual and you're just changing your mind about the consent after the fact. That is not rape. Fuck. Off.
Defend him bros- no way in hell is the best man behind the ff6 terra theme remix a rapist.
Also- Soule discography with all his tracks when?
>Soule discography with all his tracks when?
Never. Who'd want to produce the works of a known rapist?
the latter
We should delete all his music from games and youtube now. Rapists shouldn't be famous.
>believing women
>legitimately gives you the surpise dick, you don't sit on it for ten years to ponder how you feel about that
oh I suppose you're suddenly the expert on getting raped
>But if you don't say a word about it for ten years, it was consensual and you're just changing your mind about the consent after the fact.
Yea, oh mister getting raped expert, I'm sure that's the ONLY possible reason a person could choose to keep quiet for years without telling people he/she was raped.
Go fuck yourself off
Is every dude in gaming a rapist or pedo?
Has the West forgotten Socrates?
Judging from the blog, it doesn't seem to be lying in the conventional sense. It's more accurate to say she's interpreting normal events and interactions through the filter of her twisted and self-centered world view.
My best guess for what happened from a neutral perspective:
Female employee does competent work, but has difficulties socially leading to poor management. She sleeps with her coworker who's also the boss's friend hoping that it would get her favor. It doesn't work and she eventually gets fired.
What the fuck is with degenerate millennials and their aversion to proper dental hygiene? Like I used to drink soda like a motherfucker when I was in high school but I also brushed twice a day and my teeth are only just barely off white and it still drives me crazy and makes me want to get it whitened. How can they look in the mirror everyday and not think "maybe I should see my dentist"?
I'm a rapist just for playing video games
>Was publically accused
So it didn't happen.
I’m downloading all of his shit right now just in case it gets memory holed. Some of those Skyrim tunes are beautiful desu
Shut up, sociopath. You're out of your element.
>Both women described Soule pressuring them into romantic relationships while they were in vulnerable positions professionally, socially, and financially in their respective fields. They said they felt like Soule took advantage of them, offering advice and professional support.
Do you think they'd care if he looked like Chad?
The dude is talented as fuck, over some bullshit like this I really hope they discard it.
so fucking what, megalovania has 10 million views and toby isn't exactly a great composer either.
no sweaty
it did happen
otherwise, she wouldn't have publicly accused him
even if it didn't actually happen, it already did and he's guilty
I wish someone would take advantage of me by offering me career advice and professional support
you fucking raped me 6 years ago on here, you don't think i forgot, it's taken a lot of courage to finally come forward I have two other friends who wish to remain user who also you were the one who said all those horrible things, I WILL make a twitlonger about this
>actually was just "I felt pressured into a relationship in retrospect"
*accidently burps on your dick
So instead of going to the police and maybe being afforded some protections i'll post it on twitter so no one takes it seriously. Awesome
Ex fucking dee
Jeremy "Piracy is literally like the Holocaust" Soule
Thot got patroled
Should have been 2D
oh yes, let's suddenly talk about this specific instance when the discussion up to this point have been about rape accusations in general
Eks fucking dee
It's fagtalk for "I feel like I can get attention and money from this now"
"accused of rape" means fucking nothing anymore these days, though
>Known rapist
Accused rapist user.
Oh shit! I remember her from a few years ago
She looks way different now though
Pic is from back then
Is there a difference in this day and age?
What would you chose anons? Getting shot(1 month of recovery, no permanent damage except scars, no medical bill) or raped(no risk of disease/pregnancy, person raping you is ugly as fuck, lasts 2 hours)
Who is more famous then? Some jap?
Fuck 3D
What can be alleged without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
Name a single other "video game music composer".
I'll wait.
Exactly this.
>Some rape victims get beaten up and if not
What the fuck, do you think this is Romania or something? Front hole victims get premium treatment, it's like a shortcut to becoming famous for a few days.
you probably only think japanese composers are any good.
Makes me wonder if these type of accusations become so common that it undermines their validity entirely and turns more into a badge of fame and status.
reminder that just because you consented to sex does NOT mean you didn't get raped
Whoa, he looks like the call of duty shirt-wearing ferret-looking kid if he were older.
Hey guys, how do I get onto the loli train?
Known accused rapist Jeremy Soule
Is being raped really as bad as it's made out to be?
wtf is wrong with her glasses? why are they shaped like that?
It's not supposed to feel good.
>her accusation is a massive unrelated blogpost that is 99% complaints about her incapacity to handle work related stress
>there is only a single sentence describing the rape, which doesn't actually describe anything
>Has absolutely no proof not even of the rape itself, but the premise of her accusation such as showing texts or exchanges between her and Soule
>doesn't ever mention violence or force, instead implies she was pressured into accepting his advances due to threats menacing her employment opportunities
>goes on to describe how the "rape" was life-ruining and nearly drove her to suicide
So, ignoring the fact that she not only has zero proof, but not even a real account so to speak, as she doesn't describe or give a statement on the crime but just implies it, there is yet something else that really bugs me:
She essentially chose "rape" that gave her PTSD and almost suicide, over the "threat" of losing a job and future job opportunities. She didn't think of contacting police or keeping any of these "threats" as proof. She just thought "all I can do in this situation is have sex with him, my hands are tied here".
No actual real person would ever act or think that way in a real similar situation, even a dumb fucking women. No one would willfully throw themselves to be victim of an incredibly traumatic crime just under threat of losing a JOB, especially when you'd have proof of the threat and be able to report it or take legal action.
I get that most women are completely idiotic individuals incapable of handling their own existences, but I don't buy this. It's obviously full of shit.
As are a lot of things.
No reason why it wouldn't unless there's assault happening at the same time, but that gets the juices flowing on a lot of women too
the only reason it doesn't feel good is because women have been indoctrinated in thinking that rape is bad when they've never even tried it yet
Nobuo Uematsu is probably the only other composer who qualifies. Or Koji Kondo.
Grant Kirkhope
Nobuo Uematsu
David Wise
>publicly accused
so in other words a total cunt is making up bullshit and knows she'll suffer no consequences for her cruel and destructive actions
>nobuo uematsu
>yasunori mitsuda
>masafumi takada
off the top of my head
You need multiple hidden cameras in the room followed by putting red tape in your work place telling everybody to stay away since specifying women to stay away is bigoted. Worse part is this isn't even that far from the truth, men have actually done it.
>literal who
>more famous that soule
mitsuda is better than soule, but he's definitely not more famous
What next? We gonna hear that Michael Kirkbride used his ES connection to manipulate an impressionable young fangirl into being his personal cocksleeve?
Wrong, there are psychological components to it that you can't ignore.
It is fucking traumatic. Women deep down know their worth is pretty much all down to sex, it's the only form of power they can ever have on anything. Rape to them basically feels like someone getting everything you are worth for, without giving anything back in return or asking your permission. It feels fucking awful.
not even Molag Bal would
yo what the fuck is up today? is there like a concerted effort to accuse a bunch of game devs of shit today?
You joke but it is truly a horrifying time we live in. As someone with trust issues and a bit of a paranoid tendency I've turned down women in the past who wanted to go back to my place and fuck, but were obviously drunk as fuck. I had met them that same night and am very aware how easily it could be for them to just destroy my entire life on a whim if I gave them that opportunity.
On that same vein, I remember a memo going around wallstreet traders and whatnot, that essentially urged them to never hang near women,, decline dinners or lunch with women and never find themselves alone with a women.
Deleting his Twitter is a suspicious move. Makes me wonder if he's said something in the past which he's afraid of someone digging up.
If I was falsely and publicly accused of rape and I had a sizeable Twitter following, the first thing I would do would be to send out an absolute blanket denial of all accusations.
Still, innocent until proven guilty. That's very important.
Ill give you this piece of info
Take children who are raped by parents, most don't even fully understand what is happening and will really only know it was bad when they get older which could years
A person could also be threatened or blackmailed into having sex ergo rape, and due to circumstances dont report it because of what the person or people could do to them after
Or a fiancee of someone was raped and to not hurt their future spouse don't report it
There many reasons why rape isnt reported, and more often the case is because the person feels, disgraced, ashamed, worthless, etc. They will often spiral downards in emotional state.
You should judge the allegation on what was presented by both parties and the circumstances they were in at the time as to why it wasnt reported
The whole #metoo movement though has been an absolutel shitshow which i don't really think has helped actual victims of rape and this chick is just riding it in hopes of getting her time in the spotlight
It's the look in their eyes of complete insanity that gets me
Didn't this get reported a while ago? Why are you spamming the fuck out of it here now?
Philippe Vachey
Actually read her stupid blog and just wow...
She got fired for making a fucking shit AR game and not fulfilling her contract.
She obviously tried to get out of it with 'medical emergencies' and 'ambulances to ER' but that didn't work and so she decided this composer who hit on her resulting in voluntary sex actually raped her.
The absolute worst of womanhood right here.
Your frame of reference on teeth whiteness has been wildly distorted, user.
The less talent in the industry, the more power they have.
>just another case of a woman with a victim complex
A woman with a victim complex? I've met some that don't have one but they're so few and far between. The ones without it are honestly the best though.
>significantly nearsighted
>wearing tiny ass frames
Yup - she's crazy.
fucking americans
As in charges were pressed in court or is this just another meme?
>read through her accusation, expecting there to be more about it considering how every publication is running with JEREMY SOULE LITERALLY RAPED THIS WOMAN
>it's a fucking footnote which I actually skipped because it was in a block of text with no proof
>the bigger part of her accusation, which HAS proof, of it is completely ignored in the media
I'm not even surprised anymore.
How could any man, no matter how desperate, be willing to have sex with THIS?
Hideki okugawa
Yoko shimimura
Notice how they're all Japanese user.
don’t forget she cost her employers a lot of money by failing to return some data FOR SIX MONTHS and when they docked 2K in damages from that she chimped out