What games should i play during my last week of existence Yea Forums?
What games should i play during my last week of existence Yea Forums?
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Move out?
>category 3 on landfall
Wow its fucking nothing
They're saying 4 or 5 now.
>tfw forgot to buy a generator
>now will have to spend a week without power in this humid hellhole
Funny how it suddenly changed direction and took in a bunch of warm water to get stronger instead of hitting PR.
This shit happens every single year and it's a massive pain. I'm just going to tough it out this time bros
Or maybe, just maybe, people shouldn't live in shitty places prone to receiving natural disasters. Just maybe doe :^)
SEAfag here. It's just a fucking hurricane.
Deal with it you burgers.
>4 or 5
woooooooow so it's literally fucking nothing? I'll walk outside and post a timestamped image when it lands. I swear some of you faggots are such fucking pussies, can't even take some light wind and a gentle breeze without evacuating.
why the fuck do people still live in florida?
You guys are the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen. How long have you faggots lived in Florida? With the way you’re sounding I doubt for more than a year or two.
>Mfw i cleared whole foods of all their veggie straws and coconut water earlier.
Bring it on!
enjoy getting decapitated by a stop sign faggot
Florida is the best US state though. I don't want to here you smug flyovers.
we have this thread every year
god i love living in vermont, practically zero murder and no insane weather.
Cataclysms are fun they’re like real life versions of timed events in video games so you get good unique loot.
Why God hates Americans so much?
yeah but all those white people
It was me. I used my weather machine to protect PR and hit Florida because fuck white people.
tropical cyclone guidance forecasting beyond 72 hours is literally magic 8 ball guessing. all the models and consensus guidance show this thing going north-north west, then turning either to cuba or north carolina or maybe somewhere in between. or not.
t. weatherfag
I don't even alter my plans unless it's a 4 and then all i do is get a few water cases and a few days of canned stuff.
And only if it's a 5 do i even get slightly worried about my house.
Y'all are pussies.
I live in daytona beach a cat 3 aint shit 4 is just a windy day
>Be Floridaman
>Live by lake
>Irma hits
>Lose power for less than 24 hours
Northern pussy
Literally nothing but old white people, not sure why you would want to live there
This unironically. Sucks for rich old folks who live on the coast or way down south, but i always look forward to getting some days off from work in hurricane season. I keep my ds and gba handy for the rare comfy power outage.
>cat 5 hits
>suddenly lakefront property
stay seething yankee scum
Just drive away fucking dumbass
Dorian is still ways away and could miss Florida entirely.
I thought you Floridans celebrate and have parties whenever a hurricane touches your dick coast. You won't die, op.
That’s EXACTLY why anyone would want to live there. Maine and New Hampshire are the only other states rivaling Vermont when it comes to low crime rates.
we really need a weather board, /w/ or something
true i prefer to live among murderous minorities
Do you really want a board dedicated to 90% shitposting about global warming?
based. Everyone was freaking out when Irma and Matthew came around and it was just fucking nothing my house didn't even lose power either times
t. orlando
Literally just move to Tampa, it never gets the worst hurricane weather, ever.
wait when is this supposed to hit, my flight to miami is on the 7th wtf
Only board we need is a /vid/ board to discuss youtube bullshit like ProJared.
It'll be done by then and it's not headed for Miami its headed for Orlando.
shut up retard, it's supposed to be a secret
No niggers
If only there was a board for /new/s.
If only there was a Yea Forumsoard for random things.
I hate you so fucking much.
yes, actually. Sounds like it'd be fun
alright thanks b
Only nazi white supremacists live in Vermont
God I fucking hate hurricanes. Irma made me lose power for a few days fuck that.
Sounds good to me
>Mfw this means i won't have to go to school.
>tfw I was the only person in my neighborhood who didn't lose power
>tfw played TF2 the entire hurricane
Comfy as fuck. Probably won't get so lucky this year.
So that's why it's peaceful?
I'm going to fuck SEETHE if I'm unable to log into and claim rewards on my gatchashit games.
No state income tax, no snow and all the Publix subs a man could eat.
wouldn't the internet still be down though?
First hurricane?
This is seriously fucking nothing. Last hurricane Shepard Smith on fox news swore up and down and was blue in the face telling me I'd have to drop everything and drive away - or I'd die. Turns out I spent the whole "disaster" playing Mario Kart with my mates, having girls over, and watching anime in my bed. Didn't lose power or have any damages at all.
news shills keep acting like it's a nuke about to go off. Fuck off.
>white people
You just traded one group of PRs for another.
Everyone is paranoid about hurricans since Katrina
Not for me, anyway. The hurricane before that it didn't go out either and I played Pixelmon with /vp/ the entire time. Only dropped connection for a few seconds.
At least our spics actively hate communisim.
snow is comfy tho
my ex lives there I fucking hope the entire state is leveled
Nigga they literally said the same shit last year and nothing fucking happened. I'm prepared either way.
t. dade county fag
i've never seen snow
Because we're better than you.
Didn't New York get fucked by a hurricane a while back? Fucking yanks.
Hey thats kinda rune, user. Shouldn't you just wish for her misfortune and not those around her?
Fine, just Brevard county then
There's no worry if you don't live in a bowl below sea level or a trailer.
Well no shit you're going to be okay, it's heading straight for Cape Canaveral.
>TFW live in the virgin islands and got to get away with only a category 1
HA, my internet even stayed on, so HA.
Anyway, OP, play wow classic, that's what I did.
Maybe the rest of the country because of hearing nightmare stories from New Orleans.
Katrina passed by FL and had no serious impact. We didn't have any neighbours or friends with any issues from that time- but we did get a lot of new students in class with unusal accents coming in from Louisiana.
Turns out having infrastructure instead of ghetto cardboard houses and trailer parks will do the trick.
haha virgin!
And the best part is I get to miss work.
Get rid of this one please
But really, why wouldnt this work?
Texas doesn't have a state tax either
Dolphins are the one based NFL team in Florida. Hating the Jew York jets fags and Pats fags is God's mission on Earth as far as I'm concerned.
based trump
>Us Beaner island niggers were going to get fucked by the storm
>We end up air bending that bitch away
Goodluck aneri'cucks lol
Former jew yorker here, nobody likes the jets.
is Trump unironically retarded?
I think you mean went does he here Florida so much
He's senile, BASED Trudeau and others are cucking him and satisfying his wife.
Americans elected him, what do you think?
>live in florida
>can never get publix subs
>usually steal oranges from neighbors tree for dinner
>it's growing over a fence so it's hard to get to them
Because people smarter than Trump have already debunked this: aoml.noaa.gov
Not God
The whole country's built on an ancient Indian burial ground
Fun for skiing, sucks complete ass for literally every thing else day-to-day.
I command you to destroy the hurricane!
Uh sir all we do is name the hurricanes.
Cause there is no guarantee it'll stop the storm and it'll just spread radiation
Half true for me.
Matthew blew over an assload of powerlines and trees in my area and we were out of power for some days.
Irma was like you though.
Georgia boy.
Even if the story wasnt fake news, that doesnt in any way "debunk" it. It gives some contextless napkin-math and never reaches any sort of conclusion regarding the effects of a massive instantaneous energy dump into a system like that. Im not saying it would work, but that link says exactly jack shit.
One of the points is "its hard to get a nuclear detonation into a hurricane. Has that nigger never heard of airplanes or missiles?
Itd still be pretty cool to see exactly what happens though.
Well if the track holds true you may get your wish. Ive got a hunch this one is gonna stall off the cape and start to meander north though.
climate change, those fuckers mostly went to mexico, but now they dont.
Just nuke it.
You'll be fine. I'll probably be playing Ridge Racer Type 4 this weekend and be annoyed about the days of work I'll miss.
user, I'm in Broward county, there's an absolute fuckton of brazilians and mexicans here
I do moving work on the side, and the guy I work with gets to charge a fuckton because we actually speak English.
>tfw everyone I know lost power during Irma
>not me though
feels good
did have issues with internet access for like a month because fuck Comcast, but I basically just used my phone
fuck yes
that'd be god damn hilarious
the tl;dr is that hurricanes have way more energy than a nuke, but it's spread out over days and days rather than one damn near instant blast
also, you might just end up with a swirling mess of fallout that's also a hurricane coming at you
then there would be nowhere to live
name ONE fucking area ANYWHERE in the world that isn't in a disaster prone area
that includes
no hurricanes
no tornadoes
no floods
no earthquakes
no massive thunderstorms
no sink holes
no droughts
no volcanoes
no meteors
protip you can't
adding onto my list
no landslides
tsunamis are included in "no floods"
no brush/forest fires
The problem is usually power outages. Even with the lowest of winds power outages are pretty much guaranteed because of power poll and tree branches falling over. A tropical storm recently came through my area and power was out for 12 hours where I lived and I got lucky. Others were out for over 2 fucking days. And that was just a fucking tropical storm.
>Orlando City but no UCF
It's perfect otherwise.
Shut up retard, that’s a secret.
Fucking THIS!
There's always at least one form of reoccurring natural disaster in any particular area of the world. It really all depends on what you're willing to put up with.
Why the FUCK would anyone willingly live there? "Oh there are yearly hurricanes and flooding this is the perfect place for me"
>inb4 no immigrants
It has none of that.
the last earthquake we had in UK was like 2.0.
No hurricanes
No tonados
no massive thunderstorms.
UK hasnt had a natural disaster in decades.
I know of a place but I'm keeping it a secret. There is the occasional (like every 10 years) residual hurricane coming up from the south, but that's about it.
Because just like the sun the Earth has forsaken it.
Nuclear Fallout would destroy the ocean
All of you are really fucking lucky. None of you niggers have had to deal with 6 months of no power and 7-9 without internet. Maria hit PR hard. I had to move away and leave most of my family because they are stubborn. I lost almost everything. Fuck all of you. Don’t underestimate nature.
Stop being a fucking pussy, it's literally nothing
T. South Floridian
don't be a pussy lmao
based, wish I didn’t have to down half a Xanax to not lose my mind during the whole thing
and power outages only happen outside the cities
Based what county?
If you've lived in Florida your whole life, you've probably been through worse hurricanes or know which ones aren't going to impact you.
A hurricane crushed my family's garage with a tree back in 2004, and that close call taught me to not give a shit about these things anymore.
Dorian is scaring the shit out of me. The people sent to fix the power lines did the job wrong and one little push and my family has no power for months.
last one was 2 years ago, barely did anything. Before that there was a 10 year gap.
Meanwhile you still have jew york and new jersey fags still crying about that one time hurricane sandy destroyed them
I’ve lived in PR my whole life. I got hit by Irma first and then a week later Maria.
That's what you get for thinking living near the coast was a sensible life choice.
>live close to an FPL power plant
>on the same grid as the plant
>power goes out from the slightest breeze
Fuck that shit. Having no electricity is the only worry these storms give me.
Matthew knocked out power for 2 weeks.
baste floridachad
>Orlando Magic
Fucking BASED. We going to the second round this year.
yeah, but PR has like no fucking support infrastructure
FL is a whole different kettle of fish.
great episode
Exactly my point. Your government has been fucking my Island for years and all the corrupt politicians that have $ signs when they look at PR are making us look horrible.
It's only you retards in bumfuck hell that think in any way that hurricanes cause serious damage. Meanwhile you flyover wasteland hicks with your cardboard homes cry out every time a tornado massacres your street "ah lawd jayzus i din ever think dis could happen please gib monies!"
About time my county finally got hit again. Brevard has had it too damn easy. Hopefully I die.
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland etc
God, americans cry so often about those hurricanes on here that I despite not having experienced a single one myself now all their names. How would you fucks feel if I made threads regularly about the mild sunny days I experience every day?
Fuck FPL and the retarded Haitians they hire.
Motherfuckers break more shit than the actual storms do.
No they're not, Cat 3 at worst
Because nazi white supremacists.
that doesn't even make any sense
hurricanes cause destruction, sunny days don't
you must be seriously retarded
low iq ape
Based retard floridia man. I look forward to the story about the meth addict who wrestled a gator for a water logged winn dixie rotisserie chicken during a hurricane.
What if I get skin cancer from the constant warm sunny days with cool breezes? Why don't you think before you speak, you stupid motherfucker.
You still have time.
Yea Forums has been unusable as an actual random board for around 8 years now
I hope you're gonna be alright user
Fuck you, hurricane threads are group activities. A dedicated board would be fucking useless because few want to go discuss things with people from who knows what boards. They want to do it among their own kind, people who they know they share hobbies with.
hurricanes are handheld season