Anyone else absolutely LOVING these indie shitheads getting #MeToo'd to Oblivion this week? This is what happens when you allow women into the workplace. If you're a game developer who has even spoken to a woman in the last 10 years, then buckle up buckeroo, because your time is coming.
Anyone else absolutely LOVING these indie shitheads getting #MeToo'd to Oblivion this week...
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What are you faggots going to do in 2020 when the republican party gets BTFO beyond human comprehension?
what is the german word for feeling satisfaction for other people's misfortune?
Pretty easy to not rape and molest women, if you get metoo'd its probably your own fault.
Best part is these women probably fuck 3 times a week. The accused probably 3 times a decade lel
Hahahaha, that is some top level delusion. The democrats don’t have a platform beyond “not trump” and “fuck white straight people”. They should have learned in 2016, but they didn’t.
>dems having any plan for 2020
they are fielding like 30 candidates lmao
Democrat or republicans win, doesn't matter, Nazis will keep growing regardless.
They keep changing the definitions though. It’s like autism. You keep expanding the spectrum, there are more autists now.
So did republicans in 2016 what's your point?
I gave a girl a hug yesterday bros what do I do I'm fucking scared
>The democrats don’t have a platform beyond “not trump”
that's enough for a win as long as its not Hillary
Unfortunately, people seem more warmer to this chaotic administration than the broken mess that is the Democratic party.
They are celebrating that one of the candidates didn't make it to the next debate, that can't be a healthy sign.
>that's enough for a win as long as its not Hillary
At this point, people that voted Trump simply despise the democrats. Next to nobody who vouted red in '16 will vote blue this time around. Everything these people hated about the american left, the american left has doubled down on.
The repubs are also putting up candidates to run against Trump for the first time ever. If the Dem's platform amounts to "not Trump" and "fuck white people", what happens when they aren't running against Trump?
Its not though. People don’t hate him as much as the media does. And the left’s doubling down on extremest views is only alienating more voters.
I will never understand why they didn’t run Biden in 2016, and now it’s too late.
you underestimate how many normalfags have grown to dislike Trump or are pressured by their colleagues/families to vote against him
A woman's accusation is, both legally and socially, the word of god.
It doesn't really matter if you did it or not.
It's kind of hard NOT to rape and molest a woman when her definition of it is "he looked at me once"
you underestimate normalfags being sick of being pushed around by colleagues and families that think they know better just to vote against them to spite em, no one likes trump, but he's everyones spite card against the left that hates pretty much everyone.
>who has even spoken to a woman in the last 10 years
Looks like you don't have anything to worry about, OP.
Nigger if that didn't work in 2016, when every indication was that he'd lose in a landslide, it wont work now. Are you a teenager?
Delete everything!
Trump hadn't been a shit-tier president in 2016, you think things are the exact same now?
This is why voting is confidential. Shit, I literally order chick fil a under my gay friend’s name because he won’t shut the fuck up about them.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
My parents are extremely anti Trump, to keep a good relationship with them I play along and claim I’m anti Trump with the family. On 2016 I voted Trump and sometime later I found out my Uncle did the same when he outed himself.
Same shit will happen 2020.
the republicans must fall along israel for a true american right wing to grow
Pretty easy to not be retarded, yet here you are.
The left is more extremist and anti-white than it was in 2016. Good fucking luck.
>to keep a good relationship
Its funny, their reaction to opinions is the only thing that could sour this. Leftism is truly evil.
For Trump to win,
-the economy must not implode
-he must not start a major war
-the democrats must run somebody completely soulless and incompetent
If these criteria are met, he is guaranteed re-election, if not, things are much more shaky for him.
I want to mating press it
Earlier this year I tricked a pretty young woman into giving me a hug, where do I hide?
>Giving women rights
>Not treating them like animals they are
That's why the west will collapse in the near future
>this picture is unironic
this is why shit like GAMERS RISE UP exists
My dad got suspended from work for hugging a co-worker. She didn’t even complain, someone just saw it happen and reported it.
He also works for a super liberal college, but that shit does happen nowadays.
The more the media repeatedly states "orange man bad", the more people get sick and tired of hearing about it, and vote for him in the hopes of Trump shuting them up. Maybe if the left doesn't fucking alienate the white majority, they might have a chance at winning. But that will never happen.
Tiyuri (Finn Brice), CEO of Chucklefish next?
Contrarianism takes root when the same message gets repeated too many times too often in too many places.
Just talking about sex is rape now?
Based and based.
The "white majority" is a very temporary thing. You may well win 2020 and maybe even 2024 too by pandering to whites but after that whites won't be the ones deciding elections anymore and it'll be a Dem landslide for the rest of America's existence.
>hi i just made an anonymous account and said some shit
It's all so tiresome.
I wonder who's in this thread
>spoken to a woman in the last 10 years
they're trying to dig up anybody they can from the grave to accuse of rape. it doesn't matter if you're alive, dead, actually did it, didn't, it was tomorrow or the day you were born. you lose if you have a penis.
>for the rest of America's existence.
So, about to 2030 then. Because kikes and darkies are already seeing this society dissolve before our very eyes.
cry online about everything, just like now
you realize the same's been said during the 70s. After the 60s everyone thought the hippies influence would move people to move Democrats into power forever.
Then Manson happened and shitted on every liberal imbecile dream
>tfw gamedev but safe, since I don't speak to the woo-men cause they like the dick and that's gay
>Pretty easy to not rape and molest women
No it's not. Women intentionally lure and mislead men all the time. Only a retard would miss the signals.
Wait a minute... Maybe men raping women was why we didn't let women work...? Maybe... That was a good thing?
>and vote for him in the hopes of Trump shuting them up
kek, no they don't. nobody thinks anything will ever change in the press
>tfw within my college years I told a couple of girls that I loved their tits, another one I told her that I would love to fuck her in the ass and another one I once forcefully kissed.
It was about 9 years ago, how fucked am I?
or men could just not rape women
>yfw the guy that made this trash has to now deal with the fact that he spent years calling Alec a great guy
How rich and/or famous are you?
>be at work, make friends with female coworker
>hit it off really well, but keep it strictly professional because she's been engaged for years
>talk about sex and fetishes regularly, laugh about it
I've already got a foot in the grave don't I
Why did you forcefully kiss one of them
No steve, you are the sjw
>Anyone else absolutely LOVING these indie shitheads getting #MeToo'd to Oblivion this week?
I do, because I always hope it teaches them a fucking lesson. It never does of course, but I have hope.
Middle class with a boring office job, but I was considering learning C++ and develop a small game.
She said something about me not knowing how to kiss, so I grabbed her and kissed her
I explicitly remember Tiyuri making a post on twitter about looking for roommates appended with "prefer applicants are female" so this doesn't surprise me
You're fucking retarded if you think even 0.0001% of those accusations are real.
This is getting more ridiculous than the woman who accused Kavanaugh of raping her at a high school party when she would have been in college.
No joke, my best friend got fired because his ex called his boss and lied that he is cheating on her with his coworker. Coworker denied that, she got fired as well. They were told "We don't take accusations of sexual misconduct lightly".
I thought Biden was depressed with the death of his son and decided not to run in 2016? Or did you mean Bernie?
That picture is the unironic depiction of exactly what's been happening.
When you tell vast masses of people, year after year, that they're nazis for loving the harmless entertainment they love, they're not going to stop loving it. They're going to start thinking nazis were the good guys instead. Of course a brain damaged liberturd doesn't see the obvious connection.
Accelerationism is a retarded ideology.
>Unfortunately, people seem more warmer to this chaotic administration than the broken mess that is the Democratic party
I would rather have literal Satan running the country than a current year Democrat. And the real kick in the balls is, I prefer the Dem stance on most issues. I just hate all the actual people in that party.
Might be easier if you’d just go :^)
>make friends with female coworker
>systemic racism
or they could stop being lazy and dispose the evidence entirely
this is how they actually think.
>heh you probably deserved it so whatever. evil and vindictive women simply don't exist!
kill yourself you passive lemming cunt
>Anyone else absolutely LOVING these indie shitheads getting #MeToo'd to Oblivion this week?
No, because it's clearly a smokescreen for something worse. Epstein is dead, Weinstein is in court, and there is a whole host of political theater going on across the world. Something is wrong, and you need to be distracted by professional agitators on twitter to keep you distracted.
>implying the kerberus corps are evil
You fool
>systemic racism can't exist
>now let me tell you about how the Jews are trying to systemically eliminate white men
Sure smells like incel in here.
Should the last mon on my team by Typhlosion or Arcanine? I legit cannot decide between the two of them
who decides what is politically correct
Well yes, most of normal people are simplistic and think in simple terms. A majority of people are stupid and uneducated, and those are the ones who get to vote. These fucking people expect white people to vote against their own interest. And that is wrong, nobody wants to vote against their own interests, its like expecting people to enjoy the act of suicide, to vote for their own deaths. Nobody wants to vote against what they like or enjoy, and people don't appreciate being told they are bad.
If youre so brain dead that dip shits on twitter calling you a nazi hurt your feelings to the point of becoming a nazi out of spite i dont know what to tell you
all you /pol/ dumb dumbs need to go the fuck outside
real life isnt the internet and the SJW boogey man has little if any influence in the real world
Literally me. I don't like Trump but at this point depending on who the Democrats put up I'll either vote for him as the lesser evil or vote for Killface/Ta'Quil as a write in
Changing from left to right is called growing up, you can try it too commie
>Nobody wants to vote against their own interests
and yet they fucking consistently do
>be a fucking white male
>do not like Trump
>wanting to vote for the other person
>Democrat: "Fuck all white people and fuck all men, they suck and harm everyone and everything fuck you"
Its like my choices are made for me at this point. Why watch the news? Why care to do research? Why bother? I will be voting Trump and won't even care who the other person is then.
trump has 95% approval rating among republicans and the guys running against him in the primaries are literal whos with no chance of beating him. trump will be the republican nominee next year unless he dies.
watching the dems shit their bed and ruin the country while I bide my time and watch all the mass shootings increase over and over again while desperate liberal fearmongers run around like a chicken with it's head freshly bisected from it's body, screaming about gun control, which will only further fuel the issue.
That's best case scenario for me honestly. I WANT things to get worse. People don't call the fire department because someone is walking around with a torch; they call the fire department when their house is already burning.
Without knowing about it you mean. If they toned it down and acted like older democrats, just focusing on poverty and helping the elderly, things would be different.
Just don't date or even flirt with anyone in your workplace.
>politics becoming an ever expanding presence in the industry and the games themselves
>we mustn't talk about it in case some tranny on Yea Forums decides to neck itself
Women and tr*nnoids are fucking CANCELLED.
It doesn't matter in the end because either way you'll meet a terrible fate with either party.
Women are all liars. They just regret the sex.
>She said something about me not knowing how to kiss, so I grabbed her and kissed her
See, you'd have to ask her yourself to clarify. Some people might think that would be okay because you two were (presumably) in a consensual relationship with one another, but that's just what people see on the surface. At the end of the day, you have to establish rules for what is and isn't consensual behavior and actions.
these gamers have risen up
Seriously... why Yea Forums still exists? Let’s stop pretending this is not /pol2.0/
Obsessed and obnoxious shitposters, on daily basis. Just give me my fucking vidya threads, god dammit
Go outside you fat larper
rent free
Are there ANY American women who aren't cunt attention whores?
There are actually plenty of women outside of that shithole that ain't so bad
ovaries free
I just went outside because it's a beautiful day. How about you go outside?
I still find it funny how the board that revolves around the hobby that encourages not going outside or being social became the biggest /pol/ satellite on Yea Forums. Really makes me think.
This. I learned that lesson a long time ago. It only leads to trouble.
no one around:
not a single soul:
user: TRANNIES!!!!
I suggest you go dilate my girlman.
Well yeah, since there are only two choices and one of the sides alienates me i have little other option beyond joining the other side.
It's fucking ridiculous how there have been at least 4 accusations during this week alone. When will people stop listening to these retarded attention whores?
But we were not in a relationship, we were classmates.
Oh shit sick youtube burn god damn I mean like hold back bro xD
yikes you must be fun at parties doggo
>SJW boogey man has little if any influence in the real world
I don't care about the real world i care about my video games.
Move to Bhutan. Take nothing except 6 pokemon and a your better pokeballs.
really makes you think that most of you dilators fall into the autists who waste their life on said hobby, and for some reason are now using said hobby to push politics.
How come white people are so scared of becoming minorities? They almost act as if we treat minorities badly or something
>SJW boogey man has little if any influence in the real world
>people getting destroyed left and right over words and feelings
why are roasties and trannies so obsessed with /pol/?
It barely influences video games either beyond surface level bullshit
publishers, games as a service, shit work conditions and a general disrespect of games as art are all holding back video games significantly more than tracer being a dyke
I meant Biden. I kind of forgot about that. Bernie was still too much of an outlier, but still a better choice than Hillary.
Whites treated minorities really well. If that was not the case, minorities would not leave their own kind to live amongst white people. Unfortunately, this treatment is a one way street, and the only reward for treating minorities well and electing a black president is being told that whites should no longer exist in history.
It's a well known phenomenon that conservatives by and large think liberals are stupid, but liberals think conservatives are evil.
>I got really sick of political extremists calling me a Nazi so I decided to become one
Don't act like you guys don't bring up trannies at any and every chance you get
I mean they already mutilated their bodies beyond recognition, makes sense they'd try to control narratives of acceptance since the only other option is regret and suicide. But they're not honest about their intentions, which is what gets me. Honesty is the best policy you wretches.
SJWs are costing people their jobs dipshit. They are bleeding into the real world.
>Literally got a game cancelled due to metoo bullshit TODAY
>Hurr they don't affect games
They aren't gonna have enough votes to win because they keep hitting their own allies in their retardation.
oh wow, what a tragic loss for mankind
auto saged?
Whites treat minorities better than any minority treats another minority. Look at Africa or the Middle East.
At least based daddy trump would never hurt our video games!! Oh yes daddy shit in my mouth to own the libs!
The worse of minority culture is far far worse then the worse of white culture. The worst of white culture is racist redneck hillbillies who are poor and uneducated, and the worst of black culture is over 90% of gun crime in America. The worst of hispanic culture is simply Mexico, which is why most of them prefer to not live there. The worst of asian culture is just everything wrong with China. Basically, depending on which one you reference, whites are scared to the minority because of either being in the hands of gun violence, or America being warped into Mexico or China.
This is literally how it goes, you people have dug your own graves.
what was cancelled?
he's right though
>That instant gialpost moving
Thanks for conceding faggot
>2012 post
Also he never did anything to video games. If you never learned how Trump operates is twitter by none, well I'm not surprised cause the news media still can't figure it out either.
Interesting fanfic. Either that, or your friend is a retard, since that's wrongful termination based on slander.
Either way, still wrongful termination unless there's a policy against inter-work relationships.
I couldn't care less about american politics but having a smug as fuck "side" that believe they are the "default" just makes me want them to lose hard, it doesn't affect me and is entertaining to watch
>m-muh goalposts
not him but you should fuck off back to rėddit
who are you replying to?
>give them rights, citizenship and freedom.
>treat them badly.
have you seen how every other race treats people with different shade of brown skin and believes?
I mean if you say it often enough, might just as well do it?
The worst of being white is being white.
Slavs, chavs, slave owners, inbred hillbillies, MAGAtards, or skinny ultra-liberal pushovers. Let's not forget that white people started the two deadliest wars in history and basically perfected the art of killing. "White devil" was no exaggeration.