Why do people defend poor graphics on indie games?

Why do people defend poor graphics on indie games?

>oh no, he's an indie, he can't learn art and learn proper 3D CGI using cgpeers or youtube

today any kid with blender and godot can produce top AAA graphics of a generation ago.

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2D can look good, and most 3D looks bad and ages like milk

>3D means realism
lol no.

Because making it look half-assed is not the way, dumb frogposter. 2D is more time efficient and leaves more to the imagination.

cope more.

Because if it's literally a single person doing every fucking thing in a big/ comercial project, it's not that easy as it seems, you as a game dev certainly know that.

Plus learning and mastering requires time, a long time, just like developing games. You don't want to spent like 10+ years of your life developing a game right?

do you mean actual poorly made graphics, or "muh pixelshit"

garbage looking games.

Stupid fucking frogposter

People realize 2d games and early 3d games were easy to churn out and create. An indie developer is basically set to a standard of two decades ago. Modern AAA games require 1000s of people and years to make one.

Give some examples

most pixel shit garbage retro shit and memepoly.

I meant specific games

because graphics give massive diminishing returns
it is exponentially more expensive and time consuming to make a game look super duper pretty
that's why you have so many sony games that look fantastic but have absolutely garbage "gameplay"/the game is incredibly short

look up #indiedev #gamedev twitter tags.
also /agdg/

also undertale and minecraft, and most rpg maker games /hgg/ faps to.
also /weg/ general.

>3D takes effort
lmao, today 3D tools are made more and more easier to use.

Name a single 3D game that has more soul than the 2D godsend that is Hollow Knight


>why can't one person do the work of several dozen people
Why can't Yea Forums stop being retarded?

There's a reason these people use a brain damaged frog for their threads, it's because they can relate.

As a 3D artist myself who is at an intermediate level I can tell you that expecting one person to do the job of an entire character team is just asanine.

Creating good looking CG characters requires.

>Material Creation
>Programming (To make everything work within the constraints of the game)
and arguably sound design.

Each of those things is it's own discipline, and at a professional Vidya studio each separate job is done by a separate person, sometimes teams. Your asking one person to do the work of like 5-10 people or more.

The MAXIMUM I would expect of any sole indie dev would be maybe a game with Quake level graphics and even that is pushing it. Do some research into how much shit you have to do just to make a single character, then extrapolate that to a game where there could be dozens, and there you go.

Tl:DR: asking the (nearly) impossible.

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What a shitty post.

>can not name a single game