Why the fuck is it so hard to learn how to code, bros?

Trying to learn Python now and holy shit, like every time I'm expected to do an exercise, it's like, "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKER, TIME TO UTILIZE SOME SHIT THAT WE DIDN'T EVEN GO OVER IN THIS COURSE LMAO GET FUCKED." I understand the relatively simple stuff in all examples but when it's time for me to actually solve problems, my mind either goes blank or I solve it in the dumbest possible way. I've been using Runestone's Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures. I don't mind using this as it's the best free resource I've used so far I'd imagine, but what's a good way for a brainlet to learn how to program well?

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Found your problem

Because programming is hard.

>not just finding a quality assurance tester position that pays $85/hr. at a stupid company in a rich industry.


This isn't video games. Just google how to solve problems as they arise, unironically. If you suffer from low IQ, whatever the first search result says is probably going to be a more logical way to do the task than what you will come up with. A lot of times too, if you just need a specific sort of functionality, there are libraries that are better than what you would code if you did it yourself

I've been thinking about doing this as well. I just really want to get my foot in the door in the industry because I feel like making video games is one of the few things I'd actually like to do on this world.

Is this what most programmers do? Surely I'm expected to at least be a decent programmer?

everything just comes down to the if loop.

Most employers, if they are not skilled programmers themselves, will have absolutely no idea how to tell if you are a good programmer or not. Think about the problems yourself, tinker with a solution, and then check for the top rated solutions online. What makes them 'the best'? Is it performance speed? simplicity and adaptability? easy to expand and connect to other components? Nearly every programmer will google things, even great talents will still use references and documentation from online. You will eventually get to a point where you need to google less, just make sure you understand why the solution you stole from the internet is the top result

Programming isn't hard, the hard part is
>oh you don't need to use that procedure or a hundred of similar others, this specific one actually does what you need to do
>oh every advice on the internet is outdated because some small thing changed
>oh your software will stop working because you need to manually delete the entire system before updating it for it not to cause trouble

Algebra is a good start.

I feel like I'm learning just from watching the instructor's solutions or seeing other people's solutions for the same problems, because more than anything, I'm learning exactly WHY that shit works. Is that a good way to learn? I don't think I've ever done anything challenging all on my own yet.

Also, what's a good way to practice? Should I already throw myself into an IDE or a compiler?

Is it really?

it doesn't feels hard to me

go to /g/, and become a code trnny_____

Are you naturally good at logical stuff like math? Maybe that's why it's so hard for me.

I've never been to /g/. Is there a lot of programming-related stuff and support there?

start with tic tac toe in console.
It sounds simple but it tests a lot of necessary problem solving skills.
Be sure you're familiar with terminology tho.

>coding video on youtube
>indian accent

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>I've never been to /g/.
> Is there a lot of programming-related stuff and support there?

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I have no problem at all with starting simple. It's the pretty obvious thing to do. I made a game of Battleship in CodeAcademy and that was pretty satisfying even though I needed help. How will I know when I'm 'ready' for this exercise?

Yeah I just checked so that was a dumb question in hindsight.

You can try and implement things on your own for practice before looking up a tutorial, or you can try to do it a different way than the video showed you. Learning to do things all on your own from scratch can help you get better at thinking, but generally for game dev you don't have to be super creative or optimal with your solutions. You just have to crank out a shit ton of code (you would be surprised how many hundreds of thousands of lines of code even smallish games are). Getting a working solution faster at the expense of not learning as much from doing yourself is a trade of you are almost certainly going to have to make, games require loads and loads of good to mediocre grade code to flesh them out

>Need some help with a weird ass issue
>only one video about it
>Indian accent
I mean thanks but why

why are you learning python

gentoomen library
genesis library

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>You can try and implement things on your own for practice before looking up a tutorial, or you can try to do it a different way than the video showed you
Yeah, I pretty much always do that. Although I fail at the former a LOT.

> Learning to do things all on your own from scratch can help you get better at thinking, but generally for game dev you don't have to be super creative or optimal with your solutions.
That's good to hear. But what if I want to implement unique features in my game?

>You just have to crank out a shit ton of code (you would be surprised how many hundreds of thousands of lines of code even smallish games are). Getting a working solution faster at the expense of not learning as much from doing yourself is a trade of you are almost certainly going to have to make, games require loads and loads of good to mediocre grade code to flesh them out
Again, good to hear.

Yeah don't worry to much about code quality in game dev, but also don't go full retard or else the game is gonna run like shit

>How will I know when I'm 'ready' for this exercise
Just start on paper.
Test yourself on what you know what to do.
If you can't even start setting variables.
Then review documentation(tutorials and terminology)
While studying documentation write down what you think would help to make the tic tac toe program

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>tfw no programmer bf

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"someone said it's easy"

God I wish Lee would start targeting you faggots

>Yeah don't worry to much about code quality in game dev, but also don't go full retard or else the game is gonna run like shit
My fear is putting so much work into this, getting a job in the industry, and then being fired or never moving up because they don't think I'm a very good programmer. I want to eventually lead my own projects as a game director.

I can do variables, for and if loops, while conditionals, functions, etc. But I'm shit at actually using any of it in a clever, efficient manner.

Why yes, that would be why I picked up Python.

And do what?

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>I can do variables, for and if loops, while conditionals, functions, etc.
Have you heard of arrays?

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Not yet, no.

>if loops

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You will never move up as a programmer unless is indie game company, you will have better luck trying to do it a alone

Also try to participate in as many gamejams as possible, is a good experience and you get to know people in the same area, even better if the game jam has an event in a place and is not from home

>summer's nearly over
>haven't bothered to fix any of my projects so that they're decent enough to put on a portfolio

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Well keep studying.
Look at code closely and understand why it's structured the way it is.
It's all about breaking problems down into instructions one by one.
Coding isn't a very fun skill to learn and the beginning is the hardest part.
Keep at it if you're serious and eventually everything will come together if you read documentation enough.

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>Love coding and doing hard projects
>Most teacher's put text book projects and throw all the theory in a exam
>Hate studying and have a hard time paying attention in class
Help me

>tfw i can only code in scratch

Hey, Humble bundle sells coding book bundles all the time senpai; I bought their python coding one and it helps cause it comes with videos. Just keep a lookout for some.

Just looked and they have one right now for Python.

>buying books

Conditionals or whatever they're called.

So how would you recommend I reach my dream of becoming a director in the AAA game industry? Not that I'm not interested in indie work as well.

Thanks, user.

I've fallen for the learn to code meme too, and what I find works for me is that if the material I'm trying to learn with isn't clicking, I simply find another reference to see if they explain it in a way my baby-smooth grugbrain can comprehend. Nine times out of ten a concept really isn't that difficult to grasp and it's just that the person explaining something isn't saying it the way that you specifically need to hear in order to get it. Or they're just legitimately bad at teaching. (Or you're just a brainlet, like me, but in my case I overcame this with persistence.) My favorite material is where the teacher or author shows you how to do a thing, and then asks you to do it yourself, after which they provide their own solution which you can check against what you did.

If you're really starved for content, maybe torrent some Udemy courses. A lot of them are shit, but they can be useful for absolute beginners and if you find the right one they can sometimes be better than the average Youtube tutorial. (Though there's actually some decent ones out there for that too, if you can dig past all the Pajeets.) After that, head back to whatever material that was giving you trouble and see if it things make sense at that point. I'm currently reading like four books on C# and Unity, personally, but I know there's a wealth of material to work with out there for Phython because I found more of that than I did C# related stuff. Just try and be very low time preference, and try to absorb as much as you can. Take notes somewhere. Comment the fuck out of your code, break it down line by line if you have to so you'll remember. If you overload yourself you'll just forget everything you learned tomorrow. (Or maybe that's just me, because, you know, grug brain.)

I'll probably get memed on for any number of things I just said, and this very well could be a case of the blind leading the blind, but at any rate, best of luck, OP.

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I'm trying python after learning C and it's so, so, so much easier, it kinda made coding somewhat fun again, fucking with pointers, pointers to pointers and having to do even the most simple task from scratch is no fun at all.

I could be your tutor if you want

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>So how would you recommend I reach my dream of becoming a director in the AAA game industry
No, go indie, if you success as an indie there are more chance to get a high spot in a AAA company, probably higher than a code monkey becoming director

Imagine being at computers


What are some good resources you'd recommend?

S-s-sure, user.


>No, go indie, if you success as an indie there are more chance to get a high spot in a AAA company, probably higher than a code monkey becoming director
That sounds like a great plan actually.


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Be sure to buy your programming socks!

lmfao nigga game industry is fucking dogshit and pays nothing, stay out of it.

I don't think you should use that book if your objective is to make games. That book is a clusterfuck of condensed information that you would learn in two or three college classes.

Also I have the contrarian opinion that python is a bad language to teach first. It just doesn't teach you the basics of software engineering that you would get from learning C++. C++ gets bad press because people don't understand pointers but it shouldn't be this way.

I read and played around with "SFML Game Development" (I'm sure you can find it for free), I think you'd learn quite a bit from it. You could also google the C++ stuff you don't understand as you go along.

Finally, my best advice would be to just get Unity and start messing around. You don't have to be a great engineer to make games, you just have to be good at making games. It's especially important to build a portfolio since you don't have comp sci formal education. That's how you're gonna get hired, not by trying to pose as a good programmer at incompetent management (which btw doesn't really happen).


>Just get unity and start messing around
This, I am studying computer science and most of the stuff in unity is rather simple, games are not that complex code wise now days unless you want a in-house engine