Uga has rox

>uga has rox
>uga has rox rox

What's now?

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smash one rock with another rock, see what happens
you can also bite them and sniff sniff them

Our forebears didn't have the ability to vocalize like that until much fucking later.

t. have a major I regret acquiring

This the San Andreas remake?

New 50cent game?

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Imagine a multiplayer which revives the first hominid wars, throwing shit at each other and the a fucking tiger appears and the enemies have to become allies or everyone dies.

Thinking about it, I'm suprised we survive all that shit millions of years and modern civilization is going to kill us all with the techno capital process

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Is it a major debt?


yep, that would be cool
also, it's really fucked up that some fucking retarted monkeys is typing shit on the internet now like they really know something, lol
future is weird

uninstall it and play Dawn of Man

Is the map always the same or is it randomized for each playthrough? Including the landmarks

i want to fuck that monkey bros

>Imagine a multiplayer which revives the first hominid wars, throwing shit at each other and the a fucking tiger appears and the enemies have to become allies or everyone dies.
>Yea Forums: the videogame

Looks KINO to be honest

Attached: dawn of man.jpg (1920x1080, 801K)

Hey man, don't be racist. Leslie Jones is a beautiful woman.

>Dawn of Man
Looks neat I'll give it a pirate

Basically Odyssey is the game about Yea Forums. I will buy.


Good to see more black representation in video games.

I wanna see someone get to 2mil years

You know how difficult it is to kill the entire human species?
There will always be some remnants.
And those remnants will eventually be back to where it all came crumbling down.

wtf dude just buy it

it's made by the same people who made Planetbase if you played that
it's good if you like city builders and/or prehistory type stuff

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Since first humans appeared in Africa your comment isn't racist, is the truth

Out of Africa theory was debunked

Actually turns out humans probably evolved around what would be the modern area of Anatolia IIRC.

So, turns out, WE WUZNT KANGS after all.

Dawn of Man doesn't have monkey gameplay.

Screaming OOK, is too advanced?

Are there any hostile hominid troops or are the only other monkeys just the homeless ones in the trees that you can recruit?

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I truly think the only thing that can really wipe out the human race is a supervirus or something VERY sudden, like a literal planet crashing into earth

mfw a fucking Golden Tiger attacks my apparently not secluded second camp, taking every monkeyme down to such low life expectency that I have to go to the next generation

Prehistoric life's a bitch I guess

How the fuck do I move my camp

>can fish
>can eat eggs
>get sick
Is this a developer oversight? Pretty sure the Appendix is still working because how the fuck can you eat meat without fire?

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You can eat fresh raw meat without cooking, it's just less safe and less nutritious.

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But I get sick immediately when spear fishing. Why? The game intro literally has an Elder ape about to eat into a fish so this isn't suppose to be normal.

You have to force it down to slowly become okay with it.

uga eat rox rox and choke to death

is this game good?

What the fuck do you mean "force it down" they're already suppose to be omnivores?

>Supposed to be omnivores
We're originally frugivores, it outright says you need to learn to metabolise it.

Fish cary less parasites and other such diseases, sounds like bad game design.

Game goes over millions of years, im sure it covers the rox rox period

>originally frugivores
Bullshit, they eat parasites off eachother when grooming, maybe when were small little monkeys that just regained proper colored vision but not as giant Hominids.

>trying to argue with facts
Only on Yea Forums.

Can you run for President in this game?

>Fish cary less parasites and other such diseases
>Armchair historian
Yes, please tell us of your extensive understanding of human evolution millions of years ago.

Early hominids were frugivores yes, but our species gradually moved to being omnivorous as the dense forests turned to grasslands.

Do you think they'll fix the gameplay with patches?

>knowing facts makes you a try-hard

Discrediting someone smarter than you is fun, yeah?

The game takes place over millions of years and you quite literally do that.

The more you know about human evolution the easier the game will be, you can literally trace human development ingame. You can also speed ahead if you know what you're doing.

Yeah they will, they have some plans to release an expansion as well.

You're talking about modern practices and humans vs literally millions of years ago and I know with 100% certainty you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

They literally made this game from the ground up with experts in these time periods to ensure the game was as accurate as possible to real life. You didnt find some magic mistake or hole you dumb fuck.
Heres one articles, more out there too.

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Bible-friendly mod when?


FUCK swinging
FUCK hogs
And most of all,

>have to fuck your sister
>and your sons have to fuck their daughters too
Bible is weird

hi yes hello sorry haha how does one pirate this game haha

sounds pretty hot desu

To be fair you fuck incestuously in this game as well.

Porn mod when

Do all the beta monkey people sit around and shitpost on ooga booga chan?

Holy fucking kek

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I never claimed to find a mistake

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>Evolve fairly quickly to sahelanthropus
>Have to tell some hogs to fuck off of my base immediately
>Go grab some basalt for that sweet rock tool
>Suddenly a tiger
>Get bloodied but cling to a cliff and autistically screech at it with my tribe
>It fucks off
>Return to tribe
>Try to grab a shitty fiber plant from the very top of a nearby tree
>A hog breaks my shins, but I manage to do it and give it to the wounded ape
>Go back to sleep
>The fucking tiger attacks me in my sleep
>Another ape is bleeding
>Need to start the bullshit all over again at 2 am
>Didn't even have time to make pointy sticks for everyone


can't find it on steam
isn't it called Ancestor Humankind odyssey?

So how is the actual game?

is it a suitable entry for my list of games with playable primates

Epic store exclusive

Epic exclusive, I dont want to get an epic games account just for this game, but the steam release wont be till 2020. And if you want the console release its not till december.

Don't feel bad,good old Tim already paid for your copy

just pirate it
Tim already paid for it

Evolve alot of the nodes in the first stage. There's a node that allows all apes with a stick to defend on their own and I think it's a MUST HAVE for survival in the second map.

I thought I had done really well, had intelligence stuff all the way to making my entire tribe alter shit together.
Kinda wish I could go back to be honest

Did you know that while 19th century inability to comprehend the benin bronzes as a native indigenous creation was a laughably racist one that invoked the existence of fucking Atlantis or a secret fort of smart whitefolk we may have also failed in the marxist historilogical revisionism of the 70s to realise we fell for the trap the other way, and that the existence of extremely advanced artistic metallurgy may be concealing either some kind of lost north African silk road (ranging from Mali rich fuck tour or even perhaps carthaginian trade and exodus south) and/or explain the existence of things like the random beta israeli tribe?

>t. fuck you my postgrad is worse than yours.

>or something VERY sudden

The Great Oxygenation Event is one of those things. A cyanobacteria started producing oxygen, and killed over 99% of all organic life on Earth. 99%. That's literally trillions upon trillions of organisms, not just microscopic, but probably macroscopic, or even possibly an intelligent, sapient civilization as well, since it takes billions of years for a civilization's evidence to become completely eroded by weather and all that shit. Our modern day structures will survive millions of years, maybe even over 200M years, but a billion? No fucking way. Entropy is serious fucking business and E = mc2. And some people JUST discovered a super gigantic black hole that was "supposed" to have been impossible.

We're fucking nothing.

Attached: Purest image of the center of our galaxy..jpg (1772x921, 160K)

Its really fucking good and maximum kino, and I dont know what other games do apes this fun. Its probably the best attempt at an open world game we've had in a long time as well in that its filled with interesting things to see and interact with, it doesn't hold your hand and its really up to you to progress on whatever path you want. Its fun trying to figure shit out and evolve over time.

The biggest flaw I have with it is you can fuck up your progress by not evolving enough or by making too many mistakes. It makes it grindy if you lose your clan and have to start again.

>The Great Oxygenation Event

Sounds like something you just made up.

Is there an updated torrent up?

>go explore alone for a while
>come back to camp
>everybody nearly dead because apperently nobody knows how to sleep, eat and drink when I'm not there
I don't think thats how basic instincts work

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>I went to college without having a plan to turn it into a career
Sorry no one gave you better counseling

So your plan is to rethoric the tigers to death?

>we're fucking nothing
Good thing technology is our future and destiny to make the cosmos go fuck itself.

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>And those remnants will eventually be back to where it all came crumbling down.
No. We can't make it back to where we are. All the easy to get resources, coal, fuel etc needed for the industrial revolution but obtainable with lowtech are gone.

Google says hi.

>you kill brother
>become kain
>become god's true chosen son

He didn't, but by no means is cyanobacteria a confirmed explanation, though commonly "some fucking prokaryotic/eukarotic thing went on a O2 bender" is an accepted best guess. We know it happened though: basically the earth's atmosphere got pumped so full of oxygen we went from a reductory atmosphere to an oxidising one.
To provide some context, rust wouldn't have been much of a problem

i hope there are throwing weapons in this game, it's the reason we are so stronk


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>marxist historilogical revionism of the 70’s

all that work in the degree and you have no clue


God I want to play this but I dont want to make an Epic Store account and plus itd probably look and run better on my PS4.

I heard you can throw your own shit

Also you can throw basically anything you get your hands on

My plan was to make a bunch of sticks together but I didn't even have the time to breathe before I had tigers knotting me from behind

Its the one game I was willing to get Epic for and it was worth it

I'd play it but I only have an AMD r9 20x, but it calls for a R 480x for a good time so im hesitant.

just pirate it

Is this that human ancestor game they showed at the pc e3 this year?

I don't have a torrenter, haven't ever pirated, and do not know where i'd get the crack for it anyway.

It has extensive graphics options for a AA game so I think you would be fine, I turned it all down to lowest and it runs smooth as pixelated butter

very easy to do you are a retard


its monkey shit throwing simulator

Have you tried google? Unironically.

Whatever you do don't use utorrent. Use qbittorrent, or whatever the kids use nowadays. I stick with q because it has a cool dragon icon.

>Monkeys in proto tribal society have Nemesis system
>You can recruit, save, kill and betray moky parterns

I would fucking scream.

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Well maybe I will. Does Epic have a refund policy if it doesn't work?

Very not easy to do for someone who hasn't done it double plus retard.

No. Well, yes, but no. It's shit.

Not a great game unless there's a mindblowing mid/endgame. So I have a evolved a bit and my monkey now walks with a straight back for a few steps and can pick up heavy stuff. When does it get more interesting? I know can't become Caesar or something cool but maybe a cool weapon? Something cool with fire? Traps? Primitive buildings? It's pretty dull like this

>no visible genitals

Source for pic sir?

Unga your bungas.

Yes, its the exact same as Steams

Not that I've played it myself but if you're at the straight back phase then you aren't too far from traps or very sharp sticks.

>he doesnt know how to fire
>he thinks apes made buildings
Fucking lol

How off the rails can I take these monkeys? Instead of just making normal humans early, can I take them in a different direction?

You can focus on different evolutionary traits but its set course on heading towards humanity

>I'm a mokí
>I walk with purpose

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An interesting premise with some of the most awful, repetitive, boring gameplay I've ever seen. The novelty wears off after about three hours.

>Thinking you'll be making ziggurats in three hours
Being monki takes time.

Does the gameplay loop suddenly change when you evolve enough? If not, it's going to be the same snoozefest regardless.

Better Monki
Better tüls.

That would be interesting.

The dawn of human categories such as monkey Hunter, monkey warrior, monkey shaman (formerly psychotic) and much more.

>have to leave the trees
That's a no from me, dawg.

So you're just a meme spouting retard. Got it.


can you evolve into a human?

No, the gameplay loop does change. You get better tools. Not my fault you have no sense of humor.

I can't believe the Elbertson clan is fucking DEAD

Imagine the smell.

rox up dont shoot.

>ma ape was a gud boy he diddin do nuthin but dat ebil sabertooth cop killed him!

On the one hand, the tutorial is extremely unintuitive and honestly the first run should be a 3 hour test run to learn mechanics.

On the other hand Jerma is a fucking idiot for trying to fight a tiger that early. We are arboreal for a reason, we run away and scream, we don't fucking fight yet.

Unfortunately the only counseling most people get is WORK SMART NOT HARD :))) and idiotic parents who simply thought sending their kid to college would make them super rich.

It didn't work
I'll try playing again tomorrow but I think this game is over and that was it
Please rope
Monkey sex slave when?


Guys, help. I've had this fantasy of being lost in the jungle and after days of just barely surviving on fresh river water and eating sweet berries, I come across this all-female tribe of apes. In my fantasy, it's a small tribe of mayb 10-12 female apes that's still recovering from a vicious wildlife attack that killed all the male members of the group. I carefully approach the apprehensive apes, completely naked, my dick fully on display. They freak out at first, what with me being an upright walking human with alabaster white skin and no fur on my body, but they quickly notice I pose no threat and are, in fact, bringing them handpicked berries from the jungle, which they gladly take and feed to their youngs. As I'm now in the middle of their compound, I start to communicate with them as basic as possible, trying to teach them how to make sharp spears by carving the ends of sticks with sharp rocks, I show them how to grab the stick and poke at objects, so that they may better defend themselves in case of another wildlife attack. I start to notice that I haven't just gained the tribe's trust, but that the females started to be fond of me. One day, as I lay in a crudely-made bed of leaves, one of the apes starts crawling up my crotch and humping it. I get so turned on by having her moist monkey snatch bounce on my dick that I get an errection and decide to quickly put it in her. What follows is 5 minute sof raw monkey-fucking and best of all, I don't even have to do anything. She's going wild on my dick and just continously humps up and down my cock until I cum inside her. The other females notice this and gather around me, as she gets off my dick, cum dropping all the way down my shaft. At least 3 or more ape hands start grabbing my penis, playing around with it, licking the cumdrops off their fingers. Some of them pull on my foreskin, others try to rub it up and down, and one of them even put her lips on the cockhead, to lick off the last bit of remaining cum

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He also kept listening to chat lies. I don't know why he never learned his lesson.

he's got ADHD if he's not doing something for a bit

So this whole game is like the second stage of Spore? That was my favorite stage desu

literally yes but better

Haha weird... imagine reading that and actually getting horny ideas haha ewww

How big is the game download size?


your animal brains simply are programmed this way.

Waiting for the inevitable loverslab mods

What’s the end game?
Homo sapiens?

>Bring me knives!

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How grug open cocos???

original and one of the most degenerate things I've read here in a while

>monkey pussy

Moist or not that shit but me nasty as hell. Besides, I doubt you'd fit. Most animal vaginas aren't accustomed to big penises, we humans actually have pretty giant dicks (in relation to our body size) compared to most other species.

Ooooooooooh shit

>but me

must be* wow I fucked that up.

Out of curiosity I just looked up "ape vagina" on google.


hit with rock

can i make lanky kong in this