We can all agree NieR: Automata is a top 5 game of all time with the best soundtrack ever made, right?
We can all agree NieR: Automata is a top 5 game of all time with the best soundtrack ever made, right?
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No but its certainly top 100
Yeah, still gotta play Nier tho
I loved Automata, but I think my favorite music tracks that it had all came from the first game.
I really couldn't get into it and I don't even really know why. Got to the first ending and it felt so... unfinished. And not in the way that made me want to plough through and discover the rest of the story. It just made me drop it.
Skip to minute 16
Holy shit
>Got to the first ending and it felt so... unfinished.
I mean, the first "ending" is literally the halfway-point of the story.
Listen to more ost's. End of yorha is great though.
At the very least, it has the best ending sequence
Everything from when Koshi and Roshi show up onward is pure kino
Great game. Pretty good OST. Not the best though.
Maybe top 5 overrated
Some of the weakest Platinum Games gameplay
Horribly overrated story with an emotional core resting upon a misunderstanding
People that hard praise it are the same people with 4k wallpapers of naked 2B on their desktop
Not at all, it's soundtrack isn't even as good as the original's. Automata is literally just the JRPG version of Dark Souls
>millions of newfags who no prior experience to anything claim it's the best thing ever
Original Nier’s soundtrack is much, much better.
That was cute.
For people who have no experience with other Taro games
I'm not a hatter so old your weapons please but I find it "OK" not better. OST nearly made me wanna kill myself by the way?
>randomly remember everything about the End of YoRHa in my daily life
>get teary eyed
No other game related anything does this to me
Then I guess I just don't like the way the game is structured. Nothing really happened in 2B's segment that gripped me enough to keep playing.
I love Drakengard 1's soundtrack a lot, but I don't know if I'd listen to it casually.
It's more for when you want to feel like you're steeping into cosmic horror with your record player trying to emit a violin recital while being filtered through a threshing machine.
Hell no. Automata's OST isn't even as good as the original NieR's.
Coils of Light V3 was good
>muh robutt waifu
>muh high-school grade philosophy
It's your basic bitch hack n' slasher. DMC5 is better. Eat shit losers
reminder that stories and themes don't have to be "deep" to be good
DMCv is short and one third of the gameplay (V) is dogshit. Nier is a much more fleshed out experience and honestly the combat is more fun
The music's annoying and the game is a repetitive, pretentious bore
Automata handles its OST much better though. Kainé Salvation got old fast.
Nier 1 has an insanely better soundtrack
gestalt > automata
gestalt had the resident evil mansion, the top down basement part etc, automata just had shmup and was a normal robot wants to be human story
Cope Autonigger
For me, a video game OST should be judged on how it amplifies the atmosphere of the game, not how enjoyable it is to listen to casually. In this case there is no other game in history where the OST compliments the atmosphere of a games as much as DoD. The droning ambiance and skipping orchestra arramgements really aid everything.
Nier elitists are so sad.
I guess. Pathologic is up there as well imo.
feels like an eternal chase to the ludo piece of drakengard 1
Not as sad as newfags who think Automata is anything above "good". Imagine having such a low bar.
Should I finish the first Pathologic first?
I started it ages ago, but kept getting lost.
no, .hack has the best OSTs
silent hill is a close second
>best soundtrack
No, go to the second one unless you have a strong emotional attachment to either the Changeling or the Bachelor.
No to both. Pretty good game, but overrated to an almost absurd degree.
It's overrated shit and a downgrade in every way compared to it's predecessor.
He's right though. Sound design and direction in Automata is peerless.
Not even top 100. Cute robot butt though
The problem it's that it doesn't make sense for everything to happen at the same place.
Personally I played just the bachelor and then went on to 2. Haruspex and Changeling are unfinished in the original, Changeling more so.
it will
>emotional core resting upon a misunderstanding
9S got infected too
he was going crazy
>overrated story with an emotional core resting upon a misunderstanding
You just reminded me the people who call the story shallow have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
The whole point of 9S going crazy was in spite of taking off his visor he was turning a blind eye to the truth in order to give himself a goal and keep living.
Maybe if its the top 5 most overrated games list. Nier was shit.
What a shit opinion, generic and overrated post.
sorry, no matter how much you fags deny it, a game with mediocre gameplay is a mediocre game.
Nier Gestalt had mediocre gameplay but it was a good game.
Nier Automata was a good game with good gameplay.
Well, what would you define as a "game", and what would you consider to be a good and a bad game?
>with the best soundtrack ever made
Its soundtrack is overrated as fuck. There are a dozen of (really) good tracks, but half of them are variations, and the other half are reprises from the previous NieR.
It's in my top 50, but it's so recent it's not fair to judge it so soon versus games I've been able to judge and reflect on for a years or decades even.
Then maybe you should finish the game? You're only a third of the way through the main story. You aren't even finished with 2B's story.
Easily top ten but top five has plenty of contenders that are all stronger than it.
>with the best soundtrack ever made, right?
First NieR soundtrack was better, retard.
No, what the fuck? How long have you been playing video games that you unironicaly think Automata is top 5?
Post music that would fit into Nier Automata really well.
>Not the best OST though.
The only vidya music that is better than Automata is the trailer theme for DXHR.
T. user who has shit like Zelda in his top five.
gestalt is better, retard
story and gameplay is not the most important thing
I don't but nice try coping.
Its soundtrack sure isn't better than Automata.
Sorry waifufag, it is.
Even the best story and gameplay could be ruined by a shitty chipmunk song. That's why soundtrack is important. It subliminally sets the mood.
its pretty good too. more exciting at parts, but nothing beats ashes of dreams imo
No, i have it 33rd on my list
Sure it is.
which song? the original was pretty popular for its weird ost
queen beast is sexier
UNATCO Theme, Original Deus Ex
Lol? I'd put Chaos Theory with its Bank, Cargo, and Apartment songs above that.