I did not care for Majora's Mask
I did not care for Majora's Mask
Then you never played it as a kid.
This is what everyone says. It shouldn't matter if you played it as a kid or not.
Nobody is perfect, user
I did not care about ocarina of time. majora's mask seemed more careable
Being nostalgia bait shouldn't be one of the game's main merits
I want Death Stranding to be a success.
Really the only game that works in the original context of this joke is "Deus Ex".
It insneeds upon itself
when you're a kid you're naturally more curious/interested about everything
it's why people praise whatever game they grew up playing and why there are mw2 threads on Yea Forums now
I dunno, it's like when you play make-believe with your friends and shit when you're a kid. yeah as an adult it's stupid but when you're a kid it's great.
Shuckle knows what's up
That was a pretty well written Family Guy scene. When did that show take such a fucking nosedive in quality?
I just love the fact that she's casually lifting a small turtle that weights about 20kgs. Yeah no fucks given
It insists upon itself.
the ones made after 2010 don't even feel like the same show
And what's the fuck happened to American Dad?
Yeah the pokemon anime does some crazy shit from time to time. I distinctly remember one episode when it looks like TR is actually gonna get away, but then Ash just fucking jumps up like 30 feet into the air after it and gets it.
OOT was pretty bad as a game, people were just wowed because it was one of the first fully 3D console action games to have a camera that wasn't aids. Same for Goldeneye; it was a pretty garbage FPS but console kids hadn't played an FPS before and that + James Bond made it popular in spite of being a medicore and otherwise forgettable game
Should I emulate Majora's Mask? I've never played it before. Where do people even get emulation shit form these days?
The biceps of a titan. Ticklish midriff.
It balances out.
Nostalgia makes all games better. All of them.
Ocarina of Time is the better game by objective standards (it has more of the core gameplay), but Majora's Mask is a more unique piece of art. Marjora's Mask holds up better today because its distinctive premise hasn't been recreated, unlike Ocarina of Time's fairly standard action-adventure format. It stands as a good example of why interesting new ideas should be prioritized over making safe, widely-appealing products.
Why not?
Ocarina is a worse game by objective standards because, other than making leaps forward in technical areas that it would soon be surpassed in anyway, its core game was pretty shit.
Didn't care for Zelda.
>Ocarina of Time is the better game
stopped reading there.
So which one of the two would you like to see more of?
What did he mean by this?
It has a valid point to make; It's insisting.
Pick one
Interesting new ideas. Other AAA developers make good by-the-books games, but at this point every new Zelda game appeals to a slightly different type of player. The devs aren't trying to please the entire fanbase, which would be impossible now. I think it's great that we're getting such a varied franchise.
It insists upon itself
What games do you like, user?
I was 17 when MW2 was out and i like that game
How do you mean?
It insists upon itself, user.
Why did he do that?
call me crazy but think his thought process is somewhere along the lines of makeshift scuba gear
what would you do if you were trapped in a cage for your entire life?
play videogames and shitpost on Yea Forums
Alright, I laughed. But do you have actual reasons not to like it? You better not give me another fucking joke.
I found it shallow and pedantic.
It takes forever getting in, I can't even finish the game.
It really grinds my gears, user
have some damn patience, I finished it when I was an adhd addled 10 year old
thats exactly what i thought
Does it insist upon itself?
I get to the scene with the moon falling and the giants sitting around it and I lose interest
different writers, different strokes
I did, right after beating OoT. Hated MM. Time limits fucked with me and after wasting too much time exploring one of the towns I had the thought, "I can no longer beat this game now, this is stupid," and started playing Paper Mario instead.
Apparently rewinding time is a thing in MM but I had no idea when I was like 6 or 7 years old.
I didn't like guide-dang-it games, and some of that shit was definitely guide-dang-it for a kid under 10 years old. For older kids, sure it's a good game, but not to the target audience.
yes, that's a great scene. I love that scene.
No, it's not a great scene.
not him but I never played Zelda games, didn't even really get into video games until PS1 and 2.
I only ever played a couple of the old ones, and the newer 3D ones at friends houses. Never for an extended period of time. Only a couple of them interested me. Wish I could play a emulator
nah it's was because of the 4 player retard
all kids in school were saying how goldeneye was awesome to play with friends
Ash was absolutely superhuman in the end of AG
But the best quality but my favorite one
It's changed even more from its beginnings than Family Guy did. It's still funny but in a completely different way.
teenagers are still kids user
Fuck both of you.
But the target audience was kids at least 10 years old as evidenced by the E10+ rating on the 3ds version.
your opinion is objectively shit then
kys poorfag
Do you not have a basic smartphone?
>pulls out a grass type
>uses a normal attack against it
he's trying to weaken it, not murder it.
Why are you pretending to even have been born when these games came out?
I kinda figured that while I typed, but does that even work in the anime? Seems like you can catch a KOd pokemon.
>20kg is heavy
Dude I love you but you need to hit that gym my brother. Be the best version of you.
I never played a zelda game and probably never will. Dungeon puzzles are the least interesting part of any game.
I'm here holding my expansion pak ejection tool retard
fucking newfag zoomer faggot trannie
99% of people who played majoras mask as a kid and hate it are dumb fuck morons that made the moon fall the first day then crying in fear at the television. Then they pick up an easier game and pretend majoras mask never existed
>over 15 years later the game is loved and maybe the best N64 game next to Mario 64
>15 years later faggots will defend their retarded ego and call the time mechanic "shit" because they were a dumb fuck
try the game boy game, link's awakening
it's pretty comfy and will give you an overall idea
cringe have sex seethe cope and dilate incel
This but the opposite
Hallways with boring enemies is unbearable
i dunno. i'm just going by the game rules.
dont forget people with severe anxiety issues not being able to hand an extremely lenient "time limit"
They are called dumb fucks.
honestly I hated both ocarina of time and majoras mask when I was in elementary school. it's only when I was in high school I started to appreciate both games.
Isn't there a secret song you can play to make everything progress at half speed as well?
>time limit
>scarecrow is one of the first characters you meet in a mandatory area
>talk to scarecrow
I think majoras mask is the ultimate pleb filter. If you couldn't figure out majoras as a kid you are probably working in retail right now.
Yea Forumsamily guy
I like how everyone who responded to you didn't fully read or get what you were trying to say
seth has said he stopped writing in 2011
it's just a lot different, but still good in its own way. Zanyness has kept it fresh though I very much prefer the og seasons.
My biggest issue is that it seems like they've forgotten some things. In the newer episode, Steve moves from the sunday school to the main worship service at their church and it being his first time or something is the plot point even though he's always been with them in earlier eps.
Yeah you play the song of time backwards. It slows down the timer in half. The scarecrow tells you this but its easily missable.
>easily missable
The scarecrow that teaches it to you is in both the Trading Post and the Astral Observatory, and he's in constant motion when you're not talking to him so he immediately catches your attention. It's not mandatory to learn, but it's not a secret by any means.
You literally have to rewind time to transform back into human.
well it was easily missable to me as a kid because english wasn't my first language.
I like it more now as an adult than I did as a child
You're excused then.
Pretty sure he only tells you about it if you choose to skip time, could be wrong though.
Did you miss the part where I quit early into the game because I didn't know that was possible yet?
Maybe phrase it better then. "One of the towns" makes it sound like one that isn't the first town.
>foaming at the mouth braindead retard cares about plot inconsistency in fucking family guy
holy shit
When you talk to him he just tells you about it and the Song of Double Time. To be fair, though, you likely won't have the Ocarina on you when you first talk to him, so you'll have to remember what he said or talk to him again after you get it.
Let me put it to you like this: I've never played a Zelda game and I don't know if Majora's Mask is a good game or not, but what you just said is a complete 100% non-argument.
low iq
It's been almost 20 years and I was 6 or 7 at the time. I have no idea what town it was. I don't remember just starting the game and quitting though. Do you have to do stuff before getting to the town?
Did something happen? American Dad always seemed pretty consistent with quality, even for the later seasons
Neither did I and I thought it was great.
>illiterate dipshit calling anyone else a retard
Yeah American Dad is actually one of those rare cartoons that gets better in seasons rather than worse. Roger and Klaus went from being background characters to the stars of the show.
the later seasons are better than the earlier seasons. the early seasons had terrible animation quality and it had more cutaway gags like family guy.
I don’t like the time mechanic, was lame having all your progress reset constantly and having to rush around after finishing a temple to do all of the temporarily-unlocked stuff
stopped writing stories instead wrote jokes.
That's fine
I didn't care for any of the MGS games
Really, none of them? What put you off?
I think the fall of family guy was when the cutaway gags went from being TV/Movie references exclusively to whacky random shit.
The story is all over the place and self awareness doesn't really clash well at all but then again I've only beaten MGS2
>look up 20 euro-weights
>it's only 44lbs
How much of a fucking weakling are you?
>le wacky situations are funny and interesting
>facebook meme tier humor is funny
Go back.
Its worth one playthrough. It has neat ideas but literally every other zelda besides 2 and SS is a better game.
either look for a way to escape
live my life the same way I always do
pick up carving.
I still haven't motivated myself to get to the first dungeon.
It insists upon itself
Secret is the worst of the original Mana trilogy
Majora's Mask was the best Zelda game.
That's a funny way to spell Link's Awakening.
>Then you never played it as a kid.
>This is what everyone says
I did. And OoT was ten billion times better.
Mmm, yees. Shallow and pedantic.
I want a mod of Oblivion that escalates the Gates opening and the world ending automatically instead of triggering it in story chapters. I want the world to reset when all the gates open and have you restart from day one at the sewers but with certain items to enable things to go faster.
I want story important characters to actually be able to die so it's less obvious if they play an important role in the plot since they'll come back in the next reset anyway.
There's plenty of issues reguarding what items or abilities you could take back with you, and how story progress or guild progress could be saved, but I still think it would be the closest we'll ever get to a real modern Majora's Mask game.
I have been trapped in a cage my entire life. A cage called society.
If you want to play it then go ahead.
>Where do people even get emulation shit form these days?
If you mean emulators, Project64 is used on Windows and is good; alternatively there's Mupen64Plus, which is what you basically have to use if you're on Mac, but it's also available on Windows and Linux I believe. Mupen64Plus is used for Bizhawk, which is a multi-system emulator front-end that people use for making TASs (tool assisted speedruns), so I guess that means Mupen64Plus is pretty well regarded.
If you mean where do you get games from, then I don't want to have the NSA arrested me for facilitating piracy. So I'll just say: google it. It really isn't difficult.
Also personally I'd recommend OoT over MM. OoT is a vastly superior game in every single conceivable way. MM is like a romhack. It's nice as a curiosity but it can't match the standard of its predecessor. Which isn't surprising, because OoT was in development for years, but I think MM was completed in just a year.
Nobody actually did they just thought they did.
>Ocarina of Time is the better game by objective standards
You're right, that's a fact. The rest of your post isn't.
I felt that
I didn’t enjoy Black Ops 2 Multiplayer
The timer was annoying. Not saying it's inherently a bad thing because a lot of people like it for that, it's just a polarizing design choice and it's okay to like or dislike it.
the fucking show makes it clear they don't give a shit because it is just all jokes and actively makes fun of retards like you while you are here bitching about it
you obviously have downs syndrome and are underage
if its a roger or steve episode you know it's gonna be good. every other episode sucks.
Fact: if you're trying to make up for a game's shortcomings by saying "HURR DURR THIS SHIT PART OF THE GAME IS A CHALLENGE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN YOU JUST DIDN'T 'GET' THE GAME" then you're a fucking moron.
I played MM up until maybe half way through. I completed the swamp dungeon, Windfall I think? And Snowhead right? The snowy mountain one. Then for the Great Bay I was like eh, this is fucking shit. Couldn't be bothered. It wasn't as engrossing as OoT, it just felt weird and not as well made at all, and the whole going back in time bollocks is just an absolute fucking chore. And saving is a fucking chore. The whole thing is a fucking chore.
It's got some cool ideas but it's got some shit ideas too. Also the ocarina songs in the game, let's face it, are absolute fucking garbage. They pale in comparison by a very large degree to the ocarina songs in Ocarina of Time.
MM will always be the retarded little brother of OoT and nothing more.
>he still can't fucking read
take a deep breath and try again, I'm sure you'll get it this time
I can recognize that mm is unique and has interesting mechanics, but it's not my cup of tea
I didnt either. But I played it on 3DS and it's in my top 3 zelda games.
>I liked skyward sword, that is my answer.
American Dad turned to shit pretty quickly. I had to stop watching during the second season when I realized they were putting Burger King ads into the show. Was almost as bad as the Boost Mobile episode of Aqua Teen. When a show starts doing that, quality suffers.
This is from literally the only episode to ever feature a master ball, the dude tries to use one to catch the whiscash and the thing just fucking eats it.
THIS, thank fuck there are other people who recognise that "different" and even "interesting" does not necessarily mean "good".
I agree with you that MM is interesting, and it does have some cool ideas. But it isn't as good as OoT and never will be. Good game, yes. Worse game than OoT, yes. Objectively so. Which is why all critics - people who only keep their jobs if their opinions are reliable metrics of a game's worth - agree.
MM is not only interesting and different, but its also good and better than OoT easily.
Stop doing this.
>Boost Mobile episode of Aqua Teen
That was a joke, user.
I'd agree for earlier seasons, but they've gotten stale at this point.
>That was a joke, user.
People say this all the time, but no, it wasn't. It was literally a paid advertisement. You know that you can't really use brand names in your shows without some kind of endorsement, right? Thinking that it must be a joke just shows how bad it really was.
>Late last year, Boost Mobile struck a deal with Cartoon Network to be written into an episode of the animated "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," which airs on the cable channel's late-night "Adult Swim" programming block.
>followed by UR DUM
>only argument is "it sucks"
Here's your (You), now go away.
That is easily a little under half of Jessie's total body weight. There's no way she weights above 95.
Jessie has her back arched indeed.
None of the Dark Souls games are good. That includes Dark Souls 8 (Sekiro)
FOTN: Lost Paradise is the only good Yakuza game
No fighting games released this gen were good, can't speak on SamSho because the developers decided to be retarded and not release it on PC at the same time.
YouTube could be nuked tomorrow and Yea Forums discussion would be exponentially better off for it
Steam has better refund policies than GoG, which is draconian in comparison. If it wasn't for the fact that publishers don't want to release on GoG due to their anti-DRM stance, GoG would still be better than both Steam and Epic combined. They're actually all shit for various reasons.
Breath of the Wild, along with the Last of Us, God of War, and Halo, are the most overrated games of all time.
Dragonquest XI was a piece of shit, and the fact that they gave us an incomplete version to sell later as a console exclusive is nothing short of Maximum Kike™
Tenchu should have been revived instead of Dark Souls 8
If you're still hyped for FFVII Remake after Tifa's reveal, you're an idiot.
>My biggest issue is that it seems like they've forgotten some things. In the newer episode, Steve moves from the sunday school to the main worship service at their church and it being his first time or something is the plot point even though he's always been with them in earlier eps.
stop pretending there's something I'm missing you subhuman trog
>If you mean where do you get games from, then I don't want to have the NSA arrested me for facilitating piracy.
If being an americuck wasn't enough, you're probably a zoomer as well.
The alien ruins American Dad single handedly for me. I feel if that obnoxious randumb American humor character that takes of half of all the episodes run time is cancer condensed into a single entity. Has no charm like Brian and his voice is grating.
Best game of all time on Metacritic: Ocarina of Time.
But you seem to think it's all subjective so I guess you think Just Dance 2019 is just as good of a game, right?
>ignores MY ENTIRE ARGUMENT because he's too thick to make a response
1) I'm not American, I didn't want to give away my country and also most people won't have heard of security services from my country.
2) I'm nearly 30.
Now go neck yourself you stupid fuck.
He never said it was too heavy for him. Stop posturing.
I played it as a kid and I didn't like it
Glow in the dark CIA niggers clearly live in your head rent free so you might as well be as smart as the average mutt. I guess age doesn't always translate to wisdom.
Took you long enough to stop mentioning family guy as if cared about it or was talking about its consistency.
It's not like American Dad hasn't used shit from past episodes either, so expecting consistency isn't that out of the picture considering their usually on top of things
It doesn't really bother me that much, I only noticed it that one episode and still enjoy the show. And yet you lashed out from the very beginning like I shat all over it and immediately strawmanned.
>ignores MY ENTIRE ARGUMENT because he's too thick to make a response
>I was like eh, this is fucking shit.
>The whole thing is a fucking chore.
To be called an argument, a claim has to have something called reasoning.
Touhou 6, 7, 8, 11, and 15 are overrated. The actual best touhou is 14
another family guy thread
holy frigging crap lois
Imagine how much more enjoyment you'll have when you play the original N64 game
stone age
I found Majora's Mask to be rather... shallow and pedantic.
It insneeds upon itself
It’s better than Ocarina of Time
fucking lmao
what was all that shit about me being illiterate again?
>It doesn't really bother me that much
>>>My biggest issue is that it seems like they've forgotten some things. In the newer episode, Steve moves from the sunday school to the main worship service at their church and it being his first time or something is the plot point even though he's always been with them in earlier eps.
Lol pop culture references.
That's so clever and witty!
You are very creative.
I do not care for Family Guy.
I gave up shortly after unlocking the fish transformation. I just hated the idea in general, the only reason you ever transform is to stupid shit like roll around clumsily or slowly hover.
>it's just a lot different, but still good in its own way. Zanyness has kept it fresh though I very much prefer the og seasons.
>biggest issue is some minor consistency things
But no I hate the show cause of literally one thing and you can tell I am frothing at the mouth about it even though I still watch and enjoy it with little issue and said in my first post that I like the show still
Why do you think I hate the show and am all hung up at that one scene? Did lorefags rape you as a child or something? Jeez.
You did what to a 10 year old
I was just thinking of making this thread
Not OP, but I didn't either and am grateful that I can see its numerous flaws they way most of Yea Forums can't
it isn't about you having a problem with the time mechanic, is just you being an idiot.
Reading what the NPC say is pretty basic, even Talt tells you what to do.
The time mechanic is actually good and makes the game feel more "alive". different events occur depending on the time, most NPC aren't static.
The time mechanic helps clock town but hurts the rest of the game. It demands that the game never present the player with any task more complex than what would take an hour to complete.
It gave us an 11/10 design, though
As soon as you learn that saving resets time you know the risks of doing stuff halfway.
and is not like you are going to return to the dungeons you completed,unless you need a specific quest for them and even then you could always return to them beat the boss again.
There is never a time pressure for the player because it doesnt matter that much, is only for story purposes and damn it is good.
Can you really imagine a series that got so shit up by incompetence that just being above average makes you look like a masterpiece? Ocarina should not be the pinnacle of Zelda design, Majora's Mask should not be considered the best Zelda just by default. A game like Okami shouldn;t be considered 100x better than what Zelda has become just because it's slightly above mediocre. The highest selling game shouldn't be a voxel-less minecraft.
I don't know if this is Miyamoto's fault or Aonuma.
That's not really true though. The game is well aware of it's time system and offers really obvious shortcuts. Basically whenever you get a song or major item.
The only place where the game shits this up is the Zora Eggs. The game assumes getting the hookshot will make getting Eggs easier but it only cuts out the infiltration segment and a single puzzle.
nintendo really struggled when making 3d projects past N64, they either rushed or a poor imitation, with exceptions of course.
Why do they do this?
I think it's Aonuma considering how much worse the games got with him at the helm without Miyamoto and Koizumi having less and less influence.
People massively overrate how bad the bad games are because OOT and MM were so ridiculously tight
Windwaker has some shitty parts but it's all around fun as hell, and Twilight Princess has some slow pacing but has some of the best dunegons in the series and great tone and atmosphere
>some of the best dunegons in the series
Name 1 (ONE) good puzzle in any of the dungeons before Ganon's Tower.
A lack of Jeannie Gold.
define "atmosphere", because i don't think we have the same definition.
Look, it’s thanks to Ocarina of Time thar we got well structured games like Dead Rising. We probably wouldn’t have dead rising if it wasn’t for OoT
I figured it out as a kid and I work in retail
I never played it.
Roger is such a great character, way better than stew