Now that they're done with DMC5, what would you like to see in a potential DD2?
Now that they're done with DMC5, what would you like to see in a potential DD2?
That crack of thunder during the griffin quest is the biggest tease.
Honestly wouldn't mind the Spirit Lancer and Alchemist classes from the MMO.
Just retuned a bit to be slightly less anime.
Otherwise what said. If it would affect magic, even better.
finished game
Hopefully we'll get optional co-op in DD2. One would hope that they're going to pick off all the best bits DDO had to offer.
You had no reason not to play, like those fags that translated PSO2 the content came thick and fast, DDO's translators were a dedicated bunch.
Can we just talk about how their kind hate ice and fire both?
less running around for 5 hours to get to the good part
mod support
Cat ears and tails
Striped panties
Definitely more to fight then the Ur Dragon online i always thought the game could have used 1 or 2 more things to fight in that manner.
>weather system
>more classes
>more weapons (SPEARS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLS, maybe Dual Blades)
>different climatezones (fucktall mountains, desert, swamp etc.)
>more gear
>layered/glamour gear
>maybe co-op
>bit more openness to the world
>idk boats?
>more of best girl
Just fix all the issues with the main game
>Less unfocused story
>Better character arcs
>Actual dialogue system and choices
>More dynamic and less empty world
>Fast travel through rifstones
>Using items has an animation
>More classes and weapon/spell types
>More involved swordfighting against humanoid enemies
>improuve everything good from the previous game.
>add all the ideas discarded from the first one (weather for example).
>new cities(gran soren and chatarsis were fine, bit the map felt waste),more zones and more unique dungeons (like the moonlight tower)
>add new quests that aren't fench quests
> new classes and new abilities for the old ones.
>inprouve pawns AI.
>new unique monsters with different mechannics.
>create more multidimensional and morally gray NPCs like julien and madeleine( and a bit Mason) since all the others were fucking boring and flat (like the duchess, literally a Moe-blob).
>a CHAD dragon like grigori but cooler and stronger.
Thats pretty much what i wish from DD2
I swear to fuck if those niggers make 2 they better include everything from Online. So much story and fun classes, gone.
This. Although I was quite happy with the BBI, you can't help but feel there was a whole lot more that should have been in the base game.
I'd like to see them adding all the cut content, such as the moon, the list goes on.
BBI was repetitive and largely copypasted with shitty mechanics and obnoxiously tanky enemies
It's like an improved Everfall but Everfall was garbage too. DD was the greatest traipsing around the non-postgame wilderness, we needed more of that
To come out for this current console generation.
user trust me you don't want that.
DOO works well on its own but really isn't all that great.
You could just say you couldn't git gud, man
>git gud
I played it, user. Faithfully. It was that great. The numbers were mmo numbers, of course. But it was still good dogma. I waited every day for years for the announcement that it would come to the west and I could start all over with more fags from Yea Forums.
Why would you want that? Itsuno only just finished up with DMC5. Something like DD needs a lot of time put into it.
good graphics
It will only sell if there are only two genders, just like science and God say.
Anything else is an abomination and it won’t sell except to basement dwellers in portland
Capcom can just go with a Monster Hunter style release schedule haha
-An actual world
-Pawns shut the hell up for a little bit
-More of the usual (class, abilities, etc)
-Time magic
-Master Works
I don't want to buy another console to play it.
For them to port over the Alchemist from DDO.
it's addicting as hell and I'm sad more of user didn't get to play it, now likely never will
Summoner that they implementing in DMC5
Consolidate the default classes into more robust vocations, then add in the unique vocations from DDO.
>now that dmc5 is done
lol they can work on multiple games
What are these shitty mechanics?
I pretty much want to see DD1 except not with half the game unfinished and cut out completely
>Git gud
Damage calculation is a simple Attack stat minus Defense stat, meaning that basically anything you get from the Everfall (or a Lv2 / Lv3 Bitterblack weapon in Dark Arisen) will eviscerate 99% of the game's enemies' health bars without any effort. And they aren't even that difficult to come across. The game trivializes itself as long as you equip the weapons/armor you come across.
>not prioritizing fashion
what a fucking faggot
Let warriors use 6 skills. 3 is way too constrictive.
Warriors need six skills worth using first.
Warriors need three skills worth using first.
Toss open world out the window.
Make the whole game revolve around massive dungeon complexes like BBI, everfall, watergod's altar. Take some of the class design from DDO. More enemy variety and group spawns so you don't have that same fucking goblin trying to jump out of the bushes at you every fucking time you pass that area. Pawn AI customization and better control over their behavior. Cosmetic gear slots. Co-op might be nice but not necessary.
Skills (and gear) shouldn't be class bound to begin with
In fact there shouldn't even be classes outside of general non-binding templates
>More Enemy Variety
They can keep reusing models, but I'd like to see new enemies: Trolls, Ogres, Giants, Manticore, Sphinx, Minotaur, Kobolds, Orcs, just load me up with all the classic my dude. Bonus points if they go the classic 'Japanese D&D' route and they're Dog-bolds and P'orcs. I'd love that. Love it.
>More Dungeons
You remember that cave where you fight the cultists? There were maybe 3 or so caves/dungeons in Dragon's Dogma. That wasn't nearly enough. Dark Arisen was one massive dungeon and that was great, but I'd rather see 'natural' dungeons in the form of caves, burrows, dens, tombs, and ruins scattered around a world map.
>Online Multiplayer
As much as I love the pawns: I'd love to be able to enter into a tavern, found a party with my friends, and do a Dungeon together with them and maybe some other people or their own pawns? Have it work exactly like MH where if there's just 2 people you bring your pawns to make a party of 4, but if there's 4 people you go balls in.
>Not smaller, not bigger, but more interesting Overworld.
Doesn't have to be larger, doesn't have to be smaller, but it'd be great if the Overworld had actual things to do: quests, sub-plots, little villages, towns, etc.. Actual traveling merchants, caravans, unique and interesting npc's to encounter. DD was largely empty of characters outside of the two towns.
>More character customization: classes, character maker, playable races?
Honestly just more of what they already have: more classes (alchemist? beast master? summoner/warlock?), improve the already fantastic character maker, and maybe add some playable races. When I say playable races I mean really basic bitch standard fantasy fare: Dwarves, Halflings, Elves, Gnomes, and maybe one Beastman race.
S-shut up! My Guts build is FUN you fuck
Arc of Deliverance and Indomitable Slash are both good for damage but boring as sin, and everything else is pretty shit. Corona Slash is the least shit.
Do both. Massive open-world sprawling dungeon complex.
a game that makes Todd go suicidal.
I cleared BBI multiple times with just my warrior and my fighter pawn. Exodus slash is pretty powerful (I actually forgot the name, it's been years since I played it).
Wait. I think that was the only skill I consistently used, the rest were all normal attacks. Kek.
I don't trust them to do open world well. It was too empty.
I really don't understand the constant shitting on Warrior. Yes only getting access to three skills at a time is a bummer, but it's still some of the best fun you can have in Dragon's Dogma. There's something arousing about being absolutely stronger than everyone else and tanking hits only to deliver an even bigger hit. Plus I just love crushing things with hammers.
All the good was offset by having to jump around like a faggot to hit harpies
Honestly playing a melee-focused MK was the best fun I had in this game, also Strider
I think the bit of air gained from a jumping light attack makes it feel pretty great.
More interesting world design (biomes, bigger castles etc) bigger enemies. No coop, i want it to stay a singleplayer game. I think i'd rather see a spiritual sequel, with new lore&world rather than a direct sequel.
What if DD2 had Skyrim tier modding
Imagine what would happen to peoples' pawns
desu I just want monster hunter but with wizards and shit.
What about optional coop? Where another player does not play as their character but as their pawn + same hiring and firing mechanics
I can see why other people would want that, but i'd rather they stay focused on creating a great singleplayer game. But i have to admit that coop would probably drive sales up and that would be a good thing.