What constitutes as politics in videogames? Extra grades for those who don't use words such as "forced" or "throats".
What constitutes as politics in videogames? Extra grades for those who don't use words such as "forced" or "throats"
Any attempt at making a moral statement that is subject to controversy. IS, not HAS BEEN.
Out of curiosity why do people keep posting this fat, ugly, incel?
Making transparent commentary about current events at the time of the game's release.
>What constitutes as politics in videogames?
Positive representation of the fringe trends going on at the time of development.
He's kinda irrelevant on this subject. I should've cropped to the comment and make people pay attention to the irony, not the YouTuber.
Anything to do with this
>What constitutes as politics in videogames?
When politics are being forced through our throats.
Don't give a shit about the comment just wondering why I keep seeing this cat fuck posted here constantly
>posting one of the most retarded ecelebs out there
>also makes it clear he's as retarded as said eceleb with his own words
>What constitutes as politics in videogames? Extra grades for those who don't use words such as "forced" or "throats".
What you and most of you other idiots are thinking of is propaganda. Because there is nothing wrong with having politics in a games and a vast majority of games has it. Including your favorite games and games Yea Forums loves.
Now fuck off.
Anything that relates to real life politics, we used to see it with environmentalism and the like a lot but now it's down to little bullshit like what pronouns your character uses but adds nothing to the game.
For a guy who complains about libs being snow flakes his entire channel is dedicated to outrage at the most minute things. A black character in a card game or some women is a main character in a video game big fucking whoop
>Because there is nothing wrong with having politics
But I do agree with this sentiment, mister. Don't lump me with the Gamers.
People who argue that politics shouldn't be in video games are alt-right bad faith actors who are just trying to remove women and minorities from the gaming sphere.
People who argue that politics should be in games are also communist bad faith actors who are just trying to cram women and minorities into every single goddamn story that ever was, and ever will be written.
The real answer is that people are drawn to stories that are compelling. What am I getting out of the message of this story? There's a huge difference between a game like New Vegas, a game that explores the different perspectives of rule and law in a way that's fun and interesting, and a game like the new Wolfenstein, which basically boils down to "YAAAAAS QUEEN SLAAAAAY!" The answer is to just make a compelling story. That's it. Just make a story that isn't liquid dog shit, and people will appreciate it, regardless of the gender or race of the main character.
Video games are definitely for pandering, though.
>What constitutes as politics in videogames?
anything that doesn't conform to my views
they're only not ok, forced and should not be included when I disagree with them
Subtle politics are fine. Name dropping trump or chasing political trends is gay though.
General discussion of an idea: "War is bad" > Specific topical reference: "George Bush is bad"
When you make very specific political statements about how orange man is bad, it dates the fuck out of the statement, and if overused, the entire product.
bad writing
bad politics that should stay out of videogames = stuff you dont agree with
good politics that are fine in video games = stuff you agree with
>nukes are bad
>the military-industrial complex is evil
>blind adherence to national and political creeds at the expense of individuality is the ultimate sin
There, you have politics in video games.
>For a guy who complains about libs being snow flakes his entire channel is dedicated to outrage at the most minute things
He's little more than a clickbaiter and so many idiots flock to his clickbait videos.
if at ANY point during development fun stops being a priority in service of "statements" or "voicing opinions"
The ironic thing about posts like this is there is not a SINGLE game (not counting some unknown indie shovelware, fuck you) that has been ruined by "politics." Gameplay remains completely untouched by political shit-flingers, but since none of them play games all they know to talk about are dumbass "politics" (the majority of which isn't even anything political at all, but everyone thinks it is because they're mentally ill)
>Profile pic is AMERICA BAD, NUKES BAD, UN GOOD BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH the game series
Why are brainlets allowed?
Its not really politics that ruin something but rather when its presented in a puerile cathartic way completely uncritical of the side the creator supports. This is why Bioshock Infinite was okay until the devs backpedaled and made Daisy Fitzroy and the Vox Populi morally impeccable.
what the fuck a game being political even means?
Mostly to be mocked, and he indeed is an incel.
politics is not politics, politics is women and transsexuals
no, it means you completely missed the point entirely
Ham-fisted allegory.
Moral grandstanding.
Talking points.
All of them are exemplified by characters that are "woke", probably have colored hair and raise their finger like a lecturer. Still, nothing excuses poor writing. No matter what your political viewpoint is, if a 13-year old realizes that your "argument" is just you taking jabs at your twitter enemies, then your "writing" is just shit.
>A character that is an important figure and a serious authority randomly having a moment where they make out in great detail with another character of the same sex
>A character literally jumping down from a high place and as soon as they land they say "I'M GAY" before blasting enemies away
>Characters that are meant to look like and actually BE real life politicians (DONALD DRUMPFFFTTTTT REEEE!!!)
>Extreme liberal agendas being pushed and promoted by using the game's story
>Bringing real life politics and issues into the game
>Making constant references to real life politics or issues
>Making dialogue focused entirely on politics
>Literally namedropping politician names in the game
Any game that does this even before the ORANGE MAN BAD phase of America was still a piece of shit game in my book. There is no need to add real life shit into a video game unless it is absolutely fucking necessary because the game is literally about real life or some shit. Other than that poor excuse, no games should bring any of the real shit into it. Real life is a fucking slog already and the people we have to deal with in our personal lives and online already take a mental and physical toll on us, why should we be also forced to deal with these cunts and their horrible opinions and beliefs inside of a fucking video game of all things?
Openly liberal and right-wing devs need to be fired instantly as soon as they reveal themselves to be that way on fucking social media, which you know they'll do eventually. Neutral parties that just wanna make a fun game is all the industry has ever needed from day 1. Nintendo are a bunch of child-obsessed faggots but at the very least they try their best to stick true to what video games are supposed to be about: fun. Everyone else, especially Sony, are doing the opposite. Politics need to stay in politics, not leak into video games.
We Daewoo Tacuma up in this motherfucker.
>what the fuck a game being political even means?
They themselves don't even know because they don't know what "political" even is. They've simply latched on to a word because they need something to sperg out about.
I like you, Ampharos poster.
Metal Gear is "what if all those military projects and conspiracies ended up being true", not "brown people and trannies".
Politics "in" games is fine
Politics "around" games is not.
People are fine with MGS because it has politics that it shows all sides for.
People hate MK11 because regardless of what politics that are in the game. Nobody can see them from the politics being discussed around the game.
Nobody uses MGS as a statement on war even though in game it makes a statement on war.
But everyone uses MK11 as a statement on gender politics when the most political thing MK11 talks about in game is one character changing history to make it so slavery never happened.
See the difference?
i think the issue is that yes many games are political and games with issues like LGBTQ feel a lot more apparent and shoved in the audience's faces a lot more than stuff like war or nukes are, can I please play a game without something like a gay discrimination scene completely unrelated to the story happens and fucks my shit up?
a good game in my opinion that has lgbtq characters and does it well is ballad of gay tony for GTA 4, good shit with gay characters that didnt feel like the story was there JUST for the sake of having gay characters and was actually there to tell a story.
when a game throws hamfisted themes that kowtow to contemporary ideological trends where they make little sense to do nothing more than pander to a specific audience, it's "politics in games".
when a game properly worldbuilds and/or uses political backdrops to explore certain ideas that properly mesh with a specific gameplay experience, it is not "politics in games".
>a vast majority of games has it
lul no
prove it bitch
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but most LGBT characters in gaming are horrifically offensive, gay Tony included.
Go away, Jeremy.
>The Quarter Pounder
Content that I don't like.
When they try to borce their point of view down our (five of) broats.
>People who argue that politics should be in games are also communist boogeyman
People who argue that politics should be in games are considering games to be a serious art.
>Just make a story that isn't liquid dog shit, and people will appreciate it, regardless of the gender or race of the main character.
Le both sides shitters are delusional. Many releases in anything fictional garner controversy for having a minority in it before it's even released.
Name 10 games with the examples given.
Hard Mode: No current year games
post too intelligent for the internet
This is just a random mish mash of words. Please make a coherent argument so I can argue against it, please.
Politics that aren't my politics.
Because of the irony. He cries about politics in gaming, while trying to turn every game into a political discussion.
The reason he keeps popping up in threads is probably due to him spamming those threads.
What people don't understand is that stereotypes exist for a reason. When you just make a mumbo-jumbo of stuff trying to NOT be offensive, you'll end up being offensive.
fun things are not actually fun
Games have had political messages in them for years now. Probably at least the last 15 years, if not longer, they've been trying to include messages that align with the staff's political beliefs, or that fit the game's narrative.
The issue I personally have with games in the modern era is that these political statements aren't 'confined' to the world of the game. In fact it's just the opposite, the political climates of games released today is almost always just a 1:1 parallel of current american politics, there's no deeper political statements being made, there's no real passion behind the game.
Look at something like el shaddai, then watchdogs 2. The game of watchdogs 2 is pretty bland but it's not horrible. But it's pretty obviously aping (fairly) current political climates. In 5-6 years the game is going to be a really bland, weird, and potentially offensive caricature. Why do that? Because they think that's what makes money.
should? politics already are in games
Taking political subjects, and then apply commentary to it in your game.
Just because a game has politics, it doesn’t mean it is automatically good or bad.
Metal Gear is extremely political, and is still good since the game is good. MG also has more tasteful commentary than political modern games since it uses timeless subjects, and also is “NEVER QUESTION LORD OBAMA” and “Girls are better than boys!”
>asking Yea Forums
You'll never get a straight answer here, these fags think everything is politics.
it reminds me of the video Jim sterling released this week
He took great pleasure in saying Dark Souls is political and then just went and parrot all the things we know of the lore in Dark Souls 1
opinions I dont like
>not a real site
now im sad.
why does politics in games piss people off as much as it does? if ion fury came out and had shitty gameplay there'd be like 2 threads about how crappy the game is and then no one would care. but no, if they make some "political statement" then we gotta have a hundred threads a day about how terrible they are and how "they're never getting another penny from me!" and all that horseshit. is it just people who adapt "politics" as a lifestyle?
In a just world, what you say would be true. However, I still remember the release of AssCreed Origins, set in Africa with black protagonists. Forget knowing what would be in the actual finished product; the initial trailer had barely rolled off the presses when multiple game boards, including this one, were filled with "WE WUZ KANGS" jokes.
Hey Jeremy, just wanted to say that you're about as wrong and as annoying as the people you're fighting against.
You're the hero we all need ampharos poster
this increase of shoving politics into video games is fairly recent
back during the NES era, you'd have a hard time finding games that even touched on politics, unless you count just being set during a war as "politics"
I think people are saying "No politics" because they're retards and just repeat what they're told. There's plenty of good games with politics, but they usually have politics that matter.
Trannies wanting other people to pay for their cosmetic surgery isn't really politics as much as it is annoying to be around.
There were WE WUZ KANGS jokes during the twitch stream already.
You mean like how you overreact to a couple of morons? Face it, the horseshoe is real and its crushing you
>What constitutes as politics in videogames?
When outside influences like political activists brainwash publishers and developers into thinking they need to games with a political propaganda to influence players into having a different perception of reality to change society. It creates a stupid or cringe gaming experience when someone with an already different perception of reality plays the game. It makes gaming unenjoyable when the lore, backstory, and the drama are all based on the things we already get taught about in school.
Hi gamingcirclejerk :)
Politics is used a shield to defend against any criticism of a game.
>waaahhh quit telling me orange man is bad! he's really good, guys!
Going back to Metal Gear for a bit. This wasn't the fault of the game's directors, proper, but the localization for the games attempted to replace Big Boss with thinly-veiled pastiches of then-notorious terrorist leaders like the Ayatollah Khomeini.
I genuinely cannot remember the last time I played a game and thought I was being lectured to, what fucking games do you guys play?
Imagine if Bethesda confirms the next TES will be in Hammerfell. The Redguards are not even a real race, and they're more inspired by a mix of Japanese martial history and Greek mythology than African ones, but they'll still be treated with disdain by the juvenile "KANGS" spammers.
The lore threads will be ruined.
Lee is one of the most beloved black characters in gaming, and he had absolutely no controversy surrounding his race. Hell, there was even a joke about an ignorant white dude being extremely racist to him, and people found that amusing with no controversy whatsoever. The reason why is because Lee isn't a fucking embarrassment. Compare Lee to that retarded afro niggress from the new Wolfenstein game, and tell me if that's "literally the same thing."
Both sides ARE shit, and you need to be stopped before you strangle the life out of art and self expression. Absolute fucking moron.
Maybe it's because depicting Egyptians as black people is extremely offensive and it's essentially blackwashing?
>serious art forms welcome politics (although there is a strong argument that it's already there)
>plenty of media were already criticized for having minorities before they were released
I can't be any clearer.
I get the point that all art is inherently political, but this isn't what these guys mean.
Its a joke you retard, its funny because you care, its the same reason why people dab on white nationalism
Truth is told
I would go as far to say there's a good or proper way to implement politics and a bad or poor way which is why these come off as feeling "forced" in some games and not others. When the politics don't feel like they belong to that world the developer's are building it is when they are so out of the ordinary they become less believable. Mount & Blade is one such game where politics are often the basis of which the game revolves around, women are treated as second class citizens, but it treats these issues with enough realism and brevity fitting of its time they've managed to avoid controversy.
If you're so much of a sensitive little snowflake you can't stand it when video games are more complicated than Man rescues girl, you really should fuck off.
Some of the best games are political commentaries, or reflections of past policial viewpoints.
Hotline Miami is a great example, since it reflects a lot of the fear and hatred Americans had of Russia and Eastern Europeans before the fall of the Berlin wall.
Basically go fuck yourself /pol/
Based /o/ poster.
according to Jim Sterling , Dark Souls is political as fuck dude, did you learn your lesson?
Unironically fuck Wooloo and gen 8
A game that integrates a philosophy meaningfully into its story to both invigorate its narrative and spark discussion is good. See: Metal Gear
A game that just blatantly, and half assedly addresses current political issues or adds, say, pronoun selectors in a fucking 8 bit side scrolling game to appease certain "people" is bad.
Mortal Kombat 11
Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 4
to name a few
I dropped DS after like 20 minutes lol. Didn't like the world or the idea of having to explore, just wanted combat.
I really fucking hate this guy, something about his voice pisses me off.
There is nothing wrong with DISCUSSING politics in video games. Kojima (or at least his translators) never try to push one view as being correct but create a discussing within the player whether something like nuclear deterrents are a neccesary evil. Putting a gender neutral bathroom in your video game and telling eveyone online that you did it is a political STATEMENT and will only alienate
>casually discusses things
Ok "totally real, sincere user"
Dark Souls is nothing but combat dude, play Fury or Hotline MIami then
Wait i thought this nigga dead? Why are you posting a dead man wtf is wrong with yoy
It's all integrated in the story and makes sense. You play the game, have fun, and enjoy the storytelling. At no point are you being preached at about trannies and ethnic minorities. Hell, there are plenty of (subtle) talking points about minorities and oppression and all that shit, and even then it's integrated in the story.
>plays shitty games
>gets shitty results
O-Okay? What does media being criticized have to do with anything? I'll be honest, I'm extremely lost here.
I really think that using the term "politics" to describe modern video game narratives is wrong.
It's mostly just crazy propaganda:
Trannies good
Wahmen good
Wahmen of colour double good
White man bad!
Orange man bad!
So brave and powerful...
There, I summarized +70% of western games these days
That's the real problem
These devs and publishers are morally and creatively bankrupt and think that promoting the things that the powerful elites want them to promote is a noble cause and everyone who disagrees is an evil nazee
This sounds like a western dev problem.
Mostly indie shit
Go back to resetera
>implying implicit implications
orange man not bad.
orange man not good.
"orange man bad" comments overplayed.
your post dumb.
Poor wording. Politics isn't the problem, it's degeneracy enabling the fags.
Identity politics are lame. Yes, every game shouldn't be a white male. Also there shouldn't be any character made that isnt understood. When you get white men writing for black women it is cringe, they will never understand. Basically using todays political climate is cheap advertisement and they throw in whatever identity stirs the pot rather than suiting the story.
So you're saying women are bad and anyone who disagrees with you is a nazi?
Whats political about them? I missed all the buzz
Why do left wingers worship the idea of "politics in video games"? Why is every single argument they make is retarded? Why can they not understand the objective fact that games are not political, they don't belong in video games, and that nobody actually likes leftist politics.
1) Because left wingers actually unironically believe everything is political. This is false, but it highlights a problem. Basically, left wingers don't really like politics either. The more nitty gritty politics is something they find boring and don't give a shit about, the type of thing that makes a person interested in political science? They don't like it. Instead, they have empty spiritual values and a philosophy. People NEED these things to make sense of a world of suffering. Religion used to be the thing that filled this foundation. Modern Western civilization completely lacks all spiritual and moral values, lacks any foundation, thus, these people begin to fill it from another source. Far leftists values, a world-view, thus, they have filled these empty constructs in their hearts with a demented political cult. Very very dangerous. This is also why they feel the need to keep bringing this topic up. They NEED video games and media to propagate their message, no different from the attitude of the religious zealots and the cultists. Thus, what they don't want politics in video games, they want their religion in video games. They want to sacrifice storymaking, making games fun, for their religion.
This is why leftists who want politics in video games don't like Killer 7, or Deus Ex despite the fact that its giving them what they supposedly want.
>all politics are bad in a story
Enjoy your bland life. Most stories depend on political conflict to even exist.
The problem is the PUSHING of an AGENDA and PANDERING to a specific base which is currently prominent in political discussion. In the case of (western) vidya in 2019, this is far-leftist/postmodernist ideology which is the wedge driving apart the Democratic party and society in general. Not to mention the aggressive/hostile absolutism of most devs/producers who aim to ridicule anything that remotely smells like opposition to their agenda. Hence you see nothing but echochambers in games journos/media/dev circles/gaming communities/etc.
tl;dr - FORCING their agendas down our THROATS, not politics.
any political position different than the political position of a bunch of reeeing /pol/cels
Boy do I hate Jeremy. He just goes with the popular counter argument and brings litterally no unique insight to the table. For example, he was in a perfect position to defend ProJared, which you would expect him to do based on the persona he tried to push. But no, he pointed and laughed for the clicks. Fuck that slob.
Mortal Kombat 11 literally ends with Jax going back in time, freeing the slaves, and saying "America's not gonna get woke on its own"
Is censorship considered politics? I don't know, I just mod games that try to pull that shit
Hey, Ughtar. How much money you save on car insurance, lately?
>When will companies learn that games are for blah blah blah
Games are for whatever the people making them want them to be. If you want that, buy it. If not, don't.
Are you sure it isnt just a joke? Because it sounds like one. Who would play something like that straight?
>make game
>make story
>change game to fit your own politics
>change characters to believe what you believe
>change gameplay and story so that no one gets offended
>game is now no longer about the plot, characters, or gameplay
>game is now all about the political beliefs of the creator
>now the game is all about THEM
>wonder why everyone hates it
When I play your game I want to know about the characters and story and enjoy how it plays. I don't want your game to be a story about YOU.
>I’m lucky. My family and I lived the American dream. But most people who look like me haven’t had that chance. I owe it to them to put things right, and I’m not waiting centuries for people to get woke
Brb, going to take Leatherface's chainsaw to Jax's gut
Politics = naked application of contemporary issues, or straw-manning your position to solicit a Pavlovian response of approval by your partisan side.
Philosophical = deals with timeless questions that are often a part of politics, like whether the state should be big or small, democracy vs autocracy, heterogeneity vs homogeneity, the rich vs the poor.
If you resort to some blatant easter-egg like contemporary reference ("Make our Kingdom Great Again", "Witch rights are Human Rights") you rapidly approach/reach the point of being a partisan hack. New Vegas is often cited as a good example of politics in games and what do you see? No one side is held up as perfect, the others used as a strawman to beat and illuminate the author's own politics. Caesar's Legion is the solitary one done shitty and even then people can mentally justify the excesses with the nature of the wastes and what Caesar mentions.
Above all DONT FUCKING MORALLY LECTURE. We don't pay money to go to these pseudo churches and get browbeat by self-anointed clergy.
What said. Also
It's modern AAA gaming. It's played completely straight.
T. The voice of a generation
lol you nigs get triggered at every game
No man
Women aren't good or bad. They're women.
It's tiring when they are portrayed as saints that can't do anything wrong
Women in western media are portrayed as all-powerful, wiser than men and have manly features. They're also ugly, obnoxious and annoying.
Do you honestly believe anyone likes these copy-pasted characters of "stronk independent whamen that don't need no man!"?
>These devs and publishers are morally and creatively bankrupt and think that promoting the things that the powerful elites want them to promote is a noble cause and everyone who disagrees is an evil nazee
So this is what the trump administration wants to promote? Seriously which games promote this in your opinion?
Usually when people talk about it negatively they mean just the game trying to tell people that white people are bad/conservatives are bad/men are bad/Drumpf voters are bad/any kind of overt reference or parallel to current day American political situation whatsoever. Basically, attempting to talk down to the audience and guilt-trip them when the sole objective of games is entertaining that same audience and making it have a good time and happy feelings.
Note that games can have political overtones and be praised universally, even by Yea Forums. Original Deus Ex is one of the most political games ever made and everybody fucking loves it. This is because Deus Ex doesn't talk down to the player or make him feel bad or attempt to make clumsy parallels with the year 2000 politics (which would be ridiculously dated by now). Instead it goes for timeless themes of globalization versus national sovereignty, individuals versus collectivism, etc. which will still be relevant 100 years from now. In 2100 nobody will remember Trump or Hillary but people will still quote Deus Ex.
>Just make a story that isn't liquid dog shit, and people will appreciate it, regardless of the gender or race of the main character.
Based as fuck
We can't have alpha male protagonists like Duke and hot babes in game anymore because of politics.
If you think gaming isn't influenced by real life political bullshit, you're fucking deluded.
The quartering literally never talks about anything other than politics in gaming. If it wasn't for some political nontroversy in the gaming industry every day he would have nothing to talk about he doesn't even play games.
Bad politics is where any gay character is written to be any more visibly gay than New Vegas's Arcade Gannon.
>politics in video games
>writing explores different ideas and viewpoints
>lets the player come up with their own conclusion, even if the characters choose differently
>"politics" in video games
>writing is all about progressive getting brownie points at the expense of everything else, because everything else is secondary when you're making propaganda
>game is really preachy and tells you what to think
By "politics" I mean picture related. Would you want to read a comic like this? Would you like to read a book like this? Would you want to watch a movie with dialogue like this? How about a game with dialogue like this? This appeals to no one, except maybe the selected five clowns from the writer's twitter feed who clap their flippers together over epic ownages like this, and those clowns don't actually buy or read comics, or buy and play video games.
Games have all the right to use and talk about politics, the problem start when they pull moder stuff out of time and place or fantasy settings that has no relation or nothing to do with the topic. Basicaly the problem most of the time is the messenger not the message.
MK11 had Jax using time travel to make Wakanda and less sexy women than previous MK titles
bout tree fiddy
When everyone stopped giving a shit.
Well, thats completely retarded which only does disservice to their argument
>and tell me if that's "literally the same thing."
I never said that. This whole Lee thing probably felt great to write but it doesn't address my point. Reread what I posted?
>and you need to be stopped before you strangle the life out of art and self expression
You can also address how I'm doing so. Because the people who are against "politics in video games" are doing exactly that.
he said
>Just make a story that isn't liquid dog shit, and people will appreciate it, regardless of the gender or race of the main character.
i said
>plenty of media were already criticized for having minorities before they were released
Why is it tiring? So women can't be good?
>fantasy world with already defined and interesting politics
>some fucktard decides to shit all over it and turn it into their personal soap box
>If you're so much of a sensitive little snowflake you can't stand it when video games are more complicated than Man rescues girl, you really should fuck off.
Except that it’s not complicated most of the time (at least by today’s standard). It’s now mostly “YAAAASSSSS QUEEEEEEEEN”, “FUCK WH*TE PEOPLE”, and “My political views will bring society to a utopian future”.
>Some of the best games are political commentaries, or reflections of past policial viewpoints.
So are some of the worst games in recent times. Just like how the political commentary in these games are Political Comic tier, most of these games are also lower in quality too.
Yes, there are good political games, but they are only a few and are made with the game itself in mind first.
>Hotline Miami is a great example, since it reflects a lot of the fear and hatred Americans had of Russia and Eastern Europeans before the fall of the Berlin wall.
Again, this is just one example of just hundreds of political games.
>NuWolf is just ResetEra power fantasy against their boogeymen
>Same with NuBT
>Gone Home is just like homosexuals in the personality department, minus the flamboyant personality
>There is so many games where the people who disagree with the devs are dumb, ugly, and stupid
>Basically go fuck yourself /pol/
Not everyone that disagree with you is a /pol/tard, you Schizo.
2) Why do they make such retarded arguments to justify that games are political? Pic very related. Its like, if you're sane and not a communist, you see that this image is fucking stupid. if you are insane, you don't see a problem with this image. Good litmus test
The reason why every argument they make is retarded is because it lacks nuances and context. Good example, they think Final Fucking Fantasy 7 is political because it has themes that can be loosely related to politics. Anyone who is sane can see why this argument is completely stupid and why most people who hate politics in games would not have a problem with FF7. Not only that, but these reaching conclusions sounds like the type of garbage a undergraduate writes to pretend they sound intellectual when analyzing a work of fiction.
First, to imply that those are what the games are completely about is the ultimate narcissism. That's just your opinion. And even when we have confirmed statements from creators about themes (Like how Sonic the hedgehog had an environmentalist theme). Calling Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega genesis a pro-environmental far left political game is so profoundly stupid. People who are good storytellers tend to implement themes, whether those themes have political implication DOES NOT MAKE THE ACTUAL GAME ITSELF POLITICAL. Also, not all of these themes are even political, but again, as I said before, they mistake politics with their world religious view. Also, to go even further, let's talk about The Simpsons, John Swartzelder wrote many The Simpsons episodes, some of which seem to have political messages of pro-environmentalists. According to these nutheads, that means something. Only problem, John Swartzelder is a hardcore libertarian who has been described as an "anti-environmentalists", but you know, as a story teller who wants to make something good, the most important thing isn't your politics so much as finding what you think would make a good narrative
> all art is inherently political
Where do you ''enlighten intellectuals'' keep come from?
>cries about SJWs
>looks like that
That's the main issue I have with "politics" in video games. It's just an excuse for very, very poor writing. Comics have suffered much worse, because they just grab whatever retard that has 5k followers off twitter and have him write a series.
Then instead of writing a compelling or believable story, they parrot talking points straight out of twitter, because that's the only thing they know to do.
Poor writing.
I consider a lack of lolis to be a political statement.
"Negros in my vidya? That's white genocide!"
Wasn't he raped by a tranny or something like that?
Stories will always be political this is an inescapable fact of reality, anything seemingly "apolitical" is such because it promotes already well established values that most have become blind to. Though there is a point where the politics are so poorly integrated into the work of art that it becomes cringeworthy. Incorporating any kind of progressive or radical politics into media requires tact, thought and passion from the creators none of which AAA companies and their hack writers have which leads to low effort messages that feel more like brand advertisement than sincere ideas. If you want to see leftist politics done well then there's cyberpunk that explores the themes driving modern leftist political discussion in depth while building entire worlds to best convey it. Not just throw in a tranny in the middle of a generic game to show how progressive soulless profit seeking suits are.
And the same shit happens when its a white protagonist. There will always be black twitter retards seething over white representation but thats not proof of persecution.
When a modern topic is added, sounds like it is straight from a developer’s blog. It also doesn’t help if it is executed subjectively in my opinion.
It's funny, most people would accuse Deus Ex of trying to be all about 9/11 and the consequential war on terror if it weren't for the fact the game predated it.
I'm not american, first of all. I hate Tr*mp and the United States of America (and yes, it's still annoying hearing about "Orange man bad!" all the time).
And I'm referring, obviously, to the powerful elites and big companies backing LGBTQXXXTentacion movements and such
Tr*mp is in the minority of elites that do not back such things, but he's still a retarded neocon who is running your country into the ground, and is almost as harmful as the others
Fallout, Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock, etc.
Gen Z is obsessed with outrage.
Anything that is a portrayal of a belief system is political, "politics" doesn't just mean orange man bad and being obsessed with trannies you dumb mutt
I legitimately feel bad for anyone who looks both 12 and 40 at the same time.
>no black people in my vidya?Thats racism!
Its like play fighting. You just know when a real fight is happening.
It's only politics if I don't agree with it or it doesn't pander to me.
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
VtM Bloodlines
CoD 1-infinity
>complains about politics
>has a MGS avatar
pandering and controversy makes money, look at all of the bad disney movies that made $1 billion or more this year
Politcs are fine it's fake politics aka gender/race politics that's retarded
Congratz you just realized you're a Reverse-SJW.
It would be actually interesting to listen to stories from a completely different viewpoint than of my own if they're well written. It's sucks so fucking much when the story turns out to be written by some deranged drama queen with huge chip on their shoulder who just can't help themselves from turning everything into their personal soap box. You think you're about to enter distant fantasy worlds, but instead you end up reading someone's ramblings who should be writing blog posts instead of stories.
Do you have any examples of this? Also
>This whole Lee thing probably felt great to write but it doesn't address my point.
It did address your point. You're claiming that black characters are judged before release, and I provided an example of one that wasn't. Wokeness is like a giant shit that you can smell from a mile away. Nobody hated Battlefield 1 because it had a black and muslim character, people hated Battlefield 1 because you just KNOW it was going down the woke path. And it did. And it was an embarrassment.
>girls in vidyer is inherently political
I hate Zoomers so God damn much.
Original Wolfenstein
>kill nazis AND kill nazis fuck yeah!
>I'm not sure we can trust this WHITE MAN to kill nazis. He could be ONE OF THEM
You still shoot nazis but in the original it's for fun and in the second game it's politics
That sucks as well. What proof of persecution can you even come up with for white people on a structural basis?
I'm more annoyed that when incels start complaining about the mere existence of minorities or women in some game. Like there's nothing wrong with that, they exist in real life just like dogs, cats, parrots and cockroaches exist.
It's not even politics it's just an accurate representation of the real world.
People who say shit like "but they're minorities you don't see them often" just don't go outside their little basement because these minorities are in fact everywhere if you're more or less social person.
>it was going down the woke path.
What does that even mean?
Games can be political, and many are. They are not inherently political like twitter activists keep bleating about. The problems arise when the devs turn the corner from
>here's the story, make up your mind
>Here's what's right and wrong, you must agree or you're a nazi entitled white male
This goes for literally all entertainment written by other people.
Nazis and hitler. I'm tired
But Yea Forums wants to see those things even if they aren't there. They think there is a conspiracy everywhere. If mirrors edge was released this year, half the board would be complaining why the protagonist is female as soon as it was revealed.
You know exactly what I fucking mean.
>t. Butthurt millennial
Might I ask for your pronouns?
yea you'd have some games with stuff like that
but it was more about a game just happening to be set when and where it's taking place (like Operation Wolf), instead of the devs outright having a message they're obnoxiously trying to shove down the players' throats.
As an example,
Setting a game during a war isn't "politics"
Setting a game during a war and telling people it's bad or good is when it becomes politics or at least, starts having a political message
>Here's what's right and wrong
oh you mean like Call of Duty painting Americans as heroes all the time?
The women aren't actually "good". They are portrayed by the game as being good. They have no virtues whatsoever (unless you consider being obnoxious and bossy virtues lol)
The problem, and what makes it tiring, is that these characters are all very similar to one another. I'm complaining about the "stronk wahmen that don't need no man" archetype.
These characters are rude and annoying. And seeing them copy-pasted is saddening. A woman can be feminine. A woman can be strong without being crass.
I just strongly dislike what western games are doing with female characters.
Also, they tend to be ugly too, which makes them even less likable (and note that I'm not advocating for sexualization, I don't fap to videogame characters; I just want both men and women to look beautiful in my fiction; if I wanted to see uglyness, I would be focusing on real life, not videogames).
> World War III
> 1871
Kek. Also, if this guy wants to destroy Zionism, Islam, Christianity, Atheism, and Nihilism, what is he? What ideologies are left lol
Or perfect dark. Imagine if perfect dark came out today
No but seriously, those nuke codes, he can't get em.
Deus Ex. The game is literally all about politics. Do you know why people love it? Because it's well written and it's about telling a story. It wouldn't be good writing if it was about Warren Spector preaching us his personal opinions.
When the game's politics tell you what to think with clearly drawn distinction between good and bad ideologies. Games can be political, like New Vegas, where every group and ideology had strong pros and cons. They made you question yours and the group's views and gave you complete freedom to pick your side, or go your own way. There weren't bad choices.
And the bad politics are basically "evil guys are just a bunch of ultra-evil conservative types and good guys are super progressive rebel freedom fighters who are basically the writer's personal power fantasy against muh drumpf and nazeys". Lesser version of those bad politics is making the character's sexuality their defining trait, and shoehorning the writer's personal views onto them instead of letting the player project their own views onto their character.
Yeah they're kill/yourself/faggot
Videogame and fiction settings isn't your SanFran neighborhood faggot, it doesn't always make sense to have women or minorities in them.
I know he says it, but I do not believe Jeremy is married. It just doesn't add up.
>if it weren't for the fact the game predated it
Well there you go. If Deus Ex had been made after 9/11, during the height of the anti-terror panic, it would be pretty fucking cringe. The thing is, it wasn't, so instead of hamfisted and insulting, it comes across as prophetic genius.
3 games isn’t the vast majority of video games. It’s not even a fraction of 0.0001% of games.
No I fucking don't, not everyone is as invested in identity politics as you. Does BF blast original recordings of Black Lives Matter speeches while your character auto-aims at white soldiers or something?
>please, no politics in my games
>metal gear solid avatar
the classic
it's almost as if cons are snowflakes just like libs are
and anti-SJWs are no different than SJWs
and any other false equivalency to marginalize how shit elements of the left can be
Anything the person calling it politics doesn't like
>og Wolfenstein
>kill nazis fuck yeeah!!
>kill nazis #MakeKillingNazisGreatAgain #punchallnazis #TuckFrump
Those elements of the left don't shit up my vidya board
The west can't create a fictional story with half naked babes in it due to politics.
Normal people who don't obsess over death and dying so much that they believe in a magical sky wizard
>Tell me the answer to 1 + 1
>And don't give me 2, give a real answer
Based retard
Even if that had any truth to it they shit up the games that lead to shit discussions
When people complain about politics in games, they don't literally mean politics in games, they mean FUCK YOU WHITE MALE.
You can get married and still be a piece of shit for life. Marriage these days is mostly for government/political benefits and rarely out of love these days.
I'm stealing this one.
Last time I checked, anti-SJWs haven't hijacked every single AAA gaming studio through diversity quotas, caused smear campaigns against studios that don't conform to them, and threaten people who disagree with them.
Also anti-SJWs aren't all turning out to be rapists an pedophiles.
> he's still a retarded neocon who is running your country into the ground, and is almost as harmful
I'd honestly rather have him turn America into a radioactive wasteland than let the "other kind" have it.
learn what "vast majority" means you fucking idiots
even if any of you managed to give me 50 examples, that still isn't the "vast majority" this chucklefuck is claiming
Overt shallow political content designed to echo a political opinion to appeal to those who already share that opinion.
It provokes a negative reaction because it’s lazy, tedious, vapid and childish.
The most frustrating is when products use “diversity” as the major marketing point and then the press lauds it disproportionately, as though having a female lead or an ethnic minority lead inherently makes something better. This has a toxic effect where you become more wary of products with those leads because of this bias. The overly positive Black Panther and Wonder Woman reviews make me reluctant to watch another superhero film with a minority or female lead despite really liking Aquaman and Alita.
So atheists and nihilists, who were also mentioned as people he wanted to destroy?
And this is it, the one thing I don't get why these people can't seem to achieve some self awareness about, I know why with the youtuber, he makes money from the retards, but boy, does he have such a large pen of retards to cater to.
Just cause a game has some kind of "moral" or fuck, someones opinion or worldview in it doesn't make it bad, it's your triggered inability to exist in a world with people who don't see eye to eye with you on every little thing that's bad, I wish people would focus on that faggotry, that's the REAL problem, not what side of the political spectrum you're on.
I wish people would bag on those tards instead of picking up a pitchfork and joining them.
Games didn't suddenly become more political or try to shove agendas in more, you just started being a fucking weirdo about it and now you're contributing to a world where shit is an agenda all the fucking time.
Meant for
>can't explain it himself
Let me guess, an e-celeb Youtuber told you that and you took it as gospel. Gen Z is so fucking braindead.
read the last line of that post friendo
> Games didn't suddenly become more political or try to shove agendas in more
Must be nice and cool under that rock.
Metal Gear politics that create context = good
Wolfenstein 2 politics = bad
>Also anti-SJWs aren't all turning out to be rapists an pedophiles.
3) Nobody likes left wing politics dipshit, you seem to get mad that this is itself a valid reason why politics don't belong in video games and its in part due to the fucking attitude of you people. After all, your beliefs are quasi religious and you think anyone who opposes you is evil. In that image I posted, you even see them attacking some normalfaggot. You think they would pause that some apolitical faggot has gotten tired of their shit. Pushing your politics while sacrificing the objective qualities of a media is bad enough, but the fact that it is done in such a propagandizing, disrespectful, narcassitic way just makes it utter shit. Why do westerners think that's even acceptable behavior? I sure don't see that shit in my Japanese media. There is also that slimy move where you act like everything is political, but when your far left prog values come to shine, suddenly, its not political, its just a black man or just a women. This type of doublehanded cognitive dissonance is again, the type of behavior you see in cults.
If you think there are politics in games, you are objectively wrong. The people who make this topic are either trolls, or extremely insecure religious nuts who need to be gtfo. You should count your blessings that these people are only anti-SJW and not anti-left, like seeing the symptoms but being okay with the cancer.
Dumb westerners.
Very few games have any kind of coherent political message aside from basic bitch stuff like "WAR IS BAD", suggesting overwise is deeply embarrassing.
This whole "actually games were always political!" bullshit is an attempt by the usual far left retards to shoehorn in crass party political nonsense or identity politics into videogames as they realise the importance of the medium and especially its potential to propagandise to literal children. Their fantasy is for all games to be as on the nose as Sunset in a market where people no longer have a choice to avoid their bullshit.
Well let's check!
Hey Yea Forums, are you guys rapists and pedophiles?
If gay characters are too gay they complain if their too quiet about their gayness then they say their of no concequence to the story. Same thing goes with black or a fat character.
IDENTITY politics, people who actually buy games are sick of identity politics not GEOpolitics.
Identity politics are used by a bunch of parasites who craft imagined realities where in particular groups are discriminated against and so to combat this must be represented in works of fiction where in they fight back against their imagined oppressors.
Geopolitics are about countries interacting with each other.
Instead of recognizing this people just say "politics" and then equate some writer talking about the nature of war with some story about a girl who finds a piece of paper that says her sister is carpet munching lesbian.
They've always had political viewpoints in them was my point.
You can't craft a fucking narrative with conflict without it, you need something to be conflicted on.
>Dumb westerners.
It's cute watching an outsider act like his opinion is valid.
>Games didn't suddenly become more political or try to shove agendas in more
oh sorry, I forgot when games were just as political and shoving in half-baked agendas like including the trans flag back when I was still playing on my NES and Atari
fuck off revisionist zoomer
>It's a false equivalency because I said so
>Pedos? On MY Laotian parachuting forum?
is this bait?
Nice advertising thread.
Shouldn't all these popular games with obvious political elements prove that there is something fundamentally wrong with the storytelling if the politics stick out so badly that they become a problem? Fallout, Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid, all these games have politics, yet they're beloved franchises.
>hurr durr no because gamers only hate when the games have politics they disagree with, they're just racists and sexists
These games are literally about anti-war, anti-tyranny, anti-oppression, and all that good shit. How much more progressive can you get?
okay so we're only allowed to make games about wars and not personal conflicts
sounds fucking dumb
No, just a hebephile.
atheists and nihilists both obsess over it thouhg.
Keep reading. He's a devil-worshiper, assuming that quote is real.
My name is Steve, I'm a journalist and a political activist. I was born a jew, and my whole purpose in life is to write articles in a way that persuades entertainment industries to remove white people from existence.
They're old games. Zoomers haven't even heard of them.
Kill yourself.
keep dunking your head in that bucked retard
imagine being triggered by other peoples idea of what is important
>trying to backtrack this hard
your point was to say they were just as political back then as they are now, which they clearly weren't you dumb retard who never played video games back then
Imagine being a zoomer who doesn't know shit about vidya history
Hi steve, what's it like being a man made of straw?
When decisions are made in games regarding design, content, or mechanics made for political, politically correct, or socially expedient reasons instead of the only reason that should matter, which is whether or not said exclusion or inclusion makes the design, content, or mechanics better.
It's unambiguously the same problem as when greedy business practices like on-disk DLC, just socially motivated instead of financially.
If you don't understand this you're retarded, and remember kids: pretending to be retarded doesn't make you a troll, it just makes you retarded.
>imagine being triggered by other peoples idea of what is important
keep replying with non-arguments you fucking idiot when facts are slapped straight to your face
Someone came and defended him, I was worried someone would not
>these days
Nigger, for literal centuries, no, MILLENNIUMS, love wasn't even an important part of a marriage.
It only started to matter at all very recently. This is why nowadays gay marriage is even a thing: because marriage stopped being primarily for muh benefits and love started mattering.
>never try to push one view as being correct
>nukes are bad
>the military-industrial complex is evil
>blind adherence to national and political creeds at the expense of individuality is the ultimate sin
Only the last one was portrayed with more morally grey areas.
>they were just as political back then as they are now,
You're right, they were even more political. Can you imagine Fallout 2 being released today? Gen Z and Boomer Republicans would shit their pants.
i want more politics actually
Not all of them. Usually the ones that obsess over it are the ones that were raised religious and are mad they had to put up with religious bullshit growing up. People who were raised atheist just don't give a fuck
Literally not backtracking.
Also your attempts to just jab me with a debating fallacy as if it debunks my whole post is rather funny, like all you gotta do is poke a hole in and you're right.
Also they were you were just a dumb retard kid, probably still are
I can’t help but think that anyone that is too invested into this gamer sjw politic type stuff just looks like this , whether liberal or republican. Including magicthefaggotting dude.
No one sane asked for it
Greatest game of all times
it means a game has a non white character or a woman
>oh look, I found one game that's political, that makes me right!!!
imagine being this stupid
So women have no virtues whatsoever besides "being obnoxious and bossy"? And ugly women don't deserve to be represented even if they're virtuous?
Is pointed interest obsession? I'm not afraid of death, I'm just kind of eager to know what's after.
You're not really an atheist if you just don't give a shit then, atheist is usually referred to people who obsess over getting people to be unreligious as much as christfags seethe over people not being religious
Everything is political. Deal with it.
God forbid some videogame challenges your fragile incel feelings and forces you to consider other peoples perspective.
Name 20 games from modern day that are more political than Fallout 2, I bet you can't.
Politics in video games is not inherently bad, it's just that every company under the sun engages in propaganda. Its this idea that a particular viewpoint is "correct" and there's no debate to be had; it's that kind of bullshit that is infesting video games.
A game like Splatoon could be political without it being propaganda, if it wanted to. "How do we coexist with the Octarians with what little land we have?" It asks tough questions without a clear answer and makes people think. There isn't any "right" answer.
>vtmb releases in 2019
>99% of threads for all eternity on Yea Forums are about that one line of dialogue mentioning Bush
>ThEy ArE tHe SaMe BeCaUsE i SaY sO
look I even typed it like a liberal making the caps randomly locked
>cherry picking pictures
using buzzwords is lame
Atheist = a theist
That's it
Fucking retard
>game hasn't even released
>it's bad because there's a lesbian
This is silly.
If it ties to the central theme of the game's plot or characters based on historical figures. Character's race/gender/orientation unless it is the only thing they have. All games ""ruined"". by politics would be shit regardless
>Do you have any examples of this
Name a reboot where the main character is a minority instead of white/straight/male.
>You're claiming that black characters are judged before release, and I provided an example of one that wasn't
I never said all black characters are judged before release.
> Nobody hated Battlefield 1 because it had a black and muslim character
There was alot of heat over the hellfighter on the promo art.
>you just KNOW it was going down the woke path
Define "the woke path". Making a political statement? Are you aware that fiction has been "politically woke" since the greeks? How did you (((KNOW))) from just looking at a character which historically existed?
>guy has an MGS avatar
Ironic, isn't it?
that's the current state of Yea Forums
When the topic will be dated in 50 years.
According to you any game with a nigger or woman in it is "political" so it's actually a lot more than just one game.
No, you're the same because both of your goals is to undermine the freedom for people to express themselves however they want.
People want drama and attention, all boils to that.
All these outraged guys on social media, metoo, the projared stuff...
People are attention seekers and will destroy anyone for a spotlight
>now trying to spin into debating tactics and starts to have a stroke
that's how I know you don't know shit about old video games
Hit too close too home didn’t I ? This would literally only bother white incels. You bare buzzwords but I bet you love using tranny, dilate , and can’t forget
>Metroid released in 2019
>Yea Forums's face when Samus is a girl
Worthless fatass detected
This is the black pit of the internet.
Meanwhile, I see left wingers on Yea Forums making bait threads and ruining discussions.
Stop making this thread or go back to /pol/. No one wants to hear your genetically inferior political beliefs:
Just wait for vtmb2, Yea Forums will be on fire.
>it doesn't make sense for a fictional game to have a certain type of people
based retard
Politics in video games is bad when it doesn't confirm my priors or presents me with something I disagree with--that makes me very angry.
t. TheQuarterPounder
Hate not bare
>names 1 game
>asks me to name 20
the state of these fucking trannies
You're a zoomer what the fuck do you know about any game released before 2000? You weren't even born.
Putting obvious stances that almost every normal human being agrees with like "don't judge people by how they look!" and "greed is bad!" is a safe and frankly boring move that is basically not political at this point.
If you're tackling more complicated issue like economic or political systems then my stance is this:
Represent both sides of the issue in a way that most people on that side would agree with.
There are people with extremist views, and it can be entertaining to show people with extreme views in media.
But don't JUST show the extremist viewpoint, or if you do at least do the same thing for both sides of the argument.
Using a lame buzzword and straw man, pathetic
evolve already
dilate is a real word, that's the difference
You need to learn how to make arguments, not insulting
If destroying ideologies is the method, then thats probably the goal. I dont imagine their argument is so contradictory that theyd use it all to say their own ideology is better.
Consensus reality can be quite literally anything. If you destroy all forms of isolation, that reality becomes very easy to control from the perspective of someone above it.
Boo hoo bait threads really are as bad as shooting up schools because something something oppressed white people.
lol, lmao, rotflol
weird how Yea Forums and incels only complain about politics and pandering when it's liberalism
You're almost there, but you need to more strongly realize that left wingers cannot be reasoned with,because their beliefs are religious in nature. Also, you still cling onto false leftists narratives. Once you drop those two things, you will always win in any argument in them. You must bring out their negative genetic traits that repulsive the sane and the human
>can't name any
zoom zoom this is why everyone looks down on your generation
>Name a reboot where the main character is a minority instead of white/straight/male.
Why are we talking about reboots now? Why aren't you providing examples for a claim you made? Did you slip and damage your brain before you wrote this post?
>I never said all black characters are judged before release.
You said "plenty" which implies a majority, and all I'm asking for is an example.
>There was a lot of heat over the hellfighter on the promo art
It's almost like it's extremely distasteful to blackwash one of the most bloody and horrific wars in human history.
>Define "the woke path". Making a political statement?
Good lord you are actually fucking stupid. You know exactly what I fucking mean by "the woke path", Resetera.
Why anyone would make such effort for a tranny late for his dilation session with a chainsaw?
>Yea Forums
dude why you gotta bring up identity politics?
>also Yea Forums
dude why is that character gay? why is the main character black? is there a plot explanation as to why this character is trans?
White incel who wanted to suck his dad's dick when he was a kid detected, protip:it's not sex unless it's in your wife's cunt.
>Nier features an intersex character
>cannot finish the game without learning this about her so it's not buried away or hidden
>her struggles with it are a major part of her character, but not the only thing that defines her either
>in spite of this, she is beloved and no one complains about Nier being "pandering" or "political"
>Mass Effect Andromeda features a transgender character
>in your very first conversation with her, she just immediately blurts it out with absolutely no tact or nuance whatsoever
>she has little to no character defining traits beyond this
Most people don't hate progressive themes in games, they hate games written by talentless hacks who have no interest in writing compelling LGBT characters or whatever else and only want to virtue signal. High school dropouts and actual high schoolers think this shit writing is what constitutes "politics in video games", basedboys and wokescolds take their retardation and use it to mock anyone who dislikes the garbage EA and Ubisoft are pumping out.
Black and white moralistic approach to addressing current social issues
If you absolutely have to put politics in your game, you should leave some room for the player to make their own interpretation of the issues presented
Just saying "this is what you should think about this" is lazy soapboxing
At least be a little fucking subtle christ it's not that complicated
Go back.
Yea Forums is fucking awful today, jesus christ. 1/4 of the catalog is twitter caps.
Political activism that takes a biased stance on a contemporary social subject matter opposing the other side:
-Watchdogs 2 has a mission where you cyberattack and antagonize Martin Shkreli, a man many love but was antagonized by the media.
Normal politics in game: universal standard anti war themes, anti drugs, etc
It's very simple. Is the game fun? If yes, then it doesn't have politics in it.
This but unironically.
>kill nazis
Cringe. How about a game where one goes around killing Americans? Or even better: Anglos?
When political views aren't explored, merely stated and often just used to illustrate a binary viewpoint: black or white, good or evil. The good guys are good because they subscribe to THIS worldview and the bad guys are bad because they subscribe to THAT worldview.
When characters feel less like people and more like strawmen and caricatures you can't become immersed because they don't seem real even in their own fictional world. They exist only to invite comparison with the real world, which immediately takes you out of the game.
They are not the same because one side wants to censor games and the other says "no don't do that"
almost all narrative games have some politics put into them by the writers, retarded anti-sjws just didn't notice the usual generic big corporations bad or invading evil foreigners good themes because they were always there when they were kids and getting mad at progressive idpol is the in-meme
What the fuck kind of vacuous point is this? In the second point it's a RESPONSE to someone bringing up identity politics. It's not hypocrisy, it's a fucking retort.
>Also anti-SJWs aren't all turning out to be rapists an pedophiles.
Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.
Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.
Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
Republican Committeeman John R. Curtain was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor.
Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
It's when the devs pressure their political views down your esophogus.
>So women have no virtues whatsoever besides "being obnoxious and bossy"?
I never said that?
I said the characters in these games, like the chicks from the newest wolfenstein, don't have any virtues besides those. I have a problem with their archetype. Completely barebones characters, and you're seeing them more and more. If they were male I'd still have a problem with them.
>And ugly women don't deserve to be represented even if they're virtuous?
What do you mean by that? Why should ugly people be in a video game? I'm an ugly manlet and I don't want male characters to be ugly manlets.
Ugly people are an eyesore by definition. In the past, most ugly characters were villains for a reason: it's a lazy and easy way to make people hate them. There is absolutely no reason to make a character (that you don't want the players to hate) that is ugly in a video game.
When a game is filled with forced throats.
>QuarterPounder nickname
do you understand that when you immediately resort to schoolyard insults like that, you don't actually make him look bad, instead you make people actually look into his video/s to see what he's got you so riled up about?
You're actually helping him more than you're harming him. It's like the people posting those meme gifs about Shadman. The only that ever actually does is make people check out Shad's website and patreon, and some of them decide to then subscribe to him.
Because he looks funny.
But for Yea Forums and /pol/ everything is identity politics, there's no end to it. Imagine if the following games were released this year:
>mirrors edge
>beyond good and evil
>MGS 2
>perfect dark
>the very first metroid
Half the board would be complaining about muh women and muh identity politics.
Right after you imminent suicide by 30
It's only political if I personally don't like it
>implying all these aren't trolls winding up the unironic right wingers
you can tell when a lefty poster is unironic because they can't help but preach communism, most of the time it's just giving push-back to the typical alt-right spergs because it's easy to wind them up
>getting that triggered
Quarterpounder is a faggot, just like you
>non-western zoomer projecting
Know your place. Go back.
>trannymind immediately trying scorched earth tactics by calling people "zoomers"
I wonder if the Quarter Pounders actually wear these.
>atheist is usually referred to people who obsess
No, retard
It just means someone who isn't a christtard, kike, mudslime, gook feng shui monk or any other fairy believer.
No, you people want to actively have less black and women characters. Don't fucking gaslight me, bud.
I said anti-SJWs, not republicans, zoomer. I would love to see an Anti-SJW try to become a member of the republican party, that would be a fucking riot.
Oh wait, Sargon of Akkad did that, and it was one of the biggest blunders in political history.
When it’s coerced down our gullets.
What kind of stupid shit is that you narcissistic fat fucking westerner? How about you keep your mouth shut instead of acting like this is a Japanese anime where you think being smug gives you power.
Did you know that leftistm is not a valid political ideology, its a genetic abnormality. A cult. A pattern of maladaptive behavioral attitudes that are unpleasant. How the fuck can you read the posts on Yea Forums and not conclude that left wingers are mentally ill? They all act the same, they all post the same bait threads, they are not here interested in discussing in video games. Once you realize the problem is biological, then you realize there is hope of creating a world where people with these awful opinions will never make another post again.
There is some objective truth that certain beliefs and attitudes are genetic and heritable. In Colombia, we even see the entire left wing vote get annihilated from certain villages due to the extreme political violence that resulted in mass politicides (which thankfully, only leftists were the main victims of). So that seems to be some anecdotal evidence to the idea that there is some genetic factor at play here.
Any Catholic Church or any church leader ever.
To be fair people don't need freedom. Give them freedom and they will start a war over stupid ideals or some other dumb shit. All they need is a sense of freedom.
Yes, you dumb nigger. You can make anything happen in fiction, such as having a whole country specifically be one homogenous blob of the same race. To suddenly come in and change that with no or a half-assed explanation or pointlessly complain without reading up on the world's story and lore would indeed break the consistency of said fictional world.
Are you purposefully stupid?
dude's married and has a kid
have sex trannyfag
/pol/ praises MGS2
nice cherry picking here
All the DNC supports the LGBTQ which supports pedos
checkmate and dilate
You guys are bitching about Shovel Knight now. Get mental help.
>No, you people want to actively have less black and women characters.
No we don't. Also there are tons of woman and blacks in games so clearly your false scenario isn't even happening. Meanwhile SJWs still push censorship.
>I said anti-SJWs
>no true anti-SJW!
Fuck off literal schizo
Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial.
Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography.
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Go to any thread with any character with a female or black or gay lead it’s all they bitch about.
So then why are you dickriding quarterpounder so hard?
Do you think he'll reward you with Funco Pops?
>i really don't care about how my character looks btw, only losers feel the need to sel insert into a character. You see im a simple man, if the game is fun then its go-
>ooh, wait you are expecting me to play a nigger? w-why?
>women aren't actually good
>they have no virtues whatsoever
Did you not say that?
>I just want both men and women to look beautiful in my fiction
>If I wanted to see uglyness I would be focusing on real life not video games
Did you not say that as well? I don't see what the problem is with ugly women, when most women are in fact average and don't fit your standard of beauty. I just like realism in my games is all.
'nuff said
Is it the same person saying both of those things?
>white knighting for söylets
You fucking retarded subhuman. You said this.
>Just make a story that isn't liquid dog shit, and people will appreciate it, regardless of the gender or race of the main character.
A reboot has a story, no? Address it.
>You said "plenty" which implies a majority, and all I'm asking for is an example.
Plenty doesn't necessarily imply a majority. I used the word because it happens on a consistent basis. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the majority desu.
>It's almost like it's extremely distasteful to blackwash one of the most bloody and horrific wars in human history.
I'm not entertaining this until you admit that you are being an idiot and admit that the Harlem Hellfighters -were actually in the war-.
>hurr durr you are stupid
>you know what I mean... libshit board boogeyman
How are you able to function well enough to use a computer?
Yeah, just like the multitude of genders and sexual orientations you claim to be.
it can all be condensed into you being undesirable, uninteresting and mentally ill.
>I can’t play as a Loli with wide hips and a breast size slider ? This is obviously the work of sjws trying to censor our games ! Those damn liberal gay supporting pedophiles!
>Meanwhile SJWs still push censorship.
As do Republicans.
That's just a joke though. I was spamming that shit when it got announced at the stream and still bought it because it seemed fun.
Again you lose the argument because blacks and woman are in games while SJWs still get censorship pushed through.
Hey Yea Forums, you think this is the same black guy who made these same post?
The same narcissism, the same afrocentricism. You know, even if you ignore IQ science, there are many people in this world who view video games as an escapism. Its main purpose is to be a game and fun. If it isn't, it fails as a game. Now, imagine how many people have been tormented and tortured in the USA having to live near black majority population. A teacher being maltreated by his inner city students, but he can't leave, he needs the work. Maybe they had to deal with their unpleasant bullshit on the way back from work on the bus. Maybe he saw a fight broke out, or saw a junkie shoot up in front of his face. He gets home, he wants to relax, and you shove these ugly melanin characters in front of their face. Why don't you show some sympathy for them? Do you lack empathy? No one wants to see that in their games, you have to be stupid and evil to argue otherwise.
New and old people will keep watching or get linked to his videos no matter how many times you type "Quarterpounder" in this thread or in future threads
that's basically it. it's just amusing how you think your actions have any noticeable effect on the guy.
>I said anti-SJWs
>no true anti-SJW!
There you go, exactly! Now you're catching on! Now can you provide some examples?
what game censorship have republicans successfully gotten through?
>Defending Quarterpounder
Sasuga murricans.
peace walker redpilled me on nuclear detearence
Like bravely default costume changes that you can’t play as a loli in a bikini? Oh yeah their older than 18 it doesn’t count ! Damn liberal pedophiles can’t let me look at underage girls in bikinis!
Do Germany and Australia count?
I dislike multiculturalism. It's so fake and gay. I've been to school with people from different races and most of them segregate themselves and stick with their own kind.
suicide, my nigger
>video games redpilled me
The state of people who only get their viewpoints from electronic entertainment. Sad!
What's so great is that Warren Spector is a normie neo-liberal. Having Paul Denton say "A bureaucrat in New York City can't make a good decison for a town in New Jersey, let alone a village in China" or the NSF Statue Leader talking about the rising taxation of the middle and lower class, this isn't the writer's preferred ideals. However, these characters are written not as evil boogeymen that seek to act as strawmen for ideas Warren dislikes, rather, he has made reasonable characters for his world that challenge his ideology.
please be more specific what you are talking about. Your absolute vagueness is setting off my bullshit detector.
>changes argument when proven wrong
I accept your concession.
What game censorship have SJWs successfully gotten through?
Rule of Rose, although that was French right wingers.
Video games = violence spin they manage to put in every time theirs a shooting
The entire esrb
You know small stuff
>I've been to school
You have to be 18 to post here.
>not believing in something is obsession with it
>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who are this retarded
>No one wants to see that in their games
Luckily you don't have to buy products you dislike
answer my question I asked first and I will gladly answer yours
Great not who we are talking about though.
None of what you just said is censorship.
The Orwellian free speech removal self-inflicted by Ion Fury devs who changed the soap texture.
At some point you gonna have to work with people from different races, beliefs, etc. What are you going to do then?
As we all know school only started for newborns 17 years ago today.
Political opinions that have merit aren't based around 100-level college philosophy courses.
A game like Night in the Woods, or Watchdogs 2, where the politics are shallow and silly are obnoxious.
A game like Deus Ex or even like, Detriot: Become Human that explores more thoroughly its themes is acceptable.
The problem is that a lot of shovelware games are made by college students who's political compass is so ballblisteringly binary and unintelligent. LIke -- yes. violence against women is bad. You are not Descartes for telling me that. Nazis are bad, you are not a deep thinker or a daring progressive for believing that mass genocide is wrong.
When people say they don't like politics in video games, they really mean they don't like pretentious young hipsters.
The bluepill kind.
People over 18 still do go to school, kid.
>No, you people want to actively have less black and women characters. Don't fucking gaslight me, bud.
How come far leftists don't understand nuances? SOME people, leftists. Note the key word, SOME, you aren't a fucking kindergarten are you? You do understand that these concepts are diverse and that many groups of people are holding them right? I mean, you even see it on Yea Forums. NOBODY really bitches about women protagonists when they are in Japanese video games, because the main issue is the fucking awful politics and design philosophy behind western developers that forces women and blacks into games, that is something the left wing losers on Yea Forums like to conveniently forget. You are also ignoring the legit issues about why some people don't want to see either in a game about WW2 that is centered around realism. Do you see the fucking problem? How come the Japanese can, but you can't? Because beautiful women are nice to see. All these complex circumstances that you chose to ignore. I mean, even I can tell the fucking difference between a Stalinists and a prog western leftists. I don't group them just the same because they are both far left wingers.
Also how narcissistic. Grouping women and blacks in the same category. Human societies need women to survive. They don't need blacks, so there are stark differences in opinions here. Some people have zero problem with women characters, but some people do have problems with black characters period. Like me.
Its like left wingers need to simply everything to a good/evil paradigm in accordance with their cult, and yet, they don't get that all they are doing is forcing people to realize that logical rational and moral justification debunking their entire belief that black and women need to be in video games in the first place.
>noooooooooo, stop calling me that or else ill have more people watching my vids
When a game talks about a thing I don't like, or about a thing I do like in a negative light.
Yup an entire rating system meant to literally censor game types out of age brackets and deter developers from making games of certain esrb ratings because it can change sales isn’t a form of censorship at all. White suburban moms know best as we all know , and you obviously enjoy the milkies
I'm more of a Flaffy guy myself.
I'll take back calling you retard. What you are saying is correct, but it's frequently misused with games like Mordhau. Your argument applies well to games like Kingdom Come.
You go to school with them, you work with them, but do you get more close to them? Do you build deep bonding friendships with them?
>he's too young to remember Bully
Can't say I'm surprised lol.
Check out the demo and then the real game (I suppose you haven't played it since it came out in the 2000s and you're a Gen Z fag and Gen Z fags hate "Boomer games" like the plague). They had to slash content because of Jack Thompson. You can actually still see the content voids it left, especially the girls dorm and the asylum.
Most JRPG games published by Sony, Ion Fury, Disgaea, Criminal Girls, Yakuza, Zanki Zero, there's more but those are the only ones I care about that are off the top of my head right now.
>saying the truth is now projection
go dilate
>you people want to actively have less black and women characters.
Why are left wingers so unable to comprehend context and nuances?
>Sargon of Akkad did that, and it was one of the biggest blunders in political history.
Seriously, are they genetically unable to do it? I know that being a left winger is not a legitmate political view, its more of a genetic disorder, and more of the sane leftists, tend to have stronger traits of rationality and humbleness that keeps them from saying this garbage.
Why can't they understand nuances Yea Forums? Fucking why?
remember when Yea Forums had hundreds of threads complaining about pic related when it came out?
good times
Most of Yea Forums is too young to remember fucking Hot Coffee.
I just have a problem with current politics, I love pre 2000's political games.
It was a simpler time, fucking Hippies ruined everything.
neetbux are easier to get and i dont have to work with subhumans
Show me proof that it was Republicans who invented it?
>less black and women characters
A lot of games would be better off without them.
The women (represented in the game; I think this is the part that you have a problem with? Maybe I should have worded it better) aren't actually "good". They are portrayed by the game as being good. They have no virtues whatsoever
It was all in the context of the video game characters.
>Did you not say that as well? I don't see what the problem is with ugly women, when most women are in fact average and don't fit your standard of beauty. I just like realism in my games is all.
I'm attracted to women as long as they aren't obese or deformed. Women in video games aren't quite that bad but there's still no point in having them there. Who likes having ugly people in the fiction they consume? What's the point of that? It's unpleasant to look at. Most gamers agree, obviously, since this has become a big point of discussion in recent years.
If you want games to be "realistic", well, I don't know what to tell you, I guess we just have very different tastes.
>Night in the Woods
>where the politics are shallow and silly are obnoxious
>Detriot: Become Human
>explores more thoroughly its themes
Sorry, I don't play JRPGs outside Golden Sun. What was censored by SJWs?
>So then why are you dickriding quarterpounder so hard?
Why do left wingers hate this e-celeb so much yet keep making a bunch of OP with him?
Most of historical videogame censorship has been because of Republicans , this outcry included.
I never played Bully so show me proof that "republicans" censored it
Why are you dickriding Quarterpounder so hard?
>you aren't a fucking kindergarten are you?
Probably continue to dislike it, and express it places? He didn't specify any ultimatums about it so I don't know what you're talking about really.
>4 bad games on the right
What did they mean by this?
*meant beta
>Most of historical videogame censorship has been because of Republicans
Imagine still believing in this leftard lie
>Have Sex
>Smug anime girl
>no u
You are now caught up with every Yea Forums thread. You are free to go.
you are underage and uninformed.
They will pretend Hillary Clinton and Joe Liberman never existed and didn't push most censorship. This is how dishonest these sociopaths are.
He is married lmao
funny how the lefties were the ones pushing for AI to govern shit to be more fair to everyone and then collectively reeeeeeee-ing when they saw that AIs were also "racist" against black people
He's not wrong, even Cageshit is better than NitW
He also owns Funko Pops.
You can google Jack Thompson yourself, don't be so fucking lazy. Here's some beta footage for reference
Now your turn
Not an answer.
I knew you were lying
So you're saying women represented in games can't be good?
Why must women fit your definition of beauty in order to appease you instead of simply existing as their own being?
Not every user on Yea Forums is the same person, underage newfag.
just earlier in the thread you had a 1 or 2 jackoffs arguing that NES-era games were just as political as the garbage we have now
what a bunch of fucking liars
>not wanting to have loads of children inside you
Neither of those two held the same kind of power that the Governator did when he tried to ban M-rated games in Caulifornia.
It isn't my turn. You haven't proved anything. Also what political position did Jack Thompson have in the republican party?
So tired of seeing this fucker in my recommended. I really tried watching him but he comes off as uninformed and whiny. He also got beat by a tranny.
Imagine being a Zoomer who's never played a game that came out before this decade
You know retard, if you actually look at archives of old discussions on the internet, you can actually find people complaining about that. I don't know what this stupid religious cult tactic is. They point to some embarrassing cringe worthy forced politics that looks outdated these days, and say that because you think it was okay in the past, its okay now? I mean, look at that lame fucking line, its embarrassing in the year 2019, just like all the weird neurotic anti-Republican hit-pieces from the 1990s. It stands out like a sore thumb.
No dipshit, that bullshit in Fallout was never okay. However, there is this thing called context, and back then, this is not as insulting, because its just one line, its in the background, and don't forget what the mainstream Republican politics were like at the time. Many were not a fan, including me.
You ever notice that you never see these political cheapshots in Japanese video games or media? And I know a bit more Japanese, so its not like its because I'm just 100% ignorant of the politics of Japan.
Politics in games isn’t inherently a bad thing at all. It’s when the devs push their own agenda through their writing is when it gets obnoxious. Same for movies, political movies can be really great, but when it’s just the director/writer/whatever just jerks themselves off for 2 hours is when it’s stupid.
I bet you own Funko pops
Trannies are evil and powerful monsters. Youd be overpowerd too if you got to fight one.
>You haven't proved anything
Watch the footage or spend 5 seconds at google.
>Jack Thompson
You've never heard of him? Is this bait or are you arguing in bad faith in order to stall?
non white califonira signaling.
anything that is outside of a white ethnocentric frame in a broad sense. so weeb shit is fine but femminist masculine features are not.
My point still stands
Were they banned?
Also en.wikipedia.org
>So tired of seeing this fucker in my recommended. I really tried watching him but he comes off as uninformed and whiny. He also got beat by a tranny.
That's the fate of centrists who accept too much leftists principles, but simply chose to be anti-SJW, not anti-left. You cannot beat this insane cult, while accepting their principles. Reminds me of those left wing churches that are all dying out.
Is this one of those AI generated fake people?
It looks fucking monstrous, though I can't pinpoint why.
I'm just saying that women in western videogames today are very similar and definitely not virtuous in any way.
They're videogame characters lol
And hey, if devs want to make ugly characters, they have every right to do so
But I'm not obligated to like them.
Just tried looking up "buff tranny" for a response and I'm scarred.
aggressive marketing that displays a demographic's concern around the agents of the game, that does not correlate to game play or fun, but rather the musings of what should and shouldn't be done within social parameters, as opposed to generating actual fun for the game. Thus evoking an agenda, which is often unwanted and typically distracts from the escapism of the media, by reflecting real world problems in a way which is widely considered unfun by many.
This user loves Funko Pops.
I googled and found nothing. So you lied?
I know who he is I am asking you what political position did he have in the republican party? Simple question user.
That's what I thought. I accept your admission of defeat.
I don't love NITW primarily for it's explicit political message but at least it tried, especially it's subnarrative about the miner's strike massacre. Cage was just "what if minorities were robots????????"
very similar to one another*
Nah, it's just an unmodified photo of one of my state reps, don't you think she's beautiful, user?
So you're saying they should be like western video games from the 50's where women were treated like second class citizens? Why does a woman have to be beautiful in order to be virtuous?
>defending your shelves full of funkos from the evil basedmens
Jeremyfags love Funko pops
Cant make this shit up
>I googled and found nothing.
So arguing in bad faith, got it.
What is it with your generation always demanding to be spoonfed and being willfully ignorant? You're like Millennials on crack cocaine.
You know, it's actually disturbing how this lie even spread.
Why do people even think that Republicans censored video games? There is literal no proof that they ever did. All attempts at censorship and regulation of video games in the USA have been done by Democrats and Liberals. ALL OF THEM. The Night Trap hearing, the arcade bans, the california law, the hot coffee mod controversy. To the point that one of the California laws had to be ruled unconstitutional. They went that far.
Like its disturbing. I can only assume that maybe there was some more obscure law that a Republican passed that banned arcades in the 80s? Maybe its because of the image association of Republicans being traditional conservative moralistic so they would of course be against video games, or maybe because of soccer moms or because of the evangelical base.
user you refuse to provide a source for YOUR argument and you say I am arguing in bad faith. It's YOUR argument not mine. Why do I have to prove YOUR argument that I do not agree with?
Also lol crickets for the Thompson question. I wonder why. Amazing.
Japs are bootlicking insectoids who quickly fall in line, of course they won't take pot shots at the establishment, too beta for it
Whoops :^)
A woman does not have to be beautiful to be virtuous. But a videogame character does not have to be ugly.
And if you see nothing wrong with the attitude and behaviour female characters in western AAA video games today, well, more power to you, I guess. I cannot understand why anyone would like obnoxious, annoying, generic characters, but ok.
He is the one posting his shit here, dipshit. If you know anything about this guy, it is obvious that he comes here and does it himself.
The sad part is that it is working, because gamers are an easy target for outrage culture, after he got kicked out of the tabletop gaming world because they didn't put up with his clickbait bullshit.
>spoonfeed me!
Here is your tribute user, for your collection?
>Why does a woman have to be beautiful in order to be virtuous?
Because beauty is good, that is why Yea Forums never complains about women in video games, as long as only the Japanese are doing it, and not faggot ass Westerners. I mean look at your shitty race, this is Yea Forums, the place less likely for your kind to find this place, but you are still here, you are still producing unironic ugly worshipers westerners. Does ANY of the pro-SJW here, sound like they would make an appealing video game with women or blacks? NO!. And that statement right there is what genetically differentiates sane people and from your radical political cult. And it's this mental illness of hating beauty and objectiveness that drives the sane away from you. This disgusting belief is their religious cult. Imagine if the USSR followed your advice, worship of the ugly. No, not even they did that.
This thread should have been deleted long ago because its a spam post.
Was Thompson a Republican ever? The only wiki references I can find are him criticizing them for inviting niggers to things.
>if I keep saying google it yourself maybe I can hide the fact that I was lying about my argument
Also still no answer about Thompson.
The vids about him begging people to fund his website?
I love the Wolfenstein clips. Killing Nazis? Not on my kid's Nintendo!
What's wrong with a woman choosing to be confident and not fit into pre-existing archetypes? Are you saying women who speak up are obnoxious and generic?
>As part of the fallout from the high school shooting in Florida, Alabama’s 1st District Congressman, Republican Bradley Byrne, has announced that the House needs to come together in order to apply regulation and some form of censorship against violent video games and violent media content.
>“It bothers me every time I see one of these video games, or one of these movies or television shows, that we’ve allowed to get violence to the point of where it’s a fantasy. Violence has been fantasized and that feeds into the immature minds of young men.”
Thompson was never a politician which is why his argument is bullshit and why he refuses to address my question.
You know your proving my point right? That's more of a moralistic condemnation of violent video games, but that's it.
Where is the calls to ban video games? Has the Trump administration passed any laws to prevent me from making violent video games, have they pressured game developers? You know, the type of things Democrats HAVE DONE.
Are you fucking stupid, I asked you to give me proof of Republicans banning and censoring video games, and you didn't. If there is any difference between Republicans and Democrats on this subject, is that at the very least, Republicans say they hate violent video games and cause problems, while Democrats will BAN video games and actually affect you as a consumer.
>Republican state representative of Rhode Island, Robert Nardolillo III, has introduced a bill that – if successfully voted through the legislator – would add a 10% sales tax to video games. Nardolillo III explained the reasoning behind the bill, stating…
>“There is evidence that children exposed to violent video games at a young age tend to act more aggressively than those who are not. This bill would give schools the additional resources needed to help students deal with that aggression in a positive way.”