Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. Why would they just ditch a major character like her in the later games?

Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. Why would they just ditch a major character like her in the later games?

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Because fuck you.

because they didn't know what to do with her, I'm not kidding

Breakdown breakdown dun dun dun dun da da, breakdown breakdown, great dayyyss

Summed it up, the new writers had no idea what to do.
Head canon tells me Kiryu meets back with her in America

I dunno, I'm kinda glad. At least in the state K2 left her. Her relationship with Kiryu was so forced and honestly ruined the ending, especially when that cringy J-rock kicked in.

they don't know what to do with many other characters yet they are still there. I guess it's better than ruining her character though

Writer change

Bet they're going to have a canon relationship

She's such a good fit for Kiryu

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

The writing has always been the weakest part of these games outside the combat

It was not ever about what makes sense, it's was about having the manliest fight they could make
That final boss was pure hype

Everything after Yakuza 2 is alternate universe fan fiction.

Thots have no place in yakuza

psst where's the osts

Writer: Sir, did you want us to include something enjoyable in Yakuza 3?
Director: Absolutely not!

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>taking a stale pasta seriously

I think a pasta only goes stale once it's proven wrong or BTFO in some way. As long as it's still accurate, I guess it'll keep being said.

But all those are not written badly whatsoever, they are given proper justifications and are foreshadowed, even rubber bullets, play the games.
It's just the concept of them that are too out there for peanut brain gaijin to understand, kinda like that one time japan turned the atom bomb into a giant laser breathing mutant dinosaur.

The only people who think these games aren't full of shit writing are people who watch literally nothing other than anime

the Victory Road theme is too damn good

yakuza 3 was a mistake



That's pasta? Whatever, he's right.

I could again right now, but it'll still go nowhere and continue to be spammed.


okay explain to us how the yakuza games aren't full of melodrama and badly written asspulls that make no sense

>don't agree with that post! it's wrong! you should agree with me!
>actually explain my point? no, sorry. but that guy IS wrong and I'm right, just believe me.
Hmm you make a good case

I'm just going to summarize my points then.
>Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence.
Bullshit, everyone who kills in cold blood dies themselves, even if they get redemption.
>Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore.
Quick example: the lack of a chairman at the end of 1 and Kiryu's choice to fill in for him bite him in the ass in 2.
Bonus: Kiryu has to deal with a lot of shit from the Nishiki family because of the final part of 1.
>Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later.
Relates back to my first point.
>people point out how shit the gameplay is
Not even an argument there to refute.

>Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore
This is the biggest problem for me. Can't invest in a story which is so long where so little of what happens even matters a short time later. Once you notice this it happens constantly. But I feel like most Yakuza players don't remember what happened in the plot an hour ago and this never sinks in.

They clearly didn't know what to do with Majima after 2 either and yet he's still shoehorned into every fucking game.

Because hes the wacky meme character so every game has to have him. Expect him to be shoehorned to the new one.

Shit like a character running into a room and shouting HARUKA IS DEAD! SHE WAS HIT BY A TRUCK! and we get everyone's reactions and then two minutes later we find out she isn't dead, because it was a rubber truck. And nobody mentions it happening ever again.
You can enjoy the writing as dumb videogame plots but the fact that people actually praise the writing as if it wasn't total garbage are insane. So many plot threads get dropped the moment the writers forget or lose interest in them. And so much shit happens because "it's what the fans want" instead of what makes any sense or would best serve the story.

>kiryu and others magically recovering from fatal wounds with super regeneration is relevant to the fact that bad people die

Are you ESL or just retarded? I bet you're that same autistic who made that thread talking about how yakuza makes you cry like a bitch and had a lil cry circle about how gay you all are.

Hell you might even be behind alll those "substories aren't cannon and kiryu is a virgin" shitposts too.

I ain't even the guy you're arguing with over this shit but the series doesn't hide what it is. A crime drama. A soap opera with a criminal setting. And that's fine. It's all about making moments rather than building a consistent or down to earth world. Quit trying to make it out to be something different than that.

>Are you ESL or just retarded?
I guess you didn't hear me when I said I was going to SUMMARIZE my points. It's your own fault if you can't understand the obvious implication behind that, but I'll explain it for your retarded ass anyway.
The ones who get healed are only those who have a clean slate as opposed to people with dirtied hands.

I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.

So the Yakuza games are well written because any character who kills someone will DEFINITELY DIE before the end of the game? And this happens literally every time? Excellent point user I don't know why anyone ever doubted you.

The games have strong moment-to-moment character writing but the stories are almost always contrived nonsense. The last act of Yakuza 2 and its attempts to tie all of the plotlines together with nonstop last minute twists is a trainwreck

What the fuck does that have to do with consistency you ass fungus?


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It's not even the cutscenes that bother me (even though there are a lot and they're quite slow) it's the hours of conversations you have to sit through while character models stand around staring at each other blankly. There is literally hours of this, it's what you spend most your time doing. And by the time you're fighting the last boss, less than 0.00001% of them actually mattered. Sometimes I feel like Yakuza games are more like timesinks for people with absolutely nothing to do instead of games. They could all be great if they stripped back the tedium but it seems what most people want is 100 hours of "content" even if only 10 of them are enjoyable.

Holy shit I was right you ARE that fag that made the cry thread.

I don't cry when playing the Yakuza games, it's more like I understand "this is sad" and "this is badass" because they make it very clear with the music and dialogue.

Writers changed so basically everything after 2 can be considered fanfic/alternative universe. It was pretty much happy ending for Kaz and the crew. Reason why they retconned her was pretty simple too, Kiryu was literally doing random garbage like helping dominatrixes to become more dominant (not canon I know) and leading carbaret clubs so having a significant other kind of ruins that giving Kiryu an bad image. Plus they really tried hard turning Yakuza into a moneycow which worked out till alot of people ranted about how the story goes shit.
tl;dr : Writers changed and they wanted to Kiryu to be a pimp freely

Yakuza is mostly aimed at normies and normies dont like games that aren't self contained experiences.

Are you being retarded on purpose ignoring everything else I said?
>What the fuck does that have to do with consistency you ass fungus?
You answered your own question fuckface. Good writing is making someone's actions have consequences, intended or otherwise, like all the shit Kiryu has had to deal with for covering up Nishiki throughout each and every one of the games.

Nah m8 I saw that thread a month or two ago. You made almost that fucking exact post about yakuza and anime being the only things you feel emotional about. Even if it's a pasta you're posting as bait you still have to be a different kind of autistic for that.

And you know what? I despise cunts like you. Making a bigger deal out emotional baggage than it should be. People acting like this is why cloud went from a plucky retard who inadvertently got gene spliced super powers to emo supreme to fuel your weird ass fetish for self pity.

He's a guy who keeps shitposting Yakuza for some reason, don't reply to his pasta.
>475870579 look at"The bomb being a fake in 2"/
>475880903 look at"I have been mocked in the past"/
>475881438 look at"It's not even the cutscenes that bother me"/

>Good writing is making someone's actions have consequences
So you're literally saying ? Okay thanks.

Right, well you keep thinking being a good person means an 8 inch knife in the gut heals after a power nap and some bandages.

I'll go back to the story making a big deal about being bought for 1 billion yen then slapping around a half gorilla man for twice that.

Are you incapable of reading more than a third of a sentence?

>Good writing is making someone's actions have consequences
And yet Kiryu can get stabbed and left for death with no consequences. The Yakuza games are FULL of actions without consequences. The whole argument started because of the fake bomb. The bomb had no consequences. By your own logic this is all bad writing. But somehow the endless cases of consequence-free bullshit in Yakuza is fine because DUDE IF YOU KILL, YOU DIE! NO EXCEPTIONS LMAO

This is a series about muscular shirtless men beating the shit out of each other for honor. It's not Shakespeare.

>then slapping around a half gorilla man for twice that.
Shakedown isn't part of the main story therefore he doesn't exist and the fact that you can't separate the main story from the side content is telling.

Yes it is. Anyone criticizing the writing in this series is simply wrong. If a character in a Yakuza game kills someone, they will die.


>If a character in a Yakuza game kills someone, they will die.
wow great writing. unpredictable and interesting.

>Right, well you keep thinking being a good person means an 8 inch knife in the gut heals after a power nap and some bandages.
I'm not saying that it makes sense or that there aren't asspulls, only that the series is pretty damn consistent in scenarios like that. Kiryu got stabbed again at the end of 3 and still managed to survive. Plus, that ended up rippling to the next game as well. That much is good writing.
>And yet Kiryu can get stabbed and left for death with no consequences.
That wasn't an action of his own.
>The whole argument started because of the fake bomb. The bomb had no consequences. By your own logic this is all bad writing. But somehow the endless cases of consequence-free bullshit in Yakuza is fine because DUDE IF YOU KILL, YOU DIE! NO EXCEPTIONS LMAO
Who was the one who set up the bomb? What happened to them?

reminder that kiryu straight up killed ryuji
also update with gunfire is underrated


The main story requires you to run into shakedown. Each shakedown has their own storyline as silly as they are. It's been proven through various consistencies(how ironic) between games that substories are in fact canon.

Kiryu also learns his main fighting style he uses throughout the series by doing the real eastate missions. The money he earns through that fucking dwarves the billion yen mark.

>The main story requires you to run into shakedown.
Yes, for one encounter where he doesn't even have any money on him. You would have to fight him ten times to reach the billion mark.
>by doing the real eastate missions
Which can't be canon because he would have to take over all of Kamurocho within roughly a single day on top of there being a time skip right at the end which can't happen since Kiryu is still being chased for the Empty Lot murder.

>I'm not saying that it makes sense or that there aren't asspulls
Nigger that was the original point that you got your panties in a bunch over. You could have saved everyone a lot of time by agreeing in the first place.

>this series is full of nonsense and asspulls
>NO IT ISN'T, it's full of nonsense and asspulls!

They didn't know what to do with Kiryu after 2 either. Shipping him off to start an orphanage is fine, but everything after that is just stupid.
He should have died with Kaoru at the end of 2

First, Shakedown doesn't have any bearing on the main story.
Second, he was introduced long after 1, so even if your argument held water, it would only as a retcon and a point against 0.
Third, substories have only ever been consistent toward one another.

Why are people saying the games are badly written and full of things that make no sense and asspulls? If any character kills someone, they WILL die before the end of the game. Every time. How is this not great writing?

Oh great, so now you're going to start spewing this shit in every thread too.

>everything after that is just stupid
Wrong. The characters in each game after that die if they kill someone.

Him learning the dragon of dojima style from real estate is definitely not canon, because in yakuza 1 he learns several of the moves exclusive to that style from komaki, whom he hadn't met yet.

So then.

The games are inconsistent?

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Maybe you should stop making such laughably embarrassing points

>It's been proven through various consistencies(how ironic) between games that substories are in fact canon.
gimme the evidence

Cuz Kiryu is a giant cuck.

>The games are inconsistent?
Pay attention fuckface. If any character in any yakuza game kills someone, they will die before the end of that game. Every single time. How is that not consistent and great writing?

What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.

I think I remember in 4 one of the heat actions was to throw people off the roof of a building.

Kek, this.

>If any character in any yakuza game kills someone, they will die before the end of that game. Every single time.

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wtf... but... the consequences...

The writers don't know how to write around a single love interest and have to have seperate love interests for each consecutive game.

B-But muh masterful w-writing...

See you next thread.

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>Nigger that was the original point that you got your panties in a bunch over.
The original point was that nothing ever actually matters or has consequence retard. I've given several examples of how this isn't true.
Then, it was changed to whether or not the asspulls were consistent, which I again proved wrong.
If you're going to say now that the series is full of nonsense and asspulls, that's fine. It doesn't automatically mean all the games have bad writing though.

Shit writing confirmed

It's incredible how you only seem to be done with the board after you visit a Yakuza thread only to come back again. Seriously, what the fuck is your deal? Why do you keep posting the same things over and over again?"I'm actually done with this place now."/

>If any character in any yakuza game kills someone, they will die before the end of that game. Every single time.
>twisting my words to act like you have a point
Fuck off shitposter.


If I wrote a film where nonsensical twists happened left and write and story threads are abandoned all the time and characters only acted in a way that suits the scene instead of consistently, it would be called badly written.

haruka killed kiryu's soul yet she lives

Or a David Lynch movie

couldn't you have just posted taiga, who killed not only 1 but 18 people?

>Yacuckza faggots seething cuz people don't worship the games


>where nonsensical twists happened left and write
They don't happen nearly as often as what you're claiming if at all, you're exaggerating.
>story threads are abandoned all the time
I can't say too much for 5 and 6, but nothing comes to mind that was abandoned.
>and characters only acted in a way that suits the scene instead of consistently
When does this happen?

>Wacky meme character
Spotted the 0fag

YFW Judgement is better than the mainline games.

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>no nonsense twists happen in yakuza games
are you falseflagging as a retard to make the fanbase look worse than it already is? there's no way you believe this

>When does this happen?
Majima in practically every scene of every game

I would agree with this if there were no tailing missions. The story was slightly less nonsensical than usual though, and substories made sense in the context of being a detective, so I liked it.

I'm so upset that replaying 3, 4 and 5 is going to suck now that posters on Yea Forums have made me extra aware of how bad the writing and combat is in these games. It's objectively true but I wish I could just forget and enjoy them as much as the first time, even though I didn't think 3 was good even then. And 5 got really boring before the end.

Different user, but majima isn't the best example due to the 0 retcons; I'd say Rikiya is a better example.

If you haven't played 3, 4 and 5 fuck off until all of them are released. If you're a PCfag just stay away from the threads period. I'm sick of talking about the new games, the new games are shit.

Tailing parts are stupid because of the gameplay just like how turn based games makes no sense 99% of the time when you think about it narratively, but I enjoy that it is there instead of just instantly knowing where to go by a coincidence like in mainline games.

As expected from a well written series full of consistent writing. Anyone who claims they just drop story elements on a whim is a retard. Fuck off OP.

The only examples that have been brought up until now are the knife, which is reasonable, and the bomb. If you have any others, I'd be glad to hear them.
Point out an inconsistency then.

this plus the original of yakuza 1 and 2 left soo yea . also what would you do with her ? make her marry kiryu ? and then ? no more yakuza 3 cause he is now married and lives in america

I just want to replay 5 for the idol shit. I wish they'd make a full game out of that with more than two songs.

>there are no inconsistencies in these games!
what about whe-
>that was a retcon


The retcon is better than him being dumb in 2 and than more serious in 3 and onward.

>rikiya acts tough before fighting kiryu
>loses to kiryu
>acts like a pussy in general for the rest of the game
Kiryu knocked the personality right off of this man.
>"but the hotel part where is goes after that ugly bastard nishikiyama captain"
The same part where right beforehand he gets super gay with kiryu?

>twisting my words and taking them out of context
Again, fuck off with all your non-arguments, falseflagging, baiting, and samefagging to make it look like dozens of other people agree with you. Don't even bother replying to this post unless you can somehow develop a functioning brain.

why even try reason with yakuzafags? the only way to break their delusion is with a bullet. they've bought the same shit game 10 times over and will do it another 10 times over. AND the remasters. they're a lost cause and it's funnier to let them waste their time and money then trying to stop them anyway

I can think of an inconsistency

>Kiryu knocked the personality right off of this man.
How does that automatically make him inconsistent? Sure it's stupid to have him do a full 180, but we're barely introduced to the guy at that point. There's no precedent for his personality yet.

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>Sure it's stupid to have him do a full 180
Can you PLEASE stop shitting on these games? Why are you even in this thread?

I vehemently disagree with the idea of Kiryu falling in love with another women less than a year after he lost both Yumi and Nishiki in the same night. That is not at all plausible to me. Them making Kaoru fuck off is a best solution to an overall bad writing situation, as far as I'm concerned.

I didn't even get to finish typing, but thanks for doing it for me, user

>fixing bad writing with more bad writing

Your falseflags are too obvious, fuck off. No more (You)s.

>he doesn't know that this is just how Japanese storytelling works in general

user be like "double negative tho"

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>rikiya tried to act tough against lau kau long bros
>gets fucked up
>doesnt go "ANIKI"
>he somehow got fucked by the lau kau long guys even though he supposedly cleared out everyone on the lower levels of the hotel
>the lau kau long bros didnt even want to kill him
>"not inconsistent"


Saori and Mafuyu are cuter than any of the Yakuza girls too

And they're both dependable

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and then they decide to turn Kiryu into a giant cuck in yakuza 6
terrible awful sendoff, the entire yakuza series is also overrated and trash

Wasn't most of that incident offscreen except the part where his execution is ordered?

Well, at least you are aware you are at least a bit autistic.

Shut up fuckface. The writing doesn't always make sense and there are asspulls, yes. And it's stupid that Majima's personality does a 180, but if any character in the games kills someone, they will die. Not every time, but most times. It's consistent.

Beaten Y0 before, playing YK now.
This game makes me feel fucking miserable.
All the Nishikiyama cutscenes get me right in the gut.
Seeing Reina's shot up corpse just tossed on screen with no build-up or send off or the usual anime death bullshit really fucked me up.
Anywho, I played Kiwami over Y1 because there was no undub for the original. Should I play Y2 or YK2 next?

>The writing doesn't always make sense and there are asspulls, yes. And it's stupid that Majima's personality does a 180, but if any character in the games kills someone, they will die. Not every time, but most times. It's consistent.

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>those graphics
A brand new PS4 game in 2019, everyone.
Oh well, at least with graphics this shit it MUST run at a stable 60fps right?

If you're going to emulate 2, go with the remake PCSX2 can barely run these games.

>Seeing Reina's shot up corpse just tossed on screen with no build-up or send off or the usual anime death bullshit really fucked me up.
To be fair, Reina wasn't really a character til Yakuza 0. Her death in the original Yakuza was shocking but nobody cared enough to give her more attention than just as an example of how fucked in the head Nishiki became.

Yeah, both are offscreen, and it's still not consistent

spot on

Original writer left and I guess they decided it would have been too hard to write a protagonist in a relationship so they wrote Kaoru out. It honestly would have been interesting to see how Kiryu's story would have gone if Kaoru stuck around as his significant other.

>The writing doesn't always make sense and there are asspulls, yes. And it's stupid that Majima's personality does a 180, but if any character in the games kills someone, they will die. Not every time, but most times. It's consistent.
Good point, and well made too.

First, how can you say exactly what happened if it was off screen?
Second, the fact that they're ordered to execute him more than clears up Rikiya's on screen actions. That's a very real threat compared to Kiryu who Rikiya instigated and didn't want to do anything to him after it was over.

They literally could have just changed the story (and let's pretend that kiryu never goes to okinawa) by having Rikiya save Saki when she was kidnapped by the captain of that fodder enemy yakuza family, Rikiya tries to find out what the guy's clan is, gets involved with the rest of the story by contacting daigo by going to kamurocho or bumping into him around okinawa as daigo is looking for that forgettable yakuza family of his and trying to set them straight.
Just get rid of the fake kazama shit as well, and all the other minor changes.

Did you not play the game when kiryu is on the phone with rikiya when rikiya says "oh, so you think you're tough shit or something." There was no order of execution in that moment

> the new writers had no idea what to do.
it was the same writer.
stop spreading misinformation.

a reminder as to why the autist spams the same pastas every thread

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I played the game once months ago on RPCS3, I don't remember every little thing that happened.
>when rikiya says "oh, so you think you're tough shit or something." There was no order of execution in that moment
We don't know what happened to him after that, do we? All we know is that he was beaten, caught, and put at point blank.

Wasn't this shit a bannable offense at one point?

He was captured without putting up much of a fight despite the fact he was handling people at the hotel earlier. The entire thing happens while he's on the phone with Kiryu until it gets hung up or broken by a lau ku long bro. It just doesn't make any sense that he somehow couldnt put up much of a fight at all even when at the time they just wanted to capture rikiya, not even the bear minimum of hearing some punching sound effects to signal he was at least trying rather than plot induced stupidity.

Haruka was supposed to be best girl. Too bad they ruined her :(

>He was captured without putting up much of a fight despite the fact he was handling people at the hotel earlier.
I assume you're talking about the previous part where you're going after the fat guy.
>It just doesn't make any sense that he somehow couldnt put up much of a fight at all even when at the time they just wanted to capture rikiya,
They could do literally anything they wanted to him just short of killing him for their goal. We don't know how many people were there, what weapons they had, etc. He could've been severely out numbered if he had to face even half the guys Kiryu did in that entire sequence.
>not even the bear minimum of hearing some punching sound effects to signal he was at least trying
That could easily just be a missing detail. An important one to give insight as to what was happening, but its absence doesn't mean he got BTFO'ed by some weak asses.

Haruka gets progressively more annoying as the series goes on

You should be mocked

Most of the way through 3 here, after playing 0 and the Kiwamis.
Only complaint is the fucking localization, it's godawful. Not only is so much of the subtitle almost entirely unrelated to what's being said, they've changed character names for no reason. Why the fuck is Kazama's name Fuma now?

>Not only is so much of the subtitle almost entirely unrelated to what's being said
Is it worth learning complex moonspeak to find shit like this?

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wait they changed kazama back to fuma in 3? they did it in 1 for the dub to avoid confusion or something stupid, but they kept it as kazama for 2. why would they go backwards?

Found the gay

Honestly, the localization is so bad that if you know dead basic Japanese you can tell it's wrong, no need to go hard on the nipspeak.
No clue, I played 0>Kiwami1>Kiwami2>Original3
so this is the first I've seen it, it's just so weird to hear "Kazama Gumi" and then read "Fuma Family". There's been a few other instances of renaming but I can't recall them right now.

yea i was talking about yakuza 1 and 2 on ps2. it is really strange that they would go back to the dumbass name.

Unironically. The entire plot of 2 revolved around her and they gave us literally no reason to give a shit about her the entire game.

2's story was absolute shit. I legit started skipping the scenes with her near the last fights.

She was pretty bearable up until she learned who her dad was.
Trying to get in the way of a battle for manly pride is unforgivable though.

How basic are we talking? I know simple sentences and a few hundred words, but I wasn't paying attention and didn't catch anything.

That really ought to be enough if you're listening, or maybe I'm just nitpicky so it sticks out more to me.

Constant stuff like Fuma I heard on the spot, but I figured that out when I tried to go to 0/Kiwami after 1.
I don't remember hearing anything out of the ordinary as far as conversations go, but I was also really distracted having to worry about the game freezing and watching half the cutscenes on YT.