>Night in the Woods devs new canceled because of allegations
Isn't this deserved though? The game forced all sorts of belief, including believing all women.
>Night in the Woods devs new canceled because of allegations
Isn't this deserved though? The game forced all sorts of belief, including believing all women.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that he probably is a sex offender.
SJW circles are populated by some of the most garbage and hypocritical cultists of all time. Their women are psychopaths. Their men are orbiting predators.
I refuse to abandon my beliefs to spite someone who has acted like a douche in the past. Zoe's words have the worth of dirt until she has any sort of evidence to back them up.
Innocent until proven guilty. No compromises.
I mean, at least they live by their own standards. Respect for at least that much.
Does it matter what's the game's own views were? What matters more is that it's development is actively harmed because of some allegations and hearsay.
>fire the guy who did basically everything
Well they sure showed him I guess.
>people think that these sociopathic bitches could even come close to fucking with der uberchad himself
Toby has ascended past people like these and become entrenched in the industry. He's friends with zun. Kojima follows him on twitter. Nintendo personally ported gamemaker to the switch for the sole purpose of getting undertale on the switch. Crazy cunts only go after people who are too small to defend themselves.
Reddit is populated by dogfuckers and underage, so you're probably a sex offender too. Why not fuck off back there?
OK guys, I'm just gonna come out with this now... OP raped me.
And yet, they will blame us (right-of-center straight white men) for their psychopathy. And they want power over "our democracy".
The loons are running the asylum. God help us all.
>it's been confirmed by sources
>some cunt from polygon
>"it's true, she told me, so it's true"
>some other cunt
>"it's true, she told me that it's true, so it must be, I'm also mentioned in the story as being her friend"
>some cunt from radial games
>it's true, I've been told that it's true
>pathologic 2 fuck
>yeah, I wanted to warn you but I didn't oh well
>warn about what? oh you know, stuff
>FTL music guy
>yeah, I've heard that some people said that he is creepy or something, I don't know, but fuck him anyway lmao
>trust me, you can trust her, just trust her you fucking shithead
>pic related at this gem
>some other cunt
>yes, I've heard stuff, must be true
Every "proof" is nothing but "I've heard that its true".
The process of Social Justice.
>is this deserved?
> male feminist support of #metoo
If Zoe Quinn had spent as many hours coding games as she had being raped, she'd have made the Witcher 4 by now.
Post invalid
Forgot the pic
>Has he been accused?
>post yfw you're in the same room with Quinn without a neutral third party present
Reminder that Alexis Kennedy's accusation consist of
>dating coworkers under him
>cheating on one of them
That's it, that's the sum total of his "abuse". Also don't forget that his accusations have conveniently come out days before the Kickstarter for his new game Book of Hours drops. If you're a fan of his work be sure to express that support, don't let them kill a fine writer's career
This. It’s the same with the YA literary scenes and the indie/DIY music scenes. Unattractive losers just cannibalizing each other while the successful people remain untouched
Geek Feminism Wiki had a page that unironically said "innocent until proven guilty" is "just meant to protect oppressors".
I wish I was shitting you. I'm not.
I think he did it in this case, ftl music was based as fuck.
>a fine writer's career
SJW talking points peddler is not a writer worth saving
>Get raped
>Tell your friend but not the police
This reminds me of that
>Facts are a weapon of white supremacist Western colonialist ideology
Alexis work is trash since he left Failbetter, hope his kickstarter crashes desu.
Yes, it rules that he participated in the thing that destroys him.
not really, almost every case targets minor figures who are easy for them to isolate and destroy. those standards are mysteriously absent when they could be applied to something that actually matters
Didn't Zoe flip out at someone because they reported her supposed sexual abuse to the police?
Oh yes, most certainly
She must be some kind of savant if she can code a AAA game in 0 hours.
>Hiring women
>This thread again
Oh boy here we go
>Facts are a weapon of white supremacist Western colonialist ideology
You're fucking with me, right? Nobody would seriously say this. Please tell me you're joking.
It's GamerGate 2 Electric Boogaloo
I'm fucking stoked.
Oh yes. When I told him we could put him at the top of the sex offender's register, he was so beta it was pathetic.
Good, let them eat each other, for once they have no one to blame, but themselves
the most hilarious part of this drama is that people believe anyone would willingly touch that disgusting landwhale
It's galling how they hide behind moving goalposts and Marxist 2smart4u changing definitions so that the big bad white man is always the villain. Poe's Law, my friend.
sjw men getting what they deserve
laugh at them
Letting mob justice be carried out on the innocent because of personal spite is petty, and only enforces a precedent that said mob justice is an okay thing, because no one spoke against it.
You only hurt yourself in the longrun, with that mindset.
Hell, just look at Depression quest.
That kind of power must be intoxicating
These men just can't stop raping her.
>Being in the same room with her
>You already raped her after 8 years
Don't bring anymore negative attention here. We already get blamed for every shooting in the Anglosphere.
This was a co-designer of the game. That's pretty high up.
They'll still blame le alt-right white supremacist Nahzee toxic males like us, even though all we're doing is lulzing in the cheap seats at this.
The worst that could happen is they shut down Yea Forums, and they won't do that.
They think they have us in containment by having Yea Forums exist.
Silly gooses don't realize it's just a fucking website. 90% of my usage is talking about fitness and cartoons.
Nope. Justice is over. All that remains is for you to realize that your consent was neither needed nor welcomed for it.
>co-designer of a walking simulator
Oh no, how will they find someone skilled enough to replace him?
>He's never burned a witch before
Look at him and laugh!
90% of the times that I see a rape/sexual assault allegation, and/or arrest, in the past year, it's a fucking vocal SJW.
It's getting tiresome.
The latest especially big case is the kickvick debacle, for all of you Dragon Ball fans this is an entire debacle around SJW voice actors trying to frame VA because they don't like him and he doesn't lick the boots of SJWs.
Turns out that one of the most vocal people personally involved in the false allegations against Vic, Ron Toye, is a fucking wife beater out of personal major insecurities. The faggot saw Vic getting it on romantically with a girl and out of jealousy got an SJW crusade going.
>a dependable, honest and caring friend
who cares who they blame, they only have power if people let them have power
now they are eating the only men that defend them
thats good.
>post yfw tons of SJW companies will start crumbling as these accusations come up
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll be begging to shut us down.
She is a self-defined rapist. She considers cheating on someone, and then sleeping with them to be rape.
>putting your penis inside a human female
How many times must this repeat?
... would be a real shame if people started...helping
You'll have to convince me they were ever within 10 feet of one another user.
You can accuse anyone of anything regardless of actual coitus.
uhh moths definitely have mouths. They use a proboscis to feed on nectar
>male feminists
Come to think of it, we didn't have a problem with thots like Zoe when we were still burning witches.
Are you asking me to defend a bunch of SJW trash from other SJW trash?
Not happening
I don't want Yea Forums to get got by Cloudflare. I am well beyond trying to preserve real world norms. Do whatever you want outside of here.
We didn't have a problem with thots like Zoe less than 20 years ago.
this isnt a defend thread, is a fucking laugh in their face thread
Imagine tearing down the walls of a prison because you're sick of looking at prisoners all day.
That's how people view Yea Forums, a containment site for white supremacists, fatphobic bigots and the evil gamers. Get rid of Yea Forums and they'll just spread everywhere else.
I mean, fucks sake, imagine the cancer that would be unleashed upon the internet, or the fucking world at large, if /mlp/ was deleted.
Most of us don't, the proboscis is often never used or flat out just doesn't work.
Live by the idpol sword die by the idpol sword
It is interesting because both parties are almost equally likely to be piles of human trash to where it almost doesn't matter what the truth is.
It could be:
>Guy who makes shit that panders to women turns out to be a sexual predator
Or it could be:
>Twat who just wanted to play victim for notoriety and sympathy dollars makes false accusation
He did the music, which is pretty much the only part of that game which actually took talent.
This. Many moth species don't actually ingest nutrients. They flutter around, breed, and repeat the process until they die of starvation. In fact, this isn't an uncommon trait for insects as a whole. Crane Flies are an example of this; they have a digestive system but hardly eat anything at all.
I don't give a fuck about this game or that faggot, but not buying a game or firing a guy for supposedly doing something that's considered morally wrong in his private life doesn't make a lot of sense, and it's borderline discrimination, or maybe even ilegal in the case of his job. To make things even worse, all this is claimed by some ho that's famous for her raunchy sex life, absolute lack of morals, and being a literal liar and scam artist. Why all this art major retards act like they are politicians deplatforming each other is beyond me, and probably hides the most degenerate lifestyle possible
Yea Forums and since the dumpster fire that was GG, 4x2chan has always been a scapegoat for anything bad happening on the internet, except replace HACKERS ON STEROIDS, people being retarded around local pools and exploding vans with people crying on Twitter and news sites citing this shithole as a white supremacist recruitment platform.
>Zoe quinn
You’re cute user asl?
Why haven't you taken the gaypill yet, Yea Forums?
You're getting the lamp, mate.
Atlas moths don't even have mouths at all IIRC. They basically start starving to death the second they cocoon themselves as larvae.
As usual I'll repeat:
>employ married people
>employ conservative men and women
>employ centrist men and women
>employ libertarian men and women
>employ feminists
>employ far-left or far-right single people
>employ retards with "open" relationships aka cuckazoids
You can safely regard this as an absolute, the exceptions to the rules are so negligible it's worth it to completely ignore them when it comes to maintaining profitability.
>allegations against person I like are bad and false
>allegations against person I don't like are good and true
He's a drumpfie, though.
Imagine thinking you can appease these people and compromise yourself for them, to 'act civilly' to buy them off. Don't play a rigged game, moron. They're never going to coexist with you. Ruffling their feathers is our liberty purely because they can't shut us down totally, so they try to goad us into self-policing. Why give the stupid fucks what they want? Let them compromise for once, or call their bluff. Either way it's a hell of a circus.
What happened with DannyB by the way? I know he also had a falling out with Edmund.
pffffffft hahahaahahaha
fuck centrists above everyone else
>Employed married people
I'll agree with this. As annoying as a married Karen might be, I've never had an interaction with them that led me to believe they had some kind of grand agenda to take me down. They're just annoying. Sometimes they even do their jobs well.
Single women on the other hand? I've NEVER had a positive experience working with single women.
>allegations against a person which were proven bullshit in court are bad and false
>allegations by persons who beat up their wives and a dumb roastie who managed to confuse Vic with another person as her own story falls apart along with her memory in the past month played a role in this
>SJWs fucked up again
Correction my friend.
can't wait until zoe comes out that this guy also raped her
>allegations against a person which were proven bullshit in court are bad and false
When that happen?
>Going to Yea Forums
But why?
I would, I just get repulsed by manly features and irl cock too much. Fucking god damn it
And yet we're still here, even after Moot's bullshit and sucking Anita's shitbox, and Hiroshimoot's moon brain. Shutting down Yea Forums would be like getting rid of a septic tank with explosives.
So wait, she
>didn't pay her staff,
>scammed a game jam,
>didn't deliver on a kickstarted game,
>was exposed by her ex boyfriend to be very manipulative,
>distorted her life story in her book,
and yet
people still trust her? That's a multitude of red flags. At this point they're asking to be used.
>Involving yourself with 3DPD
Yare yare, it's all so tiresome
Both are probably absolute fucking shit and were abusive to each other in a bad relationship. Zoe Quinn reeks of borderline personality disorder so I'm guessing she brought out the worst in the guy and is lying by omission about tons of bad shit she did to make him look worse, but he was also likely a major faggot to begin with. What makes me vomit is that when they were together they were living in my city so at some point ZQ and this other dipshit were within an uncomfortably close distance to me, as if living in Winnipeg isn't bad enough.
That's not where I discuss cartoons user.
Centrists are your dirty warfare agents and managers, and most importantly your finance agents, you require those. Don't want your money being tunneled by a glowing agendanigger to the respective far-spectrum programs. You need fucking robots without emotions in a company for many tasks.
Last I heard, guy was making music for Crypt of The Necrodancer. No idea what the slapfight was between those two, but Danny did music best when he was with Edmund anyways. OG Isaac and Meatboy's soundtracks can't really be topped by him. Or maybe it can, since he's a major faggot in that image.
She fucked five guys for positive reviews scores. Have you been living under a fucking rock?
But he was a right winger.
>thrown under the bus by your colleagues at first opportunity
Wow, what a nice and wealthy social work environment.
Some years ago I received a job offer from a game company in America, and everyday I regret less having rejected it. I'd rather stay in Argentina and make a killing before making median income in USA and be sent to tranny reeducation camp for telling a joke
Are you one of the cute hummingbird moths I saw this summer?
Wan't she accused of raping someone herself as well?
Anyway, no one this is true, man, just take a look
>Be me
>Don't Leave home unless family is around, to check the mail, walk dog and take out the garbage
>Hardly interact with people unless they are family, friends or a girl i have interest in who isn't a political nut
College doesn't start til January so it might become slippery but aside from that i'm doing pretty good
nazis had a guy like that who was extremely competent, can't remember his name
Zoe Quinn deserves every ounce of pain and suffering that befalls her, and equally anyone who chooses to bring her into their lives, deserves all the pain and suffering she will cause them.
>creator of night in the woods, a queer antifa furry walking sim
>constantly posts about feminism and queer studies on twitter
>right winger
you trolling ass nigger
I highlighted a set of select examples, mate. There's likely ore that can be added.
Why would anyone accuse a vietnamese touhou dicussion forum of politics and terrorism?
This. Fuck being intelligent, educated and not a retard cultist . Extremism ftw! Rise up incels!
Reinhard Heydrich?
cocks are great tho
But he's a rapist and only right wingers are rapists? That's just a fact of life
This whole thing was so Zoe could talk about getting her pussy fingered to make everyone horny and think about fucking her. All this is just to give a little tingle between her legs.
That's what happens when male feminist allies like Alec Holowka joins the Zoe Quinn cuck club to earn Zoe Quinn good boy points.
He has enough to rape her in the ass, he gets branded as a sexual predator, and she cries wolf for more attention and praise and pity bucks.
I have seencthese wackos say that
>"left wing terrorism is a contradiction in terms. All terror is right wing"
>"the Dayton shooter was in a pro-rape band. It doesn't matter if he supported Elizabeth Warren, he's a right-winger"
Leftists believe they are incapable of any wrongdoing.
Night in the Woods sucked dick, I felt raped by playing a pirated copy of it.
I would guess she somehow knows the "right kind of people" to constantly get away with this.
She's fucking over trannies? Based.
well is the game any good?
albert speer
Why would anyone believe something like this from someone as notorious and shitty as Zoe fucking Quinn? I'd bet money she's just jealous his game was successful while hers was a crapheap that flopped and caused a ton of controversy.
all jews are rapists/pedophiles
When not a single court proceeding could be started against him and when the court started ruling in his favor in the defamation case is it is revealed on almost a weekly basis now how fucking Jussie Smollett level of retarded everyone in this SJW crusade against him is.
The very parties who started the allegations against him either revealed themselves as liars in the stupidest of ways, or having their own backgrounds in beating up women out of jealousy (ergo the Ron case being so relevant).
Same applies to Vic. But as we know, people didn’t accept the evidence that he was innocent.
>Anita Sarkeesian heard about this and is starting to latch onto it for attention
My fucking sides, it never fucking stops with these people.
>Catholic Priest puts baby penis in mouth
>It's an outrage, people demand the collapse of the church as a whole
>Rabbi puts baby penis in mouth
>Time honored Jewish tradition, considered nazi propaganda to speak out against it, converted into a proper medical procedure that doesn't use the mouth that's performed on millions of American babies
>"antifa bad! fascism good!"
the absolute state of brainwashed amerisharts lmao
I also head Jeremy Soule is accusing of raping someone. What the fuck is that about.
I believe you're looking for Otto Skorzeny. Guy was an absolute madman, went on to have a ridiculous post-war career as well. Interesting to read about.
Dialecticalism is hilarious bullshit, till you realise they genuinely believe the shit.
>begging for donations at the end.
What a loser.
This but unironically.
It's us or them! Centrists bad!
It's fine, multiple empires have fallen due to feminine influence and yet we muddled through again and again only to repeat the mistake!
Humanity will survive, it won't be pretty but we'll survive.
>Antifa is Anti-Fascist because it's in their name
You're right, as long as it's a hammer and sickle and not a swastika on the flag that rules me, I'm a happy camper!
Night at the woods? decent but largely unfinished, its more of a walking sim than an adventure game tho, you move to the left and talk to things and pick up things.
Bitch got gaslighted into believing a consentual encounter was forced on her through implications.
guess they had a few of them.
Be sure to archive these tweets so they don't "disappear" when people start asking for actual evidence.
I didn't say if it was bad or good you dumbass cocksucker, I was stating factual information.
Unironically yes. Fuck fence sitters.
neoliberalism is bad actually.
Quality bait. You and I know both they're a communist front.
I'm pretty sure both of bad. Just because you call yourself and "anti-fascist" doesn't mean you really are. Antifa are just drones looking to punch people.
A very vocal minority belives this shit like dogma.
The crucial question here is how about the sheep that herd around them? are they more easily influenced? can they be convinced to ignore these loud indoctrinated mental cases?
ah, Yea Forums, i'm very glad you caught onto the
>libs are actually the rapists, creepy stalkers, pedos, sexists, rapists, etc.
i used to spam this in caps for years, my work has been done
The fence is the world. Left and right extremists are sitting on the fringe outside, claiming anything past the fence is "them" and anyone not resembling "them" enough is just a fence sitter.
So what's the conspiracy theory this time? Why is everyone and their mother suddenly throwing out accusations left and right?
>Zoe Quinn and Patricia Hernandez are LITERALLY and unironically creating another #GamerGate
Holy fucking shit
>antifa bad!
Well yes, it took our part of Europe 60 years to learn that just because someone markets themselves as antifascist doesn't mean they don't deserve to share the same ditch with the Nazis. The only regret is allowing those 60 years to last for so long, since every 1 year is another over hundred thousand deaths in the background while the Commiefaggots are engaging in oratory distraction.
Now we know better, Anarchists, Communists, Nazis, all get a bullet and can hug each other's corpses in the same hole.
Their money is running out
Ion Maiden decided not to capitulate, and the people who would've celebrated victory are on the warpath.
If you have money, Argentina is paradise. All those American boomers that retire in Florida should instead retire somewhere in South America and live like literal royalty
>Zoe Quinn
Take a wild guess, retard
>anti-fascist = le commies
brainwashed retard
>So what's the conspiracy theory this time?
something that's been known and known to happen
Antifa is a bunch of faggot loser coward thugs. In the face of true fascism they'd all be fucking bashed against a wall and shot, if anything their very existence is proof that there's no real fascism in the west.
You're next dannyBoy
So, random allegations pop up, and they just cut ties without any type of investigation into if these allegations are true?
how many rape accusations were there in august? wasn't the TES composer also accused of something?
Did you not hear about Vic Mignona?
>its actually happening again
>no moot around
It is time.
Every women that makes an accusation which catches on gains their 15 minutes of e-celeb status among their peers. They can leverage this status as a "brave soul who spoke out against the corruption in the industry" to further their careers, their social status, professional presence, etc.
nodevs want money
My boy Vic gunna win.
reminder that ANTIFA is actually against physical fitness and conditioning of the body because hitler like those things. el oh el
Doesnt really matter now that hes been blacklisted from the industry, in the grand scheme of things he still lost
any lawyer here that could tell me if he can sue for wrongful termination/defamation and if so what are his chances of winning?
honestly this shit just looks plain wrong no matter which side you're on nobody should get his life destroyed because of a social media post with no evidence to back it up
the history knower has logged on
>Vic Mignona
His accusers are representative of the lowest IQ pool in this entire planet.
>accuse someone of being mushy with underage female fans
>video recordings are found of his meetings
>video recordings show that he's acting like a normal and respectable person and not like a diddler
>yet another allegation down in the dumps
They'll be purged if they don't, you know that.
>"Subverting and weakening" the government could include any idea which did not coincide with or rise to the level of intensity of the ideas expressed in the newspaper on any particular day. After all, anything which does not strengthen must weaken: Indeed, anything which does not completely fit in, coincide, subverts!
>he who sings not with us today, is against us!
Why do you believe the accusations of some literally who when its someone you dont like vs what this thead is about: not believing some literally whos who chat shit on twitter. Seriously, whats the difference?
>August is now Rape Awareness Month
It never stopped. Remember: The rabbit hole has no bottom.
>you will never watch TB blow the absolute fuck out of Kotaku's Stephen Totilo again
>he will never again call out female "journalists" on their lies, double standards, and false accusations
I fucking miss him, bros
What? Post source.
imagine an alternate universe where the militant commie youth brigade weren't terrified of guns and self improvement
Frightening but I almost prefer it to this bizarre pathetic present
i suspect he'll lose his case, but he will succeed in dragging the evil shits that went around lying about knowing hundreds of women and calling him a pedophile
it seems like every time one of these internet slapfights happens it turns up some extremely mentally ill assholes to publicly humiliate
Her twitter
She's basically calling male feminists to show that they're REAL allies of women.
The internet allows extremists like Zoe to spread her message and corrupt others much more easily.
in modern America he can do jackshit at this point
if you want to feel a bit better about it he was a vocal SJW himself so there's that
Have sex, virgin.
Communism is the logical conclusion for society, unless you want humanity to go extinct in the next forty years
Short version: SJWs eating other SJWs, correct?
>We didn't have a problem with thots like Zoe less than 20 years ago.
We absolutely did have a problem with them dating all the way back to the Suffragettes in recent memory and even before then female groups were trying to ban and remove male only spaces
>Ban video games, they're sexist, it's misandrist
>Ban rock and roll, I don't like it, it's un-christian
>Ban coffee houses, I don't like it, my husband would rather go there than listen to my inane drivel
Man the worst part about all of this is that people are reacting to this instead of the many many fuck-ups to be added to Randy Pitchford's career.
We could literally be laughing together right now.
no it isn't and it actually has nothing to say about ecological maintenance
I mean, look at this shit
Then why are drumpfies so afraid of them, even going so far as to have preaident blumpf threaten to designate them an "organization of terror"?
Maybe because they are calling right-wingers out for what they really are: fascists?
Would you ever tell them that they are cowards to their face, assuming you ever leave your mom's basement where you cry anonymously on the internet about niggers and jews?
Start a thread about it.
It's not a horseshoe, silly. Extremists attituted converge to the same patterns. It no longer matters at that point which flag or ideology they're dressing up.
Only some of the accused are sjws, Soule and Kennedy were both pretty kino
dis nigga knows
fun fact: women shoehorned themselves into chess ages ago and made themselves the most OP piece. Games have never been safe from women.
No one is equal retard
These people really do think they're in some kind of warzone, don't they?
>Will there be more security/safety at open bars
I guarantee she's not talking about that guy at GDQ that got the shit punched out of him at an open bar.
Zoe quinn is a notorious pathological lying who own mother even doesn't trust her.
What are 30s women?
>Will people be held accountable?
I mean, at least some devs are actually cutting ties with the perps
>Will organizers remove these people from their events?
Only if there's enough pressure on them, but I'm starting to think those in charge of the events could either be abusers themselves or willingly let it slide
>Will there be more security/safety at open bars?
I think people will be more aware of it now
>Will people forget about it once again at the next platform exclusivity deal controversy?
Of course, gamers are trying to harass and silence the women coming forward already
>Why do you believe the accusations of some literally who
There's substance to those examples, mate. I don't know what you're getting at.
>There are incels on this board RIGHT NOW, that still think women shouldn't belong the kitchen and should have a right to vote
Reap what you sow, white knights
Riding the cock carousel but they were too proper to illustrate that back then
The only thing communism has ever achieved was killing communists. Go bait somewhere else.
You noticed the trend of these types to constantly assert their orthodoxy to the cause? The purity spiral kills them so much faster than any opposition. It's like a LISA enemy.
>why do people dislike violent losers that organize to disrupt the free exercise of other people's rights
real mystery tbqh
Based Zoe TBQH
BTFO out of onionboys, the countless line of them that have had their dicks inside her must be shitting themselves that they're next
so how many people are mad at his shirt but are totally not nazis
Ever since my wife had to take a job for us to keep our home it's been a mess. We have less sex, the house is less kept up, and we're both more depressed.
Having someone to make the home is so unbelievably important. Modern women think that being a homemaker isn't important because you don't get any money from it, not realizing that the homemaker manages finances and pretty much runs the show.
If you take the ringleader out of the circus so he can go do something else, then the circus falls apart.
That's what boggles my mind so much about the modern feminist movement. Women staying at home, making food and cleaning and being there was never a BAD thing. It was so important, it was integral for the family to stay cohesive and strong. Do they really think it's a good thing for a whole home to just sit empty for 8 hours a day? Fuck no. My current objective in life is to make enough money so my wife doesn't HAVE to work anymore. Not because "hurp durp wahmens make sandwiches", but because when my wife doesn't make delicious sandwiches, we eat fucking ramen noodles instead.
People who see the swastika on the shirt and get fucking angry he's wearing something with a swastika on it at all. They'll say he's "triggering" people with a sensitivity to nazi imagery, and making a mockery of the holocaust. Those people sure as hell aren't nazis.
I remember this copypasta.
>Kymberlie Harris
What is her father's name?
Ahh yes, because the Allies destroyed Breker's PUBLIC statues that were made for the Nazis, that means they hated him and all his sculptures. That's why you can't find any Breker statues anywhere in public or in museums. And you wonder why /pol/niggers are so despised.
Yes they are. It's easy to pretend to be offended to make someone you dislike look bad. Watch:
>furfag getting fucked by its own audience
Eat it, you deranged fuck.
Too bad that's not the reason why the image was made
that's not even his biggest problem. a stateless classless society in which the means of production and resulting goods are held in common does nothing to limit consumption or whatever kind of tyranny he has in mind.
Reminder to every user to remind every braindead autist and furry that says Hatsune Miku made Night in the Woods that they're lying to justify their love of a property made by a rapist. By saying some weeb anime cartoon made a game, they're trying to cover up the truth so that they can enjoy something without any consequences. If you see anyone posting this on Twitter, feel free to remind them that they're covering up for a rapist. Take care boys, have fun raining on some faggots parades.
That's not possible, since I just typed this for the first time, but thanks for the (you).
ugh I hate that tranny and their shitty visual novels
What about the public Breker statues made them inherently fascistic? Does the intent of the gift change the value of the product?
I was thinking that it's been a while since I heard Quinn's name in the news, just sucks that it had to be a guy who made great music that got the unlucky name.
>Thinking context matters
Shirt has a swastika on it. Therefor you are giving a platform for nazi imagery.
Dunno but Zoes real last name is Van Valkenburg
>Do they really think it's a good thing for a whole home to just sit empty for 8 hours a day?
I recall a quote from Lenin about destroying households/the family unit being an implicit goal of feminism, which sets the stage for socialism and then communism.
Might have been bullshit though, because I can't find the quote by googling.
>Hatsune Miku made Night in the Woods
Wait what?
>Using google for a search like that.
user, you should know better.
Take an L, buddy
Fuck you, I laughed.
Are we even having the same conversation
Better dead than Red.
he's completely correct
this is why I support white genocide
they hate beauty, that's why so many western games have intentionally ugly character design. no one said no brekers exist any more by the way. thirst to dunk on righty is a mental illness.
It's basically the same in any group infested by the left.
start with yourself
Because they were literally funded by the Nazi government. They weren't inherently fascist, but denazification required all public symbols of Nazism destroyed. It's sad that Breker's work got caught in the crossfire and destroyed since if they had to be removed they should've been returned to Breker or sold at auction. Oh well, just another sad casualty of war.
Bait but I'll respond anyway because I hate these faggots. I live in one of the most progressive cities in burgerland. There's literally no "fascists" anywhere in city limits. I'm not even convinced we even have any Trump supporters which we all know is what ultra progressive cultists think of as fascists. Every few months, larping antifa fags march through the city and vandalize/destroy property and beat up random people. They are the bad guys.
communism is as reliant on endless growth as capitalism retard.
It'd be too easy for you if I was a self-hating cracker
>male feminist getting #MeToo'd by fat lying thot
Just another day in this clowny clown world
People on Twitter are saying that Miku made Night in the Woods because they refuse to separate art from the artist and love cancel culture, but when it comes to something they like they want to have their cake and eat it to, so they pretend like the person who made their game isn't "problematic". It happened with Minecraft, and it's happening now. People live in a willing fantasy so that they don't have to face how much of a massive hypocrite they are.
you killing yourself only means the difference of one less stupid person i can't filter on this website
it's not that much of a favor you'll be doing me
Who'da thunk?
Antifa are literal facists in themselves.
Uhm im Jewish?
Die for Israel then.
these women all secretly coordinate on outside networks, these attacks are all networked and planned
that just means you're an italian mutt with a retrograde religion
>dude the chinese will carry on humanity, stop worrying
Lord have mercy.
>It happened with Minecraft
you say that as if defending Notch is actually a good idea
>Looks like a kiddy fiddler game
>Co creator is a kid fiddler
It's really easy to spot them when they're so flamboyant.
>known to literally change the situation so it's all about her
>you will never watch TB blow the absolute fuck out of Kotaku's Stephen Totilo again
link where?
>I fucking miss him, bros
And we need him now more than ever. ;_;7
His accusers' depositions are highly entertaining to watch and reveal just how poorly and transparently people lie when under pressure.
The basis of human reality is couched in constant deception at such a deep level that nobody really knows what reality even is or was anymore
Those that favor absolute reality over the shared delusion are alienated and rejected as defective. It's a wonder they haven't yet been purged from the gene pool entirely.
Our species has reached its limits and power is consolidating dangerously paired with omnipotent technologies we've never had to survive before. We may yet witness The End.
What the fuck does the game have to do with Hatsune Miku though?
Notch is living the dream. He is a model for all men to follow.
I understand that sometimes ignoring people/things is the best thing to do at times but this is one of the times it alright to fight back and use fire against fire?
>letting your company get absolutely destroyed over #MeToo feminists throwing accusations around
That specific chain was Englels, although Lenin also held those positions. There's actually a complete work on his thoughts from Clara Zetkin. The objective was for women to not be reliant on husbands and family units, but to have their needs met by the state.
This isn't a pithy quote, but it more comprehensively covers his line of thinking. The source is from actual marxists.
no this is one of those times when you laugh at more people having their lives ruined by that horrible woman
Sjw are crazy bastards
Anita gives me the impression of a thinly veiled misandrist.
>Having to cancel all your shit in development and put your company at risk because some woman tweeted that she regretted having sex with your cofounder
>thinly veiled
since "allegations" are enough to ruin someone's life, why doesn't Yea Forums ever just photoshop some DMs of people they hate and spam them everywhere on social media? proof isn't necessary anymore, you're just guilty until proven innocent and even then half the retards that think you're guilty in the first place won't ever see the innocence and continue perpetuating the allegations
>centrists exist
On some level you have to admire their sheer commitment to being cucks, a lot of those shitheads just happily indulge in hypocrisy at will and nobody on their side really cares
sorry sweatie, thats not how it works
How naive are you? Do you do the "libruls are the reel racists" line as well?
i don't fuck with people's real lives unless they commit crimes
but you also shouldn't believe that they will accept claims from just anyone. you'll have to be able to establish that you are a woman and that you could have interacted with the person and that carrying your banner will have some kind of social reward. tons of people spewed their assholes into the mewtoo hashtag but no one really pays attention to nobody women abused by nobody dudes
So are religious cults.
Angry and white? No thank you
>but denazification required all public symbols of Nazism destroyed
So physical fitness is a symbol of nazism?
>miserable because no one wants to be near him
>is an asshole to most people he meets or talks to online
>tried dating and the woman didn't want to be with him despite the money
>sits all day in his mansion alone
You seriously want to rethink that
Progressive ideology is just a stand in for religion anyway
Devs should grow some balls and speak out with a Fuck all you retarded SJW. You always love to ruin peoples lifes with lies, while real victims gets raped by niggers every day in the world.
It's interesting that every time someone gets accused by a twitter tumblrite all their friends go
>Yeah I can confirm
>I heard rumors
>This is an open secret that everyone knew about
>I knew but felt I'd not been believed
>Oh him being rapist? Yeah I knew. I just didn't think I was the right person to bring it up
Like seriously. Everytime it's a barrage of people who apparently knew everything.
>if only the nazis won, i'd be the living image of a greek god
I sense some neckbeard cope in this post
the worst part is your probably believe that
So basically his life is unchanged from before except he has no material concerns anymore, lives in luxury and can afford high class prostitutes?
Ah but no, it's more fun to imagine all rich people are deeply suffering. It makes your own circumstances easier to endure.
>Center of right
Considering you're giving Trump a free pass on everything, you're far right.
At this point this is the horse shoe theory in display where both you and the other side are pure cancer.
Why does Zoe Q make everything about her? Wasn't it some other lady who outed the Morrowind Mushroom smoking faggot composer? But now all I see is Zoe Quinn mentioned.
>Can't just finish the project and then let him go afterwards
I'd be hurt if this was a game or developer I was invested in.
sameface:the animator
Yeah, have you not been in an actual hostile environment before? That shit isn't easy to be open about, especially when the response is usually that people don't believe the victims and some start harassing the victims AND those who believe them
user. These people don't all work together though. If they were all in the same office fine but the only thing they have in common is they're all in the same field of work.
Modern workout programs are a lot more effective than the ones used in WW2, whats this image on about?
>he doesn't like cock
?? how, man. cock is the easy part
>Nintendo personally ported gamemaker to the switch for the sole purpose of getting Hotline Miami on the switch.
Did you just sleep through the last five years?
Because that accusation isnt coming from a known liar and a con artist.
please shut up about political theory, because you are a retard
alright, that one got me
people today are fatter, more out of shape and in far worse physical condition than they were 70 years ago
what are you on about?
as someone from the left, it'd be nice if these people actually stopped trusting everyone who says something they agree with. whether or not he actually raped her, it's hard to say but it's unfortunate that people STILL listen to someone like zoe quinn.
and i hate to say it because i'm more inclined to listen to victims, but with zoe, she really needs to stop trying to be relevant but she probably has a mortgage to pay!
>twitter angst
omggggg he gunna kill himself rip notch
grow up zoomzoom
That doesn't mean the field of workout as a whole has degenerated, people are just more sedentary and stuff their gobs more
imagine if his life was just living in that screenshot forever like you think it is
why are you such a pseud
>make a billion
>"greatest care"
>only gave employees 200k
200k seems like a lot but in relation to how much he made personally it's peanuts and seems more like he did it to not seem like a complete dickhead to the public
waah im a billionaire why doesnt anyone want to be my friend (pls ignore the fact that i'm a gigantic dickhead to everyone that comes into contact with me)
you go into the collective warehouse and you eat trash
my point is he wonders why no one likes him anymore when in the past several years his mental state has degraded. He realized his wealth can't fix his flaws so his personality is just his twitter shitposting now. Meanwhile there's
who hasn't said a single goddamned thing to make him look bad and doesn't whine
the mcdonalds?
You declare yourself a public project
KEK this. 1st world communists wouldn't last in a real communist system just due to the food alone. Just like how there's no welfare and fried chicken readily available in Africa for some of those black people who want to go to Africa.
notch is literally phil fish-tier but says /pol/ memes prove me wrong
The biggest threat they pose is that crying wolf will lead to more people ignoring those who actually ARE sexually assaulted/discriminated against/oppressed/whathaveyou, in the long run people like this are indirectly perpetuating the white male power structure. The irony is delicious
but antifa is facist
there are no real communist systems because communism is not achievable
They get to continue feeling like victims while their predatory orbiters get to continue raping everyone, win-win for them
>mfw dumbcunt accuses ughwalking faggotgame director of rape
No matter who loses in all this, I'm laughing.
How many more beta males need to be destroyed before they stop orbiting that disgusting evil cunt?
if they wanted more they should have negotiated better, you're a fucking retard if you're Mojang employee no.2 and didn't ask for share options
Qui-Gon Quinn
Underrated post.
Well, I laughed.
Statues funded by the Nazi government are symbols of Nazism, yes.
Oh it is, but then people just start dying.
only faggot to make loli+stomach bulge animations so there's no choice
modest chuckle
It's a funny thing. Most of their "allies" are some creep sex offenders, but at the same time she still has to lie about getting raped.
>SJWs now destroying their own SJW games
>accusation comes out
>guy is immediately fucking destroyed
What a surprise.
>my lifestyle
isn't he is like reverse gatsby where he throws a party and then just being the worst part of it?
>I've made billions while other didn't, waaah they hate me
>I don't have a job while others do
The sad part is that Randy Pitchfork is still out there.
Be heavy weapons guy
I think it's more like successful people have a legion of lawyers and PR firms that tell them exactly how to behave in public and in private
was it actually true?
you mean like harvey weinstein or kevin spacey?
Another leftist cuck bite the dust
haha yeah famous people never make fools of themselves especially over twitter lmao just imagine
his last point is him complaining he has nothing to look forward to during the day, but he already knows why he can't have what his acquaintances have
You can hate Notch all you want, but he made Minecraft. Minecraft exists as it does today, because of him. You can dislike someone without rewriting history to make yourself feel better about playing a game by a person you find problematic.
>proceeds to literally cancel a video game
sjw-ism and cultists are remarkably similar
this one is alright since they're essentially killing one of their own
>make a thing and profit
>people get mad you didn't share your shit even though you compensated them fairly
Walk to your jobs CEO and demand a cut from his shit, go on, see what happens.
ironic that the Soviets ended up doing more for body building than the Nazis ever did
>Come off as asexual
>ignore all advances from women
>Never be alone with a women
>Never talk to a women outside of work
>Never talk to a women about anything but work at work
If someone follows all this to a T how rock solid would they be from accusations?
>Walk to your jobs CEO and demand a cut from his shit, go on, see what happens.
Most decent jobs already offer their employees shares or share options.
You're just dumb as fuck if you're joining a company just starting out and don't ask for it
Zoe Quinn has a long history of cons and her life is a hilarous typhoon of nonstop drama. Textbook BPD
Other option just fucking do it she's gonna accuse you of it anyway. Need a satrong stomach there obviously
SJWism is the result of Christianity failing (due to being lazy, sloppy and corrupt) and the zealot-minded flocking to a more dominant ideology lets them feel holier than thou and bully people.
Sadly this is inherent to humanity and cannot be fixed, only treated.
So do you all think we'll be getting more accusations now? Who's next?
Whoever Quinn works with next will be accused. Literally EVERYONE associated with that harpy gets burned, even the precious trannies.
Quinn isn't even that hot. What's with all these men fucking her? I know some dudes like loose women but she's really nothing to look at.
the matrix was a good movie
Mathematics and Science is too white and manly because it's based on facts and not feelings. his one is what some actual feminist, that exist in real life and somehow has a platform to speak, said
She's ruining what remains of her career, and sex life. Nobody will touch her again in any way.
Wasn't Quin running for President or something? What happened to that?
That's where you're wrong. She has a huge network of white knights and orbiters that defend her 24/7.
The scam will go on until she is dead.
no, Wu was running for congress in California
Also, Yea Forums has gotten worse because we tolerate shitheads like pic related. I mean, jesus christ, where do I begin? Is it the obvious (I come from Reddit) vibe of it, who the fuck uses "snowflake" completely wrong and in a political context except commie jackasses from reddit?
Finally, is believing that video games are inherently political, one of the most pseudointellectual things ever said? It's a belief, retards think. Objectively, its wrong. The whole damn premise is wrong, and yet, faggots on Yea Forums were taking this guy seriously? Like seeing people debate astrology seriously. Old Yea Forums would have never done that, 2012 Yea Forums would have never done that, man is this site going downhill.
Also, that analysis of Hotline Miami as proof that games are political and they must be political to be art. Jesus Christ,that analysis reads like some undergraduate essay on some book attempting to sound deep. I bet he's a westerner too.
Technically Masachusetts, but practically California.
I think it would play out just like this People would just immediately believe it because "he seemed creepy"
So while unlikely, I wouldn't rule out that that's what happened here.
Sure is a lot of propaganda in this thread
We aren't allowed to punch the faggots Antifa (because judges aren't defending and letting slide violence like they do for bike lock assault commies)
If it was an even playing field antifa wouldn,t last a day.
Yea Forums has become a target of literal discord trannies ever since Gamergate and even moreso after the 2016 election.
Wanna hear a joke? Lysenkoism.
Oh wait, its not a joke because it got geneticists imprisoned and killed.
what the fuck
Even white knights eventually see blood in the water and stay out.
Wrong, the Kotaku journalist she slept with gave her positive press, but no reviews
>says man enraptured by the dancing shadows on the wall
No, they don't. They will double down until they get themselves get burned to the very last.
Beta orbiters are absolute fucking scum.
hopefully a lot
What happened to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"?
Can anybody just throw accusations around to "cancel" people they don't like these days?
when will this be commonplace?
>What happened to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"?
Somebody missed the Kavanaugh debacle
You must mean the video games.
Also she lied about her mother dying in order to avoid a ban challenge on the somethingawful forums
That doesn't exist anymore. You are guilty until proven innocent, especially if you are a man and your accuser is a women. You know this user. Just look at how things are IRL.
i use 2nd amendment
ugh stop taking creepshots you photorapist
you don't have to wait for it to be commonplace, you can start taking precautions now
as long as she has a vagina between her legs she will have support
she could literally murder someone and still have beta orbiters
night in the woods sucked ass
>another male feminist is accused of sexual assault
msnbc's favorite attorney sabotaged the senate democrats' gay op and then got owned for all the crimes he had been committing
>she could literally murder someone and still have beta orbiters
She'd have more beta orbiters
tbf that'd be the case even if she was a dude, people are fucked up
>Before it's proven or even investigated they cut ties with the guy
Twitter was a mistake.
This but unironically.
I view the flies I swat in my home with greater respect than I do for communist trash.
Kavanaugh only got in because he was boot licker who was too far gone in the approval process and was thus forced in. The Republicans straight up admitted several times had those allegations been brought up earlier they would have dropped his ass in favor of a "cleaner" candidate.
Public government jobs usually don't get the innocent until proven guilty treatment because there's no time to dance with red tape all day.
Pretty much. It just takes a tweet to make the rent any given month
>Can anybody just throw accusations around to "cancel" people they don't like these days?
No, it depends on where you're located on the imaginary privilege hierarchy that totally wasn't designed by a minority that happens to have disproportionate affluence.
Horse shoe theory is just convergent evolution in the context of memetic evolution: two originally, fairly different ideas adapting to their environment and converging on similar mechanisms.
I did
What's that?
puked in my mouth
BEHOLD! Another scalp for Zoe Quinn aka Locke Valentine aka Chelsea Van Valkenberg
Okay idiot, I suppose somebody will buy your bullshit someday.
Kav's a faggot and I expect him to cuck out on anything actually important but that whole ordeal was shameful. You retards have no idea how people saw that, do you?
>the left is eating itself
> Why are you so afraid of unhinged, violent political extremists
Golly, I'm not sure!
Except Funimation is currently pursuing an anti-SLAPP dismissal of Vic's lawsuit against them.
Ok Toby, just get back to working on that Undertale sequel
>ion fury devs reveals they won't remove ogay sprite despite cries for thought policing
>one day later
>everyone in the gaming industry is a rapist
>zoe quinn yet again
Gee, where have I seen this fucking pattern before. Call me crazy, but it seems like someone's trying to send a message.
Horseshoe theory is just how retards deliberately misinterpret the authoritarian vs leave-me-the-fuck-alone divide so they can continue pretending politics boils down to the red vs blue sports meme they've emotionally invested themselves into
I wanna pork that pig
Funny you say that, she used to tell people she stabbed an attempted rapist to death in Boston. She doesn't really tell that story anymore
>this guy with an avatar of an anime girl wearing a MAGA hat is saying that Anita Sarkeesian is a rapist, better write a whole article around it
Legit feeling the same way.
Every single tweet just feels so fake and forced. It's vile.
It just doesn't look like an honest deed done by the community to help another. It's too manufactured. Almost farcical.
>s-s-save me judge!1
lol, you are terrified
By general rule, I ignore all this shit unless at the very least charges are filed. Civil court doesn't count. If there's no criminal charges filed, I'm going to assume it's bullshit or at best blown out of proportion.
Do you honestly think this will ever reach the police?
Yeah but it's Zoe who's doing the accusing here. What is it about this woman that makes men instantly want to rape her when they inhabit the same workspace?
i identify as an anti-anti-centrist
I don't personally don't give a shit about the entire affair because it's clear both sides want judges who favor their view points. Which means they're both full of shit and deserve zero sympathy. I'm just telling you the innocent until proven guilty shit isn't going to fly in positions like that because there's too much at stake to waste time on it.
Don't let Trump's retarded antics fool you. He gets defended because his position requires a national election. Non-elected government officials don't get that and will be persuaded to fucking leave if the collective side they work with demands them to.
>presence of females in a given field dramatically increases
>constant destructive drama soon follows
"Get rid of 'em."
--Karl Pilkington
how are centrists not the most cucked group of people out there today
>Someone we knew us getting accused, so instead of actually questioning the person themselves, we're believing it at face value
How do these people function
What even is night in the woods? I’ve only ever seen it referenced when people were comparing the MC to the YIIK MC.
They would be if they existed
You're a retard who is trying to explain shit to people who pay far more attention to you
Just fuck off and die. Like Ginsberg soon will. We're going to see an even bigger contrived circus with ACB's nomination, continue being ignorant if you like but don't be surprised that reality continues to diverge from your expectation.
They don't, just like the faggots on Yea Forums
They're all lefties. They just don't want to be associated with the left.
They're going all out now
Mumblecore sort of walking sim with some Warioware minigames depicting teen angst. Some supernatural elements but not many.
It's eh. I pirated it and couldn't be fucked to play it for long.
I feel like they're trying to make a second GamerGate
Is it just me?
Neolibs aren't lefties, they're basically conservatives at this point
The harsh truth is centrists are the only ones winning because they never take a definite stand on anything but freely dispense smug opportunistic disapproval couched in "well I don't really care" if called out
meanwhile you're totally invested in this bullshit despite being unable to influence it in the slightest
Get with the program, join the smug centrist coalition today
Trump is very clearly an Independent Capitalist running as a Republican, user. His morals barely fit with what Republicans generally stand for.
who knew that a feminist would turn out to be a freak
where's the warpath, mask off I lurk several lefty discords and nobody there gives a shit
Hitler loves you.
Mark my words, once Temmie fully and viscerally realizes she is literally worthlesss without him the MeTooing will come. Never associate with Asian-Americans.
lol no
Gamergate was pretty disastrous for them considering their plans weren't ever supposed to be noticed much less turned into a scandal that turned legions of detached manchildren politically active practically overnight.
I highly doubt they're trying to do anything in paricular but as emotional beings of whimsical destruction, they just can't help leaving a wake of misery wherever they go.
>Same week all these allegations are made is also when Projared ended up showing substantial proof that he didn't get nudes from underages and they were lying
I used to be the type of guy that while never outright believed someone, never wanted to accuse someones tragedy and trauma to be a lie.
Now I just assume everyone and anyone is always lying until they show receipts.
It's a shame I have to treat real life people the same why I treat anons and "leakers" on Yea Forums but this is the world we live in I guess.
Has this Alec guy even publicly reacted at all to this? The quick reaction from the NitW devs and not believing their fucking co-worker is fucking ridiculous.
Keep trying to convince yourself I'm wrong but it won't wipe away the fact that my statements are accurate. There is way to much documented proof that this is how shit goes down.
Reaction and outrage culture has utterly ruined the internet. Being accused of something is the same as actually committing it. What a complete fucking joke of an industry.
Killing her would be better option than letting her ruin your life through accusations
You have a basic bitch cynic's understanding of the world aka no understanding at all, just a broad dismissal of its complexity
Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up, most of us grew out of that phase a long time ago and it's not impressive.
With the amount of industry legends that just jumped on the bandwagon he is completely and utterly fucked no matter what he does. Even dannyB and the FTL composer came out against him.
I don't see why you wouldn't believe them, these women gain nothing from going public other than temporary relief before the harassment begins
The funnies thing about this accusation is that it starts with a story about how a man raped her but she forgave him lmao. Why is that story even there, just to show that she has total power over whom she chooses to ruin?
So you're gonna side with someone even though multiple people come to you to tell you he hurt them?
What evidence do they have against him? It sounds to me like all these people are ganging up on this poor guy because their cunt leader said it.
>these women gain nothing from going public
Where's the evidence? We haven't even heard his side of the story.
Go back to Retardera.
>these women gain nothing from going public
What page of the cuck orbiter bible is this from, I hear it repeated ad nauseum
Reminder that Nintendo are the most based game devs in the industry, and Sony would have probably made a her a sympathetic character in TLoU2.
Other than Kavanaugh's accuser and maybe one Trump one I never even remember their names. They fade into the darkness once they fail. They gain only people calling them false accusers.
>temporary relief before the harassment begins
The people they accuse get no relief before the harassment begins.
>Where's the evidence?
do you guys not know how rape allegations work
That's what I thought until the Projared thing.
Until he revealed text messages of one accuser and the other one was literally institutionalized in a mental hospital for suffering delusions and threatening to kill their parents.
>They get no relief
Other than a massive amount of people who immediately say that the accuser must be lying? Don't act like people who are accused aren't defended, they get loud people protecting them just as much as the accuser does.
>once they fail
Their primary intent is to muddy the waters and allow ignorant shitheads to forever label someone a rapist. In this they succeed.
go ask her if you can inspect her vagoo for fingerprints yourself
There is no rape allegation though. This is next level shit, she just said he put fingers "inside her" and it hurt.
What do sexual harassers need relief from? Chocking one too many women without consent?
I wish someone would torch that witch.
All she did was go on Twitter and vent about it like she stubbed her toe. She could have gone to the police, but she didn't. She clearly has a beef with this guy, so now she's trying to play a victim and ruin some guy's career for attention.
xD the use of emojis make it seem more fake too. Especially the
>omg this is too much!!! D: want it back???
Robatic language + emojis make it look so fucking fake.
Pretty sure it's irrelevant when they keep their job. Calling Kavanaugh or Thomas rapists isn't going to keep them from being on SCOTUS. It's a stupid argument, especially considering there will always be people that defend them too.
>massive amount of people who immediately say that the accuser must be lying?
Sweatie, this is 2019, you get banned on every platform except 4channel.org if you say that.
yeah. they get a rape kit and let it expire and then the guy walks regardless. when you have no other outlet than a social one, then you use what you can get
would you like to tell us the technical legal requirements for a rape in canada
10/10 satirical post
there's no way she was scared of that literal soiboi
seriously how can you call yourself a functioning adult and not be able to get out of a situation like that
i wonder what she even means by "mental abuse", this is all a fucking joke
New thread
I swear the smog of California makes people like this or something.
The massive attention is what women dream of.
That's not true and you know it.
>muh job
Are you autistic? I hope you get accused of rape someday so you can see how it might alter your life, relationships and perhaps your fundamental outlook towards humanity.
>she just said he put fingers "inside her" and it hurt.
So he initiated a form of sexual intercourse with her without her consent? Gee, I wonder what the term for that is
Oh but "inside her" could be inside her mouth. Surely putting fingers inside a mouth is not rape. Technically she worded in such a way that there is no allegation.
>gets raped
>Doesn't report it to the cops
So I sue them into the ground for libel. Are you stupid?
>Don't act like people who are accused aren't defended, they get loud people protecting them just as much as the accuser does.
Don't act like people who accuse aren't vehemently defended. If you think people defending them is relief then you can't say that the accusers only get temporary relief because they get far more defense on twitter than the people they accuse do.
The internet pedophiles harassing them and bitching online.
New thread
lol one of the options given to Mojang employees was a guaranteed work contract with microsoft for 3 years. They just flipped their shit when they found out the company was bought out for 2.5 billion.
I unironically would use my cellphone camera and start keeping a safety distance from her. This lunatic bitch can say anything without prove and everybody would clap.
Just came from reddit, everyone who didn't go "my poor baby" is already banned.
They'd seem like hypocrites if they fought against it after pushing "believe women" so hard.
Both are, hence why this is always a shit show.
Well no fucking shit, that's Reddit. Twitter/conservative MSM will always go to defense.
Whoa we got a legal expert here
How many successful suits you got under your belt champ
who cares. this faggot said he believed all women. if you believe all women and then women lie about you, it's your fault for being a fucking retard. I'm always sad to see an innocent person defamed and destroyed, but these retards jumped right on the bandwagon to attack other innocent men when it happened to them, don't expect me to cry my eyes out when it happens to them. they turned this into a cultural war, I'm sure not gonna be sad when their side blows themselves up making car bombs.
>sexual intercourse
No, putting fingers in your mouth is not sexual intercourse
>without her consent
That allegation was not made.
See, you assumed all of that.
Zoe Quinn's patreon income shot from $0 to $1000 a month after she claimed Wizardchan was plotting to kill her
6 months later her income shot from 1k to $3000 a month as a result of Gamergate.
She's clearly resentful of the fact that all of her press attention is a result of her accusations and that her pet projects aren't newsworthy enough on their own. Because she keeps complaining about the lack of attention
I would gladly trade a monthly income for trolls filling up my twitter DMs and email account.
New thread
>The internet pedophiles harassing them and bitching online.
having clown images made of you isn't harassment
user, how would someone accusing you of raping them knowing it wasn't true not be something you could sue them for? Isn't Vic doing that right now?
That was kind of my point. Talk shit in public and send the mob you deserve to get shit back. The reality is people talking trash online isn't really any serious type of harassment.
Nothing people say on twitter is really harassment.
He gave them each 200k, secured their contracts for 2 years and asked for raises to give all of them 6 figure salaries starting. They are his EMPLOYEES, not cofounders. He made sure they will continue to work on what they signed their contracts for and will also get massive bonuses for it. Excuse fucking me, but in what fucking way are they entitled to his or company's money? Microsoft didn't buy Mojang, they bought a BRAND and everything associated with it and only Notch owned it.
Be careful of what you post here, she's willing to take screenshots of any vile Yea Forums post about her and give it to the press as evidence. Even if the rest of Yea Forums condemns them
>accusing you of raping them
She isn't though. She never said fingers weren't consensual and they could be in her mouth for all we know. See there is no accusation, she just made people believe there is an accusation. So she's perfectly immune in this situation. She thought it through
You can sue anyone for anything at any time
And that is where your fantasy of understanding how the world works ends you stupid zoomer, everything after won't work out how you think it does and it is very expensive
i read through all her crap and she never even says what it is that he did to her other than repeating the word "abuse" and that he stuck his fingers in her and maybe went a bit overboard?
this is the age where you don't even need to make up a rape allegation in order to destroy someone's life, you just need to write a long ambiguous post about how someone made you feel uncomfortable, its fucking nuts
Fuck Twitter. The website has ruined the internet.
Wud he do?
Reminder that as you birate me about growing up you still haven't matured enough to expand your grammar outside hurling curses and insults to get your point across.
New thread
>rants about sexism on Wizardchan
>types *mic drop*
>the next morning donations and support come pouring in
>"wow I thought I looked bad in those tweets "hulking out" as my fellow nerds like to say"
user are you retarded? She can easily post this herself and screencap it. Doesn't matter what we say.
>letting a website where people post text messages ruin the internet for you
zoom zoom
Yeah that's a good point. She convinced the press that wizardchan was secretly prank calling her home solely because they made 1 or 2 rude posts about her appearance.
Trump Supreme court pick, Kavanagh. Suddenly, as he's really close to be confirmed, 3 random hoes show up saying he raped them. 1st 1 is blasey ford, a old liberal cunt, with fake tears for the media. What proof did she had ? Fuck all obviously.
2nd was a wet fart, don,t remember shit about her, whoever she was. When Ford farted out she disappeared too.
Last one was Avenatti (aka Creepy Porn lawyer) client. In regular CPL situation he had ironclad proof that the crime was true, on a CD or someshit, but he weirdly could never actually produce it.
Dunno whats up with that woman (probably in porn, seeing CPL mostly deal with hoes) while CPL himself is getting reamed by the big dick of the law for embezzling money from old lawmates, porn mates, banks, etc.
New thread
I agree with you, nobody should be assumed guilty like that. Especially from somebody like Literally Who.
He's also a shitbag who enables exactly this kind of behavior. Nobody SHOULD be MeToo'd, but the guy definitely deserves it. I'm not gonna defend him because there's no way he'd defend anyone else.
Why is it literally always a decade
What the fuck is happening
This is why I exclusively follow Japanese people on Twitter
Hm yeah I'm sure there's no bias in the selected posts.
What proof would you expect them to keep over several decades? Dried semen samples? Their schedules lined up and witnesses corroborated the accounts, in that those women told those stories about Brett before he was nominated
Also what does "creepy porn lawyer" mean? He's creepy for having a porn star as a client? Is that more or less creepy than Trump having an affair with that bag of STDs and paying her hush money?
I have more. What sort of bias? This is the single most thorough documentation of the wizarchan saga, every press outlet that talked about it just vaguely mentioned a conspiracy of nerds harassing her
Anything at all. which she didn't have. She named a few friends, who proceeded to say they didn,t remember any of the shit she said. She self owned, yet leftards kept trying, REALLY HARD, to ignore it.
Seeing leftist trash so completely broken about their TDS is both extremely fulfilling and sad