>reach level 10
>nostalgia wears off
>hype dies down
>magic disappears
>no longer want to play
Should I force myself to continue or will the game be the same grindfest it was a decade ago?
I really don't want to play this anymore.
>reach level 10
>nostalgia wears off
>hype dies down
>magic disappears
>no longer want to play
Should I force myself to continue or will the game be the same grindfest it was a decade ago?
I really don't want to play this anymore.
if you dont like it dont play it why create this thread retard?
Because I want to give the game a fair chance, I don't want to quit.
But if the game never progresses past "grind x mobs to level up" then I can't see myself playing it.
>reach level 10
>get bear form
>game becomes more fun as I can basically tank mobs with little to no downtime
>keep playing
>reach level 20
>get cat form
>have fun sneaking around mobs and enemy players, rip-and-tearing high-level mobs (and Alliance players) while using heals to sustain myself
You mad?
then stop playing it you fucking retard zoomer
>get to lvl 10
>get my Voidwalker
>nostalgia increases
>hype jumps up
>magic appears
>want to play longer
quit already numbnuts, go play fortnite you little bitch
The last time I played the game back on Nostalrius I played a Warlock and now that I main a warrior I realize that I had forgotten how amazing Warlocks are during levelling, and what a fucking chore warriors are in general.
Getting fucked by a bad chain of parries by a mob that's only 2 levels higher than you as my warrior compared to easily killing 2 mobs at a time and elites as soon as you got your voidwalker.
Fuck me I guess
He never played it. This is just a fuck classic thread.
Why you fucking idiots ever played this bullshit MMO in the first place eludes me. It's zoomer trash with an even shittier artstyle
Guess what, OP. It's your lucky day. Today I will allow you to form your first opinion. Decide for yourself, retard. You don't like it, don't play it.
Ok then stop playing.
What's the most fun class while leveling and for PvP?
Holy shit op, form your own fucking opinions. Its a 15 year old game, there is TONS of info about it out there and new fucking version was just released. If youre not having fun, then youre not. For fucks sake, youre like a tranny begging for someone to call them cute. Only to heavily deny ever wanting the attention. You don't need a hivemind of autists to validate your opinion. Its yours for a reason
>I really don't want to play this anymore.
Then why are you even asking this question?
I'm masochist though
>same grindfest it was a decade ago
Times ten considering the autistm of private servers turning the game into a science and fasttrack to 60 endgame endgame endgame endgame only
>15 year old game
WoW classic was released in 2019.
Welcome to what anyone actually smart discovered by playing a private server.
classic wow is only held together by nostalgia. once that wears off and you see the archaic game mechanics that shouldn't be subscription based.
>night of release
>start game
>grinding quests
>all the mobs are getting tagged
>wow this sucks
>stick with it
>ding level 17
>finally enter Deadmines with my buddies
>it's even better than I remember
>loving the game again
>get to level 10 on my rogue
>can now dual wield and have SnD
>attack extremely fast now and mobs die a shit ton quicker
Cant wait for poisons bros
I swear every single one of you idiots that started playing this will do this exact thing. You'll go "shit, I've already done this exact same shit fifteen years ago... huh" and will drop it. Blizzard is a maximum-level Jew sorcerer for being able to fleece money off of you retards by selling you the literal exact same game xD.
Roll a tank, get good at tanking and just level by doing dungeons over and over again, then like I did.
You haven't played the game and this thread is bait.
>be friendless retard starboy tourist from final tranny 14 or retail wow
>roll warrior because all the cool streamers are and youtube said it's the best at max lvl
>wow why am I so bored?!
It will still be that same numbers game
The same lame shit it always was
I honestly don't know why anyone expected anything different
Your numbers aren't big enough / you leveled the wrong race/class spec, you can't play with us
The so-called "community" of WoW is absolute cancer, and that's the most important thing. You cannot replicate that with code, WoW players are just shit people
Fortnite takes more skill unironically
>Doctor, it hurts when I do this
So stop doing that.
How are you this stupid? Will your next post ask us if you should keep touching the hot stove?
>>reach level 10
>>nostalgia wears off
>>hype dies down
>>magic disappears
>>no longer want to play
>Should I force myself to continue or will the game be the same grindfest it was a decade ago?
>I really don't want to play this anymore.
you are not playing, this thread is a bait and you are crying about bfa being a ghost town
So it's not fun for first timers?
Not a first timer here, I got to 60 in 2005 and have already quit WoW classic.