Will support them now.
Other urls found in this thread:
The game already has pronoun options. How is this surprising?
>devs are already sjw faggots, how is this surprising?
it isnt I guess
I had to wait for ages for King of Card already, tell me why should i care if there's SJW pandering in the english text.
I actually dont care if that option is in *any* game, I just dont want to be forced to acknowledge it everytime I play a game. There should be an option in every game that says "just gameplay" and every political bullshit thing is removed and you just get to play the game.
>There should be an option in every game that says "just gameplay" and every political bullshit thing is removed and you just get to play the game.
What does that even mean?
i will never support these faggots ever again.
>More options bad
How about they release it already. Shovel knight came to smash before they released it
Wait is this a joke. What the hell does that even mean. Is there a new story coming with a customizable character? I havent played this game since before the dlc came out wtf is this
People got bothered with the game calling characters he and she so they are now given gender neutral symbols and pronouns
I can tell you, at least for the spanish translation, that the localizers took none of that crap and just put an individual menu with the character's gender and that's it
>changing and retconning a game no one complained about by (i'm assuming) allowing shovel knight to no longer be male
Comes across as a cheap attempt to drum up sjw points.
Explain further.
Nigga, we had bodyswap mode in Treasure Trove for ages now, just limited to Shovel of Hope campaign and gender options being he/she.
Now we can call certain characters they/them! How progressive!
They added an option to gender swap every main character and boss individually, including setting preferred pronouns. It's been in the game since at least specter of torment unless I'm wrong
only matter if adding this padering , hindered the polish of the game in other areas
>People got bothered with the game calling characters he and she
Then they're retarded because in-world they could go by he and she. If they get upset over this they're basically saying it's not ok to identify as male or female.
Reduction is not an argument
You're not even looking at the reason behind the additional options
Wow you guys are really fucking desperate to find shit to get mad about
You mean like the people who got mad about regular pronouns?
All forms of pandering is bad. Their characters should have set sexes and identities, and they should stick with it, whatever it may be. But when you turn your characters completely genderfluid for, you're only doing it to pander to your SJW buddies.
So you're saying you're exactly like SJWs?
Is this a joke?
Spanish doesn't have a neutral pronoun you dumb fucks, it has "eso", which is just "it". They couldn't add one even if they tried.
>I dont understand that adding goofy ass made up gender pronouns is completely politically motivated
I want to be able to buy a game and play it without being lectured about politically motivated bullshit. It's pretty fucking simple.
>devs are starting to add a them/they pronoun to literally fucking everything now
Why is this happening?
welcome to tumblr 2.0: teenage rage the channel
How is Shovel Knight lecturing you?
Do not attempt gotchas on me. I can't be so easily flustered.
Too bad
Get wrecked, cishet
I still haven't played SK but everything I've seen of it throughout the years, it's all for the original, base game?
I can't since i already bought it years ago AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T FUCKING RELEASED KING KNIGHT!
And yeah they said December NOW, but they just keep pushing shit back and back to point i will believe it only when/if it happens.
>Get to play shovel trap
>And save shield reverse trap
>Leave Plague Knight ambiguous
I meant "what did they mean by an individual menu," jackass.
I really don't know. It's almost like a disease spreading.
They hate being reminded that women and minority groups exist.
use the catalog you dumb nigger, fuck off
>option to gender swap every character
For what purpose?
It's just silly. It doesn't need this shit. It's a 2D 8bit throwback platformer with an established mascot.
This was all announced years ago, newfag.
>Despite not releasing all of its DLC, delaying King Knight once again, Plague Knight just being a character/boss pack, selling merchandising rights, selling cameo rights, releasing to numerous platforms, selling millions of copies, and having a $300,000 kickstarter, Shovel Knight has had arbitrary price increase for new owners.
>Team Cherry worked on a 57,000 AUS-funbux budget, released all of its DLC without price increase, and instead used its profits to turn the one paid DLC it was going to have into a full fledged new game instead of just a level/character pack.
>literally stated made up gender pronouns
>"mysoggyknees! Muh racism!"
Exactly, people like you need to fuck off. Playing the race card so quickly too, its losing its edge.
>People acting like the bodyswap is something completely new when its been in the game since Spectre of Torment, which was released in 2017.
I can't believe we're going to have fucking /pol/tards and cripplecunts infecting SK threads. Jesus christ.
Why does the reason matter if it only adds to the game? You have no argument for why there should be less options
How is shovel knight lecturing you?
>Their characters should have set sexes and identities, and they should stick with it, whatever it may be
whew lads, we've reached peak "let's get assblasted about nothing" hours.
Ion Fury shitposting is dying down so they're jumping to this.
I mean, back when YCG first added the genderswap thing the OG english version already had that woke bullshit of being able to choose gender and pronouns for each character individually, right? Well, the spanish translation just tied them down to a single column
>Their characters should have set sexes and identities
Nigger it's a walking suit of armor, who cares. Shovel Knight shouldn't even have a gender. Why the fuck can't we just have that? Have some banter where a prince and a princess both fall in love with him/her and they start fighting with eachother because they're both convinced he's/she's of the opposite gender.
Makes me sick.
>All forms of pandering is bad.
>Their characters should have set sexes and identities
Pick one
>But when you turn your characters completely genderfluid
They're not though. The characters still have canonically genders, the option to change them is explained as a what-if scenario
It is just Outragefags, the jump on anything they can instantly and out themselves a know-nothings even faster, personally im just salty over King Knight delays in general because King Knight is the best Knight.
Isn't this for the rule63 Mode?
>You still can't do bodyswap in Plague of Shadows to have smoll FemPlague crushing and shy about Mona.
>Pandering is bad.
>So, instead, pander to my inflexible virtue by making sure my fragile little sensitivities are not rustled by filthy CHANGE!
You can make Shovel knight into a girl or Plague knight into a girl and have them have hot lesbian relationships with their usual female better half and you have to bring your grandpa BORING AS FUCK broom-up-the-ass stuck up values with your GAY ASS.
I actually like this idea a lot
But user be considerate of our latinx friends. Elx clearly works here.
Whoever came up with "elx" clearly didn't think this through:
El is masculine.
Ella is feminine.
An "x" signifies that there's something, it cannot just be void, thus, it cannot create "el"
"Ella" also requires two extra letters, not just one, thus "elx" is also unable to create "ella"
>characters genders have no bearing on the story or the characters themselves
>Yea Forums shits itself when the game gives you choice over these genders
How are they/them “made up pronouns?”
To appeal the disease.
I can't wait for shovel knight 2 when being a tranny is the only option
>Add an option to keep everyone ambiguous
>Yea Forums and trannys think everyone is a tranny now
>Nobody talking about the real issue of it being delayed for months
>Yea Forums and trannys think everyone is a tranny now
It will eventually become that. The infection always start in small steps. Like Bioware.
"them" is not a gender.
To think I almost bought the game after finishing it.
If it doesn't matter, why add it?
I think the pandering is dumb, but they do have set sex and stuff in canon.
Overall, I couldn't give too much a fuck though, because I actually enjoy shovel knight and the feature is just an option which very few will take seriously.
Strangest addition to a video game since Resident Evil 5 let you unlock Sepia tone.
Like, just change the colors on the TV. What's next, unlocking a volume button?
>The trannys won because you chose an option to make a suit of armor ambiguous
They will if you say everything is them winning
Yacht Club is dead. Michael Obama will never play your game in 2025 when youre finally done with it
link the article pls
>Post YFW you pirated it.
I already played a playthrough with an all male cast and it was cute
At least that other user isn't confused about their gender and if getting things shoved up their ass "feels right???"
It's one thing to argue about this stuff, but to push and enable mental illness.
You are not helping anyone.
>theres an OPTIONAL mode that is just a very minimal detail and doesnt impact anything in gameplay
Noooo whyyy this is fault of the trannies living for free in my head whyyy aaaaaaahhhhh
>why should boys stay boys and girls stay girls in video games
Because it sets a bad example for kids otherwise and we are stewards of the world.
>why should they stay their sexes in general
To, you know, reproduce?
Here's the real question. Is it mandatory to toggle these options before I start the game or are these options stashed away in a menu somewhere and the default is standard him/her? If it's the latter then I don't really care.
Why? Those are the only two possible genders.
They already infected comics, videogames and movies (without creating anything). It's not even treated as a disorder anymore. They clearly won.
They're in a completely separate options menu
Also the characters actually have unique sprites so you can have a lesbian knight orgy
Males and females produce both testosterone and estrogen you fucking retard. Sperm and eggs are the unique resources of each gender you fucking dumb nigger, fix your image.
Man Yea Forums is fucking terrible today
You get a cheap rate because you invested in the game before it had any of this extra shit. How is that not fair? Last I checked you could buy everything separately too so it's basically just giving early adopters free dlc.
Imagine how triggered you have to be to write that.
What goes through someone's mind when they think saying "SEX AND GENDER ARE THE SAME" over and over again will change reality? If I keep saying "COLOR AND FLAVOR ARE THE SAME" over and over, will it become true?
When you start a new game the first step is to put your profile name, then you are asked if you want the body swap thing.
>The dick sucking brigade coming out of the woodwork to defend a reddit company that supports literally mentally ill trannies that want to chop off their dicks
>Yea Forums snowflake gets mad over nothing
My sides
Fact: A nontrivial number of people care about using pronouns that fit their gender identity.
Fact: It takes almost no effort to accommodate these people.
Grow the fuck up.
Fuck off, tranny
Damn, no games with guns too? Too political for your small brain?
Blue is a very tasty colour.
The default is pure heterosexuality. Something I hope they improve in the eventual sequel removing any trace of it.
you're an idiot.
Apparently King of Cards is done so December even if Showdown gets delayed, KoC should come out.
I play Shovel Knight by switching the gender of every guy I beat. So that when I meet them in the end it's like I conquered their masculinity
Good boy points
It's true.
One is real and demonstrated throughout nature.
One is fake and was made up by a paedophile who mutilated and sexually abused the children he was placed in charge of in the david reimer experiment
Nice. They will probably add an option to castrate if you choose male enemies.
Isn't their a feature where picking the gender changes appearances.
So is it a random chance they'll look male or female now or something?
How many pronouns we getting?
So does King of Cards have a release date finally or are you just looking for a reason to be angry today?
There are no genders, it's a made up nonsense word by a child abusing pedophile.
There is only male and female.
I think it's just a goof. Like DK mode in Goldeneye.
Look at sense 2b nigga. That's what people are talking about when they say gender and sex aren't the same ya dumb cunt.
>furfag being right for once
I don't believe this
>Bodyswap Option Added
>Nobody cares
>Pronouns are interchangable and a third one is added
Oh the horror. What a nightmare dystopia we live in where someone dares to add an option that doesn't hurt my experience whatsoever.
>gender neutral pronouns and different body types in a Mario Bros. hommage game
They are though.
These niggers bitch about everything. This is shiy we knew about years ago too.
Its not a self insert game tho
Yet 2a literally says they are you fucking imbecile. The post I linked to compared saying they're the same thing is like saying colors and flavors are the same thing, which is absolutely retarded and needs to be called out for bullshit.
It's less "what" it is and more "why" it is. People that are genuinely hurt by the notion that fictional characters in a video game can be referred to with gender-based pronouns are not well. They need help. Feeding into their delusion will only make it harder to pull them back into reality; just look at what's happened to /pol/ over the years.
>a few lines of copy pasted and edited code and some text
>"""hindered the polish of the game in other areas"""
shut the fuck up
outrage culture was a mistake
>he thinks they will stop just there
the lack of vision of your kind is always amusing
It is when I pretend to buttfuck Shield Knight and purify her corruption with my cum.
I hate anglos, I really do.
You forget that the pronouns were already interchangeable when bodyswap was introduced.
You could have buff, bearded male PolarKnight be referred as a "she" or whatever else you fancy.
2a is irrelevant you braindead turd. That's not the sense people mean when they're talking about gender. You're either being disingenuous or you're a retard. Pick one.
Remember when Yea Forums laughed at gamergate and the idea of SJWs taking over videogames?
I'll be accepting your apologies now.
Kill everyone in this thread
Honestly I could care less, if they wanna make a Trap Knight or simply think up some headcanon scenarios or whatever using this feature that's something that doesn't affect me nor will ever affect me.
There's a a certain amount of mental illness that ties into their mindsets but I'm pretty fucking ill myself in different ways so I'm not gonna judge. I only really get irritated when they make up headcanons they treat as fact to associate it with them, hence why /pol/ is a constant annoyance as they do that for fucking everything.
Who’s the artist?
Apathy is not a virtue. Caring is the first step towards getting well.
Many recent debates have turned into the mentally ill fighting the mentally ill and it bodes poorly for the human species.
Caring over a game rather than real world problems is stupid though
All Gamergate got me was a fucking comedy episode of Law and Order, a boogeyman scabs like Anita can use for attention and pity points, and being scammed out of money by a fucking crowdfunded game that was a slapdash piece of shit.
I liked it better when it didn't become Chanology 2 because at the very least it forced game journalists to use disclosures for the things they write about. When it became a full on movement, it was easily infulfrated by people wanting to warp the narrative and then /pol/ jumped on that narrative thinking they were in good company.
It was a joke that did nothing but give shitty puppeteers even more influence over the minds of good-natured idiots.
Gamergate had a point until /pol/ naturally jumped in and made it about MUH WIMMEN and lost all credibility
/pol/ ruins everything it touches, what else is new.
Only good thing they ever did was piss off Shia Lebouf by finding his flag every time he hid it someplace new by sheer autistic determination.
>poster insists sex and gender arent the same thing, like comparing taste and color
>post literal definition, proof sex and gender are indeed the same thing
It doesnt matter how much you want to move the goalposts, sex and gender are the same thing. If anything, you're the disingenuous one you little shit. You are beyond help.
>the definition I don't like is irrelevant!
>even though it comes first
It's irrelevant in this context shit for brains. Yes, gender can mean just biological sex, but that is just one definition of the word. Obviously people are not saying that sex and sex are not the same. That would be retarded.
it's a good thing they don't do anything besides sell shovel knight so i don't even have to not buy anything
You could already make all the knights girls. Propeller, Tinker, and Mole Knight are canonically female.
How the fuck do you say that without any sense of irony?
the sense you mean when you talk about gender is the same the sense one means when discussing the luminiferous aether
>devs are fags
Wish I hadn't bought the game.
shovel knight is overrated as fuck
>Propeller, Tinker, and Mole Knight are canonically female.
I'm going to boot my game up right now and if you turn out to be lying I'm going to call you a faggot.
He is a faggot, all the knights are male with the exception of shield knight.
Propeller is a huge fag. It makes a better character to have an globetrotting heiress instead of a poof.
>Propeller is a huge fag.
No user.
He's just french
I swear they could flat out say "I'm gonna add whatever infuriates Yea Forums the most" and people here will still fall for it
he's a faguette
Daily reminder, your vote counts.
Well the characters are knights. Girls can't be knights and indeterminate genderless blobs definitely can't be knights.
>Nobody cares
The whole reason it's called "Bodyswap" and not "Gender Swap" is because middle class teenage white girls threw a tantrum. People got pissed off at that shit too, but no one noticed because DUR HUR GAME FUN.
People have seen so much of this shit and now it's enabling literal otherkin bullshit and everyone is getting understandably sick of this flamebait shit, and fedora tippers like you come here and go "Outrage is so cringe! I'm going to anonymous show everyone I'm too cool to care!". Just fuck right off.
Their boss is a woman. She can knight whoever she wants. Plague Knight was just some mad chemist before the game.
fairly sure it was a backer milestone or something.
Its in an options menu that you literally never have to look at if you just want to play the game.
Yeah, and I remember how none of this SJW bullshit existed outside of Tumblr until GamerGate happened.
Jesus christ, people. Shovel knight has had body swap for almost 2 years now. This is just a small update to it.
Literally all it does is change the sprite to an
alternate design, and change any pronouns in the dialogue. All this does is replace the gender icons in the body swap menu with a different symbol representing that design, and offer the ability to pick which word the dialogue uses.
Nothing about this changes the game unless you choose to enter the body swap menu and change these settings. It's a completely optional feature they added for free, on top of their huge dlc releases.
You're forgetting these are people who are irrationally angry at all things even mildly liberal and act like activists who have to fight against a boogeyman they only believe in because they don't get out much.
They don't actually play games.
Yea Forums is fucking terrible right now, holy shit
I got mad at Ion Fury's thing but didn't get mad at this for the sole reason that they CHOSE to add it to the game rather than getting pressured into it by some bullshit over-hyped hysterical autistic meltdown on resetera.
I think it's actually a fun option and see no problem with it.
I also haven't played the game in years so it's news to me. I'll have to steer clear of indie shit.
>he doesn't know about xe/tem/zer/xir/har/hair and a million other made up pronouns.
keep your guard up spanish user.
I haven't been here in a week
>dilating while typing
All this thing does is replace "him/her/he/she" and shit like that with "they/them." Tell me how something as frivolous as that took more than a day or two to make.
Shovel Knight and all knights of the Order Of No Quarter are canonically male, this was just an extra detail for people to play around with. You people seriously need to chill with the outrage, it's like you actively seek to be pissed off at harmless stuff.
Pronouns other than s/he go beyond liberal. It's complete post-modern lunacy that only exists on college campuses. Any normal person would be baffled if you told them your pronouns.
damn can't even call people they without being called a liberal.
Friendly reminder: People like you, making threads like these, is why "gamer" is a meme phrase now. You're living the stereotype up to a T. Talk about thin skinned.
Image unrelated but it made you read my post.
is there a tranny option with a 40% chance of instant death when loading a level
Why do white people do this? I've never seen a black or indian person that cares about pronouns or trannies.
It's only in the original Shovel Knight campaign.
If you change King Knight to female they become Queen Knight and I'm pretty sure they/them will turn them into something like "Monarch Knight".
>Imagine having an ego/psyche so fucking fragile that you can't stand for a character to be another gender from you.
Ironic how the SJW's want every fucking character they play to identify with themselves, yet they get their tits in a wringer when people are OK with a character being a set gender.
I thought this whole slippery slope of tolerance thing was just Yea Forums over-reacting over nothing then Rocko' Modern Life Static Cling happened.
It really is a disease.
Because they're retarded.
desu i just use it to turn all the knights into female because it turns me on when i dominate females.
Yeah I really don't see the point in adding this but it probably took the devs like 10 minutes to add and gives them brownie points with SWJ's. The gender swap is fine imo since it at least actually changes the sprites and there is never anything wrong with adding more cute girls to your game.
transcendentally based
I'd force myself on fem propeller knight desu.
I wish more games had this option. It's a fun role playing feature.
This got added years ago
is it just me, or does the new game look like Warioland?
nice argument bro
Yeah they said they were inspired by Wario's dash in a q&a about it.
None of this matters since they have canon sex and gender identity
Still wish it was just called "Silksong" without Hollowknight attached.
Showdown looks pretty fun. wish I had friends to play it with
That is how these kinds of people think, yes.
These people are stuck in a life-long chuuni phase, where they want to be witches and dragons and have no gender just so they're different. They need heavy medication.
Trannies don't care because they're separated from reality in many ways.
>delays game for half a year to add this
>All forms of pandering is bad
You are playing a mass media product you vehement fucking retards. I always laugh out loud when I see this shit.
>claims group they dont like has a life-long "chuuni" phase
>is sitting here getting beyond triggered that a video game with cartoon graphics is catering to a group of people that isn't him
>by calling them a japanese anime archetype buzzword applied to edgy middle school boys who are immature
Yeah that sure checks out.
Who are you quoting? We don't use the arrows like that.
based brainlet
Where's the option to romance 5 year olds?
>Shovel Knight Smash bros is local multi only
That's disappointing
You are supposed to just laugh at them.
Outrage just creates more faggots.
Laughing at them makes them kill themselves.
do you call one of your friend THEY? you fucking tranny
Good thing i pirated on my vita
Oh wow how did you know that transexuals did that?, arent you a little bit obsessed?
Uh... you means Xros, right?
we can't have shovel knight threads anymore.
I'm in, hombres. Can't wait to play as curvy knights with they/them pronouns and post screenshots here for you losers to shit and cum over
Yeah, it sucks.
Fucking YC and their bullshit ruined everything. Fuck.
Neither shovel knight or night in the woods.
No wonder Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games.
calm down Dmitri
You niggers get triggered at everything
please refrain from using racial slurs.
They would have been accused of rape if they didn't put this in.
December for sure :)
Honestly i can't care. If i can make traps, then it's okay in my book. I wouldn't mind playing a female plague knight
>King of Cards confirmed completed
>being held back for the shtty pixel brawler no one is going to play and for compatibility with the WiiU version for the 4 people who bought one
>supporting a company simply because they pandered to you years later
>supporting a company simply because they're "woke" and not because they put talent and love into their products
Go ahead and give them your money you simpleton.
Oh no, oh god. Shovel Knight threads are fucked now. It's going to be A Hat in Time all over again.
What do I do, user? What do I do?
To pander to the pleebs that had no interest in it before for more money. Some SJWs are so basic, they'd buy a rifle if it was rainbow colored and discounted during pride month.
Pray that they shut the fuck up.
>hat in time
They put grafitti in a sewer, the bear minimum of what they could do to be inclusive. Why did people jizz themselves over that?
Shut up queerbait
why are retards allowed online again? shoo, shoo.
This. More money for other games now.
>i'm not owned! i'm not owned! you're mad, not me!
because when I play a game user, I expect not to be reminded of the bullshit going on outside the game. It ruins the fucking immersion and divides players.
welp, guess I'm never getting into shovel knight now. oh well, i've got lots of other stuff to play.
>I expect not to be reminded of the bullshit going on outside the game. It ruins the fucking immersion and divides players.
Oh fuck off, you wouldn't have even noticed if people on Yea Forums weren't bitching to the high heavens about it
>Inconsequential shit that is buried away in the options is something worth having a culture war over according to the politicsfags on Yea Forums
Outrage culture was a fucking mistake
Or cared if it didn't generate such a reaction.
Oh the poor man boohoo grow the fuck up.
wrong, I noticed it on my own playthrough and only later did I enter a thread on the subject.
After getting a refund, of course. get fucked.
>After getting a refund, of course.
>He thinks we're going to believe he bought A Hat in Time within two weeks of the game getting that expansion
You literally came here to bitch about it, holy fuck they do live rent free in your damn head.
I really wanna see people bending over backwards to say how something buried in the options is negatively impacting Shovel Knight, especially when the game still has a set way to define all characters by default as the dev originally intended
Does it have an effect on gameplay? Is there a risk of the player character suiciding?
I refunded the dlc, dumbass
cope harder, faggot. the subject came up and I spoke on it, retard.
cope harder
pathetic, glad i never gave them a penny and never will
>Single flag in some corner of the map
Unironically fuck trannys and anyone who supports them
The absolute state of this board
Every game has liberal devs thanks for the money :)
Tiny change that gets them a bunch of brownie points and a few sales. They already had a genderswap mode so it's not even much work.
I help with top surgeries (mastectomies) occasionally for trans dudes. They seem alright
More lost sales than gained.
>It's pretentious to not be triggered by everything I see that doesn't conform to my views
Imagine being such a thinskinned pussy.
Imagine being a /pol/tard snowflake who needs games to cater to him or else he'll slam his fists on the ground and cry about the boogeyman trying to destroy his video games through small, meaningless things he wouldn't even notice if it weren't brought up.
>Achievement Unlocked - It's Ma'am
>the subject came up
Not with how you phrased it, you highly triggered fuck.
>Every single video game should cater to me
>No, that's retarded
>Heh, stupid /pol/tads. You only want video games to cater to you.
Why is lefty/pol/ so fucking stupid?
It doesn't bother me, they didn't force it into the main game or anything. It's just if you want it in the main campaign you can. I personally don't care, I'll just play default.
>More lost sales than gained.
If people actually don't buy a game because of absolutely nothing shit like this they're a faggot of the highest order
>Thinking you're fighting a culture war with video games
>i'm tired of being btfo in every thread so i'll pretend that this guy i don't like is like me
Seethe you gater. It already sold millions of copies.
Nigger anybody who wanted to play shovel knight has already bought it, are they losing them retroactively?
I refuse to believe that anybody actually triggered by this optional shit is older than late high school or early college age
Oh you mean like you're doing right now?
If you want you can go to your hugbox on /pol/ if facing someone who doesn't look at every speck of grass being a personal attack on their way of life really upsets you that much.
They clearly don't give a shit about sales at this point if they're still porting King of Cards to fucking WiiU of all things.
and promptly kill yourself
>if they're still porting King of Cards to fucking WiiU of all things.
So you want them to have lied about providing the expansions to all backers?
>"muh lefty/pol/"
I don't browse /pol/, it'd lower my IQ too much. I just find it amusing that you cry like babies whenever something happens you don't like. It's ironic when you always talk about how thick your skin is compared to "those oversensitive trannies" but then review bomb a game over a soap label being removed as though you're better than anyone.
No but every other game company under the sun has been weaseling out of the WiiU/Vita etc versions they promised in days of yore before they took their sweet time making their games.
>After getting a refund, of course. get fucked.
>I just find it amusing that you cry like babies whenever something happens you don't like.
Heh, you CARE about things? What a loon! A dunderhead! A fool! You see, you should be apathetic to everything, like me!
The soap box thing seems vaguely familiar. What was it about again?
>no argument
>projecting this hard
lmao you got btfo HARD didn't you?
>/pol/tards need other /pol/posters to think up their comebacks
The absolute state of /pol/
>yfw he becomes king of flags
>Heh, you CARE about things?
user are you saying you actually give a shit about some option in a game that doesn't show up in your game unless you look for it?
Two or three autists on Yea Forums really isn't a bunch of lost sales.
>goobergators and ogay soap
>not censorship
the absolute state of trannies, holy crap kill yourself
I mean, yeah. It's pretty shitty to normalize mental illness and pretend that it's normal.
>no argument
>smug to hide tears
i frankly feel bad for you
Why is that?
It's laughable you expect me to believe that you actually care about the well-being of those people
Wasn't King of Cards due out like last fucking year
What the fuck happened
I'm sorry, do you tell a violent schizophrenic that their hallucinations are real too?
Basically the brave heroes like those in noticed that the overreaction over a soap brand called OGAY in Ion Fury led the devs to remove it, apologize and donate to a LGBT suicide prevention charity.
And being the brave, giving souls they are, they bought the game, gave it a negative review over said soap and then refunded it.
Then when OGAY was put back in they proved how they had a higher ground than those evil SJWs by not rebuying the game and declaring that because they didn't do another complete 180 that it was still unforgivable.
So you will be OK if, lets say, the creator added in Trump into the game. And he's portrayed in a good light as well.
they decided to make another game to add to the treasure trove.
different user, I actually care a lot about them. I don't actually enjoy when people hurt themselves in this way.
This thread is irrevocable proof that/v/ has been invaded by resetera and falseflaggers. This is a completely arbitrary thing to add and only exists to virtue signal and push gender identity in a game that doesn't need it. Gender identity isn't politics it's nihilistic post modern garbage. Old games had messages and themes that were divorced from grifting trannies looking for brownie points.
The only mentally ill people there is are pol incels.
>a violent schizophrenic
Interesting you instantly go to a violent individual (by your own words) that poses potential threats to other people as your example, implying they're at all similar situations
Things you should consider if this bothers you:
[ ] Nothing
[ ] Going about your day
[x] Suicide
>I'm sorry, do you tell a violent schizophrenic that their hallucinations are real too?
Never encountered one before, mate. If I did I would be as kind and understanding towards them as possible, though. Don't see the point in going through life being as ruthless, bitter, and cruel as possible.
Gracias seniors.
>Adding an entirely new NPC solely for the purpose of jacking off Trump is the same as a text change in an optional mode in its own section of the settings menu
Wow you did it, you destroyed trannies forever with your epic comparison. Good job now surely they will all commit suicide in disgrace of your flawless logic.
damn??? specter knight looks like that???
No we're tired of pol invading Yea Forums with their bullshit.
they're getting more sales than ever
tranny life choices:
[ ] accept the fact you have mental illness
[x] sperg out, act like an insufferable faggot and eventually kill yourself
Thanks OP.
I just want a happy ending for king knight lads. I know it's a prequel but I hope they flash forward to him getting his own kingdom or something. He deserves it.
Because it wasn't painfully obvious before
Not that user, but absolutely. Coming from someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about Trump, I wouldn't mind at all. It's their game, they can do whatever they want. If anything I would be laughing my ass off just from seeing Trump in A Hat in Time.
please leave if you think you're welcome here. you're not.
I'm fucking sorry, are you going to just pretend that trans people AREN'T unhinged fucking nutjobs?
Most likely because you've never encountered one in your life. It's almost like they're an extremely small minority of weirdos with a mental disorder or something.
Also how is me wanting to get help for these people being bitter and cruel? That is, by definition, the exact opposite.
To me this thread is irrevocable proof that Yea Forums's been invaded by newfags ever since Anita's fucking kickstarter with people goddamn obsessed with getting outraged over anything, no matter how small or inconsequential, blowing it up to obscene proportions
>Post no proof
>"Haha...they're doing great actually you just better c-cope..."
Again, truly you are all heroes to the cause of saving video games, you should screencap this thread and send it to Donald Trump so he can provide you your medals of honor.
Because righties are just as easily triggered as lefties and outrage culture kiddies are here in full force. Anything that can be turned into some noble crusade against "THEM" they'll do it.
You pretty much hit the nail on the dead. We live in a timeline where Yea Forums has unironically become politically correct and doesn't want to offend people because it might hurt their feelings.
Just sit back and laugh at the clown world, son. We're all going to die soon anyway.
>>Imagine having an ego/psyche so fucking fragile that you can't stand for a character to be another gender from you.
It's like you are talking about Yea Forums when there is a female main character that isn't from a Japanese game or fapbait.
Sure, it's their fucking game. But if you think a flag in some corner of the map is equatable to actually adding in a whole new NPC you've got a screw loose
>Also how is me wanting to get help for these people being bitter and cruel?
What sort of help are you trying to get them, though? All you're doing is chimping out on Yea Forums as usual.
you made the claim retard.
Nice false dichotomy
Not giving a shit about this doesn't mean I'm a tranny, it just means I don't give a shit. But keep getting upset about irrelevant shit that has no effect on you, I'm sure it's a really healthy response that will do great things for you
Why do you election tourists keep ruining v?
And of course if you call them out on it they try to act like you not doing that means you're a fedora tipper because you're not retarded.
>are you going to just pretend that trans people AREN'T unhinged fucking nutjobs?
Yeah, especially since I work with them a decent amount in terms of surgery and they seem to have it pretty well together from talking to them pre-surgery
Could be worse.
Could be Yea Forums
Why do you pedoera fags keep ruining Yea Forums?
This is why Yea Forums is the best board.
You mean now I can pretend Shovel Knight is a robot? That's neat. Not sure why people are so upset.
>add a bunch of giant dildos
>"Bro it's only adding why you complaining?!"
V has always been a liberal board it wasnt tell you poltards stupid election.
>"I did my part by refunding after giving their game a shit review."
>Pic related
It's almost like you did it as an "epic dab on the trannies" more than it being about artistic vision vs censorship. Almost like both sides of this issue are retards who overreact to piss off whoever's on the opposite end of said issue. Even when the issue is less than fucking nothing.
Shush now, his internet friends told him that all trannies are insane so it must be true. He has never met one, but he believes it anyways because it makes him feel better about himself.
Ahhhh, yes, seething /vpol/ tears, they can't even handle a single optional feature in a game, what a bunch of thin skinned retards
I mean if it's a dildos option in the settings and if off by default and not even shown to you when starting the game how does it affect you?
oh, I get it, you were bait the whole time
Except no game has ever added giant dildos out of nowhere?
Hadn't thought about it that way, but that honestly sounds neat.
Unironically put a bullet through your own skull as soon as humanly possible. You are worthless, and the world will be better off without you.
That wasn't me, Yea Forums isn't one person, grow up and dilate.
I can't believe there are people that want to be referred to as "they/them."
Honestly, this man here's pretty based.
Cant even respond what a idiot.
I'm split. On one hand, I hate jackasses like Billy D who thrive purely on outrage, like a reverse SJW.
On the other hand, anyone playing along this insane, nonsensical bullshit, who don't stop to think how personal pronouns is the single dumbest thing any society has ever cared for in terms of human rights (and that it doesn't even make a lick of fucking sense in many languages besides English that have gendered nouns - some languages are more oppressive than others, I guess), are only feeding into the delusions of potentially maladjusted people, as well as helping spread said bullshit along with similar ideals (obviously) into other places, which leaves me curious about the SJW apologetics in this thread.
>inb4 hurr durr ur a /pol/tard
This is like saying you can be healthy and beautiful even if you're morbidly obese, and you're totally okay the way you are. Whoever says stuff like this is only trying to sell bullshit to you and that's harmful.
>/pol/ thinks anyone other than them is astroturfing
Honestly fucking kill yourself. Not a joke. No irony. Actually kill yourself. You're worthless.
Right are justified in most cases. They are defending their culture and children.
>"I am a champion of the people, I have saved the Ion Fury devs from themselves by review bombing their game."
>"Buy the game? Pfft yeah right."
Waiting on those increased sales numbers, user.
In the age of clowns, the court jester becomes the most important advisor to the king.
It's fucking stupid, but it's such a minor bit of stupidity that doesn't effect the game so there is no real reason to care.
m-muh culture and (nonexistent because they can't have sex) children
aww, it's mad, how cute! you can post here sometimes, but remember to let the adults talk too!
As if most of the incels here will ever have children. Also, is this your idea of defending your culture? Arguing with a bunch of strangers on a Chinese basket weaving forum about an indie game including something as outrageous as the words "they" and "them"? My goodness.
you still haven't proven anything, just screencaps from Yea Forums. Sad!
>their culture
The culture of spitting in the face of God who they prop up as their inspiration, all while saying fuck the poor and downtrodden?
If there's no reason to care, there should be no reason to announce it. Sure, have the feature -- fine. But get off your fucking soap box. They're obviously just trying to score brownie points
Why they'd want such points
>Sure, have the feature -- fine. But get off your fucking soap box.
So in your mind they should add in something new to the game that expands on a previous feature added to the game (which was a stretch goal), but they shouldn't tell anyone about it. Absolutely brilliant move my dude
>They're obviously just trying to score brownie points
And this is bad because...?
Because they got btfo and now screech about the homophobic soap bottle
seething pedoera tranny
Maybe we're people who bought Shovel Knight years ago and remember when this was a backer donation incentive.
Maybe you fags bitch about every fucking game and its gotten beyond old at this point.
Maybe you just fucking reviewbombed Ion Fury in the name of censorship, so its really goddamn rich to hear you whining about devs including something that offends you.
Of course they are. Why should any of us care, though?
Don't reply to the Hunter Trannie
honk honk
>"You only posted evidence to your point, THAT ISN'T EVIDENCE TO YOUR POINT"
I've proven you faggots overreacted over a soap bottle strictly because SJWs overreacted over a soap bottle first.
Because posts like those prove you never gave a shit about the actual game. Meanwhile all you said was "Sales are better than ever!" with no proof whatsoever.
man, that user was smart, shame pedos can't read.
>not a joke about thinking mayo is too spicy
Dammit user.
pedoera tranny still assmad that developer wont bend the knee to their autistic faggotry
>dude it's just a minor feature it's not like trannies are going to take over video games or anything.
Reminds me about what they said about fags and children. Now schools teach kids about the lovely pleasures of gay anal sex and the wonders of being HIV+
sorry, lefties aren't allowed here.
>Now schools teach kids about the lovely pleasures of gay anal sex and the wonders of being HIV+
[Citation needed]
but user, slippery slope is a fallacy! the fact that you're absolutely right doesn't matter!
>"lmao lefty/pol/ thinking we NEED a game to cater to us."
Wonder how anyone could possibly get that impression.
user, I think you caught a bad case of complete retardation if you actually think that any of that is true.
Google birmingham school protests
Or you could stop being an overly dramatic little thinskinned bitch that gets outraged over fucking kids games. Maybe try growing up, taking a shower and getting the fuck out of your lair once in a while and observe the real world you sheltered loser.
Oh, sorry but that's an American-only problem, it's common in such shitholes
The donation incentive was "genderswap mode", not the genderkin nonsense they released when femcels on social media threw a tantrum over how problematic genderswapping is. You would know that if you actually remembered the kickstarter.
Birmingham UK
>no response other than NNO U with reddit spacing
man, it works so well!
I genuinely thought this was parody when I read it. Weird to see earnest reactions.
>we are literally at the point with unironic "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" posters
>because of a gender swap mode in Shovel Knight
I hope you get hit by a bus.
>not USA 2
Oh, my bad, it's a W*stern-only problem then, it's common in such shithole countries
>Make statement
>Post proof while requesting proof of your claim
Still waiting.
Where in that article does it say that schools are teaching children about the "lovely pleasures of gay anal sex and the wonders of being HIV+" when one of the things the article says is
>It also says it will inform students about the “effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods,” and facilitate “objective discussion” about “parenting, adoption, and abortion.”
Seems to me like it's your average sex ed class, just with the inclusion of homosexuality.
So how does this optional expansion of the stretch goal negatively impact the game? Nobody can seem to tell me that one
pure evil. honestly you have no soul if you see nothing wrong with that.
Oh no how dare they explain how gay people have sex in sex-ed. Fucking libtards ruining america amirite fellow centipede?
Pre-order cancelled
Get woke go broke, you know the drill.
So then why are you still butthurt over it all this time later you thinskinned SJW faggot?
How are you rationalizing being pro-censorship?
hey dipshit, you claimed that ion fury is losing sales. i called your retardedness out. the fact that you can't back up your own claim is fucking sad.
why should i cant about the reason? they are adding an extra OPTION, are you really that autistic?
>>Bodyswap Option Added
>>Nobody cares
To be fair I had not even fucking heard of this before this thread, so how was I supposed to care?
>Christian Broadcasting Network
Why are you posting literal propaganda?
This exposes devs being seeped into that subculture for them to care about such an extremely obscure thing. It's not so much a matter of the content per se, I'm simply wary of supporting anyone who thinks this way and supports such a mind-numbingly stupid ideology.
Judging by some of the trends on this board, I'll probably get called an "incel" or something for even daring to think how I should spend my own money. But whatever, I'll probably just pirate this if I ever get an itch for a 2D action platformer.
>shaming people for not buying a game
Think of the children user, they might see a they next to shovel knight and instantly become one of those brainwashed trannies.
Stop acting like an incel then
Back then Chirstians were censoring games
Now it's Wh*Te faggots, when will the suffering stop
She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Soooo... Watch out!
>The sex-ed essentially says sex is a thing and can have a variety of methods, don't be a dick to other people, and abstinence as a concept doesn't fucking work
So where's the issue?
However you spin it the contents of the video is horrific
>when they/them are being used on singular people
Fucking retard.
>"lmao we don't need games to cater to us"
>Post examples of /pol/ being triggered due to not being catered to
Typical /pol/ denying facts while not proving a single thing they say.
Stay Free. Stay Mad.
It hurts my feefees, there's the issue you big meanie!
>Christian Broadcasting Network
Someone had that on at the garage when I was getting my car worked on one day and I wanted to fucking blow my brains out listening to the retarded shit they were saying
Watch as people try to reviewbomb fucking Shovel Knight
>they should add in something new to the game that expands on a previous feature added to the game
I don't think an option that simply changes the pronouns in the game script is a noteworthy addition, and I don't think it even qualifies as a "feature"
It's fucking 700 Club levels of retarded logic really.
Wow, three posts in and you're STILL seething enough to keep going! I should save that, it'll come in handy later
They and them can and are used when referring to individual people whose gender you don't know, though. Have you ever played a murder mystery game where they refer to the culprit as "them" and "they" while discussing their identity? Sentences like "It's likely that the culprit was short on time. They left plenty of evidence behind, after all" are possible and grammatically correct. Then again, what does a retard like you know.
>man.... fuck SJWs and Trannies and Commies and fucken NIGGERS...... Shovel Knight was so good before they added this little optional feature exclusively for roleplaying potential....... man I miss the old days when we didn't get such features
As far as I can tell, the video is just moralists complaining that the new curriculum in Canada takes trannies seriously, alongside a spoopy demon costume teacher
>game calling characters he and she so they are now given gender neutral symbols and pronouns
Is Shovel knight not a guy? Is his gf, Shield knight not a girl? I don't get it.
>don't be a dick
How about let humans have agency so they don't passive aggressively stew with unventable hatred and cause larger problems against society as a whole?
Better a tea kettle than a pressure cooker bomb.
the issue is that we were fucking RIGHT, and no one believed us.
because no one is going to belive in a mentally unstable person, user
Anons have replied cope and dilate that it's starting to actual make more trannies.
>Teaching kids who are in a developing state not to be cruel to other people
>'Dude let them have agency'
What the fuck am I reading
You were right that the program is pro-HIV? I didn't see that anywhere in the article.
You mean you have no issue with the faggot saying he wants to limit parental rights? Also what the fuck Canada you have a gay village?
I think the best decision whenever you have ambiguous masked characters is to leave their gender up to interpretation, it can only be a good thing. Fans will inherently come to their own favorable conclusion, thinking the character is a guy, a gal, or a genderless monstrosity. Lots of fanart will be drawn by avid fans who picture the faceless character as one or the other, and your characters will continue living in their mind rent free.
goalposts that move: a documentary
Right about what? I'm pretty sure the thing everyone was getting on you about you actual retard is saying they were all about "the wonders of HIV+"
>/pol/tard lacks reading comprehension
How about you re-read my post, I'll explain this so your special brain can understand: Sales being lost =/= Harssing a dev then proceeding to not actually buy their game after they bent the knee.
You know, that thing SJWs do all the time. Now instead of SJWs doing that, replace it with you and your ilk at /pol/ and you have the point that I've proven with my screencaps. On the other hand you have absolutely zero proof posted that sales have been better than ever. Do you get it now? I know your head's too full of Trump's cum to think straight but I'm sure I made it clear enough for you this time.
>Shovel Knight thread where people are whining about SJWs
>ends up devolving into bitching about real life politics
You fags are a cult. Its a goddamn optional mode that was first announced years ago. You going THINK OF THE CHILDREN is so fucking pathetic, I cant believe I share a board with you zealots.
I thought the video was about the new curriculum, not what some random asshole off the street that a propaganda media group found has to say.
>the wonders of being HIV+
Literally from your post
But dude, they added a THEY/THEM option to the mode!
Everything is propaganda.
Before this there was a body swap option where you could change their genders in the SK campaign. Today they announced an update within that setting where you could also change what pronoun they get referred to by.
If hiro would delete pol all of this would stop.
Let them be, it's hilarious when dudes like these can only resort to "B-B-BUT MUH CHILDREN!" because they can't come up with anything better. They're the same people that don't bat an eye when actual tragedies like Sandy Hook occur.
not mine, but I did respond.
uh oh Yea Forums
here comes the sjw boogie man, xhe's going to add pronouns to all your games until you're forced to choooooooose
>let them be
Oh yeah I'm really fucking looking forward to every SK thread having retards attempt to derail it into LGBT bitching.
The containment board can't go away, just imagine the massive migration in every board out there if /pol/ ever gets deleted
>still no evidence
I feel really bad for you user, i would have understood if you told me you were having trouble earlier. don't worry, i'll wait. hopefully you have enough smug anime faces
I can tell without reading the replies that this post will trigger a lot of faggots despite being 100% correct.
>devs kowtow to SJWs
>people complain about it
>but muh /pol/, it doesn't even matter
Every. Fucking. Times.
/n/ got deleted. /news/ got deleted. The containment board doesn't work.
>plural words being used on a single person
Nice try nigger
It sounds awful, but at least the silver lining is that I get a hearty chuckle out of how ridiculous this whole deal is. Not that Shovel Knight was getting any threads prior to this.
The concept of a containment board was a fucking mistake and Moot should've done the job of removing it after 2012 when political shit started flooding all other boards
Containment boards don't work, they just act as a place to grow the disease.
We would just need more mods to always watch for pol bullshit. The quality of all boards would massively improve.
Is it not true?
>>people complain about it
You realize people are complaining about an expansion to a feature that already existed in the game and is completely optional, right?
>an option to use the genders *they* want on others
But when *I* do it, it's not okay?
Say it with me, Yea Forums: trans rights are human rights.
>devs kowtowing to SJWs
>people don't like it
>DELETE /pol/, DELETE /pol/ right now
Explain the logic?
everyone that pedoera doesn't like is LITERALLY pol
/pol/ doesn't work as a containment board, if anything it's a spawning ground and those bastards will just go and flood every other board with their crap. It needs to go away so they don't have a place where they can conglomerate anymore.
The only people complaining about it are three of you retards right here on Yea Forums and nowhere else, though.
Yes, they don't like the devs kowtowing to mentally ill people, and they are right!
trans rights are humans rights.
>devs bend over and start pandering to a group that is literally insane and doesn't even buy games
>say you are against this
This is literally "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all."
People have been calling for /pol/ to be deleted ever since /pol/ come into existence as the successor to /new/
Based Capcom is restoring Megaman series to its former glory. Why the fuck would I care about this knockoff mutt nigger developed game? I could care less what a pack of mutts make when I have the real deal again. Megaman is superior to this trash in every way.
What the hell, did they actually this? I thought they were only planning on a gender swap mode, didn't know they added it already. Even so, if it's just gender swap, wouldn't still be just he/she? From the sprites/art it clearly looks like it was meant to be normal girls or dudes.
>The only people complaining about it are three of you retards right here on Yea Forums and nowhere else, though.
Sound like more than one dude to me friendo.
And please explain why do you want to delete /pol/ because devs kowtowing to trannies.
Pol will get deleted one day and you idiots will have a meltdown.
You are retarded
Yep, and there's literally no reason to delete /pol/, especially when /pol/ doesn't pander to trannies.
>State you faggots didn't rebuy the game after review bombing and refunding
>Post evidence of said faggotry
>"lmao no proof"
Boy howdy it must suck not being able to warp reality by being in denial hard enough.
My argument stays the same, your argument stays the same, the only difference is that I've proven mine and you have still danced around needing to prove me wrong with your sales numbers by claiming I made an entirely different argument.
So how about this, you clearly have no proof so how about I get on with my day so you can act like you won despite never proving me wrong or yourself right.
After all, it's getting boring watching you seethe and try to act like you've got ground to walk on.
Keep being mad about a setting within a menu within a menu within 1/3 of the currently released game modes though.
Yea Forums really needs to clear up their stance.
>everyone should be saying nigger because I should be able to say whatever I want
>No one should call another person they/them because it's dumb.
>Sound like more than one dude to me friendo.
That's exactly what I said. A couple of triggered special snowflakes on Yea Forums. Show me any other platform where people have bitched about this one feature specifically.
Oh god, I feel sorry for your parents having to deal with you all these years.
>/pol/ is all edgy college freshmen
Not all of them!
Is it not true that devs are kowtowing to trannies?
user, i get that Yea Forums isn't exactly mature, but... really?
>not /pol/
Okay, twitter nigger, fuck off. I don't like /pol/acks spamming offtopic garbage, but I don't want you fags here either.
>this is wh*te to /pol/tards
It's literally Argentina levels of delusion honestly.
>That's exactly what I said. A couple of triggered special snowflakes on Yea Forums. Show me any other platform where people have bitched about this one feature specifically.
I think One Angry Gamer and NicheGamer crowd and practically every normal people.
Nobody even uses pronouns to the person in question. People are so egotistical they think they should be able to control what people say about them when they aren't even around.
Well the use of the mode's pronouns are pretty subjective. If someone horny wants a trap Plague Knight or a tranny wants to RP as a non-binary SK, the mode can suit both needs. It's a pretty minor addition to the mode because SK is a pretty text-light game as it is.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
>literally using e-celebs to make a point
You fucks literally do not even attempt to make a cognizant point.
Your proof is "I think"? Show some actual proof if "practically every normal people" share your same perspective. Providing proof for that should be easy as pie then.
Do you not see how much worse Yea Forums is getting everyday /pol/ is literally at fault.
Officially tranny game.
woo the thread is dead post mona
This is fucking hysterical to see,
>everyone shitting on dumbasses who would be ones of the firsts into the ovens
>you're a Muslim
It's just a fucking riot.
a POL just flew over my house and RAPED me
Is Yea Forums e-celeb?
Not here, no. This is something they decided to add for the sake of it and something that was probably piss easy and fast to do considering how much text Shovel Knight has. It's a pretty large wad of nothing.
You can't even refute what im saying /pol/tard.
>one angry gamer is your first example
You people are beyond parody
Great thread guys. It's always a pleasure to take part in such lively intellectual debates on Yea Forums. Keep it up.
>4 results
time to pick up the slack
>devs kowtowing to SJWs
>people complain about it
>DELETE /pol/
I don't understand.
No, because Yea Forums has always been a shithole, Yea Forums and quality posting has never been a thing, this shithole of a board has been an offtopic cesspoll since the beginning, do you think the meme about "Yea Forums can't talk about videogames" is a nu /pol/ thing? Before Trumpfest and GG, Yea Forums was literally Yea Forums 2.0.
what is it with you faggots making claims without evidence and expecting us to do all the work? I get that stereotypically you're lazy but come ON.
Cripple Chan tourists say this
What does that article even have to do with Shovel Knight's new feature? Actually, what does LGBT shit even has to do with Shovel Knight? The mode is not to set the character's sexual preference. Are you okay or did your autistic rage already clouded your judgement?
What are they doing then?
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
So your source showing every normal person is angry about adding pronoun options to Shovel Knight is a study finding LGBT acceptance in the US is around 53%?
Adding a feature that they themselves originally advertised.
I thought you fags were against censorship?
>there is no reason to delete /pol/
I'd say the constant leaking into other boards and inviting in off-siters to recruit them into your absolutely retarded online hissy-fit contest against SJWs is a good reason to nuke the place. You clowns killed the OC culture of this board by inviting in reddit to homogenize the place with Pepe and Wojack.
>The mode is not to set the character's sexual preference. Are you okay or did your autistic rage already clouded your judgement?
They/them sound like the gay to me, friendo.
As well as the "body sizes".
Modern people don't like those changes.
in a blink of an eye, the goalpost moves! incredible!
Seems kinda pointless to me, but reading this old blog post I kinda get that it's too late to be complaining about this, funny, how this was never really transparent during the kickstarter or when it was first released. Odd, but whatever, game is old anyways.
why do these ideologues think people will accept their insane anti-science bullshit if they force it into every video game they can?
Okay Sherlock, now point to me where the article showcases the people's opinions about Shovel Knight's new pronoun options.
You know what's funnier. They were raided by Stormfront and other fucking garbage "news" sites LONG fucking before the whole election bullshit. But they'd never admit their entire exist has been cultivated by others.
What's wrong with One Angry Gamer?
I don't think you even know what the original goalpost was, because it has always remained the same. Arguably, your crappy study was the one that moved the goalpost, as you're trying to stray away from Shovel Knight, which is the whole damn point of this.
I'm against tranny making other game tranny as well.
The pronoun option ties directly to the LGBTFO, people don't like that.
go to bed on time, the pol boogieman will get you!
Thread is at bump limit, kill yourself.
i have to say the pre-stream thread before this one was pretty nice.
too bad this one is full of people who were never even going to play the game.
I will bet fucking huge amounts of money I burn in the fucking sun better than you, dumbass.
I don't see any goalposts moving, mind clarifying?
body swap is just stupid weird fetish shit.
this is a cringey attempt at social engineering by people who think they're some sort of bacteria and don't have a sex.
>leaking into other board
/pol/ community is the rest of Yea Forums.
>hissy-hit against SJW
Yea Forums culture.
>kill OC
Make your own then, OC cannot be killed.
There's literally no reason to delete /pol/ because of devs kowtowing to trannies and fags.
So you are pro censorship. Based!
>The pronoun option ties directly to the LGBTFO, people don't like that.
You don't seem to understand my question. Where in the article is Shovel Knight ever mentioned? Where does it say that "normal" people are outraged by what Shovel Knight has done?
shooom! and there it goes, faster than the speed of sound!
>I'm against tranny making other game tranny as well
Hi ESL-kun.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
>being able to change the character model in the option menu is weird fetish shit and social engineering
What the fuck are you on, user?
Seeing post 2011 reddit immigrants pretending to be oldfags who belong on Yea Forums and trying to tell other people to leave is always funny.
They can make it but they wouldn't get my money, friendo.
Shovel Knight pronoun is LGBTFO pronoun, and people don't like that, friendo.
>Where does it say that "normal" people are outraged by what Shovel Knight has done?
This place, One Angry Gamer and Niche Gamer.
God, the weather in the Philippines must suck user.
>devs kowtowing to SJWs, fags and trannies
>people complain about it
>muh /pol/ DELETE /pol/ DELETE /pol/ RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Every. Seething. Times.
>One Angry Incel
let it be known that in this thread pedoera unsuccessfully attempted to pretend to be Yea Forums and was btfo all the way to the bump limit. Sad!
>Yea Forums
>e-celebs and writers
>normal people
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jesus Christ, it really is bad fucking comedy here.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
Is kowtowing about to become Yea Forums's hottest new incel meme?
>Yea Forums
>a couple of incels
>""""normal"""" people
Yeah, gotta try harder than that, friendo.
I think incel is the newest incel meme.
And yeah, I think the people in OAG, NG and Yea Forums are more normal than SJW, fags and trannies.
>And yeah, I think the people in OAG, NG and Yea Forums are more normal than SJW, fags and trannies.
Keyword "more", as in you still clearly acknowledge that they're not normal whatsoever LMAO
Yeah, I acknowledge than they are more normal than SJW, fags and trannies.
I bought the game and played it, and when I saw the gender swap options I thought it was pretty gay. I ignored it and played the game. Now that they've shown they want to go further in that direction, I'm just not going to buy anything else they make.
no the social engendering is the ideological pronoun shit. they/them is not even used as a singular that's not how the English language works.
The male/female swapped characters is harmless because male/female actually exist. but its without a doubt fetish shit.
ok user if the game isn't for you, you don't have to buy it.
The correct response.
Please ask Steam/GOG if they allow refund. FUCK FUNDING TRANNIES.
last post for mona