I can't play as a normal male in CP2077?
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You pick the beta faggot option, OP.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
Too bad. CDPR said in June your gender would affect dialogue and quests, but that’s not happening anymore.
That's for the demo.
Fuck this place and fuck gaming news
Wait, what's his name again?
>show female v
>show faggot v
>add tranny shit
>still no straight male v
fucking cope lmao
Its a fucking work in progress demo.
But yeah it's cool to swim against the tide, even though this whole board swims that way.
I sure would. Explain this shit to me.
based post
>prioritze female v
>prioritize faggot v
>too fucking lazy to switch prostitute to female model
>too fucking lazy to show straight male v
they fucking prioritize female v and faggot v now tranny shit too lmao there won't be any fucking content for straight males hahahaha
you're raging about nothing. why?
I'll go first
Don't do Killer 7 dirty like this.
>about nothing
>first strong womyn protagonist
>then fucking faggot protagonist
>now fucking tranny bullshit
>still no straight male v
Based Killer7 shitposter.
This game is turning into the biggest gaming blunder of the century. They better be fucking focusing on the gameplay and shit as much as theyre focusing on keanu reeves and gender BULLSHIT
dont worry user, im doing it in the name of harman
I can't take this game anymore. Man, was I excited for it. Now? I don't want anything to do with it.
I thought all this meant was all the dialog didnt say He/she so they didn't have to record crap tons of lines saying "he/she"
they're not
based raging rodriguez calling out the trannies
but if you lose in russian roulette you die
I miss the game about a cool robot cop and the cool robo rookie who was previously a murderer. I'd have enjoyed playing as either.
his name, his name WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS NAME
Agreed. The devs showed their hand too damn much. Drip-feeding every minute terrible thing they've done to the game.
>all this fucking "trans" shit
>no option to be straight male and fuck women
I can't fap to this. She clearly knew what she was doing, so the surprise on her face and the following "lol look at what just happened" laugh just feels insincere.
why did they answer in german?
now ask them why they're fucking pathetic cucks lmao
i see your point, but i'm not looking at her face
Angry Brainlet.
Because the person asking was German.
but he asked in english
so all germans are retards by default?
>question in english
>respond in german
did they just assume their nationality?
Well don't ask me nigger it isn't my tweet, guess the community guy was a tard.
More like CyberTranny 2020 lmao
It's the same reason I can only fap to vids with no talking or no fucking audio. Muting does nothing, because they're still flapping their lips like it's all part of the act.
Bitches that flap their lips too much just kill the mood, especially when they try to roleplay and fail at every aspect of it.
>You can't be just be male or female and be abnormal or have a shit life
>There are no males or females in a cyberpunk setting
The narcissism of you people never ceases to amaze me
It's normal to want to install a minigun in your arm
It's not normal to want to dilate a gaping wound where your formerly functional penis used to be for the rest of your life
I can still look like melted plastic over a toasted and want to be treated as a male and straight you bigot.
I'm going to have my fem V fuck an exotic with a mr stud and there is nothing anybody can do about it.
I think someone needs to
So, how do you cope in these degenerate times?
could retards invent this?
>retard thinks chopping your dick off will ever be "normal", even in the distant future
What if you want to install a minigun into your gaping wound? For undercover work...
your gender is in your dna and in your brain so it will always be the same regardless of how sacred or not it is to you
Obviously you get to pick what genitalia you want on top of the body type
What's more retarded is they think it will alter their gender
This, but from a pro-tranny perspective.
Based and true. Do what ever you want to your "girl cock", your still stuck with that y chromosome you retard.
What did she mean by this? Does she swap out her mouth for a beak?
Sure, and having your meat sculpted so that your penis now looks something like a vagina is degenerate. Just the sort of degeneracy that would fit right in, in a world where people pay to be skinned alive and have their skin replaced with chrome plating because it's fashionable.
Man the colors in the concept art is so much more cyberpunkish
Look at that cavity where her mouth should be. There's no hole or port that leads towards her throat, she's incapable of swallowing anything. She probably has to get her nutrients through an IV.
haha what a terrible mishap!
Am I the only one who played and actually remember Saints Row 2?
Would pump and dump.
No way she can have my superior tall white seed.
>she's incapable of swallowing anything
I doubt it, she likely swallows a lot of cock.
MALE ARE BANNED - It's current year.
To me, it's obvious that the trailer was put together with limited assets. You see certain things copy-pasted all over the place. For example, that bodyguard by the door has the exact same hairstyle as her. Lizzy Wizzy is hopefully getting more personalization before the game comes out.
str*ight people are the minority, just like you oppressed minorities it's now your turn to be oppressed.
Instead of crying, get in shape and practice your social skills and go talk to latinas so you can get a latina gf.
How does she breathe?
Sure but they're still either male or female, why is the game treating people like they're not bound to a gender?
Porn posts are unironically the best posts on Yea Forums
Unites everyone through the power of dick and you at least know damn well you're getting even the shitposters to pay attention to you regardless of if their contrarianism will let them admit it
Fine, since you guys won't shut up about this shit, I have to ask. What does it matter if you select body type instead of "male" or "female"? This game won't exactly have Dragon's Dogma levels of ridiculous customization anyway. The Division 2 does the same body type shit and the difference between the two body types is obvious and doesn't matter in the least. To be fair, if romanceable NPCs will no longer have sexual orientations at all that would suck, but other than that you're complaining that a checkmark doesn't say male or female next to it as if you're afraid someone might think you're a tranny for playing it.
She probably slots an oxygen tank into her lungs every once in a while.
If you’re talking about real life then you are dead wrong. Trannies only make up about .001% of the worlds population, homos are about 1% and that’s being generous.
I can't believe Angry Joe of all people got redpilled.
Why would a decadent and rotten society that blatantly disregards the limits of biology give a shit about natural gender?
>characters won't mention your gender
>"they're right for the job"
>"zhe's our best hacker"
On Yea Forums, everyone you disagree with is a tranny
Pokemon and Fire Emblem both don't specify either now, yet nobody has even noticed
We're not talking about the in-game society here, we're talking about the game developer.
>Characters won't mention gender
>When tumblr says there's no gay or female characters
>when there's no male Character
But... *Sniffle* b-b-ut what if I *wanted* to play as a man?? Boo-boo :(
>I want to play as male and be addressed as one
>That will be possible
If you put both sliders on male, sure. Doesn't mean there will be a male/female option.
Afaik quite a few games did that so that they don't have to record separate lines. They'll just say "they" or "V" a lot. I don't mind since it's a dystopia so dumb LARPing is a fun part of it.
joe is a fucking failure
Pissed Pedro is hard to read. He's complained about games being offensive toward women before, but also he made fun of BF5 for censoring "white man" and now this.
>twitter dms are a valid source
lol at this retard
>If you put both sliders on male, sure. Doesn't mean there will be a male/female option.
But putting both body and voice to male or female makes a male or female character. user..
Why would the game developer choose to restrict characters to their natural genders, in a game that's set in a decadent and rotten society that blatantly disregards the limits of biology and all things natural?
Shying away from transgendered shit when handling a game like that would be like shying away from the oppression of women in a game about medieval Europe. It's a game about the degenerate future of Earth, of course the game developer is going to choose to include degeneracy in the game.
Those rated E games made for retards aren't really known for their great writing.
Assblasted Alejandro
Why are you giving that retard (You)s? It's literally the same guy shitposting about "lul no straight male character" to get attention, not worth the argument nor the time of day.
show me straight male v retard lmao
Hnnnnnngggggg kraut space magic
You're given a choice, Yea Forums.
You're either mutilated until you end up like this horrid motherfucker, or you get your dick replaced with a crude facsimile of a vagina.
What do you choose?
>Why would the game developer choose to restrict characters to their natural genders
Because that's something you can't change regardless of how rotten a society is. And it wouldn't be "shying away from transgendered shit" because the fact that you can't change your natural gender doesn't mean you can't be a "transgender", like how it works in real life. It sounds like you hold some very pro-trans opinions.
clenching their teeth and saying shit like
>fffyeah phuck me
>fffyeah phuck my pussy
and shit like that makes my dick flaccid in milliseconds.
Can't stand that shit.
Lmao just don’t fuck dudes is it going to be that hard for you to not fuck a dude?
Confirmed for newfag who doesn’t know the source material
What's the point in changing it from how it was up until now during development?
The dev literally corrected and said you will choose between he and she.
based human behavior
>obvious tranny
>overly emotional response
Ahaha just wait till this nigger finds out about exotics.
confirmed for tranny shill cop out, get btfo'd
>It sounds like you hold some very pro-trans opinions.
no you are just a faggot holy shit
his post makes sense
he literally calls it degenerate you nigger
that, it looks cool as fuck while chopping off my dick would just be cringe
>whines about trannies in a universe where people modify themselves into literal animal people
jesus christ can you guys get anymore pathetic.
this but unironically
Doesn't stop people from trying in a society as degenerate as the one that the game developer is trying to depict, they're sure as hell going to try. You're welcome to project whatever opinions you think I might have onto me, though I'll warn you in advance that such methods don't really constitute an argument.
>have the option to change your face completely to anything
>opt for the dumb machine nigger look
>is it true?
>that is possible (that it is true)
he calls it degenerate to fit in lol, imagine being this retarded and falling for tranny shills
I'd be that guy, cyborgs are actually objectively cool
Lolol you didn’t even say I was wrong. Fuck off back to neopets you stupid faggot before you shit up this board even worse.
>MFW I cancelled my preorder after learning the world would be smaller.
CDshills on suicide watch.
are you executing full ironic shitpost mode to get out of your lost argument?
he won
you lost
stay salty nigger
>doing any of this somehow modifies your natural gender
You make a male character by picking the male voice, simple as that. Also this is old fucking news, they revealed this shit june LAST YEAR. Why the fuck is it suddenly a controversy NOW?
>no dick pops out
can't fap to this
you might wanna check what transhumanism means.
video compression
most people have no desire to change their sex, you would know that if you didn't spend all your time hanging around degenerate retards
Because they didn't reveal this June of last year
Jfc you are retarded, there is no difference. Mutilation into an animal human freak hybrid is okay but good god if you chop your dick off and call yourself a girl.
>wanting to play as a straight white male in a video game
Save it for the cross burning, Adolf
What next, that faggot will whine about Follower of Apocalypse mohawk if Obsidian would do another Fallout?
In Cyberpunk 2020, biosculpting is a rather expensive process that can be used to genetically alter individuals, meaning that someone in this setting technically be altered to be genetically female even they were born genetically male.
So yes, in this setting, characters can modify their natural genders.
Except they did at e3 you retard.
News outlet picked it up from an interview that was done at gamescom, righties favorite faggot the quartering made a news post, meanwhile the sunposters here are spamming it for obvious reasons.
>Doesn't stop people from trying
Doesn't change the fact that they can't, and by not letting you choose your natural gender CDPR is revealing their pro-trans views, like you are by making these excuses.
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't a normal world with normal people, it's a degenerate hellscape and that's why it ended up the way it is.
not gonna fuck a dude you fucking retard show me proof v can fuck women or gtfo you fucking moron lmao
Are you retarded by any chance?
My bad.
August of last year*
Remember when Yea Forums claimed that just swapping a male character for a female character would be a fine way to shut them up... well this is literally that and you are crying
you all fail to realise cyberpunk is the ultimate trans genre, fuck it even supports it with augmentation, everyone getting gobsmacked that it's happened shouldn't be surprised it's a tranny genre
>rather expensive process
Then why did a 23yo V have access to it before the game takes place? Especially if you choose the Nomad background?
>another episode when people discover that slippery slope it's not a fallacy
/pol/ can't do anything but whine like the pathetic manchildren they are. Insecure faggots can't stand other peoples opinions.
they only had the simple male/female option in the past
now they have male/female body and male/female voice, so instead of two choices you get four
nothing is removed as far as i can tell?
Or maybe they're acknowledging that in a cyberpunk setting where characters can change their genitalia, your voice and your body structure like a set of clothes, gendered pronouns lose all meaning because people have got no idea whether they're talking to an all natural woman or a dude who planted his brain in a sex doll's body. Keep up the projection though.
When your logic requires a logical fallacy you are indeed retarded.
If you’re going to troll you could put some effort into it instead of just being a dumb nigger.
I hope CDPR goes triple bankrupt and Poland takes it out of their asses
>s not a fallacy
>slippery slope fallacy
>not a fallacy
Thats enough Yea Forums for me tonight
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then mocked her death, but I’m sorry this one video game didn’t record gender variants for all the dialogue. That sounds really hard.
>engaging with the mentally ill
You fuckers bring this on yourselves.
johnny cab is now fucking terrorist wow what a shocker
The best part is this applies to replying to anyone in these types of threads regardless of the side.
bigot, it's not listened in the DSM5 anymore, too controversial
>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having a male and female option
>only way you can play as tranny is through headcanon alone
Is there a more subversively based dev? They found the only win/win option in this shithole SJW war
based big dimes bill fucking kids since 92'
If a cyberpunk tranny has actual breasts grown out of fatty tissue with functioning mammary glands, has fully working female genitalia and ovaries and is capable of both being impregnated and giving birth, does it really matter anymore what he used to be?
For all intents and purposes, he has completely changed into a woman, no?
>Would pump and dump.
>No way she can have my superior tall white seed.
Try and figure out the correct pronouns and the natural gender of every character in this image.
I could just ask you, they’re living rent free in your head after all.
I'm sticking out until the chromosomes change user. Not letting these fuckers get away with this.
transgenderism is a disease of the mind, not of the flesh. the bits and pieces are not the problem.
See , genetic modification exists in the Cyberpunk setting.
Yeah, because everybody (even retards) is so (((aware))) to call you xe, so it won't hurt your feelings
Except thats how it works in cyberpunk. They literally completely change your genetics
>fridge shaped
nothing of value was lost
straight male is the default you fucking retard
>if people mistake you for another gender that means natural gender loses meaning
That happens today, does that mean natural gender lost meaning? I'm just gonna have to disagree with you and CDPR on that one, natural gender will never lose meaning.
>Thick manish shoulders
is that Autumn Falls?
read this dumbfuck hahaha
What is the exact issue, then? If a person is female in all possible ways and they identify as such, where is the problem?
Yes, they are, because that's how degenerate society in this particular setting has become. Pretty much everyone in Cyberpunk knows that you can't determine someone's true identity based off of what they look like, sound like or even what genitals they have. That hot nineteen year-old with the tightest cunt in the world might have been a gross, fat balding man until yesterday. So you use gender neutral pronouns, not to protect the feelings of people but just because you literally don't know what the true gender of fucking anyone around you might be.
>all possible ways
>In this demo at least
Imagine being so retarded you can't read what you type.
damn she's had some work done
Wow a demo. Guess you’re gonna have to fuck a dude. Remember it’s only gay if the balls touch you retarded newfag.
Obviously that is not possible in the real world, but this is a cyberpunk future we are talking about. Hell, there's probably some sort of hypnotherapy shit available that even sorts out the mental side of things.
>people are literally triggered by sliders
pfffffffff hahahaha
you niggers live in constant fear of some 1 percent internet minority
>so fucking important to show female v
>so fucking important to show faggot v
>so fucking important to add tranny shit
>still won't fucking show straight male v
cdpr are fucking cucks now hahahaha
When this 1% fucks can do what happened with Ion Fury, yeah. They unironically threaten my vidya
I’d bet money you’re a Brazilian.
Your insecurity of not being pandered to is hysterical.
>Weeks from release
>They decide to 'remove' (they won't ever there to begin with) striaght relationships
Imagine being so pathetic you don't see this coming a mile off.
Official records and doctors will still know so natural gender will obviously continue to exist. Pretending otherwise is 100% tranny pandering.
Today isn't a dystopian cyberpunk world where a fifty year-old can kidnap a teenage girl, take her to a megacorporation, pay that megacorporation to take his brain out and shove it into her body, only to thrown her brain into the trash while he lives out her life in her place. Also, I didn't say 'natural gender loses meaning,' I said 'gendered pronouns.' Please don't put words in my mouth.
Don’t reply to that idiot. He’s trying to ppl at both sides.
Colors in games in general are always washed up, good examples would be GTA5, RDR2, Far Cry games, ROR2, Prety etc. but if you're gaming on PC, you can change those colors in whatever way you want and make the game look the way you want, the world and models are already there and they're on point, if you're worried about colors just download reshade or sweetfx
it's not that difficult
>i... it's just the demo
>i... it's just tranny shit
>i... it's still a rpg action adventure is just marketing
>i... it's exclusive to journos and streamers to build hype they still care about fans
hahaha what will you shill cucks defend next lmao
No Loli gender no buy.
Well now you know how your dad feels.
Non-binary means "more than two" you absolute idiot, you're getting mad over more shit that you won't care but someone might. You can still play as a male or sexy waifu or whatever you want.
Imagine having to make a strawman and hypothetical situation to have an actual argument. congrats user you have proved us all you are retarded
In a world where everything is owned by megacorporations, a few bucks in the right hands and suddenly official records and doctors will have records that list you as being male, female, a fucking attack helicopter if you paid them enough. Also, stop putting words into my mouth. Gendered pronouns, not natural gender.
I mean I might buy it since it looks cool, maybe you should contact them and start charging them rent for that space in your head they’ve been occupying and then you could afford to buy a different game.
this shit is getting out of hand
disgusting, how do people find ass attractive
>loli gender
Rightards were right about "transage" becoming a thing, they were only wrong about it coming from the left, rather than right believing its own memes.
because an actual female is born a female, raised a female, goes through childhood and teens as a female, a life of being female and develops as a real female with no mental illness
a transgender is born a male and goes through years as a male with male hormone levels, with a severe mental illness only to try to "fix it" magically with plastic/genetic surgery much later in life when they've already developed. you must see the difference.
it's a disease of the mind, not the body, it can't be changed with plastic/genetic surgery because the years already lived is instilled as person. you can't fix the past. it's not the same as a real female.
No. Retards and simple "cattle" people would call things as they see them. It's not logical for everybody talking with this artificial language. Different background people should have different perception of those things in cyberpunk setting.
>no u
>ummm hating gay shit means you're secretly gay :)
the tranny defense lmao
dilate tranny
do you think doctors won't know regardless of records? lol are you 12?
The same way you find passing out drunk with a belly full of guiness attractive, Irish.
Rent free. You spend an awful lot of time thinking about dicks user.
Your whining is only making me like it more. As for cucks, thats a funny thing because at least i don't have to be pandered to and have to force others to have the same opinions as me.
other kinos like this?
how much you chargin cdpr to shill for this gay shit ya dumb bitch hahaha
You don't have to be gay to be a fucking faggot, which you'd know if you weren't some election-era blow-in.
More than two don't exist idiot
After you pedo.
posted on this acc
Only thing proofed here is now dumb you are.
>gay shit is gross
>"wtf i love gay shit even more"
don't lie dumbfuck you didn't need encouragement hahaha
Newfag is new.
This isn't the real world. This is a fantastical setting where everyone is a corrupt piece of shit, where money makes the world go round. Pay enough and yes, your real records would be completely rewritten.
Stop trying to apply real world logic to a hyper-capitalist dystopia filled to the brim with impossible cybernetics.
My god you can't even speak english and you think other people are the retarded one.
This is borderline magical tech levels we are talking about here, though. Surely it's not a stretch to assume that there are procedures for the mental side of transitioning, like implanting memories and some sort of hypnosis to convince the person that they are and have always been the gender they are transitioning to?
Got ya... Idiot.
>Can't handle other peoples opinions
Cuck please try harder.
Fucking hell it's a Russian.
The biggest faggot in the thread ladies and gents. You’ve seen it here first.
>don't have to be gay to be a fuckin faggot
what kinda new cope shit is this hahaha which letter this shit on your lgbtquipoxcz shit lmao
Maybe in some rural backwater pit, which Night City, the location that the game takes place in, absolutely isn't. Night City's more likely to embrace that artificial language than anywhere else in the world even, considering that it's at the forefront of the American cybernetics scene.
Not about to take another picture, but this was a few days ago.
Cry more you subhuman little shitskin.
Trannies are THE corporations servants
records aren't the only way doctors can tell if you're male or female lol are you actually retarded
Confirmed for Brazilian.
>he typed out the greentext himself
Go back.
confirmed for californian
You NEED to be pandered too and you think other people need encouragement? Kek.
>Got this from some random DYEL few days ago.
>Cry more you subhuman little shitskin.
lmao at this cringy southpark shit
>shaving your chest
Still applying real world rules to a setting where cybernetics and biosculpting can completely change who you are down to the genetic level.
>he thinks he's not a corporate servant
You are, trannies are, anyone not living off the grid is. Or do you grow your own internet?
>wake up to another man
In what way?
straight is the default in life you fuckin moron hahaha
>meanwhile japan just released cyberpunk kino
When will western dev realize we don't need them ?
Got another one..
there are 10 types of people who understand this joke.
Is that you. I'm sorry you had shitty parents that didn't teach you to stop mouth breathing. They must have knew you really craved white cock and could not stop salivating so didn't bother.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm referring to how everyone gets called a fag or a Thingfag on this site. Which you'd know if you were here for more than a week.
male v wake up with the same fat mexican female v wake up with in the demo lmao
You're right, so why are you whining, you insecure buddy?
>Super sentai bullshit where the heroes kick the asses of bad guys
Cyberpunk isn't just "cool technology and neon lights", you fucking weeb.
Better than a Brazilian faggot like you.
Does it work no matter the age? I like them over 80.
good for you user
do you think they're not still calling you gay? poor guy
Can I wake up with a little girl?
>He’s trying to ppl at both sides.
It's not needed that I do anything
the sliders do the work forme
>Is that you. I'm sorry you had shitty parents that didn't teach you to stop mouth breathing. They must have knew you really craved white cock and could not stop salivating so didn't bother.
nah man you forced be a woman or a faggot no straight male v lmao
Weird that you blanked something out. Almost as if it would expose the image as not being yous. Stupid faggot trannie.
And what would happen if I call somebody "she" instead of "xe"? Or just simply "it"? Or fucking nigger? Police of feelings would have arrest me?? I thought it is a corrupted setting and police can do shit, especially on everyday's street situations.
Most faggots are straight males
Are you fucking retarded?
cause straight male is the fuckin default in life lmao but cdpr won't fuckin let you play straight male v hahaha
In the same way that kids call each other gay. It doesn't mean you have to actually suck dick. Just like you don't actually have to suck dick to be a faggot, you just need to be an absolute failure of a man.
That babe you would talk to would suddenly burst out laughing and whip out her foot-long, announcing that she's actually a man. Out of humiliation, you'd stick to gender neutral pronouns in order to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future again.
what do you expect? We're at a point where if you're making a game and not catering to alphabet soup, you're going to branded as bigoted and someone's going to throw a fucking molotov through your window. Meanwhile straight people by and large don't need to be directly catered to with "YOU CAN BE A MAN AND STICK YOUR VIRTUAL NATURALLY-BORN PERFECT MALE PENIS INTO A NATURALLY-BORN PERFECT FEMALE VAGINA" or anything of the same.
this marketing is purely to supplicate the kinds of people who will otherwise instantly switch to vitriolic psychosis.
For a faggot like yourself you certainly aren't proving straight males otherwise.
>Most faggots are straight males
>Most faggots are straight males
>Most faggots are straight males
>Most faggots are straight males
>Most faggots
>are straight males
It was personal
>nearing end of beginner cut, super DYEL
>still so much better than the average Yea Forumsirgin they cry fake
Are you? Astral Chain is fucking trash masquerading as cyberpunk.
>this fucking gay ass cope
>accuse straight men of bein gay
is that the only weapon in faggot arsenal lmao
>the most anticipated western games is a tranny infested safe space metoo simulator and the other is a “3deep5me” “dude, you wouldn’t understand” cinematic walking simulator
jesus FUCK western gaming is so fucking shit
Police would straight up fucking murder you if a rich tranner paid them to because you misgendered them. We're talking about a setting where medics are mercenaries who will fucking murder people who get in the way of them assisting their rich clientele, even if the person only got in the way to ask them to help a guy having a heart attack.
Learn more about the actual tabletop and fuck off.
kys tranny
>can be anything you want
>choose to be a straight white male
literally why
Death Stranding is not a western game though
What would you choose?
Check this 5
Alright double digit IQ subhuman genetic trash, I'll explain it to you like to a retard that you are:
Faggot is like nigger in the sense that calling someone that doesn't imply gay or black.
When I call you a nigger, I'm referring to your double digit IQ and proneness to violence, not your shitskin. You are a shitskin, but that's not the relevant part.
When retards here call someone a faggot, it refers to being an attention whore or obsessed with sex.
Why does Western gaming do everything it can to be this terrible? The vast majority of the planet isn't gay, why is this so fucking hard to understand? I need an answer.
well there is no such thing in cyberpunk 2020 and it sounds too preposterous to be in 2077 imo. rearranging potentially an entire male lifetime lived into an entirely different female lifetime with some sort of hypnosis, plus all the chemical changes that comes with that throughout your entire body, we've gone beyond simple sexual transitioning. it's not about female/male anymore. instead of fixing what's wrong, you've simply destroyed literally everything and rebuilt it into something brand new at the hands of some corporation's technology.
i'm just talking about the game of course, i'm sure we've moved onto other topics of importance 10000 years into the future or so.
Exactly, when you have a deranged psychopath in the area, and no place to institutionalize them, then the smart thing to do is simply go along with their psychosis and wait for them to try eating a pipe bomb they thought was a tin burrito.
Or, to make it relevant to the situation, pander to them till 40% kicks in.
Yeah, that's assuming she would have upper hand, but you can't be always the submissive one. Or rather should have some diversity right? with people being one.
friendly reminder that low yield nukes in california, seattle, chicago, houston, and new york will fix most of America's problems
>can do anything you want
>choose to chop off your dick and hollow yourself out like a thanksgiving turkey
literally why
Feast your eyes.
>most bible belt subhumans still alive
Earthquake on the San Andreas fault, Yellowstone erupts, six solid months of hurricanes up and down the east coast and a plague of mice and locusts everywhere else.
Thank me later.
Regardless of how you feel about it, are we really going to pretend this isn’t a change to score goodboy points with trannies?
>select male body
>select male voice
Bam. Just like Saints Row 2-4 and some anime games. Controversy ended.
>Cherami Leigh
well, I’m rolling a fembot
dang i thought this game was gonna be some watered-down bland slog that doesn't try to take on any controversial topics, but you retards constantly getting mad about it makes me wanna buy it and play through it with my bf
Is it really too preposterous when we've already seen people willing to replace their entire skin and remove parts of their skull and frontal lobe to make room for cybernetics?
Such excess is, if you ask me, completely archetypal for the genre, because it shows that nothing is sacred when you have the money and means.
I'll thank you when it actually happens, preferably all at once. Just somehow make it perfectly clear that God exists and he's had it with our shit.
Start with America, then do the same everywhere else if they don't get their shit together now that the planet's attack dog lost its fangs
People don't realize that by getting mad about this they're actually supporting trannies.
>"zhe is called v"
>"shoot hir"
No gay dude on earth wakes up with another man, we all bail as soon as the nut has been bust. 2/10 unrealistic.
What’s it like to be a faggot in BOTH senses of the word?
how you gays feel bout gettin lumped in with trannies hahaha
this gun has 7 bullets, im a professional...
Ask your dad
>Police would straight up fucking murder tranner if you are rich and pay them to because he offended you
Do you see your fucking falacy? The setting is corruption, not being aware of someone's feelings.
ITT:P Yea Forumstards realize that their trannyhate is destined to fail no matter how much they seethe over it.
Celebrate, my fellow sisters!
Ok, so what's the controversy this time? I'm late to the party.
/pol/tards upset that they have to use a slider to play as a male character instead of a checkbox
Read my post you fuckwit. The tranny will PAY the police to kill you. They don't give a shit about what you did they're getting PAID to murder you.
You DUMB fuckwit.
>game where people are so intensely and thoroughly modifying themselves that their very DNA has changed and is riddled with cybernetics
>everyone's still the same lame-ass humanoid
>I can't upload my digital consciousness into a thrashing mass of robotic tentacles or shit like that
can't reject the impurities of the flesh, shit game, 0/10,
>There are people who argue that trans stuff is out of place in a setting with this kind of shit in it
>I can't play as a normal male in CP2077?
if you've thought for one second that this was a real possibility then that just shows how far gone you are. reflect on this before it's too late.
/pol/ is literally full of the stupidest people on the planet, i don't know what you expected?
Not people
>trannies and gender weirdos
>being in any way considered transhuman
Aka they are taking a bribe and ignoring their duty. Can you guess what that is called?
>Is it really too preposterous when we've already seen people willing to replace their entire skin and remove parts of their skull and frontal lobe to make room for cybernetics?
in my opinion yes because you're describing purely superficial plastic surgery that could possibly in theory be done today, to rearranging an entire personality/brain/memories/an entire life lived with experiences and developments, at the hand of someone else, to fit a brand new person. in my opinion you're describing consensual suicide and the creation of a new person, not just plastic surgery. it would not benefit "you" like the plastic surgery (which is archetypal of the genre), just destroy "you".
but i suppose we'll see when the game comes out, maybe they want to do something unexpected and strange in terms of tech in the universe to blow minds.
Yeah, and they have the gall to act like they're better than screaming SJWs demanding Bond be black.
You just select the male looking one you dumb cunt.
Guess what? THEY ARE NOT IN THE GAME because it's too expensive to design and implement them.
His name is Who
Literally Who
What happened to your city/state, user?
>it's not REAL transhumanism!
>modifying your body only counts as transhumanism if you put metal bits in it!
Because of the gamescom
Faggot's other implication is a liar
>Swapping out human bits for other human bits
>Becoming something different than human
I mean I guess if you consider trannies to be some kinda monsters.
Anybody can pay police to kill you for anything in this setting. Does that mean the hero should have not going out of their basement?
I literally don't know how to explain this to you.
Someone says that Night City would embrace artificial language and bullshit pronouns.
You treat it like a joke that the police would step in for misgendering someone.
I explain that the police absolutely would kill you if they were paid to by someone who did embrace the artificial language accepted by the general Night City populous, ie a tranny.
You ignore my point and say that the police won't step in on behalf of someone's feelings, which was not my point.
I reiterate my point and insult you because you're a retard.
You completely ignore my point once again.
I'm not going to argue with you just because you want to zero in on something tangientally related to the original fucking point which is that Night City would fully embrace this and you'd watch your fucking words around the police if there was someone rich enough to enforce them.
Why can't mutts use same notation as normal people?
>limbs used for measurement
>weight units calculated from bags of grain
>year notation explicitly worshiping a kike
lmao NC is so fucked up what retard did this
I wouldn't call digging out your eyes and half of your frontal lobe just so you can install a faceplate/visor with digital input straight into your optic nerves merely superficial.
Transhumanism is going beyond human nature
Not chopping off chunks of it
The only pronouns being suggested are they/their, common pronouns used for individuals of indeterminate gender. If that's bullshit to you, so be it. This xe/xir thing is entirely an invention of yours.
>it's within human nature to change sex, have young and healthy body at 80 years
The right is totally batshit. Chill out, Sperg.
Corporate city, so fucking nothing.
I guess Pamela Anderson is a transhuman being with her fake boobs then.
It’s called science fiction, you autistic fuck
So what percentage of California will be speaking strictly Spanish at that point in time?
I'm more pissed at the fact that they have only two voices to choose from.
>transforming a man into woman isn't beyond human nature
What the fuck is this retarded post.
>Transhuman, or trans-human, is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman.[1]
>In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.[2]
>These abilities might include improved intelligence, awareness, strength, or durability. Transhumans sometimes appear in science-fiction as cyborgs or genetically-enhanced humans.
From wikipedia. Getting surgery to mutilate existing genital body parts into a poor facsimile of that of the opposite sex is in no way transhuman, in much the same way that getting a nose job or plastic surgery isn't transhuman, and any manner of correctional surgery isn't transhuman.
Hell, silicone breast implants are more transhuman than sex changes are, since there's an addition of an external, artificial implant into the human body.
>living that old without killing themselves
That's beyond natural for them, I'll give you that.
So how deep into cybernetics will I be able to get in this game?
it's is still superficial to what i said.
then again it's a video game with, unlike real life, has zero rules and doesn't need to explain any of the things, so what's left is ultimately believability, which imo it would lack. and it already does in some cases. kind of pointless to discuss really, we just have different standards, no ones wrong here.
Based retard that can't understand simple science fiction schlock
Pretty deep, although a lot of it will probably be internal or designed to resemble natural flesh and bone. For example, the mantis blades which are stored in normal-looking forearms when not in use.
>Getting surgery to mutilate existing genital body parts into a poor facsimile of that of the opposite sex
Except that in this setting you can get the genuine article if you have the money. Fully functioning and all.
This is the dumbest post in the entire thread, you literally argue that science fiction fantasy cannot be a science fiction fantasy because you can't change gender in real life.
Actually transforming a man into a woman would be beyond natural, but trannies don't get magically transformed into men or women. Despite their efforts with hormones or surgery, they're ultimately just taking drugs and cutting away bits of themselves in the hope that the poor imitation they make is enough to trick others (and themselves) into thinking they're actually what they want to be, instead of what they actually are.
Is someone claiming otherwise? We've been watching a slippery slope for years.
If you haven't acknowledged by now that media entertainment in 2019 is far more social agenda driven towards a mentally ill extremist point of view than in 2009 and that it's been a slow process of purity spiraling and faux outrage over several years, well you're fucking brain dead.
this is literally part of the whole point of the transhumanism debate. How much of you has to change before you're no longer human? Are you only human if you're 100% natural-born organic? If you have most of your body replaced with synthetics and the few organics left have had their genes rewritten to be closer to a cat or fish than a homo sapien are you still you?
Nigger there is literal human animal hybrids but somehow you think people with this tech would actually be able to replicate a working womb or vagina. Do you know how fucking retarded you sound?
Look I'm going to try and play a futa cyborg and none of you can stop me.
This. It's going to be fucking weird. At least get a few VAs each for male and female.
This thread is just disturbing. The average IQ of a Yea Forums poster must be lowering every year.
Wouldn't be able to*
>designed to resemble natural flesh and bone
That kind of sucks desu
Welcome to /pol/ where the average user gets dumber and dumber.
That's just my guess, though I hope I'm wrong.
>Thinks muscle definition from being skinny is something to brag about
Weak little bitch
>that feel when you're pol as fuck but accept that stories are sometimes just stories and in the established setting transsexual things are pretty common and even alter down to the genetic level so it's not like real world transsexual freaks, not even counting the exotic freaks in setting
I do hope that hard gay gang that dresses up as Gilligan Island characters are still in the setting, that said
Maximum cyberpunk.
The original point was about EVERYBODY using and forcing this kind of artificial language. And you are assuming that most of the fucking city would be or bow to some tranny hivemind in a fucking cyberPUNK world and that everybody in this city respects or is a rich tranny himself. As schizofrenical as you would love it to be, cyberpunk is NOT fucking communism. Kill yourself you literal faggot.
Man, the different gangs grant the setting so much flavour.
if there isn't an extensive customization for augs they fucked up. What if i don't want my robot sword arms to look like normal arms when not in use? What if I want giant shiny pink arms or some shit?
i hate this discussion but at least it keeps reminding me that cyberpunk 2077 is a thing
Show me a source for that claim, or that statement is purely conjecture and I cannot accept it as fact.
Is this a mechanical vagina and artificial womb, or a vat grown biological one which is then surgically implanted? That kind of distinction is important.
Nonetheless, a man who gets his bits cut away to get an artificial vagina/womb is still a man, but at least has more ground to stand on than modern day trannies.
What I find interesting is how you consider using they/their as a default regardless of gender to be "artificial language." You're acting like it's an incredibly massive leap that all of humanity would fight its very hardest to resist.
>Officer this man called me "they" instead of "xe" here's 200,000 credits can you shoot him please?
This is just as likely to end with the Cop shooting the briber as the guy not "respecting pronounds" or shooting both because why the fuck not? Police corruption is a hallmark of cyberpunk, so even if there were laws on the books for proper pronoun uses, plenty of cops wouldn't enforce it unless they were paid to do so, or if they could somehow get something out of it.
*breathes in excessively loudly*
My V will be a male, because I get to create him how I want. Nothing you say can change what MY roleplaying will be.
hahaha what a fuckup
see if they can do that they can make men into women
in your scenario, if a man has his genes rewritten to be entirely XX instead of XY is he still a man?
Jesus fucking christ you didn't even read the thread look at How about before bitching about something you read up on what the fuck you are talking about.
It's pretty obvious that OAG is a fucking stupid as the people he claims to be against.
>Claims that FemV is a SJW caricature, complete with dyed hair, shaved head, and "drugged up visage"
>this contradicts that vanilla FemV has brown/black hair.
>He goes on to suggest another female model as a replacement, which conspicuously has pink dyed hair and a "drugged up visage".
This is completely divorced from his usage of the "enlightened centrist" meme, which is a classic lefty shitpost.
Yeah I want to become a metal abomination by the end of the game like that guy here
In setting they can change someone down to a genetic level. I'm sure with enough greased palms changing documentation alongside with a restructuring of bones and shit would make it feasible in setting that those "other ways" wouldn't be applicable with one hundred percent accuracy.
But you're being retarded and dense on purpose regarding a fictional setting that is different from our own, you ding dong diddley dummy.
>Can't be a cop
>Can't be a freelance journo investigating the megacorporations
>Can't be a netrunner
>Can only be a fixer
This is honestly my biggest gripe with the game.
>witcher 3
>alpha male protagonist geralt
>gotta play pretend to be male character
what the fuck happen cdpr lmao
>The only pronouns being suggested are they/their, common pronouns used for individuals of indeterminate gender.
Only rarely, it's far more often used to refer to groups of people, which is why it sounds dumb when people say they want to be referred to that way.
>This xe/xir thing is entirely an invention of yours.
Not him but, that's an invention of tumblr, along with a bunch of other made of pronouns to describe an ever increasing amount of genders.
Not using they/their per se, but using it exclusively be everybody.
Except you don't need to pretend shit when the dev confirmed you will be a he or a she. Jfc kys
Did i read Cyberpunk is based off of a tabletop RPG? What one?
Would you?
>can't be a straight male
hahahahaha holy fuck cdpr confirmed cucked
You can be trans though :)
It's a type of cyberpunk, yes. Hence the word punk in its genre. Cyberpunk can encompass a wide variety of subjects and that can include a group of rag tag heroes fighting and beating the man, man
>in this demo at least
Cyberpunk 2020.
The idea of the player getting to be all the different jobs from the game was completely unfeasible. Did you expect them to make 8 different games? Because it would make zero sense for pretty much any of the gameplay or quests for a cop to be the same as a journo. They would essentially have to make different games with completely different stories and even mechanics. I can't believe people ever though that shit was plausible.
>dev confirmed you will be a he or she
cdpr are the retards that fucking said they're removing option to be male you stupid fuck lmao
>be a denizen of CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 setting
>see masculine human person
>call them by masculine pronouns while walking by
>"IT'S MA'AM!"
>I refuse
>he gets shifty and threatening
>my built-in LIDAR system identifies possible weapons on his belt before warning me that he is reaching for said weapon
>I blow their head off with my built-in arm canons with the help of my advanced ocular implants
>leave the scene paying off any authorities I run into with money I just hacked out of their accounts
Nobody said the future was gonna be easy
Only breeders can be cucked, retard
Males don't exist, retard, gender is a spectrum. Maybe he should take a science class.
>anti tranny fags think we will never be able to turn a man into a women
we are already seeing some the tech we need for it developing now, give it 58 years and it will be easily done
Thanks. Might do some reading up before then.
In rpgs with create-a-characters, the whole point is that you "pretend" who your char is.
The problem here is more and more games will be doing this crap excluding normal people so the queers can "feel" more comfortable really wtf .
>They would have to have put more than the bare minimum of effort into creating a role-playing game
The horror!
those games always remove choice to be straight male? lmao
Fire Emblem did it. Saints Row did it. You're only kicking up a fuss because of the current zeitgeist and because attention was brought to it.
Why did you expect Cyberpunk 2077 to cover literally absolutely every style of play from Cyberpunk 2020?
robotic answer and filtered
Saints Row didn't actively dissuade you from being a straight male though.
No a stupid fucking concept artist said it you dumb fuck. Imagine being this stupid you don't even know the source of the information you actually spout.
I dont know about Fire emblem but i know In Saints Row it was a joke
you make a dude dummy stupid little, stupid little dum dum
>cdpr employees aren't cdpr
holy fuck shill lmao
Masculine Manny
I really hope they're all mostly intact, as the crazy gangs are half the fun of the setting, it and Shadowrun have such retard fun gangsters in their settings that it's a shame they're not used more
>Why did you expect a role-playing game to offer choices?
And in the end you're still human
Fucking retard.
>being a human is retarded
why dont you kys then fedora
you're no longer human when you alter yourself that much.
Why couldn't I choose my race or class in the Witcher? I should've been able to play Witcher 3 as a baker from Skellige and spent 300 hours baking bread. Fucking shit RPG giving no choices.
Not every RPG needs to make every possible aspect of the world playable and explorable. Your expectations were too high.
Delete this
I could see some crossover between journo and cop though. Have them follow the same sort of story and just have the cop do missions loud to raid places or arrest key targets while the journo has to stealth fag his way through missions. Same areas and the like, same plot that eventually ends up finding corruption at the very top of the food chain, just different perspectives leading up to it, which I would have loved
Nobody would be "human" if we had an amazing alternative like that available to us.
>once you're better than human, you're no longer human
No shit
christ cucks need to be round and locked away from the rest of humanity
>implying Yea Forums wouldn't be contrarian and be human just to spite an invisible bogeyman
Witcher was not based on a tabletop RPG that offered all those choices. Cyberpunk 2077 is.
>nobody would be human if they could be a tranny
Cyberpunk games probably aren't for you.
in saints row's case it would be:
>"this is the boss"
>"shoot that saint motherfucker!"
in cyberpunk 2077's case it would be:
>"this is V"
>"shoot that fucker!"
no pronouns used...
>gaming politics thread
More than human, better
But Witcher is based off of a book, therefore every possible character archetype that could possibly come from that book's setting should be playable in the Witcher games.
Translation:worry not it will be possible
Why do you feel the need to write shit on the internet, fuck off incel weeb.
V is mostly female
A cute attempt at drawing parallels, but books and rulebooks are two different things. One is a narrative and one outlines rules and mechanics to play a game. So if you take a rulebook and make a videogame based on it and leave out the majority of things in that rulebook, one shouldn't wonder why someone might get pissed about it.
Fuck off incel weeb
>pre-rendered vs in-game
even if you're shit posting you're right man lmao cdpr are fucking cucks they're prioritizing female v and faggot v lmao they won't fucking have content for straight male v hahaha fucking cdpr cucks
I do wonder, because it should be rather obvious why those aren't playable. This isn't D&D, not every class is just a combatant that fights in a different way. A rockerboy wouldn't end up in even half of the encounters that a solo would end up in. 2077 is based off of the fantasy of playing a solo or a fixer, and it's going to focus on delivering that fantasy well rather than be a watered-down piece of garbage that fails to deliver on any of the many classes of Cyberpunk.
thats the point, its the next step of evolution
You're right, I didn't read the entirety of the thread, but nothing I've said can be reasonable called "bitching" so you might be confusing other peoples posts as belonging to me.
Now then, I looked through those, and while I don't doubt at all that you could change yourself to appear as the opposite sex and have a solid imitation of a real vagina, I didn't see the part where it explicitly says you get an actual working biological womb with a real vagina that you could pass down your genes with. I'm inclined to believe that some of the more extreme options (like animals additions) make you sterile, but I don't have evidence for this either way.
Given that theoretical scenario, he would have originally been one, but with a total conversion to XX and removal of the Y chromosome (assuming all existing cells were cleanly rewritten/altered to not be some kind of awful monstrosity with two sets of DNA at war with each other) I would say that I can't deny someone who's now genetically a woman isn't one, even if it was done unnaturally.
Though likely, the male in question would still have the mind of a male, but physical (genetic) attributes are what matters for this.
>pro-tranny game is just science fiction guys no way the devs are pro-tranny
delusional drones
Can you fuck off already you fucking incel anime nigger
So we are back in the argument that basically boils down to "They would have to put in effort!"
Nice going CDPR, I will now be pirating this game
same with adding straight male v content man lmao but they fucking put in effort for female v and faggot v hahaha
Are you actually defending the argument that a sci fi fantasy cannot be a sci fi fantasy if it has fucking trannies? Are you actually that mentally disabled?
Yes, they would have had to have put in the effort of making eight AAA games that all play in fundamentally different ways and likely had fundamentally different stories and somehow packaged that as a single affordable game. Lower your expectations a few.
it can, but not having natural genders means it's a pro-tranny game by pro-tranny devs
Based retard that can't understand simple science fiction schlock
based cybertranny shill
You actually surprised a degenerate dystopia is actually degenerate. How the fuck do you remember to breath?
>cyberpunk is a tranny genre :^)
Imagine being in a future when you can make your body whatever you want, and you opt to become las mutanta goblino.
If Transgender body modification were real, it'd look like VRchat. Not like a vegan espresso shop collided with a Harley Davidson.
degenerate dystopia doesn't mean not being able to be natural male or female, not everything is about you trannies
How about having a single underlying story arc that you can experience from eight different points of view instead?
>a degenerate dystopia isn't degenerate
Second dumbest post in the entire thread.
Because they're not made by whitoids so there's no reason to think it's some SJW statement.
Give me a D
Give me a I
Give me a L
Give me a A
Give me a T
Give me a E
>I don't doubt at all that you could change yourself to appear as the opposite sex and have a solid imitation of a real vagina, I didn't see the part where it explicitly says you get an actual working biological womb with a real vagina that you could pass down your genes with
You clearly sound like someone who isn't very good at biology, as evidenced by the word "womb" rather than proper named for organs.
Uterus and ovaries are different parts.
Uterus would most likely be doable, it's not a huge deal. It isn't even that strictly needed for a pregnancy - there are pregnancies (that usually end with spontaneous abortion) that happen outside it, in the fallopian tubes.
Ovaries would be harder and may require turning someone into a chimera, with sets of cells with different genetic code. It may be impossible to have functional XY ovaries without genetic alteration.
If you don't have a penetration impregnation fetish, in-vitro would be much easier:
Egg cells can have their genetic code replaced and successfully grow into a fetus with the new genetic code.
This way someone with XY chromosomes could become pregnant and give birth to genetic descendants.
>everyone are trannies in cyberpunk
you people are disgusting
Except you can be a natural male or female, if your stupid ass literally googled you would find out the devs replied saying so. but no you got a victims complex and have to be outraged because you can't handle not being pandered too. News flash kid, not everything is about you, nor does it have to be what you like. Cope harder
Give me a C
Give me a O
Give me a P
Give me a E
they literally said in an interview that you can't choose genders anymore, I won't believe anything unofficial that you try to feed me you dilating tranny shill
Sounds like you're the one who needs to cope, what a pathetic post.
A concept artist said that you dumb fuck, a dev replied saying that was wrong. Your stupid ass can't even bother to look this up because you got a persecution complex, fucking pathetic.
If you're trying to say that trannies are freaks I totally agree.
can't they just add these as dlc's?
>CTRL+F "degenerate"
>14 hits
>CTRL+F "tranny"
>36 hits
Y'all incels really, really need to get laid for the first time in your life.
>official interview vs unconfirmed twitter DM screencap
>expects me to believe the twitter DM screencap
tranny shills are such a joke
You fucking cope idiot. Sad piece of shit. No life piece of garbage, dilate and cope, you're stupid, you're dumb. You're a fucking joke, and we ar laughing at you
official response from the official twitter account, where they have been answering tons of questions since e3, stupid fag.
You complain about twitter dm caps, but believe a fucking concept artist? Everything is fake news if it doesn't affirm your views huh?
gonna call your post trash and not read it, get dabbed on
have sex...with me
Once again, try to read and understand, COPE.
>cdpr officially claim the genre is action adventure
>say it's stil rpg only in twitter dm
>cdpr officially claim you can't select gender
>say you still can only in twitter dm
what did they mean by this
>a twitter dm which could easily be faked or disregarded as such when the game comes out and it turns out to be a lie
>tranny shills actually expect me to believe it over an OFFICIAL INTERVIEW
I have seriously never seen more retarded and desperate shilling on this board
>dilate and cope
You can't use both at once, you filthy philstine.
Either call someone a tranny or an incel, trying to do both at once is just you calling self a retard.
The retarded one is the one who believes a fucking concept artist has any say over gameplay.
You pick male body and male voice, idiots
If it was a public tweet and not a dm I might have been on your side, but as it is, you're a huge fucking moron.