Reminder that Night Elves ran the equivalent of a roman empire on azeroth which literally lasted thousands of years. Sin'dorei, quel'dorei elves, banshees, naga.. even Sylvanas are just devolved or alternate versions of kaldorei due to the sundering. As a species, elves are on another level to humans, dwarves, orcs, or any of the other lesser races. They are the most powerful force which just happens to be politically divided. The dark lady is actually a highborne who happens to be in charge of the forsaken, just like her original model suggested.
Night Elves
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Purple tiddies.
>the best lore and universe i can imagine
>they are only making mmo for a decade
Cute elf girls are a miracle of the universe.
Does she ride the tiger?
Warcraft 3 nelfs are based, wow nelfs are cucks
Is this official artwork from blizzard?
you just know
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.
High elves > night elves
Reminder that canonically bestiality is part of night elf lore, elune fucked a stag to create cenarius, malorne is never depicted to have a human form, and elune is never depicted to have a form other then humenoid. Night elves fuck animals.
>Night elves fuck animals
Based department? I'd like to make a claim.
Now all I can imagine is some older farmer waking up running outside screaming "GOD DAMN NIGHT ELVES STOP FUCKING MY COWS!"
That must be why they love being dominated by the Orcs and Taurens so much : They are the best beast of Azeroth.
Made for Taurencock
god i busted so many nuts to this picture back in the day
Funny way to spell worgen
Funny way to spell futa
Nelfs take the knot
Fact: Night Elves are the most powerful race in Azeroth.
In WoW female Night Elves should've been locked out of the druid class while males were forced into it prove me wrong.
Your right for the classes, your wrong about power level.
They were also made for taurencock
Sylvanas is the prettiest and best girl. Azshara and Jaina are alright.
>Sylvanas fag
>Also has shit taste concerning other girls
Checks out
Humans cannot be compared to Night Elves.
It sounds like you are possessed by the big gay.
Elves are literally mutated trolls. Absolutely disgusting. Pic related is the only acceptable choice.
I like that artist, draws a cute Sylvanas.
Humans are just midget, mutated Vrykul. Products of a generic disease.
What the hell is going on with her legs?
Having low tastes ugh
Elves are children of the stars, ascended lifeforms due to the well of eternity. Trolls were btfo and allowed to have tiny pockets of land in ancient kalimdor, on the condition that they behaved. Humans such as the scarlet crusade would have been considered primitive and dealt with similarly.
I want Maiev to stand straight up on top of a tree, in full armor scanning the treeline for any clues about Illidan's activity, whispering to herself while I am sheltered underneath her cloak, on my knees pleasuring her vagina.
That's the past. Nowdays they are a race on the verge of extinction, only surviving because they are used as broodmares by Orcs and sluts by Humans.
Not true. Cenarius was a nature spirit that naturally sprung from the latent magical energies of the well of eternity and took the form of the Night Elves himself.
Night elves had their demi-god killed by an orc on steroids and managed to fuck the world up prior to that. Their last 'feat' is saving like 1/10th of the population from burning inside their big tree they called home.
>blows half of it up
yeah nice empire, goblins have done less damage to azeroth than elves
nelf are for erp fatggots nolife virgin or fucked up raped when kid cheap whores
Vagina bones are too big
She can see his stripes but she knows he's clean
Don't you see what I mean?
These races cannot ever hope to attain a single civilization which runs azeroth for millenia. They hide behind alliances and factions for now, but will perish in time.
Will the rebirth of vanilla reignite a new wave of WoW porn?
All Elves are made for beastman cock
Nelves don't deserve such a great character desu. I wish she would have remained neutral with her wardens. Or just keep chasing Illidan and eventually gets his dick so that she find happiness.
I hope FPSBlyck keeps making them god-tier videos, especially with Sylvanas. Just no gay anal shit.
They were powerful enough to play god and caught the attention of a literal titan. If Sargeras wasn't a thing they would have expanded to the other planets and conquered Draenor, possibly colonizing the barbaric orcs and draenei very soon after invading. Night Elves are not inherently destructive like goblins and still seek to preserve nature. There would have been moonwells and peaceful shrines on every planet.
I miss when night elves were forest savages instead of DeviantArt fapbait thots
Nice going, idiots. Ruining everything
why cant they be both?
I got some bad news for you friend, no he did not. He is the son of malorne and elune.
Night elves fuck dogs, and stags.
And now they fuck Orcs. Like Tyrande.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Night Elf story continued with Tyrande cucking MUH LOVE Malfurion with some Horde mutant
That's the way it's going, that whole meaningful romance, Night Warrior crap and burning Teldrassil didn't mean much now did it
Let's forget all that, they're all Goldshire futas anyway right?
No, it's the draenei who are futas, Night Elves are just the ones the draenei make sex with
I am... making... SEX
say it with me
You just know
Funny way to spell human. All cute females belong to human men. All nonhuman men belong to death.
Why are all night elves such sluts for worgen though?
Maiev could have prevented this...
That writing is god-damned awful.
>tfw WoW porn is plagued by futa shit for some reason
It's probably because of the jews.
>mfw I know that's ridiculous
>mfw you're probably right
>cope mentality after being contained and preserved in the kaldorei behavioral correction pens
Goddam, those pubes, everytime- why can't we have hairy nightelves in our SFM porn bros?
Every Warcraft book is like that.
It's actually canon.
Remember those eredar twins?
playing female night elves turned me into a faggot, whenever i play them a pair of panties always ends up on me
On you or on your elf?
If the later lookin at panties ain't gay.
If the former you a prancing la la homo man.
on me obviously
not gonna lie , got my rocks off to this far more then I would care to admit
>playing female night elves turned me into a faggot
How? Most beautiful race in the game, no reason to go all pickle-sucking
>take over the world then destroy it out of boredom
god i wish that was me getting penetrated
>tfw ywn be bullied by tentacle azshara
Because NO, night elves are savages, not pretty fucking Barbies
They're all covered in leaves and dirt, stinking of soil and sweat from battle, running down their tight, unwashed, clammy bodies
I forgot what my point was
And apparently they have anti-grav tits too
god i hope so, i'm tired of all the draenei horsecock shit
t. orc
The only time elves would be savage is when they have no choice but to destroy clusters of orcish mudhuts or human cottages out of necessity. Imagine chopping down trees and seething because the natives stormed your silly encampment.
this meme was made by naga gang
Sin'dorei are remnants of a large group of families from the quel'dorei(high elves), which were a distinct subsect within the kal'dorei. Quel'thalas actually means High Home, they didnt become the sin'dorei(children of blood) until they lost more than 3/4 of their population to the scourge. There may be some quel'dorei mixed into the general population of modern night elves, but the vast majority of them were lower class/warriors/non mages. Even the elves of dire maul were a higher breed than the night elves, though some of them rejoined the night elves after cata and are the reason behind night elf mages. Anyway, all elves are just dark trolls mutated over thousands of years by magic exposure