>when some weeb shits on DmC but likes any of these
ITT: games with cringe writing
Planescape torment
Fallout 2
Her Story
[popular game on Yea Forums i don't like]
Nice bait! Imagine completely missing the point of these two games youd have to be unbelievably dense.
almost everything to have ever come out from from a japanese studio
Damn user you’re a retard. I hope you learn from this and make a better thread next time.
still butt hurt about DmC?
Cold Steel has the most insufferable writing I have ever encountered in a video game
The Last of us
Horizon Zero Dawn
Wolfenstein Youngblood
In general terms, those Hollywood-like games tend to have atrocius writing, a boring world and uninteresting/disgusting characters.
The thing is that those are also pretty good games. DmC was mediocre and also had shit writing.
>still butthurt about DMC
user it's been 6 years, it's time to move on.
DMC3 has one of the best executed stories in a game.
it seems liek he's evolved to making his own threads instead of shitting up dmc threads
Uncharted didn't have "cringe" writing. It had the writing of a bog-standard treasure hunt with tons of homage to Indiana Jones. The writing wasn't very strong, but it also wasn't embarrassingly bad.
Earth Defense Force 5 is another game you should avoid user!
and for other to enjoy
Keep seething, Tameme.
Those have charm. DmC? Not so much.
Entirety of MGS series. God Hand isn't cringe cause it is self aware and doesn't at all take it self seriously.