Can someone redpill me on the good and bad of this game? I hear it either being praised as the best zombie game or lambasted as the worst zombie game.
Was thinking about picking it up on sale to try it out before the sequel.
Can someone redpill me on the good and bad of this game? I hear it either being praised as the best zombie game or lambasted as the worst zombie game.
Was thinking about picking it up on sale to try it out before the sequel.
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It was very good. Good gameplay, a lot of parkour until you get the hook device, but even then, it was really the best zombie game i've ever played, not like they have strong competitors, most zombie games are shit.
You gotta have something negative to say about it though, right? Surely it's not perfect.
Its a fantastic game. One of the few in the last decade that I even praised as warranting a full price. Tons of content to hold you over for hours and the gameplay is fantastic. They went a little overboard with the DLC over the last year or so but its still just a fantastic atmospheric action adventure game.
Absolute dogshit story that actively harms the experience but wonderful gameplay with probably the best TPS combat system we had since Dark Messiah. Dropkicking zombies and sending them into bumblefuck nowhere is legit fun.
Probably the only problem of the gameplay is how bad the normal human combat is thanks to firearms since in those moments the game becomes a shitty FPS, but it's like 5% of the game.
History is mostly shit and the final boss is a bad taste joke. Nevertheless, i thoroughly enjoyed.
story is shit, final boss is shit, can be a bit of a grind sometimes. parkour feels very good, late game weapons and fights are fun, getting invaded by a player being a hunter at night is really fun
what exactly makes the story absolute dogshit in your opinion... without spoiling for OP?
Its a pretty standard in terms of zombie post disaster terms. How does that make it "absolute dogshit"
OP here. I don't give a shit about the story. Spoil away and be specific please.
The end of the game is a fucking joke. You go from multiplayer zombie luchador fighter to a single player QTE.
Also, on the "Hardcore" difficulty everything is a damage sponge, which is fine for zombies but not so fine for Humans with guns that can kill you in under a second if they see you.
>the good
parkour is fun
combat against zombies is satisfying
night time is a great implement and genuinely makes you feel in danger
weapon modding is neat
the DLC goes for very cheap and its also very good
>the bad
story is ass
most characters are ass
fighting humans is kind of tedious
guns are meh
blunt weapons are useless compared to bladed weapons
Overall, its a good game, i'd play it again in a heartbeat.
But dont expect a great story or character development, its a game first, a story second
Parkour is great, melee combat is good, gunplay is shit, story is meh, final boss is a QTE. Playing through the DLC right now and it's fun_
Good - the gameplay
Bad - the story
Everyone stands in the tower and you do their groceries
It's like Half Life 2 without Space Ivans
Also griefing each other in multiplayer with explosives can produce massive keks.
The combat is trash until you level up and unlock a few things that should've been unlocked from the start. Then it's great for a while. Then it gets shitty again even they tried to make the combat difficult which makes it apparent how garbage the hitboxes are and the combat animations often don't match what's happening.
Every single character in this game acts either like a retarded drama queen or like he has a legit brain damage starting with the fucking Crane who burns antizin despite the fact it will directly impact his own chances of survival first and foremost. Even more, it seems to have a delusion that we get attracted to those characters despite the fact we get barely any interactions with them so when the character dies in some overblown way it comes off as extremely cringe inducing instead of emotionally impactful. Especially the fucking Jade, probably the worst offender.
Rais was supposed to be a Vaas-like antagonist yet he is written in such a tryhardy way he comes off as annoying and not intimidating. Even more, you're denied even from the actual melee fight against the fucktard, he dies in QTE.
It's fun ans multiplayer combat is enjoyable.The story's fine. Go play it before someone spoils it for you
It's meh. Used to be better but then they patched in "legendary" level progression which a) resulted in a massive nerf in your character's abilities at the start of the game and b) requires shitloads of grinding to the point most people never even max the legendary tree. It really ruined a lot of the game.
Other than that, the game's main appeal is the traversal and that only really translates to the grappling hook. Parkour is honestly kind of a gimmick and while there's a lot of stuff to climb, it all basically boils down to ground level bad, height = safe. Very few moments in the game actually use the climbing as more than very elaborate ways to get around enemies. Loot is also kind of shitty, there's not THAT many weapons/blueprints and the game has this weird kind of design contradiction in which you are encouraged to craft fancy weapons but they all become obsolete really fast. Everything you pick up is MEANT to be really disposable in gameplay terms even if everything in the game from the plot to the looting and weapon durability says you should be careful not to waste stuff. It kind of fucks things up, especially at the beginning of the game, when you put in work to craft this cool elemental weapon and then find some shitty curved sword that deals just as much damage but breaks easier - something that's irrelevant because you'll easily find another shitty curved sword. Not only that, at some point most of your fights will devolve into abusing instant-kill melee moves too. Same applies to traversal, since you can just cover yourself in zombie guts, walk around while zombies ignore you, snap some zombie's neck and then re-apply your gore makeup. Repeat forever.
It's honestly kind of overrated.
>combat animations often don't match what's happening.
ive never had that happen to me on PC. The gameplay is more or flawless for its type. you play on console?
I kinda want to replay but i remember story missions being a complete dogshit and half of them just nukes your inventory only to pull off some retarded scripted segment.
amazing gameplay, godawful writing, questionable balance decisions
great game
I played on pc last month. Zombies would grab while facing away from me, humans would parry attacks while staggered, a lot of attacks just went through people, the big zombies with the rebar clubs have range way longer than the actual club, that same attack will hit through walls and ceilings despite there being an animation of the club bouncing off the surface.
I also noticed everything being obsolete too fast
I only remember that happening once
I'm thinking about getting it for years, but never pulled the trigger. This time I'm here b/c DL2's 26 min E3 footage, even though action-packed arcade titles are usually not my cup of tea. DL2 looks fantastic though.
DL:EE's gameplay looks much faster and radiates a way less polished feel. Seriously, most gameplay vids should have epilepsy warnings in front of them. I'm sure it'd fun for a while, but I'm also getting shallow offline MMO vibes.
And the Ugly - ...?
love the game but the DLC ending left a super bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed walking along roads, great atmosphere. enemies with guns suck dick and are more dangerous than every other enemy
the chroma aberration
(you can remove it tho)
>the big zombies with the rebar clubs have range way longer than the actual club, that same attack will hit through walls and ceilings despite there being an animation of the club bouncing off the surface.
Are you talking about something like this? He also had a few suspicious hitbox-issues in the few minutes before (and after?) w/ the same enemy during melee.
>easy mode
use guns etc on low difficulty splatterfest XD
>nightmare mode/run grocerystore for legendary levels and dont upgrade skills much
>no guns
>Turn off HUD
Everything is hand to hand.
Get to play payday 2 stealth but cqb and also with zombies and armed humans that can 2-shot you
run for your life if spotted
Techland took everything that was wrong with Dead Island and made it 100x better with the exception of the gunplay and the story, it's honestly crazy how much they managed to improve. The sequel is looking like more of the good shit too.
>think you're safe from volatiles
>they spit
>they kill you in 2 hits when you dont even have time to react from the first one.
Movement is super fun, nights are tense, combat is appropriately meaty and it's comfy. However, don't expect any good writing in it. The story and the characters are kindergarten -tier in quality, completely basic and forgettable shit.
>Dead Island
is that still worth to play though?
Every techland game: great ideas, mediocre execution
The best zombie game I’ve ever played, except for maybe L4D, but only because that game has a soft place in my heart.
Gameplay wise it’s exceptional, there’s a ton of freedom and most of the controls are very fluid. Theres a grappling hook, and it is great for some things but also unrealistic and game-breaking. The story is okay-tier, but pretty unoriginal. The world is nice, they need to put more time into the crafting system if they’re going to stick with it or just scrap it altogether and find different ways to implement looting/weapons.
I personally loved it even though I was absolutely sick of all zombie games by the time I played it. It's that good. Shit gets your heart pumping at night too.
Didn't even know about the multiplayer for a while and when I found that, that was another tier fun to be had.
Can't think of too much bad. Loved almost everything about it. Concept was great, story concept was great, but the actual execution of the story was piss poor.
The grappling hook is fucking bizarrely shit.
The final fight is probably the most anticlimatic moment in gaming history.
gameplay is fine, but i didn't like the last mission of the base game and the story of both the base game and expansion are shit