So what the fuck went wrong with mighty no 9?

So what the fuck went wrong with mighty no 9?
Did the creator stole all the ones and ran away in a Ferrari?

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They had one fucking job and that was to make a megaman clone, and the retards couldn't even do that.

Who the fuck hasn't made a megaman clone at this point? How did Keiji fuck it up so hard?

>So what the fuck went wrong with mighty no 9?
he tried to lunch a whole franchise right out of the gate

They tried to do too much at once.
They tried to release it on fucking everything with shit features noone wanted but had to be included because of the stretch goals.
Look at Star citizen which is doing the same thing but at least slightly better.

He did the same thing he did with Legends 3.
Announced it, got a bunch of people to work on it, tried a prototype, and then left and never came back. He's always just had the producer role, never a director, and his talent pool at Capcom was deep to work with that he could pick anyone and they would deliver something fun. He can't do the same in the wild.

Inafune took the funds for a single game and tried to create a multimedia franchise with it before they even finished anything.

Too many promises unfullfilled. Hoping that Inti Creates takes over the rights to the series and makes M9 how it was supposed to be. Beck and co's appearances in Mighty Gunvolt and Burst are proof that you can do it fine without needless bullshit.

This. The game isn't awful, it's just definitely not zOMG GOTYAY, but he was basically lashing out at Capcom for neglecting Megaman as a property but somehow forgot that people had almost 30 years of attachment to the character and weren't going to transfer all of that love to a clone on the strength of his name alone, especially if they didn't knock it out of the park on the first try.

11 isn't all that great either, but people still feel butthurt about buying into MN9's KS hype and putting stupid money into it

Tried to launch a franchise from scratch, while letting anybody with a resume onto the project with no vetting or portfolio checking.

A mismanaged mess staffed by incompetents.

>people had almost 30 years of attachment to the character and weren't going to transfer all of that love to a clone on the strength of his name alone
Which is hilarious because their votes showed that they tried to do just that to themselves. Thanks for voting for notRoll when you could have had something different.

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>So what the fuck went wrong with mighty no 9?
Inafune is a businessman, not a game developer.

That's pretty much the biggest problem right there. Everybody treated him as "the father of Mega Man" and so assumed he headed development of the games themselves. Even with the misunderstanding corrected, people saw that he lead some of the games and assumed that he had the management expertise to put together a similar game. Obviously, he didn't. What he did have was marketing experience and character designs, which was enough to get people interested but not enough to actually produce the game.

The other problem is that Inafune apparently was familiar with how Capcom might develop games, and not what an indie studio would need to do the same. He got the initial funding to start production of the game, then he looked for additional funding to continue production. Unfortunately, Kickstarter and indie production is not like the big leagues. People who backed MNo.9 wanted MNo.9, they didn't want a cartoon or another completely different game. In fact, that worried and annoyed most backers. Inafune probably just thought that completing one project with the funding of the next would work - and it probably would've - but didn't have plans for if the second round of funding didn't happen.

As for the game itself, Inticreates started on the game but funding clearly dried up at some point. They probably needed to rush and put together the game before it was fully complete and put it out because everybody was getting pissed. It would certainly explain a lot of the design decisions. The other aspects are probably some Inafune meddling (Make it 3D! Add cutscenes!) but there are a number of just odd decisions. Not sure why there are traps at the bottom of blind drops, for example.

Of course notRoll is going to win, Roll has more fanart than every other Megaman character combined.

Which just proves my statement. For all that talk about how they weren't going to switch their attachment from Megaman to a washed out clone of Megaman, ha. Nice rhetoric, but try pulling the wool over the eyes over someone else.

I didn't dislike Mighty No. 9. I enjoyed most of the stages and bosses, overall had a good time. It pisses me off that the Legends game never happened, but it got an OVA or some shit made.

Mega Man 11 was awesome. All I fucking want is a new Legends, or even a remake that makes it control better.

Can you post the other Call designs?

>It pisses me off that the Legends game never happened, but it got an OVA or some shit made.
Given how MNo.9 turned out, Red Ash was going to be hot garbage. Hell, they made a "demo" of Red Ash, and it was literally just the MNo.9 character models in a hallway with some cans to kick.

Do you really think they'd replicate the great characters from MML with the way the cast acted like in MNo.9? The video recording of the MML3 demo had more personality than the entire MNo.9 game.

I like to think that Iga is secretly laughing at Inafune.

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I was dumb enough to back this game which took forever to get to my home. I have yet tp beat it, it's incredibly boring. The "difficulty" comes from badly designed levels, there's like two weapons that completely break the game, it runs and looks like garbage. I have yet to beat it and I doubt I ever will.

Ben Judd.

2.5D was a mistake

>but somehow forgot that people had almost 30 years of attachment to the character and weren't going to transfer all of that love
did you forget all of the sappy "passing the torch" fan comics that people were shitting out? People were ready and willing to. The problem was that the game was a broken mess with piss poor frame rates, terrible VO (and not in a fun way), god-awful graphics that didn't replicate the are direction, and boring and uninspired level design that never took advantage of the actual mechanics. It wasn't even a tall order to fill because there is a wealth of MM games to learn from. The problem was that the devs that Inafune handed the game to were fucking incompetent and didn't even know the first thing about making a game at its most basic level and it resulted in all of that money getting pissed into the toilet as the project got passed around, scrapped, restarted, and struggled with. I've seen first year students put together more well made games than that. The worst part is that while Inafune himself wasn't one of the devs responsible for shitting that out, he still bears the responsibility of not even bothering to manage his own fucking project. He found a dev and then just passed it all off to them instead of bothering to check in on them or take control. He just left them to their own devices while he was busy playing "idea guy" with the multiple other KS projects he started up. It's like handing your kid to a new babysitter and never bothering to check in through the whole night and your kid is now missing a limb and has brain damage because the sitter didn't know what they were doing and let the kid get into some shit.

The sad part is that Capcom straight up released Megaman 11 two years later and it was better than this thing that spent years on development

I want Inafune to sell the IP to someone who knows what to do with it. I liked the gameplay, but the cutscenes and the ending... "yikes."
Then again it's probably too tainted already; it would be better to just start over.

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He kinda gave it away for free when Into Creates made Mighty Gunvolt Burst. But I guess Level 5 owns it now and they'll never do anything with it.

Reminder that if MN9 was being made today, Deep Silver would turn it into a EGS exclusive like they did with Shenmue 3.

But Deep Silver didn't make MNo.9. Plus, that would mean I could actually ask for a refund for the game.

is this really true