The High school I Sub for is starting an e-sports extracurricular next year, similar to football and swimming...

The High school I Sub for is starting an e-sports extracurricular next year, similar to football and swimming. They bought 30 new gaming computers totaling in at $120,000. The games that are on the docket: League of Legends, Smite, and Rocket League.

My question is why the fuck do zoomers get it so good while we were fucked? I went to the same fucking high school and we didnt have much more than a spanish class and auto shop. God fucking damnit I hate my generation.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_New_Mexico)

>He never played Rome totalwar in history

>have to go in and change your keybinds every fucking time since they probably don't allow you to use your account.
sounds like hell man

Nah, I was talking to these kids all day. Only a tenth of them had ever even heard of League of Legends and not a single one of them has ever played it. If you wanted to train them in on it you would standardize their keybinds.

>League of Legends, Smite, and Rocket League.
MOBA trash and 1 decent game. They have shit taste overall

are you for real? what the fuck. huge waste of money.


2,000 x 30 = 120000

did they seriously buy ROG swifts for kids playing League of Legends?

I fucking hate this planet, I got in trouble for playing the shitty chess game that I made in computer science class, during computer science class.

No CSGO? man your high school sucks

>>My question is why the fuck do zoomers get it so good while we were fucked?
Adults seem to act like children with no dignity mostly these days, and it's getting progressively worse.

It's not for the fun of the game, user, they just want those school $$$$, and LoL has some of the biggest prize pools in esports.

>no fortnite
>forced to play shitty chinese-owned MOBA
take that, zoomers. heh.

That's 60,000 dingus

>League of Legends, Smite, and Rocket League.
>no Dota, no Starcraft BW (or even 2), no WC3
>just trash, trash, and trash

>League of Legends

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League is better than Dota, your bias doesn't account for taste or acceptable opinion

did you estimate the price, or did you hear the price?
because like with texas instruments and apple, there's usually contracts where the schools get DEEP discounts on the equipment, hoping that the students will stay in "the ecosystem" of their products

I heard the price. I heard that each computer was custom built and the glass panes on the sides of the computers were custom sandblasted with the school logo which total ran 4k, then counted the computers in the room. Fuck me they might even have extras.

Nice job doxing yourself, retard,_New_Mexico)

What the fuck? School is supposed to teach you practical skills, basic knowledge or even a trade. American schools truly are nothing more than a glorified daycare for spoiled and entitled little cunts. I hope this isn't a public high school, i'd be pissed if my taxes were used to buy toys just to keep little zoomie occupied.

Yeah but like, what's the point? What do you care? You going to blow up a shitty New Mexico high school and super l33t hackorz into the system because I posted a picture of some new computers on the blue board of a hungarian breadbaking discussion forum?

fuck i feel sorry for your IT dept.

learn what doxxing means and also stop being a retard


I'm not going to do anything. I just get pissed at people who don't practice good opsec

It's a public school. In fact, it's the only high school in town.

He was right.

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Sheeit time to get a degree in killing those fucking goombas

He clearly said it's an extracurricular activity, which is usually sports or performing arts. E-sports are somewhat more relevant these days.

I guess if you wanted to get all enable-y about it you could argue that e-sports trains precision teamwork.

They needed "gaming computers" for those specific games?

Pretty sure there's only a handful of subs that work at the school. And cameras could identify who entered the room right around the time that OP posted. More than enough info for tranny twitter to get a Yea Forums user fired. All I'm saying is don't be a retard.

>a computer lab is extravagant novelty for ameriburgers

How embarrassing.

How rich or poor is the neighbour hood the school is in?
Does this high school have the wonderful delight of multiple principals doing nothing all day?

Those are some big machines
For zoomers

They keep embezzling all the free money for new stadiums every few blocks. Here in the south it's practically mandated that every public school have its own stadium in all the rich(er) districts

dota is just for russia, starcraft is just for korea

and the average tax payer here is more than happy to fuck themselves in the ass for some FOOT BALLL while our infrastructure crumbles.

There's 57 subs for the high school alone that work daily, and the campus is the third largest in the country. There's also no active cameras anywhere but outside offices or the check in gate. But more importantly, it's just a thread about the clown world we live in, not about the school itself. I don't think it's worth anyone's time to go ruining my life because someone managed to zoom in on the side of one of those sand-blasted glass panes. Honestly, looking at it I can't even see anything but the big C, so nice detective work on finding out which one that was. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, just talk about something that blew my mind.

I get your point, but I'm sure it's fine.


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>grrrr it's not fair why does a different generation use different technology than i did almost a decade ago raaah and why do things change over time raaaaargh!!!

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OP's reaction is a prime example of a childish reaction though.

There's plenty of computer labs, but not any full of four thousand dollar gaming computers. Dont be obtuse.
The neighborhood is this weird split between these shitty slum houses adjacent to the school, then the richest people in town live on the hill just above it. We've also had 4 different principals in the past 2 years because they keep coming in trying to reinvent the wheel and pissing off all the people who have been there for 40 years, so they get death threats and leave.

I'm 100% glad I did swimming and football in school instead of fucking esports and I've played a metric fuckton of league.

Kids need to be forced to be active, at gun point if necessary.

>Always look forward, never look back
Well then you never learn anything, do you faggot?

Oh shit this is just like my old high school.
Yeah they are just being retarded or they are stealing money though taxes with fraud (saying the pc's are worth more than they are to get more money from tax payers or the state).
It could be worse user.

Here's the thing, if those figures are accurate then that much waste on those computers versus what they plan to run on them means they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Hopefully they hire somebody more competent to fire the person that greenlit that requisition there.

Im talking about crying like a baby saying "hurr I fucking hate this generation" because someone else had something you wanted. As a kid he cried to his mom that Billy had cooler toys, now he cries to Yea Forums.

>$4000 per computer to play league

Or maybe it is some kind of galaxy brain chess play on the district's part.

Smite has like 10k players and their esports scene is like fifteen people with like 300 viewers. I think it's more like you're a dumb faggot
>no timestamp
>no screenshots of emails or pics of papers, anything that would prove these computers will be used for gaymen
I hope you die.

I'd love to know how much they are paying to keep it running. Those computers are going to be full of viruses in no time and probably have hardware failures within 6 months

Well, how are normal tournament competitors for league chosen/formed? If you run a recruitment program like this at a high school, you could narrow down your star team to the secret sperg autismo players who can't change a lightbulb but can get a pentakill on Bard. Then you shove them into the big league tourney, give them a thousand a piece for winning, then pay the school $995,000 in funding.

shit bait

Lol what the hell

That's not how that works if they've got everything configured properly (they do)

I mean...

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how did they spend 4k per computer? you can get a 2080ti and i9 for like 2500 or less

I just wonder if they got them wholesale, like an already discounted rate. cause damn

>That's not how that works if they've got everything configured properly
Yeah I'm sure they got it all done properly and the computers won't be full of aids within a month. Inb4 they get ransomware and it infects the whole school network

Gayming keyboard and mouse for $500 and a gayming monitor for $1500

The schools have cloud based internet security. Certain sites are blocked based on keywords, and most sites that will slip in something nasty are probably on sites that are blocked anyways.

>turns on DoH

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Yeah I'm sure the protection is perfect, that's why ransomware has never infected the computers of a whole district or anything

Whoever started this is smart.
>spend 4k each on 30 computers for esports
>computer labs have $200 dell prebuilts from 2001
>esports doesn't work out and you have a new computer lab
>esports does work out and you give a sense of community to spergs
it's a win win, user! also steal one for yourself, replace the custom glass with standard glass for the case and say it's a coincidence those computers have the same specs as yours.

I don't believe you. There is no way a school would pay that much for computers. Let alone high end ones to play those kinds of games.

The cool thing about knowing for a fact crazy shit is going down is that nobody needs you to believe it. If it bothers you that much, call it a troll thread and be on your way. You'll forget about it in 30 minutes and it'll still be happening.

I think you severely underestimate the lengths one would go to to get you fired. The indifference you're trying to sell either means you're a retard unaware of consequences, or genuinely scared and trying to convince others that you're not worth the effort. As a father of two and an oldfag, I know for certain I would not want you to step within the same city, let alone the same school as children. I'll give you 48 hours to resign. It's your smartest play right now.

Low quality bait.

idk it sounds cool to me but

>The games that are on the docket: League of Legends, Smite, and Rocket League

fucking disgusting

>No mousepads

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Is this the new Swatting?
There are legit child fuckers running the country and old moneys freewheeling

Out of budget.

sensors are pretty good now, unless you're worried about scratching up some glossy underside.

As a regular fucking guy, I know for certain I would not want you to ever have a child, let alone two. Kill yourself faggot, the kiddos will be better off. Now take your fake edgelord shit out of the thread.

I actually forgot SMITE existed.
I haven't played since they overhauled the item system into those shitty trees.
Does anyone still play it, besides the chinese?

there's a group policy object for that

>L-low quality "bait" am I right guys?
Let's make it 24 hours
I'm not Superman user, I can only fight so many battles. If I had the chance to help those kids from those pedos I would, but today I get to put away a creep 4channer
>As a regular fucking virgin

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you have a moral obligation to change the background to pic related

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