2019 seems like a pretty good year for gaming, time to see what Yea Forums has to say about all of these great video ga-

2019 seems like a pretty good year for gaming, time to see what Yea Forums has to say about all of these great video ga-

since when did Yea Forums turn into a den of culture warriors that obsesses over identity politics

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since garner aget

Since cum.brain incel election tourists

>only 2 twitter screencaps

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>how DARE you talk about us ruining your video games, dumb goy? you should just ignore us while we do your thing, like reddit does!

whats the record?

Fuck off back to /pol/ retard

>2019 seems like a pretty good year for gaming
on WHAT fucking metric?
It's been nothing but disposable, forgottable shit, after another. AGAIN.

We are all (in the west, I mean) simultaneously losing our minds and a board dedicated to such a general, prevalent hobby provides ample opportunity for that illness to make itself seen


>Astral Chain
Just off the top of my head

why are you ranting about jews?

>how DARE you talk about us ruining your video games
Things that aren't happening for 500 alex

Only "okay". Extremely disappointing for a game that took 10y to make. Linear AF.
Casual AF Souls-clone #32, and already forgotten.
>Astral Chain
Not even out, ~7/10 reviews, and will be forgotten.

We had a small spark in 2017, but now it's back to status-quota.

All of these games except for Sekiro haven't really progressed the medium forward, or at least if they were released in 2015 you wouldn't be able to distinguish them.

Compare the progression between 2007 to 2013 and 2014 to 2019 and realize how much gaming has stagnated, with the same mechanics rehashed over and over again.

>it took 10 years to make
You're thinking of Boyhood.

Also kill yourself, shitposter.

>All of these games except for Sekiro haven't really progressed the medium forward
Wait what is this about "progressing the medium forward"? What a dumb metric for determining what a good game is.

2008-2013 were terrible years for gaming. You must be very young.

Go back to Retardera, faggot.

I've never been there, newfag.

What are your top three video games for 2019?

>Compare the progression between 2007 to 2013
...you mean the era of total fucking stagnation?
Everything's just been getting worse after Crysis.

>What are your top three video games for 2019?
Games from a decade ago. Unironically.

Of course you're to pussy to answer.

Also Crysis blew dicks, it was just pretty graphics you moron.

jap games are fucking great
EVEN if you dont like kingdom hearts the fans of the game love it

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>Of course you're to pussy to answer.
I gave you an honest answer.
Marathoned through DMC series as a whole, in release order, and it was amazing. Especially 3. 4-5 were quite weak in the grand scale of things.

>Crysis blew dicks, it was just pretty graphics
Way to prove two things:
1) you've not even played the game
2) you were not even alive in 2007.

The gameplay, interaction / physics, and yes - the graphics, all BTFO just about everything AAA made afterwards.

>2) you were not even alive in 2007.
I'm 29. 2007 had some great games but things went too shit afterward with terrible anti-consumer practices.
Crysis was never worth shit outside the visuals. You have TERRIBLE standards if you disagree.

Regarding DMC, 5 lacked the highs of 3, but also lacked the lows- far better boss battles to. You probably hated DMC1, tasteless user.

How old are you? Why not list those three games you big fucking pussy? Or are you going to tell me to go back to retardera again?

>2007 had some great games but things went too shit afterward with terrible anti-consumer practices.
...which is pretty much EXACTLY what I said earlier. It just did not stop at 2013; it's still ongoing.

>You probably hated DMC1
Nice assumptions, boi. It is still my very favorite game, and was the only one I'd fully finished before this marathon.

>How old are you?

>Why not list those three games you big fucking pussy?
DMC1, 3, Deep Rock Galactic.

Physically 32. Mentally 2 to 3. Go back to retardera to be among your kind.

I give you 1 out of 10 for an attempt.
This is why I hate 2010's cancer-gen secondaries.

>more assumptions
Hey dont dish em out if you cant take em, you fat piece of shit manchild. Now go back to your tranny discord.

You kids and your silly fiddlesticks...
I bet you don't even know what "TS" is.

I was playing games before you were born, roleplayer

Aha! A logical error has been detected!
Congratulations, you lose!

t. underage user

the sexual tension is palpable

I'm not into children, sorry

Sure you are, user-kun.
Sure. You. Are. :3

They post threads thinking they'll find like minded NPCs they usually don't. Same faggots probably posting in restera. I hope they all commit suicide when trump kills it in 2020

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This is the crutch of things, we don't have any sense of balance anymore in the west. This is exactly where "clown world" comes from, we need a sense of unity instead of letting randoms on twitter dictate everything that happens.

There's a ton of games that have been announced or will be released next year. Bannerlord, Knights of Honor II, KSP2, Humankind looks interesting, maybe a new homeworld.

Is there a bingo card for all these buzzwords?

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This thread's going well.

>since when did Yea Forums turn into a den of culture warriors that obsesses over identity politics
Since Yea Forums got infested with culture warriors that obsess over identity politics when the 2016 Election migration happened.
The site's just not been the same since, same with The Fappening, Gamergate and the Chanology report.

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nobody cares about your opinions


Why are Doom Eternal and TLOU2 even on the list when both haven't released yet?
Also this is the list for me because I'm not going to count games I haven't played.

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The more popular this site got the more it got infested by "bad" people.
>Why is Yea Forums bad?
Because just like how pedoera raids this place, poltards also raid this place.