

Attached: 1566762473001.jpg (879x755, 219K)

/pol/ face

What's a good hairstyle for someone who looks like that. Asking for a friend.

95% of Yea Forums in one picture

yeah i never understood why incels use the term females so much i mean if they are that butthurt wouldn't it be easier to just call them bitches

>YFW you're a 20/20 visionchad and not a glassesvirgin

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>these are the people that respond to your posts with soijak

Why do incels always say "females" instead of "women?" I have even seen them use the wods men and females in the same sentence.

Is there a way to separate true gamers from incels?

Attached: Incels.png (638x367, 323K)

Rosalina from Super Maryo Brothers.

Attached: rosalina.jpg (1080x1350, 443K)

Kek, why you are butthurt with the term female. It's not meant to be insulting. If it was, it would be made very clear. I mean, you're not even a real woman anyway.

Grow it out some and take care of it. Get a Timothee Chalamet thing going, it will bump anyone up by one or two points

>20/20 vision
Fuck god!

Attached: poppoppop.png (446x582, 481K)

Yeah, find out who's having fun and reacts reasonably to the world around him

I hate women

>The face of your average pirate

Eww, INTPs.

This is where my hair is now. Guess I'll try gelling it.

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not videogames

I hate SJWs. I hate /pol/.

Could you all fuckers get out of my VIDYAGAYM board?

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Attached: wtf head9.jpg (400x800, 87K)

stop projecting.

i guess i sort of fall into this, my right eye is actually better than the average human eye, but my left eye is complete dogshit

thinkin about getting a monocle

Fuck this site. I'm gonna go lose weight, have sex, and enjoy my videogames on my free time. Give a 3 day head start.

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I am McLovin...

Spotted the incel