/pol/ face
What's a good hairstyle for someone who looks like that. Asking for a friend.
95% of Yea Forums in one picture
yeah i never understood why incels use the term females so much i mean if they are that butthurt wouldn't it be easier to just call them bitches
>YFW you're a 20/20 visionchad and not a glassesvirgin
>these are the people that respond to your posts with soijak
Why do incels always say "females" instead of "women?" I have even seen them use the wods men and females in the same sentence.
Is there a way to separate true gamers from incels?
Rosalina from Super Maryo Brothers.
Kek, why you are butthurt with the term female. It's not meant to be insulting. If it was, it would be made very clear. I mean, you're not even a real woman anyway.
Grow it out some and take care of it. Get a Timothee Chalamet thing going, it will bump anyone up by one or two points
>20/20 vision
Fuck god!
Yeah, find out who's having fun and reacts reasonably to the world around him
I hate women
>The face of your average pirate
Eww, INTPs.
This is where my hair is now. Guess I'll try gelling it.
not videogames
I hate SJWs. I hate /pol/.
Could you all fuckers get out of my VIDYAGAYM board?
stop projecting.
i guess i sort of fall into this, my right eye is actually better than the average human eye, but my left eye is complete dogshit
thinkin about getting a monocle
Fuck this site. I'm gonna go lose weight, have sex, and enjoy my videogames on my free time. Give a 3 day head start.
I am McLovin...
Spotted the incel