

Attached: sflh7ioak6j31.png (1440x900, 3.6M)

Nice SOULLESS pic you got right there OP

Looks Soulful to me.

Is RTX enabled on this yet? I'm kinda tempted to try it


you were born the incorrect year.

What's the bridge?

shame the world doesnt gen like that

>campfire bridge



does anyone on Yea Forums still play 2b2t?

Attached: 2019-08-28_15.27.28.png (854x480, 440K)

i dont have autism so no


do I look like a wow classic player?

Attached: FLAOT1.png (985x911, 1.12M)

looks like shit

people were spamming this even when you actually could generate it in 1.12 via custom gen, which just proves nobody actually cares about FLAOT afterall.

Zoomers ruined this board.

You could always mod it in
You could always play old builds
The fact is that notch was always a hack who never delivered.

it was literally added in 1.12, you could customize world gen settings before generating and share configs easily. People remade FLAOT generation configs, and...nobody cared!
The feature was quietly removed a couple years later.

By my recollection newflaot and flaot were quite different to those privy to flaot. Might've just had something to do with how landgen was handled in old survival v infinite. From what I remember when I tried it, oldflaot had a very obvious "chunk of land sliced out and carved up" vs. "Tracts of land carved up." It's a subtle difference, but very noticable if you played a lot of classic survival flaot maps

Sorry bud, I can't hear you over the world boundary.

you can extend the boundary

I don't think we're talking about the same thing here.

Mod Api when?

Attached: 2016-04-11_20.28.00.png (1920x1053, 1.05M)

behaviour packs in bedrock are as good as you'll ever get

The fuck is that bridge made of?


Biomes o Plenty being implemented into vanilla when?

Why? I played in 2011/12. There is nothing special about that server other than it's big and no rules.

It's just fun to play on from time to time desu. walking through ruins and seeing what other players have left behind

Attached: 31a7ttqk7t2y.png (1920x1001, 522K)

extinguished campfires

Attached: 1562988362163.jpg (697x497, 257K)

That's so comfy.

There's something about these over detailed, cluttered, shader heavy builds/environments/screenshots I just hate. Why the fuck are there cobwebs and fence posts and plants from 6 different biomes all stuffed together? I'm tired of people thinking "busy as fuck" = good. The beauty in a game of nothing but blocks is its simplicity - that doesn't mean a dirt house - but it certainly doesn't mean this absolute shitnado of a picture. Trash.

Attached: 1556776696456.jpg (316x321, 32K)

i blame faggots like grian or mumbojumbo for stuff like this, even their "quick starter house" videos with tens of millions of views have advanced redstone contraptions and pointless texturing out of the ass. they literally cannot help themselves but to over complicate and cram in as much as they can to every single build they do and that's why probably 75% of most of their shit looks so plastic and manufactured when they're done building it

Anyone have the screenshots of a ridiculously modern-looking minecraft interior with shaders and high resolution textures? I swear when I first saw one of them I thought it was a particularly angular house in real life.

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 6K)

its popular so no

Attached: 1562008522550.jpg (564x845, 38K)

No I don't think it was using RTX. Just somebody's modded game. I recall it appearing in a thread the day RTX support was announced though.

Wait that's a picture in minecraft? Holy fuck i always thought that was some strange billionaire's pool

What is the best biome and why is it mesa?

Attached: badlands.jpg (720x419, 123K)

Hard to find, and it looks fuckin neato. Just wish there was more worthwhile loot in the gold mines is all.