Was he right to question God?

Was he right to question God?

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technically it's a third of a press, not a half. And that's a FACT.

No. TJ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi is an idiot.

You can't just say that without posting evidence to prove its a third of a press.

If you studied Pannens teachings you will find that a button input has 3 phases. The press, the hold and the release. During the entirety of his run the A input was on hold, so 1/3.

I still can't believe he got internet famous just for having his comment featured in a Pannen video.

>tfw that video basically ruined the Pannen's life, because everyone including his parents wants a sequel to it and he feels like he can't live up to expectations

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But it was already on hold before he entered the stage, so 1/2.

The hold is an interval, the actions are pressing and releasing

I'm getting real tired of explaining this shit to you
The game has no perceivable reaction to a release, the only components are push and hold

He wouldn't have gotten featured if it wasn't for the quotations, though.

what was the name of the vid again?

He already made a video after that which met expectations anyhow:

maybe, just maybe, we could get another commentated video if some big discovery comes out of the SM64 source code being dumped online

Was he right to oppose a God? That perhaps comes down to the individual. But the real question is, was TJ "Henry" Yoshi right in what he said?

If the game reacts to a hold then it also must react to a release, for without a release there can be no hold.

>No reaction to release
>No states but push and hold
What is "not pushed"

this is why i think henry is based imo

while that’s true it’s still called half a press because the release has no practical use in the abc challenge

>His parents.

Might be the single biggest blow to a young person's motivation ever.

"Hello son, been working on those funny mario videos again?"

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then what action does releasing the button do, user?
letting go of a climbable ceiling comes from it not being held, not specifically from it being released

That's really good but it's not as nuts as glitching an enemy just below a star so you can jump off it as you come out of 10 parallel universes

money bag jamboree

Even if an A press has a continuous state after the initial reaction ie mario jumping, that doesn't mean holding the button constitutes its own state. The button was not pressed halfway, it was depressed fully. The A button is a boolean operator that can only be "true" or "false." In this case, the operator would read "true." There was a full A press, even if the button was continuously held from a moment outside the regular segmented run.

THIS asshole is the reason why pannenkoek doesnt voice commentary anymore

the actual probelm is that he has unironic autism


In reality he was already known in the scene, the comment just propelled him into mainstream speedrunning fame

>waah I did something trascendental I hate it
I will never understand this

He was always right. "1/2 Press" was just terminology to describe the difference between pressing and holding A outside of the level vs pressing and holding A within the level.

If Pannen pressed and held A inside of the level, he would not be able to measure that as a "1/2 press" for the purposes of his challenge run no matter how hard he tried to meme about the phases of an A press.
No it's pretty much just that Pannen is a fragile autist, and had to be in order to make such a video in the first place.

The real appeal of the watch for rolling rocks video was the fact that it was some dude explaining all of these mathematical equations and physics based bugs for over 20 minutes to accomplish an objectively autistic task in a video game that you could solve easily if you just press the A button when you needed to.


The term "half A-press" was only ever used to differentiate between the different states read by the game. The physical A-button is indeed pressed, but in the games logic this only sets 2 of the 3 possible variables to true(pressed and held) until the button is released, and since the difference is meaningful in this game, there needed to be a term to easily distinguish the actions as different. The term was never intended to be read literally as pressing the button halfway, which is why it needed to be explained further in the video in the first place. Honestly, the confusion only exists because of the admittedly vague wording of "half A-press" without context, but simply hearing the explanation one time will make it apparent what it's true meaning is.

it's called 1/2 because releasing the button doesn't actually provide any in-game effects. Only pressing and holding do.

Is Mario now canonically considered the fastest and strongest Nintendo character?

why is there no mating press parody yet?

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I'm irrationally annoyed that the video of some guy hitting a block in paper mario for hundreds of years to crash the game got more attention than the pannenkoek video it was obviously trying to copy. Pannen's wasn't trying to be absurd, it was just showing that a solution to an apparently simple challenge requires an extremely complex and convoluted method, with the hilarity being the massive gap in expectation. the block guy's video is just "look at how big this number is".

He's too much of a perfectionist, he overestimates how much effort he has to put in to have people enjoy his content. Technical breakdowns with funny little comments like "Scuttlebug jamboree" here and there is all that people want. Sure, the T.J. "Henry" Yoshi feud was gold, but that kind of lightning doesn't need to strike twice. He was so afraid of not reaching that high water mark ever again that he relegated all his new, non-commentated content to an alternate channel, and people STILL watch it. He's selling himself short by avoiding his fame.

Buttons are digital, they're either on or off. You can't say they're "being pressed" or "being released".

He could have simply called it "held A press" and that would have been it.

The side of the story that the government doesn't want you to know

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Pannen just explained it poorly.
When he details that an A-button press has three parts, he's only explaining what happens when the A button is pressed or held.
In the context of an A press run, 0/0.5/1 A-presses doesn't refer to how the button is pressed at all. It relates to the context of the level being ran.
Watch For Rolling Rocks requires that the A-button be held to do the kicks. In a full run, the held A-button is held from an earlier A-press, and so it incurs no extra presses.
In a single-level run, the A-button must be pressed (and held) to perform those kicks.
Watch for Rolling Rocks incurs:
>Full run: 0 A-presses
>Single-level: 1 A-press
Since the total A-presses can be either depending on context, the level is said to incur "0.5" A-presses for simplicity.

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>ruined his life
bruh he was already a nutcase
someone post the pencil dating collection

is sleeping also 1/2 your life because you are either sleeping or awake?
study the message of pannen again

confirmed not him

>people still don't understand that half a presses exist only as a notation

Watch Out For Rolling Rocks (x0.5 A press) (w/ commentary)

That was off the top of my head so probably wrong

Yes, because it turns out none of that shit can be done on an N64 and it can only be done in emulators

Half an A press is a stupid term. To press a button is to push it, not push and release.

you can if you lock the camera

Strider7x is cool, dude. He was doing videos of paper mario even way before the Half A-press video released.

If releasing the button doesn't cause any in-game effects, why does he keep it held down in the first place you dingus.

Pretty sure Panne proofs all his stuff with TASing on a real modded N64

On that note, is that actually the legit code? Not some re-written, repurposed code made to look and run like the original? I didn't had the time to look it yet.

because holding it down DOES provide benefits, like kicks.

Analog buttons can have a shift in magnitude, but that's niether here nor there

I watched his videos for the explanation. I don't want a video uncommented because I don't udnerstand half of what he's doing, and that's why that video is so famous. He goes on explaining how it functions what he is doing tearing down his explanations to normie level of understandings AND on top of that, for someone who grew up with SM64, they are actually interesting.

Autism, plain and simple

A digital button can have 4 representitive states user
neutral > being depressed > depressed > being released

Dont blame Stryder

Pannen is not God, but his BASED messenger.

I know his original Watch for Rolling Rocks video didn't actually work on the original hardware for some technical reason, though it worked on the Wii U VC. But I believe he since found another route that allows it to be done on original hardware.

Ok now you're baiting.

It's an arbitrary definition used to suit the purpose of his explination. A half A press by any other name is just as held.

Those are all representable states in code, sorry you're a brainlet

>the SM64 source code being dumped online
Fill me in.
First time I hear about that.

Not even God is beyond criticism.

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At last, the devil returns to the Lord's side.

It's pretty fucking obvious what he's doing especially with the end bit showing the Shy Guy placement manipulation, the only part that isn't readily apparent is the building up speed parts but if you watched his documentary (as anyone watching his videos would have) then you know.

The fact he didn't say a word through it and got the point entirely through show don't tell makes it a worthy successor in my opinion

Real shame he turned away from the meme instead of going with it.

He could have been big if he just relaxed and kept it going. But he backed out.

Its sad cause it was generally an entertaining video. I would have watched more of them if he kept making them.

I wonder if he hates it when he watches a random video and suddenly there is a PU meme thrown in there

Yes, in code. Some of those functions lacks in a Nintendo 64 controller.
The controller in question can only make use of 2 states, which are pressed and released. On further note, SM64 makes use of the "hold" position which makes Mario behave differently in situation whereas the same button (A, in this case) would not be pressed.
Don't try to make yourself appear galaxy brained if you don't even know what you're talking about.
Also you described "being depressed > depressed" as if the controller had any analog buttons, or you misstyped.

No I didn't mistype
Being depressed is capturing that the player has pressed the A button
Depressed is checking that the A button is still down.

Sure you could let go fo the A button again and press it before the next tick and it would still work but good luck beating the tick speed.

You need to understand that is pretty obvious for us who follows Pannen but try to make a newbie person look at any of his uncommented video and he wouldn't understand.

Replying to myself:

He didn't name it

Being depressed is the button that has returned to his neutral state. The use of that information it's up to the game itself and certainly not to the button.
Therefore a digital button can have only 2 states, Mario makes use of those states by emulating an extra one which is the "hold" state, as I previously mentioned.

>Abandoning Rachel just because of peer pressure

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Yeah so it can have 4 states at no point did I say the states were physical, hence why I said 'representitive' in the first place.

You do know what "decompilation" means?
It's the legit code, just with bogus names and obviously not abiding by the original style guidelines.

He was so right that he made Pannen STFU forever. Based Henry asserting dominance


i bett 1000 bucks the the engine checks if a button is released on frame.

I was almost certain he released the button. If he didn't, by his own definition you might be right.

yes but a button can be pressed after he was not pressed or vice versa. Yes you can break down every logical statement to a bunch of booleans but that's pedantic and in the logoc of the game Engine there are 3 possible states a button input can have, or possibly even more. But there are 3 points at which a check happens if a button was pressed before.

Ok then we finally agree, glad we could resolve this in a civic manner.

If he was going to redefine what an A press is why didn’t he say he did it in 0 A presses? Pannen is an autistic fraud

Here's the code if someone want it:


i'll still not forget that people unironically made porn of his avatar

try playing a game without ever releasing the button

>is sleeping also 1/2 your life because you are either sleeping or awake?

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Is that Godot Yoshi? Godoshi?

Today I will remind them what a ridiculous autist Pannen is.

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>So I have to make all videos very carefully because any mistakes would haunt me for at least six months

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>doesn't want to spend time making memed videos
Literally nothing wrong with this

The ones I've posted so far are just the warmup. Now we get into the real autism.

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It wasn't the response he was looking for after putting in months of effort into this. He was completely serious about this but the general response was laughter and memes. Of course he doesn't want to continue doing these sort of videos.

One more after this.

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Last one, and the longest one. This is where he talks about his family asking him about his channel.

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what budget, if he meant the mic and editing software then i get that but how would that mean he has no budget for future videos

he really is autistic, most people would kill for the chance to make videos about stuff they're passionate about whilst getting millions of views

just make the damn videos dude

>And the fact that people then took my video basically just used it to make jokes and memes about it really didn't sit well with me. The result was that it all really got to me, damaged my psyche, and left me in a weakened emotional state.
he's mad about the memes

second post is a fact

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