What are the remaining must-have titles of the year?
So far, I’ve got these one on my list:
- Astral Chain
- Daemon X Machina
- Blasphemous
- Link’s Awakening
- The Surge 2
- Death Stranding
- Doom Eternal
Anything else?
What are the remaining must-have titles of the year?
So far, I’ve got these one on my list:
- Astral Chain
- Daemon X Machina
- Blasphemous
- Link’s Awakening
- The Surge 2
- Death Stranding
- Doom Eternal
Anything else?
Pokemon Sword/Shield unless you're an entitled manchild
You're not an entitled manchild are you OP? If so is that way
Luigi's Mansion 3 looks pretty good, personal nitpicks aside
Hylics 2, Noita early access, Medievil Remastered, Sable, SK: King of Cards and UFO 50
Luigi's Mansion 3 is the one I'm most interested in by far
Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Dragon's Quest XI
Luigi's Mansion
And Ori looks gorgeous too.
I never played Luigi’s Mansion, what is its gameplay like? Platformer?
Pokemon looks kinda bad though
Ori got delayed to 2020
>what is its gameplay like?
mario ghostbusters with puzzles
I assume they mean the Switch release of the first game.
I think he means Ori 1 on Switch, since 2 is vaporware at this point
>if you're not playing the upcoming pokemon game you belong on the pokemon board
This is your brain on corporate cock
I'm mainly looking into Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 3, and the new Mario and Sonic game
Luigi's Mansion games are essentially puzzle solving with ghost hunting and exploration added in
>must-have titles
>link's awakening
miss me with that funko pop shit
Also you forgot DQXI which is the biggest must have this year imo
>no Luigi's Mansion
You're missing the best, user
>Must have
Only Doom Eternal and Astral Chain for me.
>Also you forgot DQXI which is the biggest must have this year imo
not if you already played it
is it a truly fun puzzle / exploration franchise or just meme shit like Captain Toad?
why not emulate the first one and find out?
>The surge 2
Don't know if I would call that I must have man. More like a "buy after you beat elden ring to death and it's on sale for $10 in 2021"
It's not even an accurate remake? What's the point of buying this damn game?
First one is basic gameplay but good atmosphere, has lots of character.
Second one improved the gameplay but the structure took a hit by being more mission based, I like the more varied environments/mansions it had though
Third one looks to have the best of both worlds and keeps the character moments of the first two intact as well
were the extra falling floors too hard for modern audiences? what the fuck
Death Stranding
Code Vein
Are you referring to the three tiles in that image that don't have any cracks in them?
I was so excited for Code Vein... until I played the trial. Level design is very uninspired, combat has no weight and it runs like crap at least on base ps4
I imagine they altered it so it's more of a trap when you step on them or something
sad, guess I'm gonna be replaying Bloodborne or Dark Souls III
>must-have titles
>Daemn X Machina
what did he mean by this?
what makes you say its not a must have?
>$60 for a tile-for-tile remake of a fucking 25 year old game boy game
what makes you say it is?
>Funko Link
Pretty much my list too. Maybe Borderlands 3 depending on word of mouth.
the trailers, all the gameplay they have shown, the demo, it all looks good
I thought you werent gonna be a smartass and actually say something
it’s gonna have so fucking much dlc that I already decided to wait for the inevitable GotY-like edition in a year
no, i was genuinely curious. thanks for being so hostile over a very simple question though. as for yours, i played the demo and it just failed to hook me. performance issues, gameplay feeling barebones, etc.
Nioh 2
Is it still coming 2019? It’s looking like an early 2020 title to me
probably not but here's hoping
You are the one who answered a question with a question, if anyone started it , it was you
Ciconia When They Cry
I'm getting
Dragon Quest XI
Astral Chain
Digimon Cyber Slut
Link's Awakening
thanks for your input user, but i thought we were past the schoolyard "he started it" mentality.
>Duuuuh, is luigi a playable character?
>DUUUUUH why is water wet
Christ, do your own research.
Youtube it or something fuck tard
>100% going to play
Luigi's Mansion 3
Doom Eternal
Hollow Knight: Silksong (if it even comes out this year)
Daemon X Machina
Astral Chain
Funko Zelda
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
god i hope it does, but i think we're better off assuming it'll be a 2020 release at this point.
its true. They all hate pokemon.
Im sorry I dont measure to your standarts of etiquette, user
But Im not gonna answer you nicely , if you start a discussion with a pasive aggresive remark
you sure are saying a whole lot of nothing, user.
What's passive aggressive about asking what makes a game a must buy? I think you need to take a break.
I have a feeling in my balls that it’ll be a December game