What are the remaining must-have titles of the year?

What are the remaining must-have titles of the year?

So far, I’ve got these one on my list:

- Astral Chain
- Daemon X Machina
- Blasphemous
- Link’s Awakening
- The Surge 2
- Death Stranding
- Doom Eternal

Anything else?

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Pokemon Sword/Shield unless you're an entitled manchild

You're not an entitled manchild are you OP? If so is that way

Luigi's Mansion 3 looks pretty good, personal nitpicks aside
Hylics 2, Noita early access, Medievil Remastered, Sable, SK: King of Cards and UFO 50

Luigi's Mansion 3 is the one I'm most interested in by far

Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Dragon's Quest XI
Luigi's Mansion
And Ori looks gorgeous too.

I never played Luigi’s Mansion, what is its gameplay like? Platformer?

Pokemon looks kinda bad though

Ori got delayed to 2020

>what is its gameplay like?
mario ghostbusters with puzzles

I assume they mean the Switch release of the first game.

I think he means Ori 1 on Switch, since 2 is vaporware at this point