Phoenix Wright VA accused of racism and predator


All it takes is a single Tweet and your life is potentially ruined. What has happened to America

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literal modern witch hunts

The similarity is unnerving.

>Proof???? Fuck you!!

The only people who I will believe are pedophile abusers without any conclusive proof are billionaire "financiers" and their mouthpieces/gimps

Exile from the court of public opinion and your job is identical to being burned alive?

>I'm not providing any proof

You might as well just kill yourself after shit like this happens because your life is pretty much over.

How ironic

>literally get blacklisted from your life's profession because someone doesn't like you
arguably worse. what's the point in continuing to live?

>kill yourself
>not kill your accusers

Alright, what's the plot this time?

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I guess if you're a pussy, sure.
Being burnt alive is worse. In fact, if I gave you the option of both, I guarantee you wouldn't choose being burned alive.

>Night in the woods
>now this
did Projared bring out the freaks?

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yet another Twitter screencap thread of a literal who.
can all the wannabe females leave?

Do you know what a metaphor is?

Is Gamergate 2.0 upon us?

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So you've fallen victim to the #MeToo epidemic, Wright?

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>dudes just trust me
is this guy a smash leak or something lmao

I can't wait until there's laws against this shit. Just to watch the tranny tears flow on CNN as a false accuser gets taken away to Tyrone's Butthole Rehab Clinic.

desu the western industry kinda had it coming, hope this makes them learn something at least

What does the VA for phoenix wright have to do with the western industry learning something.

god I wish that were me.

There already are slander and libel laws, people just aren't filing lawsuits for reasons beyond me except the Vegeta guy and man that whole house of cards came crumbling down fast.

Yeah but do you have any proof that he's innocent either?
Didn't think so.

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It's the english voice from localizations

>Allegations = evidence
I'm thinking folks should bombard them with false accusations to muddle the water

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If any of these people were seriously concerned they would be going to the police, not Twitter.

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan was an absolutely horrible decision and the standard of "actual malice" should be significantly lowered

patriarchal supremacists on suicide watch

facts and proofs are sexist, FACT. they're literally the core of the patriarchal male systems created to keep males on top and keep people without skill and ability and logic on the bottom

>Calling a friend of mine the N word


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>go to imdb
>last gig was 2007 (apollo justice)

probably true but he's a nobody so who gives a fuck

hasn't Jared JUST btfo these type of faggots, and they're STILL at it? I wish with all my heart these fucking assholes get some good fucking justice served to them.

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>Believing a word Dina says

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Good, more western devs and white faggots should start having their lives ruined.
I love this shit, keep it coming.

>Indelible in the equilibrium was the OBJECTION

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sam riegel is phoenix's va you retards

How do you solve this modern witch hunt problem?

>amazon wishlist in bio
>patreon pinned on Twitter
>no proof
Not believing this for a second, I was already stupid enough to fall for the ProJared "scandal", I ain't getting fooled twice.

innocent until proven guilty.

the burden of proof is on the accuser.

I mean, You are clearly a child rapist. I can get about 40 people to back that up.

nigga we'd be on like 4.0 by now

Sub 60 IQ post

>pulling out his balls in public spaces
this is pretty tame. now pulling out his balls behind closed doors with just a few people would be pretty weird.

Does this come as a surprise to anyone? Nick is always surrounded by underage girls

Why so defensive? What do you have to hide?

Something gotta give with this shit soon.. right?

>Phoenix Wright VA
The guy with 3 lines?

Actually you can sue this tranny for false accusations.

I used to be skeptical about these things.
And then I remembered I live in California, and such a thing as Florida exists
Just today, I got honked at by some asshole in a truck, who sped off like an asshole, swerving between lanes, because fuck you that's why
>Read a recent story where some guy in Florida ran over and killed a guy because he thought he chucked a golf ball at his car
>It was in the middle of the night, and literally could have been some asshole kid

The world is full of stupid people, and especially when you get large amounts of people in a crowd, the propensity for stupidity exponentially increases
And big industries like video games, and being in a foreign country, brings up a whole new level of weird--people thinking they can get away from something because they think they're important or above the law.

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Fucking this. Game devs are usually in support of all this shit until it hits them.

Dude, have you even been paying attention to the Epstein shit?
Something twenty times bigger than GG and MeToo is floating right by us, all we have to do is pay attention and don't let it get memory-holed like many powerful people are hoping ends up happening

Seems to be a lot of these again lately. What's up?
Voidpoint devs reversing their decision?
Jared blowing the accusers out making others double down while they still can?

Wait, Mighty No. 9 Dina? REALLY? Holy fuck, what is with all the old problem hair wingtip glasses all coming out of the woodwork at once?

Penalize accusations that were PROVEN false.

>Phoenix Wright VA accused of racism
and fuck these cucks that try to ruin peoples lives because they said nigger once or whatever

>slander and libel laws
useless after the patriot act. we need a supreme court ruling to issue orders for false accusation-specific laws.

no one cares

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It's the Devil's Proof! I ain't got to explain shit

>Someone called?

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Projared was a dumbass that doesn't deserve any benefit of the doubt tho.Yes, you can't "cheat" on somebody if you're in a open relationship, but taking a girl's word that she's "18" is the most retarded thing a grown adult can do considering that women fucking lie to get in bars or be porn sluts like Traci Lords

Is this #metoo 2.0? Why the fuck were there suddenly 50 new accusations?

because the Queen zoe showed the way

Let it reach ludicrous levels so that the government steps in

Distractions from Epstein

the matrix is breaking down

The "witch hunt" which you keep dubbing it and comparing it to only stopped in the past when people with high status started to get effected by it only this time it won't stop there.

Women used to have the balls to go to clubs/bars, get "raped" and then ruin a man's life. Now that's too much trouble; they just type tasty #metoo pasta on twitter and trend.

Imagine trying to do this just after proJared was revealed as the good guy.

Thank fuck it's only Ben Judd, for a second i thought Sam Riegel was in trouble.

>people just aren't filing lawsuits for reasons beyond me
American slander and libel cases are deliberately designed to be hard to win, especially for anyone considered a public figure: you need to prove the claim is false and that the offending party knowingly spread a false claim with malicious intent. The rationale behind this is to make sure politicians can't just sue unfavorable news coverage into oblivion, in essence it's a protection of the first amendment.

This. At least tell the fucker with you Christ...

Why are white "males" so toxic and comically evil?

True but he said in the video he can't ask for id because that's asking them to dox themselves and it could be easily faked over a digital image anyway. Jared's dumb as fuck for trying to get nudes from fans though, since the type of fans that are willing to send you nudes tend to be very unstable people. Projared's a slimy guy, but he ain't a criminal, and if his abuse allegations are true, he isn't a cheater either.

>Asians are racist

No shit.

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Why hasn't she been blacklisted from the industry yet?

Because you won't ever get a job after that. No one is going to hire you because it's on public record that the SJWs are after you. You won't be able to find work, you'll be kicked out of your house, you won't even be allowed to have a bank account. The only way for you to live at that point is to immigrate to another country with very little internet access and live as a foreigner there .

I wish I could honestly cuntpunt every single one of these witchhunting faggots.

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I say we combat this by making fake accounts and #metoo'ing SJW slimeballs. Who's with me bros?

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Because that makes you a misogynist in an industry that blackballs them.

was he a male feminist liberal?
I need to know if I should care or not.

>hasn't she been blacklisted
HAHAHAHAHA, her cocoon of white knight and dumb apologists has become too strong and thick for that to happen

what the fuck is this
go back to twitter ma'am

The witches are doing the hunting this time

Three accusations in a week and they all Target men in videogame audio jobs... just saying.


>I'm not providing any proof
So brave. I believe you!!!

Of course it's the ones with profiles like this.

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Is it bad that my first reaction was relieved that you didn't mean Sam Riegel

If leftists could burn people alive based on an accusation and get away with it, do you think they wouldn't?


All of a sudden the foreign legion doesn't sound so bad.


>Another ugly woman saying that a man raped them without proof
Might be more believable if an attractive woman was the accuser.

10/10 post. They would kill everyone that disagrees with them if they could, like all Marxists do and like all Marxists are still doing today in North Korea, China, etc..
They have openly stated this so many times that you have to be a medically-diagnosed retard not to understand it as fact.

Kind of reminds me of this time I got accused of rape when I was in Highschool. Only difference is I definitely almost raped that girl.

100% this

Jared is one of them. Why does everyone forget this?

Will Jared speak against this? He will be redeemed if he did in my eyes

I don't think she's actually been relevant since 2015

Let me guess?
Male feminist?

I like the idea, but them they'll cry to HuffPo and Salon that
>waaaaaahhhh, alt-Right Nahzee incels are harrassing me!
And the cool wine aunt liberals who read such shitrags will drink it up.

Zoe has blackmail sextapes of everybody

These sad saps blindly believe everything being fed to them. The way he handled JonTron, for example, is exactly why he shouldn't be forgiven. Also remember all the times he acted "holier than thou"

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Precisely why I am armed to the teeth AND have firearm insurance and an attorney.

name ONE actor accused during the MeToo movement whose life was destroyed by a false accusation. The idea that false accusations ruin lives is actually untrue when it comes to powerful people. Their life continues on, they still make money, etc

I mean the radical ones will. Radical right has done the same. Being an idealist is a strong burden for the weak minded.

No, user, don't you see? If you use their tactics, you'll become just like them.


Someone needs to nuke twitter.

Projared, Jermey Soule, and now this guy. I don't care about any accusations anymore.

Apparently an anonymous list of abusers in the game industry dropped. Does anyone have a screenshot of it?

For some dumb ass reason, the public thinks you lawyering up to defend yourself absolutely means you're guilty and yiure trying to cover it up.

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Its funny how the more these come out the less I believe them.

Gas the Checkmarks

Max Landis

Airing this shit online before it's gone through some sort of legal system should have consequences.

You alt right fucks love false equivalence.

Imagine the world today if everyone with a blue checkmark just suddenly died. All of them.

It is an immediate indicator that the person is lying

Cool it with the antisemitism there buddy

I'm honestly shocked this hasn't happened yet on a scale big enough to go viral, it seems like the logical course of action to someone who's life is literally over because they got "canceled" on social media with no proof

The faggots that throw this shit up on Twitter do so because it's way easier than having to condemn a man in person. If they actually met the accused face-to-face and/or had to deal with the actual consequences of their actions I guarantee this shit would die overnight.

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gee you think?

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>when it comes to powerful people
Exactly, but it doesn't just stop at powerful people. It continues on to normal people who don't have expensive lawyers, a lot of money, and a lot of people willing to listen.

witch hunt has more than one definition, turbotard

It's because a lot of big names have had exactly that happen lately. Public opinion these days is being accused is the same as being guilty.

what sort of consequences? there are already laws surrounding libel and slander. are you saying people should be jailed for accusations?


powerful people are almost the ones who are victims or false accusations, though since they have the money.

For provably false accusations? Absolutely.

I believe it since it's an accusation about things done in public and not in a bedroom in some random hotel after consenting and deciding they didn't mean it 5 minutes later.

However, I don't give a fuck. Boo hoo someone said the n word, boo hoo someone pulled out his balls in public. Cry me a river, bitch boy, your fault for being such a little bitch that you command no respect from a washed up has-been.

For accusations they cannot prove, yes.

Slander and libel laws do nothing. Washington Post got off Scott free for publishing straight up slander about Nicholas Sandman (Covington Kids). They knew they were in the wrong, but they got away with it because of a legal loophole.

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Jailed? No. Paying damages to the accused? Abso-fucking-lutely. If you can't prove they did anything wrong, you should be paying them restitutions.

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That's already illegal. It would fall under obstruction of justice and/or filing a false police report. Then you have libel and slander laws that I mentioned. Very few accusations are provably false, anyway so unless you have phone texts of the accuser saying "brb gonna go falsely accuse someone of rape" or you have video evidence of you not with the accuser at the time of the alleged rape, how would you prove a false accusation?

The internet is just a modern day Salem.

What the fuck, has it been like three or dour acusations for video-games related people in the past two days alone?

Twitter's a sewer, it brings out the worst in humanity

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Can confirm it, got raped by Ben Judd in the summer of '92

The laws must be changed because in the times they were made the internet didn't exist. If you were to make false accusations against someone you did it and maybe 20 or 100 people would hear it, now you publish it online and thousands if not millions hear about it. It's not enough to simply fine the person making false accusations now.

Nice to see it's only been one day and people are already parroting Jared's video.

>I believe it since it's an accusation about things done in public
ProJared was accused of publicly harassing/assaulting a woman during a panel at E3. Everyone believed the accuser who said it happened live on stage. Except there was no panel, The whole thing was made up.

Not him, but unironically yes. If you publicly accuse someone of a crime without proof, you should unironically go to federal prison and get Bubba'd. Liars are the absolute fucking scum of the earth.

>The guy who worked on The Elder Scrolls music accused of sexual harassment
>The guy who worked on Night in the Woods accused of sexual harassment by Zoe Quinn
>Now this all within the last couple of days

Is there a group of women planning these all at once?

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What exactly is false equivalent about it?

Also the game dev Zoe Quinn accused yesterday

Kevin Nash is that you?

Then why do we have multiple proven through confession cases of people falsely imprisoned for 10+ years going all the way down to teenagers?

Have we really gotten to point where whenever I see something like this pop up I tend to not believe it because of how many times shot like this was proven false.

Wasn't it a dude?

>taking a girls word
You don't even know what the fuck your talking about, shut up nigger.

It's a vicious cycle: if someone retorts against these people, they'd be like "see, we told you that person x was a violent mysoginist/homophobe/transphobe/whatever" basically making them martyrs and fueling their cause.

atleast 10 years minimum if they can prove she lied about rape
False accusation from attention seeking women is getting out of hand


I have been saying that in a long, long time, i just wish it would shut down already.

>but taking a girl's word that she's "18" is the most retarded thing a grown adult can do
But taking a girls word that she was raped isn't?
and all that shit.
are you saying they lie about things and shouldn't be believed?

> it's a tranny/sjw/feminist accuses video game related people of rape episode

they're literally all in it for the money and bandwagon

this shit ruined junpei's/broly's voice actor
fucking women


I hope we can get to the point where everyone realizes that if the person truly has been assaulted, they’d take it to the police and not twitter.

OJ Simpson was acquitted because one of the key witnesses sold his testimony to the National Enquirer instead of taking it to the police. The "consequence" is that any legal case against the alleged rapist becomes that much more difficult to prosecute.

At least that's how it would go if they had actually been raped and were actually interested in prosecuting a rapist.

>Is there a group of women planning these all at once?
They're not planning it, they're one-upping each other. Oppression Olympics.


If you're willing to tell everyone in world that you're the victim of a horrible crime EXCEPT the police, then you don't deserve to be believed.

>the community manager who shit the bed on mighty number 9

On the bright Vic is probably gonna get a shit load of money from a lawsuit because of how the case is going.

I never seen a company be so unprofessional.

Of course user. They’re all doing it for money

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>Turnabout Night Walk
>Wright is contracted by one Mr. Ino Cent to clear his name in the murder Dind'u Nuffin
>But things take a turn for the worst when the judge, jury and prosecutor accuse him of being racist for siding with a white male

Congratulations on not having any reading comprehension. The user I was replying was specifically mentioning cases where the accusation is made online, not verifiably false accusations. Obviously, false accusations should fall under obstruction of justice provided they actually attempted to file charges and it can be proven to be false rather than just having a lack of evidence. But the idea that we should jail people for making public accusations is fucking retarded.

>and this wright, is why I don't talk to women

only this time the witches aka liberals and feminists are doing the hunting

They're joining in for attention. It's literally called #metoo.

Jared still has naked underage girls he willingly accepted regardless of the sender on his hard drive now.
>But taking a girls word that she was raped isn't?
give up a lost cause. Projared is not worth it.

>It would fall under obstruction of justice and/or filing a false police report
Oh please. Those are tiny offenses with insignificant punishments which get reduced further because they're women.
Meanwhile hundreds of men have had their lives ruined and have been jailed for decades for false accusations.

The only reason you guys get worked up about this shit is the same reason you get worked up about raising taxes on the rich: you think it'll happen to you, even though it clearly never will. Protip, women don't even know you exist you poor pitiless NEET.

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>But the idea that we should jail people for making public accusations is fucking retarded
no it isnt

Honest question, how do you get over the disgust for these people? Everything they say is in bad faith. Everything they do is some attempt to piss you off, like how am I supposed to "tolerate" them if all they do is pick fights?

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Typical nigger who swallowed the twitter pill and doesn't know what he's talking about

Without proof this is as baseless as that one girl who claimed she used to be an intern at GameFreak and got molested by Masuda.

>pulls balls out in public

How can one man be so based?

Reminds me of a certain event.

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"Women" oh the none binary failure of a man/woman doesn't know we exist? How can we possibly move on knowing this.
Try again.

Sensible chuckle

Milo Yiannopoulos

The same way I get over the disgust for everyone else (including this thread right now) doing the same shit: I ignore it and move on while praying for the inevitable civil war and its resulting death tolls.

It just kind of settles into a deep disdain on its own. Easy enough to ignore after that.

I kinda doubt that, because then a REAL investigation would happen, and then all of friends/family/co-workers would get interviews with the police to determine motive, hopefully come to the conclusion that they weren't as bad as the witch said, and end with that she brought it upon herself. All in the ideal situation of course.

>not verifiably false accusations.
People sure get arrested and found guilty for these "verifiably false accusations" frequently enough despite no proof existing besides word of mouth. And guess what? the way they are "verified false"? is when the cunt confesses years later that it was fake when the guy has been in jail for years. and she gets a slap on the wrist and told to go along now.

nah fuck that shit we need WW3

Only retards would take unsubstantiated rumors as fact. Like smash leaks.

Vic Mignogna

Yes it is. The justification that "it ruins lives" is bullshit, because a) very rarely do they actually ruin someone's life and b) plenty of things that can ruin lives are legal. Outing people as gay has ruined lives to the point that the person commits suicide, should we also make it illegal to out people and put them in jail? No. Should me make it a crime to out someone as gay or trans?

Let's not kid ourselves, he got off because the Jury was overwhelming majority black in a trial the defence made about race.

That's why these faggots post their shit to Twitter where they can hide their profiles and delete tweets from existence if they're fast enough

Brett Kavanaugh's family.

I mean, you could just ignore them. I wouldn't know about of 90% of this type of shit if I didn't see it in the Yea Forums catalog.

everyone should remember he's also the "Better than nothing" guy

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>just ignore grrl gaymers, they will go away
>just ignore gaming journalism, it'll go away
>just ignore trannies, they will go away

Being gay isn't a crime in the US. Rape is.
You can't just accuse someone of a crime you know they didn't commit.
If libel laws actually worked, and the public wasn't a bunch of blind sheep looking for the next person to take down, we wouldn't have this fucked up situation.

"Just ignoring them" is how this shit got so bad, compared to just a decade previously. This literally does nothing but let them continue these ridiculous tantrums on twitter and let's them know it's okay to act this way.

Currently. Ben Judd voiced him from 2005-2008
Aye, I about had a mini-heart attack.

>Being gay isn't a crime in the US. Rape is.
That really isn't a relevant distinction unless it goes to trial.

That happened?

Yup. An anonymous list dropped with big names and it's spiraled from there.

Of course it happened. Didn't you read the accusation? Masuda is silent because he's obviously guilty

>literally who is a still a literal who

Didn't this guy just fall off the face of the Earth because he could no longer monetize being an attention-seeker? When was he even accused?

Brett Kavanagh is still doing exactly what he was doing and making the same money he was right now as he was prior to any allegations, and he was still confirmed despite the allegations. So no.

dont care what you think
we need minimum 10 years in jail for you lying whores

Does E3 even have panels? It’s not a convention.

What do you want to do? Fight some internet war against people who want attention? Kill them?
>grrl gamers, gamings journalism, trannies, they will go away
They won't go away but they certainly won't affect me. My previous post applies to these as well. I have almost no interaction with any of these things except Yea Forums telling me about something one of them did.


Vic's case is about to get dismissed via an anti-SLAPP motion though, he's fucked.

The man who started it all. Harvey Weinstein.
All those bitches knew what they were doing.

Buggu in anusu

>it doesn't count because
wow, what a smart response

>they won't affect me
>they only censor some games
>it was small things anyway

Women are trash. Its time to end their existence.

They don't need to plan, they're a hivemind

Sure it is, Resetranny

>I'm not providing any proof

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Totally just a coincidence, guys.

There are times where ignoring shit is the best thing to do. This is not one of those times

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Make rape legal
that will shut them up.

Literally all you have to do is treat women with respect and you won't get #metoo'ed.

There hasn't been a single person accused that abided by this rule.

Jesus, feels like 2016/17

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>Kill them
I wish. But that's the thing, no one knows what to do besides vote with their wallets and that clearly hasn't worked either (up until VERY recently with Ion Fury). People are just tired of it and just doing whatever they can to see what might work. All in the name of not wanting to be ostracized for having the wrong opinion.
>Oh no I didn't play X because I don't identify with the singular tranny character that is the MC
>get witchhunted because you aren't inclusive enough
>corporate overlords get wind of it and raise your rent/mortgage

>Didn't this guy just fall off the face of the Earth because he could no longer monetize being an attention-seeker? When was he even accused?
Yeah, as far as I can remember his fifteen minutes of fame were over when he came out in favour of fucking young boys

Vic has literally no case

>All in the name of not wanting to be ostracized for having the wrong opinion.
Yeah, well, guess what, we tried not ostracising people for having the wrong opinion, and now we got Nazis.

>I'm not providing any proof
I'm actually surprised!

At least 4 different vidya related industry figures are being MeToo'd within the span of a week. There is no way this is not quarantined, but for what purpose? Who'll benefit from this?

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You literally provided zero examples, thanks for trying though.

Fuck off commie,

Why do Americans treat racism like its the ultimate evil? Apparently, you would be okay with rape compared to "racism". It's not even a consistent moral, because "racism" is suddenly cool when its against Europeans or blacks who go against the grain, or any non-leftists.

Like, is being meanspirited to brown people that bad for your western brains? How is it that a race that brought in a bunch of illegal slaves to do the work they won't do are evil, but these same people are okay with bringing illegal workers to do the work they don't do a leftists political position? Seems like your behavior hasn't truly changed. What a demented religious belief, you realize anti-racism is borderline pseudoscience?

Anita Sarkeesian.

The (((BBC))) already wrote an article about this and quoted her.

vic mcnuggets

Oh no we lost again!

typical retarded double nigger that will literally defend stupid ass losers to pwn the libs.

When I said what I said, I meant that we still shit on people's opinions, but that's ALL it is, and never more. Looking at the direction things are going, I fully expect your real daily life to start being affected by the things you say on the internet, especially your opinions on current political topics.

>pwn the libs

Libs already own themselves by being genetic retards where each events, they slowly push the sane outside of leftism and the greatest benefit to humanity is the realization that their objective wrong belief about the world can be genetically exterminated.

A rotten tree will always produce rotten apples, don't let it kill the forest.

I do wonder how Jared feels about his treatment of JonTron now that he's been on the end of an undeserved witch hunt himself. Going through an experience like this should really change your perspective on the world, the people in it, and especially the people you thought you were allied with.

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Can this happen to anyone or only someone very active on social media?

This is only a tiny part of the story, whole story is deleted and I don't have a picture of it:
>“A week later I came to his house and had sex with him
>It began with the first normal agreement we did it [and it was many times between winter and spring 2010]
>Then he started to get into strange things than that summer
>Apparently, his fetish included it, so I put it on the list.
>1. Bugs in private places such as anus
>2. Surprise rape
>3. Skeleton and slender, close to starving woman
>4. blood
>5. Women who take medicine Heroine and other hard drugs
>These are what I find easy to explain. There were many worse and nasty things I experienced
>Next 5 years. Almost everything was about sex to him”
Very high chance it's fake, though, as this post was made when the Dexit uproar was at its biggest.

>implying it worked with Ion Fury

Attached: epic win.png (539x814, 264K)

>Communism is genetic

Don't breed

>if I string together enough buzzwords in a row I'll sound intelligent
you'll be surprised to learn that it has the opposite effect actually.

Certain belief systems are often passed down from parent to child, so in a sense yes it is genetic, just not in a fully deterministic manner.

>treat women with respect
How far does your definition of respect go?
Getting pegged?

That too. Not helped by the fact that one of the prosecuting attorneys called him a nigger.

What did Jared persecute JonTron for? If it was for the comments he made on that Destiny debate, he definitely had it coming.

Well, it's not a decisive victory (they still donated to a tranny charity after all) but the fact that they reversed their plans due to a sudden change of reviews is unheard of. The amount of shitflinging opinionated journalists about the other day was unbelievable. I expect other devs/publishers to at least mention it in their board meetings when they are trying to decide on if they want to appeal to angry trannies.

She kind of has? Almost a decade developing video games, the result being a bad freeware RPG maker game and a kickstarter scam that she acknowledged wouldn't ever be released. Every serious company wouldn't touch her resume with a ten foot pole.

See this shit westerners? Maybe its time you stop tolerating anyone who thinks like this. Stop believing their stories and their narratives. Stop acting like "no no I also hate the Nazi", these people don't understand nuances and you lose the argument because you bought the narrative, and they definitely don't hate the Nazi because of any sane consistent reason. (Most are sympathetic to an ideology that murdered 100 million people). That's why "hating Nazi" is slowly become a good red flag to people who are dangerous to the continuance of human civilization. This entire situation is what happens when your entire society thinks that "hating Nazi" is some sort of acceptable serious belief. Sorry, but when all you fucking westerners are obsessed with wanting to cause violence and dehumanizing a defunct dead German political party from 70 years ago, like some religious nuts. (Let's face it, hating the Nazi is like hating Satan, Hitler is just the 21st century secular equivalent of Satan, and Nazi are the demons, it may be secular, but the zeal behind it is religious). Then we have a problem. When you religious nuts then apply that label to a bunch of people you politically disagree with, we have a problem. Unable to lack nuances, they wonder why slowly people are becoming less tolerant of their neurotic hate of a dead party. Someone like that cannot be a good person.

Kevin Spacey

>stating factual information is bad

Besides over 100 GB of milf/cougar pornography and Pirated Godzilla movies nothing

>sjws get vocal, devs change game
>faggots on Yea Forums get vocal, devs change game
sounds like they're just pandering to the current most vocal portion of their audience, which is nothing new or impressive.

But I literally did

Armando Vega Gil killed himself

Louis C.K.

>higher score
What the fuck is this article talking about? The culture war as a sport? Resetera will still be seething about the game eternally and never play it while the game is overwhelmingly positive on steam at this point. Does this nigga have a symbiotic butthurt relation with pedoera or something?

lets just pretend for a minute that you're not a fat disgusting pile of human flesh, but are instead attractive. you'd willingly be alone with Spacey?

The person accusing them is a tranny, I assume?

ProJared was a witchhunt based on allegations, JonTron got massive backlash based on things he was actually documented saying, they're different situations.

For reference, I don't think that the allegations against Vic Migneggnog are a witch hunt but I do think that saying "FUCK YOU I'M NOT GOING TO SHOW PROOF" as in OP image makes you look like a witch hunter, I still haven't forgotten A Rape On Campus.

Jared just released a video. Cancel culture is over

What factual information? JonTron got dragged because he didn't have any.

Evidence that he did it?

Obviously I understand there's a difference between explicitly saying sketchy shit and having false accusations thrown at you, but i'm talking more about the public reaction and Jared's place in it.
In Jared's video he laments on how so many people, both normal and famous, immediately dumpstered him and his career while laughing all the way. He was incredibly disheartened at how the public reacted, and the fact that literally nobody in the public sphere even attempted to reach out to him, hear his side of things, or give him a second chance. He was immediately condemned with no chance to speak his mind.
The exact same thing happened to Jon. Immediately shut down by everybody including his friends and never given a chance to course-correct. And Jared helped lead the charge against him.
I'm just wondering if he regrets his treatment of Jon now that he's suffered at the hands of the exact same outrage mob that he once personally engendered.

Nothing you said should cause you to stop being a skeptical person.

I took it as them pandering to whoever was putting down the most money. When they announced their decision, a LOT of people (compared to the size of the game at least) instantly got refunds if they were eligible. Additionally, one of the other games published by 3DR was getting a ton of shit about how they weren't going to buy the other game either (like 50% locked threads about it) so not only were they feeling the effects on their current game, but they were getting a taste of what was going to happen with their future game too.

At the end of the day, publishers will do anything to stay in your pockets but if the general audience can realize they have more power than they once thought, MAYBE things can change. Then mr sheckleburg will step in and donate $10M and say "make it anyway"

>Phoenix Wright va now has to defend himself in court
FUCK will twitch user stream it

Jews and women.

I guess if you'd used fewer words it would've been too obvious what a massive hypocrite you are, right?

>Apollo, Trucy, guys are alright. Ol’ Nick has to settle some “business” tonight. And this time, it’s not related to my profession. Make sure you stay inside. And keep the news on.

Attached: 5CA379E7-83C3-4502-B67C-8FD256AD0D53.jpg (256x258, 23K)

what's wrong with being a predator?
they seem pretty cool.

Attached: predator.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

>reading comprehension
They filed a motion, doesn't mean it will get approved. There are screencaps floating around of Monica and Jamie throwing accusations that have been denied by the people who allegedly made them (of which there are also caps floating around) and the fact is he was fired based on unsubstantiated allegations made by two of the defendants. Even if he doesn't win in the end, he most definitely has a case.

>I don't think that the allegations against Vic Migneggnog are a witch hunt
They literally went to conventions and studios to stop him from getting work. Isn't that pretty witch hunt-adjacent? Organized campaigning against someone and their ability to work?

>I'm not providing any proof
So they're admitting to being a liar, and yet people are still believing them?

kek spoken like a true 1L robot, god I hated law school so fucking much

The Legend of Mattress Girl

It happens because society let it happen. Twitter has more power than credible proof and people kneejerk react to absolutely everything they do not like, and there's a large portion of the population that does nothing but use Twitter every hour of every day specifically just for stuff like this

And he has since apologized for his mis-informed statement and vowed to never talk politics again. But nobody has ever let him live it down and he's forever condemned as some sort of evil white supremacist because he once stated information that turned out to be false. A stupid move on his part of course (not much stupider than Jared sending nudes to fans thinking it was a good idea) but not something he should be forever damned for.

>it's not a decisive victory
That's not a victory at all, user. They still censored fagbag, still donated money to trannies, and won't try to hurt their feeling in the future (which is not possible). Oh, and negative reviews based on their actions were removed.
Devs just learned that they can bend their knees and get fucked by trannies in the ass, while it will have minimum consequences as long as they'll throw a bone to their fanbase later.

gee i dunno maybe the fact he willingly submitted himself to treatment for his sexual proclivities (aka grabbing boy bulge)? Motherfuckers on this website can be dense as fuck anymore I swear.

Attached: subhuman video game 'journalists'.png (680x9229, 2.31M)

Sure is, was disappointed it wasn't Sam Reigal, that guy is so obnoxious

>Holding meetings in stripclubs
But most Japanese businessmen do this.

>and vowed to never talk politics again
Read: he hasn't changed his mind despite being proven wrong but he doesn't want to get BTFO again

If the allegations are sufficient with enough evidence, then I'd say its warranted. From what I understand, it wasn't all the con stuff that got him booted from Funi (since Vic's had a reputation as a con creep since the 2000's) but rather allegations that he sexually abused students back when he was a teacher, and Funimation has basically a zero-tolerance policy for that stuff.

>I'm not providing any proof

Attached: 1529903550901.png (142x340, 49K)

It was women's equality day on the 26th. I saw it trending on twitter. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I would guess they were feeling bold in recognition of the day.

Don't worry guys, based games journalists are on the case! They'll get to the bottom of this.

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Because the allegations are insults/harm to minorities and women; must be believed, wrongthink.

This is why this behavior hasn't extended to general murder accusations, alongside physical evidence, don't need that for the former.

Rocks for brains

Your gameplay experience will be literally unaltered and caring beyond that makes you an SJW

>Oh, and negative reviews based on their actions were removed
Oh yeah I just checked and had to jump through a hoop to be able to read them again. Guess we (as a playerbase) are still fucked!

>Phoenix Wright VA
Ace Attorney has voice acting?

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Unironic dystopia

He doesn't need to prove anything though? He's a victim, why would he lie about this, are you victim shaming people?
that's actually how they think, I'm not even exaggerating, just read some twitter comments

Sure, if that's the narrative you want to believe. Either way, he doesn't talk politics anymore. And rarely if ever even talked politics before the Destiny shit. So even if he believes something that's wrong, i'm pretty sure he's not going around secretly recruiting KKK members or whatever you're paranoid he might be doing. So why still give a shit?

And he deserves it for being such a retard as to put his personal politics in the public sphere, especially since he was spouting incorrect information. He should never have gotten into that disastrous debate with Destiny if he wasn't able to defend his political beliefs in a way that didn't make him look like a retarded racist.

Also Jared sending nudes to fans was a monumentally stupid and indefensible idea, *especially* if there's even a tiny possibility that those fans are underage.

This. White male redpill accelerationism
come home bros

You guys realise that these women are able to read this shit in the same places you did? It's pretty common for people to find the courage to come forward about these things in public once they see someone else do it. Is there any reason at all for you to speculate that it has to be planned, other than residual gamergate paranoia?

Did any of them feel as if their lives were in danger?

Yes, although minimally in the originals which he did. Ben Judd literally has five words as the character

New ones have anime cutscenes but Ben Judd is the old VA so it's just HOLD IT! and OBJECTION!

Guess that's what happens when you abuse the system.

>He should never have gotten into that disastrous debate with Destiny if he wasn't able to defend his political beliefs in a way that didn't make him look like a retarded racist
Why did JonTron even have a debate with Destiny to begin with? Jon was never a political speaker or activist of any kind, at least not that i've seen. It seems so arbitrary.

>rather allegations that he sexually abused students back when he was a teacher
That lady didn't even go to the school he was teaching at.

>(since Vic's had a reputation as a con creep since the 2000's)
What are you a woman or something?

The point is it is not the public's job to serve out justice and vengeance based on allegations, rumor, and gossip. If people have allegations they need to take them to the police and let it be hashed out in the justice system.

Then go to the cops.

They do when telling the story for sympathy

>I'm not providing any proof

Attached: winslow.jpg (600x794, 41K)

>d-doesn’t count!
Every time

good post
you aren't even sentient


Honestly seems some kind of DARPA staged event again to distract people from bigger events like Epstein etc.

Its much closer to what happened in the Soviet Union during stalin's purges.

First forged evidence and now this? We really are living in the Dark Age of the Law.

Two women involved are known to be unstable and twisters of truth. One of which is/was tied to Anita Sarkeesian.

On the contrary, they want to stop psychopaths from destroying their targets without facing consequences.

Because JonTron is a fucking moron and he was probably egged on by his alt-right "buddies" who gave him that wrong info

The only thing that matters is winning.

His initial statement and the fact he used it to come out as gay, that whole thing made it painfully obvious he did it

in the words of jeremy hambeast
>get woke go broke!

because he was forced to take the fucking treatment just so you assholes shut the fuck up.

Zoe "attention whore" Quinn making shit up because no one remembers her any more

My dick has more sentience than you, Nazi drone

lol. men's lives can be destroyed by just one vindictive cunt.

Fuck women.

I agree that it's not the public's job to act as a court, but Funimation and other employers do have the right to fire him and convention organizers do have the right to blacklist him.

Okay cool, now are there any ACTUAL reasons?

>Yeah, as far as I can remember his fifteen minutes of fame were over when he came out in favour of fucking young boys

You're only allowed to do that if you're a LEFT WING fag, like Takei.


They may not be able to win a case against him when it's her word against his over something that happened years ago. Does that mean it should be shoved under the rug? What would you do?

>I'm not providing any proof

Attached: coincidence.png (441x430, 204K)

Thats not sam riegal

>Exile from the court of public opinion and your job is identical to being burned alive?

Attached: 1509379110764s.jpg (1000x867, 72K)

I would go to the cops.

What Trump is doing to innnocent asylum seeking immigrants such as the 20 million asylum seekers living here now is a witch hunt

What would happen to the tacos???

Okay, the cops don't care. Now what?


If you don't contact the police after a crime, too bad. Can't decide to do it years later

>Yeah im gay but i can't even recognize who the fuck is him
yeah sure this is totally a confession that he did it.
damn you are fucking dumb kido.

The original guy who did the Objection, Hold It, and Take That for the original trilogy

Milo is independently wealthy though so I'm sure it's not a huge issue for him

Suck it up, I should've gotten evidence.

That would never happen. Cops are obligated to take rape claims very seriously.

>I don't think that the allegations against Vic Migneggnog are a witch hunt
The only people who are actually saying he did it are the ones currently trying to sue and that are calling up conventions to make sure he won't be able to get work, all the other victims they claim to know have come out and said "no he got permission to take this photo please stop spreading lies and stealing my photo"

Lol. "Here's my retarded lifeboat scenario. What now?"

Then it's your tough shit for not going to the cops when you should have

Okay, well, you're a bunch of cucks, but someone with a spine might actually want to let the world know that the dude ain't trustworthy

Cops literally are not obliged to solve every problem presented to them. Especially he says she says shit.

Yes, you can. That's what statute of limitations are for.

>be innocent
>not John Proctor that shit
>then turn around and claim innocence
>while more and more allegations are taken to court
>they're only dropped because of highly suspect circumstances that make the cases difficult or impossible to prosecute when they were previously sure things
none of that strikes you as suspicious? I'm down with innocent till proven guilty, but that doesn't mean I'm going into a room with Kevin Spacey. The odds are very much in favor that he grabs boy butt.

It's the Vic Mignogna situation all over again

>Milo is independently wealthy though

I don't blame you at all for not keeping up with him, though

the actual situation was pretty bizarre, dude knew Spacey was hitting on him and led him on, all while texting his girlfriend going "lol Kevin Spacey grabbed my dick", so Spacey isn't a rapist just very forward and handsy

Or somebody is lying.

1 Statute of limitations faggot
2 have the accuser pay every parties' court fees as restitution for wasting everyone's time

essentially yes even considering its a metaphor due to the fact that businesses will ban you from working unless its a shitty low wage job and this isn't even considering the harassment you will get. Salem was probably better since they kept it to some some literal who area but this is common in western nations.

Yeah, she's just lying but enjoy your bullshit fantasy.

Does he even work anymore? I thought he left Capcom ages ago.

Try it. Report something stolen years ago.

you just wanted a fucking target to destroy just so you don't feel so fucking miserable with your meaningless lives
and since he is a white man he is the perfect target for you psychopaths.

What does that have to do with my right to make an accusations years after the fact? The likelihood of a conviction is not relevant.


Any sane man who finds himself in a room with Zoe Quinn is going to 180 and nope the fuck out of there

Why, is he not? I thought he said something to that effect during The Triggering.

i don't really pay attention to any of /pol/'s useful idiots any more, that board lost what little amusement value it had after the election

Right, and you're still asking why she's not going to the cops?

Even if she has gone to the cops she might still want to get the word out because he's a threat to others.

Jontron went on an sargin of acod podcast thing and they talked about the sjw things and shared their opinions. Neofag and readit started posting about jon being racist. Destiny saw an opportunity and invited jon on. Jon agreed because he thought it would just be them sharing their opions like the sargin thing was.

That's what they did by bringing unsubstantiated allegations without evidence, falsehoods, and the fact that Funi did an investigation as a bludgeon in the public and directly to con organizers. Of course the organizers have the right to cover their asses when shown this but that doesn't mean it is right for the anti-vic campaigners and keyboard warriors to pull the shit they did and the big pushers of this will get their just desserts for it in Vic's lawsuit. Regardless I still don't understand your position. You think this situation can't be a witch hunt because you think it's found a witch? Do you not get why witch hunts are a bad thing?

If you don't want to be called out for your terrible actions, don't do them.

Louis'll be fine, his shit wasn't anywhere near as bad as the worst of them

Give it a few more years and people will be making jokes about it when he comes back to T.V.

>implying I'm "one of them
>whoever them is
I just told you I'm not trying to delete the man's career or throw him in jail. I just wouldn't trust him around my boy butt. He personally admitted to fondling boy butt without permission. Why would he do this "just to shut people up?" Are you Kevin Spacey?

If youve seen her then that means you've already raped her.

You need to learn what SLAPP means.

It's fucking retarded. If you choose not to report a crime don't start crying years later when chances of helping you are slim.

He's perpetually broke

So Destiny being an opportunistic faggot as usual? Figures.
Also Sargon's a retard so Jon's first mistake was associating with him.

You can’t actually prove that these allegations are false, though. That’s why libel cases against false accusers almost always fail.

>No evidence
You retard.

Attached: Esto es el fin Godot.png (648x360, 357K)

Using "literal" completely negates what a metaphor is ESLfag

Nobody on pol likes the lite-right. You are probably a readit faggot.

I think he went on a Sargon podcast and spouted some of his political views on twitter, Destiny offered to debate him and Jontron was retarded enough to take the bait.

>Witch Hunts 2: Electric Boogaloo
>"The witches are back... and this time, it's them doing the hunting."

Someone fund it

Attached: ahahahahahaha.png (188x197, 2K)

Holy fucking shit history is repeating itself

>Oh no, not Eric Vale!
Wait it wasn't him?

>Oh no, not Sam Riegel!
Wait, also not him?

>Oh no, not the intern who just screamed "Objection!" like once and never VA'd again!!!!
Why are we upset?

Because there's no evidence

>Oh no, not Sam Riegel!
meh, after he got Trump Derangment Syndrome he hasn't been the same, he even posted a "my woke 3 year old just said" at one point

If you wait to report ANYTHING until after any sort of statute of limitations come about, you only have yourself to blame. It's like laying down in front of a steamroller half a mile away and waiting until it's past you to act.

I don't think that anyone's denying that Destiny is a screeching opportunist, but it's also hard to deny that he made Jontron look like a complete fool. Jontron deserved everything that happened to him, it's one thing to have conservative beliefs, and it's another to have white-nationalist sympathies that are founded on incorrect information.

This, people need to understand the difference between allegations with insufficient evidence and actually false accusations. They are not the same thing. Good luck proving someone lied about being raped, it's even harder to prove than the rape itself, that's why so few women actually get punished for them.

Fuck evidence. Believe.

>Holding meetings in stripclubs

Attached: 1498088239357.jpg (1493x1600, 194K)

>I'm not providing any proof
Then the matter is settled.

Attached: no.jpg (1280x853, 93K)

This was back in 2017 and jon does not seem very smart politically.

Stupid virtue-signalling herbivore males try to up their cred by associating with her and are paid in the currency they deserve.

>I'm not one of them

It's commonly used by native speakers as an intensifier.

>Pulled his balls out in public and called someone a n***er
Sounds like he's pretty fun to hang out with at parties desu

>Jontron deserved everything that happened to him
More subs than ever and being more popular than ever?

>you only have yourself to blame
To blame? To blame for what? You're bitching that she's taking to twitter with her allegations.

>ESL calls me ESL
Another day on the internet.

I wonder skeletons this guy has in his closet.

So back to the original question then: you'd be in a room alone with Kevin Spacey as an attractive young male? Let's expand it even. Would you leave you teenage son alone with him?

Oh good, I'm glad he got accused then

Kinda hard to justify the idea that his reputation was destroyed then, isn't it?

It's shit like this that are the reason I'm getting out of education. I've dedicated my adult life to making sure kids get the absolute best future they can, through giving them a quality education. But as more and more women come forward with, frankly, false accusations because they changed their minds 10 years later, I could lose my job in a day. All it would take is for a student to say "He touched my leg" and I'd be out of a career, and probably hounded out of my town, cause I live in a small town.

They wouldn't need any evidence. I'd be fired the same day, "Until they got to the bottom of it", and by the time they realised it was all a lie, I'd be tarred and feathered.

It's sad what all these twitter whores are doing to modern society, cause I'm legitmately considering leaving my life passion because of how frequent rape accusations are becoming, with absolutely ZERO consequence for lying

>Good luck proving someone lied about being raped, it's even harder to prove than the rape itself, that's why so few women actually get punished for them.
Well that and it rarely happens in the first place

>not providing any proof
>expects me to believe her

Attached: 1551166692999.jpg (480x404, 45K)

>But as more and more women come forward with, frankly, false accusations because they changed their minds 10 years later, I could lose my job in a day.

>They wouldn't need any evidence. I'd be fired the same day,
A woman would actually have to willingly make contact with you for this to happen, though.

If the internet access was choice I'd legit gtfo to another country, fuck this mess

oh no not the n word :(

>itt a bunch of people with no background in debate and logic try to have logical debates about the Weinstein Effect
it's funny but i'm very concerned for our national future regardless. y'all mfers look like clowns tryna debate

Guess I'm taking Phoenix Wright off the backlog until I learn Japanese

>It's shit like this that are the reason I'm getting out of education
Not that I'm disagreeing with the wisdom of playing it safe, but THAT'S the reason you're going to stop pursuing a career in education? Not because you'd be paying tens of thousands to gain access to one of the worst paying and most chronically-underfunded career fields there is?

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Which VA is the current Phoenix Wright VA anyways? There is like 6 of them.

>I don't think that the allegations against Vic Migneggnog are a witch hunt
Look into it more, one of the women literally though he was a different person when she accused him.

>Funimation and other employers do have the right to fire him and convention organizers do have the right to blacklist him.

Their rights are not unlimited. There's a thing called tortious interference. Or if they make false public statements that affect his ability to get work.

>y'all mfers
Shut up and fuck off, twitter nigger

>news come out that Ron Toyes a wife beater

Attached: 1476125758606.jpg (525x421, 14K)

If you've got the evidence, file a civil suit.

Attached: PLvsPWAA_NA_boxart.png (1000x894, 1.11M)

It's only entertainment media people who have targets on their backs. Unless half of the faculty of where you are are danger haired lunatics, you should be safe. That and avoid being too kind to crazy girls.

I guess Trunks Wright from the anime dub would be the most recent.

Attached: 1518870890185.gif (498x356, 778K)

Sam Riegel

Because of the Fourteenth Amendment. Racism is treated differently from all other kinds of discrimination under the law.

Sam Riegel is the current game actor, not Judd
See this link for his list of VAs

There's no better time to be a NEET hermit than now

>white-nationalist sympathies
Yep, there's that word again.

Fourteenth Amendment was a mistake. I sure hope creating this 'equal' and 'compassionate' society is going to be fucking worth it.

Nah user, if these people want to trick themselves into peacing out of society and leaving the jobs they would have filled open for normal logical people, then by God let them be delusional. We don't want someone that retarded educating children.

What if you don't?

Ben Judd does the voiced lines for PW in the Japanese version as well. Fun fact, Godot is played by Hideki Kamiya.

The original argument had nothing to do with his reputation being destroyed. It had to do with ProJared leading a witch hunt against him and then suffering from the same bullshit years later.

I know male educators who will not be alone in a room with a female student specifically because they've been blackmailed for sex or worked with someone who was.

Just teach for an all-boys school, dude.

Can someone please shoot that cunt?

Is this the rare female to male tranny?


Attached: Running Joker 2.png (2064x2928, 314K)

People who are real sexual assault victims go to the police not twitter.

>I'm not providing any proof
>I'm not providing any proof
>I'm not providing any proof
>I'm not providing any proof
>I'm not providing any proof

Attached: wjbcV6L.png (504x398, 309K)

>"sensitivity training"

Attached: 59c9138a85600a38003b3bc0.jpg (1915x1273, 652K)

>Washington Post got off Scott free for publishing straight up slander about Nicholas Sandman (Covington Kids)

>we didn't report false facts
>we reported that some guy said false facts
>and because those false facts are his """"opinion"""" it's not slander :^)

that shit made my blood boil. fuck this country.

Reminder that none of this would have happened if Hitler won

Happy international women’s day

cancel culture

And then they get promptly laughed out of the police station because of the general attitude towards potential rape victims. Your point?

Shu Takami was the voice of Wright

lol retard

You really quoting from the website that's had it out for Vic from the start since it conveniently got everyone from noticing they themselves had creepy rapists in their offices

Attached: Eddy_RRFace20110725-22047-whgkfl.jpg (285x249, 9K)

>that shit made my blood boil. fuck this country.
It makes my blood boil as well, but also because after iy they're still blubbering about
>"waaaaah! Journalists are poor, persecuted truth-tellers! BELIEEEEEVE US!"

Why? Being a martyr would actually give her some REAL influence, let her live the rest of her life in irrelevance.

Except he was actually spouting white-nationalist talking points
>Mexican immigrants are trying to reclaim US states back for Mexico!
>Multiculturalism is unsustainable!
>Whites are being displaced in their own country!
>"White supremacist" is just a slur directed at people who just want to preserve the white majority!

Then you shouldn't expect the state to do a damm thing.

I mean if you feel like presenting your testimony and evidence directly to the people, and it's too weak to win a civil or criminal case, there's a very real risk of eating a civil lawsuit in return.

Ah yes, the general attitude towards rape victims on display where you are immediately believed and just the accusation will ruin people. That fucking attitude. It must be so hard to come to the police with that.

Kek nothing personal faggot

based chubby persian

If you have actual evidence, you can still file a civil suit.

Unironically worse. At least being burned alive means your suffering will end in a few minutes.

This is all true, what are you getting at?

Yeah I didn't think so. top kek

oh look, the gaslighting Marxist cocksucker comment farms are fully engaged today. Good job, speck. Earn that onions.

Move out of San Francisco then dude
Nobody in the regular world cares about this internet war shit.

>Then you shouldn't expect the state to do a damm thing.
So then you take to twitter.
>I mean if you feel like presenting your testimony and evidence directly to the people, and it's too weak to win a civil or criminal case, there's a very real risk of eating a civil lawsuit in return.
If he's guilty he probably wouldn't like the extra attention and scrutiny that comes with that. He might have to provide evidence that would otherwise have remained hidden.

Actually their defense was that they were incompetent and not acting out of malice. So incompetent that they couldn't even distinguish a refrigerator repairman from a ranger. Which is pretty fucking funny and a good thing to tell anyone who thinks they're a credible publication.

As a police officer yes I have to
Real victims are ashamed but honest
Lair have far too much bravo or crack extremely easily
People get real honest when they’re getting yelled at


>Jeremy Soule
>Phoenix Wright VA
>Night in the Woods game dev
All three accused of rape in one day, really gets the neurons firing.

So you accept that he was said white-nationalist talking points he brought up in his debate with Destiny, but you deny that he has white-nationalist sympathies?

>0.5 rubles have been deposited into your RT account

Not during the MeToo movement, but Bill Cosby

Reminder that if you criticize this at all then you're an MRA nazi incel goofygrapist.

You're arguing this in a discussion about someone getting BTFO over repeating those unsubstantiated talking points

>they get promptly laughed out of the police station because of the general attitude towards potential rape victims
That only happens to men.

>twitter is real life
get off the internet for a while you need a break.
>same thing happens in small claims court even if you have legitimate claims to press (for a CRIMINAL case btw)
>no one around you takes you seriously still
Okay now what?

So you are one

>Years ago
Statues of limitations
You waited too long faget.

>getting btfo
When did this happen? Because those 'talking points' were never proven wrong, sweetie.

>Mexican immigrants are trying to reclaim US states back for Mexico!
>Multiculturalism is unsustainable!
>Whites are being displaced in their own country!
>"White supremacist" is just a slur directed at people who just want to preserve the white majority!
What are you getting at

>it's also hard to deny that he made Jontron look like a complete fool
How so? Destiny invited him into what he believed would be a friendly conversation and then ambushed him with a serious political debate that Jon couldn't possibly have been prepared for.
Debate is a performance art before anything else and Destiny is really good at it despite how much of a cunt he is. His goal is to goad people into saying bad or misinformed shit and then capitalize on his opponent's error.
Obviously Jon is at fault for holding misinformed information to begin with, but let's not pretend that it wasn't Destiny's goal from the start to draw something stupid out of Jon for the sake of clout.
Well yeah, no doubt. He doesn't even know if the USA is a republic or a democracy. It's clear that he was ignorant on the subjects he touched on and the "racist" shit he said was probably fed to him by Sargon's idiots.
>Mexican immigrants are trying to reclaim US states back for Mexico!
Yeah, some of them probably are. Mexicans can be highly nationalistic.
>Multiculturalism is unsustainable!
This is generally correct and history shows that, at least under state enforcement and incentives.
>Whites are being displaced in their own country!
They literally are though. I don't even know if that's a good or a bad thing, or either. But whites are in fact decreasing in number.
>"White supremacist" is just a slur directed at people who just want to preserve the white majority!
Did he specifically say "white majority"? Because it is in fact true that people love throw "white nationalist" around like it's a synonym for "being white". He could just be pointing out how ridiculous and harmful it is that a highly-condemning phrase gets thrown around with abandon.

Where exactly does nobody believe you? Have you looked out your window? Have you ignored every high profile rape accusation?

Find a men's bathroom and dilate, tranny

They cant get Vic so they go after others. What a bunch of attention Niggers. Who fucking cares if he is a rapist,racist.murderer or pedo.

Let him do his fucking work in peace.

Attached: 1465494820241.jpg (640x480, 29K)

It can happen to anyone knock your bullshit off (admittedly it is like a 95% chance for a man to be idly dismissed tho).

That's my point.

Not fucking doubt this is a plan.

So then don't complain about being called a white nationalist

Just fucking name one recent case of a recent rape victim being fucking "Laughed out of the station" you tit.

>This is generally correct and history shows that, at least under state enforcement and incentives.

Even Germans admit multikulti was a failure.

What's the plan, genius?

>Mexican immigrants are trying to reclaim US states back for Mexico!
>Multiculturalism is unsustainable!
>Whites are being displaced in their own country!
>"White supremacist" is just a slur directed at people who just want to preserve the white majority!
Literally all true.

When have those facts been disproved?

At least he is going to get a million dollars. Still probably going to be blacklisted from VA roles unfortunately.

We're talking about the legitimacy of their claim being distinguishable by whether or not they presented their claims to the proper authorities, and the potential complications therein. Not whatever the fuxk you're on about.

Hey, that's not true at all.
Salem at least had a semblance of a proper trial

Who cares, Phoenix Cuck sucks
Play 逆転裁判

I'm not reading the reply chain, fuck you. If JonTron got pissed about that it's only because of the connotations. Not being suicidal is suicidal in this day and age.

But it is, and your counter is that "WELL AUTHORITY DOESN'T RESPEC RAPE VICTIMS" followed by your complete inability to back up that statement.

Twitter isnt a police station you nard

seethe nazi incel

This is the woman claiming Jeremy Soule raped her.

Attached: Nathalie_Lawhead_-_Independent_Games_Festival_-_2015_(cropped).jpg (497x747, 189K)

By my oath of justice No evidence means go fuck yourself

Name one case, I'm waiting.

How am I blocked from his twitter without even interacting with him? I dont even make tweets to be considered a public figure. Or is there some kind of list I'm put into depending on who I follow?

Attached: Annotation 2019-08-28 153947.jpg (633x532, 62K)

Struck a nerve, huh?

Look at those yellow-ass horse teeth, goddamn
These types of people will often block followers of someone they dislike.

They always have the same eyes.

Blockbots are a thing leftists use. Basically if you have ever followed people they don't like, you are blocked automatically. Lefties are fucking insane.

Here you go faggot. Do some youtub searching, plenty of fucking footage out there you reality denying tard.

Get fucked.

You're a gamergater, aren't you?

You're on a blocklist


And then go fuck yourself. Why should i have to spoon-feed you retards anyways?

back to discord, tranny freak

oh there is it.
the "I can't prove you wrong so i will call you a Nazi so it seems that i didn't lose the argument"

grwo the fuck up.
this is why the Nazi word is losing its fucking meaning

>Lefties are fucking insane.
lmao, this hyperbole is what's insane. You have no sense of perspective.

NPCs uses blocking bots. If you follow one of the people they hate then you get automaticly blocked by the bot.

Real rape victims can provide evidence
These faggots can get bent.

This but without the crying like a bitch, that's what leftists do.

>I'm not going to read the reply chain
>but I d-definitely btfo you
have sex incel nazi

This is why Edgeworth is the best

>make a claim
>get pissy someone's asking you to substantiate it
>your video is someone making an incredibly poor story and being disbelieved
Wow this is obviously indicative of all rape victims. Wow, my eyes are opened I truly BELIEVE WAHMEN now because police DOUBTED WAHMEN once.

>I can't prove you wrong so i will call you a Nazi so it seems that i didn't lose the argument
But you sound like a Nazi

>this is why the Nazi word is losing its fucking meaning
Yeah, on the website where half the users openly subscribe to the philosophy but don't want to be associated with its negative connotations.

This but unironically. All they ever do is piss and moan about how bad they have it here and how oppressed they are, but they never seem to want to leave to greener pastures. Fucking parasites need to find a new host.

At least hero.

The police are not the same people as the twitter blue outrage mob. Pretty much the opposite.

>police officer
wow, no wonder you're a sexist rapist piece of shit, I bet you hate people of color too!

>you have no sense of perspective
I don't know, purposefully isolating yourself so you only ever see things you don't like then pretending to be a big tolerant is pretty insane.

>slow death or quick death
huh gee i wonder, just burn me alive right now please. better to burn out than fade away, but here in a literal sense.

What's scary about "cancel culture" is that it teaches young people you have to be perfect. That you cannot grow as a person after realizing your sins. That everything you built up to can be taken away from you just because of one stupid thing you did, so you have to be extra square.

For being the ones clamoring for acceptance and diversity and all that stuff, leftists sure are unforgiving and petty.

Most users of government welfare are white
Red states use the most government welfare, meanwhile blue states tend to actually be putting money back into the national economy.

You assholes really want to take fucking memes seriously and use them in a fucking argument?

grow the fuck up

>I-its fake!!
This is exactly what I'm talking about. There's hundreds of videos like it, there's no way you haven't been exposed to this concept before.

>pretty much the opposite
Oh no they might scrutinize your claims more than not at all and I guess that makes you feel fucking unsafe or some worthless bullshit emotion to justify you not going to them.

>i-its just a joke bro
not a defense

>grow the fuck up
lmao this nazi is mad

literally admitted to it lmao

holy shit, just don't be a fucking creep to other people if you're so terrified of 'cancel culture', which isn't even a fucking thing that's likely to happen to anybody on this board freaking out about being falsely accused

>it's fake
I didn't say that and I believe the video is real. But it's not exactly damning evidence. She had a really, really shitty story.

>So much for the tolerant left!
Get milkshaked

it was Sneaky
shut the fuck up you fucking gullible cumguzzling shitforbrains

>just don't be a fucking creep
>when the definition of "Being a creep" expands by the day
Just don't be an asshole, just tolerate us, accept us, bake the cake bigot, your son is trans now.

Nazi memes aren't funny, they're just hate speech presented in a relatable fashion to influence stupid white men such as yourself

reminder that fake rape accusations are only 2-10% of all rape accusations

Rape usually leaves little evidence if done in a private space, and the victim usually only recognizes the rape/has the confidence to talk about it much later, justifying the unfounded accusations

Its really simple
If you act like a normal sane human being you wont be accused of it

Zoe Quinn might be the only exception since she is a chronical compulsive liar and have sex addiction

Is these 2 the most retarded people on the planet?

And you can't make a fucking argument outside of "this joke is bad and hurts my feelings"

i bet you assholes also things that family guy is a nazi show.

I’m black.

>oh no he said a thing I saw a meme about once, I win
Complete insanity derived from a broken moral system that feeds on your hubris.

>bake the cake bigot, your son is trans now.
The horror, you might take your own life if it happens

>only 2-10%
Wow! What a narrow statistic! Sounds totally legitimate to me, user!

I'm glad you support "guilty until proven innocent," too! Get a trip so I can filter you, you fucking faggot.

>Nazi memes are funny
ftfy my oven friend

Literally how is it that it's always that tramp Zoe Quinn in these situations.

She's either fucking for adoration, then realising she can get twitter outrage over it, or she's the UNLUCKIEST PERSON EVER

>W-we're just joking about the Nazi stuff
>But every single person who ever tweeted the word "Nazi" should be taken 100% seriously and I fear for my life at the hands of Antifa super soldiers!
You know what you're doing, and it's not working.

What year is it?

Is it a coincidence that this is all coming out right after Voidpoint/3DRealms went back on their decision to censor Ion Fury?

Or ya know a fucking lair?

Where's your chart.

It was he first video I selected because it was the literal first selection among the vast number of search results. This is not an isolated incident in any way shape or form.

Don't get me wrong though, I hate all disingenuous retards including the twitter poster in OP.

>Most users of government welfare are white
Not even true anymore, Hispanics have overtaken them.

lmao lighten up dude

Christ you must be fun at parties

just don't be famous

Attached: image2.png (606x718, 953K)

>I do wonder how Jared feels about his treatment of JonTron now that he's been on the end of an undeserved witch hunt himself.
totally justified

narcissists dont into empathy

Oh shit what im doing?
proving you wrong
i think that makes me a "Nazi" now
because that's the definition of nazi right?
people who can prove you wrong.

People have different definitions on what is playful banter and what is "creepy", and people might not be aware of it until they're told so. MeToo has bit the female working force back in the ass, males just dont want to make unnecessary risks to their career to some stupid half thought thing they did (See: Aziz Ansari)

Nobody said it's fake. You're panicking because you provided one shitty tumblr-tier example of police acting like shitheads.

>Oh shit what im doing?
>proving you wrong
lmao, surely you can't believe this
>because that's the definition of nazi right?
>people who can prove you wrong.
It's just a joke bro :^)


It's the CURRENT YEAR, obviously.
How about you fucking vet your evidence, you idiot? If you are coming to me claiming all women are justifiably just ascurred of going to the police because they will never get taken seriously, do better. I asked for someone being "Laughed out of the station", you got me someone giving a really bad story and being disbelieved which is, I agree, regrettable, but it isn't completely fucking unreasonable. You have brought to me the assertion that women don't report rape because of the mean police, and now you expect ME to sift through evidence YOU should be providing?

Mate, if you are rich, just set up cameras in your entire house, dont share hotels with anyone, and always tweet your location

>Most users of government welfare are white
This is the most nigger post ever since it is retarded as hell. Have these retard ever heard of per capita?

>Red states use the most government welfare
Heavily skewed by the fact that most brown people live in red states, Hispanic in the Southwest and niggers in the Southeast.

>meanwhile blue states tend to actually be putting money back into the national economy
Blue states like those in New England which are the Whitest parts of the nation.

Anyone can say you're a creep without proving it and the end result is as if you were actually a creep. Either way I don't really give a fuck about someone's personal business if they're making something I enjoy or benefit from. I can't imagine how stressful living that way must be in a world of criminals.

As pointed out here you don't even need to point out per capita, Hispanics now use more welfare than any other group even when not taking that into account.

What are you trying to prove here tranny?

Holy fuck I know the video you got this statistic from. Hey first year philosophy humanities, how are you? Has your professor sufficiently instilled leftist thought into you yet?

Yes because you're a disingenuous retard and you can easily correct your own nonsense with a bit of effort. Me? I don't really care, you're a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. The shakiness of her story is also, like, your perspective, mannnn.

>if you act like a normal sane human being you won't be accused of it

Attached: 1555555625418.jpg (680x989, 95K)

You're part of the problem

That Nazis such as yourself are hypocrites and liars who can't take a joke. And it's working.

>make a claim
>back it up poorly
>call the other party disingenuous
This aint it senpai cap, yikes desu. Get the fuck out of here.

just don't have a Twitter account
THEY can't witch hunt you if they can't TAG you

Whatever video you're talking about is surely not as new as the public records we keep on national and local benefits offered to those less fortunate (or not).

>Holy fuck I know the video you got this statistic from.
It's a widely known fact, sorry you get your education from youtube.

>dedicating your life to educating women

Saudi Arabia has the right idea