what went right and why is it still going so right
What went right and why is it still going so right
He say nigger sometime
Not getting involved in e-celeb drama
No, he just gets incredibly passively aggressive over gun legislation.
he's right about everything else he says, so maybe you should start rethinking gun control
Hey yahtzee
A critic who actually makes games in his free time.
That's not Yahtzee
Nice reddit image, have a upboat
Makes gay jokes and analogies that only the smarties understand. Austrians are just too comedically humorous
He's actually funny. Say what you want about him and Angry Joe, but their jokes are among the few that make me laugh, a rarity among gaming channels.
One thing I will say, is he does what a critic should do in these cases. Lets you know his biases and rates things based on his taste. If everything had a single objective thing, each field would really only need one 'critic'
le epic cynic man
yahtzee's taste in gaming is questionable
>likes bioshock infinite
>hates bioshock 2
reason enough to think twice about his opinions on video games
angry joe is painfully unfunny and talks like a fucking retard
I'm thinking gun control is fucking retarded. Anyone with a 3D printer can make gun parts.
Yeah, but not everyone can make one that can won't crumble to dust when actually used
He is funny enough and not obnoxious enough in his opinions to be annoying
>>hates bioshock 2
His hatred of Bioshock 2 is entirely because he sees it as an unneccessary money grab and not really any faults of its own. He lampshades it a bit in the real DNF review.
that's why there's an epidemic of gang members buying 3D printers amirite
I like him for his wit but i kinda dont like how he hates on every game ever (i get hating the bad ones but there are some that are not that bad desu)
I can't even find a single case of someone committing a crime with a printed gun