post Dark Souls™ memes
Post Dark Souls™ memes
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No. Fuck off
That was unironically funny
Ok here I go.
That last one was a cool pre-PC meme btw your meme was a Dark Souls™ III meme, OP. Not a Dark Souls™ meme. You fucked up.
not a fucking "meme" just because it has words written over it you underage piece of shit
Yeah kids these days don't know what good memes are.
Ok next Dark Souls™ meme should be a good one.
Solaire cause he's like a meme you know.
An old favorite. "Well what is it" was a good gesture meme.
>Solarie not using correct shield
>Lautrec not wearing correct chest piece
>bk missing shield
>Oscar holding a crossbow
I did not find this image funny
Archers were a big meme.
I think those are supposed to be player characters wearing different gear. You can see two guys have Solaire's helmet. Chosen ones if you will
Why did i laugh
>assuming these aren't players
More meme archers.
>maje lvl 40 silver knight cosplay character
>invade anor londo and run up to the archers and add myself as a 3rd archer.
I got a lot of Xbox live messages playing the character
Capra being a bullshit fight was a big meme.
And now let's take a moment. Enough gay shit. Time for the good stuff. Dark Souls lolis. Loli is big meme.
posting the classic just to be sure
Genderbend weeb memes.
why are work collegues casually adressed in these sketches always named "jim"?
Legit laughed
Deep cut. There needs to be a cheese equivalent though for it to really work though...
das1 memes were the greatest
Awoo memes
You don't have a Jim at your work? Change jobs really
don't know why but I chuckled
So. many. genderbend. weeb memes.
... and now I need to search DS loli porn on gelbooru/pixiv. Great.
Strap in.
That's not all. Lautrec also isn't using the sickle, and there is a second solaire all the way to the left.
The area wasn't even hard. Two groups of three hollows and some dogs.
Drake the rapper is a big meme. This is Drake the raper. Pun big memes.
I love BB
Artorias is a tranny memes.
it's still funny even today
Foot fetish memes.
The meme Remastered™.
Shame it was replaced with Welcome in 2 and 3, it's just not the same without the 3 steps forward and head turn.
I feel like it's just the same redditor replying to his own thread who thinks this is a place for ebin memes xD
I had more problems with the area than capra demon, the fucking place requires patience to clear without wasting health, but I usually just rushed and always fucked up facing the dogs + dagger faggots
What you feel doesn’t matter silly xd
I fucking love this one
What were their names again? memes
Protip in case you still care: you can kill the bandit hollows through the doors they stand behind. The trigger to open the doors is placed further ahead so you can kill them without them ever leaving their houses.
Yeah but where is the fun in that?
Just open the shortcut back to firelink.
dude fuck off.
That's really lame though, might as well use cheat engine if you're gonna break the game like that.
Though FROM should've scripted those enemies and doors better to prevent that.
Like placing the enemies far from the door and having doors open/break if hit.
Don't stop pls.
Actual trap memes.
Go line your open wound with eyes, tranny.
I don't get it.
>cant put the helmet on with that autistic hair
bearer, feed, feed, lest
LEL at this one.
Oh God I love Pepe memes.
Old Sony nigger memes.
1/2 of my favorite souls reactions I rarely get the chance to post
>helmet has 2 small holes for said hair
anime > real life
I love the amount of content these games spawned.
Penn and Teller.
Imagine doing a no estus run. Just think about how badly Shanalotte would need to go, but can't in case she needs to refill your estus.
don't respond to the loli faggot. maybe he'll stop posting his retarded shit then
Are stories allowed?
smoll Priscilla memes
Nice job outing yourslef newfag
Don't be Tsundere user-kun.
oh look its epicnamebro's son.
Jazz and Awol
i don't keep up with the lore
SS and Brosplit
so sick and tired of this "le hardest game!" meme, it just requires patience and going slow, and punishes zoomers who try to do epic god of war combos
You could also say that Solaire was Chaotic Good as well. And Velka should be Lawful Evil, Lautrec should be neutral evil, and Crestfallen warrior should be true neutral
This looks interesting, what is it?
2/2 although I use this one a bit more often
Have you ever played the game Dark Souls?
More lolis coming up next.
I will admit demon's souls is pretty cheap on new game plus and +2 pretty much everything will one shot you except basic enemies. and the souls you get to level up is pretty barren for the difficulty spike I feel most people never got that far
we postan bloodborne nao
That armor will be of no help when I slap that loli ass memes™
>The furtive manlet
>"But you have no legs!"
I'm dead
That is why I used the dupe exploit on NG+2 and over.
If you think dark souls is hard, you suck at games period.
This really should've been in the game.
dark souls isn't even hard.
sekiro is though
Most DeS bosses are super dumb gimmicks though and have slow attacks, and magic is OP as fuck, you can nuke them easily in any NG+ from afar.
If you want to get your balls busted, see NG+7 in DS2, especially the DLC.
Painted world memes.
I don't get it
Get bent
The Chaos Eater is a 1:1 fit.
Player getting fucked memes. Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition™
You did beat 4 kings right?
Yes, he summoned a dude with a club who has no apparent interest in fat loots and enjoys playing as an ugly caveman.
I don't laugh when I'm alone
nor do I laugh at rehashed twitter memes
but fucking hell I lost big time
That was a good doujin memes.
How about a race, bitch?
the beginning of the end
Remember the times when this panel wasn't completely copy-pasted with low quality photoshop garbage?
DS2 is fucking easy though since every boss that isn't Sir Alonne is absurdly slow and predictable
>swing once
Seath fucked Gwynevere and other fancanon memes.
does thou have what it takes to defeat the burger king
It was harder pre-patch when his dogs started much closer to the fog door. It's also early enough in the game that most people either didn't know about poise or didn't have enough of it to poise through a dog attack, which meant you'd walk in, get hit by a dog and combo'd to death by capra. PCfags don't realize just how much they missed out on by only ever getting to play several patches in.
So something that literally anyone who isn't a retard would have at that point
>hurr but how would you know about it
Kawaii memes.
Whatever you say, shitposter.
Man I loved ds2
Most fun online
If you didn't know what every stat did, you're a retard. End of the fucking story
>Bioware is so dead even KotOR memes are being taken over by series that are still relevant
All my years fiending for Souls content and I've never seen this. Fucking 10/10.
Remember the time when jojobronies didn't spam their cancerous entry level shit everywhere?
Gwynevere had big tits memes.
Up to around NG+5
You must be fun at parties
Terribly not funny. Go back.
MS Paint Souls heals my soul
Nigger memes.
Can't believe I hadn't thought to make him for DSIII with the giant door shield.
the endless hours fucking people up on the bridge with the bruce lee cosplay with bone fists since fist builds were actually fucking good back then
I can't believe it I'm running low on memes.
Note that everyone who says "you must be fun at parties" isn't fun at a fucking party because the joke is shit.
>Wow I love my dark gritty edgy demon slaying souls game
>Oh no this player created character is ridiculously jovial and cartoonish
Fucking kill yourself.
I'm fucking wheeezing.
This is nice but at the same time...Dark Souls it’s not supposed to be something funny
I heard the item acquisition noise when I read the last panel
Kaathe isn't chaotic evil at all. Dude is neutral to the core. He just cares about returning the world to its natural state by starting the Age of Dark, instead of keeping the Age of Light going forever. Age of Light is what kept the curse alive.
I remember reading this years ago. Too autistic to roll with it since you technically can't invite people to your personal nexus.
I dunno everyone seems to be laughing in the game.
god i hate u fucking weeb incels
>Kaathe isn't chaotic evil at all.
Except for Darkwraiths being the literal Waffen SS of Dark Souls.
Keep seething lol.
Japanese memes.
The pursuer is really cool desu
>two solaires
>Not realising its the same Solaire having died and resurrected hence the raising smoke
no wonder Ds2 was too deep for Yea Forums
Puerto rico and other rico
A personal favorite
A lot of builds where fucking viable. I was a majestic sword user, with the no man's wharf scimitar or the 1h light saber. Ds2 was fun af
Meme builds.
haha observational humor
Waifu memes. Bloodborne edition.
what mod is this dude
Cat memes.
More cat memes.
Dog memes.
/r9k/ memes.
this makes me nostalgic
Is this a garbage memes thread? Cause no one is actually posting anything decent
Is OP even here? I began with and 80% of the posts are mine. All me btw. Where are all the meme lovers?
>Is this a garbage memes thread?
the absolute fucking CLASSIC
> Comic sans
The SS wasn't evil either.
The ThePruld in general was really good in general if we have to talk meme classics on YouTube then there is nothing like The LEGEND.
I think this was supposed to me mocking try-hard PvPers, it was a parody that people took seriously.
Literally no one took this seriously
Yes you're right. But the Darkwraiths were. Because Kaathe was a jew and they didn't kill him.
Just moved to Troy and gotta say this is Davis St.
but getting owned by something you were expecting is hilarious
I don't get it
I mean it was ironic memes that people made into unironic memes.
There's no such thing as "ironically funny"
There have been thousands of pvp videos, and not a single one can even come close this absolute fucking classic.
Yeah, this one does it for me
I still regularly log on to invade as a sl35 shitter on that spot and get steady invasions
It's a 4channel meme. You're too new and it's too deep for you.
I'd categorize ironically funny anything that's so serious it loops back around to being funny. Like that one scene in Schindlers list were they pop a cap on the limp Jew. It's so pointlessly evil it becomes comical, and there's irony in that which is an essential part of what makes it funny. Thus, ironically funny.
only slavs get it
nothing! it's wow fucking
I love Grimdisaster favorite one by far, shame he disappeared he had the most fun and creative vids.
Some meme must sees.
Remember to like and subscribe or you're not a true memelord.
This one is pretty cool.
Abbott and Costello
You would not be missed if you were gone. Your attitude sucks and its probably unbearable in real life too.
Prepare to die did more damage to this game than anything the community could do.
Almost forgot this one my fellow meme fiends.
I loved roll playing as gimmicky enemies.
Nothing dickish just annoying or thematic.
the dude who made the video is a tranny now
>haha what if (insert character here) was a cute girl, wouldn't that be wacky XD
Pickle-Pee and Pump-a-rum
>going through the fog door when there was a shortcut right next to it
What's wrong with my attitude? You have problems dude, get help.
Kaathe is a fucking retard who keeps spilling abyss all over the place and screwing cities over, only to move on the next one
Drake and Josh
seethe the dickless
How so? It was pretty accurate.
Super Londo Brothers.
Oh shit cracked me up
gets me every time
Reminder that Quelana is quite desirable
wow i'm impressed by your deep knowledge of Yea Forums insider memes, i want to be as cool as you when i grow up
Excellent taste.
I once actually saw someone with a leather jacket who had a massive solaire sun patch on the back.
Somehow he pulled it off.
>when i grow up
Dark Souls anime when? Cute Chosen Ones doing cute Chosen One things.
Dark souls wasn't supposed to be "ugh this is bullshit XD". it was supposed to be a fair challenge. Then DaS2 happened and was full of artificial difficulty.
Why didn't ds3 have any enemies like him?
DS needed more lolis. I can't believe how close we were to having loli emerald herald.
I thought that was thowwy
Well they tell you that you will die a few times and even if you read the menus and know what to do you will still die at least a bit. I mean dying and resurrecting over and over is a major game mechanic.
Oh so
"I'm talking this way seriously"
yeah but its not supposed to be treated like bullshit, or like the game is hard core.
We were robbed.
I'm taking this very seriously
oh okay.
Does she actually bite her tongue in game?
That's not irony, though. That's genuine comedy, and no this is not ironic either. Comedy can be offensive and funny. It's not irony.
The younger generations have lost a chunk of language comprehension. The use of the word "unironic" has replaced the definition of sincerity. They have confused the concepts of irony, sincerity, sarcasm and facetiousness and so simplified them all into the category of being ironic, being unable to abstract the differences.
Another example of language "dumbing down".
When I requested the image, I accidentally said "with" instead of "witch"
cute lol
You can see who you'll summon before they come, though. If you dont want to break immersion, choose the more thematic summon.
>that time I made a soulsbox for a cute guy I was dating with a solaire tee, a cute paper bonfire, an old comic, the starting guide, an estus, and of course the game
>wanted to add teeth to the chest to make it a mimic but didnt have time
>we were going to do jolly cooperation in some bosses of his first time playing through it
>we barely played together and he dumped me a few months later when I had already bought the DMC4 artbook as his christmas gift
fugg, I had forgotten
I remember my favorite build, Vanquisher's seal, stone ring, and nothing but my max str and dex. Just a naked guy punching people to death on a bridge. Good times.
Bone fists actually sucked ass though. Legit one of the worst weapons in the game.
Vanquisher's Seal was great before the nerfs
This thread is as funny as my great grandma’s dead corpse
Is her living corpse funnier?
He didn't know how good he had it. ;;
You sound rad, would have demanded co-op in house for max comfy
No, she had a stroke and it turned her into a shell of herself and it was sad
Everything fun was nerfed to hell, except maybe powerstanced UGS. And those weren't great for pvp anyways, just fucking around the rest of the game.
DS2 was the inverse of DS3. Everything started out viable after the first balance patch, btu then after that everything fun was steadily nerfed and now anything that isn't a straight sword, rapier, or katana is shit. Meanwhile DS3 started out with SS/rapier/katana as king and got patched to have other weapons be actually viable later on
The use of unironic or ironic is just meme. We're all just pretending to be retarded, haha calm down.
I'm sorry user, have a cute clown girl
You can destroy the universe in apple red, blueberry blue, or crocodile green, but the end result is the same regardless of your RGB choice.
I lost Adventurer 1 and Adventurer 2 because that image is for scrubs.
That helps a little I guess
Haven't played DaS3 since release, did they really balance out the rest of the weapons? Kinda tempted to pick it back up if that's the case.
Yeah it's pretty well-balanced now. Some weapons are still shit and some didn't get nerfed/buffed hard enough but everything is more viable now. Magic is still shit but there are some good miracles added in the DLCs and pyromancy is still good.
Gael has a better version of Gehrman's moveset?
I'd put my dick into your boipussy user.
>run up stairs and kill dogs
>run around in circles until you can do a drop attack, repeat
that fight is suppose to teach you about using the drop attack, kills him in two hits. the taurus demon is also easily defeated this way
No one promised you funny. OP asked for memes. Memes don't have to be funny.
thats pretty good
holy shit
After long enough, the dungeons just feel like one big drug den
Bluntman and Chronic.
>you must be fun at parties
I had to double check to make sure I wasn't in a youtube comment section from 2014.
Thanks lads. Would have been good. Oh well.
Fatman & Little Boy
>drinking Estus
Gavlan heal!
>out fishing
Gavlan reel!
>validation of existence
Gavlan real!
>covered in a bucket of paint
Gavlan teal!
>offering to prepare potatoes
Gavlan peel!
>getting one one knee
Gavlan kneel!
Wonder why there aren't more people jumping on to the "Souls-like" multiplayer system. Every game has had a pretty memorable co-op and PVP scene.
>DaS 1
>Dickstab forest, Oolacile duels, themed invaders in places like Sens or Anor Londo
>DaS 2
>Can be invaded anywhere anytime, Bridge duels, Bellbros handicap and tag matches, the few madlads who actually went into the rat place with their Internet on.
>DaS 3
>Anor Londo Battle Royale, Wildcard Mad Phantoms, Sunbros becoming co-op invaders,