Post them

Post them.

Attached: college.png (631x508, 12K)


>Not realizing that most of Yea Forums is +25 years old anyways

Not today, CIA.


Y’all ags wanna play some mario kart 8 deluxe on the Nintendo switch

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I quit this year after realizing that it's a scam

Sure, why not. Taquari Valley
They already know this

Just a heads up, the last time I participated in one of these threads the "anons" I met up with were black guys that slapped me around and took my PS3 and all my games. It's basically a scam.

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ive been out of school like 15 years you fucking zoomer

>go to
Children out


>Went to
Rice University

Anyone at USF?

Attached: YES.gif (460x345, 492K)

I never went to college and already make more than 99% of people that will post in this thread.

Enjoy that liberal arts degree tho, I'm sure you'll nail that interview for junior assistant to the assistant lmao

>only people 18 - 21 attend universities

Attached: csm_LTH_Logotyp_sv_537cdc07a0.png (500x337, 26K)

Post bank account.

Zoom zoom

>I-I'm a welder
>I-I'm an electrician
>I-I'm a night security guard

I love seeing virgin NEETs try to larp about having a job

Leave. Newfriend

you got it. anything older is mental illness.



Fuck off zoomers

you're not worth the effort

I work in IT. Hate to butcher this quote from "Good Will Hunting", but the education you paid 50k for I got for free from a fucking library.

Remember when it wasn’t commonplace to tell absolute strangers personal information online? Miss those days.

university of manchester

If you aren't a NEET you need to get off this board asap mean under 18 right?

I'm 31 and currently working on a bachelors
In fact about 40% of college students are 'non-standard' students now (which basically means they didnt' go there right after highschool)

Scum devil lmao

So they just took your PS3?

He does

>going for my phd in biology
>some user says im mentally ill because im in my late twenties, nearing 30s and im still in school

I've been out of college for a year and a half


Based retard doesn't know you have to finish highschool to go to a real college

Imagine scamming yourself going to college

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Did you at least ask them to put their cocks in your bum?

Any other Auburn students in here?

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Im 33.

Fight me, Wildcat

im a NEET

Imagine being American loooooooooooool


You are mentally Ill because you are wasting your time on biology desu

Virginia tech
I know you fuckers go here, I've seen you fags browse during class.

How much is college education worth in your country?

Graduated from UMSL a year ago with a meme degree, kill me

Lmao, you don't make more than me, I'm Bill Gates. Now enjoy getting this Microsoft dick in your mouth, cutie.

>he has
lole just imagine

Attached: e58.jpg (500x370, 60K)

play overwatch with me ;3

>in Alabama
Bro you and I got other problems

>self taught

O I am laffin

I am.

You mean how much does it cost or really how much it's worth?
It costs a few hundreds per year here (and it's free if your income is low enough), and a degree is worth as much as anywhere else in the world. It all depends on what the degree is.

Your insecurity is showing.

>makes 70k a year
>thinks he's hot shit
Whew lad.