>Night in the Woods devs cancelled new project as well as a physical run
Doesn't this game have queer messages anyway? Deserved
>Night in the Woods devs cancelled new project as well as a physical run
Doesn't this game have queer messages anyway? Deserved
Other urls found in this thread:
notice how the soilord sjw guys are getting metoo'd and not the developers of hentai loli games
This shit is not interesting enough to warrant a continuous thread desu
Post yfw this whole situation
Why do these people keep cannibalizing each other Yea Forums?
I mean wasn't Night in the Woods one of the most successful SJW games these past few years?
Guys, I was raped by Moot
What should I do!?
Feels good man
You cant pull this shit at nonsjw companies.
It's almost like people with outlets are less likely to commit crimes.
>Do kids not read to kill a mockingbird in school anymore?
Mockingbird is racebaiting garbage with a hard-on for hating southerners, I hope they don't have to read it anymore.
Who are "these people"? Where does it say that Night in the Woods is an "SJW" game? What is that even supposed to mean? Is it a genre like RPG, action, hack and slash, puzzle, and such?
im happy to be malaysian. if some woman starts drama like this here, she would have her cheeks punctured with holes and people will make sure she can only eat and talk using said cheekholes.
Tbh most southerners I met were low-iq retards
Unironically if someone were to where a body cam at all times when interacting with women. Then say that women says "user raped me!!!1one" but then he says
>No I didn't bitch
and shows the video of all interacts. Is that...enough?
It doesn't matter what you do in life.
Fraternize with the serpent and this is your fate.
You think you're "woke"? You think you're an "ally"? You're a tool. They see you as a tool, completely disposable. For all of the complaints they make about "objectification", it's fascinating to see just how non-human they view you.
It doesn't matter if you made the game, it doesn't matter if other peoples' success is based almost entirely on your work. It doesn't even matter if the accusations are true.
You lost, and there's no going back. You made your bed.
>what about when you werent filming
The woman is always believed in these cases.
desu Southerners are all trash and deserve to be put to the sword.
Depends on where you live. In the UK you'd still have to go to court and face extreme scrutiny and you're not guaranteed a win even with your evidence.
it's literally a 2d walking simulator with socialist themes
...sounds like a lovely place
when "...but fuck a horse once..." hits a bit too close
>I wasn't even in the same town as her
Google tracks the fuck out of you and can save the history of it for your own personal use. You can use that to your advantage too.
>Lady says I raped her in X
>I was in Y as per my phone logs
game dev lives being ruined by useless attention-seeking whores is at least a bit interesting. also we'll probably get blamed for attacking that five guys slut.
Wrong lol
The problem for you is that Southerners own the majority of said swords.
2D walking simulators are inherently SJW now?
If the allegations are false why hasn't he denied it?
>Boomer judge doesn't understand technology
>Boomer jury doesn't understand technology
>Gen X lawyer does and tells the jury "These so-called phone logs can be faked by hackers!"
>You lose
Post yfw you're not an SJW retard
Is there any proof though?
I want to fuck that cat
fuck off underaged cuck
Lessen learned from this: Never interact with women if you want to work in indie gaming
So far it's been
>Soule (Elder Scrolls)
>Alec (NITW)
>Alexis Kennedy (Sunless Seas/Skies, Cult Simulator
Do you think we're gonna get more now?
There was a post in the other thread about a dude who had video evidence of the supposed interaction where the sexual assualt happened. Still had to fight tooth and nail against it.
My post wasnt a hypothetical, hard evidence doesnt even gurantee your innocence.
There was literally an example of this posted in the last thread with some Game of Thrones actress. You're a faggot, go make die.
Walking sims have a leftist slant because they don't like rewarding skill
Also try to name a right wing walking sim, 3D or 2D
Not before court, rape rarely gets a conviction.
the characters are a bunch of faggy stereotypes aren't they
>denying it is what a rapist would do.
and nothing of value was lost!
did he fucking say that or did he say that it's a walking simulator /that has socialist themes/?
Someone higher up in naughty dog got accused of sexual intimidation (gay)
>cctv shows that it was physically impossible that anything happened
>yet the guy still had to fight in court for a year until the charges were dropped
It's hard to name a right wing game at all since conservatives, by and large, are too retarded to make video games.
can you fucking read the entire 9 word sentence?
Because he's only got one chance to give a statement and it dictates whether he can get a job in 5 years or dies homeless.
Question. Some of these women claim they didn't report it when it happened due to trauma right? But now that they did you have dozens of people saying
>I can confirm this
>Yeah he was a creep to me too
>I saw it happen!
Why the fuck didn't THEY say anything?
Zoe said it happened.
Shh, stop using basic logic.
You're missing Ken Wong (Monument Valley)
In this case he still faced extreme scrutiny years after but got off of prison time and still has the same cab job.
denying it makes no difference
if a roastie says you did it, you did it, period
welcome to current year
How? It seems so cut dry and simple. You see the video and see it couldn't happen. Done and Done.
That one may actually be true if a man reported it.
>with a hard-on for hating southerners
Southerner here. You sound like a tender faggot.
A womans word is a strong as hard facts.
Honk honk
>needing proof in the Court of Public Opinion.
That's a yikes from me, chief. Don't need proof when the WOMAN said it happened.
>immediately sets his twitter to private
>makes no statement whatsoever
>fired from his studio
totally innocent, nothing to see here
>I mean wasn't Night in the Woods one of the most successful SJW games these past few years?
>has money
>won't fight back because feminist men
To ask the question is to answer it.
Cherry picked data.hard evidence gurantees you innocence in 99% of cases, rape or otherwise. Stop living in your fantasy world.
Hehe someone on reddit said they reported this to the local police where this woman lives and everyone got mad at them
obviously none of them could report it because they were all traumatized, and were only now able to heroically come forward because of the bravery of the first woman.
New accusation. This time its against Phoenix Wright VA
What the fuck is going on?
Dunno, you tell me. I haven't played the thing.
What in the world would even be a "right wing walking sim"? A walking sim where you play as Trump while subjugating minorities? Something without political commentary such as Goat simulator could have been made by a right wing person for all you know, and you'd be none the wiser. I think you're looking way too hard into this.
He could've just said it had socialist themes to get his point across then, yet he felt the urgent need to bring up the fact that it's a 2D walking simulator as if it adds anything of value to the game being SJW.
Can you word things better, dear? If you bring up that it's a 2D walking simulator when that adds nothing to the discussion of whether it is SJW or not then you shouldn't be surprised when people interpret it that way.
Because "There was sufficient evidence for this case to proceed to court and progress to trial". All you need in the UK is the accusation it seems.
What statement could he make? Everyone has already decided whther they think hes guilty or innocent.
>A womans word is a strong as hard facts.
>Honk honk
No no I think you misunderstood me. Women who weren't touched nor physically affected by it claim they saw or heard about it before. They have zero reason to be quiet about it.
worshiping the roast is more important than facts in 2019
the scientific term is "feeding frenzy"
Male feminists are easier targets because they're complete betas who do anything these women tell them to.
I'm gonna leave this here:
In the long run, this rush of madness is beneficial. At least two generations of men will learn to some extent that they cannot trust women in a professional environment.
Who gay here and glad they won't ever have to deal with a woman?
My nigger Mike Pence was right, never be alone in a room with a woman other than your wife or mother
Alexis seem to be able to make statement just fine.
Saying nothing is the worst thing you can do if you are innocent, this guy is either a retard or guilty
>your post
Good point, let me refer you to this post
>I'm not providing any proof! I could have saved everything, even attempted to record him during his shitty acts, but I didn't so you have to believe me
Fuck me dude..
>i'm not providing any proof
It's too late because clearly all the other men are just falling in line behind the women
Ion Fury devs not bending after all has send retardEra in a frenzy, wanting to kick off MeToo 2.0 now in the vidya community.
Now they went too far.
I legitimately wish death on all these retards
>t. Zoe
The sycophantic cuckolds, not the working professionals, and not the young men growing up watching this happen.
>immediately sets his twitter to private
I wonder why
>makes no statement whatsoever
I wonder why
>fired from his studio
I wonder why
Well surely he is about to rape someone right now: sets his twitter to private so his next victim won't get scared off, no statement because he is busy raping and is fired because everyone there is already raped.
Someone stop him before it's too late, damn it
So brave
Have sex
>I'm not providing any proof
>I don't care if you believe me
That's not how this works, mate.
He did. He got met with "WELL THAT'S WHAT A RAPIST WOULD SAY" in response. There's no winning with these people outside of never interacting with then in the first place.
That was UK, UK is beyond fucked
shut the fuck up
liberals eating themselves again? Who could have predicted this?
Anyone else kinda hopping more of these accusations come up and start demolishing companies from the inside out?
>agonizing consideration
wtf it hasn't even been 24 hours
They're next in line. See how they mostly just go after guys who somewhat agree with them initially. It was the same shit when MeToo started and all the "allies" were on the chopping block, at least causing them to wake up afterwards.
Um, sweetie, its the current year. Always believe the victim!
Who doesn't? this is exactly the kind of chaos everyone wanted
That's a shame, Night in the Woods was good. But it wasn't good for its coding, but the writing. Hope they get a replacement.
That's a good joke, nigga.
Depends on how many clicks the articles about these get.
HOLD UP. Isn't he part of Dangen Entertainment too? The localizaiton company that bows down to Era?
All we can hope is that this encounter changed the dudes entire perspective on the world. I hear some say that was on some level a SJW. I wonder how he looks at his beliefs, now that they were absolutely shattered.
Accelerationism. Yes.
You seem like a low iq retard. If someone accuses you of something and you just go dark you let the accuser control the conversation and will look suspicious to the public.
>pulling balls out in public
>harassing younger women
>called a friend the N word
>called them a bitch
idk who he's talking about but he sounds like he deserves to be raped tbqh
>countless instances of police failure
>doesn't name at least 10 instances
Ya ok.
Phoenix is only for Edgeworth.
Not even surprised. They always turn on each other since they know that the weak-willed betas won't fight back.
your waifu is aways here
womans are not important
>makes no statement
>makes a statement
Where did he deny it?
I'm thinking the same. Maybe not those fags specifically, but that end of the spectrum is in full meltdown over something so stupid.
I thought the whole 'Japan is just a huge pervert island' was a grossly blown out of proportion meme.
Where is his denial of the accusations?
Is the entire western indie games scene like the same 20 people, how is zoe quinn in the center of so many different things
which, fuck everyone that's a perfectly valid question even from someone who think she's probably right
That's the thing, a lot of them don't change. I think Andy Signore is the best example, he says he's still a leftist but is "now willing to listen to the right", so patronizing.
The sjw devs go through this thing of (in their west coast peer group) suddenly becoming one of the popular kids after being a loser in high school. Or at least getting into the that circle and have people actually know their name. So now they want to do all the shit they missed out on, grab some boob. Ever notice how youtubers go a bit crazy after a while? Same shit, suddenly the kid who played pokemon on the bus is now getting millions for talking about it.
While the loli game dev is still the weird nerdy kid, even if the game blows up and becomes a meme it is never quite the same sort of getting to sit at the cool kids table. And they don't have anyone to assault anyway. Certainly is possible for them to go through a similar thing, but it rare for a similar """cool"""" group to exist and have any women in it. They're more likely to just make a general ass of themselves cause it all goes to their head.
Yes, my backlog is big enough that they could stop making video games ever again and I'd be set for life.
Yeah, rape is hard to proof. That's why you fucktards shouldn't have started to make shit up and invent new forms of rape by the day since in the end nobody will believe you anything anymore. Reading the boy who cried wolf should be mandatory in school.
You're telling me a foreigner caused a ruckus in a strip club in Japan? Uh...they do know how owns those clubs right? They wouldn't let that shit happen.
Holy shit they throw you under the bus for nothing. Fucking cannibals.
The indie scene is a bunch of shitty hipsters making garbage games in California and one gutter trash whore with BPD.
You seem like an optimistic fool who thinks theres anything to be done in his shoes.
How do you change the minds of listen and believe retards? What do you say to the people who state that the denial is an admission of guilt?
You cant reason with unreasonable people, dipshit.
The indie games dev scene and 'journalism' scene is an incestuous little circle. Not literally, at least as far as anyone knows. As for Zoe being in the center, what do you think 5 guys refers to?
it was a coincidence
We spent the better part of a decade warning them, they not only didn't listen, but did the exact opposite they were supposed to do. Now I wanna see them crash and burn.
>nothing to gain
I mean COME ON
When you base your whole identity on this shit and don't get your way after being pampered before, I can see how it'll fuck them up more then usually.
Clown world actually is a good description of this last decade
Going to miss it.
Let's get the statistics on how inaccurate rape kits are. Because otherwise they have no excuse.
California is a big epicenter for games in America and Japan, Yes.
It probably is to the furfags that like this game, but they won't want to touch this, because it involves the Internet's greatest victim.
As far as I know, Canada has subsidies for "art" so indie devs congregate there and circlejerk about how great they are on the taxpayers' dime
indie companies can't handle the pressure from the entire media shitting on them. Its why Ion Fury buckled. They have 2 choices, side with the media, or go out of business. At the end of the day people will always do whatever it means to survive.
Oh user...
What's a glowie?
I assume an agent employed by government agencies who subverts online forums?
He's in her social circle brah. Tick tock. :^)
Night in the woods is just another small SJW indie game. It's not like she's fucking anyone important.
>Have rules.
>Someone in your group breaks the rules.
>Kick them out.
>"Lol look they're cannibalizing each other."
I guess the better option would be to shield and defend your bed eggs with all you can, right? That's what the right does, anyway.
>we are currently pushing
what is wrong with these people?
Every northerner I've met was a very low IQ retard.
Imagine thou.
Not that I wish such a thing upon him, I enjoy all the Skeleton porn.
>Doesn't this game have queer messages anyway?
It's almost like it's not some feminist conspiracy and is people that have been traumatized coming foreword regardless of the person's political alliance
>we're just sitting in the cheap seats, watching these freaks eat each other and lulzing
They'll eventually blame us. But let's enjoy the show for now.
Yeah, a glow in the dark CIA nigger.
Most of the public is not unreasonable you faggot. Convincing checkmarks on twitter is pointless, you cannot argue with idealoges, be it feminsts or mra's.
Thankfully most people dont fall into those categories.
I find it hilarious that they dont see the irony in what they're doing. The people they're hurting the most are the same woman they're supposedly fighting for. There are woman out there that really have been raped and in need of help and now less and less people will believe them, because of cunts like zoe that pull this shit
>semi-small popular indie game dev
FNAF guy? Was he accused of anything yet? If not then TIK TOK
what if jonathan blow lmao, that would be a fun day
They've really got no reason not to. Want some attention? You'll get it free and none inside the circle can question it. Unless they eventually poke the wrong hornet's nest, because there are certain people like ZQ you can't accuse of shit. Gonna happen eventually though, and if you see a few go after one of the big dogs it could turn into a real shit show.
Hi Ian. Stay weird.
You deserve to be hated.
It's incredibly incestuous and back-scratchy. The games industry in general is, but the indie shitters are even more so due to a lack of bureaucracy. Corporate bureaucracies like to setup their own fiefdoms.
>seething hillybilly
you do realize the accused was the same guy that pushed all the #metoo shit right? listen and believe?
>that's what the right does
who the hell mentioned these retards? Do they live in your head?
it's so fake, these people aren't tolerated in most asian countries
A lot but they won't be able to do anything until they outnumber actual natural born Japanese.
>yfw incels are a problem that literally solves itself in one generation
Oh I know, I was there.
That's still the most fascinating detail, this one clique of people all dating and partying with each other are like fucking Indie Disney with how many connections they have with each other.
Like, do the staff of polygon and kotaku live in some omni-dimensional air bnb that exists simultaneously in the bay area and seattle?
Because that's what it feels like any time one person speaks up about anything.
"I'm an indie dev too broke to afford an apartment but I was at a party the other day with the musician from night in the woods, the level designer from celeste, the character artist from super meat boy, the foley artist for castle crashers, the lead animator on n+, the voice actor of hollow night, vic mignona, and one girl each from mattmakesgames, zachtronics, doublefine, drool, all say the background artist from Risk of Rain was a total creep to each of them"
where the hell are these game dev parties where everyone is awkwardly trying to sleep with everyone, I swear they make it sound like being an indie dev is like living in a perpetual nonconsensual orgy
The tranny pill is looking better and better just need to find a cute one
>Someone in your group breaks the rules.
You lost me here. Based on what, a zoe quinn tweet?
Why didnt we listen
Thing is a lot of these people just hang out with other people who are only temporarily in the country. So they get this weird bubble. Like the Spanish bubbles that exist in the U.S
Reminds me of when I was making an indie game and got kicked off the team for being "abusive" (posting on Yea Forums)
>Entire community turns against me for "making up lies"
>post screenshots proving that not only was everything I said true, but that the rest of the team were abusive, corrupt liars
"these guys were all there and one girl from each company say this one guy was a creep to all of them
fuck me I can't type straight today
Whats supposed to be outlawed? False accusations are already illegal.
>dude, "Don't be accused by Zoe Quinn". Fucks sake, that's the first fucking rule, man
>False accusations are already illegal.
then why is all this shit happening?
>They'll eventually blame us
Who's us? The evil 4chans? Da gAmUrS? Goober Gators? Random neets?
They've already shat on every community, put stuff in an uneasy balance and can't really push it much further outside their own circle. It has just become kind of a game, everyone likes seeing the cancel culture go back and forth as the receipts are shown. It is like reality tv for social media. The only place they have left is attacking each other
I think I am only person on this board who is genuinely upset that night in woods sequel is cancelled
Alec pulled out some good music
What the fuck kind of "proof" do you want? There's multiple allegations from multiple people. Do you need fucking video evidence or something?
Fuck off, retard.
Based Chelsea Valkenburg
>He could've just said it had socialist themes to get his point across then, yet he felt the urgent need to bring up the fact that it's a 2D walking simulator as if it adds anything of value to the game being SJW.
It actually does, but if you didn't get it, you could have just skipped it.
>What in the world would even be a "right wing walking sim"? A walking sim where you play as Trump while subjugating minorities? Something without political commentary such as Goat simulator could have been made by a right wing person for all you know, and you'd be none the wiser. I think you're looking way too hard into this.
You have poor imagination. If you don't know the politics of current walking simulators, or you disagree with user's read, that's no problem though.
>why is murder happens, isn't it illegal?
please be bait
>Rape is hard to prove.
But it's not?
>Get raped, immediately go to police.
>"I was raped".
>They get your statement, take you to hospital.
>At the hospital, they perform a rape kit; taking swabs for DNA and all that.
The only tough part is "proving" that you didn't consent, which is more or less, why these people don't go to the police; often times they consisted, the sex was bad, and because they aren't getting anything in return and realized they were used, they call rape.
I wonder if they are actual rape perpetrators trying to make the lives of actual victims harder, since they probably did some illegal shit in the past with someone without consent.
Blame us how? A lot the people are SJWs being eaten by their own. Are they gonna say
>He was totally a shitlord all along
>allegations constitute proof
fuck off
Can you direct us to said proof? Or is it just Zoes friend believing her and standing with her?
>Most of the public is not unreasonable you faggot
Well not only are the hentai devs innocent, they also tend to be pretty anonymous, with the devs and artists almost always using pseudonyms online, and the devs rarely speaking as individuals.
Like the makers of Monster Girl Quest, ToroToro Resistance. Their dev blog does not give any names to the article makers, comments are disabled, and to my knowledge they don't even have a dev twitter account.
>it’s almost like
>SJWs now wanting to burn the industry to the ground because the Ion Fury devs backtracked on bending the knee to them.
Some dev from FTL said that this guy was creepy or something. What, do you need more?
Ben Judd raped Capcom and crowdfunding backers, but almost certainly no humans.
Reminder that one of the devs made this back in 2013. Ironic as fuck.
>SJW turns out to be an abuser
We need a reboot in the West.
>They'll eventually blame us.
And? Same shit different day
I had a situation very recently where a friend was sexually assaulted. It's a difficult situation for the victim because it typically occurs to vulnerable people in a vulnerable state of mind that have complex feelings about their abuser. IE justifying that it was okay or they deserved it. In other cases fear of going before a board or police and explaining their case. Friends don't want to force their hand because they don't want to put any more shit on their friend.
Because we never listen
Because like any crime you need to proof that the accussed is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. And no, you not believing her is not proof that she making false accusations, just like her tweets would not be able to convict him.
Just accept that most crimes will never be punished in a court of law, since most crimes are not proofable.
There's multiple allegations that you're a faggot.
Ergo, you're a faggot.
>There's multiple allegations from multiple people.
Source? Because ive only seen allegations from one person that played a victim card for five years after it came out that they were abusive and unfaithful in their past relationship.
Seems like a pretty unreliable source of information.
It's going to get weird when you have to create a pseudonym to use at the office.
based skelefucker
I agree with this user.
t. was here when it happened
I can confirm that he is a faggot.
everyone involved in this incident is a fucking retard
How is someone being creepy, which is subjective might i add, proof?
Just shows you how much these faggots project.
After Clown World comes Hellraiser World
Get ready
Didnt Projared just get proven innocent?
mra's delusional fantasy world, always hillarious to read
liberal men getting turned on
I live in Japan now for grad school.
It is a blown out of proportion meme.
Theres a reason anime is aired primarily between 11pm and 2am on every channel and that's because it's loser shit. Most people read their weekly manga magazines on the train and that's about it. The reputation just comes from western anime fans going over to Akihabara when they visit and accidentally wandering into an unmarked porno shop, or their interaction with the dregs of Japanese society online. But people who live in tokyo never even go into that district if they don't have to.
I don't know about your country, but, in mine, female victims are handled by female police officers.
I know you are a child rapist.
Any user who also knows he is a child rapist please reply to this post saying user is a child rapist
That's exactly the type of post I'd expect from a basedboy yuppie. Go ahead and cringe all you want, it's no skin off my back.
Since when has Yea Forums ever listened to the signs?
Well user, do you know how friends work? Harry knows Sally, Sally know Linda, Linda Knows Pete, Pete knows Ron and Rob knows Sally. Indie devs and Journalists often move about (read:get fired and can't pay rent any more), so you'll get these chain of friendships where you once might run into someone your friend knows through a friend. This is important for getting industry jobs, as who you knows matters a lot. So a mix of large social circle and need to network means everyone is somewhat aware of everyone.
But then you also have to factor in that when people say they know, they could just mean met once at a con. A lot of accusations or support of them go that way, they were aware of them and they kinda seemed like a creep so yeah it must all be true. That is largely what happened with Projared, he looks weird, is apparently kind of an ass and had a wide social circle. So the idea that he sends his bent duck to kids? Yeah, sounds about right. The exact truth doesn't matter, that doesn't help you network.
So Rape Kits are just TV show stuff I guess, Good to know. Gonna go out and make some undetectable rapes!
>Rape is impossible to prove
>Abuse is impossible to prove
Its harder but, wrong.
>Theres nothing to gain from lying
>He was totally a shitlord all along
That's exactly what they're going to say. That's what they said about National Socialist Adolf Hitler. They did it before, and they will do it again.
So did you fabricate the accusation against Ben Judd, because you were mad about this and too lazy to lookup who thetrin is?
Does anyone else think these people are being accused of rape because they expressed some wrongthink opinions behind the scenes and they're being punished for it?
Because any lawyer worth his fee would tell you, do not feed the alligators whatsoever. Whatever you say will merely be fuel to the fire by the angry twitter mob, as seen with Pro Jared's case repeatedly shooting himself in the foot until he finally shut the fuck up and let it pass
Looks like being an incel was the winning move cause you'll never get falsely accused of rape
t. booty blasted hick
Yessir, I saw lizzie proctor speaking with the devil I did.
Rape kits only work when they have the actual person responsible for the rapes dna in the first place.
I am pissed that they announced new shit was coming just a few days ago and then this happens. There's still 2 fan games in development to look forward to though.
Most people who are fluent in English in Japan are western fetishists, hapas, and expats. They learn English from middle school but almost none of them have the passion to actually give a shit. So weebs and expats who don't speak the language find themselves surrounded by people who aren't representative of the average population at all
Take the chadstity pill.
this user raped me. What do you have to say for that?
It be like that at times.
which ones?
>sound of hands rubbing
user, what do you do when you get into a fender bender? You check with both parties to make sure everyone’s okay, you stay with your car, everyone involved makes sure to exchange their contact info and insurance, you take pictures of the scene, their plates, and call the police immediately to get everything on record and make sure the insurance investigators get as much info as possible. You get statements from eyewitnesses and a police report is filed immediately so that you can begin the mediation process. You do all of this documenting for just bumping into someone at 10 MPH because you want to make absolutely certain to cover your bases with the facts and evidence.
What you don’t do is wait 8 years after your fender bender and cry about it on twitter.
He's next
>punished jared
And did you also know you absolute fucking mong that most rapes are done by someone who knew the victim? Most of time even more than just passing acquaintances? It's too fucking easy for the police to get a warrant for DNA testing. Seriously quit being a fucking retard putting your feet over your eyes and your hands over your ears.
Nigga what rules? You really think it's likely that zoe fuckin quinn has been raped by 6 different men based on nothing but her own vague account? What about the dudes that get thrown under the bus just for coming on to people? Rules don't matter, if you're in the way of someone's career path or they just need a follower boost you're liable for an accusation.
Testimony is evidence. Not proof. I haven't examined the evidence or the credibility of witnesses so I'm still at the null hypothesis.
And as far as how much, it depends on how much action I would be taking. Criminal is a hard standard to hit. Civil is lower. Various forms of boycott. Ect, ect.
It's very plausible that he's some sort of sperg or sex pest that I don't want to be around, but otherwise don't give a fuck at all about.
How are there so many people orbiting Zoe Quinn? A quick look at her will tell you she's a manipulative and abusive asshole. I hate how everyone's turning a blind eye to her history of scams, ruining shit and false accusations.
There are only like ten MRAs on Earth, Dave.
if she can prove they were together (for example by tracking his phone or someone having seen them together recently), she most likely can get a court to make him give blood for comparison
You sound upset, maybe stay off the internet for awhile there aspie.
>fucking a human female
Why do people do this
I'm joining the winning side BAYBEH
Is anyone ever going to feel safe touching Zoes vagina again?
Did you ever read what hillary clinton and Joe biden did to the women who accused bill clinton of rape?
>Rape kits only work when they have the actual person responsible for the rapes dna in the first place.
Love in the Woods and Light in the Woods
I enjoyed it
Holy shit what an absolute lad.
>3 years ago was at the party
>friend (girl) got drunk beyond reason
>went to sleep
>hour later went to check on her if she vomited or something
>some fuckhead on top of her with his hand in her pants
>went apeshit and pulled him from house by his leg
>smashed his nose with my boot
>she didn't even notice
>to this day she doesn't know that something happened
>don't have the heart to tell her, neither do 3 people who know as well
Damn, we should just accuse creator of shitty games so they could stop making shitty games
Rape kits are a meme, the most they can proof is that sex ocurred. Most of the time they dont prove even that, since a shit ton of them never get tested anyways. In addition most woman do not get them immediatly or wash themselves before, rendering them useless.
You are purposely being a retard. That is unforgivable
Sounds like the opportune time for some thot to farm attention by crying rape.
This entire thread is retarded and so are you for posting it. Whine more.
I have directly observed said user being not only a faggot, but a bitch ass faggot on multiple occasions. I did not speak out before in a mistaken attempt to respect user's "culture", but he is not only a bitch ass fagot and a pedophile as well.
Fuck me, man. If you ever went into mathematics with that mindset the professors would burst out laughing.
Figured it was the CIA specifically.
Why do they glow in the dark?
smart man
just imagine when ALL men start acting like this
guess what happens next.
>Is there any proof
What the fuck do you think?
All of the Japanese I know who have any English proficiency work in STEM. Also they aren't into loli, or at least have the good sense to never mention it.
>I don't have something intelligent to say so I'll say everyone is a whiner!
Really got me there bucko.
I guess I can understand why more and more men are turning gay. I suppose AIDS is better than having your entire livelihood destroyed on one random woman's word alone.
>standard judicial process
>delusional fantasy
Where did you come from?
>rape allegations against Bethesda music guy come to light
>Zoe IMMEDIATELY has to try and steal the spot light with her circle of gremlins randomly choosing to fuck a guy to climb the victim ladder
>even Anita chimes in a couple of hours after to try and pull away some of that attention
How long before more dipshit trannies are giving those two free work again?
>inb4 this leads to the rise of voluntary celebrate monks
I wish, sadly that is not the case. The internet let feminist and mra recruit a ton of people to their self victimizing cult.
Will Jared join the cause this time? He'd be a hypocrite if he didnt
Better than the left, which just invents "bad eggs" where they don't exist because lefties are fucking insane.
Terry Davies believed that certain members of the CIA glowed in the dark because of mutants, or some shit.
This user raped me 10 years ago. Please help I'm a victim
it is really weird how much she got away with.
Another male feminist gets metooed, imagine my shock. Probably be seeing less "incel" and "have sex" posters for awhile.
Zoe isn't even that good looking. Why are so many people apparently fucking her?
>well, you'll be dead soon
>well, you are might as well be dead
hol up
You don't want to have sex with women?
You're an incel mgtow bigot MRA proudboy nazi.
I bet you only "chose" to be celibate because you're ugly and you have a small penis.
You raped me yesterday you monster
she's easy, and some men will fuck anything
You ... don't actually know how the world works, do you? Please. Read a book. Better yet, put down the games and go back to college. You're an embarrassment to yourself and your family. We all deserve better.
Rape kits are extremely unreliable.
Proving consent was not given is in most cases not possible, unless the accused is a low iq monkey.
Aren't NEETs just western monks?
Even most of the pissant social sciences would shit on him for that.
I can't believe this guy is literally supporting abuse. I think his employers should really be informed that they have a right wing incel child pornographer on their staff.
imaging a justice system ruled by women and their simp retards on twitter and laughing
>well you see, these 10 twitter accounts all agreed he was a CIS white male rapist so I rest my case, 20 years in jail!
Holy shit imagine coastal city canceled soibois making fun of the last place where actual men exist
Then women need to get educated in how to handle a situation to accrue the most hard proof for the incident they can. Ignorance is no excuse.
That one too
>The Jeremy Soule accusation is possibly valid
Why the fuck could it not have been Zoe accusing him. Of all the fucking people, Jeremy being a rapist was legit. The actual fuck?
>destroy the only evidence that someone assaulted you
>blame society
>A quick look at her will tell you she's a manipulative and abusive asshole
So is everyone there. There is no point in calling her out, it won't get you anywhere. This is how abuse stays hidden for so long in general, you might lose connections for calling it out. Then suddenly the nicest and most wholesome people are abusive? Look at any large group and it is the same shit.
ZQ is a weird one even in this though, cause she can't actually get you promoted to anything by sucking her dick. She is just really manipulative and good at making herself the victim. She can position herself where attacking her is the worst thing ever, but without having to contribute anything. Someday a bigger bitch will come along and she'll fall.
Twitter becomes the new jury in a courtroom.
Easy enough when the only other people willing to work on those games are sweaty/lanky nerds like yourself.
Did it feel good though?
Lmao you're right they'd probably start saying shit like that. There's no winning.
>group of people conspiring with each other and repeat the same false accusations
>"whoa" there look at all these allegations poppinv up, surely they must be true if multiple people are claiming it."
This is how the lie of the Holocaust remainded alive for so long.
Is the PC version out yet
I gotta replay this shit
Weird antisocial losers become male feminists thinking it will get them access to puss, but the type of women who end up hanging out with male feminists want Chad all the same. They’ll date or even fuck the nu-male but if they ever regret it one day, or they haven’t gotten their daily allotment of attention on Twitter, watch out - she got raped.
The lesson for men is never to become a feminist and never hang out with Zoe Quinn types.
imagine if the roles were reversed
>firing someone over ALLEGATIONS
fuck this gay earth
>Also they aren't into loli,
>or at least have the good sense to never mention it.
does the phrase 本目 mean anything to you? Even your average downs sperg knows not to wave around his porn folder in front of others.
Fuck off. No one's wrestling for the spotlight. This is about solidarity among women in game development. Zoe Quinn wasn't holding onto that story of abuse until another one broke just so she could get attention you fucking idiot.
Only SJW morons are turning the blind eye at this point. Theres nothing to hate when dumbass beta-orbiters get their comeuppance.
I'm expected to believe Zoe let a person walk around with her with his finger up her bum till it hurt. I'm suppose to GENUINELY believe Zoe is the type of material that people would do sick shit to.
You're right. In both cases, you're fucked in the ass
women are adept at blaming society for their grievances. they've been practicing for a long time now
Imagine living your life by a rule that says “believe all women”
Then imagine that one day some slag you tried to finger back in the day said you raped her.
Friendly reminder that all OBJECTIVE studies in the matter show that 30-50% of rape allegations are fake.
Everyone has come out to support Pro Jared and push back against internet mobs BECAUSE he's come out and disputed/deconstructed the claims.
This seems really mean.
Firing someone over their past, someone who's trying to become a better person.
>real men
>the south
If you consider overweight, retarded, inbreds to be human let alone men then you are too far gone
Going on twitter instead of to the police should be outlawed.
Not only is the police likely to tell you NOT to publicly announce your accusation (as that gives the accused the chance to cover their tracks from police investigation). But in a way, acknowledging that a crime was committed and not going to the police about it is implicitly covering it up.
Why do men keep raping her? Is it because she's stunningly attractive?
Thanks for sharing your feelings. Im surprised you actually managed to type a coherent sentence, since most southerners are to stupid to write or read due to inbreeding.
If you follow the comment chain up the post was talking about the rise of sjw shit in general I assumed. Loli's a whooooole separate level of degeneracy
in a perfect world all rape victims would immediately go to the police, yeah, but rape is extremely traumatizing and there's so many facets to how it could have happened and who could have done it that saying "just go to the police lmao" is a little unfair to the victims.
I'm sorry user but you're not going to get paid, you're wasting your time.
>Work with mostly women
>Started 4 months ago, everyone's nice and works hard
>One of the women in the last two weeks has clearly shown nothing but contempt for me, but only when it's just us
>Let management know and have a sit down, acts like nothing is wrong and started crying when confronted
I'm fucked aren't I? This fucking psycho is going to get me fired isn't she?
The man was an SJW and according to their religion you must believe women.
>Friendly reminder that all OBJECTIVE studies in the matter show that 30-50% of rape allegations are fake
>you now realise Epstein was championing woman's rights by bumping up the figures for true cases.
Bigger sacrifice than the Boss right there
Not really worth the effort
They don't give second chances. Once you offended the cult, you're out forever.
What do you mean probably? It's already happening.
>OBJECTIVE studies in the matter show that 30-50% of rape allegations are fake.
Cite your sources, asshole.
>rape is impossible to prove
LOL I live in NYC, the PD busts up Tyrones and Pedros for raping every single day, it’s really not that hard at all.
It’s hard to prove that someone you dated and had sex with for months raped you in the middle of that relationship because it’s not rape.
This isn’t hard.
Nah, believe a woman who speaks first.
How many women were accusing Zoe again? Fuck all did happen
jannies delete those threads because they are afraid of gg 2.0
which is never going to happen, lol
Yes, you should get out voluntarily now, and it might still be too late.
This is why NEETs have the right idea. This world isn't meant for beta males.
What a fuckin legend.
Congenital mental illness.
Avoid being alone with her.
God damn you're insufferable aren't you. I bet you look like this.
Didn't she "raise" $80k for a "project" that hasn't seen the light of day and was recent;y complaining about being poor?
>to stupid
*Too stupid. Stay in school.
get a go pro and record her.
You have to be stunned to find that attractive. Clinically so.
>but rape is extremely traumatizing
Then why do I sometimes hear about women getting off to it? Honest question.
She also got a bunch of muppets to write her book for her and did not pay them.
>What the fuck is going on?
Zoe Quinn is back at it again, this time with #metoo.
Was he one of the Five Guys? I can't remember.
This. Lefties are snakey as fuck. I have seen it time and time again. I don't care how friendly they are to you, associating with them will always come back to hurt you.
Get out, find another job.
She looks like those kids who are born without their brain.
She raised $80k for a project, then went on vacation for a few months abroad. Nothing has been seen of the project.
youre right, thats because this story was made up hours before the tweet
Tracer's new skin looks like shit.
I served her chicken nuggets once. Fat bitch didn't tip. Should've jizzed in her soda.
It would make sense to accuse someone that you want gone, but of all the people, WHY SOMEONE THAT'S ON YOUR SIDE?
I legit don't get it. The dev was a full-blown #metoo supporter. What prompted this?
did she even said he actually raped her? i only saw shit about him liking aggresive sex and stuffing his fingers in her once (with her consent im guessing)
wtf is going on?
We are balancing fairness to alleged victims and fairness to the accused.
If an alleged victim cannot provide evidence, or lead professional investigators to compelling evidence of a crime, then they shouldn't expect the state to act. To do otherwise is unfair to the accused.
Live by the lefty bullshit
die by the lefty bullshit
beta soiboys getting accused of rape is fucking hysterical.
Actually taking it to the cops before twitter would go some of the way
It would help, but it probably wouldn't matter that much. Not only does innocence tend to prove nothing when the accuser is a woman, but odds are that his life would be ruined regardless of the outcome in court.
It's not exclusive to the them, user. You should probably be cautious around any kind of drama mongers/people that spend a lot of their time trying to ruin people online.
It'd be complete suicide for Zoe to go after someone like Toby.
A lot more people from all walks of life seem to respect Toby, and they would probably fight tooth and nail against her (especially those crazy fuckers in Japan).He also has the cash to completely steamroll her in a court of law.
Seriously, if this dangerhaired thot impedes or stops the release of Deltarune then I'm going to shit a brick of pure fury
Probably because he did it. I won't ask for his arrest because there's no proof but I'd buy he definitely tried something
He didn't fuck her
nah, if a bitch says you touched her in an elevator and you have recorded proof you didnt, she is done and you can sue the fuck out of her.
Not saying everything will go perfectly for him,. but its better than not having that recording
Easier to accuse someone you interacted with a lot so you can act like you're betrayed. It'd be a lot weirder to accuse someone that fucking hates Zoe Quinn of raping her, because why would they come withing 10 miles of her in the first place? As a fat funny man said recently she's climbing a burning ladder, trying to climb faster than it burns.
Night in the slammers
However her claims have caused a man to lose a job without her having to submit any kind of proof to her claim. So by her making a claim that has resulted in him losing a job pretty much opens her up to lawsuit.
Because they are telling the truth and not just making up lies against people who they don't like the political alliances of?
I have an idea
>donate to Zoe
>say it's for her "next project"
>wait 2 months
>she never follows through
>accuse her of fraud
AFTER letting the feeding frenzy die down. When he tried to come out and dispute the claims as they were happening, it just made things worse.
It's incredibly easy for someone to say, "This person did a bad thing!" and be taken seriously. They need absolutely nothing to back up their claims. If you respond with, "I did not do a bad thing." you need to have a mountain of evidence to support your claim (and even that won't be good enough for some people).
Please no. One of the things I love about Toby is how he manages to completely avoid twitter drama.
The trauma prolonging telling the cops or anyone else thing is pretty damn valid, since emotional conflict, psychological damage and fear of being punished for speaking out is a very, very real thing. Especially if the people around you aren't supportive, and try to move on as if nothing ever happened, leaving you to stew in it with no resolution at all.
But saying things like
>I can confirm!
>I'm so sorry, I didn't do anything!
>I saw it happen!
Is essentially admitting you were too chickenshit to do anything and let somebody get hurt, if whoever the fuck's saying that is even telling the truth at that point. Bystander effect at full force.
Ironic, isn't it? Attention-seeking piranhas that want their time in the spotlight are making actual trauma victims look like screaming harpies that should be ignored and taken with a grain of salt. And that's why I fucking hate these people with every inch of my body. It's worse when you've gone through shit and people called you a lying stupid kid, and now here comes these bitch ass niggas doing what people that were supposed to help said you were doing. Put them in camps.
Didn't agree enough and displeased the cult leaders.
We have free speech in our country. Making victims be obliged to report said crime or remain forever silent is completly retarded.
>You should probably be cautious around any kind of drama mongers/
The right wing equivalent are the crazy church ladies.
>people that spend a lot of their time trying to ruin people online.
Staying the fuck away from Yea Forums is probably the best idea.
She refuses to disclose where she lives because she knows full well she has legal summons waiting for her wretched ass.
Women can only metoo men they actually interacted with in some way.
There's no profit if she's already partied away all the money, idiot.
Oh, is that one of /pol/'s trigger phrases? Thanks for letting me know. More ammo.
SJWs are a cult at this point.
Getting off to actual rape? They're freaks
Getting off to roleplay rape? I have no idea. I guess it's fun to imagine the hot guy you're lusting after would take you by force but real rape is nothing like rape roleplay unless you're being extremely rough and uncaring
I think he did it because of this.
Man I wish I was a girl just so I could be a fucking parasite and get by in life by sitting on my ass ruining “male allies’” lives and collecting patreon money. But instead I gotta go to work all the damn time. What a load of bullshit
Someone on reddit actually doxxed her just now. Dunno if that would work
>defeatist apologist
They're liberals, only conservatives make up bullshit aligations for political gain. :^)
People who fight back on impulse are too reactionary and usually look like a sperg trying to cover everything up. Especially if they respond to accusations as they come because it gives the other side time to just make up more bullshit in response.
Wait until it blows over, shut up, keep making your videos because I guarantee you half your audience doesn't know/care. And then respond once everything's out and you've got a clear head.
>The dev was a full-blown #metoo supporter.
Doesn't really mean anything. It's a good front for sure to get in with women
You should definitely keep your real world identity away from here at least. It's also not exclusive to Church ladies. Alimony Mindset likes to disingenuously make trouble for people online.
Sounds based as fuck to me.
Maybe I'm just not woke enough, but I don't understand the Alexis Kennedy stuff. The accusations are:
>Dated employees that were under him
>Cheated on one of them
Nothing about rape, physical or emotional abuse, nobody was underage, everything seems to have been on the level. What part of that makes him an abuser?
>equality is good
>female supremacy is good
Hmm, clearly both sides are bad!
What? No, I'm not saying it's okay or good. I'm saying it's understandable. It's a real thing people struggle with.
There is profit in the form of lulz watching her get a taste of her own medicine.
In this era no evidence is needed. All it takes is a blue check mark and an accuser and your life is over.
guys like akabur have never even been in the same room as a woman, how could they rape them?
Have fun prooving her accusations are false before a court, also the other two devs are free to drop him gor any reason except a few exceptions.
You want proof of something that happened between two people, alone, without any cameras on them? This is why they don't go to the police with this shit. Just because there isn't hard evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's their word against another's. You want a DNA sample or what? Fucking idiot.
RIP my man
And allowing anyone with a twitter account to have the absolute power to destroy a person's life is unfair as fuck to literally everyone.
Yes, it is shitty that rape kits and police reports are hard in that state. But the alternative which people are choosing is frontier justice and there's a fuckin reason we stopped doing that shit: humans are capable of lying and being incorrect. A solution exists, "it's too tuff" is not a good enough excuse to justify the alternative.
Zoe Quinn is a narcissistic sociopath, she's doing this for attention, not as some sort of calculated political move. Being such a solipsistic skunk, her social circle is bound to be incredibly insular and comprised almost solely of other radical leftists. It's not like she can just throw baseless accusations at some random guy she doesn't even know, not even the most insane SJWs would swallow that easily. We already know what a bitter, manipulative, spiteful cunt she is from what's his dick's Five Guys testimony, so I'm sure the truth of this situation is that Zoe was slutting it up to some degree with this dude, then somewhere down the line he jilted or offended her, and now she's trying to drag his balls through the coals by claiming that something that was reciprocal was not. This moron doesn't get my sympy at all though, he deserves every ounce of shit he gets for being dumb enough to associate with that harpy.
I'm starting to realize muslims were always in the right
Exploiting a position of power to coerce sex.
Wow, Hitler, maybe you should check your privilege. Zoë uses they/them pronouns. It's 2019, maybe you should stop being a biggot.
Man, I want this to happen.
Or any HUGE shot like Miyamoto or Todd.
Just for the shitstorm.
Yes and it's an exceptional port. The only problem is the KB+M controls work so great too well that the game is a lot easier.
the message is that only females are permitted to cheat
Oh they can bitch about it all they want. They just shouldn't expect anyone to believe them besides close friends
Anyone with a brain wouldn't be in the same room as Zoe Quinn
It is not hard to find articles/studies online about women orgasming during their rape - real rape. There are also articles about crazy shit line a woman cheating on her BF with her rapist.
It’s biological and ancient. Women want strong dominant men. What’s more dominant than taking their pussy by force? In prehistoric times Ug killed Grug and took his women as a prize. Ug didn’t ask for permission. It’s a primal biological urge. One they may not like to talk about but it’s there.
Shame about the whole Pork and Alcohol thing though.
You cannot cross a man and his love for bacon.
>Party member betrays you
>it's been confirmed by sources
>some cunt from polygon
>"it's true, she told me, so it's true"
>some other cunt
>"it's true, she told me that it's true, so it must be, I'm also mentioned in the story as being her friend"
>some cunt from radial games
>it's true, I've been told that it's true
>pathologic 2 fuck
>yeah, I wanted to warn you but I didn't oh well
>warn about what? oh you know, stuff
>FTL music guy
>yeah, I've heard that some people said that he is creepy or something, I don't know, but fuck him anyway lmao
>trust me, you can trust her, just trust her you fucking shithead
>pic related at this gem
Every "proof" is nothing but "I've heard that its true". COME THE FUCK ON WHAT THE FUCK
Dating employees isn't illegal, or immoral. The issues only arise if he was threatening their career if they withheld sex. If they were dating, then that clearly wasn't the case.
Racist much?
Including pro queer messages isn't enough anymore. Now you have to cut of your balls and get pozzed or you're literally holocausting 6 gorillion transfolk pocs.
Hahahaha you cant actually believe that? Feminist literally claim the same thing.
Both groups are a bunch of bitter incels/roasties trying to blame their failures on some other group instead of taking any responsibilty for themselves.
This She never had more attention than when she was being "oppressed" and she missed the limelight. This is how she gets her rush of fame back. Plus I'm sure she has a Patreon or Donation button that will see a big resurgence.
you're not allowed to have sex with women if you're in a better position than them. They don't want men to be in power
>You want a DNA sample or what? Fucking idiot
Uh, yeah? It's innocent until proven guilty you stupid fucking cocksucker, not the other way around. "Fucking idiot"? He's a "fucking idiot" for wanting evidence of a serious criminal allegation? Leftism is a mental illness, fucking christ.
It's weird how I used to fear the power Yea Forums and encyclopediadramatica had but now twitter mobs have so much more influence and can actually ruin your life.
Southern is a race?
It's nothing to do with dominance, it's a defence mechanism. It's much easier on your body if you orgasm rather than resist the whole time
Criminal punishment requires
>beyond a reasonable doubt
while civil only needs a
>preponderance of evidence
All i ask is that the social punishment requires
>moderately sufficient evidence
OJ Simpson was found not guilty, because there was some doubt, found guilty because it was still likely, and socially stigmatized due to largely circumstantial information. This was as it should be.
No sympathy, he was hanging out with SJWs until he got bit. Lay with snakes dont be surprised when you are bitten by one.
so you're Ok that any random angry bitch can accuse you of rape in social media and destroy your life in a few minutes without having to produce the minimum amount of evidence to support it?
Zoe comes from SA, Helldump specifically. They could make Yea Forums blush with how malicious they were to other people. Invading and posting gore and muddy dicks is one thing, Helldump was a sociopaths paradise.
Tell me oh mighty interlectual what the solution is.
She isn't that ugly, I'd not even resist if she tried to seduce me.
You have to remember that these are game devs, therefore all fucking ugly nerds who never fucked a hot woman in their lives.
I have, not shitting you, seen a post on Geek Feminism Wiki that said "innocent until proven guilty" is "meant to protect rapists".
Forgot to add onto this post since I'm a mega-faggot, but tl;dr with my first post, all this bullshit with harpies actively lying to get ahead or to get rid of people they don't like isn't helping actual victims one bit. Wouldn't it make them stay quiet and suffer more shit internally if they thought nobody would ever believe them, even more so than beforehand, now they have justification for not saying anything instead of just paranoia and low self-esteem?
It's innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. It's not on him to prove his innocence in any way, it's on her to prove his guilt. If she's making a claim with 0 proof or way to prove it then it's nothing more than hearsay at the best since he can just turn around and claim she is the one who raped him if nobody has to prove shit and can just make whatever accusations they want. Trust me, I've watched a lot of Law and Order.
Unironically who the fuck is Toby?
You don't need much influence to ruin a life. Just enough autism and technological means.
Underrated post
>it's almost like
>One important additional broadening of the section on treason was its application "via Article 19 of the Criminal Code"- -"via intent." In other words, no treason had taken place; but the interrogator envisioned an intention to betray — and that was enough to justify a full term, the same as for actual treason. True, Article 19 proposes that there be no penalty for intent, but only for preparation, but given a dialectical reading one can understand intention as preparation. And "preparation is punished in the same way [i.e., with the same penalty] as the crime itself" (Criminal Code). In general, "we draw no distinction between intention and the crime itself, and this is an instance of the superiority of Soviet legislation to bourgeois legislation."
What part don't you understand?
>work for some SJW indie company
>make girl uncomfortable for ANY REASON even if unintentionally
>get your entire career destroyed on an empty allegation because cancel culture and #metoo
when will people learn
lmao didnt she say her producer raped her like years later
SJWs view even false allegations as positive because it "starts a conversation"
You don't need evidence to be fired or let go from a contractual agreement.
I accidentally posted my address on Yea Forums once by uploading the uncropped version of a preorder confirmation. I didn't even get one joke package, people just made fun of how stupid I was.
I feel like if I did anything like that on twitter someone who didn't like my tweets would definitely start threatening me, pulling up personal details and superimposing innocuous quotes on top of them
Read the posts.
So it didn't happen, then?
Nice to know
Nigga he is fucked, he is deep in the SJW circle. He is never working for indie games ever again, even if the allegations are proven false.
I once forget to scrub exif data and was sent pizza and chinese takeout.
>that harpy
Please do not insult harpies by comparing them to Chelsea "Zoe Quinn" Van Valkenburg.
The one woman even talks about how after they broke up and she continued working under him that "His attitude towards me and my work changed the moment I was no longer his partner." which, no shit, that's why you shouldn't date coworkers in general. But she continued working under him until he left the company and she continues to work there so clearly there was no retaliation over their failed relationship
Jesus user, you can't just go around saying the N word like that.
This is social justice
Meanwhile zero real legal accusations or charges
Are they retarded? Justice exists for this type of stuff
>Fucking Zoe Quinn of all people accused him.
Guy is probably getting fucked over by supporting these "Guilty until proven innocent" types and dug his own grave, but that doesn't mean I'm believing a single word the Quinnpin is saying.
You linked the same tweet 3 times.
What is it and with ugly femcels claiming sexual assault
This is legally the correct thing to do. Not that it matters.
I know a SJW IRL and somehow she always ends up in these hilariously stereotypical SJW situations. Ask her about her life and it’s a nonstop series of evil white men assaulting her.
They really are mentally ill.
umm sweatty, proof is bigotry.
Wait, Pathologic, what
Imagine living in a world where a woman singling you out is enough to ruin your life.
>Zoe quinn come out with "rape allegation"
>Suddenly her friends and those of her inner circle all come out with theirs too
I'm not wrong to believe that this is all coordinated right?
Yes, and no court would convict him for rape based on a random twitter post.
Just as no court of law would convict her for false accusation without solid proof. Since both crimes are mostly he-said-she-said nothing will come of it, unless either party goes full retard. Thats why I said have fun finding proof.
You can however request the exact reasons and the way the tweet is laid out he was fired specifically because of nothing more than an allegation. He would be in the right to take both the company and Zoe to court for wrongful termination and slander or whatever the law terms are for them.
Same thing happened to me, but got a fucking game sent to me. It was Burger King: Sneak King
>Another hashtag woke indie dev sex pest
How absolutely unheard of.
Pathologic 2
Pardon me, I was getting pretty pissed at this point
Well it does to the extent that it protects rapists and not-rapists alike. They like other stupid argumentative tactics, like pretending that the false rate of accusations is known or that it is a secular process and not a byproduct of incentives. This is ultimately because they aren't interested in justice as a concept, but are simply a women's special interest group.
How much is a low level hitman in America?
Can we crowd fund a hit?
Okay let's be completely fair here lads.
These types of the dudes are some of the people that are likely to be sex offenders/predators/pedophiles as well. So I WOULDN'T be surprised if he sexually assaulted somebody as well because that's how fucked the SJW circle is. And most of the time, they do get indoctrinated into these groups because that's the easiest way for them to get poon.
It's filled with some of the most abhorrent people in existence. Even worse than the cesspool that is /pol/.
source please
im pretty much Ok with that, actually
>be young me
>be liberal because brainwashed by American education system
>conditioned to think all conservatives are evil white retards
>conditioned by movies like Aladdin and Cool Runnings to think non whites are my friends
>conditioned to hate attractive popular white kids
>conditioned by shows on Nickelodeon to think women want friendly nice guys
>conditioned to think communicating your fears and weaknesses to people is healthy
>grow up thinking women are just like men cognitively and also deserve white knight protection
>literally walked on by everyone my entire life
>fat weak goofy bullied khv at 16
>hit growth spurt and suddenly become 6’6 Chad mogging everyone
>have model tier face
>tons of attention from women and lots of competition and jealousy from men
>still autistic, can’t handle the newfound status
>still treat women like queens which creeps them out
>depressed as fuck with no clue why I can’t get my shit together at all, so nice to everyone, everyone says I’m handsome, 20 and still a KHV loser
>start reading nietzsche in philosophy class
>start reading heartiste
>holy shit these racist whites are so evil
>sitting at train station one day
>look at young obnoxious nig blasting rap music and rapping degenerate shit out loud
>massive red pill moment, realize they were right, he is nothing like me at all, he is like a separate species, we do not share the same capacity for reflection or forethought, he is a genuine savage
>start looking around at the poor uneducated people and realizing I’ve been fucking brainwashed to treat them like equals when they’re not
>realize women are the same, it’s all mass cultural brainwashing applied to sensitive liberal white men like me to neuter me
>start treating women like inferiors
>start treating ugly people worse
>become politically independent
>every problem in my life solved
>beloved, successful, happy
>come back to Yea Forums and see it is full of younger brainwashed me’s
A case with no evidence and only hearsay for testimony would be tossed out. They can inflict more damage and receive more "justice" by naming and shaming in front of the world where there is no pesky hurdle of fact to clear.
It would actually be incredibly easy to sue for harassment, it would just be very difficult to prove defamation.
Banning people from posting on twitter ? Not being allowed to speak about any crimes you might have experienced without a conviction?
But something did come of it. Based on those tweets he lost his employment as a result of her accusation. It's not like this was some harmless statement she made, she has legit cost him a living and most likely his name is now mud within the community so he might have issues finding another job if they have read or heard of this accusation.
This. Need I remind all of us here that resetera is a literal pedo forum?
Is anyone here in the indie industry? I am making my own game but i wanna know if anyone has any tips for avoiding SJWs in the industry. Im not interested in being friends with SJWs or living in SanFran. I just wanna make my games and live off them. How does a person avoid SJW and feminist in that industry? Im not even white, would that help with keeping SJWs away?
Look at this dood
why should he lose his job then?
he may not end up in jail but his life becomes essentially worthless now
Couple hundred to a few thousand, depending on location, at least judging by the records of sting operations. Last one i saw on TV, it was $500 from some mexican cunt going after her husband.
>moving the goalposts
You're pathetic. If you actually believed this fucking harpy's bullshit and cared you'd want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But that's not what this is about. You don't care whether or not he did it, you don't care about seeing justice served and you sure as hell don't give a rat's ass about Zoe Quinn. All you care about is being able to attempt to sabotage the careers of people you don't like and don't agree with.
Killing is no good. It would be better to ruin her life instead; give her a taste of her own poison and make her suffer.
Reddit is two doors down, buddy.
A bit ironic considering he dies and the player wins.
I agree. My point is the team should not act and part ways with a guy that is not proven guilty by real justice
This is some hoe venting on Twitter and they act like politicians
w-what the next door?
Is that the same person she got pissed at because they called the police to report her supposed sexual abuse for her?
Avoid all the people on this list
kek this is the journey of every American white male born in the 1980s
Who is he in pathologic 2. Director is Nikolay Dybowski who doesn't seem to be involved in any twitter drama.
"male feminist" is a synonym for "rapist"
It might work unless any contracts he's under have negative publicity clauses which they might.
>I don't know the guy but I believe you, stranger on the internet
New thread
If you can't make a game that can make the runs without some college drop out journalist at Kotaku writing about it you'll never make it. Because if you won't toe the line the gatekeepers gonna gatekeep.
Kinda funny that Yea Forums of all people would come to the defense of a sjw
THIS IS LITERALLY FUCKING GOSSIP. And they expect us to take this shit seriously?
It is kind of just a life lesson now.
Here's a tip. Hire your guys and rent an office literally anywhere else. Go to conventions and fly out when you want to network. Stay quiet and work hard. Release your game and hire a real PR guy who will tell you when to talk and when to shut up.
Nothing will come of it in a court of law.
That post on twitter can have severe consequences for you is obvious, since public opinion is not bound by laws.
As opposed to the people getting all the abortions and chopping their dicks off. This is some next level projection.
He's not wrong. When it comes to those communities it usually goes both ways. The females are complete lunatics and the males are all degenerates in hiding.
I disagree
How would you be able to not have these people crawl out of the woodwork at you? Just never interact with someone?
Because not everyone wants to spend time giving their giant scaly girlfriend a cloacal enema before each pounding to avoid a urinary tract infection, cleaning up giant piles of shit in the yard and having their house smell like an exotic pet shop.
Then again, if the metoo/woke crap gets any worse, I'll consider it.
fuck me it’s like reading my own life story except I’m not handsome
Why did Cloudflare have to kill your gay website?
New thread
Watched a bit of a let's play
>furry characters
>omg lol humor
>muh gay couple
>literal cat lady college drop out
>All the good SJW check marks
>Nigga still gets Metoo'd
This fuckin timeline...
I remember when a failed hookup would result in your embarrassment, not the loss of your job.
Hi there, Zoe. Do you need more bucks for your Patreon now that your comic project went on to be a massive bust like everything else in your life that wasn't grifting Goons and SJWs off?
8 chan
It is locked though
delet now
Fuck off, falseflagger
New thread
Its happening again!
a thing of beauty for sure
Report your rape claims to the police, not Twitter. Now should she fail for prove her claims, it's slander, leaving her wide open to be literally raped by the courts
Where is key
Correction: If you get a PR guy, make sure that he's actually on the same page as you guys. Make sure you as main developer of your own game gets your final say in whatever PR issues you might run into before he/she might decide to stab the rest of the team in the rear for woke points from pathetic goons.
don't shit where you eat, keep your personal and professional life completely separate
don't hang around anyone with mental illness
apart from that, you are fucked. you can be perfect and still get hit by a random accusation, look up the game of thrones actress accusation story. dude was just a normal guy walking and bam his life is fucked up.
you will never be a woman
These sheltered retards think they're "oppressed" because video games have jiggle physics. They can't even wrap their fucking minds around why laws exist to protect us from actual, genuine oppression.
I'm not, actually.
He just did fuckwit.
You're in the same room with Quinn without a neutral third party
How do you avoid raping her?
New thread
>no argument
why are you anti white leftypol trannies so stupid?
>I knew this guy was a beast and I said nothing until a different woman made a specific claim of abuse about another person in the games industry on the same day. Thus dragging attention once again to our group of shitdevs and poseurs.
undertale creator
>Since both crimes are mostly he-said-she-said nothing will come of it
Buzz, wrong. He has real monitory damages which are easy to prove right now. He can sue her for these losses
Remember: never hire a woman
Kill both of us
Libel: the written communication of a false assertion of fact, which subsequently causes harm to another person’s reputation.
New thread
>Make SJW garbage games
>Win SJW garbage prizes
In other news, water is wet
Thats one of the worst thing you could do because they will put shit out of context no matter what you say, they will twist and turn anything you say until you are seen as a monster
She has told everyone about the other times she has been "sexually abused", but she has kept this old as fuck case a secret for some reason?????
NEVER EVER say anything even slightly related to politics, and don't get near of any industry member unles you know ABSOLUTELLY FOR SURE they are legal. And even then be cautious, hide your powerlevel, and only met in public locations.
NEVER start a romantic relationship with anyone even slightly related to gaming.
Basically focus only on your work and promoting it, and nothing bad will happen.
I'm pretty sure I raped all my gfs
The first time is always rough
>men have to live life walking on eggshells
>how this affects women
I hate holes.
We’re all gonna make it user
Someone sent me a picture of the purple horse from the cartoon show with swastikas and a giantic penis.
I keep it on my refrigerator as a reminder to avoid identity theft.
Toby is a based musicfag.
It's some literally who in the Pathologic dev team. I don't think he's some major writer or something.
He seems to be literally a minor cog in the dev team, seeing as he said that he was drunk along with the Russian dev members, I think he only did some of the dialogue but not all of it.
It's why the correct position is the null hypothesis.
Sorry to have triggered you, dear. I'll make sure to include a trigger warning next time.