i've noticed that recently gba threads get going if there's a picture of a unit's stats
so uhhhhh here's fucking wolt
he's not very good
fire emblem gba thread
thracia and tellius also semi-welcome
I've noticed that recently gba threads get going if there's a picture of a unit's stats
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, at least you posted the best one.
yeah 7 is a bit bland and easy, and 8 i like a lot more but it's even easier. I think that 6 is overall the best game in the entire series, but people disregard it completely over small issues like reinforcements moving on the same turn they come out and supports growing slowly. fucking faggots
Why do FE6fags always go "M-MUH DIFFICULTY!" and try to handwave any other problems it has? Half of its difficulty is due to a fucking bug, anyway. Conquest and arguably New Mystery have the best difficulty in the series.
>not using wolt
its hard because enemy stats are high, enemy quantity is relatively high, and accuracy is low so its harder to form reliable player phase strategies. idk which one of those is a bug to you but clearly you have an axe to grind, and probably miss with.
something being a bug doesn't change the fact that it's in the game. death of the author and all that. work stands on its own. the aliens going faster in space invaders was a fucking bug.
>using wolt
for what purpose
i can see maybe using him a couple times for chip damage when he's force deployed but like why else
he has shit bases and shit growths
he's outclassed by every other bow wielding unit
enjoyable post
Same turn reinforcements are bad design. FE6 is good apart from that.
Might as well just have invisible enemies like that Kaga game.
yeah i don't deny that but it doesn't mean it's not the best fe game just for that sole reason
What makes it the best FE game though? Conquest once again has better difficulty than it, its story is nothing special, some of the characters are flat out clones of FE1 characters, and the map design is pretty okay I guess.
It's just one of the few games that'd really benefit from a remake.
Personally, I'd rather have Genealogy remade on the 3H engine first, but FE6's story and characters could use a fresh coat of paint. And the gameplay mechanics they added to 7/8 would benefit 6 a lot, as well.
Would they keep Roy the useless fucking deadweight that he is or would they buff him to be usable?
>Half of its difficulty is due to a fucking bug
In the first few chapters of hardmode enemies get more bonuses then they should, around 10 levels of them I believe.
If they wanna keep his force promote, just do it after the one you fight Narcian. Maybe give him 7 move after promoting.
Obviously everyone is gonna have buffed growths across the board because nu-FE, so Roy would at least have decent stats
How buffed did growths get in Echoes? I know they made the game even harder than it originally was in hard mode.
>an axe to grind, and probably miss with
That’s intended you retard
Not certain on numbers but I will say enemy stats are far closer to yours, in fact many units cannot stand toe to toe with their enemy counterparts. As in, when I field any of my Gold Knights, the enemy GK will kick his ass. Only my favored units really saw use in end game aside from chip.
Hard mode in Echoes is unironically easier because they also raised enemy LEVEL. Meaning you gain more EXP. So if you just use 5 units +healers on both routes, you'll still tear the game in half
But when Gonzales does hit tho.
I think promoting after chapter 16 or 16x would make him so much better. That's also the point where your second Christmas cavalier should promote, and where the secret shop is, so basically everyone except Roy is promoted at that point.
Give him better bases and something like universal support bonuses so there's an actual reason to keep him with the group instead of just strapping him to someone's saddlebags/leaving him in the back until the coast is clear. He still won't be Hector/Ephraim level but he won't be a total liability
Good for early game chip but not much more especially in HM. Shin is the best Bow user.
I'm here now, ask thracia questions if you have any
What's the best difficulty hack for FE8? That's really all that keeps it from being perfect.
Archers fucking sucked in that one, literally better to have a caster in every situation.
Also based fucken oisin kicking the shit outta everyone
Not even. Most dismiss it because Roy can't solo the game.
Why is Thracia such an okay game?
Do you spam staves with Safy to get A rank or let her eat the elite scroll and promote asap?
Bow users are good because there's so many wyverns. It's just that Wolt and Dorothy fucking suck because their stats are bad. Shin is really fucking good, and Sue is decent too, and Dayan is a hell of a lot better than Juno.
It's got some great parts and some annoying flaws so people see it as great/okay/bad depending on how much weight they give the flaws.
Promote asap. In an SSS run (normal mode) I prefer to skip 8x but as long as safy uses the elite scroll she can get plenty of exp from dodging attacks and using staves. She can promote in chapter 10 for a delayed warpskip (6-7 turns).
In a slow paced or warpless run I'd still promote safy but might save the elite scroll for someone else. Getting to A rank staves without promoting isn't feasible early on unless you're rigging repair misses.
That's because they have horses and get real weapons on promotion.
Klein and Igrene are fine
It's got tons of missing content like FE4 cameos and even a dummied out tutorial function to actually explain all the weird shit they added to the game.
The fact that literally every pre-FE6 fire emblem game came out way too late is probably a sign that they were either bad developers or probably remade the game like 2-3 times in the case of Geneology
Emphasis on fine, they're filler units through and through. It kind of sucks that the growth archers are so bad, but the class is so mediocre that really that's the only way anyone's going to use them
hey they're the children of pent and hawkeye, put some respec on those names
Yeah, Klein inherited his dad's bow skills and Clarine inherited her mother's magic.
seriously why is your mag so fucking bad Clarine what's wrong with you
She traded her genetic magic skills for a horse
Pretty decent trade all things considered
I didn't know about the dummied out tutorials. That's actually really cool.
Can I survive the end-game with only 4 legendary weapon users + Fae and a very underleveled Roy
>Milady (Maltet)
>Rutger/Perceval (Durandal)
>Shin (Murgleis)
>Niime (Apocalypse)
Playing the self-randomized FE8
Whats a good seed ?
I did it with one lol (in normal) God bless the DIECK
Define endgame. If you mean the dragon murder train then yes, that's easy
Made it past Ch23? If so you'll be fine as long as the weapons have a some uses in them. Wyrmslayers also are strong against the dragons so give one of those to the one who doesn't get Durandal. Also Karel would be decent filler I guess. Final boss is piss easy, if you want the good ending defeat it with Roy.
Is the effectiveness bonus enough for you to be able to easily kill it with Roy even if he only got to level 12 before promoting
Yes, it's the easiest final boss in the series. Even at base Roy does good damage to it.
Yeah, like how FE4 was re-done like twice and it took them a year to add the romance system, FE5 went through a reworking and changed goals through development, but the fact that it came out so late into the SNES is probably what forced them to make cuts to get a release.
There any color correction rom hacks for gba fe games?
Can't you just color correct in your emulator?
Wanna play on my 2ds xl. Runs em natively. Dsi xl too.
What do you mean
oh i see
i actually do that too so i understand the need, got a correction hack for ffv and ffvi advance
What goals? Where did you find this information?
Most gba games ate over saturated and brightened to compensate for the og gba non back-lit screen
/feg/ had romhacks aplenty in their pastebin when I last went there like 5 years ago, I'm almost certain they have a few color ones because other romhacks used them. Assuming it isn't dead or on fire it should be easy to get them or ask there.
idk if its intended because miledy actually uses those hard mode bonuses even though she never appears on a map within those chapters. she seems to get it only because she shows up in ch 2
I can afford 16 boots
Is this a good way to distribute them?
>3 pairs Roy (Binding Blade, Seizing)
>2+1 pairs Lalum (1 pair was from the desert)
>3 pairs Rutger (Durandal, crit)
>2 pairs Perceval (also Durandal sometimes)
>3 pairs Milady (Maltet)
>2 pairs Niime (Apocalypse)
>1 pair Shin (Murgleis)
I kinda want Shanna to have Boots too though
The GBA FEs don't really suffer from this that much compared to some other games on the system. It's also how it would look like o the SP don't forget that.
do you not have a trained anima user?
why do these threads about fe6 always go to like 200+ posts without a single waifu fag but all my conquest threads either get flooded with them or flooded with POR shitters who irrationally hate 3ds games and waifus?
Hugh but he ain't reaching S rank
it's been this way since awakening, surely you haven't forgotten?
Dragons have low res and can't counter ranged attacks he'll be okay.
But enough to give him boots? ehh
>good for early game chip
Bruh that means nothing
Depends on what other units you have?
Thanks, I'll have a look
Is that it? If so I'd give one so he doesn't fall behind literally
FE6 HM early game is brutal and that's more than a lot of units have going for them in FE6.
It's on Wikipedia/TCRF. Both FE4/5 suffered from some bloated vision, like FE4 was supposed to have a whole middle part bridging the timeskip and Seliph's chapters, and if I recall, FE5 was supposed to be a completely different scenario until they repurposed it as a FE4 midquel.
Replaying FE8 recently, man I did not remember how fucking sexually frustrated some of the women were.
Damn, I never even knew about this. I wonder if it would still have its hardcore reputation if this actually made it into the final game.
It still would, but it would have the excuse for "just read the tutorial dumbass" instead of having to look up a manual or go by word of mouth on "what the fuck is capture/PCC/attack speed"
>so uhhhhh here's fucking wolt
>he's not very good
i never got to give him a chance, rutger came out and immediately one shotted the poor guy when i played
I've played like 7 or 8 different Fire Emblem games, but somehow I don't think I've ever finished one. I love the early game chapters but at some point it just turns into a bunch of super-units clearing huge maps with dozens of enemies, while all your other units are significantly weaker and prone to dying to random crits while trying to play catch-up, making you restart the map and do it all over again. Like in Awakening late game for example, you are clearly at a disadvantage by bringing more than one or two pairs of units. It sucks because I really do love everything else about these games
1-2 pairs for lalum, 1 pair for milady, 0-1 for percival and shin, 0 for the rest. Get some dracoshields instead.
all of my endgame units have pretty good defense barring Roy, Shin, and Rutger, and Rutger barely gets hit anyway
It wouldn't make a difference, the tutorial just covers basic stuff that's better suited for a manual.
Interesting that some things in this tutorial were changed after the fact, e.g. staves have weight in the final game
I agree with this to some extent but it's not as crazy as in the latee games. Playing Conquest for the first time and this is what I'm currently experiencing. Just beat Ryoma and the royals paired up are just obliterating it and this is on Hard. Corrin, Elise(gave paragon)Camilla, Leo, Xander all reached max level this chapter and are just powering through with rallymans support.
Milady's max defense >>> pretty good defense. If you don't want dracoshields then buy something else but mass boots are a waste of money if you're not doing a low turn count run.
Sacred Stones is the best of the GBA games because I find it the most fun.
Binding Blade is hard but in an unenjoyable way, and Blazing Blade has a really boring earlygame (even if you skip Lyn Mode the first few chapters of Eliwood/Hector mode are boring, with special notice to the Laus chapter with the rain)
My favorite game is either Genealogy or Shadow Dragon.
Well it was never finished so we don't know if they would have added more to it or not.
Sacred Stones is the best of the GBA games because Tana is a cute girl with a ponytail and L'Archel is also a cute girl with a ponytail.
>replay Radiant Dawn
>there's such a massive gap before replaying the Dawn Brigade, by the time you have them they are incredibly weak and useless
>Crimean Knights arrive way too late and it's extremely difficult to catch up with the enemy
>Greil Mercs on the other hand are extremely OP and there's no reason to pick anyone but them in Rebirth because they are the only ones that can withstand the 5 last chapters
I wished they just sticked with Greil Mercs, it's just so fucking bad.
L'Arachel and Ephraim A support tho
>L'Arachel: Well, I suppose I can forgive you for this one indiscretion. I wasn't prepared. I've never seen a man's naked body before...
>Ephraim: Naked...I was only showing you the scar on my shoulder, like you asked!
>L'Arachel: A naked shoulder is a big deal! I was so shocked. Why, I could hardly sleep at all that night!...
Ephraim is such a Chad, I couldn't even self-insert as him, I had to self-insert as Innes.
Playing FE1 for the first time, any tips beside giving Caeda the Silver Lance?
this post is worthless
yeah pretty good advice
>play the game how you want to play, but don’t give objectively bad advice to new players
>omg elitist such offend
Who the fuck has ever said this?
Yeah drop your shit units when you get better ones, that's obvious, but like for example an early-promoted Rutger will stay great for the entire game
And also, there's incentive to not promote units you won't continue using, promotion items are fucking rare in FE6
AND, if you don't promote early, wouldn't those prepromoted units be EVEN BETTER than those units had they promoted early?
>nobody's making these cliche stupid arguments genuinely so lets yell them at each other for no reason
Nobody says that, you use Marcus and Zealot and when they fall off, you get Perceval
Ah yes, Marcus, slightly younger Marcus, and even younger Marcus. The holy trinity of FE6
No one solos the game with Marcus
I think in FE7 it might be feasible but pretty hard, definitely not optimal. Marcus never really falls off but he does become an average unit near the end
In FE6 it's definitely not optimal. You use Marcus until the desert, he's immensely useful until then, but then he falls off completely so you switch to the meme team of Rutger/Milady/Perceval
Now FE8 is a game you can solo with the Jagen. Seth is just a fucking force of nature. Some of the best growths in the game. I don't even know what they were thinking.
I agree with the "Marcus and slightly younger Marcus" for Zealot, I've made that comparison before, but with Perceval you're just being retarded. There's a clear fundamental difference between a unit that can solo the early game vs. one that can solo the endgame. Unless you just think all Paladins look alike. Racist.
When I was 8 I p much solo'd 7 with Marcus. Maxed skill (whoa best unit ever his skill turned green!) And never had a lord above level 10 unpromoted. Pent Hawkeye and Marcus were my only gods.
I...FUCKING hate Wolt
I have no idea what the point of Zealot was when he has near identical growths and stats to Marcus but hey free second Paladin. Not to mention giving Perceval better stats than the trained up cavaliers.
Well if you add Pent and Hawkeye it's just a normal FE7 run
And none of the lords are particularly good, Hector is fine despite having 5 mov and too high con to be rescued a lot of the time, but Eliwood and Lyn are just straight-up bad units.
Why did they only give Eliwood 7 mov on promotion? Could have been a good knight lord like Sigurd and Seliph
I was making a joke dude. Besides, Percival might as well be the Marcus of the end game because of how strong he is. He shits on everything there, even more on hard mode. Seems pretty similar to how Marcus performs in the early game, but with hard mode bonuses.
Same reason that Durandal weighs him down 5, because after FE5 Kaga's contract stated that lords couldn't be good again until the second lord of FE8.
Is it worth trying to salvage units in the GBA games or do you just go to whoever's new and immediately useful?
I usually try to keep the red/green cavaliers and the mercenary going even if they get shitty levels for a while, as well as my healers, but tend to rotate everyone else around.
I use both cavs in the begining but if one of them gets bad levels I drop them.
>Great early game (pre-chapter 13) worth-training units in FE6:
Astore (he wants speed levels to steal the Delphi Shield, 16 in NM and 18 in HM)
>Decent ones
>FE7 good early game (pre-chapter 22)
Tellius games are my fav.
this is the saddest post ive ever read
You can use whoever you want, even the worse units can perform well enough for their given role to at least get through the game.
If you like some units, use them even if they are bad, games are pretty easy anyways. Out of the ones you mentioned, only the red/green cavs in FE8 are actual garbage, the rest are pretty good even with bad level ups.
What's the difference between the two FE6 translations, and is there a general preference between one or the other?
The latest one is better
Some of the names suck like Deke instead of Dieck and Klain instead of Klein, but overall it's just better.
Is it that Forde/Kyle are actually terrible, or is it just that Seth and Franz are way better?
I only remember Kyle being awful, but I thought it might have been bad luck on my growths.
Staffs don’t give exp, you need to get Wrys and Lena into fights so that they level up.
Draug can use swords as well as lances. Same with Caeda.
Cain and Abel are fucking OP
Castor is incapable of promoting
Neither do the axers, but Barst is still really good regardless.
And Wendell is the most OP unit in the game.
Nah Kyle is actually the better one, Forde is mediocre
The new translation completely ruins Narshen, though.
>staffs don't give EXP
What were they thinking?
How so?
And unless they're actively changing the meaning of the original text, you can't really blame a translation for that. It may just be that the earlier translation was inaccurate but you preferred it better.
I miss the gba Fire Emblem feel
Every time I have tried to use them they have turned out to be pretty bad, it may be bad luck but their stats are pretty underwhelming overall. The fact that they struggle to one round most things in one of the easiest Fire Emblem and that they don't have access to axes as paladins to solve that problem doesn't help either
>And unless they're actively changing the meaning of the original text, you can't really blame a translation for that. It may just be that the earlier translation was inaccurate but you preferred it better
You act like that’s not a valid criticism. Have you never played Chrono Trigger?
What's different about Narcian in the new translation? Haven't played FE6 since the new one came out I only have memories of the old one.
I just don’t like how his scenes were retranslated.
Somethingawful has archives of both versions of the patch here:
Oh right, should probably mention how the new version’s LPer got really bored playing through a game already played countless times, so he decided to do all kinds of wonky shit for the sake of humor.
My Franze ended up being hot garbage. I didn't keep Forde along for too long because he fell behind really early on.
Kyle has always been based. He's actually pretty decent in speed too so he rarely gets doubled.
I really need to finish this run so I can unlock creature campaign.
I dunno, I'm reading the scene where Murdock demotes him and it seems pretty identical. The only difference I see is that the new one uses a lot more fancy/outlandish word choices which funny enough is something that all the recent FE retranslations have in common.
If I remember right the newer one is a retranslation that was written to sound more like the way official Fire Emblem localizations are written. It also changes several names to the versions found in Fire Emblem Awakening's SpotPass, because at that point it was the only official source for localized names.
Unless I'm thinking of FE4's semi-recent patch. I could be. Either way though
>Patch comes out to keep character names in line with NoA's official localized names
>Fire Emblem Heroes comes out and changes several of the names yet again, like reverting "Klain" to "Klein" or "Raquesis" to "Lachesis"
My tism flareup is mostly relegated to his chat with Clarine in Chapter 4 (where Clarine calls him a lowborn mutt rather than a vulgar peacock) and his battle quote in Chapter 16 (where they mix it up and it becomes way less memorable)
Niime shoulda been in FE7 gaddammit
I'm tired of retards saying they should remake FE6+7 and make them one game. Not even a tenth of the characters are children of FE7 characters.
I think it could work as long as it's established that you're only going to get very light, basically transfer bonuses from playing the FE7 half first, like with PoR and Radiant Dawn kinda
its the exact same setting and kingdoms
In one of these threads, someone once suggested that if they remade FE6 and 7 as a two-generation thing, you could make it so if Eliwood married Ninian in the FE7 portion then Roy could use dragonstones in the FE6 portion. I still don't really know how I feel about that idea, but I think it's interesting at the very least.
I found Radiant Dawn more difficult than Conquest.
Radiant Dawn has mistranslated difficulty names
You probably played Conquest on Normal and Radiant Dawn on Japanese Hard (English Normal)
It's because Radiant Dawn is poorly balanced. Ike men are OP as hell and the other two groups can't catch up.
>younger MILF Niime
>play Thracia 776
>it's actually easier than FE6's hard mode
What the fuck?
Why are these games fun? Is it difficulty? Gameplay? Story?
The feeling of overcoming each map and seeing your units grow.
jill and 1 other downs brigade member can get enough resources to catch up, they also get 1 paragon scroll. the real problem is you probably kept them in the silver army and the silver army doesnt get as much exp as the other 2 armies especially the hawk army. crimeans can have keiran, geoffrey, calil, nephnee, or brom catch up but they require a lot of exp funneling, especially the royal knights like keiran geoffrey and calil. the most screwed of all is vika
if you like tactics games and math and soulful animations and waifus then theres something in the series for you i guarantee
I like tactics. Don't really care about waifus and animations.
I enjoy strategy games but I often can impatient and forget important things. Permadeath seems like it would become tedious.
I am a much better player at 3 hours in than I am at 30.
permadeath only kicks in on a chapter to chapter basis. if someone dies on chapter 14 you dont have to restart the whole game, just chapter 14. or you could be a chad and not reset and continue playing because while these games do have challenges you seldom get stuck because you lost a unit.
Are the units bland and replaceable?
I like x-com classic mode. Since losing a unit is just losing a stronger character while gaining a weaker one.
If I lose out on story I'd rather not lose any.
the units are pretty unique in support conversations if you choose to unlock them, otherwise 90% of units dont contribute to the story past their join chapter. i wouldnt say they are replaceable because of the class system but it suffices to say there are filler and replacement units of some classes in later chapters. for example cavs promote into paladins and there are usually paladins later in the game that are statistically worse than the cavs if you choose to raise them, but the paladins have the advantage of not needing any investment to get to the point they are at and can be used to replace a dead cav. some modern fe games dont really have replacement units and have a lot more flexibility with the class change system.
all characters are unqiue and come along the story but a lot of them share classes so if one archer character dies you'll have or will soon have another to replace them with
Each character is unique, with their own design, personality, class, stats, growth rates, etc.
In older games you get way more characters than you do deployment slots, so you can replace characters as they die. Newer games have smaller casts but either are easier or have ways for units to not die.
The majority of the cast aren't important to the story after they join your cast. Anyone who is important doesn't properly die when they go down, it just gets flavored as they become too injured to fight but show up in cutscenes.
This just makes me remember how shit Archers/Snipers are
Nomads/Nomadic Troopers or other riding unit that can use bows and another weapon are the best
The ability to retreat after an attack is great to then just trade swap a close range weapon onto them
>using Bernie in FE3H because her timeskip hair makes her look like best autist Lute
I wish SS was a better game, cause Lute is one of my favorite units in the series.
if only she wasn't a fucking twig and could lift any books worth a damn
GBA Con sucks shit in general. A unit being completely hamstrung by a stat like that is fucking garbage. At least Lute's Mag stat is so retarded that she can still one round most of the game with basic ass Fire.
you can only use super canto in fe4 fe5 fe9 fe10 and fethreehouses tho.
Pretty sure eliwood alone gets canto
every mount in fe7 has canto, but they cant canto after combat aka super canto
I remeber it in fe7 and 8 though and checked but it isnt after attacking or staff use in those games
But either away, mounted bow uses are great due to move, and as second promote grants another weapon.
Hell, other classes that can use bow second promote are better then archers and snipers
once again, they have canto, but super canto is when they get to move after combat
IS oversetimates the value of 2 range, having a basically nonexistant Enemy Phase puts Snipers in bottom tier by default.
>seth gets crit'd
>it's literally nothing
thanks seth
How well do they emulate on phones? are controls manageable?
more like
>enemy unit decided to an hero on "Big Dick is Back in Town" Seth
its turn based and has no qte or simultaneous presses so its pretty good. the biggest problem i had is that the shoulder buttons are really small and you need to use the r button a ton in the gba games
>enemy swordmaster crits
>it does no damage
Name a better feel
It's fine on phones, they're turn based games
The people who say FE5 is hard are the ones that play games like conquest and new mystery on normal mode. FE5 is "hard" because the elite mode doesn't change much.
That or they've never played FE5 and are just repeating hearsay.
I prefer it to the straightforward Weight - Str = Speed Penalty, though, since the games never did find a good way to keep weapon weight relevant in the end-game for most units as a result. 3H from what I've heard does something to the calculation that generally keeps weapon weight relevant the whole game through, though, so maybe whatever it did is the ideal system.
its hard because there are many beginner traps and it feels like you should have a player guide to play through the manster arc. theres so many "pulls the rug" moments in manster its obnoxious but after a reset or two you can beat any map.
3H has heavy weapon weights with no sort of mechanic like Con or Str to reduce the speed penalty aside from an out-of-the-way skill. It worked well enough that I was considering weapon weights when constructing loadouts for the entire game.
Actually, it's reduced by your strength/5, which I think is better than straight weight - strength
>want to replay fe7 on my phone at work
>download rom with HHM unlocked save
>get idea to look for a rom that has unlimited supports so i can get some more interesting support convos that I never had before
>find the ONE patch that does this
>have no fucking idea what im meant to do with this shit
can someone fucking help me? what the hell man
frogposters get no sympathy, /vg/ seems more your speed
Isn't that what FE4 did?
gay man, i just want some help
Not really, any 'surprises' are mild and you have plenty of opportunity to work around them in a blind playthrough. The only things that can really fuck you over are reinforcements spawning in attack range.
Why do these complete failures even exist?
there is a way to reduce weight but its such a shit system that you probably didnt realize it until late game or had to look it up.
i used bors on normal mode but hes a pain in the ass to use on hardmode. everything doubles him and lances are so inaccurate its insane
Why do GBA games have so much soul?
Filler units to deal minor chip damage until you replace them with better units
They might suck but they don't take away from the game by existing
Old FEs usually had a shit ton of shitter units that were just backup in case your better units got killed.
>people talking about FE6
>in a positive way
What a blessing this is. It was my first FE and it still stirs up the warmest feelings in me.
>using archers ever
>using ice aff units ever
ITT: support conversations
>supports in fire emblem 6
besides lilina roy and rutger clarine they really arent worth it
why does dieck and zephiel look so cool in these? they looked like weenies in fire emblem 6
b-but muh extra MGT
Check out manga Zephiel, dude is a giant.
wtf he stole roys sword
Roy got cucked out of his own storyline by this guy in the manga
whos this maplestory looking ass guy?
Al. He's the child of a dragon and fucking Hartmut himself.
>remember Wendy, Cath, and Sophia exist
Is there any FE with as much shitty waifubait units as FE6?
All the thieves suck in 6 so you might as well use the cute one at least
shadow dragon
Chad is okayish, and Astore has okay bases at the very least, Cath is shit to start and remains shit.
I barely remember that piece of shit.
Isn't there some FE8 tier list that judges how good 8's units are by judging how well they help Seth?
Also Seth is INJURED the entire time during FE8. If he was at full power, would any other FE unit be able to stop him?
The only person who can give Seth a run for his money is Sigurd
>Valter only got the shot in he did because Seth was rescuing Eirika
I wonder how different things would be if Seth had been free to dispose of Valter at the beginning
fe10 haar is the only one who comes close
>enemy swordmaster gets astra
Seth goes to Grado immediately to end the war with Ephraim.
Not even, Lyon and Vigarde are right there in the palace at the beginning. Seth could have bitchslapped them both then and there.
never really played the gba fes, when should you promote?
generally promote as soon as you get promotion items but you can raise 1-2 units to ~18 so they can carry you in the endgame
promote when you think their stats are high enough, usually 15ish for me, mileage may vary depending on levelups, definitely promote if they're hitting caps because it'll just be wasted levelups after that
If you're going to drop them eventually its better to get an immediate stat boost instead of waiting for 15
A lot of people will say level to 20 but it depends and it's really situational. My preference is if they can use a new weapon as soon as possible so they can get time to raise their weapon ranks. But units that are your mainstays you should hold off just because they're crushing enemies anyway, so 15-20. Same for units where they don't get new weapon classes or if you don't plan to use it.
If you're going for efficiency, asap, especially healers so they can start attacking.
If someone's gotten good level ups and is already ahead of the curve, you can wait until later.
If someone's falling behind but is generally useful like a cavalier, it's a good idea to promote early so they get the stat boost to catch up.
heres the jist. do it when you feel it necessary. characters get less exp promoted but they also get like 3-4 level ups worth of stat boosts and more move by promoting. levels dont actually grow your character that much in all honesty so hitting their last couple levels to hit 20 probably isnt worth it unless they are super screwed in a stat they need like speed or str or hp. i usually promote around 14-17 depending on how well my dude leveled or if the character has good enough base stats and i want them in their promo class early like canas then i just promote at level 10
6-8 lvl 20 or when you start capping shit
7 lvl 10