What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 150212-Bouncer,_The_(USA)_(En,Ja)-1.jpg (500x703, 184K)

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Game was fun but VERY short.


why does he look like squall

Game was amazing. A bit glitchy at times but ultimately a solid game.
Volt > Sion > Kou

>literal belt around his neck

Attached: 1564753789647.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Wait that's literally Sora's fucking beta design isn't it? Does he have the chainsaw sword?

Hyper casuals couldn't handle a 3d beat em up. Even faggot YouTubers who try to shit on the game can't muster up anything beyond LOL THEY LOOK LIKE ANIME REJECTS! and ZOMG THIS GAME IS HARD AND UNFAIR!


>What went wrong?
The game was successful when it came out

he's literally Sora

It's boring simple as that

You mean right? This game was fucking based, I loved it.

Game is great, bit short but you can change up a lot of what you do on other playthroughs. Would buy HD remake

The main character looks like a fucking faggot. He even has a blackbelt in sucking cock. Nobody liked that shit back then.

[Wordfilter activated. Do not discriminate against fellow 4channel users.] didn't play video games... back then... Fuck I hate describing the early 2000s that way. "back then"

>loved this game as a kid
>didn't realize people generally dislike it
>look up some youtube vids about it
>first one i watch literally says "AHURRR ANIME CHARACTERS DEY LOOK DUMB" three times in the first six minutes
you were not fucking joking

Hype was off the fucking rails for this game and when it was finally released it was only pretty good, like a 7/10.

>is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?
>what did he mean by this?
>what went wrong?
>this is ______, say something nice to her!
>*blocks your path*
>who was in the wrong here?
>what the fuck was his problem?
>could someone give me a quick rundown?
>what are some games where ______?
>enemies can open doors
>this company is finished
>how will they ever recover?
>find a flaw; protip: you can't
>here's your controller, bro
>you did buy her game, right?
>>buying games
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>He did nothing wrong!
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>Now that the dust has settled...
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me Yea Forumsros
>What was his endgame?
>What am I in for?
>Will this save the gaming industry?
>Can we get one of these threads going?
>Keep it vidya
>Really makes you think
>Don't mind me, just pirating this _______
>*breathes in*
>How do we fix _________?
>He/She killed millions.....
>The absolute state of Yea Forums everybody
>Who is bestgirl and why is it ______?
>Why is she so perfect bros?
>This is your ______ for tonight
>Just played this, what did I think of it?
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>People fell for the ________ meme
>Was it kino?
>Redpill me on this Yea Forums
>Thanks for beta testing consolekeks
>Choose your character
>See this, what do?
>Look at this nep!
>Name ONE GAME that does this
>are you going to buy her game?
>daily reminder
>S E E T H I N G
>El goblino...
>if you kill him you'll become just like him
>the perfect game doesnt exi-
>I love Reisen!
>...And that's a good thing!/And here's why

Attached: 1445712772191.gif (480x292, 3.48M)

Why are normalfags so disgusted by weird anime designs?

it was a decent enough game. kind of a pain in the butt unlocking all the secret characters, but being able to have a 4-way DURAGON C. MIKADO smackdown was worth it in the end

Mugetsu best tho

No co-op.

>t. fragile "male"

1 hour long

>[Wordfilter activated. Do not discriminate against fellow 4channel users.]
Oh god, is this some new form of bait

If you know what you were doing all the fights end before they can be fun.
the only part I liked was the one with the robots because they actually withstand some damage and It doesn't end after 2 minutes.
Story is your classic dumb animu plot which would be ok if there was more gameplay, it just felt as if some gook version of david cage made this.
Seriously how do you even fuck a beat them up? even those super best friend retards made a better game than this.
fuck this game

Nah beta Sora had a stronger Lion motif, probably so he would stick out less next to animals Donald and Goofy

Attached: betasora.jpg (340x428, 25K)

what would Yea Forums look like if all of these were filtered