Would you like your funeral to be vidya-related?
Would you like your funeral to be vidya-related?
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I don't want a funeral. Just dump my body off at a college science lab and be done with me.
for science reddit
>this is real
>donating your body to (((science)))
I don't have enough people that love me to have a funeral
I just want to be buried in a forest.
Just toss my body out of an airplane into a volcano. That'd be rad.
I wish I could just fucking disappear out of reality. Why does even suicide have to be so hard?
Reminder that he was one of us and only died because his mom forced him to walk a dog he didn't want to own out on the streets of New Orleans and he got shot for a cell phone and no money.
It could have been any of us.
Fuck no. I've been playing video games for 20 years but I never have and never will call myself a gamer. It's a hobby I enjoy not a fucking lifestyle I brand myself with.
based black gamer
Wrong, I don't live in a nigger filled shit hole, I live in a safe neighborhood where I can go out at night.
I hope your neighborhood gets enriched
>bang's root beer
Quick rundown?
>Just toss my body into a volcano.
>be 52
>decide to make a will
>tfw no one to leave anything to
I'll be happy if someone shows up. At least I have my cat.
No, Maybe old computer hardware, but even then it could very easily be looked at as Cringe. No, If you made something than you can do that. Don't inculde other people's creations.
Its bargs you idiot
>regurgitating SJW propaganda "muh gamers are dead"
There's no shame in identifying with your main hobby. It shouldn't be your entire personality, but you shouldn't be ashamed like a fucking coward.
>dude dies
>has themed funeral
Not that hard, user
To be fair you have to intelligent and nihilistic to understand his motives.
Not gonna happen, niggers can't afford to live here.
Make sure you have someone to take care of your kitty when you die
Does white trash?
>all these people that go hurrrr just get rid of my body lol
whenever we rise from the dead to meet jesus youll sure feel stupid without a body
He was still one of us.
If Jesus can raise the dead then I doubt he'll have trouble getting us new bodies.
I want my head to be cut off and stripped down to a skull, which will be encased in a glass dome.
It will be a condition in my will that in order to get my money you have to keep the skull
If someone asks me if I game or I'm asked what my hobbies are I'll mention with no shame obviously. But I'm not some faggot who's like "OH YEAH IM A FUCKING GAMER HERE'S MY SHITTY TATTOO AND RIG SPECS" get out of here with your shit, muh sjws oooh now I can't call myself a gamer. I don't call myself a gamer because it's fucking stupid. I wouldn't stack my identity to any main hobby if it was gaming, playing an instrument, mountain climbing, or fucking whittling. Actually scratch that I'd def call myself a whittler.
>can summon legion of angels
>can’t reconstitute a dead body
Wow,much faith user,very good,the best.
Nope. Nothing but upper-middle class whites and Asians.
>he doesn't have a family tomb
you think i need a body to haunt some ass?
no, that would be retarded and awkward
Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the guy he definitely didn't deserve it and I hope they fry the guy who did it. But I'm stating the fact, he lived in a ghetto hellhole where you'll get shot for your phone, I don't.
no i want my tomb like aragorn's
Why not see if some twitch streamer would do a no commentary charity stream with screens all around the casket. This shit right here though is fucking disturbing.
>being so insecure you need a tomb to your family whom humanity will swiftly forget only leaving a fading memorial to your egotism
>not getting cremated and having your ashes spread onto the earth and returning from whence you came
No, in fact, don't even have a service for me. Burn my body to ash and let the wind take it away.
For me, it's Oliet Banqs.
>everything is a conspiracy
Man that whole thing was beyond fucked lol.
Nobody actually cares stop fucking posting on my board you stupid newfags learn how Yea Forums works before you post.
not him
but imagine if humans get to make technology to resurrect people through fossil dna
though all memory would be gone. so would it be really yourself?
Where’s the Mountain Dew?
Donating your body isn't an act of kindness or nobility which you may have been lead to believe. You won't be saving anyone's life, and you won't be helping in the field of education and knowledge either.
Here's what's going to happen to your deceased body once it's been donated, it's going to be stripped apart, harvested and sold for ludicrous amounts of money, or simply blown up in a military test.
It's unfortunate but true. Anons, please do yourselves a favor and don't suckered into this shit, please die with dignity.
You are alive, go out and make some friends!
>MY board
You need to make your troll posts less obvious. I dislike not-vidya too but come on
I want to be killed by someone. The circumstances behind getting someone to kill me will probably exempt me from getting a tomb.
I want my funeral to be my body dumped into a trashcan and people taking turns spitting in it
What song would you guys like played at your funeral?
This section specifically: youtube.com
He sounds like a low level necromancer