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Other urls found in this thread:


Based platinum carrying the dead weight of nintendo

So out of 10 that's an....

did we really need 4 console war threads for a game that most of Yea Forums still cant play?

>higher than spiderman

The snoys are dying, this is probably their swansong before they commit mass suicide because they can't handle anything going against their narrative.

you post this in irony right? You arent actually so poor that you give a rats ass about console wars right?

>lower than God of War

Attached: 1555806780716.jpg (638x599, 68K)


September is gonna be insane:
>astral chain
>Link's awakening
and then luigi's mansion 3 in october followed by pokemon in november

the shitposting and consolewarring will be insane.

I'm an idort, I own a PC, PS4, 3DS and a Switch.
I just find it funny how certain usual suspects have meltdowns daily because of this game.

So with the nintendo bonus thats 58

this post is so shit i had to check my pants

who the fuck cares you faggot. if you respect game journalists' opinions so much, how about you go sleep with five other men?

Don't include pokemon on that list, unless you're talking about console war shitposting in general rather than specifically the "Nintendo won" variety in which case fine.

So with this "bonus" Nintendo can nevee get a 100? And every other company can? How is that fair?

It's nintendo. If half the board isn't screeching about it for 4 days straight then Yea Forums has officially died.

Attached: Slash nin.png (1888x983, 721K)

>Link's awakening
>luigi's mansion 3
not sure which of these to get

Luigi ofc

my god thats pathetic, the median age of this board must be in the single digits

Considering the Nintendo bonus it’s really. 6/10 OH NO NO NO NO NO
Seriously though it looks boring as hell. I don’t know how anyone could watch that e3 demo and consider this a must have.

-13 points (Nintendo bonus [3rd party])
-6 points (Platinum bonus)
+4 points (Problematic [police glorification, lack of LGBTQAP++ options])
Bros...this is looking dire...

my only concern is it looks short



that's pretty accurate

this has been a good summer nintenbros

Attached: 1550681937330.jpg (436x426, 145K)

so basically no matter what it'd score you'd consider it to be pretty dire

COPE harder

Imagine thinking saying “cope” invalidates his factual argument. Why are nincels so insecure they feel the need to lash out when someone criticizes their god emperor Nintendo?

What is there to criticize? You didn't even criticize it? You just said it's dire because it's a Nintendo exclusive and a Platinum game

And like.. so? What makes those bad things?

So yeah, "cope"

GODtendo wins again. SwitCHADS rise up

>police glorification
The game actually shows how the police isn't black or white

So ehhhh


No games since then huh sony nigger

On Yea Forums 88% is a failing grade.

Higher than Spooder-Man lmao


Attached: 1510192807186.jpg (1440x1016, 230K)

that game is a western, sjw pandering machine, you can't compare the two

>snoyfag COPING so hard he invest numbers in his delusion, while crying and shitting himself in rage
>factual anything
LOL, sonyfags really are retarded.
COPE harder

what's the problem?
those are VIDEOGAMES related threads.
Do you want wojak shit or something?

then you might as well subtract 20 points from GoW and spiderman for the snoy bonus nigger

>Seriously though it looks boring as hell. I don’t know how anyone could watch that e3 demo and consider this a must have.
plays like a fun action game with no cinematic bullshit that plagued the last of us

>same score as Automata
Oh no platinum is finished

>be Yea Forums
>game announced
>game and company receives negative shitposts
>*yawn* just another day on Yea Forums

>game is announced
>is a nintendo game

You're cute, toddler

Attached: 16e.png (915x1024, 240K)

>that pic
Do you really think Fire Emblem is bigger than Smash?

8.8 out of 10 seems like a pretty good score to me


>same score as Automata

Attached: 1516414245208.png (2022x1437, 1.36M)


Try harder special boy

Attached: 47VRJFl.jpg (1856x1200, 573K)

>Nintenchads get brand new games
>Snoygroids get third person action adventure games

what about now?

Attached: 1510192807186.jpg (1440x1016, 231K)

>factual argument
You're a goofball.

I'm glad nintenbros have a good game to play while s*nyfags are still mad because of the shit games their """console""" has

Attached: 1553417184509.png (1000x772, 306K)

Mentall ill and seething.

Oh my...

>brand new games
>A literal reskin of Nier Automata with dumbed down gameplay


Attached: images.jpg (182x276, 9K)


Is that the best you can do toddler?

Attached: b62.jpg (1907x1053, 185K)

you'd be a professional on dumbed down gameplay owning a PS4 right

that bad huh?

>one side has timeless games
>other side has snoy movies
LOL, nice showing

Better than spiderman.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 Marvel's Spider-Man.png (427x210, 47K)


>moving goal posts

There is literally no game on the Switch that's remotely challenging.

Attached: 1557926942627.png (3070x3850, 2.52M)

>Paid for reviews

>3D platformer
>2D platformer
>board game party game
>tennis game
>Strategy game
>fighting game
>isometric puzzle game
>action game
>action game
>action game
>action game


>Rehashes of the same bing bing wahoo games from 10 years ago



Attached: 1510192807186.jpg (1440x1016, 230K)

Good games...

Attached: 1566774998245.jpg (1383x1109, 178K)

>8th gen over the shoulder action game #285832
>not a rehash
oh no ha ha!

Snoyboi meltdown is still going strong I see.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-27-11-35-34-1.png (1080x1080, 146K)


Attached: 1502784891033.jpg (1500x1063, 888K)

>Platinum "bonus" removes points
All my keks

Also Astral Chain is disappointing, only 10 hours long and removing the personality of the character you select is a terrible idea.

is 88 supposed to be bad now?

Think of how many more schools they are going to shoot up when sony doesn't do E3 again in 2020

>people actually taking the time to make FUCKING RETARDED WOJAK EDITS

I fucking hate this place

>Also Astral Chain is disappointing, only 10 hours long and removing the personality of the character you select is a terrible idea.


For anybody with a brain : no
For snoyfags : yes

>board game party game
>tennis game
>Strategy game
>isometric puzzle game
Nobody cares about these genres.
>Spider Man
Open world beat 'em up
>Yakuza 6
Open world fighting game
Action RPG
>Gravity Rush
Action platformer

Attached: 1553281105786.png (872x757, 136K)



Not a single good Switch game came out in 2019.
I own a Switch.

Which of these should I, 4channel?

Attached: E83EE44E-364D-4509-A635-F010EE7DF514.jpg (2048x1430, 2.16M)

>This kind of COPE
snoy literally has a bunch of generic movie action games, they literally are all the same

go shill somewhere else

Attached: images.png (234x215, 8K)

everyone who makes wojak edits are retarded

Yet you faggots want Persona 5, a PS4 exclusive on the Switch kek

>only 10 hours long
I've heard it's at least 15
all P+ games are short tho--their replayability gives them life

Hilarious thread. Keep hurting one another.

>open world
>open world
>fast and furious and transformers as the best - why wouldn’t they have 7 movies

Attached: 5863F4BF-897D-4AB5-AD73-E90E15D81946.jpg (988x1059, 165K)

>When every Nintendo game is a rehash of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon

>goes out of it's way to mention a "multicultural city"
It's going to suck, isn't it?

>Nobody cares about these genres
>Odyssey and Smash each outsold every sony game in that pic

>PS4 exclusive
It’s literally a PS3 game lmao dumb snoy doesn’t even know his own games
Tells you how much they actually play them

>Not a single good Switch game came out in 2019
Massive cope

>he actually believes those weren't falseflaggers
LOL, snoyfags really are desperate right now

>completely different genres
>it doesn't count!!!!

>at best tiny differences
>those change everything!
Why are sonyfags so desperate?

There's that word again

>He doesnt play Bloodborne

Attached: 1527370105665.jpg (552x540, 37K)

Actually good genres unlike the Switch where the only games are Mario and Zelda rehashes for children.

Played it for like 15 minutes and put it down the moment a retarded anime opening begun.

>anime opening
nice, i'll buy it then

Normies buy normie games what's your point?

Because for some weird ass reason, snoyboys have this severely massive inferiority complex towards nintendo.

Have sex and dilate, tranny.

It's all the same genre, cuck

Name 1 (one) good Switch game that came out in 2019 and I will go and buy it.

>calls a once per gen release a rehash
>literally begs to play [yearly from software game] and [spiderman #196] and the 15th God of War game in the last 16 years

Persona 5 is a fucking PS3 game, the only thing thats different between the versions are the resolution and some effects.

>nobody buys those games
"actually they do"
>w-what's your point!!!

>this is the best comeback hours of snoy brain thinking can give you
LOL, did Sony force you to remove your brain with your balls?

Of course the toddler doesn't play games enough to understand mechanical differences.

why is 88 such a common fucking number?

Is hotline Miami worth it?

>Actually good genres


Attached: 0759B554-4960-4228-B35F-6144DC7D79BC.jpg (640x427, 26K)

>Spiderman #196
>15th God of War

Attached: C005D948-0555-4600-9E19-75025E493697.jpg (840x769, 220K)

>spoonfeed me!

Take your meds, schizo.

>[yearly from software game]
Sekiro actually added completely new mechanics unlike the average Switch rehash.
>[spiderman #196]
There hasn't been a good open world Spider Man game since the PS2.

No shit there's baby games on PS4. Unlike Shitch there's a wide variety of games to play.

This is the excuse sonyfags have for every single game they have being a clone of the other.
LOL, nice excuse for your rehashes

>he actually believes that
Why do sonyfags defend rehashes?
They already started defending vice and trannies, but this is a new low.

I seriously doubt the game is that good based on what I've seen. Comes across as how massively overrated most of Nintendo's exclusives are.
Also even if I am wrong and it's a great game then it's a shame it won't sell well. The game is a niche title that was marketed poorly and has no buzz. It also looks and runs like ass so it won't even rope in people that buy games for visuals.

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Attached: falseflag_king.png (706x674, 79K)

>wide variety

give me something other than open world action.

Please tell me you don't think spiderman is a new series

Attached: GoW1.jpg (950x1042, 286K)

That just sounds like a massive COPE from you

Imagine having nothing to wat... I mean, "play" that your only source of fun is shitposting about games that aren't available on your system of choice. Haven't seen the snoys this mad since BOTW.

Attached: you.jpg (392x532, 34K)

Half of those are collections or remasters so it’s more like 7 games in 15 years.
Cope, nintranny.

>Unlike Shitch there's a wide variety of games to play.
Then why do you only ever talk about 3rd person punch enemies movie #39588 while dismissing every single genre that isn't action?

>literally all generic third person action games

You sound like some juvenile fanboy. I stopped giving a shit about system wars the moment I got a job, since I could just buy whatever the fuck I wanted and didn't have to justify my purchases.

>not the "now for his games" version

>ports and rehashes are ok when Sony does it
Cope snoy

So a game every second year?
That is a fucking massive amount, COPE more retard.

I accept your concession.
Have sex.

>I will suck!
>like all Nintendo games!
>but even if it doesn't, it will sell badly
>and it needs more graphics!

LOL, nobody believes you, retard.

Devil May Cry

fifa faggot

Attached: 1560193609138.png (633x874, 75K)

>snoyfag can only evade and COPE when called out.
A new game every second year for 25 years is the definition of a rehash

Ratchet & Clank
Until Dawn
Concrete Genie
The Last Guardian
Fat Princess Adventures

Why are there so many third worlder nintendo fans on Yea Forums lately?

nice try nintenshill but snoy has all the best genres that aren’t rehashes like cuckuza and spoderman and red ded redemshine and horizin and fourtnite and witcher and assassans creeed and

Attached: 24503A4F-C9D2-4264-AB5D-CBA2ADC9E6B3.jpg (800x415, 111K)

>dismisses himself from the argument

Bye I guess

Fucking CENSOR this!!!

Attached: 1563834880091.png (179x283, 67K)

>mad already
so fucking ez

I thought all ps4 games were mature for mature gamers.

>Snoygroids absolutely seething because despite all their success they're having one of the worst droughts yet

the PS4 is still going to have a shit tier library just like the PS3 did

Console war faggots ARE third worlders.

But PS3 won the gen by having the best exclusives

Nice cope.

user, are you ok?

>Smashtrannys hate anything FE related
>Snoyboy comes out exposed as a filthy Smashfag

Attached: smashfags.jpg (1079x1017, 147K)

snoyfags are mad cuz they're state of play literally flopped and died while nintendo actually shows interesting news and gaming related stuff

They're just not embarassingly childish like Nintendo games you dumb toddler. Also mature =/= same genre.

Attached: wheel.gif (480x263, 938K)

>there are still cucks trying to push that narrative
LOL, how can these people COPE?

>good exclusives


>PS3 won the gen by having the best exclusives

Wrong on both counts lmao

i see that the sony defense force is back in action

Attached: 1558985538583.jpg (1000x1000, 296K)

>this thread

Attached: 1540176776826.jpg (216x276, 57K)

And yet every single exclusive is the same generic genre.

You're illiterate and very clearly a fanboy, so this is my last wasted reply on you.

I said they're overrated, like for example Breath of the Wild (where people flat out ignore tons of flaws and legit problems with the game). These people dont come across as rational (like you right now).
I also get the strong feeling that Astral Chain won't sell well, based on some of the things I mentioned, the devs track record and similar game releases on Nintendo systems (this isn't new and has been a thing since back in the Wii days with games like Madworld).
Also my point with graphics and performance is that it actually DOES result in increased sales if the visuals are good and the performance is good (for action games).

I'm being rational here, you're being emotional.

Name 1 (one) good Wii game.

>Ratchet & Clank
Literal definition of rehash. PS4 game is a port
Literally a remaster
yearly from soft rehash
>Until Dawn
Literally a movie
Multiplat literal yearly rehash
>listing in development games
Not a PS4 game
>Concrete Genie
Literally who
Literally who
>The Last Guardian
Literally a remaster
>Fat Princess Adventures
Ok, you are just making up games at this point

>but nintendo

The WiiU has a better exclusive library than both the PS3 and PS4.


>that massive amount of COPE
I'm not going to waste my time reading you SEETHING


Attached: 1566852567989.jpg (820x531, 69K)

>PS3 won the gen

So name one.

Super Mario Galaxy is one of the most acclaimed games of all time.

But on a personal note Red Steel was one of my favourite games last gen.

Go ahead and deny everything.

I like my Xbone

Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
No More Heroes
Metroid Prime 3
Xenoblade Chronicles

>labo bad
>toio and wonderbook good

I meant Red Steel II. First game was shit.

>literally the same game with another year slapped on it
>sonyfags coping this hard

I can play all of those on PC. They suck anyway compared to PS3 exclusives.

>history revisionist
Go deny the Armenian genocide in your PS4 nest you fucking cockroach.

Attached: +_e417aab4e8dbb5e9de12acd3f6e9a1a7.jpg (326x306, 20K)

Nice cope

Everyone itt needs to get shot

Nintrannies are dilating again

Are all Nintendo threads like this? only in these threads because I got the game early and Jesus Christ the ironic shitposting in these threads is so thick you cant even cut it with a broadsword

Attached: lemon key face.png (534x400, 144K)


you cant even name 10 PS3 exclusives worth a shit, and that console lasted ten years

>WiiU games suck
>I can play them too!!!



Attached: Moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 32K)

Attached: EDExVIqUYAAJtx2.jpg (1195x673, 129K)

>Was overpriced
>Online architecture and security was a fucking joke.
>Architecture made multiplats perform weird and in worst case unplayable
>Didn't get any worthwile exclusives til its last years.
>Most of these are now available on other platforms

PS3 had:
>Last of Us
>God of War 3
>Demon's Souls
>Ni no Kuni
The entire Wii library pales in comparison.

the ps4's babby controller is sold separately. the switch's babby controller comes with the system and you have to pay $70 for a real controller.

Try starting an emulation thread, MH thread, or botw thread. Shitposters falseflag non fucking stop until bump limit

Pretty sure you can play those amazing exclusives on your PC as well.

Attached: 1561989009062.jpg (541x633, 40K)

COPE harder

>10 year old console
>5 exclusives "worth" listing

Imagine not having both, what are you, poor? lmao

>same generic movie games as ps4
LOL, and snoyfag pretend they don't rehash

All of them

rodea the sky soldier, pandora's tower, kirby's return to dream land, and... uh...

>I can play all of those on PC.

Fucking mental illness at this point.

Just let me travel back in time to 1993 and SEGA and Nintendo their consoles were shit because I can play SNES and Megadrive on my PC in 20 years.

Every single game on this list is a single player action game

>owning a console with nogaems

Attached: 636.jpg (1280x720, 633K)

>ten years
>one game (Demon Souls)


Oh, Ni No Kuni is good now? Also, most of those were either remastered or are non exclusive, why did you list those?

Attached: 1564507845214.jpg (1386x799, 470K)

speaking of mental illness, why do nintendo fans get so livid at emulation?
is it because you guys don't want people to have easy access to old games and notice how soulless nu-nintendo is by comparison?

Attached: emulation.png (2000x3936, 1.81M)

if its so successful why is the switch getting more games?

>RDR is also on Xbox360 and Xbox One
>Last of Us, and God of War 3 got ported on PS4 and available on PS now on PC.
>Ni No Kuni literally gets a PC, PS4 and Switch port in 3 weeks.
That leaves Infamous and MGS4, wow 2 games, thats like the first half year of the Switch's exclusives this year.

Attached: 1450307261081.jpg (1228x1502, 323K)

Why are snoyfags so obsessed with "IT DOESN'T COUNT!"?


PS4 in 2019
>Death Stranding
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Blood & Truth
>Concrete Genie
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
>Aegis Rim
>Nioh 2

PS4 in 2020
>TLoU 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>Project Sakura Wars
>FF7 Remake
>Persona 5 R

Switch in 2019
>Mario Maker 2
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Astral Chain
Switch in 2020

Is action too masculine for toddlers?

Attached: 646.jpg (598x733, 58K)

>it's all shit ports!

try to calm down your 5 layers of ironic shitposting to remember what the OP of this thread is

>The amount of ports in the ps4
>can't even name all switch games
LOL, sonyfags are COPING hard.


Attached: 1555279844431m.jpg (1024x597, 126K)

yeah, 2020 looks absolutely barren for the switch. nintendo needs to actually have games to show at the next direct instead of more old-ass ports.

QTE's are hardly action

>3 models of PS4
>1 model of switch

>"PS4 has surpassed 100 mil units"
>doesn't specify if its each model sales combined


COPE more

>Nioh 2 in 2019
Doubt that shit. Haven't heard a damn thing about it and I'm pissed

The absolute state of mentally ill snoybois lmao

Do you actually think scripted combat with NPCs is deep gameplay?

They just look like normal people

Attached: yqab1cjjdu701.jpg (866x768, 215K)

who are you trying to fool? the switch already has three models out (the hackable model, the unhackable model, and the improved battery life model) and the switch lite is coming next month.

If you can't those, the ps4 has 9 versions.

You mean like Astral Chain?

>Literally the same PS4 cat guy.

Stop, you are literally in hysterics now, take your onions pills and sleep in your nest, cockroach.

I'm getting all except DxM because it looks like poop.


Attached: 2019-08-28_16.52.36.jpg (866x768, 543K)

>this thread

Attached: 1456499254757.png (808x805, 32K)

Don't destroy the sonyfags narrative!
Censor this!

So astral chain is good and I am wrong? Or its bad and you are wrong? What is this mental gymnastics?

>he says in a snoyfag COPE thread
LOL, snoyfags never cease to be pathetic cucks

Stop embarrassing yourself snoyfag. Your console is dead. Stop being upset because Switchads are having a good time.

Attached: 2019-08-28 08.09.47.jpg (1435x1149, 845K)

Attached: 1562462200066.png (710x842, 353K)

I'm an idort too and your kind are always the ones starting console war shot.

Thats it, I'm selling my PS4 and buying a Switch.

It all returns to nothing...

What the fuck is even going on in this thread

>Third worlder

The cope.

Attached: 1564074345908m.jpg (633x1024, 63K)

What causes this?

And you lot wonder why the rest of the sites say that shitposters should go back to Yea Forums, are you faggots really this easy to hook?

Attached: baitfish.jpg (625x626, 24K)

Being a snoyfag causes that

Mentally illness, insecurity and infantile jealousy.

Heil Hitler
Wake up Sheeple!


Attached: 1566659613615.png (892x671, 515K)

Reminder; real video game enthusiasts buy Nintendo.

Attached: 1564746346450.png (900x506, 412K)

using ol thread starters as bait now? how typical.

>snoyfag COPING with retardation

Kek snoyfag is too stupid to realise he's being edged out of the gaming market by Google and Microsoft. Nintendo will be fine as always.

Poor tendies
Always getting BTFO


Attached: 1564751719795m.jpg (1024x950, 82K)

What video did he say this?

Ah yes real games such as Fire Emblem and Senran Kagura.

These comics and edits are so fucking ugly I'm surprised so many of you even bothered to save these horrendous things.

I miss old console shitpost comics instead of this ugly shit

his video about EA's statement about how Switch players don't buy EA games.

The state of you.

2019 is another asswhupping from Nintendo.

Attached: FLOPPING_HARD.png (1080x1487, 247K)

>capping headlines
>actually searching gaming news

Attached: Laughing matthew broderick.jpg (682x600, 225K)

They want the count to be equal

>These comics and edits are so fucking ugly I'm surprised so many of you even bothered to save these horrendous things.
>I miss old console shitpost comics instead of this ugly shit

Attached: 220.png (1024x1060, 913K)


Lol, why such old news?

Attached: nintendo.png (984x1876, 260K)

What is it with Snoys and their anal vore fetish?

we get it you like anal vore and hairy men

go check /d/ or something

And completely uncensored :^)

>snoycucks already started COPING hard.

Why can’t there be one single fucking Astral Chain thread without a bunch of fags shitting it up?

2.13M < 3.2M

You lose again, Nintenigger

Because it's not on ps4.

Nintendo Seal of Quality

Attached: 1563518433202.png (1080x1920, 203K)

I can access better hentai on the internet if I need it. Meanwhile tendies pay for a game to see 2 seconds of panties.

>he plays bloodborne

Attached: 151126591576799.jpg (988x1059, 163K)

What's with r*dditors spamming wojak pics all over the place?

Because sonyfags can't controll themselves

Why can't we address the problem of Switch owners' mental illness affecting game reviews?

Attached: IMG_20190828_231746.jpg (998x521, 75K)

Attached: 1516489312455.jpg (540x675, 195K)

I'm an idort

>snoys are now ok with censorship
Oh boy.

Why are snoyfags so mentally ill they are spamming off Topic pics from their autistic folders?
Is it because they have no games?

Nintendo is repairing all joycons for free, regardless of warranty

why nintendobros are so insecure?

Wish Sony would've done this to replace the godawful batteries on the ps4 controller.

I don't buy a games console for porn you mentally ill toddler.

Why are sonyfags SEETHING so hard?

The three-year Sonyfag meltdown is reaching fever pitch and I'm loving every fucking moment.

Attached: 1562829649894.gif (500x500, 2.98M)

Yeah, their Netflix subscription ended.


Attached: matsumoto.png (199x256, 117K)

No friends

>defends censorship
>sonyfags in other threads defend vice and cry about transphobia
Are sonyfags just resetrannies?

>women being hot is porn
>please wear a burka
This is your average cum.brain incel

Not like you could anyway lmao.

Attached: snoy.jpg (739x415, 53K)

>their Netflix subscription ended.

Attached: 1553907868742.gif (400x225, 1.48M)

No but toddlers are just regular trannies.

Attached: 1560628865640.jpg (640x726, 192K)



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>article form 2016

Attached: 1564071193539.jpg (640x471, 93K)

>snoyfag desperately tries to deflect with his autistic folder
LOL, can't even stay on topic for one post.
Truly a cucked life

Attached: 1534807644009.png (858x606, 150K)

Easy to make the Nintranny dilate.

Why are all Nintendo fanboys like this

If you fucking morons wanna act like clowns the circus is 9 miles east.


Attached: 30498727-A378-49F5-BBB1-6660FAAA7953.jpg (1024x722, 109K)

How many clickbait caps do you have on your computer? Also, why are you attacking nintendo for something you would praise sony for doing?

Attached: 1553090253405.jpg (650x559, 57K)

Your memes will never be authentic, tendie.

Attached: 993.jpg (2766x2181, 614K)


>That robot voice
Holy shit.

>Why yes I defend Nintendo to death on the internet how could you tell?

Attached: Soyboy.jpg (715x539, 87K)

I love how even in their pro sony wojak memes he still only has bloodborne lmaook

That’s a funny wojak meme that you have there user. Did your mom made it for you?

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>Photoshop is the best COPE sonyfags can made

How hard are you reporting this thread right now?

Probably because it's better than every game from Nintendo in the last 20 years put together.

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Attached: own-colleg-here-bitch-fill-this-out-since-you-wanna-47056658.png (500x522, 194K)

Whats it like being OBSESSED with Nintendo? Don't you want to play the best video games in the world?

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>annual demon souls rehash 25
LOL, this is what sonyfags actually believe

>Why yes I defend wojaks to death on the internet how can you tell?

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Attached: sonygger confirmed.png (440x440, 138K)

>Probably because it's better than every game from Nintendo in the last 20 years put together



Not with that framerate, no

Why do snoyfags always project?

They could've cut the batman detective bullshit entirely and the side cases and the game would jump from a 7/10 to a 9/10, too much filler breaking the pacing to inflate playtime.

Don't worry tendie you can escape this drought. I made this guide for you.

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Journalists literally parrot the same exact fucking games every time

Attached: Journo Top Games.jpg (1580x1322, 1.35M)

Lmao how pathetic of you to think something is being won or lost in Yea Forums threads.

>87 posters with half the replies being Nintendo wojaks

Why does snoy not update their bots?

BotW alone is better than Bloodborne.

Must've hit a nerve


Attached: 07c.jpg (320x320, 13K)

The amount of Snoy Cope in this thread of fucking staggering. Holy shit lol

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Get used to it, that's what Astral Chain threads will look like for the next following weeks.

I have no idea what this pic is showing and I read it over 3 times.

You console warriors are worse than soibois and incels

I own a switch. I don't give a rats ass about the vast majority of switch games, they're all shit, including the op. The switch is a good device to hack, that's it. I can count on one hand the games I want to play on switch that I can't play anywhere else. You faggots are insufferable.


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Who are you quoting?

COPE more

Cool, what games are you looking forward to play?

You seem angry

Scores literally don't matter. When god of war got a 95 it still was not good enough because people kept comparing it to botw for some god forsaken reason. At this point a thread opened with a metacritic score is just an invitation to shitposting. Let's not kid ourselves, we are making fun of game journos constantly, yet we still use their opinions as the center piece of garbage threads like this.

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ALL OF YOU DICKHEADS. Every. Fucking. Month. Every fucking month I have to deal with "OHNONONONONONO" and "COPE COPE COPE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE SEETHE SEETHE SEETHE" Like this fuckboy right here. Autistic shitposting manchildren who can only speak in shitposts instead of forming genuine arguments like rational people.
And it's driving me up the fucking wall. Does no one here even play games they shitpost about or do you niggers just look for reasons to bitch about literally fucking anything no matter how minor it is?

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I'll play the superior version.

Attached: 1489375052761.webm (800x375, 2.99M)

Sounds like you should stop COPING

The only game coming out I even remotely care about is rune factory 5.

LOL, snoyfags are still shillingthis bargain bin shit


Posted from Android

Go dress up Link as a tranny, toddler.

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The only thing I've "coped" with about is the fact that discussing video games is damn near impossible on here thanks to shiposters like you.

imagine being a console war faggot and make retarded images about it.

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COPE more about your forgotten shit game

COPE harder, cuck.
You literally said you don't care about this or any other switch game, stop pretending you care about this thread.


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>still shilling a 20 dollar bargain bin game

Sounds like you need to step away from the internet for a while, school shooter


Isn’t like this graph old?

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I don't think many in this thread are actually serious. I made but I don't actually think PS4 games are generally shit

This game is pretty lame you just mash ZR and you can't even control your Stand thing

Horizon Zero Dawn is rendered completely useless and redundant when Monster Hunter World exists and does everything better.
git gud

No. I said I don't care for console wars. I think they're fucking retarded. Also saying cope over and over doesn't validate your "arguments"

>Not fusing with your stand to throw a flurry of punches

Attached: 2019082722190500-257FD939428E4BFE6BF9E2F559D5037A.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

is this just shitposting thread

Attached: 1551275314678.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

You literally said Astral Chain looked Like shit.
Go COPE somewhere else.

You can tell when the PS4 is in the middle of a drought because shitposting on this board is at an all time high.

...When the FUCK did I say that? Are you mixing me up with some other user?

See So now go COPE somewhere else.

Us the superior race of nintenchads won again againts the inferior race of So(n)ynegros

Attached: 880128B4-96C4-4210-AEE1-6B842AA30637.jpg (607x608, 80K)

Yeah no that ain't me.
This is me.

What tipped you off?

They're completely different types of game.
I'm playing Horizon Zero Dawn right now and will play Monster Hunter World next so I can prepare for Iceborne.

Attached: 1546050993645.webm (760x356, 1.9M)

What are these gifs you are posting supposed to show?

A good game unlike BotW

Why is BotW bad and Horizon good?

Years later you are still butthurt that your bulldyke SJW lost?

Jesus, I could only imagine the company wars if you faggots were around with SNES & Genesis.

Why can't both being good?


>inb4 97

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I know I am, and you need new memes

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Nobody cares about ratings. Normies love Zelda like they love Candy Crush, that doesn't make them better games.

how to change voice of iris I have two key items for it

laughing out loud

Attached: metacritic on ice.png (718x807, 1.21M)

>no true scotsmen

Can you fucking sub human piece of shit cock sucking niggers discuss anything without God awful wojak shit.

imagine having this saved on your hard drive and using it on Yea Forums

>shitposting out of charts = game is successful.
Except for two very special situations that always happens and you fags never learn it.

And what games have snoy had since then?


where is Xenoblade

what the fuck is the third item in "items found" first is chests ,second is loot from ground I tihnk? and third is always 1-3 and I'm always 0 in every mission

0 negative critic

Astral Chains literally has more blacks and mexicans than God of War. Your shit is more SJW in comparison

Who PS4 + switch here?
PS4 Pro version and hacked first version of Switch in my case

Same setup. I'll pirate astral chain once I clear backlog

I’m scared this will play like the bad Platinum titles (Korra, Transformers, TMNT) instead of the good ones, which will end up making me regret the purchase. Will this title be as replayable as a Bayonetta?

>Wii doesn't have any good games!
>Okay it does but I can play them on my PC so none of them count!

Attached: snoyboys.jpg (800x450, 36K)

>I’m scared this will play like the bad Platinum titles


What? Surely you don’t think that was one of the good titles.

Oof. I guess scores don't matter now, huh?

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Yeah, why would you buy a Switch?
Honestly why would you ever buy a console when PC is superior.

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In the trash where it belongs

not an arguement

if you marry a girl that looks like that getting cucked is the second worst thing that can happen to you

Nice to not feel concerned about this retarded war since we enjoy both products

Imagine having such a shit taste

It's actually pretty good and miles above shit like Korra or TMNT.