The Xbox controller is uncomfy and generally awful

the Xbox controller is uncomfy and generally awful
who else uses DS4 on PC?

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DS4 is made for small nigger hands.

The DS4 sucked, why couldnt they just stick with the DS3?

I use dual shock 2

The controller is the only good thing from the Xbone. Symmetrical analog sticks are for faggots.

>who else uses DS4 on PC?
how do you do this?

Wii U Pro here

I use the Xbone controller on PC only because it's comfy.

t. 500 pound amerilards with sausage fingers

Steam supports it but there is tools for them outside of steam enabled games.

Is the XBone controller really comfy for PC? Do they have wired?

I use the DS4 because I don't like the button prompts of the XBone. Any good 3rd party PS4 controllers for PC that work in every game?

same but I use my pokken controller whenever dpad control is possible

Attached: poktourney.jpg (1350x1151, 91K)

Snoy Strikes Again

>the Xbox controller is uncomfy and generally awful
But that's wrong

Sony is for children

I prefer the Xbox controllers over ps controllers. They’re way more comfy in my hands

How is the jap edition of the hori fightan commander? I say jap because it works on PC and PS3/4 and if I get a console this gen it'll be a PS4. I mainly want it for emulation purposes and fightan gaymes.

They don't have wired because shenanigans, but a micro-USB cable you fetch out of the trash will work just fine.

Nope. I use the Wii U Pro controller. I find it far more comfortable. The only thing it's missing is analog triggers, and only a few games even really need that.

Attached: pro_controller.jpg (1500x1500, 180K)

Not me, i already use this beauty, and have for many years. Nothing even comes close, it's just perfect.

Attached: 360.jpg (600x600, 159K)

>micro-USB cable
Ahh fuck. This is what I wanted to avoid. Simply because for some reason micro-usb cables always get fucked up and I have to get one again. Like once in 3 months especially if I use it regularly. I was hoping for an actual wired one.

What? The xbone controller is much better than the DS4.

What adapters do you guys use? I have the Magic NS and I think there is a little bit of lag

> Shit d-pad
> Giant dead-zones necessary because the sticks never center right
> Uncomfortable hard plastic convex buttons instead of flat tops, especially causing thumb pain if you hit A or B with the joint of your thumb like many games need
> Shitty concave sticks
> Assymetrical stick design
It's shit, man.

I heard the Xbox One controller is absolutely awful for people who hold their middle fingers on the triggers and index fingers on the bumpers. Like it cut into your hands really badly.

Is this true?

Get a fancy one off ali express. I get all my cables from there, they tend to last longer than anything you get at a brick and mortar place.,searchweb201602_9,searchweb201603_53

>platform with the most "M" rated games
children aren't legally allowed to purchase most sony games.

Xbox One Controller is max comfy and the D-Pad is great.

DS4 is for bitch made zoybois.

you're retarded, it's a policy of most stores, but the law isn't involved in the U.S.

Standard bluetooth connection, no adapter, and I use the standard Linux kernel Wiimote module.

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Symmetrical stick design is a fucking meme because every game you're playing on a PC that's better with a controller you want your thumbs to be on the face buttons anyways, meaning your thumb positions will awkwardly be asymmetrical while holding the thing for the majority of the time.


Symmetrical design is a personal subjective gripe, as well as concave sticks (though who the fuck likes concave sticks?), but the first three complaints are objectively terrible on the XBox controllers.

Buttons are too clicky for me, solid controler at least, ds4 for pc sucks royal ass

DS is an ergonomical heresy


I use a chink pad that mimics the DS layout
Gamesir prime g3w
Yes, wired

Not me because I'm jot brain damaged. DS4 is trash.

>I'm jot brain
Sure you jaren't.

Xbone controller is the greatest Controller I've ever used. It's the perfect predecessor to the 360 controller in every way.
T. Pc player who can use literally any fucking controller I wish.

I'm always a bit confused by this, I prefer the contours of a ps4 controller but I have stupid massive hands.

I still think the 360 controller is the definitive modern gaming controller. Everything is just perfect.

I use those offbrand glowy controllers

It isn’t subjective though. Some people may find it more of an issue than others, but it is based on simple ergonomics. You’d have to be delusional to think pushing them left to move forwards is better than just naturally extending it.

I think you meant successor.

there's literally no legal law for purchasing rated M games retarded

>muh mature games for mature gamers

Also, children don't buy games, their parents do.

Concave is miles better than convex. Convex your finger is more porne to slip of, but concave it fits into the actual stick.

Anyone here playing FFXIV on a XBone controller? How does it feel moving sideways while trying to use skills in the Dpad area?

>tfw probably the only one who hates how your index fingers rest on the triggers and the fact they put the rumble motors inside of the triggers as opposed to the grips like every other sane controller company
I'll give it to Microsoft for pushing the rear buttons like some custom controller manufacturers have added on their elite controller, but I just couldn't comfortably use the Xbox One controller in general no matter how much I tried.

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> Shit d-pad
Nope. It's as good as it needs to be. You would've had a point last gen.
> Giant dead-zones necessary because the sticks never center right
The dead zones are like every other controller.
> Uncomfortable hard plastic convex buttons instead of flat tops, especially causing thumb pain if you hit A or B with the joint of your thumb like many games need
Holy shit how much of a giant pussy do you need to be for this to happen? The buttons hurt your thumbs? Maybe stop drinking snoylent.
> Shitty concave sticks
How is this a problem? Does it hurt your pathetic fucking thumbs?
> Assymetrical stick design
And that's a good thing

sonygro here to the core, vastly prefer the elite controller to anything else. it almost makes me wish sony would release one of their own. im talking HIGH QUALITY 1st party goodness. none of that 3rd party bullshit from SCUF that breaks down within a month. FUCK those controllers.

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There are motors in the grips as well.

it has rumble motors in the grip and the triggers 4 in total

The Xbone controller is damn near perfect in every way.

why do people continue to defend the xbones clicky as fuck d-pad, are you just being contrarian

Did you prefer the 360 dpad?

>Nope. It's as good as it needs to be.
Still shit, bro.

> The dead zones are like every other controller.
What? No. Don't be retarded. Not every controller has identical dead-zones.

> Why do you want a controller that you use for hours on end to actually be comfortable? What are you, some fag? Real men pay more for something that is objectively worse.

Not that user, but I like the tactile feel of clicky D-Pads. Deadzones are shit, yeah, but I hate how floaty DS sticks feel.

the xbone just needs better bumpers to be the best all around controller. I still use it though but I've had bumper just straight up snap and they're generally very loose. Switch Pro bumpers are much better

Don't forget to live with the wrong button prompts in most games. and sometimes games have native DS4 support so you have to make sure to turn off steam controller support every other game. and don't try using the DS4 for both a PS4 and a PC back & forth. Hope you don't mind pressing the tiny share button as select. Also don't have Steam open when you want to play a game that's not in Steam.

XBOX 360 controller with fixed D-Pad for half the price

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This. I have huge hands, but the Xbox controller line have never felt comfortable or nice to use for me.
I bought a DS4 to use wirelessly on PC and it's easily my second favorite controller ever. I say second because the DS2 is my personal favorite.

you're wrong

only reason to use DS4 over XB1 is if you want to try to rig up the gyroscope for aiming. may as well use a switch pro instead if you have one but let's be honest here. sonyfags don't tend to own more than 1 system.

I very much prefer the triggers on the switch pro controller to the xbox one controller, but I like the Dpad and the buttons of the xbox one controller.
if only there were some way to combine them...

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I don't have any XBox consoles, I've always just used PS3 controllers.

That looks pretty good. How's the dpad and the sticks? Does it have rumble? How many shoulder buttons does it have, and are the triggers analogue? Are the face buttons analogue?

Where the fuck can I even buy that thing?

>fixed D-Pad
>uncomfortably long looking D-Pad

Elite 2 series.

In my experience they'll just ignore store policy
Bought a Mortal Kombat game at Walmart when I was, like, ten

I prefer the PS4 controller's shape and d-pad, but that shit battery life really kills it for me. I don't even like using it on my PS4, so I'm not gonna be using it on my PC as well.