Downloading this right now as it's free. Any tips for an absolute noob shitter like me...

Downloading this right now as it's free. Any tips for an absolute noob shitter like me? Which race/character should I look into? Any protips? Any good jewtubers to learn from?

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probably only the hyper autists remain man

its fucking shit dont bother

dont get discouraged, theres a fuck-ton to learn if you want to be a competent player. so i guess just be ready to get your ass reamed for hours

I'm gonna test it out with a pal who also never played it before, so we're gonna be noobs together and get whopped together. I reckon it's more fun this way

It's not actually that bad, expect to rage a bit at start whenever you meet smurfs. Then gradually you git gud and it starts getting really fun.
Stay away from the newest characters and their bullshit, you won't learn anything with a crutch.

this is definitely true
it will be a major problem for OP

Play the story mode. The story itself is bad but it serves as good practice, gives a bit of Steel, and lets you get acquainted with quite a few of the heroes.
Duel is the best way to practice online but gives the least reward, while Dominion and Breach give the largest EXP and Steel rewards.
Gear only matters in 4v4 modes, it's purely aesthetic in Brawl and Duel.
Don't gang up for 2v1s in Brawl, all that does is let the opponent build up Revenge which can let them turn the match around on you.
Don't play DLC characters yet, is right.
Have fun, don't get too mad early on. Things that piss you off early become easy to deal with when you learn them.

Your choice just be aware that you are going to be playing with some of the saltiest fuckers on the planet. It was real bad during the early days so I can see the diehards being the only ones that stuck with it for this long.

Don’t parry. Just block and punish. You can start parrying when you get the hang of the blocking system. Also pick Vikings as you clan. It won’t lock you out of picking a class that belongs to other clans either, it’s just other two clans are fags and we vikangs are chads

Prepare to get absolutely destroyed even by low skilled spammers. I recommend you play a balanced class (Warden, Kensei) or a more defensive class (Lawbringer, Conqueror) if you plan on actually learning.

If you just want to have fun outspamming noobs, take Shugoki to hyper armor through everything, take Raider to always hit your feints for big ass damage and easy ledging, and take Orochi to spam light attacks because nobody at your ELO can block for shit.

Just don't expect a balanced game.

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Oh yeah and Story Mode is actually a fun time in coop. Good voice acting especially. Don't expect to learn anything more than the basics though.

don't get discouraged it has a steep learning curve while story mode is not bad keep in mind that the story mode hasn't been updated so a lot of the heroes in it play nothing like their multiplayer counterparts
also yeah, pick vikings as your faction samurai are way to underpopulated and knights are infested with redditors that throw away victory for a stupid meme

Current 1vs1 Tier List

Aramusha actually has the highest Winrate in 4vs4 Dominion (counting only the top 4% of player) so don't let it fool you.

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Vikings are for fucking Skyrim normies. Go for the knights and EARN your fucking victories.

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I mean you're right but because reddit burn literaly millions of victory points on that stupid fucking volcano knights are practicaly guarenteed to never win another faction war

I've been a knight from the start and I have no idea what you're talking about.

The simpler a fighting game is, the harsher the tier list is going to be.
This game is very simple therefore it's full of 10:0 matchups.

By the way "simple" equals "trash" when it comes to fighting games, if that wasn't obvious

check out the for honor general, the guides on their are some of the best I've seen any general.

Ignore autists like I picked the game up a couple weeks ago and there's a lot of new players going around. Game's fine.

My advice is make sure to go into training and do the apprentice/warrior trials (100% the warrior trials might be a bit annoying so you can leave them for later if you want). After that, go into Hero Tactics just to get an idea of any character's given moveset. I would pick one or maybe two character to try and learn, by which I mean at least know their movesets.

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OP here. thanks for all the feedback, it's greatly appreciated

right, like early last year they added a bunch of teritorys to the map including a volcano, reddit being reddit named it the vultano (beacues deus vult amirite XD) and in every faction war since they've funneled LITERALY millions of troops to it so that every other point is lost (like to the extent that if they just evenly placed them the knights would have had a decent chance at winning)

Fun game, but when the majority of your enemies become the same class - drop the game, you reached the skill ceiling and now only fotm decides whos the winner.

Oh I see. I played for the release months, had a big break and came back to it few weeks ago. No wonder I didn't know. Fucking reddit, man.

This tier list is trash. Warden too high, Conqueror too high, Shaman too low, Highlander too low, Hitokiri too low.

add: Kensei too low.

I agree with everything you said except
>Highlander too low
He is pretty mediocre compared to the alternative. B is an accurate tier for him. "Viable but outclassed".

Kensei is terrible in 1v1s lmao.

>pretending you know what you are talking about when you haven't played the game in years

You are a fucking retarded sack of human waste, you know that? Got any more valuable opinions on things you know nothing about, dipshit?

Reminder to execute and teabag assassinshitters

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>being this mad

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Yes, the guides are good but don't actually talk to the people there because they are all mentally ill. I mean, it's still /vg/

>being unable to realize what a waste of air you are, polluting conversation with your shit non-information

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>got caught red handed and BTFO so now he has to pretend he LIKES being worthless
>I t-trolle u

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My most loved and hated game I've ever played.

Mordhau lost.

What happened to it? I remember it was being hailed as the FH killer then it was just forgot about a month later.

valkyrie rework when
matchmaking rework when

You're way too late.

You do realize that all I've said is "I've been a knight from the start and I have no idea what you're talking about."
What the fuck is wrong with you? You got belted as a kid or something? Go play ranked and get shit on by some Hitoshitty, nigger.

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Had zero real updates for months after launch and no modding tools. At the very least FH does weekly news streams for all kinds of upcoming stuff.

Don't play story mode. All the gameplay mechanics and characters are different to how they play today, since the singleplayer hasn't received all the updates and changes that the online has

Wait, this game is free? Where? I'm interested in trying it out but not interested enough to actually buy it.


There's a free version that needs a bit more grinding to unlock the non-Vanguard characters, and the standard version is on sale or even given out for free pretty often.

>shinobi s tier in 1v1

It was free on egs like two weeks ago and it's free on uplay right now. This user is a retard ignore him. There's no free version outside time-limited events like this.

This list is completely shit. Fucking Lawbringer as viable in 1v1?

The tier list is correct, it just only apply to the top 0.1% of players

I genuinely didn't know that the Starter Edition wasn't free.

Looks like the standard edition is 6$ but thats good enough for me.

I'm really interested in most of the knights faction and the two gladiators. Any advice for someone just getting into this game? Am I too late to enjoy deus vult memes and dunking on weebs?

Prepare to get fucked by veterans



I could kick literally anone's ass here in this game

Save up steel for highlander if you want to have fun

I've played since release, my tip is don't play this game.

Fuck off /fhg/ tranny

try out chars, try to have fun, don't worry about getting losing or getting destroyed because you'll barely know what to expect from which enemy